Amrita movement explained

Amrita is a Hindu movement named after Mata Amritanandamayi.


Mata Amritanandamayi is often described as the hugging saint. She has hugged countless people. A hug from her is said to have brought peace to the devotees. Ammachi, as she is popularly called, advocates the Advaitic principle of seeing everybody as oneself.

Year & place of founding

Amritapuri, Kollam, Kerala, India.

Monastic / Non-monastic


General philosophical outlook

Advaita philosophy is followed. The movement is non-sectarian.

Spiritual disciplines generally advocated

Integrated Amrita Meditation Technique. Service of fellow human-beings.

Present chief of the movement

Mata Amritanandamayi


Religion & spirituality

Brahmasthanams are the temples built by Amritanandamayi. Here pooja is offered to reduce the negative effect of planets on devotees.

Social field

Education field

Relief activities

Province of its influence

Chiefly Keralan and Malayali communities all over the globe. But has devotees and admirers throughout India.

Major publications

See also

External links