American Jewish Alternatives to Zionism (AJAZ) was a Jewish anti-Zionist organization which was founded by the Reform Rabbi Elmer Berger.[1]
AJAZ was founded by the Reform Rabbi Elmer Berger in 1968. Berger served as the president and chief spokesperson of AJAZ until his death in 1996.[1] Berger created AJAZ as an anti-Zionist successor to the American Council for Judaism (ACJ), a Classical Reform organization with a history of anti-Zionism.[2] AJAZ had a small membership, mostly composed of supporters of the ACJ.[3] The Near Eastern and Jewish studies scholar Jonathan Marc Gribetz has characterized AJAZ as a "one-man organization" lead by Berger.[4]
Historical records from AJAZ are held in the collections of the American Jewish Historical Society in Manhattan.[5]