Arab satellite lists explained

The Arab satellite lists, Arab lists, or satellite parties were Israeli Arab satellite parties formed for the purposes of electoral support of Mapai (and later the Labor Party), and other Zionist parties between 1948 and the mid-1970s.[1] [2] [3] Between the 1949 elections and the 1969 elections, most of the Israeli Arab vote was divided between the communist parties Maki and Rakah and the Arab satellite lists.[2] The time span under (1966–1948) was described as the "golden age" of satellite parties.[4] According to Israeli scholar Rebecca Kook, Maki and Rakah were considered the only parties to truly represent Arab interests until the Progressive List for Peace won two seats in the 1984 elections.[2]

The existence of the Arab lists was partially because Arabs were barred from membership of Mapai until 1973.[5] Unlike normal political parties, they were not active between elections.[6] Most of the lists survived more than one term, and all were subservient to the policies of their patron Mapai.[7] The lists were put together based on local influence, clans and religion.

According to Ilana Kaufman, the Arab lists; "were not proper parties but ad hoc electoral arrangements for the election of Arabs to the Knesset."[8] Majid Al Haj writes that the object of the lists "was not the political mobilization of the Arab populations but rather the capture of Arab votes."[9]

The Labor Party withdrew its support from its last satellite list, the United Arab List, prior to the 1981 elections. The Alignment, an alliance of the Labor Party and Mapam, saw its share of the Arab vote triple in the elections,[10] whilst the UAL failed to cross the electoral threshold. Alongside two other lists, the Christian-led Arab Brotherhood List and the more radical Bedouin-led Arab Citizens' List,[11] the election was seen of the end of personalist Arab lists based on traditional leadership.[12] [13] The Arab Democratic Party, established in 1988 as a breakaway from the Labor Party, effectively took their place in the political sphere.[14]

List of Arab satellite lists

PartyMother partyAimed demographicElections, Time span
Agriculture and Developmentbgcolor=MapaiLittle Triangle[15] 1951, 1955, 1959
Arab List for Bedouin and Villagersbgcolor=LaborNegev Bedouin1973
Arab List – The Centrebgcolor=General Zionists1955
Arab Reform Movementbgcolor=Ratz1977
Cooperation and Brotherhoodbgcolor=Mapai, LaborMount Carmel Muslims and Druze1959, 1961, 1965, 1969, 1973
Cooperation and Developmentbgcolor=Mapai1966–1967
Democratic List for Israeli Arabsbgcolor=MapaiGalilee1951, 1955
Democratic List of Nazarethbgcolor=MapaiNazareth1949
Independent Faction for Israeli Arabsbgcolor=MapaiDruze and Greek Catholic1959
Israeli Arab Labour Partybgcolor=Ahdut HaAvoda1959
Israeli Arab Listbgcolor=Likud[16] 1973
Israeli Druze Factionbgcolor=Mapai, LaborDruze1967–1969
Jewish–Arab Brotherhoodbgcolor=LaborChristians1968–1969
Popular Arab Blocbgcolor=Mapam1949
Progress and Developmentbgcolor=Mapai, LaborGalilee[17] 1959, 1961, 1965, 1969, 1973
Progress and Workbgcolor=MapaiDruze and West Galilee1951, 1955, 1959, 1961
Peace Listbgcolor=Rafi1965
United Arab Listbgcolor=Labor1977, 1981
Workers Blocbgcolor=MapaiAcre, Haifa, Jaffa1949


The table below shows the votes of Arab-Israelis for Arab-led political parties, Jewish-led political parties and the satellite lists:[18]

Year Arab satellite lists Jewish parties
1949 22% 52% 26%
1951 16% 55% 29%
1955 16% 58% 27%
1959 11% 59% 30%
1961 23% 46% 32%
1965 24% 44% 33%
1969 30% 41% 29%
1973 37% 36% 27%
1977 52% 21% 27%
1981 39% 12% 49%
1984 50% 50%
1988 58% 42%
1992 48% 52%
1996 62% 38%
1999 69% 31%
2003 69% 31%
2006 72% 28%
2009 82% 18%
2013 77% 23%
2015 83% 17%
April 2019 72% 28%
September 2019 82% 18%
2020 88% 12%
2021 80% 20%
2022[19] 86% 14%

Notes and References

  1. Uzi Rebhun & Chaim Isaac Waxman (2004) Jews in Israel: Contemporary Social and Cultural Patterns, University Press of New England, p356
    "gradual decline in the electoral power of the Satellite lists, (i.e., smaller parties that align with a large party to form a bloc) until their final demise in the elections of 1984. The votes that had previously been given to those parties went either to Zionist parties or to the Communist Party and the newly formed Arab national parties."
  2. Rebecca Kook: "For the first seven rounds of elections. most of the Arab votes were distributed amongst the Israeli Communist party (Maki later to become Rakach. later to become Hadash) and various Mapai and Mapam satellite lists. These were lists formed by the two main labor movement parties headed by Arab candidates. They were for all intents and purposes, however, extensions of the leading parties in terms of positions and coalition alignment. They are commonly described as satellite lists because of the patronage relationship between them and Mapai. The Israel Communist party, however, was long considered the only party to truly represent Arab interests until the appearance of the Progressive List for Peace (PLP) in 1984."; in Israel in Comparative Perspective: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom, edited by Michael N. Barnett, p.214
  3. Israel at the Crossroads
  4. Web site: Arab Satellite Parties – Another Means of Control. March 2021. 15 July 2024. Akevot Institute for Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Research.
  5. Palestinian Citizens in an Ethnic Jewish State: Identities in Conflict
  6. Rael Jean Isaac, "The Mapai-affiliated lists were not active between elections but were ad hoc organizations formed on the eve of elections to assure the election of specific leaders."; in Party and Politics in Israel: Three Visions of a Jewish State, p.173, Addison-Wesley Longman Limited, 1981
  7. As'ad Ghanem: "Most of the lists were established by Mapai under Ben-Gurion... Most of them served more than one term and all were subservient to the leaders of Mapai".The Palestinian-Arab Minority in Israel, 1948-2000: A Political Study, As'ad Ghanem, p.41
  8. Ilana Kaufman: "The Arab lists, as their name indicates, were not proper parties but ad hoc electoral arrangements for the election of Arabs to the Knesset."; in Arab National Communism in the Jewish State, p.82
  9. Majid Al Haj: "Until the late 1960s, Arab-alliliated Knesset lists were one of the most efficient instruments for channeling Arab votes. These satellite lists were initiated and backed by Zionist parties, mainly Mapai-Labour, which was the principal political force until 1977. The object of these lists was not the political mobilization of the Arab populations but rather the capture of Arab votes."; in Immigration and Ethnic Formation in a Deeply Divided Society, p.64
  10. Bernard Reich & David H Goldberg (2008) Historical Dictionary of Israel, p. 45
  11. News: "אני פסימי ומיואש'. Maariv. 16. 16 January 1981. 16 July 2024. he.
  12. Book: The New East/המזרח החדש: Vol. 30/כרך ל׳. 144. he. Ori Stendel. Trends in the Arab Vote in the Elections to the Tenth Kneset. מגמות ההצבעה לכנסת העשירית בקרב ערביי ישראל.
  13. Book: זרים בביתם : ערבים, יהודים, מדינה . 56. he. Ra'anan Cohen. 965-306-255-7. subscription. 2006.
  14. Ghanem, p. 42
  15. Book: The Arabs in Israel: A Political Study. Jacob M. Landau. 9781317397649. 1969. Routledge .
  16. News: 21 הרשימות. Al HaMishmar. 1. 31 December 1973. 10 November 2022. he.
  17. Book: Ervin Birnbaum . 1970 . The Politics of Compromise: State and Religion in Israel . Fairleigh Dickinson University Press . 59 . 978-0838675670 .
  18. Web site: Statistical Report on Arab Society in Israel :2021 . The Israel Democracy Institute . 2022-03-17 . 2023-02-05. Arab votes by political party, 1949–2021 (% of total Arab votes).
  19. Web site: Arab Votes in the 2022 Election. The Israel Democracy Institute. Dr. Arik Rudnitzky. 9 November 2022. 15 January 2024.