Ancient Greek phonology explained

pronounced as /notice/Ancient Greek phonology is the reconstructed phonology or pronunciation of Ancient Greek. This article mostly deals with the pronunciation of the standard Attic dialect of the fifth century BC, used by Plato and other Classical Greek writers, and touches on other dialects spoken at the same time or earlier. The pronunciation of Ancient Greek is not known from direct observation, but determined from other types of evidence. Some details regarding the pronunciation of Attic Greek and other Ancient Greek dialects are unknown, but it is generally agreed that Attic Greek had certain features not present in English or Modern Greek, such as a three-way distinction between voiced, voiceless, and aspirated stops (such as pronounced as //b p pʰ//, as in English "bot, spot, pot"); a distinction between single and double consonants and short and long vowels in most positions in a word; and a word accent that involved pitch.

Koine Greek, the variety of Greek used after the conquests of Alexander the Great in the fourth century BC, is sometimes included in Ancient Greek, but its pronunciation is described in Koine Greek phonology. For disagreements with the reconstruction given here, see below.


Ancient Greek was a pluricentric language, consisting of many dialects. All Greek dialects derive from Proto-Greek and they share certain characteristics, but there were also distinct differences in pronunciation. For instance, the form of Doric in Crete had a digraph (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: θθ), which likely stood for a sound not present in Attic. The early form of Ionic in which the Iliad and Odyssey were composed (Homeric), and the Aeolic dialect of Sappho, likely had the phoneme pronounced as //w// at the beginnings of words, sometimes represented by the letter digamma (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ϝ), but it had been lost in the standard Attic dialect.

The pluricentric nature of Ancient Greek differs from that of Latin, which was composed of basically one variety from the earliest Old Latin texts until Classical Latin. Latin only formed dialects once it was spread over Europe by the Roman Empire; these Vulgar Latin dialects became the Romance languages.

The main dialect groups of Ancient Greek are Arcadocypriot, Aeolic, Doric, Ionic, and Attic. These form two main groups: East Greek, which includes Arcadocypriot, Aeolic, Ionic, and Attic, and West Greek, which consists of Doric along with Northwest Greek and Achaean.

Of the main dialects, all but Arcadocypriot have literature in them. The Ancient Greek literary dialects do not necessarily represent the native speech of the authors that use them. A primarily Ionic-Aeolic dialect, for instance, is used in epic poetry, while pure Aeolic is used in lyric poetry. Both Attic and Ionic are used in prose, and Attic is used in most parts of the Athenian tragedies, with Doric forms in the choral sections.

Early East Greek

Most of the East Greek dialects palatalized or assibilated pronounced as //t// to pronounced as /[s]/ before pronounced as //i//. West Greek, including Doric, did not undergo this sound change in certain cases, and through the influence of Doric neither did the Thessalian and Boeotian dialects of Aeolic.

Attic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: εἰσί, Doric Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἐντί ('they are')

Attic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: εἴκοσι, Doric Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ϝῑκατι ('twenty')

Arcadocypriot was one of the first Greek dialects in Greece. Mycenaean Greek, the form of Greek spoken before the Greek Dark Ages, seems to be an early form of Arcadocypriot. Clay tablets with Mycenaean Greek in Linear B have been found over a wide area, from Thebes in Central Greece, to Mycenae and Pylos on the Peloponnese, to Knossos on Crete. However, during the Ancient Greek period, Arcadocypriot was only spoken in Arcadia, in the interior of the Peloponnese, and on Cyprus. The dialects of these two areas remained remarkably similar despite the great geographical distance.

Aeolic is closely related to Arcadocypriot. It was originally spoken in eastern Greece north of the Peloponnese: in Thessaly, in Locris, Phocis, and southern Aetolia, and in Boeotia, a region close to Athens. Aeolic was carried to Aeolis, on the coast of Asia Minor, and the nearby island of Lesbos. By the time of Ancient Greek, the only Aeolic dialects that remained in Greece were Thessalian and Boeotian. The Aeolic dialects of Greece adopted some characteristics of Doric, since they were located near Doric-speaking areas, while the Aeolian and Lesbian dialects did not.

Boeotian underwent vowel shifts similar to those that occurred later in Koine Greek, converting pronounced as //ai̯// to pronounced as /[ɛː]/, pronounced as //eː// to pronounced as /[iː]/, and pronounced as //oi̯// to pronounced as /[yː]/. These are reflected in spelling (see Boeotian Greek phonology). Aeolic also retained pronounced as //w//.

Homeric or Epic Greek, the literary form of Archaic Greek used in the epic poems, Iliad and the Odyssey, is based on early Ionic and Aeolic, with Arcadocypriot forms. In its original form, it likely had the semivowel pronounced as //w//, as indicated by the meter in some cases. This sound is sometimes written as (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: {{sc|Ϝ) in inscriptions, but not in the Attic-influenced text of Homer.

West Greek

The Doric dialect, the most important member of West Greek, originated from western Greece. Through the Dorian invasion, Doric displaced the native Arcadocypriot and Aeolic dialects in some areas of central Greece, on the Peloponnese, and on Crete, and strongly influenced the Thessalian and Boeotian dialects of Aeolic.

Doric dialects are classified by which vowel they have as the result of compensatory lengthening and contraction: those that have Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: η ω are called Severer or Old, and those that have Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ει ου, as Attic does, are called Milder or New. Laconian and Cretan, spoken in Laconia, the region of Sparta, and on Crete, are two Old Doric dialects.

Attic and Ionic

Attic and Ionic share a vowel shift not present in any other East or West Greek dialects. They both raised Proto-Greek long pronounced as //aː// to pronounced as /[ɛː]/ (see below). Later on, Attic lowered pronounced as /[ɛː]/ found immediately after pronounced as //e i r// back to pronounced as /[aː]/, differentiating itself from Ionic. All other East and West Greek dialects retain original pronounced as //aː//.

Ionic was spoken around the Aegean Sea, including in Ionia, a region of Anatolia south of Aeolis, for which it was named. Ionic contracts vowels less often than Attic (see below).

Attic is usually the dialect taught in modern introductory Ancient Greek courses, and the one that has much of the most important literature written in it. It was spoken in Athens and Attica, the surrounding region. Old Attic, which was used by the historian Thucydides and the tragedians, replaced the native Attic pronounced as //tt rr// with the pronounced as //ss rs// of other dialects. Later writers, such as Plato, use the native Attic forms.

Later Greek

See main article: Koine Greek phonology. Koine, the form of Greek spoken during the Hellenistic period, was primarily based on Attic Greek, with some influences from other dialects. It underwent many sound changes, including development of aspirated and voiced stops into fricatives and the shifting of many vowels and diphthongs to pronounced as /[i]/ (iotacism). In the Byzantine period it developed into Medieval Greek, which later became standard Modern Greek or Demotic.

Tsakonian, a modern form of Greek mutually unintelligible with Standard Modern Greek, derived from the Laconian variety of Doric, and is therefore the only surviving descendant of a non-Attic dialect.


Attic Greek had about 15 consonant phonemes: nine stop consonants, two fricatives, and four or six sonorants. Modern Greek has about the same number of consonants. The main difference between the two is that Modern Greek has voiced and voiceless fricatives that developed from Ancient Greek voiced and aspirated stops.

In the table below, the phonemes of standard Attic are unmarked, allophones are enclosed in parentheses. The sounds marked by asterisks appear in dialects or in earlier forms of Greek, but may not be phonemes in standard Attic.

Consonant phones
Plosiveaspiratedpronounced as /ink/ pronounced as /ink/ pronounced as /ink/
tenuispronounced as /ink/ pronounced as /ink/ pronounced as /ink/
voicedpronounced as /ink/ pronounced as /ink/ pronounced as /ink/
Nasalpronounced as /ink/ pronounced as /ink/ (pronounced as /ink/)
Fricativevoicelesspronounced as /ink/ pronounced as /ink/
voiced(pronounced as /ink/)
Trillvoiceless(pronounced as /ink/)
voicedpronounced as /ink/
Approximantvoicelesspronounced as /ink/pronounced as /ink/
voicedpronounced as /ink/ pronounced as /ink/pronounced as /ink/


Ancient Greek had nine stops. The grammarians classified them in three groups, distinguished by voice-onset time: voiceless aspirated, voiceless unaspirated (tenuis), and voiced. The aspirated stops are written pronounced as //pʰ tʰ kʰ//. The tenuis stops are written pronounced as //p˭ t˭ k˭//, with (IPA|˭) representing lack of aspiration and voicing, or pronounced as //p t k//. The voiced stops are written pronounced as //b d ɡ//. For the Ancient Greek terms for these three groups, see below; see also the section on spirantization.

English distinguishes two types of stops: voiceless and voiced. Voiceless stops have three main pronunciations (allophones): moderately aspirated at the beginning of a word before a vowel, unaspirated after pronounced as //s//, and unaspirated, unreleased, glottalized, or debuccalized at the end of a word. English voiced stops are often only partially voiced. Thus, some pronunciations of the English stops are similar to the pronunciations of Ancient Greek stops.


Attic Greek had only two fricative phonemes: the voiceless alveolar sibilant pronounced as //s// and the glottal fricative pronounced as //h//.

pronounced as //h// is often called the aspirate (see below). Attic generally kept it, but some non-Attic dialects during the Classical period lost it (see below). It mostly occurred at the beginning of words, because it was usually lost between vowels, except in two rare words. Also, when a stem beginning with pronounced as //h// was the second part of a compound word, the pronounced as //h// sometimes remained, probably depending on whether the speaker recognized that the word was a compound. This can be seen in Old Attic inscriptions, where pronounced as //h// was written using the letterform of eta (see below), which was the source of H in the Latin alphabet:

Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: {{sc|ΕΥΗΟΡΚΟΝ pronounced as //eú.hor.kon//, standard Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: εὔορκον pronounced as //eú.or.kon// ('faithful to an oath')

Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: {{sc|ΠΑΡΗΕΔΡΟΙ pronounced as //pár.he.droi//, standard Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: πάρεδροι pronounced as //pá.re.droi// ('sitting beside, assessor')

Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: {{sc|ΠΡΟΣΗΕΚΕΤΟ pronounced as //pros.hɛː.ké.tɔː//, standard Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: προσηκέτω pronounced as //pro.sɛː.ké.tɔː// ('let him be present')

pronounced as //s// was a voiceless coronal sibilant. It was transcribed using the symbol for pronounced as //s// in Coptic and an Indo-Aryan language, as in for Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Διονυσίου ('of Dionysius') on an Indian coin. This indicates that the Greek sound was a hissing sound rather than a hushing sound: like English s in see rather than sh in she. It was pronounced as a voiced pronounced as /[z]/ before voiced consonants.

According to W.S. Allen, zeta (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ζ) in Attic Greek likely represented the consonant cluster pronounced as //sd//, phonetically pronounced as /[zd]/. For metrical purposes it was treated as a double consonant, thus forming a heavy syllable. In Archaic Greek, when the letter was adopted from Phoenician zayin, the sound was probably an affricate pronounced as /link/. In Koine Greek, (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ζ) represented pronounced as //z//. It is more likely that this developed from pronounced as /[dz]/ rather than from Attic pronounced as //sd//.

pronounced as //p k// in the clusters pronounced as //ps ks// were somewhat aspirated, as pronounced as /[pʰs]/ and pronounced as /[kʰs]/, but in this case the aspiration of the first element was not phonologically contrastive: no words distinguish pronounced as //ps *pʰs *bs//, for example (see below for explanation).


Ancient Greek has two nasals: the bilabial nasal pronounced as //m//, written Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: [[Mu (letter)|μ]] and the alveolar nasal pronounced as //n//, written Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: [[Nu (letter)|ν]]. Depending on the phonetic environment, the phoneme pronounced as //n// was pronounced as pronounced as /[m n ŋ]/; see below. On occasion, the pronounced as //n// phoneme participates in true gemination without any assimilation in place of articulation, as for example in the word Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἐννέα. Artificial gemination for metrical purposes is also found occasionally, as in the form Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἔννεπε, occurring in the first verse of Homer's Odyssey.


Ancient Greek has the liquids pronounced as //l// and pronounced as //r//, written Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: λ and Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ρ respectively.

The letter lambda Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: λ probably represented a lateral ("clear") pronounced as /link/ as in Modern Greek and most European languages, rather than a velarized ("dark") pronounced as /link/ as in English in coda position and Balto-Slavic languages.

The letter rho Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ρ was pronounced as an alveolar trill pronounced as /[r]/, as in Italian or Modern Greek rather than as in standard varieties of English or French. At the beginning of a word, it was pronounced as a voiceless alveolar trill pronounced as /[r̥]/. In some cases, initial (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ρ) in poetry was pronounced as a geminate (phonemically pronounced as //rr//, phonetically pronounced as /[r̥ː]/), shown by the fact that the previous syllable is counted as heavy: for instance Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: τίνι ῥυθμῷ must be pronounced as Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: τίνι ρρυθμῷ in Euripides, Electra 772, Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: τὰ ῥήματα as Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: τὰ ρρήματα in Aristophanes’ play The Frogs 1059, and Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: βέλεα ῥέον as Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: βέλεα ρρέον in Iliad 12.159.


The semivowels pronounced as //j w// were not present in classical Attic Greek at the beginnings of words. However, diphthongs ending in pronounced as //i u// were usually pronounced with a double semivowel pronounced as /[jj ww]/ or pronounced as /[jː wː]/ before a vowel. Allen suggests that these were simply semivocalic allophones of the vowels, although in some cases they developed from earlier semivowels.

The labio-velar approximant pronounced as //w// at the beginning of a syllable survived in some non-Attic dialects, such as Arcadian and Aeolic; a voiceless labio-velar approximant pronounced as //ʍ// probably also occurred in Pamphylian and Boeotian. pronounced as //w// is sometimes written with the letter digamma (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: {{sc|Ϝ), and later with (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: {{sc|Β) and (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: {{sc|ΟΥ), and pronounced as //ʍ// was written with digamma and heta (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: {{sc|ϜΗ):

Evidence from the poetic meter of Homer suggests that pronounced as //w ʍ// also occurred in the Archaic Greek of the Iliad and Odyssey, although they would not have been pronounced by Attic speakers and are not written in the Attic-influenced form of the text. The presence of these consonants would explain some cases of absence of elision, some cases in which the meter demands a heavy syllable but the text has a light syllable (positional quantity), and some cases in which a long vowel before a short vowel is not shortened (absence of epic correption).

In the table below the scansion of the examples is shown with the breve (˘) for light syllables, the macron (¯) for heavy ones, and the pipe for the divisions between metrical feet. The sound pronounced as //w// is written using digamma, and pronounced as //ʍ// with digamma and rough breathing, although the letter never appears in the actual text.

Examples of pronounced as //w// in Homer! location! Iliad 1.30 !! Iliad 1.108 !! Iliad 7.281 !! Iliad 5.343
scansion˘˘|¯¯ || ¯|¯˘˘ ¯|¯˘˘|¯¯ ˘|¯˘˘|-! standard text| Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἐνὶ οἴκῳ || Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: εἶπας ἔπος || Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: καὶ ἴδμεν ἅπαντες || Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἀπὸ ἕο|-! Attic pronunciation| pronounced as //e.ní.oí.kɔː// || pronounced as //éé.po.s// || pronounced as //kaí.íá.pan.tes// || pronounced as //a.pó.hé.o//|-! original form| Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἐνὶ ϝοίκῳ || Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: εἶπας ϝέπος || Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: καὶ ϝίδμεν ἅπαντες || Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἀπὸ ῾ϝϝέο|-! Archaic pronunciation| pronounced as //e.ní.woí.kɔːi̯// || pronounced as //ée.pas.wé.po.s// || pronounced as //kaí.wíá.pan.tes// || pronounced as //a.póʍ.ʍé.o//|}

Doubled consonants

Single and double (geminated) consonants were distinguished from each other in Ancient Greek: for instance, pronounced as //p kʰ s r// contrasted with pronounced as //pː kʰː sː rː// (also written pronounced as //pp kkʰ ss rr//). In Ancient Greek poetry, a vowel followed by a double consonant counts as a heavy syllable in meter. Doubled consonants usually only occur between vowels, not at the beginning or the end of a word, except in the case of pronounced as //r//, for which see above.

Gemination was lost in Standard Modern Greek, so that all consonants that used to be geminated are pronounced as singletons. Cypriot Greek, the Modern Greek dialect of Cyprus, however, preserves geminate consonants.

A doubled (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ττ) pronounced as //tː// in Attic corresponds to a (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: σσ) pronounced as //sː// in Ionic and other dialects. This sound arose from historic palatalization (see below).


Archaic and Classical Greek vowels and diphthongs varied by dialect. The tables below show the vowels of Classical Attic in the IPA, paired with the vowel letters that represent them in the standard Ionic alphabet. The earlier Old Attic alphabet had certain differences. Attic Greek of the 5th century BC likely had 5 short and 7 long vowels: pronounced as //a e i y o// and pronounced as //aː ɛː eː iː yː uː ɔː//. Vowel length was phonemic: some words are distinguished from each other by vowel length. In addition, Classical Attic had many diphthongs, all ending in pronounced as //i// or pronounced as //u//; these are discussed below.

In standard Ancient Greek spelling, the long vowels pronounced as //eː ɛː uː ɔː// (spelled Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ει η ου ω) are distinguished from the short vowels pronounced as //e o// (spelled Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ε ο), but the long - short pairs pronounced as //a aː//, pronounced as //i iː//, and pronounced as //y yː// are each written with a single letter, Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: α, ι, υ. This is the reason for the terms for vowel letters described below. In grammars, textbooks, or dictionaries, Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: α, ι, υ are sometimes marked with macrons (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ᾱ, ῑ, ῡ) to indicate that they are long, or breves (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ᾰ, ῐ, ῠ) to indicate that they are short.

For the purposes of accent, vowel length is measured in morae: long vowels and most diphthongs count as two morae; short vowels, and the diphthongs pronounced as //ai oi// in certain endings, count as one mora. A one-mora vowel could be accented with high pitch, but two-mora vowels could be accented with falling or rising pitch.


! colspan="2"
Closepronounced as /link/ Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: pronounced as /link/ Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: pronounced as /link/ Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: υ[1]
Midpronounced as /link/ Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ε pronounced as /link/ Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ο
Openpronounced as /link/ Greek, Ancient (to 1453);:
! colspan="2"
Closepronounced as /link/ Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: pronounced as /link/ Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ῡ/υιpronounced as /link/ Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ου
Close-midpronounced as /link/ Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ει pronounced as /link/ Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ω
Open-midpronounced as /link/ Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: η
Openpronounced as /link/ Greek, Ancient (to 1453);:

Close and open vowels

The close and open short vowels pronounced as //i y a// were similar in quality to the corresponding long vowels pronounced as //iː yː aː//.

Proto-Greek close back rounded pronounced as //u uː// shifted to front pronounced as //y yː// early in Attic and Ionic, around the 6th or 7th century BC (see below). pronounced as //u// remained only in diphthongs; it did not shift in Boeotian, so when Boeotians adopted the Attic alphabet, they wrote their unshifted pronounced as //u uː// using (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: {{sc|ΟΥ).

Mid vowels

The situation with the mid vowels was more complex. In the early Classical period, there were two short mid vowels pronounced as //e o//, but four long mid vowels: close-mid pronounced as //eː oː// and open-mid pronounced as //ɛː ɔː//. Since the short mid vowels changed to long close-mid pronounced as //eː oː// rather than long open-mid pronounced as //ɛː ɔː// by compensatory lengthening in Attic, E.H. Sturtevant suggests that the short mid vowels were close-mid, but Allen says this is not necessarily true.

By the mid-4th century BC, the close-mid back pronounced as //oː// shifted to pronounced as //uː//, partly because pronounced as //u uː// had shifted to pronounced as //y yː//. Similarly, the close-mid front pronounced as //eː// changed to pronounced as //iː//. These changes triggered a shift of the open-mid vowels pronounced as //ɛː ɔː// to become mid or close-mid pronounced as //eː oː//, and this is the pronunciation they had in early Koine Greek.

In Latin, on the other hand, all short vowels except for pronounced as //a// were much more open than the corresponding long vowels. This made long pronounced as //eː oː// similar in quality to short pronounced as //i u//, and for this reason the letters and were frequently confused with each other in Roman inscriptions. This also explains the vocalism of New Testament Greek words such as λεγεών ('legion'; < Lat. legio) or λέντιον ('towel'; < Lat. linteum), where Latin (i) was perceived to be similar to Greek (ε).

In Attic, the open-mid pronounced as //ɛː ɔː// and close-mid pronounced as //eː oː// each have three main origins. Some cases of the open-mid vowels pronounced as //ɛː ɔː// developed from Proto-Greek . In other cases they developed from contraction. Finally, some cases of pronounced as //ɛː//, only in Attic and Ionic, developed from earlier pronounced as //aː// by the Attic–Ionic vowel shift.

In a few cases, the long close-mid vowels pronounced as //eː oː// developed from monophthongization of the pre-Classical falling diphthongs pronounced as //ei ou//. In most cases, they arose through compensatory lengthening of the short vowels pronounced as //e o// or through contraction.

In both Aeolic and Doric, Proto-Greek pronounced as //aː// did not shift to pronounced as //ɛː//. In some dialects of Doric, such as Laconian and Cretan, contraction and compensatory lengthening resulted in open-mid vowels pronounced as //ɛː ɔː//, and in others they resulted in the close-mid pronounced as //eː oː//. Sometimes the Doric dialects using the open-mid vowels are called Severer, and the ones using the close-mid vowels are called Milder.


Attic had many diphthongs, all falling diphthongs with pronounced as //i u// as the second semivocalic element, and either with a short or long first element. Diphthongs with a short first element are sometimes called "proper diphthongs", while diphthongs with a long first element are sometimes called "improper diphthongs."[2] Whether they have a long or a short first element, all diphthongs count as two morae when applying the accent rules, like long vowels, except for pronounced as //ai oi// in certain cases. Overall Attic and Koine show a pattern of monophthongization: they tend to change diphthongs to single vowels.

The most common diphthongs were pronounced as //ai au eu oi// and pronounced as //ɛːi̯ aːi̯ ɔːi̯//. The long diphthongs pronounced as //ɛːu̯ aːu̯ ɔːu̯// occurred rarely. The diphthongs pronounced as //ei ou yi// changed to pronounced as //eː uː yː// in the early Classical period in most cases, but pronounced as //ei yi// remained before vowels.

In the tables below, the diphthongs that were monophthongized in most cases are preceded by an asterisk, and the rarer diphthongs are in parentheses.

with short first element! Type! Front! Back
  • pronounced as //yi̯// Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: υι
  • pronounced as //ei̯// Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ει
    pronounced as //eu̯// Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ευ
pronounced as //oi̯// Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: οι
*pronounced as //ou̯// Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ου
Openpronounced as //ai̯// Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: αι
pronounced as //au̯// Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ᾰυ
with long first element
pronounced as //ɛːi̯// Greek, Ancient (to 1453);:
(pronounced as //ɛːu̯// Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ηυ)
pronounced as //ɔːi̯// Greek, Ancient (to 1453);:
(pronounced as //ɔːu̯// Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ωυ)
Openpronounced as //aːi̯// Greek, Ancient (to 1453);:
(pronounced as //aːu̯// Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ᾱυ)

The second element of a diphthong pronounced as //i u// was often pronounced as a doubled semivowel pronounced as /[jj ww]/ or pronounced as /[jː wː]/ before vowels, and in other cases it was often lost:

  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Ἀθηναῖοι pronounced as //a.tʰɛɛ.nái.oi// ('Athenians'): pronounced as /[a.tʰɛː.naĵ.joi]/
  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ποιῶ pronounced as //poi.ɔ́ɔ// ('I do'): either pronounced as /[poj.jɔ̂ː]/ or pronounced as /[po.jɔ̂ː]/
  • Doric Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: [[stoa|στοιᾱ́]] pronounced as //stoi.aá//: pronounced as /[sto.jǎː]/

Attic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: στοᾱ́ pronounced as //sto.aá//: pronounced as /[sto.ǎː]/

  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: κελεύω pronounced as //ke.leú.ɔː// ('I command'): pronounced as /[ke.lew̌.wɔː]/
  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: σημεῖον pronounced as //sɛɛ.méi.on// ('sign'): pronounced as /[sɛː.meĵ.jon]/

The diphthong pronounced as //oi// merged with the long close front rounded vowel pronounced as //yː// in Koine. It likely first became pronounced as /[øi]/. Change to pronounced as /[øi]/ would be assimilation: the back vowel pronounced as /[o]/ becoming front pronounced as /[ø]/ because of the following front vowel pronounced as /[i]/. This may have been the pronunciation in Classical Attic. Later it must have become pronounced as /[øː]/, parallel to the monophthongization of pronounced as //ei ou//, and then pronounced as /[yː]/, but when words with (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: οι) were borrowed into Latin, the Greek digraph was represented with the Latin digraph, representing the diphthong pronounced as //oe//.

Thucydides reports the confusion of two words (2:54), which makes more sense if pronounced as //oi// was pronounced pronounced as /[øi]/:

  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: λοιμός pronounced as //loi.mós// ('plague'): possibly pronounced as /[løi.mós]/

Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: λῑμός pronounced as //lii.mós// ('famine'): pronounced as /[liː.mós]/

In the diphthongs pronounced as //au̯ eu̯ ɛːu̯//, the offglide pronounced as //u// became a consonant in Koine Greek, and they became Modern Greek pronounced as //av ev iv//. The long diphthongs pronounced as //aːi̯ ɛːi̯ ɔːi̯// lost their offglide and merged with the long vowels pronounced as //aː ɛː ɔː// by the time of Koine Greek.


Many different forms of the Greek alphabet were used for the regional dialects of the Greek language during the Archaic and early Classical periods. The Attic dialect, however, used two forms. The first was the Old Attic alphabet, and the second is the Ionic alphabet, introduced to Athens around the end of the 5th century BC during the archonship of Eucleides. The last is the standard alphabet in modern editions of Ancient Greek texts, and the one used for Classical Attic, standard Koine, and Medieval Greek, finally developing into the alphabet used for Modern Greek.

Consonant spelling

Most double consonants are written using double letters: (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ππ σσ ρρ) represent pronounced as //pː sː rː// or pronounced as //pp ss rr//. The geminate versions of the aspirated stops pronounced as //pʰː tʰː kʰː// are written with the digraphs (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: πφ τθ κχ), and geminate pronounced as //ɡː// is written as (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: κγ), since (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: γγ) represents pronounced as /[ŋɡ]/ in the standard orthography of Ancient Greek.

  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἔκγονος (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἐκ-γονος) pronounced as //éɡ.ɡo.nos// ('offspring'), occasionally Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: {{sm|εγγονοσ in inscriptions

Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἐγγενής pronounced as //eŋ.ɡe.nɛɛ́s// ('inborn') (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: εν-γενής)

pronounced as //s// was written with sigma (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Σ σ ς). The clusters pronounced as //ps ks// were written as (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: {{sc|ΦΣ ΧΣ) in the Old Attic alphabet, but as (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: {{sc|Ψ Ξ) in the standard Ionic alphabet.

Voiceless pronounced as //r// is usually written with the spiritus asper as Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ῥ- and transcribed as rh in Latin. The same orthography is sometimes encountered when pronounced as //r// is geminated, as in (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: συρρέω), sometimes written (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: συῤῥέω), giving rise to the transliteration rrh.

Vowel spelling

The close front rounded vowels pronounced as //y// and pronounced as //yː// (an evolution of pronounced as //u// and pronounced as //uː// respectively) are both represented in writing by the letter upsilon (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: υ) irrespective of length.

In Classical Attic, the spellings Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ει and Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ου represented respectively the vowels pronounced as //eː// and pronounced as //uː// (the latter being an evolution of pronounced as //oː//), from original diphthongs, compensatory lengthening, or contraction.

The above information about the usage of the vowel letters applies to the classical orthography of Attic, after Athens took over the orthographic conventions of the Ionic alphabet in 403 BC. In the earlier, traditional Attic orthography there was only a smaller repertoire of vowel symbols: Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: α, Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ε, Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ι, Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ο, and Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: υ. The letters Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: η and Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ω were still missing. All five vowel symbols could at that stage denote either a long or a short vowel. Moreover, the letters Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ε and Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ο could respectively denote the long open-mid pronounced as //ɛː, ɔː//, the long close-mid pronounced as //eː, oː// and the short mid phonemes pronounced as //e, o//. The Ionic alphabet brought the new letters Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: η and Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ω for the one set of long vowels, and the convention of using the digraph spellings Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ει and Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ου for the other, leaving simple Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ε and Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ο to be used only for the short vowels. However, the remaining vowel letters Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: α, Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ι and Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: υ continued to be ambiguous between long and short phonemes.

Spelling of /h/

In the Old Attic alphabet, pronounced as //h// was written with the letterform of eta (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: {{sc|Η). In the Ionic dialect of Asia Minor, pronounced as //h// was lost early on, and the letter (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: {{sc|Η) in the Ionic alphabet represented pronounced as //ɛː//. In 403 BC, when the Ionic alphabet was adopted in Athens, the sound pronounced as //h// ceased to be represented in writing.

In some inscriptions pronounced as //h// was represented by a symbol formed from the left-hand half of the original letter: (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: {{sc|Ͱ) . Later grammarians, during the time of the Hellenistic Koine, developed that symbol further into a diacritic, the rough breathing (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: δασὺ πνεῦμα; Latin: spiritus asper; Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: δασεῖα for short), which was written on the top of the initial vowel. Correspondingly, they introduced the mirror image diacritic called smooth breathing (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ψιλὸν πνεῦμα; Latin: spiritus lenis; Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ψιλή for short), which indicated the absence of pronounced as //h//. These marks were not used consistently until the time of the Byzantine Empire.


Ancient Greek words were divided into syllables. A word has one syllable for every short vowel, long vowel, or diphthong. In addition, syllables began with a consonant if possible, and sometimes ended with a consonant. Consonants at the beginning of the syllable are the syllable onset, the vowel in the middle is a nucleus, and the consonant at the end is a coda.

In dividing words into syllables, each vowel or diphthong belongs to one syllable. A consonant between vowels goes with the following vowel. In the following transcriptions, a period (IPA|.) separates syllables.

  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: λέγω ('I say'): pronounced as //lé.ɡɔɔ// (two syllables)
  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: τοιαῦται ('this kind') : pronounced as //toi.âu.tai// (three syllables)
  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: βουλεύσειε ('if only he would want'): pronounced as //buː.leú.sei.e// (four syllables)
  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἠελίοιο ('sun's') (Homeric Greek): pronounced as //ɛɛ.e.lí.oi.o// (five syllables)

Any remaining consonants are added at the end of a syllable. And when a double consonant occurs between vowels, it is divided between syllables. One half of the double consonant goes to the previous syllable, forming a coda, and one goes to the next, forming an onset. Clusters of two or three consonants are also usually divided between syllables, with at least one consonant joining the previous vowel and forming the syllable coda of its syllable, but see below.

  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἄλλος ('another'): pronounced as //ál.los//
  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἔστιν ('there is'): pronounced as //és.tin//
  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: δόξα ('opinion'): pronounced as //dó
  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἐχθρός ('enemy'): pronounced as //ekʰ.tʰrós//

Syllable weight

Syllables in Ancient Greek were either light or heavy. This distinction is important in Ancient Greek poetry, which was made up of patterns of heavy and light syllables. Syllable weight is based on both consonants and vowels. Ancient Greek accent, by contrast, is only based on vowels.

A syllable ending in a short vowel, or the diphthongs Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: αι and Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: οι in certain noun and verb endings, was light. All other syllables were heavy: that is, syllables ending in a long vowel or diphthong, a short vowel and consonant, or a long vowel or diphthong and consonant.

  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: λέγω pronounced as //lé.ɡɔɔ//: light – heavy;
  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: τοιαῦται pronounced as //toi.âu.tai//: heavy – heavy – light;
  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: βουλεύσειε pronounced as //buː.leú.sei.e//: heavy – heavy – heavy – light;
  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἠελίοιο pronounced as //ɛɛ.e.lí.oi.o//: heavy – light – light – heavy – light.

Greek grammarians called heavy syllables Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: μακραί ('long', singular Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: μακρά), and placed them in two categories. They called a syllable with a long vowel or diphthong Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: φύσει μακρά ('long by nature'), and a syllable ending in a consonant Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: θέσει μακρά ('long by position'). These terms were translated into Latin as Latin: naturā longa and Latin: positiōne longa. However, Indian grammarians distinguished vowel length and syllable weight by using the terms heavy and light for syllable quantity and the terms long and short only for vowel length. This article adopts their terminology, since not all metrically heavy syllables have long vowels; e.g.:

  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: pronounced as //hɛɛ́// is a heavy syllable having a long vowel, "long by nature";
  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: οἷ pronounced as //hói// is a heavy syllable having a diphthong, "long by nature";
  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ὅς pronounced as //hós// is a heavy syllable ending in a consonant, "long by position".

Poetic meter shows which syllables in a word counted as heavy, and knowing syllable weight allows us to determine how consonant clusters were divided between syllables. Syllables before double consonants, and most syllables before consonant clusters, count as heavy. Here the letters (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ζ, ξ and ψ) count as consonant clusters. This indicates that double consonants and most consonant clusters were divided between syllables, with at least the first consonant belonging to the preceding syllable.

  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἄλλος pronounced as //ál.los// ('different'): heavy – heavy
  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ὥστε pronounced as //hɔɔ́s.te// ('so that'): heavy – light
  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἄξιος pronounced as //á ('worthy'): heavy – light – heavy
  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: προσβλέψαιμι pronounced as //pros.blép.sai.mi// ('may I see!'): heavy – heavy – heavy – light
  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: χαριζομένη pronounced as //kʰé.nɛɛ// ('rejoicing'): light – heavy – light – light – heavy

In Attic poetry, syllables before a cluster of a stop and a liquid or nasal are commonly light rather than heavy. This was called Latin: correptio Attica ('Attic shortening'), since here an ordinarily "long" syllable became "short".

  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: πατρός ('of a father'): Homeric pronounced as //pat.rós// (heavy-heavy), Attic pronounced as //pa.trós// (light-heavy)


In Attic Greek, any single consonant and many consonant clusters can occur as a syllable onset (the beginning of a syllable). Certain consonant clusters occur as onsets, while others do not occur.

Six stop clusters occur. All of them agree in voice-onset time, and begin with a labial or velar and end with a dental. Thus, the clusters pronounced as //pʰtʰ kʰtʰ pt kt bd ɡd// are allowed. Certain stop clusters do not occur as onsets: clusters beginning with a dental and ending with a labial or velar, and clusters of stops that disagree in voice onset time.

Initial stop clusters in Ancient Greek
Aspirated Voiceless
LabialGreek, Ancient (to 1453);: φθόγγος
Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: πτερόν
VelarGreek, Ancient (to 1453);: χθών
Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: κτῆμα


In Ancient Greek, any vowel may end a word, but the only consonants that may normally end a word are pronounced as //n r s//. If a stop ended a word in Proto-Indo-European, this was dropped in Ancient Greek, as in Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ποίημα (from Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ποίηματ; compare the genitive singular ποιήματος). Other consonants may end a word, however, when a final vowel is elided before a word beginning in a vowel, as in Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἐφ᾿ ἵππῳ (from Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἐπὶ ἵππῳ).


See main article: Ancient Greek accent. Ancient Greek had a pitch accent, unlike the stress accent of Modern Greek and English. One mora of a word was accented with high pitch. A mora is a unit of vowel length; in Ancient Greek, short vowels have one mora and long vowels and diphthongs have two morae. Thus, a one-mora vowel could have accent on its one mora, and a two-mora vowel could have accent on either of its two morae. The position of accent was free, with certain limitations. In a given word, it could appear in several different positions, depending on the lengths of the vowels in the word.

In the examples below, long vowels and diphthongs are represented with two vowel symbols, one for each mora. This does not mean that the long vowel has two separate vowels in different syllables. Syllables are separated by periods (.); any sound between two periods is pronounced in one syllable.

  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: η (long vowel with two morae): phonemic transcription pronounced as //ɛɛ//, phonetic transcription pronounced as /[ɛː]/ (one syllable)
  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: εε (two short vowels with one mora each): phonemic transcription pronounced as //e.e//, phonetic transcription pronounced as /[e̞.e̞]/ (two syllables)

The accented mora is marked with acute accent (´). A vowel with rising pitch contour is marked with a caron (ˇ), and a vowel with a falling pitch contour is marked with a circumflex (ˆ).

The position of the accent in Ancient Greek was phonemic and distinctive: certain words are distinguished by which mora in them is accented. The position of the accent was also distinctive on long vowels and diphthongs: either the first or the second mora could be accented. Phonetically, a two-mora vowel had a rising or falling pitch contour, depending on which of its two morae was accented:

Examples of pitch accent
GreekGreek, Ancient (to 1453);: τόμος Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: τομός Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: εἶμι Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: εἴτε Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: εἰμί Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἦτε Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἤτε Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: οἶκοι Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: οἴκοι
Translation'a slice' 'sharp' 'I go' 'either' 'I am' 'you were' 'or' 'houses' 'at home'
Phoneticpronounced as /[êː.mi]/ pronounced as /[ěː.te]/ pronounced as /[ɛ̂ː.te]/ pronounced as /[ɛ̌ː.te]/ pronounced as /[oî.koi]/ pronounced as /[oǐ.koi]/

Accent marks were never used until around 200 BC. They were first used in Alexandria, and Aristophanes of Byzantium is said to have invented them. There are three: the acute, circumflex, and grave (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ´ ῀ `). The shape of the circumflex is a merging of the acute and grave.

The acute represented high or rising pitch, the circumflex represented falling pitch, but what the grave represented is uncertain. Early on, the grave was used on every syllable without an acute or circumflex. Here the grave marked all unaccented syllables, which had lower pitch than the accented syllable.

  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Θὲόδὼρὸς pronounced as //tʰe.ó.dɔː.ros//

Later on, a grave was only used to replace a final acute before another full word; the acute was kept before an enclitic or at the end of a phrase. This usage was standardized in the Byzantine era, and is used in modern editions of Ancient Greek texts. Here it might mark a lowered version of a high-pitched syllable.

  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἔστι τι καλόν. pronounced as //és.ti.ti.ka.lón// ('there is something beautiful') (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: καλόν is at the end of the sentence)

Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: καλόν ἐστι. pronounced as //ka.ló.nes.ti// ('it is beautiful') (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἐστι here is an enclitic)

Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: καλὸν καὶ ἀγαθόν pronounced as //ka.lón.kai.a.ɡa.tʰón// ('good and beautiful')

Sound changes

Greek underwent many sound changes. Some occurred between Proto-Indo-European (PIE) and Proto-Greek (PGr), some between the Mycenaean Greek and Ancient Greek periods, which are separated by about 300 years (the Greek Dark Ages), and some during the Koine Greek period. Some sound changes occurred only in particular Ancient Greek dialects, not in others, and certain dialects, such as Boeotian and Laconian, underwent sound changes similar to the ones that occurred later in Koine. This section primarily describes sound changes that occurred between the Mycenaean and Ancient Greek periods and during the Ancient Greek period.

For sound changes occurring in Proto-Greek and in Koine Greek, see and Koine Greek phonology.


In Proto-Greek, the PIE sibilant became pronounced as //h// by debuccalization in many cases.

  • PIE > Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ὁ, ἡ pronounced as //ho hɛː// ('the') — compare Sanskrit

PIE > pronounced as //hep.tá// ('seven') — compare Latin Latin: septem, Sanskrit sapta

Clusters of and a sonorant (liquid or nasal) at the beginning of a word became a voiceless resonant in some forms of Archaic Greek. Voiceless pronounced as /[r̥]/ remained in Attic at the beginning of words, and became the regular allophone of pronounced as //r// in this position; voiceless pronounced as //ʍ// merged with pronounced as //h//; and the rest of the voiceless resonants merged with the voiced resonants.

  • PIE > Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ῥέϝω > Attic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ῥέω pronounced as //r̥é.ɔː// ('flow') — compare Sanskrit

PIE > Corfu Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: {{sc|ΡΗΟϜΑΙΣΙ pronounced as //r̥owaisi//, Attic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ῥοή pronounced as /[r̥o.ɛ̌ː]/ ('stream')

  • PIE > Pamphylian Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: {{sc|ϜΗΕ pronounced as //ʍe//, Attic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: pronounced as //hé//
  • PIE > Corfu Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: {{sc|ΛΗΑΒΩΝ pronounced as //l̥aboːn//, Attic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: λαβών pronounced as //la.bɔ̌ːn// ('taking')

PIE remained in clusters with stops and at the end of a word:

  • PIE > Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἐστί pronounced as //es.tí// ('is') — compare Sanskrit , Latin Latin: est

PIE > Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἕξω pronounced as //hék.sɔː// ('I will have')

PIE > Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: γένος pronounced as //ɡénos// ('kind') — compare Sanskrit , Latin Latin: genus

The PIE semivowel, IPA pronounced as //j//, was sometimes debuccalized and sometimes strengthened initially. How this development was conditioned is unclear; the involvement of the laryngeals has been suggested. In certain other positions, it was kept, and frequently underwent other sound changes:

  • PIE >, pronounced as /[hós hɛ̌ː]/ ('who') () — compare Sanskrit
  • PIE > early pronounced as //dzu.ɡón// > Attic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ζυγόν pronounced as //sdy.ɡón// ('yoke') — compare Sanskrit , Latin Latin: jugum
  • > Proto-Greek > Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: μοῖρα pronounced as //mói.ra// ('part') (compare Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: μόρος)

Between vowels, became pronounced as //h//. Intervocalic pronounced as //h// probably occurred in Mycenaean. In most cases it was lost by the time of Ancient Greek. In a few cases, it was transposed to the beginning of the word. Later, initial pronounced as //h// was lost by psilosis.

  • PIE
    • ǵénh₁es-os
    > PGr > Ionic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: γένεος pronounced as //ɡé.ne.os// > Attic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: γένους ('of a race') pronounced as //ɡé.nuːs// (contraction; of)
  • Mycenaean pa-we-a₂, possibly pronounced as //pʰar.we.ha//, later Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: φάρεα pronounced as //pʰǎː.re.a// ('pieces of cloth')
  • PIE > Proto-Greek > Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: εὕω pronounced as //heǔ.ɔː// ('singe')

By morphological leveling, intervocalic pronounced as //s// was kept in certain noun and verb forms: for instance, the pronounced as //s// marking the stems for the future and aorist tenses.

  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: λύω, λύσω, ἔλυσα pronounced as //lyý.ɔː lyý.sɔː é ('I release, I will release, I released')

Grassmann's law

Through Grassmann's law, an aspirated consonant loses its aspiration when followed by another aspirated consonant in the next syllable; this law also affects pronounced as //h// resulting from debuccalization of ; for example:

  • PIE > Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἔθην pronounced as //éɛːn// ('I placed')

> Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: τίθημι pronounced as //tí.tʰɛː.mi// ('I place')

> Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: τέθηκα pronounced as //té.tʰɛː.ka// ('I have placed')

  • > pronounced as //ríks// ('hair')

> Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: τρίχες pronounced as //trí.kʰes// ('hairs')

  • PIE > Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἕξω pronounced as //hé.ksɔː// ('I will have')

> pronounced as //é.kʰɔː// ('I have')


In some cases, the sound (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ττ) pronounced as //tː// in Attic corresponds to the sound (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: σσ) pronounced as //sː// in other dialects. These sounds developed from palatalization of Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: κ, χ, and sometimes Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: τ, Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: θ, and Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: γ before the pre-Greek semivowel pronounced as //j//. This sound was likely pronounced as an affricate pronounced as /link/ or pronounced as /link/ earlier in the history of Greek, but inscriptions do not show the spelling (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: τσ), which suggests that an affricate pronunciation did not occur in the Classical period.

  • * > > Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἥσσων, Attic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἥττων ('weaker') — compare Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἦκα ('softly')
  • PIE > > > Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: τάσσω, Attic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: τάττω ('I arrange') — compare Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ταγή ('battle line') and Latin Latin: tangō
  • PIE > > > Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: γλῶσσα, Attic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: γλῶττα ('tongue') — compare Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: γλωχίν ('point')

Loss of labiovelars

Mycenaean Greek had three labialized velar stops pronounced as //kʷʰ kʷ ɡʷ//, aspirated, tenuis, and voiced. These derived from PIE labiovelars and from sequences of a velar and pronounced as //w//, and were similar to the three regular velars of Ancient Greek pronounced as //kʰ k ɡ//, except with added lip-rounding. They were written all using the same symbols in Linear B, and are transcribed as q.

In Ancient Greek, all labialized velars merged with other stops: labials pronounced as //pʰ p b//, dentals pronounced as //tʰ t d//, and velars pronounced as //kʰ k ɡ//. Which one they became depended on dialect and phonological environment. Because of this, certain words that originally had labialized velars have different stops depending on dialect, and certain words from the same root have different stops even in the same Ancient Greek dialect.

  • PIE, PGr > Attic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: τίς, τί, Thessalian Doric Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: κίς, κί ('who?, what?') — compare Latin Latin: quis, quid

PIE, PGr > Attic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ποῖος, Ionic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: κοῖος ('what kind?')

  • PIE > PGr > Attic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: θείνω ('I strike')

> PGr > Attic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: φόνος ('slaughtering')

  • PIE ('notice') > Mycenaean qe-te-o ('paid'), Ancient Greek Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: τίνω ('pay')

Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: τιμή ('honor')

Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ποινή ('penalty') > Latin poena)

Near pronounced as //u uː// or pronounced as //w//, the labialized velars had already lost their labialization in the Mycenaean period.

  • PG > Mycenaean qo-u-ko-ro, Ancient Greek Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: βουκόλος ('cowherd')

Mycenaean a-pi-qo-ro, Ancient Greek Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἀμφίπολος ('attendant')


Through psilosis ('stripping'), from the term for lack of pronounced as //h// (see below), the pronounced as //h// was lost even at the beginnings of words. This sound change did not occur in Attic until the Koine period, but occurred in East Ionic and Lesbian Aeolic, and therefore can be seen in certain Homeric forms. These dialects are called psilotic.

  • Homeric Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἠέλιος pronounced as //ɛɛ.é.li.os//, Attic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἥλιος pronounced as //hɛɛ́.li.os// '(sun')
  • Homeric Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἠώς pronounced as //ɛɛ.ɔɔ́s//, Attic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἑώς pronounced as //he(.)ɔɔ́s// ('dawn')
  • Homeric Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: οὖρος pronounced as /[óo.ros]/, Attic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ὅρος pronounced as //hó.ros// ('border')

Even later, during the Koine Greek period, pronounced as //h// disappeared totally from Greek and never reappeared, resulting in Modern Greek not possessing this phoneme at all, approximating it instead in foreign borrowings using pronounced as //x// or pronounced as //ç// (or pronounced as //∅//).


The Classical Greek aspirated and voiced stops changed to voiceless and voiced fricatives during the period of Koine Greek (spirantization, a form of lenition).

Spirantization of pronounced as //tʰ// occurred earlier in Laconian Greek. Some examples are transcribed by Aristophanes and Thucydides, such as Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ναὶ τὼ σιώ for Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ναὶ τὼ θεώ ('Yes, by the two gods!') and Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: παρσένε σιά for Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: παρθένε θεά ("virgin goddess!') (Lysistrata 142 and 1263), Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: σύματος for Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: θύματος ('sacrificial victim') (Histories book 5, chapter 77).[3] These spellings indicate that pronounced as //tʰ// was pronounced as a dental fricative pronounced as /link/ or a sibilant pronounced as /[s]/, the same change that occurred later in Koine. Greek spelling, however, does not have a letter for a labial or velar fricative, so it is impossible to tell whether pronounced as //pʰ kʰ// also changed to pronounced as //f x//.

Compensatory lengthening

In Attic, Ionic, and Doric, vowels were usually lengthened when a following consonant was lost. The syllable before the consonant was originally heavy, but loss of the consonant would cause it to be light. Therefore, the vowel before the consonant was lengthened, so that the syllable would continue to be heavy. This sound change is called compensatory lengthening, because the vowel length compensates for the loss of the consonant. The result of lengthening depended on dialect and time period. The table below shows all possible results:

original vowelGreekGreek, Ancient (to 1453);: αGreek, Ancient (to 1453);: εGreek, Ancient (to 1453);: ιGreek, Ancient (to 1453);: οGreek, Ancient (to 1453);: υ
IPApronounced as //a//pronounced as //e//pronounced as //i//pronounced as //o//pronounced as //y//
lengthened vowelGreekGreek, Ancient (to 1453);: Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ηGreek, Ancient (to 1453);: ει Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ω Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ου Greek, Ancient (to 1453);:
IPApronounced as //aː//pronounced as //ɛː//pronounced as //eː// pronounced as //iː// pronounced as //ɔː// pronounced as //oː// pronounced as //yː//
Wherever the digraphs (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ει ου) correspond to original diphthongs they are called "genuine diphthongs", in all other cases, they are called "spurious diphthongs".


In Attic, some cases of long vowels arose through contraction of adjacent short vowels where a consonant had been lost between them. (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ει) pronounced as //eː// came from contraction of (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: εε), and (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ου) pronounced as //oː// from contraction of (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: εο), (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: οε), or (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: οο). (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ω) pronounced as //ɔː// arose from (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: αο) and (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: οα), (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: η) pronounced as //ɛː// from (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: εα), and (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ) pronounced as //aː// from (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: αε) and (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: αα). Contractions involving diphthongs ending in pronounced as //i̯// resulted in the long diphthongs pronounced as //ɛːi̯ aːi̯ ɔːi̯//.

Uncontracted forms are found in other dialects, such as in Ionic.


The diphthongs pronounced as //ei ou// became the long monophthongs pronounced as //eː// and pronounced as //oː// before the Classical period.

Vowel raising and fronting

In Archaic Greek, upsilon (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: {{sc|Υ) represented the back vowel pronounced as //u uː//. In Attic and Ionic, this vowel was fronted around the 7th or 6th century BC. It likely first became central pronounced as /[ʉ ʉː]/, and then the front pronounced as /[y yː]/. For example, the onomatopoietic verb μῡκάομαι ("to moo") was archaically pronounced /muːkáomai̯/, but had become /myːkáomai̯/ in 5th century Attic.

During the Classical period, pronounced as //oː// – classically spelled (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: {{sc|ΟΥ) – was raised to pronounced as /[uː]/, and thus took up the empty space of the earlier pronounced as //uː// phoneme. The fact that (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: υ) was never confused with (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ου) indicates that (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: υ) was fronted before (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ου) was raised.

In late Classical Greek, pronounced as //eː// was raised and merged with original pronounced as //iː//.

Attic–Ionic vowel shift

In Attic and Ionic, the Proto-Greek long pronounced as //aː// shifted to pronounced as //ɛː//. This shift did not happen in the other dialects. Thus, some cases of Attic and Ionic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: η correspond to Doric and Aeolic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: , and other cases correspond to Doric and Aeolic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: η.

  • Doric and Aeolic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: μᾱ́τηρ, Attic and Ionic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: μήτηρ pronounced as /[mǎː.tɛːr mɛ̌ːtɛːr]/ ('mother') — compare Latin Latin: māter

The vowel first shifted to pronounced as //æː//, at which point it was distinct from Proto-Greek long pronounced as //eː//, and then later pronounced as //æː// and pronounced as //eː// merged as pronounced as //ɛː//. This is indicated by inscriptions in the Cyclades, which write Proto-Greek pronounced as //eː// as (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: {{sc|Ε), but the shifted pronounced as //æː// as (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: {{sc|Η) and new pronounced as //aː// from compensatory lengthening as (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: {{sc|Α).

In Attic, both pronounced as //æː// and Proto-Greek pronounced as //eː// were written as (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: {{sc|Η), but they merged to pronounced as //ɛː// at the end of the 5th century BC. At this point, nouns in the masculine first declension were confused with third-declension nouns with stems in pronounced as //es//. The first-declension nouns had pronounced as //ɛː// resulting from original pronounced as //aː//, while the third-declension nouns had pronounced as //ɛː// resulting from contraction of pronounced as //ea//.

  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Αἰσχίνης Aeschines

Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Αἰσχίνου

incorrect Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Αἰσχίνους

Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Αἰσχίνην

  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Ἱπποκράτης Hippocrates

Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Ἱπποκράτους

Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Ἱπποκράτη

incorrect Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Ἱπποκράτην

In addition, words that had original Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: η in both Attic and Doric were given false Doric forms with Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: in the choral passages of Athenian plays, indicating that Athenians could not distinguish the Attic-Ionic shifted Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: from original Proto-Greek Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: η.

  • Attic and Doric Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: πηδός ('blade of an oar')

incorrect Doric form Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: πᾱδός

In Attic, pronounced as //aː// rather than pronounced as //εː// is found immediately after pronounced as //e i r//, except in certain cases where the sound Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ϝ pronounced as //w// formerly came between the pronounced as //e i r// and the pronounced as //aː// (see above).

  • Doric Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ᾱ̔μέρᾱ, Attic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἡμέρᾱ, Ionic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἡμέρη pronounced as //haː.mé.raː hɛː.mé.raː hɛː.mé.rɛː// ('day')
  • Attic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: οἵᾱ, Ionic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: οἵη pronounced as /[hoǰ.jaː hoǰ.jɛː]/ ('such as')
  • Attic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: νέᾱ, Ionic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: νέη pronounced as //né.aː né.ɛː// ('new') < Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: νέϝος
  • But Attic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: κόρη, Ionic Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: κούρη, Doric Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: κόρᾱ and Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: κώρᾱ ('young girl') < Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: κόρϝᾱ (as also in Arcadocypriot)

The fact that pronounced as //aː// is found instead of pronounced as //εː// may indicate that earlier, the vowel shifted to pronounced as //ɛː// in all cases, but then shifted back to pronounced as //aː// after pronounced as //e i r// (reversion), or that the vowel never shifted at all in these cases. Sihler says that Attic pronounced as //aː// is from reversion.

This shift did not affect cases of long pronounced as //aː// that developed from the contraction of certain sequences of vowels that contain Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: α. Thus, the vowels pronounced as //aː// and pronounced as //aːi̯// are common in verbs with a-contracted present and imperfect forms, such as "see". The examples below are shown with the hypothetical original forms from which they were contracted.

  • infinitive: Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ὁρᾶν pronounced as //ho.râːn// "to see" < Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: *ὁράεεν pronounced as //ho.rá.e.en//
  • third person singular present indicative active: Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ὁρᾷ pronounced as //ho.râːi̯// "he sees" < Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: *ὁράει pronounced as /
    • /ho.rá.ei/
  • third person singular imperfect indicative active: Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ὥρᾱ pronounced as //hɔ̌ː.raː// "he saw" < Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: *ὥραε pronounced as /
    • /hǒː.ra.e/

Also unaffected was long pronounced as //aː// that arose by compensatory lengthening of short pronounced as //a//. Thus, Attic and Ionic had a contrast between the feminine genitive singular Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ταύτης pronounced as //taú.tɛːs// and feminine accusative plural Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ταύτᾱς pronounced as //taú.taːs//, forms of the adjective and pronoun Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: οὗτος "this, that". The first derived from an original *tautās with shifting of ā to ē, the other from *tautans with compensatory lengthening of ans to ās.


When one consonant comes next to another in verb or noun conjugation or word derivation, various sandhi rules apply. When these rules affect the forms of nouns and adjectives or of compound words, they are reflected in spelling. Between words, the same rules also applied, but they are not reflected in standard spelling, only in inscriptions.


  • Most basic rule: When two sounds appear next to each other, the first assimilates in voicing and aspiration to the second.
    • This applies fully to stops. Fricatives assimilate only in voicing, sonorants do not assimilate.
  • Before an pronounced as //s// (future, aorist stem), velars become pronounced as /[k]/, labials become pronounced as /[p]/, and dentals disappear.
  • Before a pronounced as //tʰ// (aorist passive stem), velars become pronounced as /[kʰ]/, labials become pronounced as /[pʰ]/, and dentals become pronounced as /[s]/.
  • Before an pronounced as //m// (perfect middle first-singular, first-plural, participle), velars become pronounced as /[ɡ]/, nasal+velar becomes pronounced as /[ɡ]/, labials become pronounced as /[m]/, dentals become pronounced as /[s]/, other sonorants remain the same.
first sound second sound resulting cluster examples notes
pronounced as //p, b, pʰ//pronounced as //s//pronounced as //ps// Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: πέμπω, πέμψω, ἔπεμψα;<br>Κύκλωψ, Κύκλωποςfuture and first aorist stems;
nominative singular
and dative plural
of third-declension nominals
pronounced as //k, ɡ, kʰ// pronounced as //ks// Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἄγω, ἄξω;<br>φύλαξ, φύλακος
pronounced as //t, d, tʰ// pronounced as //s// Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἐλπίς, ἐλπίδος;<br>πείθω, πείσω, ἔπεισα
pronounced as //p, b, pʰ//pronounced as //tʰ//pronounced as //pʰtʰ// Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἐπέμφθηνfirst aorist passive stem
pronounced as //k, ɡ, kʰ// pronounced as //kʰtʰ// Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἤχθην
pronounced as //t, d, tʰ// pronounced as //stʰ// Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἐπείσθην
pronounced as //p, b, pʰ//pronounced as //m//pronounced as //mm// Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: πέπεμμαι1st singular and plural
of the perfect mediopassive
pronounced as //k, ɡ, kʰ// pronounced as //ɡm/ [ŋm]/ Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἦγμαι
pronounced as //t, d, tʰ// pronounced as //sm/ [zm]/ Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: πέπεισμαι

The alveolar nasal pronounced as //n// assimilates in place of articulation, changing to a labial or velar nasal before labials or velars:

  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: μ pronounced as /[m]/ before the labials pronounced as //b//, pronounced as //p//, pronounced as //pʰ//, pronounced as //m// (and the cluster pronounced as //ps//):

Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἐν- + βαίνω > ἐμβαίνω; ἐν- + πάθεια > ἐμπάθεια; ἐν- + φαίνω > ἐμφαίνω; ἐν- + μένω > ἐμμένω; ἐν- + ψυχή + -ος > ἔμψυχος;

  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: γ pronounced as /[ŋ]/ before the velars pronounced as //ɡ//, pronounced as //k//, pronounced as //kʰ// (and the cluster pronounced as //ks//):

Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἐν- + γίγνομαι > ἐγγίγνομαι; ἐν- + καλέω > ἐγκαλέω; ἐν- + χέω > ἐγχέω; συν- + ξηραίνω > συγξηραίνω

When pronounced as //n// precedes pronounced as //l// or pronounced as //r//, the first consonant assimilates to the second, gemination takes place, and the combination is pronounced pronounced as /[lː]/, as in (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: συλλαμβάνω) from underlying Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: *συνλαμβάνω, or pronounced as /[r̥ː]/, as in (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: συρρέω) from underlying Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: *συνρέω.

The sound of zeta (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ζ) develops from original in some cases, and in other cases from . In the second case, it was likely first pronounced pronounced as /link/ or pronounced as /link/, and this cluster underwent metathesis early in the Ancient Greek period. Metathesis is likely in this case; clusters of a voiced stop and pronounced as //s//, like pronounced as //bs ɡs//, do not occur in Ancient Greek, since they change to pronounced as //ps ks// by assimilation (see below), while clusters with the opposite order, like pronounced as //sb sɡ//, pronounced pronounced as /[zb zɡ]/, do occur.

  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Ἀθήναζε ('to Athens') < Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Ἀθήνᾱσ-δε
  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἵζω ('set') < Proto-Indo-European (Latin Latin: sīdō: reduplicated present), from zero-grade of the root of Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἕδος < "seat"
  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: πεζός ('on foot') < PGr, from the root of Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: πούς, ποδός "foot"
  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἅζομαι ('revere') < PGr, from the root of Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἅγ-ιος ('holy')


Ancient grammarians, such as Aristotle in his Poetics and Dionysius Thrax in his Art of Grammar, categorized letters according to what speech sounds ('elements') they represented. They called the letters for vowels ('pronounceable', singular Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: φωνῆεν); the letters for the nasals, liquids, and pronounced as //s//, and the letters for the consonant clusters pronounced as //ps ks sd// ('half-sounding', singular Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἡμίφωνον); and the letters for the stops ('not-sounding', singular Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἄφωνον). Dionysius also called consonants in general ('pronounced with [a vowel]', Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: σύμφωνον).

All the Greek terms for letters or sounds are nominalized adjectives in the neuter gender, to agree with the neuter nouns Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: στοιχεῖον and Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: γράμμα, since they were used to modify the nouns, as in Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: φωνῆεν στοιχεῖον ('pronounceable element') or Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἄφωνα γράμματα ('unpronounceable letters'). Many also use the root of the deverbal noun ('voice, sound').

The words Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: φωνῆεν, σύμφωνον, ἡμίφωνον, ἄφωνον were loan-translated into Latin as Latin: vōcālis, cōnsōnāns, semivocālis, mūta. The Latin words are feminine because the Latin noun Latin: littera ('letter') is feminine. They were later borrowed into English as vowel, consonant, semivowel, mute.

The categories of vowel letters were Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: δίχρονα, βραχέα, μακρά ('two-time, short, long'). These adjectives describe whether the vowel letters represented both long and short vowels, only short vowels or only long vowels. Additionally, vowels that ordinarily functioned as the first and second elements of diphthongs were called Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: προτακτικά ('prefixable') and Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ὑποτακτικά ('suffixable'). The category of Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: δίφθογγοι included both diphthongs and the spurious diphthongs Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ει ου, which were pronounced as long vowels in the Classical period.

The categories Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἡμίφωνα and Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἄφωνα roughly correspond to the modern terms continuant and stop. Greek grammarians placed the letters (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: β δ γ φ θ χ) in the category of stops, not of continuants, indicating that they represented stops in Ancient Greek, rather than fricatives, as in Modern Greek.

Stops were divided into three categories using the adjectives Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: δασέα ('thick'), Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ψιλά ('thin'), and Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: μέσα ('middle'), as shown in the table below. The first two terms indicate a binary opposition typical of Greek thought: they referred to stops with and without aspiration. The voiced stops did not fit in either category and so they were called "middle". The concepts of voice and voicelessness (presence or absence of vibration of the vocal folds) were unknown to the Greeks and were not developed in the Western grammatical tradition until the 19th century, when the Sanskrit grammatical tradition began to be studied by Westerners.

The glottal fricative pronounced as //h// was originally called Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: πνεῦμα ('breath'), and it was classified as a Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: προσῳδία, the category to which the acute, grave, and circumflex accents also belong. Later, a diacritic for the sound was created, and it was called pleonastically Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: πνεῦμα δασύ ('rough breathing'). Finally, a diacritic representing the absence of pronounced as //h// was created, and it was called Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: πνεῦμα ψιλόν ('smooth breathing'). The diacritics were also called Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: προσῳδία δασεῖα and Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: προσῳδία ψιλή ('thick accent' and 'thin accent'), from which come the Modern Greek nouns Greek, Modern (1453-);: δασεία and Greek, Modern (1453-);: ψιλή.

Greek termsGreek lettersIPAphonetic description
Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: φωνήενταGreek, Ancient (to 1453);: προτακτικάGreek, Ancient (to 1453);: βραχέα(Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ε ο)pronounced as //e o//short vowels
Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: μακρά(Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: η ω)pronounced as //ɛː ɔː//long vowels
Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: δίχρονα(Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: α)pronounced as //a(ː)//short and long
Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ὑποτακτικά(Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ι υ –υ)pronounced as //i(ː) y(ː) u̯//
Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: δίφθογγοι(Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: αι αυ ει ευ οι ου)pronounced as //ai̯ au̯ eː eu̯ oi̯ oː//diphthongs and
long vowel digraphs
Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: σύμφωναGreek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἡμίφωναGreek, Ancient (to 1453);: διπλᾶ(Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ζ ξ ψ)pronounced as //ds ks ps//consonant clusters
with pronounced as //s//
Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἀμετάβολα,<br>ὑγρά(Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: λ μ ν ρ)pronounced as //l m n r//sonorant consonants
(Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: σ)pronounced as //s//fricative
Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἄφωναGreek, Ancient (to 1453);: ψῑλά(Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: κ π τ)pronounced as //k p t//tenuis stops
Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: μέσα(Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: β γ δ)pronounced as //b ɡ d//voiced stops
Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: δασέα(Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: θ φ χ)pronounced as //tʰ pʰ kʰ//aspirated stops
Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: προσῳδίαιGreek, Ancient (to 1453);: τόνοι(Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ά ᾱ&#769; ὰ ᾶ)pronounced as //á ǎː a âː//pitch accent
Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: πνεύματα(Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἁ ἀ)pronounced as //ha a//voiceless glottal fricative


The above information is based on a large body of evidence which was discussed extensively by linguists and philologists of the 19th and 20th centuries. The following section provides a short summary of the kinds of evidence and arguments that have been used in this debate, and gives some hints as to the sources of uncertainty that still prevails with respect to some details.

Internal evidence

Evidence from spelling

Whenever a new set of written symbols, such as an alphabet, is created for a language, the written symbols typically correspond to the spoken sounds, and the spelling or orthography is therefore phonemic or transparent: It is easy to pronounce a word by seeing how it is spelled, and conversely to spell a word by knowing how it is pronounced. Until the pronunciation of the language changes, spelling mistakes do not occur since spelling and pronunciation match each other.

When the pronunciation changes, there are two options. The first is spelling reform: The spelling of words is changed to reflect the new pronunciation. In this case, the date of a spelling reform generally indicates the approximate time when the pronunciation changed.

The second option is that the spelling remains the same despite the changes in pronunciation. In this case, the spelling system is called conservative or historical since it reflects the pronunciation in an earlier period of the language. It is also called opaque because there is not a simple correspondence between written symbols and spoken sounds: The spelling of words becomes an increasingly unreliable indication of their contemporary pronunciation, and knowing how to pronounce a word provides increasingly insufficient and misleading information on how to spell it.

In a language with a historical spelling system, spelling mistakes indicate changes in pronunciation. Writers with incomplete knowledge of the spelling system misspell words, and in general their misspellings reflect the way they pronounce the words.

  • If scribes very often confuse two letters, this implies that the sounds denoted by the two letters are the same, that the sounds have merged. This happened early with (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ι ει). A little later, it happened with (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: υ οι), (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ο ω), and (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ε αι). Later still, (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: η) was confused with the already merged (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ι ει).
  • If scribes omit a letter where it would usually be written, or insert it where it does not belong (hypercorrection), this implies that the sound that the letter represented has been lost in speech. This happened early with word-initial rough breathing (pronounced as //h//) in most forms of Greek. Another example is the occasional omission of the iota subscript of long diphthongs (see above).

Spelling mistakes provide limited evidence: they only indicate the pronunciation of the scribe who made the spelling mistake, not the pronunciation of all speakers of the language at the time. Ancient Greek was a language with many regional variants and social registers. Many of the pronunciation changes of Koine Greek probably occurred earlier in some regional pronunciations and sociolects of Attic even in the Classical Age, but the older pronunciations were preserved in more learned speech.

Onomatopoeic words

Greek literature sometimes contains representations of animal cries in Greek letters. The most often quoted example is Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: βῆ βῆ, used to render the cry of sheep, and is used as evidence that beta had a voiced bilabial plosive pronunciation and eta was a long open-mid front vowel. Onomatopoeic verbs such as Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: μυκάομαι for the lowing of cattle (cf. Latin Latin: mugire), Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: βρυχάομαι for the roaring of lions (cf. Latin Latin: rugire) and Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: κόκκυξ as the name of the cuckoo (cf. Latin Latin: cuculus) suggest an archaic pronounced as /[uː]/ pronunciation of long upsilon, before this vowel was fronted to pronounced as /[yː]/.

Morpho-phonological facts

Sounds undergo regular changes, such as assimilation or dissimilation, in certain environments within words, which are sometimes indicated in writing. These can be used to reconstruct the nature of the sounds involved.

  • π,τ,κ> at the end of some words are regularly changed to φ,θ,χ> when preceding a rough breathing in the next word. Thus, e.g.: Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἐφ' ἁλός for Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἐπὶ ἁλός or Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: καθ' ἡμᾶς for Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: κατὰ ἡμᾶς.
  • π,τ,κ> at the end of the first member of composite words are regularly changed to φ,θ,χ> when preceding a spiritus asper in the next member of the composite word. Thus e.g.: Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἔφιππος, καθάπτω
  • The Attic dialect in particular is marked by contractions: two vowels without an intervening consonant were merged in a single syllable; for instance uncontracted (disyllabic) (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: εα) (pronounced as /[e.a]/) occurs regularly in dialects but contracts to (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: η) in Attic, supporting the view that Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: η was pronounced pronounced as /[ɛː]/ (intermediate between pronounced as /[e]/ and pronounced as /[a]/) rather than pronounced as /[i]/ as in Modern Greek. Similarly, uncontracted (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: εε), (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: οο) (pronounced as /[e.e], [o.o]/) occur regularly in Ionic but contract to (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ει) and (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ου) in Attic, suggesting pronounced as /[eː], [oː]/ values for the spurious diphthongs (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ει) and (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ου) in Attic as opposed to the [i] and [u] sounds they later acquired.

Non-standard spellings

Morphophonological alternations like the above are often treated differently in non-standard spellings than in standardised literary spelling. This may lead to doubts about the representativeness of the literary dialect and may in some cases force slightly different reconstructions than if one were only to take the literary texts of the high standard language into account. Thus, e.g.:

  • non-standard epigraphical spelling sometimes indicates assimilation of final (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: κ) to (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: γ) before voiced consonants in a following word, or of final (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: κ) to (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: χ) before aspirated sounds, in words like Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἐκ.

Metrical evidence

The metres used in Classical Greek poetry are based on the patterns of light and heavy syllables, and can thus sometimes provide evidence as to the length of vowels where this is not evident from the orthography. By the 4th century AD poetry was normally written using stress-based metres, suggesting that the distinctions between long and short vowels had been lost by then, and the pitch accent had been replaced by a stress accent.

External evidence

Orthoepic descriptions

Some ancient grammarians attempt to give systematic descriptions of the sounds of the language. In other authors one can sometimes find occasional remarks about correct pronunciation of certain sounds. However, both types of evidence are often difficult to interpret, because the phonetic terminology of the time was often vague, and it is often not clear in what relation the described forms of the language stand to those which were actually spoken by different groups of the population.

Important ancient authors include:

Cross-dialectal comparison

Sometimes the comparison of standard Attic Greek with the written forms of other Greek dialects, or the humorous renderings of dialectal speech in Attic theatrical works, can provide hints as to the phonetic value of certain spellings. An example of this treatment with Spartan Greek is given above.


The spelling of Greek loanwords in other languages and vice versa can provide important hints about pronunciation. However, the evidence is often difficult to interpret or indecisive. The sounds of loanwords are often not taken over identically into the receiving language. Where the receiving language lacks a sound that corresponds exactly to that of the source language, sounds are usually mapped to some other, similar sound.

In this regard, Latin is of great value to the reconstruction of ancient Greek phonology because of its close proximity to the Greek world which caused numerous Greek words to be borrowed by the Romans. At first, Greek loanwords denoting technical terms or proper names which contained the letter Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Φ were imported in Latin with the spelling Latin: P or Latin: PH, indicating an effort to imitate, albeit imperfectly, a sound that Latin lacked. Later on, in the 1st centuries AD, spellings with Latin: F start to appear in such loanwords, signaling the onset of the fricative pronunciation of Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Φ. Thus, in the 2nd century AD, Latin: Filippus replaces Latin: P(h)ilippus. At about the same time, the letter Latin: F also begins to be used as a substitute for the letter Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Θ, for lack of a better choice, indicating that the sound of Greek theta had become a fricative as well.

For the purpose of borrowing certain other Greek words, the Romans added the letters Latin: Y and Latin: Z to the Latin alphabet, taken directly from the Greek one. These additions are important as they show that the Romans had no symbols to represent the sounds of the letters Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Υ and Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Ζ in Greek, which means that in these cases no known sound of Latin can be used to reconstruct the Greek sounds.

Latin often wrote (Latin: i u) for Greek (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ε ο). This can be explained by the fact that Latin pronounced as //i u// were pronounced as near-close pronounced as /[ɪ ʊ]/, and therefore were as similar to the Ancient Greek mid vowels pronounced as //e o// as to the Ancient Greek close vowels pronounced as //i u//.

  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Φιλουμένη > Latin: Philumina
  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἐμπόριον > Latin: empurium

Sanskrit, Persian, and Armenian also provide evidence.

The quality of short pronounced as //a// is shown by some transcriptions between Ancient Greek and Sanskrit. Greek short pronounced as //a// was transcribed with Sanskrit long, not with Sanskrit short, which had a closer pronunciation: pronounced as /[ə]/. Conversely, Sanskrit short was transcribed with Greek Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ε.

  • Gr Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἀπόκλιμα pronounced as /[apóklima]/ > Skt pronounced as /[aːpoːklimə]/ (an astrological term)
  • Skt pronounced as /[bɽaːɦməɳə]/ > Gr Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: {{sc|ΒΡΑΜΕΝΑΙ

Comparison with older alphabets

The Greek alphabet developed from the older Phoenician alphabet. It may be assumed that the Greeks tended to assign to each Phoenician letter that Greek sound which most closely resembled the Phoenician sound. But, as with loanwords, the interpretation is not straightforward.

Comparison with younger/derived alphabets

The Greek alphabet was in turn the basis of other alphabets, notably the Etruscan and Coptic and later the Armenian, Gothic, and Cyrillic. Similar arguments can be derived in these cases as in the Phoenician-Greek case.

For example, in Cyrillic, the letter (ve) stands for pronounced as /[v]/, confirming that beta was pronounced as a fricative by the 9th century AD, while the new letter (be) was invented to note the sound pronounced as /[b]/. Conversely, in Gothic, the letter derived from beta stands for pronounced as /[b]/, so in the 4th century AD, beta may have still been a plosive in Greek although according to evidence from the Greek papyri of Egypt, beta as a stop had been generally replaced by beta as a voiced bilabial fricative pronounced as /[β]/ by the first century AD.

Comparison with Modern Greek

Any reconstruction of Ancient Greek needs to take into account how the sounds later developed towards Modern Greek, and how these changes could have occurred. In general, the changes between the reconstructed Ancient Greek and Modern Greek are assumed to be unproblematic in this respect by historical linguists, because all the relevant changes (spirantization, chain-shifts of long vowels towards pronounced as /[i]/, loss of initial pronounced as /[h]/, restructuring of vowel-length and accentuation systems, etc.) are of types that are cross-linguistically frequently attested and relatively easy to explain.

Comparative reconstruction of Indo-European

Systematic relationships between sounds in Greek and sounds in other Indo-European languages are taken as strong evidence for reconstruction by historical linguists, because such relationships indicate that these sounds may go back to an inherited sound in the proto-language.

History of the reconstruction of ancient pronunciation

The Renaissance

Until the 15th century (during the time of the Byzantine Greek Empire) ancient Greek texts were pronounced exactly like contemporary Greek when they were read aloud. From about 1486, various scholars (notably Antonio of Lebrixa, Girolamo Aleandro, and Aldus Manutius) judged that this pronunciation appeared to be inconsistent with the descriptions handed down by ancient grammarians, and suggested alternative pronunciations.

Johann Reuchlin, the leading Greek scholar in the West around 1500, had taken his Greek learning from Byzantine émigré scholars, and continued to use the modern pronunciation. This pronunciation system was called into question by Desiderius Erasmus (1466–1536) who in 1528 published Latin: De recta Latini Graecique sermonis pronuntiatione dialogus, a philological treatise clothed in the form of a philosophical dialogue, in which he developed the idea of a historical reconstruction of ancient Latin and Greek pronunciation. The two models of pronunciation became soon known, after their principal proponents, as the "Reuchlinian" and the "Erasmian" system, or, after the characteristic vowel pronunciations, as the "iotacist" (or "itacist") and the "etacist" system, respectively.

Erasmus' reconstruction was based on a wide range of arguments, derived from the philological knowledge available at his time. In the main, he strove for a more regular correspondence of letters to sounds, assuming that different letters must have stood for different sounds, and same letters for same sounds. That led him, for instance, to posit that the various letters which in the iotacist system all denoted pronounced as /[i]/ must have had different values, and that Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ει, Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: αι, Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: οι, Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ευ, Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: αυ, Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ου were all diphthongs with a closing offglide. He also insisted on taking the accounts of ancient grammarians literally, for instance where they described vowels as being distinctively long and short, or the acute and circumflex accents as being clearly distinguished by pitch contours. In addition, he drew on evidence from word correspondences between Greek and Latin as well as some other European languages. Some of his arguments in this direction are, in hindsight, mistaken, because he naturally lacked much of the knowledge developed through later linguistic work. Thus, he could not distinguish between Latin-Greek word relations based on loans (e.g. Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ΦοῖβοςLatin: Phoebus) on the one hand, and those based on common descent from Indo-European (e.g. Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: φώρLatin: fūr) on the other. He also fell victim to a few spurious relations due to mere accidental similarity (e.g. Greek Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: θύειν 'to sacrifice' — French French: tuer, 'to kill'). In other areas, his arguments are of quite the same kind as those used by modern linguistics, e.g. where he argues on the basis of cross-dialectal correspondences within Greek that Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: η must have been a rather open e-sound, close to pronounced as /[a]/.

Erasmus also took great pains to assign to the members in his reconstructed system plausible phonetic values. This was no easy task, as contemporary grammatical theory lacked the rich and precise terminology to describe such values. In order to overcome that problem, Erasmus drew upon his knowledge of the sound repertoires of contemporary living languages, for instance likening his reconstructed Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: η to Scots a (pronounced as /[æ]/), his reconstructed Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ου to Dutch Dutch; Flemish: ou (pronounced as /[oʊ]/), and his reconstructed Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: οι to French French: oi (at that time pronounced pronounced as /[oɪ]/).

Erasmus assigned to the Greek consonant letters Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: β, Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: γ, Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: δ the sounds of voiced plosives pronounced as //b//, pronounced as //ɡ//, pronounced as //d//, while for the consonant letters Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: φ, Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: θ, and Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: χ he advocated the use of fricatives pronounced as //f//, pronounced as //θ//, pronounced as //x// as in Modern Greek (arguing, however, that this type of pronounced as //f// must have been different from that denoted by Latin (f)).

The reception of Erasmus' idea among his contemporaries was mixed. Most prominent among those scholars who resisted his move was Philipp Melanchthon, a student of Reuchlin's. Debate in humanist circles continued up into the 17th century, but the situation remained undecided for several centuries. (See Pronunciation of Ancient Greek in teaching.)

The 19th century

A renewed interest in the issues of reconstructed pronunciation arose during the 19th century. On the one hand, the new science of historical linguistics, based on the method of comparative reconstruction, took a vivid interest in Greek. It soon established beyond any doubt that Greek was descended in parallel with many other languages from the common source of the Indo-European proto-language. This had important consequences for how its phonological system must be reconstructed. At the same time, continued work in philology and archeology was bringing to light an ever-growing corpus of non-standard, non-literary and non-classical Greek writings, e.g. inscriptions and later also papyri. These added considerably to what could be known about the development of the language. On the other hand, there was a revival of academic life in Greece after the establishment of the Greek state in 1830, and scholars in Greece were at first reluctant to accept the seemingly foreign idea that Greek should have been pronounced so differently from what they knew.

Comparative linguistics led to a picture of ancient Greek that more or less corroborated Erasmus' view, though with some modifications. It soon became clear, for instance, that the pattern of long and short vowels observed in Greek was mirrored in similar oppositions in other languages and thus had to be a common inheritance (see Ablaut); that Greek (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: υ) had to have been pronounced as /[u]/ at some stage because it regularly corresponded to pronounced as /[u]/ in all other Indo-European languages (cf. Gr. Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: μῦς : Lat. Latin: mūs); that many instances of (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: η) had earlier been pronounced as /[aː]/ (cf. Gr. Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: μήτηρ : Lat. Latin: māter); that Greek (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ου) sometimes stood in words that had been lengthened from (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ο) and therefore must have been pronounced pronounced as /[oː]/ at some stage (the same holds analogically for (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ε) and (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ει), which must have been pronounced as /[eː]/), and so on. For the consonants, historical linguistics established the originally plosive nature of both the aspirates (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: φ,θ,χ) pronounced as /[pʰ, tʰ, kʰ]/ and the mediae (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: β, δ, γ) pronounced as /[b, d, ɡ]/, which were recognised to be a direct continuation of similar sounds in Indo-European (reconstructed and). It was also recognised that the word-initial spiritus asper was most often a reflex of earlier (cf. Gr. Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἑπτά : Lat. Latin: septem), which was believed to have been weakened to pronounced as /[h]/ in pronunciation. Work was also done reconstructing the linguistic background to the rules of ancient Greek versification, especially in Homer, which shed important light on the phonology regarding syllable structure and accent. Scholars also described and explained the regularities in the development of consonants and vowels under processes of assimilation, reduplication, compensatory lengthening etc.

While comparative linguistics could in this way firmly establish that a certain source state, roughly along the Erasmian model, had once obtained, and that significant changes had to have occurred later, during the development towards Modern Greek, the comparative method had less to say about the question when these changes took place. Erasmus had been eager to find a pronunciation system that corresponded most closely to the written letters, and it was now natural to assume that the reconstructed sound system was that which obtained at the time when Greek orthography was in its formative period. For a time, it was taken for granted that this would also have been the pronunciation valid for all the period of classical literature. However, it was perfectly possible that the pronunciation of the living language had begun to move on from that reconstructed system towards that of Modern Greek, possibly already quite early during antiquity.

In this context, the freshly emerging evidence from the non-standard inscriptions became of decisive importance. Critics of the Erasmian reconstruction drew attention to the systematic patterns of spelling mistakes made by scribes. These mistakes showed that scribes had trouble distinguishing between the orthographically correct spellings for certain words, for instance involving (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ι), (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: η), and (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ει). This provided evidence that these vowels had already begun to merge in the living speech of the period. While some scholars in Greece were quick to emphasise these findings in order to cast doubt on the Erasmian system as a whole, some western European scholars tended to downplay them, explaining early instances of such orthographical aberrations as either isolated exceptions or influences from non-Attic, non-standard dialects. The resulting debate, as it was conducted during the 19th century, finds its expression in, for instance, the works of and on the anti-Erasmian side, and of Friedrich Blass (1870) on the pro-Erasmian side.

It was not until the early 20th century and the work of G. Chatzidakis, a linguist often credited with having first introduced the methods of modern historical linguistics into the Greek academic establishment, that the validity of the comparative method and its reconstructions for Greek began to be widely accepted among Greek scholars too. The international consensus view that had been reached by the early and mid-20th century is represented in the works of and .

More recent developments

Since the 1970s and 1980s, several scholars have attempted a systematic re-evaluation of the inscriptional and papyrological evidence (Smith 1972, Teodorsson 1974, 1977, 1978; Gignac 1976; Threatte 1980, summary in Horrocks 1999). According to their results, many of the relevant phonological changes can be dated fairly early, reaching well into the classical period, and the period of the Koiné can be characterised as one of very rapid phonological change. Many of the changes in vowel quality are now dated to some time between the 5th and the 1st centuries BC, while those in the consonants are assumed to have been completed by the 4th century AD. However, there is still considerable debate over precise dating, and it is still not clear to what degree, and for how long, different pronunciation systems would have persisted side by side within the Greek speech community. The resulting majority view today is that a phonological system roughly along Erasmian lines can still be assumed to have been valid for the period of classical Attic literature, but biblical and other post-classical Koine Greek is likely to have been spoken with a pronunciation that already approached that of Modern Greek in many crucial respects.


Recent literature

  • Book: Allen, William Sidney . 1973 . Accent and Rhythm: Prosodic features of Latin and Greek . registration . Cambridge University Press . 3rd . 0-521-20098-9 .
  • Book: Allen, William Sidney . 1987 . 1968 . Vox Graeca: A Guide to the Pronunciation of Classical Greek . Cambridge . Cambridge University Press . 3rd . 0-521-33555-8 .
  • Book: Allen, William Sidney . 1978 . 2nd . Vox Latina—a Guide to the Pronunciation of Classical Latin . registration . 1965 . Cambridge University Press . 0-521-37936-9 .
  • C. C. Caragounis (1995): "The error of Erasmus and un-Greek pronunciations of Greek". Filologia Neotestamentaria 8 (16).
  • C. C. Caragounis (2004): Development of Greek and the New Testament, Mohr Siebeck .
  • A.-F. Christidis ed. (2007), A History of Ancient Greek, Cambridge University Press : A. Malikouti-Drachmann, "The phonology of Classical Greek", 524–544; E. B. Petrounias, "The pronunciation of Ancient Greek: Evidence and hypotheses", 556–570; idem, "The pronunciation of Classical Greek", 556–570.
  • Book: A Companion to the Ancient Greek Language. Egbert J.. Bakker. 2010. Wiley-Blackwell. 978-1-4051-5326-3.
  • Book: Beekes, Robert . 2010 . Etymological Dictionary of Greek . Robert S. P. Beekes . With the assistance of Lucien van Beek. In two volumes. . Leiden, Boston . 2009 . 9789004174184 .
  • Book: Devine . Andrew M. . Stephens . Laurence D. . 1994 . The Prosody of Greek Speech . Oxford University Press . 0-19-508546-9 .
  • G. Horrocks (1997): Greek: A History of the Language and Its Speakers. London: Addison Wesley .
  • F.T. Gignac (1976): A Grammar of the Greek Papyri of the Roman and Byzantine Periods. Volume 1: Phonology. Milan: Istituto Editoriale Cisalpino-La Goliardica.
  • Encyclopedia: Goldstein . David . 2014 . Phonotactics . Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics . 3 . 96, 97 . Brill . . 19 January 2015 .
  • C. Karvounis (2008): Aussprache und Phonologie im Altgriechischen ("Pronunciation and Phonology in Ancient Greek"). Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft .
  • M. Lejeune (1972): Phonétique historique du mycénien et du grec ancien ("Historical phonetics of Mycenean and Ancient Greek"), Paris: Librairie Klincksieck (reprint 2005,).
  • H. Rix (1992): Historische Grammatik des Griechischen. Laut- und Formenlehre ("Historical Grammar of Greek. Phonology and Morphology"), Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft (2nd edition,).
  • Book: Robins, Robert Henry . 1993 . The Byzantine Grammarians: Their Place in History . Berlin . Mouton de Gruyter . 9783110135749 . Google Books . 23 January 2015 .
  • Book: Sihler, Andrew Littleton . Andrew Sihler . 1995 . New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin . New York, Oxford . Oxford University Press . 0-19-508345-8 .
  • R. B. Smith (1972): Empirical evidences and theoretical interpretations of Greek phonology: Prolegomena to a theory of sound patterns in the Hellenistic Koine, Ph.D. diss. Indiana University.
  • S.-T. Teodorsson (1974): The phonemic system of the Attic dialect 400-340 BC. Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis (ASIN B0006CL51U).
  • S.-T. Teodorsson (1977): The phonology of Ptolemaic Koine (Studia Graeca et Latina Gothoburgensia), Göteborg .
  • S.-T. Teodorsson (1978): The phonology of Attic in the Hellenistic period (Studia Graeca et Latina Gothoburgensia), Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis .
  • L. Threatte (1980): The Grammar of Attic Inscriptions, vol. 1: Phonology, Berlin: de Gruyter .

Older literature

  • G. Babiniotis: Ιστορική Γραμματεία της Αρχαίας Ελληνικής Γλώσσας, 1. Φωνολογία ("Historical Grammar of the Ancient Greek Language: 1. Phonology")
  • F. Blass (1870): Über die Aussprache des Griechischen, Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung.
  • I. Bywater, The Erasmian Pronunciation of Greek and its Precursors, Oxford: 1908. Defends Erasmus from the claim that he hastily wrote his Dialogus based on a hoax. Mentions Erasmus's predecessors Jerome Aleander, Aldus Manutius, and Antonio of Lebrixa. Short review in The Journal of Hellenic Studies 29 (1909), p. 133. .
  • E. A. S. Dawes (1894): The Pronunciation of Greek aspirates, D. Nutt.
  • E. M. Geldart (1870): The Modern Greek Language In Its Relation To Ancient Greek (reprint 2004, Lightning Source Inc.).
  • G. N. Hatzidakis (1902): Ἀκαδημαϊκὰ ἀναγνώσματα: ἡ προφορὰ τῆς ἀρχαίας Ἑλληνικῆς ("Academic Studies: The pronunciation of Ancient Greek").
  • Book: Jannaris, A. . 1897 . An Historical Greek Grammar Chiefly of the Attic Dialect As Written and Spoken From Classical Antiquity Down to the Present Time . London . MacMillan .
  • Kiparsky . Paul . 1973. The Inflectional Accent in Indo-European . 412064 . Language . 49 . 4 . 794–849 . Linguistic Society of America . 10.2307/412064.
  • A. Meillet (1975) Aperçu d'une histoire de la langue grecque, Paris: Librairie Klincksieck (8th edition).
  • A. Meillet & J. Vendryes (1968): Traité de grammaire comparée des langues classiques, Paris: Librairie Ancienne Honoré Champion (4th edition).
  • Book: Papadimitrakopoulos, Th. . 1889 . Critique of the Erasmian evidence regarding Greek pronunciation . el:Βάσανος τῶν περὶ τῆς ἑλληνικῆς προφορᾶς Ἐρασμικῶν ἀποδείξεων . . Athens .
  • E. Schwyzer (1939): Griechische Grammatik, vol. 1, Allgemeiner Teil. Lautlehre. Wortbildung. Flexion, München: C.H. Beck (repr. 1990).
  • Book: Smyth, Herbert Weir . 1920 . Herbert Weir Smyth . A Greek Grammar for Colleges . American Book Company . .
  • Book: Stanford, William Bedell . 1959 . William Bedell Stanford . Homer: Odyssey I-XII . 1 . Introduction, Grammatical Introduction . IX–LXXXVI. 1947 . 2nd . Macmillan Education Ltd . 1-85399-502-9 .
  • W. B. Stanford (1967): The Sound of Greek.
  • Book: Sturtevant, E. H. . 1940 . 1920 . The Pronunciation of Greek and Latin . Philadelphia . 2nd .

Ancient Greek sources


Aristotle . Περὶ Ποιητικῆς . Poetics . el . section 1456b, lines 20–34 . All speech consists of these categories: element [letter], syllable, conjunction, noun, verb, inflection, phrase.

A letter is an indivisible sound — not any sound, but a sound from which a compound sound [syllable] can naturally be made, since the sounds of animals are also indivisible, and I call none of them a letter. The categories of sound are sounding [vowels], half-sounding [semivowels: fricatives and sonorants], and unsounded [silent or mute: stop].

These categories are the vowel, which has audible sound but no contact [between lips or between tongue and the inside of the mouth]; the semivowel, which has audible sound and contact (for example s and r); and the mute, which has contact and no sound by itself, becoming audible only with [letters] that have a sound (for example g and d).

[Letters] differ in the shape of the mouth and place [in the mouth], in thickness and thinness [aspiration and unaspiration], in length and shortness — and still more in sharpness and depth and middle [high and low pitch, and pitch between the two]: but theorizing about them in detail is the job of those who study [poetic] meter.Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Τῆς δὲ λέξεως ἁπάσης τάδ᾽ ἐστὶ τὰ μέρη, στοιχεῖον συλλαβὴ σύνδεσμος ὄνομα ῥῆμα ἄρθρον πτῶσις λόγος.

Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: '''Στοιχεῖον''' μὲν οὖν ἐστιν φωνὴ ἀδιαίρετος, οὐ πᾶσα δὲ ἀλλ᾽ ἐξ ἧς πέφυκε συνθετὴ γίγνεσθαι φωνή· καὶ γὰρ τῶν θηρίων εἰσὶν ἀδιαίρετοι φωναί, ὧν οὐδεμίαν λέγω στοιχεῖον. Ταύτης δὲ μέρη τό τε φωνῆεν καὶ τὸ ἡμίφωνον καὶ ἄφωνον.

Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Ἔστιν δὲ ταῦτα '''φωνῆεν''' μὲν <τὸ> ἄνευ προσβολῆς ἔχον φωνὴν ἀκουστήν, '''ἡμίφωνον''' δὲ τὸ μετὰ προσβολῆς ἔχον φωνὴν ἀκουστήν, οἷον τὸ Σ καὶ τὸ Ρ, '''ἄφωνον''' δὲ τὸ μετὰ προσβολῆς καθ᾽ αὑτὸ μὲν οὐδεμίαν ἔχον φωνήν, μετὰ δὲ τῶν ἐχόντων τινὰ φωνὴν γινόμενον ἀκουστόν, οἷον τὸ Γ καὶ τὸ Δ.

Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ταῦτα δὲ διαφέρει σχήμασίν τε τοῦ στόματος καὶ τόποις καὶ '''δασύτητι''' καὶ '''ψιλότητι''' καὶ μήκει καὶ βραχύτητι ἔτι δὲ '''ὀξύτητι''' καὶ '''βαρύτητι''' καὶ '''τῷ μέσῳ''': περὶ ὧν καθ᾽ ἕκαστον ἐν τοῖς μετρικοῖς προσήκει θεωρεῖν.

Dionysius Thrax

Book: Dionysius Thrax . Dionysius Thrax . Ars Grammatica (Τέχνη Γραμματική) . Art of Grammar . grc . . ς´ περὶ στοιχείου . 6. On the Sound . . 20 May 2016 . B. G. Tevbner . 1883 . There are 24 letters, from a to ō.... Letters are also called elements [of speech] because they have an order and classification.

Of these, seven are vowels: a, e, ē, i, o, y, ō. They are called vowels because they form a complete sound by themselves.

Two of the vowels are long (ē and ō), two are short (e and o), and three are two-timed (a i y). They are called two-timed since they can be lengthened and shortened.

Five are prefixable vowels: a, e, ē, o, ō. They are called prefixable because they form a complete syllable when prefixed before i and y: for instance, ai au. Two are suffixable: i and y. And y is sometimes prefixable before i, as in myia and harpyia.

Six are diphthongs: ai au ei eu oi ou.

The remaining seventeen letters are consonants [pronounced-with]: b, g, d, z, th, k, l, m, n, x, p, r, s, t, ph, kh, ps. They are called consonants because they do not have a sound on their own, but they form a complete sound when arranged with vowels.

Of these, eight are semivowels: z, x, ps, l, m, n, r, s. They are called semivowels, because, though a little weaker than the vowels, they still sound pleasant in hummings and hissings.

Nine are mutes: b, g, d, k, p, t, th, ph, kh. They are called mute, because, more than the others, they sound bad, just as we call a performer of tragedy who sounds bad voiceless. Three of these are thin (k, p, t), three are thick (th, ph, kh), and three of them are middle [intermediate] (b, g, d). They are called middle, because they are thicker than the thin [mutes], but thinner than the thick [mutes]. And b is [the mute] between p and ph, g between k and kh, and d between th and t.

The thick [mutes] alternate with the thin ones, ph with p, as in [an example from the Odyssey]; kh with k: [another example from the Odyssey]; th with t: [an example from the Iliad].Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: '''γράμματά''' ἐστιν εἰκοσιτέσσαρα ἀπο τοῦ α μέχρι τοῦ ω.... τὰ [γράμματα] δὲ αὐτὰ καὶ στοιχεῖα καλεῖται διὰ τὸ ἔχειν στοῖχόν τινα καὶ τάξιν.

Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: τούτων φωνήεντα μέν ἐστιν ἑπτά· α ε η ι ο υ ω. '''φωνήεντα''' δὲ λέγεται, ὅτι φωνὴν ἀφ᾽ ἑαυτῶν ἀποτελεῖ....

Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: τῶν δὲ φωνηέντων '''μακρὰ''' μέν ἐστι δύο, η καὶ ω, '''βραχέα''' δύο, ε καὶ ο, δίχρονα τρία, α ι υ. '''δίχρονα''' δὲ λέγεται, ἐπεὶ ἐκτείνεται καί συστέλλεται.

Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: προτακτικὰ φωνήεντα πέντε· α ε η ο ω. '''προτακτικὰ''' δὲ λέγεται, ὅτι προτασσόμενα τοῦ ι καὶ υ συλλαβὴν ἀποτελεῖ, οἷον αι αυ. '''ὑποτακτικὰ''' δύο· ι καὶ υ. καὶ τὸ υ δὲ ἐνιότε προτακτικόν ἐστι τοῦ ι, ὡς ἐν τῶι μυῖα καὶ ἅρπυια.

Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: '''δίφθογγοι''' δέ εἰσιν ἕξ· αι αυ ει ευ οι ου.

Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: σύμφωνα δὲ τὰ λοιπὰ ἑπτακαίδεκα· β γ δ ζ θ κ λ μ ν ξ π ρ σ τ φ χ ψ. '''σύμφωνα''' δὲ λέγονται, ὅτι αὐτὰ μὲν καθ᾽ ἑαυτὰ φωνὴν οὐκ ἔχει, συντασσόμενα δὲ μετὰ τῶν φωνηέντων φωνὴν ἀποτελεῖ.

Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: τούτων ἡμίφωνα μέν ἐστιν ὀκτώ· ζ ξ ψ λ μ ν ρ σ. '''ἡμίφωνα''' δὲ λέγεται, ὅτι παρ᾽ ὅσον ἧττον τῶν φωνηέντων εὔφωνα καθέστηκεν ἔν τε τοῖς μυγμοῖς καὶ σιγμοῖς.

Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἄφωνα δέ ἐστιν ἐννέα· β γ δ κ π τ θ φ χ. '''ἄφωνα''' δὲ λέγεται, ὅτι μᾶλλον τῶν ἄλλων ἐστὶν κακόφωνα, ὥσπερ ἄφωνον λέγομεν τὸν τραγωιδὸν τὸν κακόφωνον. τούτων '''ψιλὰ''' μέν ἐστι τρία, κ π τ, '''δασέα''' τρία, θ φ χ, μέσα δὲ τούτων τρία, β γ δ. '''μέσα''' δὲ εἴρηται, ὅτι τῶν μὲν ψιλῶν ἐστι δασύτερα, τῶν δὲ δασέων ψιλότερα. καὶ ἔστι τὸ μὲν β μέσον τοῦ π καὶ φ, τὸ δὲ γ μέσον τοῦ κ καὶ χ, τὸ δὲ δ μέσον τοῦ θ καὶ τ.

Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἀντιστοιχεῖ δὲ τὰ δασέα τοῖς ψιλοῖς, τῶι μὲν π τὸ φ, οὕτως·

  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἀλλά μοι '''εἴφ᾽ ὅπηι''' [εἰπέ ὅπῃ] ἔσχες ἰὼν εὐεργέα νῆα ([[s:el:Οδύσσεια/ι#v270|Odyssey 4.279]]),

Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: τῶι δὲ κ τὸ χ·

  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: '''αὐτίχ᾽ ὁ''' [αὐτίκα ὁ] μὲν χλαῖνάν τε χιτῶνά τε ἕννυτ᾽ Ὀδυσσεύς ([[s:el:Οδύσσεια/ε#v220|Odyssey 5.229]]),

Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: τὸ δὲ θ τῶι τ·

  • Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ὣς '''ἔφαθ᾽· οἱ''' [ἔφατο οἱ] δ᾽ ἄρα πάντες ἀκὴν ἐγένοντο σιωπῆι ([[s:el:Ιλιάς/Γ#v90|Iliad 4.95]]).

In addition, three consonants are double: z, x, ps. They are called double because each one of them is made up of two consonants: z from s and d, x from k and s, and ps from p and s.

There are four unchangeable [consonants]: l, m, n, r. They are called unchangeable because they do not change in the future [tense]s of verbs and in the declensions of nouns. They are also called liquids.Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἔτι δὲ τῶν συμφώνων διπλᾶ μέν ἐστι τρία· ζ ξ ψ. '''διπλᾶ''' δὲ εἴρηται, ὅτι ἓν ἕκαστον αὐτῶν ἐκ δύο συμφώνων σύγκειται, τὸ μὲν ζ ἐκ τοῦ σ καὶ δ, τὸ δὲ ξ ἐκ τοῦ κ καὶ σ, τὸ δὲ ψ ἐκ τοῦ π καὶ σ.

Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: ἀμετάβολα τέσσαρα· λ μ ν ρ. ἀμετὰβολα δὲ λέγεται, ὅτι οὐ μεταβάλλει ἐν τοῖς μέλλουσι τῶν ῥημάτων οὐδὲ ἐν ταῖς κλίσεσι τῶν ὀνομάτων. τὰ δὲ αὐτὰ καὶ '''ὑγρὰ''' καλεῖται.

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Notes and References

  1. Found only as the second element of diphthongs.
  2. [Friedrich Blass]
  3. ,,,