Alan D. Anyon Explained

Alan D. Anyon (born 1931)[1] is a British philatelist and expert in the revenue stamps of Colombia. In 2009, with Dieter Bortfeldt, he published the first dedicated catalogue of Colombian revenue stamps.


Alan Anyon has been a Fellow of The Royal Philatelic Society London since 2009. Apart from The Royal, Anyon is a member of several other philatelic societies including the Revenue Society, the Cinderella Stamp Club and the Colombia-Panama Philatelic Study Group (COPAPHIL). His displays of provisional and revenue stamps of Colombia have received eight gold medals worldwide and he has written over seventy articles on those subjects.[1]

Outside philately

Now retired, Anyon was formerly a medical and chemical sales manager and served on the governing Council of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) from 1995 until 2008. He was Deputy Treasurer of that society on two occasions. Anyon has been a member of his local branch of the RSPCA for almost 50 years.[1] [2]

Selected publications

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Anyon, Alan & Dieter Bortfeldt. A different look at Colombia. Display given to The Royal Philatelic Society London 27 May 2010. London: The Royal Philatelic Society London, 2010, p. 138.
  2. About the branch.