American Airlines Flight 587 Explained

Occurrence Type:Accident
American Airlines Flight 587
Image Upright:1.15
Summary:Structural failure and separation of vertical stabilizer caused by pilot error leading to loss of control
Type:Airbus A300B4-605R
Site:Belle Harbor, Queens, New York City, United States
Total Fatalities:265
Aircraft Type:Airbus A300B4-605R
Origin:John F. Kennedy International Airport,
New York City, United States
Destination:Las Américas International Airport,
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Operator:American Airlines
Callsign:AMERICAN 587
Tail Number:N14053
Ground Fatalities:5

American Airlines Flight 587 was a regularly scheduled international passenger flight from John F. Kennedy International Airport, New York City to Las Américas International Airport, Santo Domingo. On November 12, 2001, the Airbus A300B4-605R flying the route crashed into the neighborhood of Belle Harbor on the Rockaway Peninsula of Queens, New York City, shortly after takeoff. All 260 people aboard the plane (251 passengers and 9 crew members) were killed, as well as five people on the ground. It is the second-deadliest aviation accident in U.S. history, behind the crash of American Airlines Flight 191 in 1979, and the second-deadliest aviation incident involving an Airbus A300, after Iran Air Flight 655.[1]

The location of the accident, and the fact that it took place two months and one day after the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center in nearby Manhattan, initially spawned fears of another terrorist attack, but the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) attributed the disaster to the first officer's overuse of rudder controls in response to wake turbulence from a preceding Japan Airlines Boeing 747-400 that took off minutes before it. According to the NTSB, the aggressive use of the rudder controls by the first officer stressed the vertical stabilizer until it separated from the aircraft. The airliner's two engines also separated from the aircraft before impact due to the intense forces.[2]

Aircraft and crew

The accident aircraft, registration was an Airbus A300 B4-605R delivered new to American Airlines on 12 July 1988. The aircraft's first flight was on 9 December 1987 and it was the first "R" model A300-600 built. On the day of the accident, it was in a two-class seating configuration with space for 251 passengers, and all seats were filled: 16 business-class seats and 235 economy-class seats. The aircraft was powered by two General Electric CF6-80C2A5 engines.[3] On board were nine flight crew members, including 42-year-old Captain Edward States, who was the pilot monitoring and undertaking radio communications, and 34-year-old First officer Sten Molin, who was the pilot flying.


The aircraft taxied to Runway 31L behind a Japan Airlines (JAL) Boeing 747-400 (JAL Flight 47) preparing for takeoff. The JAL flight was cleared for takeoff at 9:11:08 a.m. EST. At 9:11:36, the tower controller cautioned Flight 587 about potential wake turbulence from a preceding B747.[4] At 9:13:28, the A300 was cleared for takeoff and left the runway at 9:14:29, about one minute and 40 seconds after the JAL flight had departed. The aircraft climbed to an altitude of 500feet and then entered a climbing left turn to a heading of 220°. At 9:15:00, the captain made initial contact with the departure controller, informing him that the airplane was at 1300feet and climbing to 5000feet. The controller instructed the aircraft to climb to and maintain 13000feet. The flight data recorder (FDR) showed that the events leading to the crash began when the aircraft hit wake turbulence from the JAL flight in front of it at 9:15:36. In response to the turbulence, Molin moved the rudder from the right to the left and back again in quick succession from 9:15:52, causing sideslip until the lateral force caused composite lugs that attached the vertical stabilizer to fail at 9:15:58. The stabilizer separated from the aircraft and fell into Jamaica Bay, about 1miles north of the main wreckage site.

The aircraft pitched downward after the stabilizer loss. As the pilots struggled to control the aircraft, it entered a flat spin. The resulting aerodynamic loads sheared both engines from the aircraft, and they fell several blocks north and east of the main wreckage site, causing minor damage to a gas station and major damage to a home and a boat. The loss of engines cut power to the FDR at 9:16:01, while the cockpit voice recorder (CVR), using an emergency bus, stopped at 9:16:14.8 upon impact with the ground. At 9:16:04, the stall warning sounded on the CVR. The last recorded words were those of Molin saying "What the hell are we into, we're stuck in it" (9:16:07) and States replying "Get out of it, get out of it."[5] [6] The aircraft slammed into the ground at Newport Avenue and Beach 131st Street.


Initial reactions and investigation

Because the crash occurred just two months and one day after the September 11 attacks, which also took place in New York City, several major buildings, including the Empire State Building and the headquarters of the United Nations, were evacuated. Rumors circulated that the plane had been destroyed in a terrorist plot.[7] [8]

In May 2002, a Kuwaiti national named Mohammed Jabarah agreed to cooperate with investigators as part of a plea bargain. Among the details that Jabarah offered to authorities was a claim that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's lieutenant had told him that Richard Reid and Abderraouf Jdey had been enlisted by al-Qaeda to execute identical shoe-bombing plots as part of a second wave of attacks against the United States. According to the lieutenant, Jdey's bomb had successfully destroyed Flight 587, while Reid's attempt had been foiled.[9] [10] [11] [12] According to a Canadian government memorandum, Jdey, a naturalized Canadian citizen, was to use his Canadian passport to board the flight. However, American Airlines' passenger manifest for Flight 587 did not list any passengers using Canadian passports. According to NTSB spokesman Ted Lopatkiewicz, the weight of the memo's veracity was questioned, as no evidence of a terrorist traveling on board was found. The evidence suggested that the aircraft was destroyed after a piece of the tail assembly, "the vertical fin, came off," while it did not indicate "any kind of event in the cabin."

NTSB investigation

On the afternoon of the crash, the NTSB launched an investigation in search for a probable cause. Over the next three months, they conducted 349 interviews, and collected and reconstructed pieces of the aircraft.[13] The Airbus A300 took off shortly after a JAL Boeing 747-400 using the same runway. It flew into the larger jet's wake, an area of turbulent air. The first officer attempted to stabilize the aircraft with alternating aggressive rudder inputs. The force of the air flowing against the moving rudder stressed the aircraft's vertical stabilizer, and eventually snapped it off entirely, causing the aircraft to lose control and crash. The NTSB concluded that the enormous stress on the vertical stabilizer was due to the first officer's "unnecessary and excessive" rudder inputs, and not the wake turbulence caused by the 747. The NTSB further stated, "if the first officer had stopped making additional inputs, the aircraft would have stabilized". Contributing factors were characteristics of the Airbus A300-600's sensitive rudder system design and elements of the American Airlines Advanced Aircraft Maneuvering Training Program.[14]

The manner in which the vertical stabilizer separated concerned investigators. The vertical stabilizer is connected to the fuselage with six attaching points. Each point has two sets of attachment lugs, one made of composite material, another of aluminum, all connected by a titanium bolt; damage analysis showed that the bolts and aluminum lugs were intact, but not the composite lugs. This, coupled with two events earlier in the life of the aircraft, namely delamination in part of the vertical stabilizer prior to its delivery from Airbus's Toulouse factory, and an encounter with heavy turbulence in 1994, caused investigators to examine the use of composites.[15] The possibility that the composite materials might not be as strong as previously supposed was a cause of concern, as they are used in other areas of the plane, including the engine mounting and the wings.[16] Tests carried out on the vertical stabilizers from the accident aircraft, and from another similar aircraft, found that the strength of the composite material had not been compromised, and the NTSB concluded that the material had failed because it had been stressed beyond its design limit.

The crash was witnessed by hundreds of people, 349 of whom gave accounts of what they saw to the NTSB. About half (52%) reported a fire or explosion before the plane hit the ground. Others stated that they saw a wing detach from the aircraft, when in fact it was the vertical stabilizer.[17] [18]

After the crash, Floyd Bennett Field's empty hangars were used as a makeshift morgue for the identification of crash victims.[19]


According to the official accident report, the first officer repeatedly moved the rudder from fully left to fully right. This caused increasing sideslip angles. The resulting hazardous sideslip angle led to extremely high aerodynamic loads that separated the vertical stabilizer. If the first officer had stopped moving the rudder at any time before the vertical stabilizer failed, the aircraft would have leveled out on its own, and the accident would have been avoided.[20] The aircraft performance study indicated that when the vertical stabilizer finally detached, the aerodynamic loads caused by the first officer's actions produced 203000lbf of force on the rudder, meaning that the vertical stabilizer did not fail until far in excess of the of force defined by the design envelope.[21] [22] The vertical stabilizer's structural performance was determined to be consistent with design specifications and exceeded certification requirements.[23]

Contributing factors to the crash existed, as well. The first officer's predisposition to overreact to wake turbulence caused panic. American Airlines incorrectly taught pilots to use the rudder for wake turbulence recovery, resulting in the first officer's possible misunderstanding of the aircraft's response to full rudder at high airspeeds.[24] Light rudder pedal forces and small pedal displacement of the A300-600 rudder pedal system increased the airplane's susceptibility to rudder misuse.

Most aircraft require increased pressure on the rudder pedals to achieve the same amount of rudder control at a higher speed. The Airbus A300 and later Airbus A310 models do not operate on a fly-by-wire flight control system, but instead use conventional mechanical flight controls. The NTSB asserted that the A300-600 rudder control system was vulnerable to unnecessarily excessive rudder inputs.[25] The Allied Pilots Association, in its submission to the NTSB, argued that the unusual sensitivity of the rudder mechanism amounted to a design flaw that Airbus should have communicated to the airline. The main rationale for their position came from a 1997 report that referenced ten incidents in which A300 tail fins had been stressed beyond their design limitation.[26]

Airbus charged that the crash was mostly American Airlines' fault, arguing that the airline did not train its pilots properly about the characteristics of the rudder. Aircraft tail fins are designed to withstand full rudder deflection in one direction when below maneuvering speed, but this does not guarantee that they can withstand an abrupt shift in rudder from one direction to the other, let alone multiple abrupt shifts, like those generated by the first officer on this flight. The NTSB indicated that American Airlines' Advanced Aircraft Maneuvering Program (AAMP) tended to exaggerate the effects of wake turbulence on large aircraft, creating a simulation scenario whereby turbulence from a 747 creates a 90° roll (rather than the likely 5 to 10° roll, though not explaining this to the pilots) to maximize the training challenge.[21] Therefore, pilots were being inadvertently trained to react more aggressively than was necessary. According to author Amy Fraher, this led to concerns of whether it was appropriate for the AAMP to be placing such importance on "the role of flight simulators in teaching airplane upset recovery at all." Fraher states that the key to understanding the crash of Flight 587 ultimately lay in "how the accident pilots' expectations about aircraft performance were erroneously established through 'clumsy' flight simulator training in American's AAMP."[27]

Statement of probable cause

From the NTSB report of the accident:

The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of this accident was the in-flight separation of the vertical stabilizer as a result of the loads beyond ultimate design that were created by the first officer's unnecessary and excessive rudder pedal inputs. Contributing to these rudder pedal inputs were characteristics of the Airbus A300-600 rudder system design and elements of the American Airlines Advanced Aircraft Maneuvering Program (AAMP).

Since the NTSB's report, American Airlines has modified its pilot training program.[28]


Victims' nationalities[29] [30]
Nationality Passengers Crew Ground Total
United States 17695190
Dominican Republic 68 68
Taiwan 33
Haiti 11
Israel 11
All 260 people aboard the plane died in the crash. Five bystanders on the ground were also killed.[31] One of the victims, Hilda Yolanda Mayol, had previously survived the September 11 attacks, having escaped from the North Tower of the World Trade Center.[32] Another victim of the crash was Ashot Melikjanyan who was a Soviet Armenian former actor who later became a naturalized American citizen.[33]

Las Américas International Airport officials created a private area for those who had come to the airport to meet passengers, some of whom were unaware that the airliner had crashed.[34] The authorities at John F. Kennedy International Airport used the JFK Ramada Plaza to house relatives and friends of the victims of the crash.[35] The family crisis center later moved to the Javits Center in Manhattan.[36]

Cultural background

See also: Caribbean immigration to New York City. In 2001, 51 weekly direct flights were made between JFK and the Dominican Republic, with additional flights in December. Most of the flights were offered by American Airlines,[37] [38] and the airline was described as having a virtual monopoly on the route. Around 90% of the passengers on the accident flight were of Dominican descent.[39]

The Guardian described the flight as having "cult status" in Washington Heights, a Dominican area of Manhattan. Belkis Lora, a relative of a passenger on Flight 587, said, "Every Dominican in New York has either taken that flight or knows someone who has. It gets you there early. At home, there are songs about it." Seth Kugel, writing for The New York Times, said, "For many Dominicans in New York, these journeys home are the defining metaphor of their complex push-pull relationship with their homeland; they embody, vividly and poignantly, the tug between their current lives and their former selves. That fact gave Monday's tragedy a particularly horrible resonance for New York's Dominicans." He added, "Even before Monday's crash, Dominicans had developed a complex love-hate relationship with American Airlines, complaining about high prices and baggage restrictions even while favoring the carrier over other airlines that used to travel the same route." David Rivas, a New York City travel agency owner, said, "For the Dominican to go to Santo Domingo during Christmas and summer is like the Muslims going to Mecca."[40]

The crash did not affect bookings for the JFK–Santo Domingo route. Dominicans continued to book travel on the flights until American Airlines ended services between JFK and Santo Domingo on April 1, 2013.[41] [42]


A memorial was constructed in Rockaway Park, the community adjoining Belle Harbor to the east, in memory of the 265 victims of the crash. It is situated beside the Rockaway Beach and Boardwalk at the south end of Beach 116th Street, a major commercial street in the area. It was dedicated on November 12, 2006, the fifth anniversary of the accident, in a ceremony attended by then-Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg. A ceremony commemorating the disaster is held annually at the memorial every November 12, featuring a reading of the names of those killed aboard the aircraft and on the ground, with a formal moment of silence observed at 9:16 am, the estimated time of the crash. The memorial wall, designed by Dominican artist Freddy Rodríguez and Situ Studio, has windows and a doorway looking toward the nearby Atlantic Ocean and angled toward the Dominican Republic. It is inscribed with the names of the victims.[43] Atop the memorial is a quotation, in both Spanish and English, from Dominican poet Pedro Mir: "Spanish; Castilian: Después no quiero más que paz" (which translates to "Afterwards I want nothing more than peace").[44]

In a ceremony held on May 6, 2007, at Woodlawn Cemetery in the Bronx, 889 unidentified fragments of human remains of the victims of the crash were entombed in a group of four mausoleum crypts.[45]


Several documentaries have been made concerning the accident.

A 2006 episode of the National Geographic Channel program Seconds From Disaster examined the Flight 587 accident in detail. The episode was titled "Plane Crash in Queens" (also known as "New York Air Crash").[46]

A 2006 episode of Modern Marvels on The History Channel aired an episode titled "Engineering Disasters 20", which featured detailed information on Flight 587.[47] The Discovery Channel Canada / National Geographic series Mayday (also called Air Crash Investigation or Air Emergency) dramatized the accident in a 2014 episode titled "Queens Catastrophe". The BBC program Horizon also created an episode about the crash.[48]

An episode of Aircrash Confidential on Discovery Channel also featured Flight 587. The episode was titled "Pilot Error".

A 2011 episode of Why Planes Crash featured Flight 587. The episode was titled "Human Error" and was aired on MSNBC.

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Ranter . Harro . Airbus A300 . July 26, 2019 . Aviation Safety Network . Flight Safety Foundation.
  2. Web site: NTSB report on AA 587 Spreads Blame. Lowe. Paul. February 1, 2008. Aviation International News. August 19, 2014. live. August 18, 2014.
  3. Web site: Ranter . Harro . November 12, 2001 . ASN Aircraft accident Airbus A300B4-605R N14053 Belle Harbor, NY . live . . April 20, 2014 . April 20, 2016 . Aviation Safety Network . Flight Safety Foundation.
  4. In-Flight Separation of Vertical Stabilizer, American Airlines Flight 587, Airbus Industrie A300-605R, N14053, Belle Harbor, New York, November 12, 2001. October 26, 2004. National Transportation Safety Board. NTSB/AAR-04/04. July 3, 2017. April 30, 2017. live.
  5. News: Last Words on Doomed Plane – * 'Get out of it!' Pilot Shouted * Crew Made Tragic Error: Feds . New York Post . October 2, 2018 . October 27, 2004 . . November 15, 2017 . live .
  6. Web site: CVR 990601 . . October 2, 2018 . . September 29, 2018. live .
  7. Web site: . Rumors about Flight 587. Irvine. Reed. Kincaid. Cliff. Accuracy in Media. February 6, 2002. October 16, 2013. . October 22, 2013.
  8. News: Speculation about Flight 587 Crash Flourishes in Absence of Answers. . November 13, 2001.
  9. Web site: August 28, 2004 . Terrorismo: Canada, accuse ad Al Qaida per aereo caduto a NY . Terrorism: Canada accuses Al Qaeda of plane crash in NY . . March 3, 2012 . August 28, 2004 . . Ticin Online . it.
  10. Book: Bell . Stewart . The Martyr's Oath: The Apprenticeship of a Homegrown Terrorist . 2009 . John Wiley & Sons . 978-0-470-73904-4 . 215. en.
  11. News: Montreal man downed US plane, CSIS told. Bell. Stewart. National Post. August 27, 2004. October 16, 2013. . October 16, 2013.
  12. News: Schwach. Howard. KSM Trial Raises Questions For AA 587. The Rockaway Wave. Wave Publishing Company. July 5, 2017. November 29, 2009. January 26, 2018. live.
  13. News: Eighth Update on NTSB Investigation into Crash of American Airlines Flight 587 . Breaking Travel News . June 4, 2002.
  14. Web site: Submission of the Allied Pilots Association to the National Transportation Safety Board: Regarding the accident of American Airlines Flight 587 at Belle Harbor, New York November 12, 2001. Allied Pilots Association. January 13, 2016. March 4, 2016. dead.
  15. News: A Workhorse of the Skies, Perhaps With a Deadly Defect . . Matthew L. . Wald . Al . Baker . November 19, 2001 . April 23, 2010.
  16. Book: Griffioen . Hans . Air Crash Investigations: The Crash of American Airlines Flight 587 . 2009 . 978-1-4092-8602-8. 208. . en.
  17. News: Wald . Matthew L . June 23, 2002 . Ideas & Trends; For Air Crash Detectives, Seeing Isn't Believing . . live . October 16, 2013 . . May 18, 2013 . 0362-4331.
  18. News: Kleinfield . N. R. . November 13, 2001 . The Crash of Flight 587: The Overview . . live . January 13, 2016 . . December 24, 2015 . 0362-4331.
  19. Web site: FDNY Responds: Flight 587 Crashes in the Rockaways. January 1, 2007. . July 20, 2013 .
  20. Remembering America's Second-Deadliest Plane Crash. Bella. Timothy. Fearnow. Benjamin. The Atlantic. November 11, 2011. . May 2, 2014.
  21. . . . . 13 . 5 . 2014-01-06.
  22. Web site: National Transportation Safety Board Public Meeting of October 26, 2004 . live . . 2022-10-09 . January 16, 2019 .
  23. Web site: Structural Analysis for the American Airlines Flight 587 Accident Investigation – Global Analysis . January 2005 . . 2022-10-09 . live . NASA Langley Research Center . January 16, 2019.
  24. Ladkin . Peter B. . November 18, 2004 . American Airlines flight 587 insight on rudder input . RVS Group . Bielefeld University . 12789039 . RVS-RR-04-03.
  26. . Aviation Safety and Pilot Control: Understanding and Preventing Unfavorable Pilot-Vehicle Interactions . Washington, D.C. . Washington National Academy Press . 1997 . October 16, 2013 . . October 17, 2013 . live.
  27. Fraher. Amy L.. Technology-Push, Market-Demand and the Missing Safety-Pull: A Case Study of American Airlines Flight 587. New Technology, Work and Employment. July 4, 2015. 30. 2. 124. 10.1111/ntwe.12050. 54520870. free.
  28. Web site: Miller . Leslie . October 27, 2004 . Pilot error blamed for Flight 587 crash . . May 9, 2013 . February 7, 2008 . Associated Press.
  29. News: Flight 587: Final Passenger List. The Guardian . Associated Press. November 15, 2001. The Foreign Office has said passenger Sylvie Greleau, identified as British by American Airlines, carried a French passport, and as far it was concerned she was French. Ms Greleau, a sales and marketing director for Menzies Aviation Group, was formerly based in London.. December 13, 2016. December 21, 2016. live.
  30. News: Barry . Dan . Gootman . Elissa . November 14, 2001 . The Crash of Flight 587: Belle Harbor; 5 Neighbors Gone, and a Jet Engine Where a Child's Bike Might Have Been . The New York Times . live . May 13, 2013 . . December 25, 2013 . 0362-4331.
  31. Vidoli. Giovanna M.. Mundorff. Amy Z.. 26648513 . Victim Fragmentation Patterns and Seat Location Supplements Crash Data: American Airlines Flight 587. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine. April 1, 2012. 83. 4. 412–417. 10.3357/ASEM.3155.2012. 22462369.
  32. News: Younge . Gary . Flight to the Death . May 21, 2022 . . November 11, 2006 . 63 . . On board was Hilda Yolanda Mayol, 26, a waitress who had escaped from the north tower of the World Trade Centre and was heading to the Dominican Republic with her mother and children to take her mind off the trauma.. subscription. ProQuest.
  33. Web site: Complete Passenger and Crew Lists for AA Flight 587 . Washington Post . 12 May 2024.
  34. Web site: Shocked relatives gather at Dominican airport. . June 6, 2007. November 13, 2001. . December 18, 2008.
  35. News: November 17, 2011 . Hotel Near JFK Airport is Familiar With Airline Tragedy . CNN . March 9, 2014 . . January 7, 2012.
  36. News: JFK's Ramada Hotel Once Again Becomes Makeshift Crisis Center . . Banduci . Lucy . November 15, 2011 . January 13, 2016 . . March 9, 2014 . live .
  37. News: Kugel. Seth. Now Boarding, Dreams. November 18, 2001. The New York Times . January 13, 2016 . live. March 7, 2016. 0362-4331.
  38. Web site: American Airlines S11 International Operation changes as of 23JAN11. . UBM plc. London. March 10, 2014. January 23, 2011. . March 10, 2014.
  39. News: Flight to the death. Younge. Gary. The Guardian. November 10, 2006. October 15, 2013 . . November 13, 2012.
  40. News: Don't blame the pilot for the crash of Flight 587. The truth is much more complicated. Smith. Patrick. November 5, 2004. October 15, 2013. . November 28, 2011.
  41. News: American chops two D.R. routes from New York. Myers. Gay Nagle. Travel Weekly. January 28, 2013. October 15, 2013. December 22, 2015. live.
  42. Web site: American Airlines Cancels New York – Santo Domingo / Santiago. . UBM plc. London. March 10, 2014. January 14, 2013 . . March 10, 2014.
  43. News: Flight 587 Memorial Dedicated in Rockaways. November 16, 2006 . . December 21, 2008 .
  44. News: Families dedicate Flight 587 memorial on 5-year anniversary. The International Herald Tribune. Associated Press . November 12, 2006. February 1, 2009.
  45. News: Lee . Trymaine . May 7, 2007 . Only 4 Coffins, but 265 Victims Are Mourned at Mass in the Bronx . The New York Times . live . . October 14, 2017 . 0362-4331.
  46. New York Air Crash . . . 3 . 2006.
  47. Engineering Disasters 20. Modern Marvels. The History Channel. 13. 2006.
  48. Web site: Horizon: Flight 587. BBC Home. May 8, 2003. . May 1, 2013.