Armand Séville Explained
Charles-Victor Armand called Armand Séville (? – 1847) was a 19th-century French journalist, novelist, chansonnier, poet and playwright.
A collaborator of the Journal de Paris, a member of the Soupers de Momus, he was one of the co-founders of the French: Enfants du Caveau (1834) or French: Société des Joyeux, of which he became general secretary. Chief editor of the Mentor (1824), his plays were presented on the most significant Parisian stages of the 19th century: Théâtre du Vaudeville, Théâtre de la Gaité, etc.
He published his novels under the pen name Pascal Thorre.
- 1801: Le Quaterne, vaudeville in 1 act, in prose
- 1804: Le Café du ventriloque, folie-vaudeville in 1 act, in prose
- 1805: Un quart d'heure dramatique, folie-vaudeville
- 1805: J'essaie, monologue mixed with vaudevilles
- 1805: Le Porte-feuille galant, a collection dedicated to the ladies
- 1806: Le Dernier Bulletin, ou la Paix, impromptu mixed with vaudevilles
- 1806: Métusko, ou les Polonais, melodrama in 3 acts, extravaganza
- 1811: Grammaire française, with Charles François Lhomond
- 1813: Laissez-moi faire, ou la Soubrette officieuse, vaudeville in 1 act
- 1813: Précis de l'histoire de France, depuis l'établissement de la monarchie jusqu'au règne de Napoléon Ier
- 1814: Salut au Roi, with Casimir Ménestrier and Paul Ledoux
- 1814: L'Élan du cœur, hommage au roi Louis XVIII, with Ménestrier
- 1814: Chansonnier des joyeux
- 1815: L'Habit de cour, ou le Moraliste de nouvelle étoffe
- 1817: Elémens de la grammaire Française, with Lhomond
- 1826: La Liquidation, comédie en vaudevilles in 1 act and in prose, with Benjamin Antier
- 1826: La Famille Girard, ou les Prisonniers français, tableau militaire-anecdote in 1 act, with Louis Portelette
- 1826: Le Forçat libéré, mélodrama in three acts, with Francis Cornu
- 1833: Les Bariolés, novel, 2 vols.
- 1834: L'Orme aux loups, novel
- Joseph-François et Louis-Gabriel Michaud, Biographie universelle, ancienne et moderne, 1849,
- Joseph Marie Quérard, Les supercheries littéraires dévoilées, vol.5, 1853,
- Violette Leduc, Antony Méray, Bibliographie des chansons, fabliaux..., 1859,