Asparagaceae Explained

Asparagaceae, known as the asparagus family, is a family of flowering plants, placed in the order Asparagales of the monocots. The family name is based on the edible garden asparagus, Asparagus officinalis. This family includes both common garden plants as well as common houseplants. The garden plants include asparagus, yucca, bluebell, and hosta, and the houseplants include snake plant, corn cane, spider plant, and plumosus fern.


In earlier classification systems, the species involved were often treated as belonging to the family Liliaceae. The APG II system of 2003 allowed two options as to the circumscription of the family: either Asparagaceae sensu lato ("in the wider sense") combining seven previously recognized families, or Asparagaceae sensu stricto ("in the strict sense") consisting of very few genera (notably Asparagus, also Hemiphylacus), but nevertheless totalling a few hundred species. The revised APG III system of 2009 allows only the broader sense. A paper published at the same time proposed seven subfamilies to correspond to the originally separate families. These are:


Asparagaceae includes 114 genera with a total of approximately 2,900 known species.[1] Unless otherwise noted, the alphabetical list below is based on genera accepted by the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families as in the family Asparagaceae (with synonyms from the same source). The reference against the subfamily name is to the source which places the genus in that subfamily.

Subfamily! style="text-align:left"
LomandroideaeAcanthocarpus Lehm.
AgavoideaeAgave L.
ScilloideaeAlbuca L. (sometimes included in Ornithogalum)
ScilloideaeAlrawia (Wendelbo) Perss. & Wendelbo
BrodiaeoideaeAndrostephium Torr.
AgavoideaeAnemarrhena Bunge
AgavoideaeAnthericum L.
AphyllanthoideaeAphyllanthes L.
LomandroideaeArthropodium R.Br.
AsparagoideaeAsparagus Tourn. ex L.
NolinoideaeAspidistra Ker Gawl. (including Antherolophus Gagnep., Colania Gagnep.)
ScilloideaeBarnardia Lindl.
NolinoideaeBeaucarnea Lem.
AgavoideaeBehnia Didr.
ScilloideaeBellevalia Lapeyr. (including Strangweja Bertol.)
AgavoideaeBeschorneria Kunth
BrodiaeoideaeBessera Schult.f. (including Behria)
BrodiaeoideaeBloomeria Kellogg
ScilloideaeBowiea Harv. ex Hook.f. (Climbing Onion, Sea Onion)
ScilloideaeBrimeura Salisb.
BrodiaeoideaeBrodiaea Sm.
NolinoideaeCalibanus Rose
AgavoideaeCamassia Lindl.
NolinoideaeCampylandra Baker
LomandroideaeChamaexeros Benth.
ScilloideaeChionodoxa Boiss. (included in Scilla L. by some sources)
AgavoideaeChlorogalum (Lindl.) Kunth
AgavoideaeChlorophytum Ker Gawl.
NolinoideaeComospermum Rauschert
NolinoideaeConvallaria L.
LomandroideaeCordyline Comm. ex R.Br. (including Cohnia Kunth)
NolinoideaeDanae Medik.
BrodiaeoideaeDandya H.E.Moore
NolinoideaeDasylirion Zucc.
ScilloideaeDaubenya Lindl. (including Amphisiphon W.F.Barker, Androsiphon Schltr.)
AgavoideaeDiamena Ravenna
BrodiaeoideaeDichelostemma Kunth (including Brevoortia, Stropholirion)
LomandroideaeDichopogon Kunth (may be included in Arthropodium)
AgavoideaeDiora Ravenna
ScilloideaeDipcadi Medik. (sometimes included in Ornithogalum)
BrodiaeoideaeDipterostemon Rydb.
NolinoideaeDisporopsis Hance
NolinoideaeDracaena Vand. ex L.
ScilloideaeDrimia Jacq. (including Litanthus Harv., Rhadamanthus Salisb., Rhodocodon Baker, Sypharissa Salisb., Tenicroa Raf., Thuranthos C.H.Wright, Urginea Steinh., Urgineopsis Compton)
ScilloideaeDrimiopsis Lindl. & Paxton (sometimes included in Ledebouria)
AgavoideaeEcheandia Ortega
AgavoideaeEremocrinum M.E.Jones
NolinoideaeEriospermum Jacq.
ScilloideaeEucomis L'Hér.
LomandroideaeEustrephus R.Br.
AgavoideaeFurcraea Vent.
ScilloideaeGaltonia Decne. (included in Ornithogalum L. by some sources)
AgavoideaeHagenbachia Nees & Mart.
AgavoideaeHastingsia S.Watson
AsparagoideaeHemiphylacus S.Watson
AgavoideaeHerreria Ruiz & Pav.
AgavoideaeHerreriopsis H.Perrier
AgavoideaeHesperaloe Engelm. in S.Watson
AgavoideaeHesperocallis A.Gray
AgavoideaeHesperoyucca (Engelm.) Trel. (included in Yucca by some sources)
NolinoideaeHeteropolygonatum M.N.Tamura & Ogisu
AgavoideaeHosta Tratt.
ScilloideaeHyacinthella Schur
ScilloideaeHyacinthoides Heist. ex Fabr. (including Endymion Dumort.)
ScilloideaeHyacinthus Tourn. ex L.
ScilloideaeLachenalia Jacq. ex Murray (including Brachyscypha Baker, Periboea Kunth, Polyxena Kunth)
LomandroideaeLaxmannia R.Br. (including Bartlingia F. Mueller)
ScilloideaeLedebouria Roth (including Resnova van der Merwe)
ScilloideaeLeopoldia Parl.
AgavoideaeLeucocrinum Nutt. ex A.Gray
NolinoideaeLiriope Lour.
LomandroideaeLomandra Labill. (including Xerotes R. Brown)
NolinoideaeMaianthemum F.H.Wigg. (including Oligobotrya Baker, Smilacina Desf.)
AgavoideaeManfreda Salisb. (included in Agave by some sources)
ScilloideaeMassonia Thunb. ex Houtt. (including Neobakeria Schltr., Whiteheadia Harv.)
ScilloideaeMerwilla Speta
BrodiaeoideaeMilla Cav. (including Diphalangium)
BrodiaeoideaeMuilla S.Watson ex Benth.
LomandroideaeMurchisonia Brittan
ScilloideaeMuscari Mill. (including Botryanthus Kunth, Muscarimia Kostel., Pseudomuscari Garbari & Greuter)
NolinoideaeNolina Michx.
NolinoideaeOphiopogon Ker Gawl.
ScilloideaeOrnithogalum L. (including Battandiera Maire, Elsiea F.M.Leight., Neopatersonia Schonl.)
ScilloideaeOziroe Raf. (including Fortunatia J.F.Macbr.)
AgavoideaeParadisea Mazzuc.
NolinoideaePeliosanthes Andrews
BrodiaeoideaePetronymphe H.E.Moore
AgavoideaePolianthes L. (included in Agave by some sources)
NolinoideaePolygonatum Mill.
AgavoideaeProchnyanthes S.Watson
ScilloideaeProspero Salisb.
ScilloideaePseudogaltonia (Kuntze) Engl. (sometimes included in Ornithogalum)
ScilloideaePseudoprospero Speta
ScilloideaePuschkinia Adams
NolinoideaeReineckea Kunth
NolinoideaeRohdea Roth (including Gonioscypha Baker)
LomandroideaeRomnalda P.F.Stevens
NolinoideaeRuscus L.
NolinoideaeSansevieria Thunb. (included within Dracaena)
ScilloideaeSchizobasis Baker (sometimes included in Drimia)
ScilloideaeSchizocarphus van der Merwe
AgavoideaeSchoenolirion Durand
ScilloideaeScilla L.
NolinoideaeSemele Kunth
LomandroideaeSowerbaea Sm.
NolinoideaeSpeirantha Baker
ScilloideaeSpetaea Wetschnig & Pfosser
NolinoideaeTheropogon Maxim.
LomandroideaeThysanotus R.Br.
LomandroideaeTrichopetalum Lindl. (including Bottinaea Colla)
BrodiaeoideaeTriteleia Douglas ex Lindl. (including Hesperoscordium, Themis)
BrodiaeoideaeTriteleiopsis Hoover
NolinoideaeTupistra Ker Gawl. (including Campylandra Baker, Tricalistra Ridl.)
ScilloideaeVeltheimia Gled.
LomandroideaeXerolirion A.S.George
AgavoideaeYucca L. (including Samuela)
BrodiaeoideaeXochiquetzallia J.Gut


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Notes and References

  1. Christenhusz, M. J. M. . Byng, J. W. . amp . 2016 . The number of known plants species in the world and its annual increase . Phytotaxa . 261 . 201–217 . 10.11646/phytotaxa.261.3.1 . 3 . Magnolia Press . free .