Anita Heringes Explained

Heringes Anita
Office:Member of Parliament
Party:Hungarian Socialist Party
Alma Mater:University of Szeged
Birth Date:22 August 1984
Birth Place:Szekszárd, Hungary

Anita Heringes (born 22 August 1984) is a Hungarian politician. She served as a Member of Parliament of the Hungarian Socialist Party Member of Parliament for the opening session, and an of the Committee on Sustainable Development from 2014 to 2018.[1] [2]


She completed her public education studies at the Ferenc Móra Primary School in Paks and then at the Vak Bottyán Grammar School in Paks.[3]

In 2004 she was admitted to the University of Szeged Department of Communication of the Faculty where she graduated in 2009. The subject of the dissertation was campaign marketing and campaign communication.[4] [5]

Political career

She began her political career in the Hungarian Socialist Party youth section in 2003. Since 2008 of the Societas - Left Youth Movement Vice President In 2012 the Hungarian Socialist Party in Paks.[6] [7] [8]

In 2014, on 17 September she has been a member of the Subcommittee on Environmental Health, Safety and the Environment of the Committee on Sustainable Development.[9] [10] [11]

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Egy képviselő adatai . 2022-06-22 . Országgyűlés . hu-HU.
  2. Web site: Zakógate: az MSZP lemondatná Szijjártó Pétert . 2022-06-22 . hu.
  3. Web site: Index . 2014-04-08 . Ezek az újoncok érkeznek a parlamentbe . 2022-06-22 . . hu.
  4. Web site: Zavar a XX. század pártjaiban: Szanyi jönne, Hiszékeny gondolkozik, Bangóné szerint ez a Jobbik és a Fidesz harca. 2022-06-22 . . hu.
  5. Web site: Heringes Anita: kormányváltó hangulat van Magyarországon – TelePaks Médiacentrum . 2022-06-22 . hu.
  6. Web site: Heringes Anita: a fiatalok helyben tartásáért fogok dolgozni – TelePaks Médiacentrum . 2022-06-22 . hu.
  7. Web site: Heringes Anita: a polgármesternek a paksiak érdekeit kell képviselni – TelePaks Médiacentrum . 2022-06-22 . hu.
  8. Web site: Stella Maddox . 2022-06-22 . Tulsa World . en.
  9. Web site: 2016-08-09 . Heringes Anitával hasít a szocialista párt! . 2022-06-22 . . hu.
  10. Web site: Heringes Anita . 2022-06-22 . . hu-HU.
  11. Web site: MSZP: Kíváncsiak vagyunk, hogy egy ilyen tízórai elég-e egy képviselőnek, CIVILHETES . 2022-06-22 .