Ahlam Bsharat Explained

Ahlam Bsharat
Native Name:أحلام بشارات
Birth Date:1975
Birth Place:Tamoun

Ahlam Bsharat (Arabic: أحلام بشارات; born in 1975 in Tamoun) is a Palestinian writer and poet, born in the village of Tammun in the Jordan Valley,[1] and a trainer specialized in creative writing. She is an author of short stories, picture books, novels, and memoirs.[2] Ahlam Bsharat is considered one of the most prominent names produced young people's literature and short stories in Palestine. She has written four novels for young people, dozens of children's stories, and two short story collections. Bsharat gained great attention after publishing the novel "My Kinetic Name is a Butterfly", a novel addressed to young people that reached the list of the 100 most important books for young people in the world in 2012, and the novel was reprinted in both Arabic and English. Bsharat's career as professional writer began in 2005, although she had this talent since the primary stage in her school. She composed stories and drew a visual narrative parallel to the text, so she acquired both skills at a young age.[3]

Certifications and positions

She completed her secondary education and then joined the Faculty of Arts at An-Najah National University, where she obtained a BA and MA in Arabic literature from the same university and worked as a teacher for twelve years,[4] then rose to become the director of the Children's Literature Department in the Palestinian Ministry of Culture.[5]

Early life and career

Ahlam Bsharat was born and grew up in a family working in the cultivation of the land. She dreamed of becoming a fashion designer, painter, or farmer, but she became a writer, and this was not easy. She is still tormented and enjoys words, and weather conditions, such as fields, hills, and small valleys.[6] The villages of Jiftlik and Tammun.[7] Her family lived in Tammun while her school and the family farm were in Jiftlik. So, this daily trip painted the imaginations of the girl Ahlam, who lived her school life in parallel with her active role in agricultural life with the family of ten. She did not find good news in the reality of her childhood as entertainment. Her imagination is a haven, which she translated into writings and drawings in expression classes in the sixth grade. It was her first attempt to write a story that coincided with the beginning of the first intifada and reflects the girl's ideas about the events in her surroundings. She began her career in writing for young people in addition to writing fiction and poetry, since "My Kinetic Name is a Butterfly[8] " (2009), through "Trees for Absentee People[9] " (2013) and "Ginger[10] " (2017) until "The Memories Factory[11] ". Ahlam establishes a writing that starts from Palestine, from her questions and reality, to reach her question sometimes to a different picture of reality to embrace it again.[12]


!Title!Language!Publisher!Year!Pages!ISBN!OCLC Number
Trees for Absentee PeopleArabicTamer Company201362891793798
Poinciana Tree;Diary of a girl from the lowest point in the world[13] ArabicTamer Company201485986391813
If I have them.. they are just thoughts[14] Arabicشمس للنشر والتوزيع، al-Muqaṭṭam, al-Qāhirah : Shams lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ,.2009153562000520
My Kinetic Name is a ButterflyArabicEnglishTamer Companyنيم تري برس200997646916900
The Memories FactoryArabicAlsalwa20181281294310752
Blue Eulogies[15] Arabicدار فضاءات، ʻAmmān : Dār Faḍāʼāt2010181589227333
GingerArabicTamer Company201787993159227
Because I love you[16] ArabicUgarit Cultural Center200590277040688
Grandpa Bed[17] ArabicTamer Company20181091841367
Diwan of the name of the birdArabicAlraqameyah2021166
Princess Bahraj Palace[18] ArabicPalastine Workshop2016241158755037
Mary, the lady of the astrolabeArabicAlraqameyah201836
How did the secret come back?[19] ArabicEverything Library993200025
Color of The House[20] ArabicEverything Library951794058
The boy is searching for his name[21] ArabicBadeel495751876
Nani delivers cakes: a story for children[22] ArabicUgarit Cultural Center827867413
Alzinko Window[23] ArabicBadeel495751447
The Palestinian in His Isolation, a Woodpecker for His Life Tree[24] ArabicJournal of Palestine Studies, n123 (2020): 160 - 1649503472053

Notes and References

  1. Web site: حوار . أسماء عزايزة- . 2021-01-31 . أين تأخذ أحلام بشارات الأطفال عندما يقطعون النهر؟ حوار . 2022-08-06 . فسحة - ثقافية فلسطينية . en.
  2. Web site: أحلام بشارات . 2022-08-06 . رصيف 22.
  3. Web site: أحلام بشارات Al Raqamiya الرقمية . 2022-08-06 . Al Raqamya.
  4. Web site: العربي . Arab World Books منتدى الكتاب . أحلام بشارات . 2022-08-06 . www.arabworldbooks.com.
  5. Web site: الاتحاد . صحيفة . 2019-03-06 . أحلام بشارات: أسمع كتّاباً يتحدثون من القبور . 2022-08-06 . صحيفة الاتحاد . ar-AR.
  6. Web site: أحلام بشارات . 2022-08-06 . alnqsh.com . ar.
  7. Web site: الكاتبة أحلام بشارات... اسمها الحركي فراشة . https://web.archive.org/web/20210604203840/https://www.24fm.ps/ar/program/1481034039 . 4 June 2021 . 4 September 2021 . www.24fm.ps.
  8. Book: بشارات, أحلام . اسمي الحركي فراشة . 2009 . مؤسسة تامر للتعليم المجتمعي . 9789950326477 . Arabic . 646916900.
  9. Book: بشارات, أحلام . أشجار للناس الغائبين : رواية . 2013 . مؤسسة تامر للتعليم المجتمعي . 9789950260146 . Arabic . 891793798.
  10. Book: بشارات, أحلام . جنجر . 2017 . مؤسسة تامر للتعليم المجتمعي . 9789950260948 . Arabic . 993159227.
  11. Book: بشارات, أحلام . مصنع الذكريات . السلوى، Amman, Jordan : Al Salwa Publishers . 2018 . 9789957041366 . Jordan . Arabic . 1294310752.
  12. Web site: أحلام بشارات... من فلسطين وإليها! . 2022-08-06 . الأخبار . ar.
  13. Book: أحلام, بشارات . شجرة البونسيانا : مذكرات فتاة من أخفض بقعة في العالم . 2016 . مؤسسة تامر للتعليم المجتمعي . 9789950260801 . Arabic . 986391813.
  14. Book: بشارات, أحلام . إذا كانت تراودني. فهي مجرد أفكار : رسائل مشتركة / Idhā kānat turāwidunī-- fahiya mujarrad afkār : rasāʼil mushtarakah . شمس للنشر والتوزيع، al-Muqaṭṭam, al-Qāhirah : Shams lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ, . . 2009 . 978-977-94-3004-1 . Arabic . 562000520.
  15. Book: بشارات, أحلام . تأبينات زرقاء : قصص / Taʼbīnāt zarqāʼ : qiṣaṣ . دار فضاءات، ʻAmmān : Dār Faḍāʼāt, . . 2010 . Arabic . 589227333.
  16. Book: بشارات, أحلام . لأني أحبك : قصص / La-annī uḥibbuk : qiṣaṣ . مركز أوغاريت الثقافي، Rām Allāh : Markaz Ughārīt al-Thaqāfī, . . 2005 . Arabic . 277040688.
  17. Book: بشارات, أحلام . سرير جدي . مؤسسة تامر للتعليم المجتمعي . 2018 . 9789950270190 . Arabic . 1091841367.
  18. Book: بشارات, أحلام . قصر الأميرة بهرج : قصة . 2016 . ورشة فلسطين للكتابة . 9789950851634 . Arabic . 1158755037.
  19. Book: بشارات, أحلام . كيف عاد السر؟ . مكتبة كل شيء . Arabic . 993200025.
  20. Book: بشارات, أحلام . لون البيت . مكتبة كل شيء . 1975 . 9789657652534 . Arabic . 951794058.
  21. Book: بشارات, أحلام . الولد يفتش عن اسمه . بديل-المركز الفلسطيني لمصادر حقوق المواطنة واللاجئين، . Arabic . 495751876.
  22. Book: بشارات, أحلام . ناني توصل الكعك : قصة للأطفال . اوغاريت . Arabic . 827867413.
  23. Book: بشارات, أحلام . شباك الزينكو . 2009 . بديل-المركز الفلسطيني لمصادر حقوق المواطنة واللاجئين، . 9789950339149 . Arabic . 495751447.
  24. بشارات . أحلام . 2020 . الفلسطيني في عزلته نقار خشب لشجرة حياته . Journal of Palestine Studies . مؤسسة الدراسات الفلسطينية . 123 . 160–164 . 9503472053 . 2219-2077.