Anna Frances Walker Explained

Birth Name:Anna Frances Walker
Birth Date:1830 6, df=yes
Birth Place:Concord, Colony of New South Wales
Death Date:[1]
Death Place:Concord, New South Wales, Australia
Occupation:writer, botanical collector, botanical illustrator

Anna Frances Walker (1830–1913) was an early Australian botanical collector and plant illustrator.[1] [2] [3]


She was born in 1830 at the family home "Rhodes" in Concord, New South Wales on the Parramatta River, one of a large family. In 1832, the family moved to Van Diemen's Land, where she, like her mother, collected and painted botanical subjects. At the age of 16 or 17, she returned to New South Wales to live with her grandmother, and there she was instructed in watercolour painting by Henry Curzon Allport. After the death of her father (1861), the family returned to the Sydney property, "Rhodes" (1870), where Annie remained for the rest of her life.[2] [3]

By August 1881, Anna had amassed a considerable body of work, and she contacted Ferdinand von Mueller in Melbourne, for help with identifications and advice about publishing. Eventually, in 1887, she self-published (Flowers of New South Wales[4] [5] ((a small collection of her paintings), but the poor quality of the lithographs let her down (as did her text, which betrayed little botanical understanding). Plants illustrated were: Ceratopetalum gummiferum, Acacia spectabilis, Epacris longiflora, Zieria laevigata, Blandfordia nobilis, Darwinia fascicularis, Ricinocarpos pinifolius, Epacris microphylla, Sprengelia incarnata, Gompholobium grandiflorum, Bauera rubioides, Melaleuca linariifolia, Eriostemon silicifolius, Kennedia monophylla, Clematis glycinoides.

Ultimately, her collection consisted of some 1700 illustrations of plants from both Tasmania and New South Wales, painted between 1875 and 1910, but she failed to find a publisher, and sold her collection (eight volumes) to David Scott Mitchell for £70 in 1910.

The National Herbarium of Victoria (MEL) holds 19 specimens collected by her in New South Wales, and sent to Mueller between the years of 1892 and 1895. (Twenty-one letters from Mueller to Anna survive.)

The Australasian Virtual Herbarium lists seventeen specimens collected by "Walker, A.F.", all housed at MEL, of which fourteen are fungi and three are plants. Cortinarius walkeri, a fungus, is named for her, and the type specimen is MEL 0220681A, a specimen she collected.[6]

Botanical drawings

yearscientific NameCatalog Number
1892Piptoporus australiensisFungiMEL 2015821A
1893Boletellus emodensisFungiMEL 1053808A
1893Clavaria fusiporiusFungiMEL 2069141A
1893Clavaria spinulosaFungiMEL 2070183A
1893Cortinarius walkeri (Type specimen)FungiMEL 0220681A
1893Elaeocarpus reticulatusPlantaeMEL 2227350A
1893Gymnopilus allantopusFungiMEL 1052353A
1893Hemigenia purpureaPlantaeMEL 0646630A
1893Lactarius eucalyptiFungiMEL 1052538A
1893Omphalotus nidiformisFungiMEL 1053918A
1893Pleurotus australisFungiMEL 1052555A
1893Ramaria botrytisFungiMEL 1053748A
1893Ramaria botrytisFungiMEL 1053749A
1893Russula clelandiiFungiMEL 1052583A
1893Russula wollumbinaFungiMEL 1052585A
1893Russula wollumbinaFungiMEL 1052584A
1895Pomaderris ligustrina subsp. ligustrinaPlantaeMEL 0055293A


In 1873, she was awarded a gold medal for watercolours of Tasmanian flowers at the London International Exhibition; in the Academy of Arts show of 1876, a certificate of merit; in the International Exhibition of 1879 (in Sydney), a "Highly Commended"; and at the Melbourne Exhibition of 1880, a first place.

Notes and References

  1. Maroske, S. & Vaughan, A. . 2014 . "Ferdinand Mueller's female plant collectors: a biographical register" . Muelleria . 32 . 136, 171 . 15 April 2020 . 26 March 2019 . . dead .
  2. Web site: Walker, (Annie) Frances (1830 - 1913) . Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria Australian National Herbarium Biographical Notes . 15 April 2020.
  3. Book: Olsen, P.. Collecting Ladies Ferdinand von Mueller and women botanical artists. NLA Publishing. The genial floral artist: Anna Frances Walker (1830-1913). 64–77.
  4. Book: Walker, Miss, A. F.. Flowers of New South Wales. 1887. Sydney : Turner & Henderson. English.
  5. Web site: Caroline Simpson Library & Research Collection Sydney Living Museums - Full Record: Flowers of New South Wales / painted and published by Miss A. F. Walker of Rhodes, Ryde, Parramatta River, N.S.W.. 2020-04-15.
  6. [Mordecai Cubitt Cooke|Cooke]