Anaheterotis Explained

Anaheterotis pobeguinii is an herb of the family Melastomataceae, in the monospecific genus Anaheterotis.[1] [2] Its species name is an homage to French explorer Charles-Henri Pobéguin[3] [4]


It is distributed in tropical West Africa; endemic to the Woodland savanna of Guinea and Sierra Leone. It grows along rivers at an altitude of 1200–1400 meters.[5]


It is an erect, unbranched herb, with a pale, simple stem but well-branched terminal inflorescence. The flowers are purple to red. It grows up to 60 cm tall. The plant is a geophyte, growing from a tuberous rootstock.[6]

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Anaheterotis Ver.-Lib. & G.Kadereit Plants of the World Online Kew Science . Plants of the World Online . 17 March 2021 . en.
  2. Taxon. 66. 3. 584–614. Phylogeny and systematics of African Melastomateae. June 2017. Marie Claire Veranso-Libalah. Robert Douglas Stone. Augustina G.N. Fongod. Thomas L.P. Couvreur. Gudrun Kadereit. 10.12705/663.5.
  3. Book: Broc, Numa. Dictionnaire des Explorateurs français du XIXième siècle. CTHS. fr. 1988. 259–260.
  4. Web site: Kew Royal Botanical Gardens : Herbarium Catalogue : Specimen: K000313170. 11 November 2021.
  5. Web site: Conservatoire et Jardin Botanique Ville de Genève : Heterotis pobeguinii (Hutch. & Dalziel) Jacq.-Fél.. 11 November 2021.
  6. Web site: Anaheterotis pobeguinii. 11 November 2021.