Alois Wotawa (11 June 1896 - 12 April 1970) was an Austrian composer of chess problems and endgame studies. He was born and died in Vienna. He was a prosecutor and a member of the Nazi Party.[1]
Wotawa composed more than 350 endgame studies, which were published particularly in German-speaking countries. Wotawa also composed some problems that he called "bungled endgames".[2]
In 1966, FIDE honored Wotawa as an International Master of Chess Composition.
In the following study, White finds an amazing move to force a draw.
1. Ne5 Rd2+
2. Ke3 Re2+
3. Kd4 Rxe5
4. Rf6!! Forks the bishop and rook. If Black protects both with 4...Ra5, 5.Rg6 wins the pawn and draws. There remains only 4...g7xf6 stalemate.