Al-Anfal Explained

Name-Ar:Arabic: ٱلْأَنْفَال
Name-En:The Bounties
Prev Sura:Quran 7
Next Sura:Quran 9
Othernames:The Spoils of War

Al-Anfal[1] (ar|ٱلأنفال, ; The Spoils of War,[2] Earnings, Savings, Profits) is the eighth chapter (sūrah) of the Quran, with 75 verses (āyāt). Regarding the timing and contextual background of the revelation (asbāb al-nuzūl), it is a "Medinan surah", completed after the Battle of Badr. It forms a pair with the next surah, At-Tawba.[3]

According to the eminent Muslim philosopher Abul A'la Maududi, the chapter was probably revealed in 2 A. H. after the Battle of Badr, the first defensive clash between Meccans and Muslim people of Medina after they fled from persecution in Mecca. As it contains an extensive point-by-point survey of the Battle, it gives the idea that most presumably it was uncovered at very much the same time. Yet, it is additionally conceivable that a portion of the verse concerning the issues emerging because of this Battle may have been uncovered later and joined at the best possible spots to make it a consistent entirety.[4]



The Surah is named Al-Anfal (The Bounties) from the first ayat. The word utilized in the ayat is الْأَنفَالِ. The word أَنفَال alludes to what is given as an extra sum past what is required.[7] A very subtle perspective is covered in employing this word: the reward of undertaking jihad for God is permanently saved with God. Other than this prize, the spoils of war that are picked up from the Unbelievers are an extra offer for such individuals; before the Day of Judgment, the Almighty awards these to the participants of the war.

Text narratives

This subject of this Surah can be considered to be the issue of Jihad.[8]

Ayaat Subject
1 This verse were speaking about the distribution of the Prize of war. More further event details regarding the revelation of this verse from Hadiths narrated by Zubayr ibn al-Awwam and Miqdad ibn Aswad were became the foundation of Sharia ruling by four Sunni Madhhab jurisprudence school regarding the rules of war.
9 the verses are agreed by Tafsir scholars about the narrative story regarding the battle of Badr, where thousands of angels descended and take the size and form of normal humans to help Muslims in the battle to fight the Meccan polytheists. According to Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, Asbab al-Nuzul or revelation of this verse were related with the solemn prayer which Muhammad does just before the battle.[9] the phrase of "...thousand angels came in a row..." were translated literally as the angels according to Ibn Hajar came in appearance of an army of soldiers clad in white garments. The garments were translated by other scholars as yellow,[10] as more specific source has stated that the angels has taken form of Zubayr ibn al-Awwam, companion of Muhammad.

The consensus of Islamic scholars and clerics enclosed various hadiths, both authentics and inauthentics, about the tafseer of this verses that Gabriel,[11] Michael, Raphael and thousands of best angels from third level of sky, all came to the battle of Badr by impersonating appearance of Zubayr ibn al-Awwam, companion of Muhammad. are deemed as his other personal virtue and venerable status according to Islamic belief. Meanwhile, Mahdi Rizqullah has compiled the commentary from classical Islamic scholars, that the verse narration about the angels attendance in the battle were also supported by hadiths from hadith collection from Muslim ibn Hajjaj, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, and the also from Quranic historiography work by Ibn Kathir.

trans-title=Biography of the Prophet An Analytical Study Based on Authentic Sources">Book: Mahdi Rizqullah Ahmad . Anis Maftukhin . Yessi HM. Basyaruddin . Maftukhin . Anis . Biografi Rasulullah Sebuah Studi Analitis Berdasarkan Sumber-sumber yang Otentik . Biography of the Prophet An Analytical Study Based on Authentic Sources . 2017. Biography & Autobiography / Religious, Religion / Islam / General, Muhammad, Prophet, d. 632 -- Biography . Qisthi Press . 9789793715568 . 441–443 . 9 March 2022 . id . ebook. Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albani gave commentary of another supportive narration from al-Baihaqi and Ibn Ishaq, through various hadith narration chains about the testimony from several different sahabah.trans-title=Biography of the Prophet An Analytical Study Based on Authentic Sources" /> This included the narration of Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib who at that time fought on the side of Qurayshite polytheist, who testified that he has been taken captive on the aftermath of the battle by a horse rider whom he did not recognize at all from Muslims rank. According to the hadith authority from Ahmad ibn Hanbal, The captor of Abbas were confirmed by Muhammad as one of the angel who helped the Muslims during this battle.trans-title=Biography of the Prophet An Analytical Study Based on Authentic Sources" />
10-12 The verses are continuation of the previous verse of ninth, where according to the verses, this are done to gave Muslim victory for the price of their faith in following Muhammad into the battle.[12]
13-41 This portion manages the issues of the Spoils of War or ghanimah. The Quran says that these are not the crown jewels of war but rather the "Bounties of Allah" and demonstrates this by indicating that the triumph at Badr (and in every single other fight, as well,) was won by His aid and not by the endeavors of the Muslims. It likewise proclaims in ayat 40 that the war point of the Muslims ought to be to take out every single troublesome condition for the foundation of Islam and not to pick up ruins. Additionally, the spoils, being the bounties of God, have a place with Allah and His Messenger and only they are qualified to distribute them. At that point in the wake of molding the Muslims to acknowledge these things, the different shares have been assigned in ayat 41. The portion for relatives of Muhammad were attested by Hadith that Zubayr ibn al-Awwam, a cousin relative of Muhammad from the side of his father, were shared with more war prize during the battle of Badr.[13]
41 This verse concerns the division of war spoils by the relatives of Muhammad.[14] The Modern Hanbalite and salafists borrowed the interpretation of the verse from Ibn Kathir and Al-Baghawi, that Zubayr privilege were valid as he still counted as blood relative of Muhammad through az-Zubayr mother, so aside from the three parts which usually given to cavalry, two more parts of spoils were given to Zubayr for his blood relation with the prophet.[15]
42-49 The Battle of Badr was appointed by Allah so Islam should triumph over "ignorance". The exercise from this is the Muslims should trust in God and set themselves up for war and ought not be bewildered by Satan as the disbelievers were.
50 The verse giving special mention regarding the conduct of the Angel of death that during the Battle of Badr, the angel of death gave special treatment for the unbelievers who died during that battle, where the angel torment them by striking their faces and their backs the moment they are dying.[16] Another opinion said those polytheists died in Badr were given the treatment not at that time, instead, they will be struck with such punishments during the Last Judgment.
51-54 The Battle of Badr was appointed by Allah so Islam should triumph over "ignorance". The exercise from this is the Muslims should trust in God and set themselves up for war and ought not be bewildered by Satan as the disbelievers were.
55-59 Sanctity of treaties has been ordered and the Muslims instructed to observe them as long as the other party does not break them.
60-66 The Muslims ought to consistently be set up for war on each front, yet ought to be prepared to make harmony if the other party is slanted towards it.
67-71 In these ayaat, guidelines about detainees of war have been given.
72-75 To keep the Muslims consolidated against their adversaries, they have been instructed to have welcoming relations with each other.

Verse 8:12

Tafsir Ibn Kathir says this means, "you -- angels -- support the believers, strengthen their (battle) front against their enemies, thus, implementing My command to you. I will cast fear, disgrace and humiliation over those who defied My command and denied My Messenger".

Verse 8:17

Muhammad al-Baqir narrates in hadith that:

which refers to the relatives of the Messenger of Allah. "Al-Khums (one fifth) belongs to Allah, the Messenger and to us (his Ahl al-Bayt)".[17] One source states that Ubay ibn Khalaf was ransomed after Badr, but was killed by Muslims with a spear in the Battle of Uhud (625 CE). Verse was revealed in this occasion.[18]

Verses 8:42 and 8:47

The Battle of Badr is also the subject of this Surah, which details military conduct and operations. Though the Surah does not name Badr, it describes the battle several times:These verses highlighted both the chance encounter of the battle (both sides had blundered into each other) as well as the underestimation of both the size of the Meccan army by the Muslims and the fierceness of the Muslim army by the Meccans. The Meccan army was described in the second verses, and "Satan" may be referring to Amr ibn Hishām, who was hated by the Muslims and allegedly pushed for the battle repeatedly.

Verses 8:75

According to Al-Suyuti, the aftermath of the battle of Uhud had several implication for the Companions of the Prophet as some of them though they can inherit the wealth of the fallen, due to the previous bonding between Muhajirun and Ansar in the event of Brotherhood among the Sahabah. This case were highlighted in a Hadith of such event when Ka'b ibn Malik, a Medinan Ansari warrior who has fallen during the battle and previously bonded brotherhood with Zubayr ibn al-Awwam.[19] Then Muhammad revealed Sura Al-Anfal, Ayah, which annulled the inheritance rights between fabricated "brotherhood", and forbidding Zubayr to inherit Ka'b wealths, as the one who truly has the right to inherit his wealth were his true blood relatives such as his children's.



External links

Notes and References

  1. [George Sale translation]
  2. [Gerrans, S]
  3. Translation and commentary by Javed Ahmad Ghamidi
  4. [Abul A'la Maududi]
  5. Web site: Ayah al-Anfal (The Spoils of War) 8:39 .
  6. Book: Wherry . Elwood Morris . Elwood Morris Wherry . A Complete Index to Sale's Text, Preliminary Discourse, and Notes . 1896 . Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, and Co . London.
  7. Web site: The Quranic Arabic Corpus - Quran Dictionary.
  8. Mohammed, A Comprehensive Commentary on the Quran: Comprising Sale’s Translation and Preliminary Discourse, with Additional Notes and Emendations (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, and Co., 1896). 4 vols.
  9. Book: Nasrulloh . Muhammad . PERISTIWA DIBALIK TURUNNYA AL-QURAN: Fakta Sejarah Pengantar Turunnya Ayat-Ayat Al-Quran. EVENTS BEHIND THE DECENT OF THE QURAN: Historical Facts Introduction . 2020. Religion / Islam / History . Aghitsna Publisher . 9786236865101 . 92–93 . 2 February 2022 . Indonesian, Arabic . ebook . 46: Doa Rasulullah SAW ketika perang Badar . Hadith from Sahih Muslim no.1763; Sahih al-Bukhari no.2915; Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal no.1161; al-Tabarani vol 10 p.18110270; compiled in the book of Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani vol.7 p.289.
  10. Web site: Omar Al-Muqbil . professor Shalih bin Abdullah bin Humaid from Riyadh Tafsir center . Imad Zuhair Hafidz from Markaz Ta'dhim Qur'an Medina . Omar Al-Muqbil . Surat Ali-Imran ayat 125 . 2016 . Tafsirweb . Islamic University of Madinah. 30 January 2022 . Indonesian, Arabic.
  11. Book: al-Misri . Mahmud . Sahabat-Sahabat Rasulullah vol 1: Zubair bin Awwam . Companion of the Prophet vol 1: Zubair bin Awwam . 2015 . Pustaka Ibnu Katsir . 9789791294386 . id, ar . 6 November 2021 . Shaja'ah Zubayr ibn al-Awwam Radhiyallahu anh (bravery of Zubayr ibn al-Awwam
    by ; official Book review by Basalamah; quoting various supplementary sources such as Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Siyar A'lam Nubala, Al-Tirmidhi, Prophetic biography of Ibn Hisham, etc.
  12. Web site: Omar Al-Muqbil . professor Shalih bin Abdullah bin Humaid from Riyadh Tafsir center . Imad Zuhair Hafidz from Markaz Ta'dhim Qur'an Medina . Omar Al-Muqbil . Surat Al-Anfal Ayat 12 . Tafsirweb . Islamic University of Madinah. 30 January 2022 . Indonesian, Arabic.
  13. Web site: Ibn Umar al-Waqidi . Muhammad . Futuh al-Sham (Revised Version) chapter:ذكر وقعة اليرموك . . al-eman . 7 December 2021 . 21–49.
  14. Web site: Omar Al-Muqbil . professor Shalih bin Abdullah bin Humaid from Riyadh Tafsir center . Imad Zuhair Hafidz from Markaz Ta'dhim Qur'an Medina . Omar Al-Muqbil . Surat al Anfal ayat 41 . 2016 . Tafsirweb . Islamic University of Madinah. 30 January 2022 . Indonesian, Arabic.
  15. ; Web site: bin Badawi al-Khalafi . Abdul Azhim . Kitab Jihad (2) . Almanhaj . 24 November 2004 . 7 December 2021 . id. Setelah itu ghanimah (harta rampasan perang) dibagikan. Empat perlima bagian untuk orang-orang yang berperang, dengan perincian untuk pejalan kaki satu bagian dan untuk pasukan berkuda tiga bagian. Allah berfirman: واعلموا أنما غنمتم من شيء فأن لله خمسه وللرسول “Ketahuilah, sesungguhnya apa saja yang dapat kamu peroleh sebagai rampasan perang, maka sesungguhnya seperlima untuk Allah dan untuk Rasul…” [Al-Anfaal: 41] Baca Juga Kitab Jihad (1) Dari Ibnu ‘Umar Radhiyallahu ‘anhuma, ia berkata: رأيت المغانم تجزأ خمسة أجزاء، ثم يسهم عليها، فما كان لرسول الله j فهو له، يتخير. “Aku melihat harta rampasan dibagi lima bagian, kemudian diberikan kepada yang ikut berperang, adapun yang menjadi bagian Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, maka bagian itu adalah miliknya yang beliau pilih.” Dan dari beliau juga, bahwasanya Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam membagi harta rampasan perang Khaibar, untuk penunggang kuda tiga bagian dan untuk kudanya dua bagian serta untuk pejalan kaki satu bagian. ; Shahih: [Shahiih al-Jaami’ish Shaghiir (no. 2303), Sunan Ibni Majah (II/952, no. 2853), ini adalah lafazh dalam riwayat beliau, dan yang meriwayatkan seperti ini tanpa menyebutkan ‘khaibar’, Shahiih al-Bukhari (VI/67, no. 2863), Shahiih Muslim (III/1383, no. 1762), Sunan Abi Dawud (VII/404, no. 2716)].
  16. Web site: Muhammad Sulaiman al-Ashqar . Wahbah_al-Zuhayli . Imad Zuhair Hafidz from Markaz Ta'dhim Qur'an Medina . Shalih bin Abdullah bin Humaid . Wahbah al-Zuhayli . Surat al Anfal ayat 50 . 2016 . Tafsirweb . Islamic University of Madinah. 30 January 2022 . Indonesian, Arabic.
  17. Book: Kitab al-Kafi. Al-Kulayni. Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Ya’qub. 2015. The Islamic Seminary Inc.. 9780991430864. South Huntington, NY.
  18. Umm `Umara Nasiba Bint Ka`B Al-Ans.Ariyya (Ra)
  19. Book: as-Suyuthi . Jalal ad-Din. Team of Abdul Hayy . Al-Suyuti . Satria . Ivan . Asbabun Nuzul; Sebab Turunnya Ayat Al-Quran . 2008 . Gema Insani . 9789790770751 . 273–274 . 23 December 2021 . en, id, ms.