The following table details the administrative and electoral structures of Templeogue – a suburb of Dublin in Ireland. It defines the district's polling places, electoral divisions, polling districts, Dáil constituencies, local electoral areas, and county council – and their mutual relationships within the administrative hierarchy.[1]
County Council | Local electoral area | Dáil constituency | Polling District | Book | Electoral division | Polling Place | |
Tallaght Central | Templeogue 1 | HM | Templeogue-Osprey Kennington Close Kennington Crescent Kennington Lawn Kennington Road Osprey Avenue Osprey Drive Osprey Lawn Osprey Park Rushbrook Avenue Rushbrook Court Rushbrook Crescent Rushbrook Drive Rushbrook Grove Rushbroom Park Rushbrook Road Rushbrook View Rushbrook Way Spawell Cottages Templeogue Wellington Cottages Wellington Terrace Wilderwood Grove Willington Avenue Willington Court Willington Crescent Willington Drive Willington Green Willington Grove Willington Lawn Willington Park | Orwell A | |||
Templeogue 2 | HP | Templeogue-Cypress (part) That part of the Templeogue-Cypress Electoral Division south of Templeogue Road containing the townlands / streetnames of:Cheeverstown House, Templeogue Road Corrybeg Hillcrest Hillcrest Manor The Strand | Orwell | ||||
Templeogue 3 | HQ | Templeogue-Orwell Cypress Downs (The Court) Cypress Downs (The Heath) Cypress Grove Road Domville Road Glendown Avenue Glendown Close Glendown Court Glendown Crescent Glendown Drive Glendown Green Glendown Grove Glendown Lawn Glendown Park Orwell Park Avenue Orwell Park Close Orwell Park Crescent Orwell Park Drive Orwell Park Glade Orwell Park Glen Orwell Park Green Orwell Park Grove Orwell Park Lawns Orwell Park Way Templeville Road The Manor, Orwell Park Grove Wellington Lane Wellington Park Whitehall Cross Wellington Road Whitehall Cross (Houses) | Orwell | ||||
Templeogue 4 | HR | Templeogue-Cypress (part) That part of the Templeogue-Cypress Electoral Division north of Templeogue Road containing the townlands / streetnames of: Cypress Downs (The Avenue) | Orwell | ||||
Templeogue 5 | HT | Templeogue-Village Ashfield Bushy Park House, Templeogue Road Cypres Garth Cypress Grove Road Cypress Park Fortrose Park Riverside Cottages Rosehall Estate Springfield Avenue Springfield Crescent Springfield Drive Springfield Park Springfield Road Templeogue Road Templeogue Village Templeville Avenue Templeville Drive Templeville Park Templeville Road | Orwell | ||||
Limekiln 1 | HK | Templeogue-Limekiln Convent of St. Paul The Apostle Corrig Close Fernhill Avenue Fernhill Park Fernhill Road Glendoo Close Glenmurray Park Greentrees Road Keadeen Avenue Kilakee Close Kilakee Drive Kilmashogue Close Kilmashogue Drive Kilmashogue Grove Kippure Avenue Limekiln Avenue Limekiln Close Limekiln Court Limekiln Drive Limekiln Green Limekiln Park Limekiln Road Lugnaquilla Avenue Mountdown Avenue Mountdown Drive Mountdown Park Mountdown Road St. Finbarr's Close St. James' Road St. Killian's Avenue St. Mel's Avenue Temple Manor Avenue Temple Manor Close Temple Manor Court Temple Manor Drive Temple Manor Grove Temple Manor Way Three Rock Close Tibradden Close Tibradden Drive Tibradden Grove Tonduff Close Tymon North Wellington Road | Limekiln B | ||||
Fortfield | HS | Templeogue-Kimmage Manor College Crescent College Drive College Park College Sq Wainsfort Road Fortfield Avenue Fortfield Drive Fortfield Grove Fortfield Park Fortfield Road Fortfield Square Glenanne Glendale Park Grosvenor Court Hyde Park Kimmage Manor Kimmage Manor Way Kimmage Road West Manor Avenue Priory Hall Priory Walk Priory Way St. Anne's Templeogue College, Templeville Road Templeogue Road Templeville Road The Courtyard, Fortfield Square The Crescent, Fortfield Square The Mews, Fortfield Square The Orchard, Fortfield Road The Recorders, Whitehall Road Wainsfort Avenue Wainsfort Crescent Wainsfort Drive Wainsfort Gardens Wainsfort Grove Wainsfort Manor Crescent Wainsfort Manor Drive Wainsfort Manor Green Wainsfort Manor Grove Wainsfort Park Wainsfort Road Wellington Road Whitehall Close Whitehall Gardens Whitehall Park Whitehall Road | Fortfield C | ||||
Polling places — A: Bishop Shanahan National School. B: St. Peter's National School. C: St. Pius X National School. |