Aelita project explained

Aelita was the 1969 abandoned Soviet project of a crewed flight to Mars. It was named after the 1923 science fiction novel Aelita by Russian author Aleksey Tolstoy about a flight to Mars.[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

See also

Notes and References

  1. Brian Harvey, Russian Planetary Exploration. History, Development, Legacy and Prospects, 2007, p. 302
  2. Mark Wade, MEK
  3. Asif A. Siddiqi, Challenge to Apollo. The Soviet Union and the Space Race, 1945-1974, 2000, Chapter 17: Dreams Unfulfilled
  4. Zheleznyakov A., «Аэлита», «МАВР» и другие проекты советской пилотируемой экспедиции на Марс.
  5. Сергей Филиппенков, "Проект 'Аэлита' ", "Жуковские вести", 11 August 1999