Club: | Lommel Maasmechelen Judoclub Gellik |
Country: | Belgium |
Weight Class: | –48 kg |
Worlds Rank: | 5 |
Worlds Year: | 2005 |
Worlds Weight: | Women's 48 kg |
Regionals Type: | EU |
Regionals Rank: | 3 |
Regionals Year: | 1999 |
Regionals Weight: | Women's 48 kg |
Regionals Year2: | 2001 |
Regionals Weight2: | Women's 48 kg |
Regionals Year3: | 2003 |
Regionals Weight3: | Women's 48 kg |
Olympics Rank: | 3 |
Olympics Year: | 2000 |
Olympics Weight: | Women's 48 kg |
Updated: | 1 June 2023 |
Ann Simons (born 5 August 1980 in Tongeren[1]) is a judoka from Belgium.
Born in Tongeren, Simons was an 8 time Belgian champion in the category 48 kg. In 2001 and 2003 she also won bronze medals at the European Championships. In 2000, she won the bronze medal in the European Championship for teams. The high point of her career was winning the bronze medal in the 48 kg category at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney.
Simons had to retire from the judo sport in 2006 due to a persistent knee injury.