Abu Muhammad al-Hasan ibn Musa al-Nawbakhti explained

Naubachtī, al-Hasan ibn Mūsā
Other Names:Nawbakhtī, Abu Muhammad al-Hasan ibn Mūsā; (Arabic: نوبختي, أبو محمد الحسن بن موسى)
Occupation:philosopher, theologian, author on Shia Islam
Notable Works:Firaq aš-šī'a

Abū Muḥammad al-Ḥasan b Mūsā an-Nawbakhtī (Arabic: الحسن بن موسى النوبختي; born late 9th century and died between 912 and 922) was a Persian and leading Shī'ī theologian and philosopher in the first half of the 10th century. The Nawbakhtī family boasted a number of scholars famous at the Abbāsid court of Hārūn al-Rashīd. Al-Ḥasan ibn Mūsa is best known for his book about the Shi'a sects titled Firaq al-Shi'a.


Abū Muḥammad al-Ḥasan ibn Mūsa al-Nawbakhti was the nephew of the theologian philosopher Abū Sahl ibn Nawbakht. Among his fellow translators of books of philosophy were Abū 'Uthmān al-Dimashqi, Isḥāq ibn Ḥunayn, and Thābit ibn Qurra. It was claimed al-Ḥasan ibn Mūsa was both Muʿtazila and Shī’a for the Nawbakht family were known followers of ‘Alī.He transcribed a large number of books and wrote books on theology, philosophy and other topics.His book Firaq aš-šī'a (The sects of Shi'a)[1] is the earliest surviving complete work on the Shiite sects, and the oldest text from an imamitic perspective on the differences between the various Islamic sects and their origins within Shiism.


Titles listed in al-Fihrist



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Notes and References

  1. See edition Bibliotheca Islamica 4; English translation by ʻAbbās K. Kāẓim: Shī'a Sects (Kitāb Firaq Al-Shī'a). London: ICAS Press, 2007. (For the Russian translation of Stanislav Michajlovič Prozorov, see web links.)