Asimov's Biographical Encyclopedia of Science and Technology explained

Asimov's Biographical Encyclopedia of Science and Technology
Author:Isaac Asimov
Country:United States
Genre:Non-fiction, encyclopedia, biographical, reference
Release Date:1964
Media Type:1129
Isbn Note:(New Revised edition)

Asimov's Biographical Encyclopedia of Science and Technology is a history of science by Isaac Asimov, written as the biographies of initially 1000 scientists and later with over 1500 entries. Organized chronologically, beginning with Imhotep (entry "[1]") and concluding with Stephen Hawking (entry "[1510]"), each biographical entry is numbered, allowing for easy cross-referencing of one scientist with another. Nearly every biographical sketch contains links to other biographies. For example, the article about John Franklin Enders [1195] has the sentence "Alexander Fleming's [1077] penicillin was available thanks to the work of Howard Florey [1213] and Ernst Boris Chain [1306] . . ." This allows one to quickly refer to the articles about Fleming, Florey, and Chain. It includes scientists in all fields including biologists, chemists, astronomers, physicists, mathematicians, geologist, and explorers. The alphabetical list of biographical entries starts with ABBE, Cleveland [738] and ends with ZWORYKIN, Vladimir Kosma [1134]

In the Second Revised Edition Isaac Newton receives the greatest coverage, a biography of seven pages. Galileo, Michael Faraday and Albert Einstein tie, with five pages each, and Lavoisier and Charles Darwin get four pages each. Dutch writer Gerrit Krol said about the book, "One of the charms of this encyclopedia is that to each name he adds those with whom this scientist has been in contact." The book has been revised several times, by both Asimov himself, and most recently, by his daughter Robyn Asimov.


Entry NameFieldNotes
1ImhotepEngineering(2650–2600 BC) An Egyptian polymath, he is considered to be the first engineer, architect and physician in history known by name.
2AhmoseMathematicsAlso known as Ahmes, an Egypt scribe of the Second Intermediate Period of Egypt who copied the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus.
3ThalesMathematics(624 – c. 546 BC), One of the Seven Sages of Greece. He is one of the first well-known philosophers and mathematicians.
4AnaximanderMetaphysics(c. 610 – c. 546 BC) A pre-Socratic Greek philosopher who lived in Miletus,[1] a city of Ionia (in modern-day Turkey). He belonged to the Milesian school
5AnaximenesMetaphysics(c. 585 – c. 528 BCE) An Ancient Greek Pre-Socratic philosopher.[2] [3] One of the three Milesian philosophers
6XenophanesMetaphysics(c. 570 – c. 475 BC)[4] was a Greek philosopher, theologian, poet, and social and religious critic.
7PythagorasMathematics(c. 570-c. 495 BC). Best known for the Pythagorean theorem which bears his name.
8EupalinosEngineeringan ancient Greek engineer who built the Tunnel of Eupalinos on Samos Island in the 6th century BC.
9HecataeusHistorian(c. 550 BC – c. 476 BC) An early Greek historian and geographer.
10HeraclitusMetaphysics(c. 535 – c. 475 BC) pre-Socratic Greek philosopher, and a native of the city of Ephesus,[5] then part of the Persian Empire.
11AlcmaeonMedicine(c 510 BC) considered by many an early pioneer of anatomical dissection and was said to be the first to identify Eustachian tubes.
12HannoExplorera Carthaginian explorer c. 500 BC, best known for his naval exploration of the African coast.
13ParmenidesMetaphysicslate sixth or early fifth century BC pre-Socratic Greek philosopher from Elea in Magna Graecia (Greater Greece, included Southern Italy). Founder of the Eleatic school of philosophy.
14AnaxagorasAstronomyHe produced a correct explanation for eclipses and proposed that the Milky Way might consist of distant stars.[6]
15LeucippusChemistry(first half of the 5th century BC) The first Greek to develop the theory of atomism – the idea that everything is composed entirely of various imperishable, indivisible elements called atoms.
16ZenoMetaphysics(490?–430? BC) was a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher best known for his paradoxes.
17EmpedoclesCosmogenesis(c. 490 – c. 430 BC) Greek pre-Socratic philosopher and a citizen of Acragas (Agrigentum), a Greek city in Sicily. Empedocles' philosophy is best known for originating the cosmogenic theory of the four classical elements.
18OenopidesAstronomyAn ancient Greek geometer and astronomer, who lived around 450 BCE.
19PhilolausAstronomyc. 470 – c. 385 BCE[7]) was a Greek Pythagorean and Presocratic philosopher. He is also credited with originating the theory that the Earth was not the center of the universe.
20DemocritusChemistry(c. 370 BC) An Ancient Greek pre-Socratic philosopher primarily remembered today for his formulation of an atomic theory of the universe.[8]
21SocratesPhilosophy470/469 – 399 BC)[9] was a classical Greek (Athenian) philosopher credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy.
22HippocratesMedicine(460 – 370 BC), A Greek physician of the Age of Pericles (Classical Greece), sometimes referred to as the "Father of Medicine"[10]
23MetonAstronomya Greek mathematician, astronomer, geometer, and engineer who lived in Athens in the 5th century BC. He is best known for calculations involving the eponymous 19-year Metonic cycle which he introduced in 432 BC into the lunisolar Attic calendar.
24PlatoPhilosophy(428/427 or 424/423 – 348/347 BC) was a philosopher in Classical Greece and the founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world. He is widely considered the most pivotal figure in the development of philosophy, especially the Western tradition.[11]
25ArchytasMathematics(428–347 BC) was an Ancient Greek philosopher, mathematician, astronomer, statesman, and strategist. He was a scientist of the Pythagorean school and famous for being the reputed founder of mathematical mechanics, as well as a good friend of Plato.
36PraxagorasMedicinestudied Aristotle's (384–322 BC) anatomy and improved it by distinguishing between arteries and veins.
45Philon from Byzantium
46CtesibiusPhysics(285–222 BC) was a Greek inventor who wrote the first treatises on compressed air. Worked on the elasticity of air. The "father of pneumatics."
57Celsus, Aulus Cornelius
58Mela, Pomponius
62Frontinus, Sextus Julius
63Tsai Lun
64Ptolemy, Claudius
71Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus
72Isidore of Seville
74CallinicusChemistry(about 620 BC) Also known as Kallinikos. A Byzantine chemist from Heliopolis and the inventor of Greek fire
79Al-Khwarizmi, Muhammed ibn Musa
80Thabit ibn Qurra
81Alfred The Great
87Omar Khayyam
88Abelard, Peter
89Adelard of Bath
90Gerard of Cremona
92Maimonides, Moses
93Neckam, Alexander
94Grosseteste, Robert
95Fibonacci, Leonardo
96Albertus Magnus
97Frederick II
98Michael Scot
99Bacon, Roger
100Alfonso X
101Alderotti, TadeoMedicineItalian Physician.
102Aquinas, Saint Thomas
103Arnold of Villanova
104Peregrinus, Petrus
105Polo, Marco
106d'Abano, Pietro
107False Geber
108Buridan, Jean
109Ockham, William of
110Mondino de' Luzzi
111Henry the Navigator
112Ulugh Beg
113Toscanelli, Paolo
114Gutenberg, JohannEngineering(c. 1398–1468). Invented mechanical movable type printing.
115Nicholas of Cusa
116Bessarion, John
117Alberti, Leone Battista
118Peurbach, Georg von
120Pacioli, Luca
121Columbus, Christopher
122Leonardo da Vinci
123Vespucius, Americus
124Cano, Juan Sebastian Del
125Waldseemoller, Martin
126Dürer, Albrecht
127Copernicus, Nicolas
128Balboa, Vasco Nunez de
129Schoner, Johannes
130Magellan, Ferdinand
132Agricola, Georgius
133Apian, Peter
134Fernel, Jean François
135Tartaglia, Niccolo
136Fuchs, Leonhard
137Cardano, Girolamo
138Gemma Frisius, Reiner
139Pare, Ambroise
140Colombo, Realdo
141Eustachio, Bartolomeo
142Servetus, Michael
143Reinhold, Erasmus
144Mercator, Gerardus
146Vesalius, Andreas
147Gesner, Konrad Von
148Belon, Pierre
149Fallopius, Gabriel
150Porta, Giambattista Della
151Fabricius Ab Aquapendente, Hieronymus
152Clavius, Christoph
153Vieta, Franciscus
154Scaliger, Joseph Justus
155Gilbert, William
156Brahe, TychoAstronomy(14 December 1546 – 24 October 1601) Known for his accurate and comprehensive astronomical and planetary observations.
157Bruno, GiordanoAstronomy(1548 – February 17, 1600). The first man to have conceptualized the universe as a continuum where the stars we see at night are identical in nature to the Sun.
158Stevinus, Simon
159Napier, John
160Alpini, Prospero
161Norman, Robert
163Bacon, Francis
164Briggs, Henry
165Sanctorius, Sanctorius
167Fabricius, DavidAstronomy(1564–1617)Known for discovering the first known periodic variable star and the first confirmed instance of the observation of sunspots.
168Lippershey, HansAstronomy(1570–1619), generally credited as being the inventor of the telescope.
169Keppler, Johann
170Bayer, JohannAstronomy(1572–1625) most famous for his star atlas Uranometria, published in 1603, which was the first atlas to cover the entire celestial sphere.
171Marius, Simon
172Oughtred, William
173Scheiner, Christoph
174Harvey, William
175Helmont, Jan Baptista van
176Wendelin, Godefroy
177Snell, Willebrord Van Roijen
178Baffin, William
179Vernier, Pierre
180Cysat, Johann
181Mersenne, MarinMathematics(September 8, 1588 – September 1, 1648). Mathematician and music theorist, often referred to as the "father of acoustics"
182Gassendi, Pierre
183Descartes, Rene
184Gellibrand, Henry
185Riccioli, Giovanni Battista
186Cavalieri, Bonaventura
187Kircher, Athanasius
188Fermat, Pierre de
189Guericke, Otto Von
190Glauber, Johann Rudolf
191Borelli, Giovanni Alfonso
192Torricelli, Evangelista
193Ferdinand II of Tuscany
194Hevelius, Johannes
195Gascoigne, William
196Sylvius, Franciscus
197Wilkins, John
198Wallis, John
199Grimaldi, Francesco Maria
200Horrocks, Jeremiah
201Graunt, John
202Brouncker, William, 2D Viscount
203Mariotte, Edme
204Picard, Jean
205Willis, Thomas
206Viviani, Vincenzo
207Pascal, Blaise
208Sydenham, Thomas
209Cassini, Giovanni Domenico
210Barthoun, Erasmus
211Redi, Francesco
212Boyle, RobertPhysics(25 January 1627 – 31 December 1691) was an Anglo-Irish natural philosopher, chemist, physicist, and inventor, best known for Boyle's law,[12]
213Ray, John
214Malpighi, Marcello
215Huygens, Christiaan
216Brand, Hennig
217Richer, Jean
218Rudbeck, Olof
219Lower, Richard
220Wren, Sir Christopher
221Leeuwenhoek, Anton Van
222Becher, Johann Joachim
223Hooke, Robert
224Swammerdam, Jan
225Steno, Nicolaus
226Gregory, James
227Denis, Jean Baptiste
228Graaf, Regnier de
229Grew, Nehemiah
230Mayow, John
231Newton, Sir IsaacPhysics(25 December 1642 – 20 March 1726/27) An English mathematician, astronomer, theologian and physicist.
232Roemer, Olaus
233Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
234Flamsteed, John
235Papin, Denis
236Savery, Thomas
237Havers, Clopton
238Halley, Edmund
239Fontenelle, Bernard le Bovier de
240Gregory, David
241Stahl, Georg Ernst
242Polhem, Christopher
243Newcomen, Thomas
244Amontons, Guillaume
245Hauksbee, Francis
246De Moivre, Abraham
247Saccheri, Girolamo
248Boerhaave, Hermann
249Hales, Stephen
250Bering, Vitus Jonassen
251Morgagni, Giovanni Battista
252Reaumur, Rene Antoine Ferchault de
253Desaguliers, John Theophile
254Fahrenheit, Gabriel Daniel
255Delisle, Joseph Nicolas
256Goldbach, Christian
257Musschenbroek, Pieter Van
258Bradley, James
259Harrison, John
260Brandt, Georg
261Voltaire-(21 November 1694 – 30 May 1778) François-Marie Arouet, known by his nom de plume Voltaire, was a French Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher.
262Gray, Stephen
263Maclaurin, Colin
264Bouguer, Pierre
265Baker, Henry
266Du Fay, Charles François de Cisternay
267Maupertuis, Pierre Louis Moreau de
268Bernoulli, Daniel
269Kleist, Ewald Georg Von
270La Condamine, Charles Marie de
271Celsius, Anders
272Franklin, Benjamin
273Dollond, John
274Châtelet, Gabrieue Émilie Ietonnelier de Breteuil, Marquise de
275Euler, Leonhard
276Linnaeus, Carolus
277Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc. Comtede
278Haller, Albrecht von
279Marggraf, Andreas Sigismund
280Gmelin, Johann Georg
281Wright, Thomas
282Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasilievich
283Clairaut, Alexis Claude
284Lacaille, Nicolas Louis de
285Needham, John TurbervilleBiology(10 September 1713 – 30 December 1781) was an English biologist and Roman Catholic priest.
286Diderot, Denis
287Guettard, Jean Etienne
288Lind, James
289d'Alembert, Jean le Rond
290Canton, John
291Bonnet, Charles
292Cronstedt, Axel Fredrik
293Kant, Immanuel
294Michell, John
295Le Gentil, Guillaume Joseph Hyacinthe Jean Baptiste
296Desmarest, Nicolas
297Hutton, James
298Black, Joseph
299Lambert, Johann Heinrich
300Cook, James
301Titius, Johann DanielAstronomy(2 January 1729 – 16 December 1796) was a German astronomer and a professor at Wittenberg,[13] best known for formulating the Titius–Bode law, and for using this rule to predict the existence of a celestial object at 2.8 AU from the sun.
302Spallanzani, Lazzaro
303Bougainville, Louis Antoine de
304Müller, Otto Friedrich
305Messier, Charles
306Ingenhousz, Jan
307Cavendish, Henry
308Darwin, Erasmus
309Lalande, Joseph Jérôme Lefrançois de
310Maskelyne, Nevil
311Arkwright, Sir Richard
312Priestley, Joseph
313Wolff, Kaspar Friedrich
314Mesmer, Franz Anton
315Bergman, Torbern Olof
316Watt, James
317Lagrange, Joseph-Louis, Comte de
318Coulomb, Charles Augustin
319Guyton de Morveau, Baron Louis Bernard
320Galvani, Luigi
321Herschel, Sir WilliamAstronomy(15 November 1738 – 25 August 1822) British astronomer and composer[14] Pioneered the use of astronomical spectrophotometry. Discovered infrared radiation. Discovered Uranus and 2 of its moons (Titania and Oberon) and 2 moons of Saturn (Enceladus and Mimas).
322Saussure, Horace Benedict de
323Müller, Franz Joseph
324Frere, John
325Montgolfier, Jacques Etienne Andjoseph Michel
326Lexell, Anders Johan
327Withering, William
328Leblanc, Nicolas
329Scheele, Karl Wilhelm
330Fitch, John
331Banks, Sir Joseph
332Haüy, René Just
333Jefferson, Thomas
334Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent
335Klaproth, Martin Heinrich
336Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, Chevalier de
337Volta, Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio, Count
338Pinel, Philippe
339Gahn, Johann Gottlieb
340Monge, Gaspard
341Piazzi, Giuseppe
342Hjelm, Peter Jacob
343Charles, Jacques Alexandre Cesar
344Bode, Johann Elert
345Jussieu, Antoine Laurent de
346Berthollet, Claude Louis, Comte
347Laplace, Pierre Simon, Marquis de
348Jenner, Edward
349Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von
350Delambre, Jean Baptiste Joseph
351Rutherford, Daniel
352Herschel, Caroline Lucretia
353Dolomieu, Dieudonne de Gratet de
354Sprengel, Christian Konrad
355Werner, Abraham Gottlob
356Prevost, Pierre
357Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich
358Legendre, Adrien Marie
359Appert, Nicolas
360Rumford, Benjamin Thompson, Count
361Nicholson, William
363Murdock, William
364Proust, Joseph Louis
365Parkinson, James
366Fourcroy, Antoine François, Comtede
367D'Elhuyar, Don Fausto
368Chaptal, Jean Antoine Claude, Comtede Chanteloup
369McAdam, John Loudon
370Chladni, Ernst Florens Friedrich
371Gall, Franz Joseph
372Olbers, Heinrich Wilhelm Matthäus
373Gadolin, Johan
374Hall, Sir James
375Tennant, Smithson
376Pons, Jean Louis
377Gregor, William
378Richter, Jeremias Benjamin
379Vauquelin, Louis Nicolas
380Kirchhoff, Gottlieb Sigismund Constantin
381Goodricke, John
382Del Río, Andrés Manuel
383Hatchett, Charles
384Niépce, Joseph Nicéphore
385Fulton, Robert
386Whitney, Eli
387Malthus, Thomas Robert
388Wollaston, William Hyde
389Dalton, John
390Hisinger, Wilhelm
391Ekeberg, Anders Gustaf
392Bouvard, Alexis
393Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph, Baron
394Nicol, William
395Smith, William-(23 March 1769 – 28 August 1839)
396Cuvier, Georges Leopold Chretien Frederic Dagobert, Baron
397Humboldt, Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander, Baron Von
398Seebeck, Thomas Johann
399Trevithick, Richard
400Bichat, Marie François Xavier
401Mohs, Friedrich
402Young, Thomas
403Brown, Robert-(21 December 1773 – 10 June 1858)
404Biot, Jean Baptiste
405Buch, Christian Leopold von
406Baily, Francis
407Ampère, Andrè Marie
408Malus, Etienne Louis
409Kidd, John
410Germain, Sophie
411Strohmeyer, Friedrich
412Avogadro, Amedeo, Count of Quaregna
413Ritter, Johann Wilhelm
414Courtois, Bernard
415Gauss, Johann Karl Friedrich
416Thenard, Louis Jacques
417Oersted, Hans Christian
418Candolle, Augustin Pyrame de
419Bretonneau, Pierre Fidele
420Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis
421Davy, Sir HumphryChemistry(17 December 1778 – 29 May 1829) A Cornish chemist and inventor, who is best remembered for isolating a series of substances for the first time: potassium, sodium, calcium, strontium, barium, magnesium and boron, as well as discovering the elemental nature of chlorine and iodin
422Schweigger, Johann Salomo Christoph
423Oken, Lorenz
424Silliman, Benjamin
425Berzelius, Jons Jakob
426Bellingshausen, Fabian Gottliebvon
427Dobereiner, Johann Wolfgang
428Hare, Robert
429Laennec, Theophile Rene Hyacinthe
430Braconnot, Henri
431Stephenson, George
432Poisson, Simeon Denis
433Brewster, Sir David
434Biela, Wilhelm Von
435Guthrie, Samuel
436Sturgeon, William
437Sertorner, Friedrich Wilhelm Adamferdinand
438Magendie, François
439Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm
440Prout, William
441Dulong, Pierre Louis
442Sedgwick, Adam
443Audubon, John James
444Beaumont, WilliamMedicine(November 21, 1785 – April 25, 1853) "Father of Gastric Physiology"
445Lister, Joseph Jackson
446Arago, Dominique François Jean
447Amici, Giovanni Battista
448Chevreul, Michel Eugene
449Charpentier, Johann Von
450Fraunhofer, Joseph Von
451Sefstrom, Nils Gabriel
452Purkinje, Jan Evangelista
453Venetz, Ignatz
454Pelletier, Pierre Joseph
455Fresnel, Augustin Jean
456Poncelet, Jean Victor
457Gmelin, Leopold
458Boucher de Crèvecœur Deperthes, Jacques
459Sabine, Sir Edward
460Thomsen, Christian Jurgensen
461Ohm, Georg Simon
462Redfield, William C.
463Cauchy, Augustin Louis, Baron
464Bond, William Cranch
465Bright, Richard- (September 28, 1789 – December 16, 1858)
466Schwabe, Heinrich Samuel
467Daguerre, Louis Jacques Mandet
468Mantell, Gideon Algernon
469Hall, Marshall
470Daniell, John Frederic
471Mobius, August Ferdinand
472Peacock, George
473Morse, Samuel Finley Breese
474Faraday, Michael
475Encke, Johann Franz
476Petit, Alexis Therese
477Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey
478Baer, Karl Ernst Von
479Herschel, Sir John Frederick William
480Coriolis, Gustave Gaspard de
481Babbage, CharlesEngineering(26 December 1791 – 18 October 1871) An English polymath. A mathematician, philosopher, inventor and mechanical engineer, Babbage originated the concept of a digital programmable computer.
482Addison, Thomas
483Struve, Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Von
484Lobachevski, Nikolai Ivanovich
485Mitscherlich, Eilhardt
486Babinet, Jacques
487Whewell, William
488Madler, Johann Heinrich
489Pander, Christian Heinrich
490Payen, Anselme
491Ehrenberg, Christian Gottfried
492Weber, Ernst Heinrich
493Caventou, Joseph Bienaime
494Braid, James
495Claus, Carl Ernst
496Quetelet, Lambert Adolphe Jacques
497Carnot, Nicolas Leonard Sadi
498Retzius, Anders Adolf
499Beer, Wilhelm
500Poiseuille, Jean Leonard Marie-(22 April 1797 – 26 December 1869)
501Mosander, Carl GustavChemistrydiscovered the elements lanthanum, erbium and terbium.
502Lyell, Sir Charles
503Henry, Joseph
504Melloni, Macedonio
505Henderson, ThomasAstronomy(28 December 1798 – 23 November 1844) the first person to measure the distance to Alpha Centauri,
506Reich, Ferdinand
507Clapeyron, Benoit Pierre Emile
508Argelander, Friedrich Wilhelm August
509Lassell, William
510Schonbein, Christian Friedrich
511Talbot, William Henry Fox-(11 February 1800 – 17 September 1877)
512Ross, Sir James Clark
513Rosse, William Parsons, 3rd Earl of
514Dumas, Jean Baptiste Andre
515Wohler, Friedrich
516Goodyear, Charles
517Dujardin, Felix
518Miller, William Hallowes
519Lartet, Edouard Annand Isidore Hippolyte
520Fechner, Gustav Theodor
521Plücker, Julius
522Müller, Johannes Peter
523Airy, Sir George Biddell
524Borden, Gail
525Boussingault, Jean Baptiste Joseph Dieudonne
526Wheatstone, Sir Charles
527Abel, Niels Henrik
528Hess, Germain Henri
529Balard, Antoine Jerome
530Bolyai, Janos
531Mulder, Gerardus Johannes
532Liebig, Justus VonChemistry(12 May 1803 – 18 April 1873) A German chemist who made major contributions to agricultural and biological chemistry, and was considered the founder of organic chemistry.
533Ericsson, John
534Doppler, Christian Johann
535Challis, James
536Lenz, Heinrich Friedrich Emil
537Siebold, Karl Theodor Ernst von
538Schleiden, Matthias Jakob
539Owen, Sir Richard
540Weber, Wilhelm Eduard
541Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob
542Mohl, Hugo von
543Jackson, Charles Thomas
544Fitzroy, Robert
545Hamilton, Sir William Rowan
546Lamont, Johann Von
547Graham, Thomas
548Maury, Matthew Fontaine
549de Morgan, Augustus
550Palmieri, Luigi
551Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe
552Guyot, Arnold Henry
553Laurent, Auguste
554Darwin, Charles Robert
555Liouville, Joseph
556Grassman, Hermann Günther
557Henle, Friedrich Gustav Jakob
558Holmes, Oliver Wendell
559Rawlinson, Sir Henry Creswicke
560Valentin, Gabriel Gustav
561Regnault, Henri Victor
562Gray, Asa
563Schwann, Theodor
564Le Verrier, Urbain Jean Joseph
565Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm Eberhard
566Draper, John William
567Simpson, Sir James Young
568Grove, Sir William Robert
569Otis, Elisha Graves
570Budd, William(1811–1880)
571Galois, Evariste
572Shanks, William
573Galle, Johann Gottfried
574Sobrero, Ascanio
575Bessemer, Sir Henry
576Snow, John
577Archer, Frederick Scott
578Bernard, Claude
579Stas, Jean Servais
580Andrews, Thomas-(9 December 1813 – 26 November 1885)
581Parkes, AlexanderEngineeringInvented the first man-made plastic.
582Fremy, Edmond
583Geissler, Heinrich
584Daubree, Gabriel Auguste
585Angstrom, Anders Jonas
586Kirkwood, Daniel
587Mayer, Julius Robert
588Lawes, Sir John Bennett
589De La Rue, Warren
590Forbes, Edward
591Remak, Robert
592Wunderlich, Carl Reinhold August
593Weierstrass, Karl Theodor Wilhelm
594Long, Crawford Williamson
595Boole, George
596Rutherfurd, Lewis Morris
597Ludwig, Kari Friedrich Wilhelm
598Nägeli, Carl
599Marignac, Jean Charles Galissard de
600Kolliker, Rudolf Albert Von
601Kopp, Hermann Franz Moritz
602Wurtz, Charles Adolphe
603Sainte-Claire Deville, Henri Etienne
604Hofmann, August Wilhelm Von
605Donders, Franciscus Comelis
606Secchi, Pietro Angelo
607Semmelweiss, Ignaz Philipp
608Mitchell, Maria
609Gatling, Richard Jordan
610Kolbe, Adolph Wilhelm Hermann
611du Bois-Reymond, Emil Heinrich
612Pettenkofer, Max Joseph Von
613Joule, James Prescott
614Drake, Edwin Laurentine
615Adams, John Couch
616Howe, Euas
617Morton, William Thomas Green
618Stokes, Sir George Gabriel
619Foucault, Jean Bernard Leon
620Fizeau, Armand Hippolyte Louis
621Field, Cyrus WestEngineeringThe driving force behind the first Transatlantic telegraph cable (Completed on August 5, 1858.)
622Beguyer de Chancourtois, Alexandre-Emfle
623Becquerel, Alexandre Edmond
624Spencer, Herbert-(27 April 1820 – 8 December 1903)
625Rankine, William John Macquorn
626Tyndall, John
627Roche, Edouard Albert
628Loschmidt, Johann Joseph
629Cayley, Arthur
630Mortillet, Louis Laurent Gabriel de
631Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von
632Virchow, Rudolph Carl
633Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emmanuel
634Schliemann, Heinrich
635Lenoir, Jean Joseph EtienneEngineeringdeveloped the first internal combustion engine in 1859.
636Galton, Sir Francis
637Thomson, Robert William
638Mendel, Gregor Johann
639Arrest, Heinrich Ludwig d'
640Leuckart, Karl Georg Friedrich Rudolf
641Hermite, Charles
642Pasteur, Louis
643Wallace, Alfred Russel
644Siemens, Sir William
645Kronecker, Leopold
646Huggins, Sir William
647Janssen, Pierre Jules Cesar
648Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert
649Hittorf, Johann Wilhelm
650Williamson, Alexander William
651Hofmeister, Wilhelm Friedrichbenedikt
652Kelvin, William Thomson, Baron
653Broca, Pierre Paul
654Richter, Hieronymus Theodor
655Frankland, Sir Edward
656Bates, Henry Walter
657Schultze, Max Johann Sigismund
658Balmer, Johann Jakob
659Huxley, Thomas Henry
660Bond, George Phillips
661Erlenmeyer, Richard August Carl Enul
662Charcot, Jean Martin
663Hoppe-Seyler, Ernst Felix Immanuel
664Stoney, George JohnstonePhysicsintroducing the term electron as the "fundamental unit quantity of electricity".
665Thomsen, Hans Peter Jørgen Julius
666Gramme, Zenobe Theophile
667Carrington, Richard Christopher
668Cannizzaro, Stanislao
669Gegenbaur, Karl
670Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bernhard
671Donati, Giovanni Battista
672Lister, Joseph, Baron
673Abel, Sir Frederick Augustus
674Berthelot, Pierre Eugene Marcelin
675Cohn, Ferdinand Julius
676Butlerov, Alexander Mikhailovich
677Swan, Sir Joseph WilsonEngineering(31 October 1828 – 27 May 1914) invented the incandescent light bulb
678Stewart, Balfour
679Pogson, Norman Robert
680Kekulé von Stradonitz, Friedrich August
681Hall, Asaph
682Thomson, Sir Charles Wyville
683Marey, Etienne Jules
684Raoult, François-Marie
685Meyer, Julius Lothar
686Couper, Archibald Scott
687Suess, Eduard
688Dedekind, Julius Wilhelm Richard
689Hellriegel, HermannBiology(1831–1895) Discovered that certain legumes were capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen.
690Marsh, Othniel Charles-(October 29, 1831 – March 18, 1899) paleontologists in the American West.
691Voit, Karl Von
692Maxwell, James Clerk
693Friedel, Charles
694Otto, Nikolaus August
695Crookes, Sir Wniiam
696Clark, Alvan Graham
697Wundt, Wilhelm Max
698Cailletet, Louis Paul
699Sachs, Julius von
700Nordenskiold, Nils Adolf Erik
701Waage, Peter
702Bert, Paul
703Nobel, Alfred Bernhard
704Weismann, August Friedrich Leopold
705Mendeleev, Dmitri Ivanovich
706Caro, Heinrich
707Haeckel, Emst Heinrich Philippaugust
708Daimler, Gottlieb Wilhelm
709Plante, Gaston
710Venn, John
711Langley, Samuel Pierpont
712Young, Charles Augustus
713Newcomb, Simon
714Schiaparelli, Giovanni Virginio
715Stefan, Josef
716Wislicenus, Johannes
717Ringer, Sydney
718Baeyer, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von
719Lockyer, Sir Joseph Norman
720Allbutt, Sir Thomas Clifford
721Guldberg, Cato Maximilian
722Waldeyer-Hartz, Heinrich Wilhelm Gottfried Von
723Draper, Henry
724Proctor, Richard Anthony
725Kühne, Wilhelm (Willy) Friedrich
726Van Der Waals, Johannes Diderik
727Newlands, John Alexander Reina
728Hyatt, John Wesley
729Markovnikov, Vladimir Vasilevich
730Morley, Edward Williams
731Hitzig, Julius EduardMedicine(Feb 6, 1838 – Aug 20, 1907) German physiologist.
732Beilstein, Friedrich Konrad
733Mach, Ernst
734Perkin, Sir William Henry
735Solvay, Ernest
736Lecoq de Boisbaudran, Paul Emile
737Zeppelin, Ferdinand Adolf August Heinrich, Count von
738Abbe, Cleveland
739Winkler, Clemens Alexander
740Gibbs, Josiah Willard
741Crafts, James Mason
742Przhevalsky, Nikolay Mikhaylovich
743Chardonnet, Louis Marie Hilaire Bemigaud, Comte de
744Kundt, August Adolph Eduard Eberhard
745Maxim, Sir Hiram Stevens
746Cleve, Per Teodor
747Nilson, Lars Fredrik
748Cope, Edward Drinker
749Krafft-Ebing, Baron Richard Von
750Kovalevski, Alexander Onufriyevich
751Amagat, Emile Hilaire
752Graebe, Karl James Peter
753Dutton, Clarence Edward
754James, William
755Breuer, Josef
756Flammarion, Nicolas Camille
757Vogel, Hermann Carl
758Linde, Karl Paul Gottfried Von
759Dewar, Sir James
760Rayleigh, John William Strutt, 3rd Baron
761Ferrier, Sir David
762Flemming, Walther
763Gill, Sir David
764Golgi, Camillo
765Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie
766Chamberlin, Thomas Chrowder
767Koch, (Heinrich Hermann) Robert
768Strasburger, Eduard Adolf
769Boltzmann, Ludwig Edward
770Miescher, Johann Friedrich
771Manson, Sir Patrick
772Cantor, Georg
773Pfeffer, Wilhelm
774Roentgen, Wilhelm Konrad
775Mechnikov, Ilya Ilich
776Laveran, Charles Louis AlphonseMedicinediscovered that the cause of malaria is a protozoan
777Darwin, Sir George Howard
778Lippmann, Gabriel Jonas
779Wroblewski, Zygmunt Plorenty Von
780Hall, Granvflle Stanley
781Remsen, Ira
782Beneden, Edouard Josephlouis-Marie Van
783Pictet, Raoul Pierre
784Pickering, Edward Charles
785Westinghouse, George
786Baumann, Eugen
787Le Bel, Joseph Achille
788Edison, Thomas Alva-(February 11, 1847 – October 18, 1931)
789Bell, Alexander Graham-(March 3, 1847 – August 2, 1922)
790Wallach, Otto
791Langerhans, Paul
792De Vries, Hugo Marie
793Lilienthal, Otto
794Eotvos, Roland, Baron von
795Dorn, Friedrich Ernst
796Meyer, Viktor
797Frege, Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob
798Rowland, Henry Augustus
799Burbank, Luther
800Klein, Christian Felix
801Kjeldahl, Johann Gustav Christoffer
802Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich
803Fleming, Sir John Ambrose
804Kovalevsky, Sonya
805Gaffky, Georg Theodor August
806Heaviside, Oliver
807Sharpey-Schafer, Sir Edward Albert
808Braun, Karl Ferdinand
809Richet, Charles Robert
810Righi, Augusto
811Goldstein, Eugen
812Le Chatelier, Henri Louis
813Buchner, Hans Ernst Angass
814Milne, John
815Kapteyn, Jacobus CorneliusAstronomy(January 19, 1851 – June 18, 1922) the first discoverer of evidence for galactic rotation.
816Chamberland, Charles Edouard
817Beijerinck, Martinus Willem
818Maunder, Edward Walter
819Berliner, Emile
820Lodge, Sir Oliver Joseph
821Fitzgerald, George Francis
822Reed, Walter
823Balfour, Francis Maitland
824Frasch, Herman
825Demarcay, Eugene Anatole
826Lindemann, Carl Louis Ferdinandvon
827Ramon Y Cajal, Santiago
828Loffler, Friedrich August Johannes
829van 't Hoff, Jacobus Henricus
830Halsted, William Stewart
831Moissan, Ferdinand Frederic Henri
832Ramsay, Sir William
833Fischer, Emil Hermann
834Becquerel, Antoine HenriPhysics
835Michelson, Albert AbrahamPhysicsknown for his work on the measurement of the speed of light and especially for the Michelson–Morley experiment.
836Schaeberle, John Martin
837Thomson, Elihu
838Petrie, Sir (William Matthew)Flinders-Egyptologist
839Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon
840Ostwald, Friedrich Wilhelm
841Gram, Hans Christian JoachimMedicine(1853–1938), inventor of the Gram stain.
842Kossel, (Karl Martin Leonhard)Albrecht
843Kamerlingh Onnes, Heike
844Roux, Pierre Paul Emile
845Ehrlich, Paul
846Behring, Emil Adolf von'
847Poincaré, Jules Henri
848Rubner, Max
849Carroll, James
850Parsons, Sir Charles Algernon
851Hampson, WilliamEngineering(1854–1926) English inventor.
852Eastman, George
853Gorgas, William Crawford
854Roozeboom, Hendrik Willem Bakhuis
855Takamine, Jokichi
856Sabatier, Paul
857Rydberg, Johannes Robert
858Elster, Johann Philipp Ludwig JuliusPhysics(1854–1920) – Studied Photoelectric effect. Produced first practical device for measuring intensity of light.
859Neisser, Albert Ludwig Sigismund
860Lowell, Percival
861Teisserenc de Bort, Leon Philippe
862Cross, Charles Frederick
863Acheson, Edward Goodrich
864Taylor, Frederick Winslow
865Freud, Sigmund
866Peary, Robert Edwin
867Tesla, Nikola
868Wilson, Edmund Beecher
869Thomson, Sir Joseph John
870Kitasato, Baron Shibasaburō
871Mohorovicic, Andrija
872Johannsen, Wilhelm Ludwig
873Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf
874Wagner Von Jauregg, Julius
875Pearson, Karl
876Ross, Sir Ronald
877Abel, John Jacob
878Binet, Alfred
879Keeler, James Edward
880Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin Eduardovich
881Sherrington, Sir Charles Scott
882Koller, Carl
883Barnard, Edward Emerson
884Dubois, Marie Eugene Francoisthomas
885Pickering, William Henry
886Diesel, Rudolf
887Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig
888Eijkman, Christiaan
889Peano, Giuseppe
890Auer, Karl, Baron Von Welsbach
891Pupin, Michael Idvorsky
892Hadfield, Sir Robert Abbott
893Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra
894Arrhenius, Svante August
895Popov, Alexander Stepanovich
896Loeb, Jacques
897Curie, Pierre
898Reid, Harry Fielding
899Smith, Theobald
900Osborne, Thomas BurrMedicineDiscovered vitamin A.
901Haffkine, Waldemar Mordecaiwolfs
902Bayliss, Sir William Maddock
903Buchner, Eduard
904Einthoven, WillemMedicine(1860–1927) invented the first practical electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) in 1903
905Barringer, Daniel Moreau
906Villard, Paul UlrichPhysicsdiscovered gamma rays in 1900
907Sperry, Elmer Ambrose
908Finsen, Niels Ryberg
909Goldschmidt, Johann (Hans) Wilhelm
910Guillaume, Charles Edouard
911Whitehead, Alfred North
912Hopkins, Sir Frederick Gowland
913Bateson, William
914Nansen, Fridtjof
915Innes, Robert Thorburn Ayton
916Kennelly, Arthur Edwin
917Wiechert, Emil
918Hilbert, David
919Gullstrand, Allvar
920Lenard, Philipp Eduard Anton Von
921Nef, John Ulric
922Bragg, Sir William Henry
923Boveri, Theodor
924Vernadsky, Vladimir Ivanovich
925Héroult, Paul Louis Toussaint
926Love, Augustus Edward Hough
927Wolf, Maximilian Franz Joseph Cornelius
928Walden, Paul
929Ford, Henry
930Kipping, Frederic Stanley-(1863–1949). Pioneering work with silicone.
931Baekeland, Leo Hendrik
932Cannon, Annie Jump
933Hall, Charles Martin
934Wien, Wilhelm
935Minkowski, Hermann
936Nernst, Hermann Walther
937Carver, George Washington
938Correns, Karl Franz Joseph Erich
939Ivanovsky, Dmitri Losifovich
940Hartmann, Johannes Franz
941Paschen, Louis Carl Heinrichfriedrich
942Weiss, Pierre
943Zsigmondy, Richard Adolf
944Steinmetz, Charles Proteus
945Zeeman, Pieter
946Nagaoka, Hantaro
947Harden, Sir Arthur
948Leishman, Sir William Boog
949Plaskett, John Stanley
950Gomberg, Moses
951Wasserman, August Von
952Lebedev, Pyotr Nikolaevich
953Miller, Dayton Clarence
954Starling, Ernest Henry
955Lazear, Jesse William
956Nicolle, Charles Jules Henri
957Morgan, Thomas Hunt
958Fessenden, Reginald Aubrey
959Broom, Robert
960Werner, Alfred
961Wright, Wilbur
962Fabry, Charles
963Douglass, Andrew Ellicott
964Perrine, Charles Dillon
965Curie, Marie Sklodowska
966Ipatieff, Vladimir Nikolaevich
967Sorensen, Soren Peter LauritzChemistry(1868–1939) introduced of the concept of pH
968Richards, Theodore WilliamChemistryWon a Nobel Prize in Chemistry, "in recognition of his exact determinations of the atomic weights of a large number of the chemical elements."
969Millikan, Robert AndrewsPhysicsNobel laureate in physics for his measurement of the charge on the electron and for his work on the photoelectric effect.
970Hayford, John Fillmore
971Scott, Robert Falcon
972Sabine, Wallace Clement WareEngineeringacoustical architect of Boston's Symphony Hall
973Landsteiner, KariMedicinenoted for his development in 1901 of the modern system of classification of blood groups
974Hale, George Ellery
975Leavitt, Henrietta Swan
976Sommerfeld, Arnold Johannes Wilhelm
977Haber, Fritz
978Abegg, Richard Wilhelm Heinrich
979Wilson, Charles Thomson Rees
980Levene, Phoebus Aaron Theodor
981Spemann, Hans
982Pregl, Fritz
983Poulsen, ValdemarEngineeringdeveloped a magnetic wire recorder (precursor to magnetic tape recording) in 1899.
984Adler, Alfred
985Honda, Kotaro
986Bordet, Jules Jean Baptiste Vincent
987Boltwood, Bertram Borden
988Ivanov, IIya Ivanovich
989Claude, Georges
990Perrin, Jean Baptiste
991Pope, Sir William Jackson
992Ricketts, Howard Taylor
993Grignard, François Auguste Victor
994Bodenstein, Max
995Wright, Orville
996Rutherford, Ernest
997Schaudinn, Fritz Richard
998Cannon, Walter Bradford
999Tschermak Von Seysenegg, Erich
1000Langevin, Paul
1001Travers, Morris William
1002Urbain, Georges
1003Moulton, Forest Ray
1004Sitter, Willem de
1005Russell, Bertrand Arthur William,3rd Earl
1006Tsvett, Mikhail Semenovich
1007Curtis, Heber Doust
1008Amundsen, Roald Engelbregt
1009Willstatter, Richard
1010Duggar, Benjamin Minge
1011Euler-Chelpin, Hans Karl Augustsimon Von
1012d'Herelle, Felix HubertMedicine(1873–1949) the co-discoverer of bacteriophages (viruses that infect bacteria)
1013Sidgwick, Nevil Vincent
1014Berger, Hans
1015Loewi Otto
1016Carrel, Alexis
1017de Forest, Lee
1018Hertzsprung, Ejnar
1019Schwarzschild, Karl
1020Coolidge, William David-(1873–1975)
1021Coblentz, William Weber
1022Harkins, William Draper
1023Erlanger, Joseph
1024Stark, Johannes
1025Marconi, Marchese GuglielmoEngineering(1874–1937). 1909 Nobel prize for improvements in radio communications. (Increased range from 1.5 km to first transatlantic radio message on December 17, 1902.)
1026Debierne, Andre Louis
1027Goldberger, Joseph
1028Bosch, Karl
1029Blakeslee, Albert Francis
1030Krogh, Schack August Steenberg
1031Weizmann, Chaim
1032Moniz, Antonio Caetano de Abreufreire Egas
1034Dale, Sir Henry Hallett
1035Jung, Carl Gustav
1036Sherman, Henry ClappMedicine(1875–1955) Developed methods for measuring vitamin content of food.
1037Lewis, Gilbert NewtonChemistry
1038Slipher, Vesto Melvin
1039Diels, Otto Paul Hermann
1040Barany, Robert
1041Yerkes, Robert Meams
1042Keesom, Willem Hendrik
1043Stock, Alfred
1044Kettering, Charles Franklin
1045Adams, Walter Sydney
1046Windaus, Adolf
1047Sutton, Walter Stanborough
1048Wieland, Heinrich Otto
1049Barkla, Charles Glover
1050Beebe, Charles William
1051Aston, Francis William
1052Soddy, Frederick
1053Jeans, Sir James Hopwood
1054Avery, Oswald Theodore
1055Twort, Frederick William
1056Russell, Henry Norris
1057Watson, John Broadus
1058Nieuwland, Julius Arthur
1059Whipple, George Hoyt
1060Meitner, Lise
1061Bronsted, Johannes Nicolaus
1062Mccollum, Elmer Verner
1063Hahn, Otto
1064Einstein, Albert
1065Schmidt, Bernhard Voldemar
1066Richardson, Sir Owen Willans
1067Rous, Francis Peyton
1068Laue, Max Theodor Felix von
1069Woolley, Sir Charles Leonard
1070Gesell, Arnold LuciusMedicine(21 June 1880 – 29 May 1961) was a psychologist and pediatrician who was a pioneer in the field of child development.
1071Wegener, Alfred Lothar
1072Langmuir, Irving
1073Hess, Walter Rudolf
1074Staudinger, Hermann
1075Karman, Theodore Von
1076Fischer, Hans
1077Fleming, Sir Alexander
1078Davisson, Clinton Joseph
1079Barkhausen, Heinrich
1080Bridgman, Percy Williams
1081Franck, James
1082Geiger, Hans WilhelmPhysics(1882–1945) Perhaps best known as the co-inventor of the Geiger counter and for the Geiger–Marsden experiment which discovered the atomic nucleus.
1083Goddard, Robert HutchingsEngineeringOn March 16, 1926, he became the first person to build and launch a liquid-fueled rocket.
1084Born, Max
1085Eddington, Sir Arthur Stanley
1086Burt, Sir Cyril Lodowic
1087Haworth, Sir Walter Norman
1088Hess, Victor FrancisPhysicsdiscovered cosmic rays.
1089Warburg, Otto Heinrich
1090Smith, Philip Edward
1091Andrews, Roy Chapman
1092Piccard, August
1093Funk, Casimir
1094Debye, Peter Joseph Wilhelm
1095Meyerhof, Otto Fritz
1096Black, Davidson
1097Svedberg, Theodor H. E.
1098Bergius, Friedrich Karl Rudolf
1099Rorschach, Hermann
1100Hevesy, Győrgy
1101Bohr, Niels Henrik David
1102Shapley, Harlow
1103Minot, George Richards
1104Williams, Robert Runnels
1105Kendall, Edward Calvin
1106Dempster, Arthur Jeffrey
1107Robinson, Sir Robert
1108Hill, Archibald Vivian
1109Trumpler, Robert Julius
1110Frisch, Karl Von
1111Siegbahn, Karl Manne Georg
1112Kohler, Wolfgang
1113Keilin, David
1114Rose, William Cumming
1115Houssay, Bernardo Alberto
1116Hertz, Gustav Ludwig
1117Schrödinger, Erwin
1118Paneth, Priedrich Adolf
1119Ružicka, Leopold Stephen
1120Sumner, James Batcheller
1121Moseley, Henry Gwyn-Jeffreys
1122Vavilov, Nikolay Ivanovich
1123Goldschmidt, Victor Moritz
1124Stern, Otto
1125Friedmann, Alexander Alexandrovich
1126Gasser, Herbert Spencer
1127Zernicke, Fritz
1128Waksman, Selman AbrahamEngineering1953 Nobel laureate for his invention of the phase contrast microscope,
1129Byrd, Richard Evelyn
1130Raman, Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata
1131Karrer, Paul
1132Midgley, Thomas, Jr.
1133Gutenberg, Beno
1134Zworykin, Vladimir Kosma-(July 30, 1889 – July 29, 1982)
1135Coster, Dirk
1136Hubble, Edwin Powell
1137Adrian, Edgar Douglas, Baron
1138Holmes, Arthur
1139Bush, Vannevar
1140Jones, Sir Harold Spencer
1141Henry, Sir William Lawrence
1142Fisher, Sir Ronald Aylmer
1143Armstrong, Edwin Howard
1144Heyrovsky, Jaroslav
1145Muller, Hermann Joseph
1146Bothe, Walther Wilhelm Georg Franz
1147Jeffreys, Sir Harold
1148Northrop, John Howard
1149Humason, Milton La Salle
1150Chadwick, Sir JamesPhysics(1891–1974). Nobel laureate in physics awarded for his discovery of the neutron.
1151Nicholson, Seth Barnes
1152Banting, Sir Frederick GrantMedicineone of the co-discoverers of insulin.
1153Sturtevant, Alfred Henry
1154Murphy, William Parry
1155Watson-Watt, Sir Robert Alexander
1156Thomson, Sir George Paget
1157de Broglie, Louis Victor Pierre Raymond, Prince
1158Appleton, Sir Edward Victor
1159Compton, Arthur Holly
1160Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson
1161Larson, John AugustusEngineeringinventor of the polygraph
1162Dart, Raymond Arthur
1163Baade, Walter
1164Urey, Harold Clayton
1165Simon, Sir Franz Eugen Francis
1166Noddack, Walter Karl Friedrich
1167Szent-Győrgyi, Albert
1168Opik, Ernst Julius
1169Doisy, Edward Adelbert
1170Bose, Satyendra Nath
1171Oparin, Alexander Ivanovich
1172Oberth, Hermann Julius
1173Kapitza, Peter Leonidovich
1174Lemaitre, Abbe Georges Edouard
1175Wiener, Norbert
1176Virtanen, Artturi Ilmari
1177Dam, Carl Peter Henrik
1178Giauque, William Francis
1179Minkowski, Rudolph Leo B.
1180Tamm, Igor Yevgenyevich
1181Cournand, Andre Frederic
1182Rhine, Joseph Banks
1183Domagk, Gerhard
1184Richards, Dickinson W.
1185Lindblad, Bertil
1186Milne, Edward Arthur
1187Noddack, Ida Eva Tacke
1188Hench, Philip Showalter
1189Semenov, Nikolay Nikolaevich
1190Carothers, Wallace Hume
1191Mulliken, Robert Sanderson
1192Cori, Gerty Theresa Radnitz
1193King, Charles Glen
1194Cori, Carl Ferdinand
1195Enders, John Franklin
1196Lyot, Bernard Ferdinand
1197Hassel, Odd
1198Cockcroft, Sir John Douglas
1199Wittig, Georg Friedrich Karl
1200Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Norman
1201Reichstein, Tadeusz
1202Wyckoff, Ralph Walter Graystone
1203Struve, Otto
1204Joliot-Curie, Irene
1205Bjerknes, Jacob Aall Bonnevie,
1206Norrish, Ronald George Wreyford
1207Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart
1208Szilard, Leo
1209Zwicky, Fritz
1210Astbury, William Thomas
1211Schoenheimer, Rudolf
1212Rabi, Isidor IsaacPhysicsNobel laureate in 1944 for his discovery of nuclear magnetic resonance.
1213Florey, Howard
1214Lysenko, Trofim Denisovich
1215Ziegler, Karl
1216Müller, Paul Hermann
1217Theiler, Max
1218Best, Charles HerbertMedicineHe was one of the co-discoverers of insulin.
1219Van Vleck, John Hasbrouck
1220Bekesy, Georg Von
1221Lipmann, Fritz Albert
1222Claude, Albert
1223Burnet, Sir Frank Macfariane
1224Dobzhansky, Theodosius
1225Rickover, Hyman George
1226London, Fritz Wolfgang
1227Joliot-Curie, Frederic
1228Pauli, Wolfgang
1229Oort, Jan Hendrik
1230Gabor, DennisPhysicsinventor, most notable for inventing holography, for which he later received the Nobel Prize in Physics.
1231Krebs, Sir Hans Adolf
1232Granit, Ragnar Arthur
1233Kuhn, Richard
1234Uhlenbeck, George Eugene
1235Dubos, Rene Jules
1236Pauling, Linus Carl
1237Menzel, Donald Howard
1238Hinton, Christopher, BaronEngineeringnuclear engineer, and supervisor of the construction of Calder Hall, the world's first large-scale commercial nuclear power station.
1239Du Vigneaud, Vincent
1240Elvehjem, Conrad Arnold
1241Lawrence, Ernest Orlando
1242Huggins, Charles Branton
1243Fermi, Enrico
1244Oliphant, Marcus Laurence Elwin
1245Heisenberg, Werner Karl
1246Van de Graaf, Robert Jemison
1247van de Kamp, Peter
1248Morgenstern, Oskar
1249Lindbergh, Charles Augustus
1250Brattain, Walter HouserEngineeringalong with John Bardeen and William Shockley, invented the transistor.
1251Strassman, Fritz
1252Kastler, Alfred
1253Lwoff, Andre Michael
1254Alder, Kurt
1255Goudsmtt, Samuel Abraham
1256Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice
1257Tiselius, Arne Wilhelm Kaurin
1258Brouwer, Dirk
1259Spedding, Frank HaroldChemistrychemist who developed an ion exchange procedure for separating rare earth elements, purifying uranium, and separating isotopes of elements.
1260Wigner, Eugene Paul
1261Kurchatov, Igor Vasilevich
1262Eccles, Sir John Carew
1263Natta, Giulio
1264Boyd, William Clouser
1265Butenandt, Adolf Friedrich Johann
1266Pincus, Gregory
1267Theorell, Axel Hugo Teodor
1268Leakey, Louis Seymour Bazett
1269Walton, Ernest Thomas Sinton
1270Beadle, George Wells
1271Lorenz, Konrad
1272Onsager, Lars
1273Neumann, John Von
1274Powell, Cecil Frank
1275Snell, George Davis
1276Hartline, Haldan Keffer
1277Bittner, John Joseph
1278Gamow, George
1279Elsasser, Walter Maurice
1280Oppenheimer, J. Robert
1281Cherenkov, Pavel Alekseyevich
1282Stanley, Wendeu Meredith
1283Forssman, Werner
1284Frisch, Otto Robert
1285Neel, Louis Eugene Felix
1286Herzberg, Gerhard
1287Segre, Emilio
1288Von Euler, Ulf Svante
1289Rossi, Bruno Benedetto
1290Wildt, Rupert
1291Chargapf, Erwin-(1905–2002)
1292Anderson, Carl DavidPhysicsbest known for discovering the positron in 1932, an achievement for which he received the 1936 Nobel Prize in Physics, and of the muon in 1936.
1293Ochoa, Severo
1294Mott, Sir Nevill Francis
1295Jansky, Karl Guthe
1296Bloch, Felix
1297Kuiper, Gerard Peter
1298Morgan, William Wilson
1299Tombaugh, Clyde WilliamAstronomy(1906–1997) best known for discovering the dwarf planet Pluto in 1930
1300Tomonaga, Shin'ichiro
1301Godel, Kurt
1302Bok, Bart Jan
1303Ewing, William Maurice
1304Hess, Harry Hammond
1305Craig, Lyman CreightonMedicine(1908–1974), biochemist known for isolating parathyroid hormone.
1306Chain, Ernst Boris
1307Goeppert-Mayer, Maria
1308Bethe, Hans Albrecht
1309Schaefer, Vincent Joseph
1310Prelog, Vladimir
1311Sabin, Albert Bruce
1313Delbrück, Max
1314Leloir, Luis Frederico
1315Ley, Willy
1316Edlen, Bengt
1317Whipple, Fred Lawrence
1318Wald, George
1319Goldmark, Peter Carl
1320Wilkins, Robert Wallace
1321Zinn, Walter Henry
1322Ruska, Ernst August Friedrich
1323Yukawa, Hideki
1325Bovet, Daniele
1326Tinbergen, Nikolaas
1327Jensen, Johannes Hans Daniel
1328Mauchly, John William
1329Mcmillan, Edwin Mattison
1330Dunning, John Ray
1331Todd, Alexander Robertus, Baron
1332Teller, Edward
1333Landau, Lev Davidovich
1334Bardeen, John
1335Alfvén, Hannes Olof Gosta
1336Kozyrev, Nikolai Alexandrovich
1337Bawden, Sir Frederick Charles
1338Ambartzumian, Victoramazaspovich
1339Williams, Robley Cook
1340Frank, Ilya Mikhaylovich
1341Hershey, Alfred Day
1342Libby, Willard Frank
1344Land, Edwin Herbert
1345Greenstein, Jesse Leonard
1346Tatum, Edward Lawrie
1347Monod, Jacques Lucien
1348Shockley, William Bradford
1349Walter, William Grey
1350Martin, Archer John Porter
1351Pierce, John Robinson
1352Hodgkin, Dorothy Crowfoot
1353Cousteau, Jacques-Yves
1354Flory, Paul John
1355Fraenkel-Conrat, Heinz
1356Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan
1357Roberts, Richard BrookePhysicsphysicist and biophysicist, participated in the experiment in which the splitting of the uranium atom was first observed in 1939. 217317!0#focus-->
1358Shemin, David
1359Katz, Sir Bernard
1360Lynen, Feodor
1361Calvin, Melvin
1362Goldhaber, Maurice
1362Blanchard, Jean Pierre François
1363Alvarez, Luis Walter
1364Mueller, Erwin Wilhelm
1365Stein, William Howard
1366Wheeler, John Archibald
1367Kerst, Donald William
1368Reber, Grote
1369Bloch, Konrad Emil
1370Braun, Wernher Magnus Maximilian von
1371Fox, Sidney Walter
1372Seaborg, Glenn Theodore
1373Brown, Herbert Charles
1374Axelrod, Julius
1375Turing, Alan Mathison
1376Weizsäcker, Carl Friedrich, Baron von
1377Luria, Salvador Edward
1378Purcell, Edward Mills
1379Moore, Stanford
1380Palade, George Emil
1381Flerov, Georgii Nikolaevich
1382Li, Choh Hao
1383Abelson, Philip Hauge
1384Chance, Britton
1385Kamen, Martin David
1386Lovell, Sir Alfred Charles Bernard
1387Hodgkin, Alan Lloyd
1388Dulbecco, Renato
1389Perutz, Max Ferdinand
1390Spitzer, Lyman, Jr.
1391Vonnegut, Bernard
1392Van Allen, James Alfred
1393Salk, Jonas Edward
1394Synge, Richard Laurence Millington
1395Hofstadter, Robert
1396Medawar, Sir Peter Brian
1397Weller, Thomas Huckle
1398Hoyle, Sir Fred
1400Townes, Charles Hard
1401Hillier, James
1402Sutherland, Earl Wilbur, Jr.
1403Anfinsen, Christian Boehmer
1404Shannon, Claude Elwood
1405Dicke, Robert Henry
1406Crick, Francis Harry ComptonMedicine(1916–2004) most noted for being one of two co-discoverers of the structure of the DNA molecule in 1953,
1407Friedman, Herbert
1408Shklovskii, Losif Samuilovich
1409Prokhorov, Alexander Mikhailovich
1410Robbins, Frederick Chapman
1411Dausset, Jean
1413Wilkins, Maurice Hugh Frederick
1414Prigogine, Ilya
1415Kendrew, John Cowdery
1416Woodward, Robert Burns
1417Cornforth, Sir John Warcup
1418De Duve, Christian Rene
1419Huxley, Andrew Fielding
1420Rainwater, Leo James
1421Schwinger, Julian Seymour
1422Kornberg, Arthur
1423Reines, Frederick
1424Feynman, Richard Philips
1425Matthias, Bern Teo
1426Sanger, Frederick
1427Barton, Sir Derek Harold Richard
1428Ryle, Sir Martin
1429Fischer, Ernst Otto
1431Eckert, John Presper, Jr.
1432Hillary, Sir Edmund Percival
1433Bondi, Sir Hermann
1434Cowan, Clyde Lorrain
1435Lipscomb, William Nunn, Jr.
1436Bloembergen, Nicolaas
1437Gold, Thomas
1440Franklin, Rosalind Elsie
1441Mitchell, Peter Dennis
1442Benacerraf, Baruj
1443Porter, George
1444Sakharov, Andrey Dmitriyevich
1445Wilkinson, Sir Geoffrey
1446Yalow, Rosalyn Sussman
1447Hoagland, Mahlon Bush
1448Khorana, Har Gobind
1449Holley, Robert William
1450Bohr, Aage Niels
1451Yang, Chen Ning
1452Barnard, Christiaan NeethlingMedicine(1922–2001) cardiac surgeon, famous for performing the world's first successful human-to-human heart transplant.
1453Basov, Nikolai Gennadievich
1454Fitch, Val Logsden
1455Franklin, Kenneth Linn
1456Gajdusek, Daniel Carieton
1457Ponnamperuma, Cyril
1458Anderson, Philip Warren
1459Dyson, Freeman John
1460Gubllemin, Roger
1461Cormack, Allan MacLeod
1462Heezen, Bruce Charles
1463Hewish, Anthony
1464Esaki, Leo
1465Ne'eman, Yuval
1466Lederberg, Joshua
1467Blumberg, Baruch Samuel
1468Salam, Abdus
1469Sandage, Allan Rex
1470Berg, Paul
1471Mottelson, Ben Roy
1472Glaser, Donald Arthur
1473Lee, Tsung-Dao
1474Schally, Andrew Victor
1475O'Neill, Gerard Kitchen
1476Nirenberg, Marshau Warren
1477Eigen, Manfred
1478Parker, Eugene Newman
1479Maiman, Theodore Harold
1480Watson, James Dewey
1481Hawkins, Gerald Stanley
1482Nathans, Daniel
1483Mossbauer, Rudolf Ludwig
1484Giaever, Ivar
1485Arber, Werner
1486Edelman, Gerald Maurice
1487Gell-Mann, Murray
1488Schmidt, Maarten
1489Cooper, Leon N.
1490Miller, Stanley Lloyd
1491Drake, Frank Donald
1492Armstrong, Neil Alden
1493Richter, Burton
1494I Miller, Jacques Francis Albert Pierre
1495Schrieffer, John Robert
1496Smith, Hamilton Othanel
1497Cronin, James Watson
1498Gilbert, Walter
1499Bartlett, Neil
1500Glashow, Sheldon Lee
1501Penzias, Amo Allan
1502Weinberg, Steven
1502Gagarin, Yuri Alekseyevich
1504Sagan, Carl
1505Temin, Howard Martin
1506Wilson, Robert Woodrow
1507Ting, Samuel C. C.
1508Baltimore, David
1509Josephson, Brian David
1510Hawking, Stephen William

Notes and References

  1. "Anaximander" in Chambers's Encyclopædia. London: George Newnes, 1961, Vol. 1, p. 403.
  2. Lindberg, David C. “The Greeks and the Cosmos.” The Beginnings of Western Science. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007. 28.
  3. Graham, Daniel W. "Anaximenes". The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  4. xenoph . Xenophanes.
  5. Heraclitus. 13. 309–310.
  6. Aristotle with W. D. Ross, ed., The Works of Aristotle ... (Oxford, England: Clarendon Press, 1931), vol. III, Meteorologica, E. W. Webster, trans., Book 1, Part 8, pp. 39–40 : "(2) Anaxagoras, Democritus, and their schools say that the milky way is the light of certain stars."
  7. "The most likely date for Philolaus' birth would then appear to be around 470, although he could have been born as early as 480 or as late as 440. He appears to have lived into the 380s and at the very least until 399." Carl A. Huffman, (1993) Philolaus of Croton: Pythagorean and Presocratic, pages 5–6. Cambridge University Press
  8. [#Barnes|Barnes]
  9. Socrates.
  10. Encyclopedia: Hippocrates . Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia . Microsoft Corporation . . 2009-10-29 . dead . 2006 .
  11. "...the subject of philosophy, as it is often conceived—a rigorous and systematic examination of ethical, political, metaphysical, and epistemological issues, armed with a distinctive method—can be called his invention" (Web site: Kraut . Richard . Plato . The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy . Zalta . Edward N. . Stanford University . 11 September 2013 . 3 April 2014 .)
  12. Acott, Chris . The diving "Law-ers": A brief resume of their lives. . . 29 . 1 . 1999 . 0813-1988 . 16986801 . 17 April 2009 . . 2 April 2011 . usurped .
  13. sächsische Biografie
  14. Hoskin, M. (ed.) (2003) Caroline Herschel's autobiographies, Science History Publications Cambridge, p. 13, .