Alcadia kuehni is a species of an operculate land snail, terrestrial gastropod mollusk in the family Helicinidae.
The height of the shell attains 4 mm, its greatest diameter 5⅔ mm.
(Original description in Latin) The globose-conical shell is thin and very finely striated. It is somewhat smooth, shiny, translucent and reddish-amber. The spire is conical, the apex somewhat pointed and the suture impressed. The shell contains 5 whorls. These are scarcely convex with the body whorl nearly equaling the spire and is more globose. The basal callus is thinand diffuse. The aperture is diagonal and somewhat triangular semi-oval. The white peristome is scarcely thickened with the right margin narrowly expanded, basal margin slightly reflexed, somewhat dilated outward, forming a short, obscure denticle at the junction with the very short columella. The thin operculum is of the same color.[1]
This species occurs in French Guiana and Suriname