Ancient Arabic units of measurement explained

The Ancient Arabic unit of measurements were a system of using units to associate with physical quantities. Arabic symbols are used to represent the values. The measurements were based on body measurements and common natural items. The length of forearm, shin and the standard size of a typical village were among the most accepted length units. About surface, usually Jerib or Djerib was the most usual unit which is mostly similar to acre or hectare. Another unit known as Sa was mostly used to measure volume which is approximately equal to 3 liters. Although having similar names, the size of units may differ depending on region.


Arabic foot~2.25 cmA finger-length
Arabic foot~9 cmA palm-length
~32 cm
Dhira ذراعcubit

traditionally 2 Arabic feet, later Arabic feet

fathom~1.92 mA pace-length
~3.84 mA cane-length

600 Arabic feet

~192 m
Ghalwah720 Arabic feet~230.4 m
parasang or league: 18,000 Arabic feet~5.76 km
4 parasang~23.04 km
8 parasang~46.08 kmA village-length.

See also
