Angelika Krebs Explained

Angelika Krebs (born August 12, 1961, in Mannheim) is a German philosopher.[1]

Education and career

Angelika Krebs studied philosophy, German literature and musicology in Freiburg, Oxford, Konstanz and Berkeley. She did her PhD with Friedrich Kambartel, Bernard Williams and Jürgen Habermas in Frankfurt in 1993.[2] Her dissertation thesis on environmental ethics won the Wolfgang Stegmüller award of the German Society for Analytical Philosophy. From 1993 to 2001 she was an assistant professor in Frankfurt, writing her habilitation thesis on work, justice and love. In 2001, she was appointed to the chair for practical philosophy at the University of Basel.[3] She was Rockefeller visiting fellow at the Center for Human Values in Princeton and Rachel Carson fellow at LMU in Munich. She served as a member of the advisory board of both the German and the Swiss Society for Philosophy. Since 2013 she has been a fellow of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. In 2013 she co-founded the European Society for the Philosophical Study of Emotions together with Aaron Ben-Ze'ev (Haifa) and Anthony Hatzimoysis (Athens).[4]


Her main research areas are environmental ethics, political philosophy, theories of emotion and aesthetics. In environmental ethics, she argues for the intrinsic value of beautiful nature and of nature as "Heimat" [home]. In political philosophy, she propagates a humanistic alternative to standard egalitarian approaches to justice and shows why family work should be fully recognized as economic work. In emotion theory she develops a dialogical model of romantic love following Martin Buber and Max Scheler. In 2017 she edited together with Aaron Ben-Ze'ev from the University of Haifa a four-volume collection on the philosophy of the emotions. Her most recent work is in aesthetics and explores why the beauty of landscape matters.[5]

Selected bibliography

Notes and References

  1. Book: Fröse . M.W. . Kaudela-Baum . S. . Dievernich . F.E.P. . Emotion und Intuition in Führung und Organisation . Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden . uniscope. Publikationen der SGO Stiftung . 2016 . 978-3-658-12350-5 . de . May 18, 2018 . 64.
  2. Book: Mittelstraß, J. . Die Zukunft des Wissens: Vorträge und Kolloquien. XVIII. Deutscher Kongreß für Philosophie, Konstanz, 4.–8. Oktober 1999 . De Gruyter . 2018 . 978-3-05-007861-8 . de . May 18, 2018 . 562.
  3. Web site: Philosophisches Seminar: Krebs . . 2015-09-02 . . 2016-02-24 . dead .
  4. Web site: european philosophical society for the study of emotions . 2015-09-02 . . 2015-10-02 . dead .
  5. Land – Free Full-Text – Why Landscape Beauty Matters . 3 . 4 . 1251–1269 . Angelika Krebs . Land. 10.3390/land3041251 . 2014 . free .
  6. Web site: Naturethik: Grundtexte der gegenwärtigen tier- und ökoethischen Diskussion Hg.: Angelika Krebs – Suhrkamp Insel Bücher Buchdetail .
  7. Book: Ethics of Nature: A Map (Perspectives in Analytical Philosophy, Bd. 22): Angelika Krebs, Bernard Williams: 9783110158304: Books . 978-3110158304. Krebs. Angelika. 1999. Walter de Gruyter .
  8. Web site: Gleichheit oder Gerechtigkeit.: Texte der neuen Egalitarismuskritik Hg.: Angelika Krebs – Suhrkamp Insel Bücher Buchdetail .
  9. Web site: Arbeit und Liebe: Die philosophischen Grundlagen sozialer Gerechtigkeit von Angelika Krebs – Suhrkamp Insel Bücher Buchdetail .
  10. Web site: Zwischen Ich und Du: Eine dialogische Philosophie der Liebe von Angelika Krebs – Suhrkamp Insel Bücher Buchdetail .
  11. Web site: Philosophy of Emotion: 1st Edition (Hardback) - Routledge.
  12. Web site: Philosophia, Volume 45, Issue 4 – Springer .
  13. Book: Das Weltbild der Igel: Naturethik einmal anders . 978-3-7965-4414-9. Krebs. Angelika. 2021. Schwabe Verlag .