Ata Boyla Qaghan Explained

Ata Boyla
Khagan of the Turgesh
Predecessor:Tengri Ermish Qaghan
Successor:Uyghur Khaganate annexation

Ata Boyla — was the last known khagan of Turgesh. He was mentioned in Cefu Yuanqui[1] and New Book of Tang[2] as the khagan who sent envoys to Tang on 24 September 759. When the Turgesh state was destroyed by invading Karluks in 766, refugees mostly escaped to Yanqi. Leading his Turgesh people, he submitted to Uyghur Qaghanate.


  1. Thierry. Francois. François Thierry, " Three Notes on Türgesh Numismatics ", Proceedings of the Symposium on Ancient Coins and the Culture of the Silk Road, Sichou zhi lu guguo qianbi ji Silu wenhua guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwenji 絲綢之路古國錢幣暨 絲路文化國際學術研討會 論文集, Shanghai Bowuguan décembre 2006, Shanghaï 2011, 413-442.. en.
  2. Book: Xin Tang shu: 255 juan. Ouyang. Xiu. Mao. Jin. 1629. Ji gu ge. zh-TW.