Abraham Zelmanov Explained

Abraham Zelmanov (May 15, 1913  - February 2, 1987) was a Soviet scientist working in the General Theory of Relativity and cosmology. He first constructed, in 1944, the complete mathematical method to calculate physical observable quantities in the General Theory of Relativity (the theory of chronometric invariants). Applying the mathematical apparatus, in the 1940s, he established the basics of the theory of inhomogeneous anisotropic universe, where he determined specific kinds of all cosmological models—scenarios of evolution—which could be theoretically conceivable for a truly inhomogeneous and anisotropic Universe in the framework of Einstein's theory.


Abraham Leonidovich Zelmanov was born on May 15, 1913, in Poltava Gubernya of the Russian Empire. His father was a Judaic religious scientist, a specialist in comments on Torah and Kabbalah. In 1937, Zelmanov completed his education at the Mechanical Mathematical Department of Moscow University. After 1937, he was a research-student at the Sternberg Astronomical Institute in Moscow, where he presented his dissertation in 1944. In 1953, he was arrested for "cosmopolitism" in Joseph Stalin's campaign against Jews. However, as soon as Stalin died, Zelmanov was set free, after some months of imprisonment. For several decades Zelmanov and his paralyzed parents lived in a room in a flat shared with neighbours. He took everyday care of his parents, so they lived into old age. In the 1970s, he obtained a personal municipal flat. He was married three times. Zelmanov worked on the academic staff of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute all his life, until his death on 2 February 1987.

Scientific career

Zelmanov liked to remark that he preferred to make mathematical "instruments" than to use them in practice. Perhaps thereby his main goal in science was the mathematical apparatus of physical observable quantities in the General Theory of Relativity, completed in 1941–1944, and known as the theory of chronometric invariants.[1] [2] Many researchers were working on the theory of observable quantities in the 1940s. For example, Landau and Lifshitz, in their famous the Classical Theory of Fields first published in 1941,[3] introduced observable time and the observable three-dimensional interval, similar to those introduced by Zelmanov. But they limited themselves to this particular case only. Only Zelmanov arrived at general mathematical methods to define physical observable quantities in pseudo-Riemannian spaces, and collected all the methods in complete theory. In developing the apparatus he also created other mathematical methods, namely — kinemetric invariants[4] and monad formalism.[5]

Solving Einstein's equations with his mathematical apparatus of chronometric invariants, Zelmanov obtained the total system of all cosmological models (scenarios of the Universe's evolution) which could be possible as derived from the equations. In particular, he had arrived at the possibility that infinitude may be relative. In the 1950s, he enunciated the Infinite Relativity Principle:

Most of his time was spent in scientific work, but he sometimes gave lectures on the General Theory of Relativity and relativistic cosmology as a science for the geometrical structure of the Universe. Because Zelmanov made scientific creation the main goal of his life, writing articles was a waste of time to him. However he never regretted time spent on long discussions in friendly company, where he set forth his philosophical concepts on the geometrical structure of the Universe and the process of human evolution. In those discussions he formulated his famous Anthropic Principle and the Infinite Relativity Principle.

His Anthropic Principle is stated in two versions. The first version sets forth the idea that the law of human evolution is dependent upon fundamental physical constants:

In the second form he argues that any observer depends on the Universe he observes in the sameway that the Universe depends on him:

In other words, using purely mathematical methods of the General Theory of Relativity, Zelmanov showed that any observer forms his world-picture from a comparison between his observational results and some standards he has in his laboratory — the standards of different objects and their physical properties. So the "world" we see as a result of our observations depends directly on that set of physical standards we have, so the "visible world" depends directly on our considerations about some objects and phenomena.

Being very demanding of himself, Zelmanov got less than a dozen short scientific publications during his life (see above References and also[6] [7] [8] [9]). So every publication is a concentrate of his fundamental scientific ideas. His main books Chronometric Invariants and Lectures on General Relativity[10] [11] were published posthumous.

Zelmanov believed that everything in our world is completely determined by the geometry of the basic space (space-time) that is, by Einstein, the meaning of the General Theory of Relativity. Zelmanov just stated that the human consciousness depends on the space geometry as well as the space geometry depends on the human consciousness. So Zelmanov paved new ways in Einstein's theory, getting the pure mathematics close to the human perception and experiment.

Selected publications

This list may be incomplete.

Notes and References

  1. Zelmanov A. L. Chronometric invariants. Dissertation, 1944. American Research Press, Rehoboth (NM), 2006, 232 pages. Free online access to the book is provided by Progress in Physics, the journal on physics.
  2. Zelmanov A. L. Chronometric invariants and co-moving coordinates in the general relativity theory. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1956, v.107(6), 815-818.
  3. Landau L. D. and Lifshitz E. M. The Classical Theory of Fields. Butterworth-Heinemann, 1975 (Original 1st Edition in Russian: GITTL, Moscow, 1941).
  4. Zelmanov A. L. Kinemetric invariants and their relation to chronometric invariants in Einstein's theory of gravitation. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1973, v.209(4), 822-825.
  5. Zelmanov A. L. Orthometric form of monad formalism and its relations to chronometric invariants and kinemetric invariants. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1976, v.227(1), 78-81.
  6. Zelmanov A. L. On the relativistic theory of anisotropic inhomogeneous Universe. Proc. 6th Soviet Conference on Cosmogony, Nauka, Moscow, 144-174, 1959 (in Russian).
  7. Zelmanov A. L. On the statement of the problem of the infinity of space in the general relativity theory. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1959, v.124(5), 1030-1034.
  8. Zelmanov A. L. On the problem of the deformation of the co-moving space in Einstein's theory of gravitation. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1960, v.135(6), 1367-1370.
  9. Zelmanov A. L. and Khabibov Z. R. Chronometrically invariant variations in Einstein's gravitation theory. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1982, v.268(6), 1378-1381.
  10. Zelmanov A. L. Lectures on General Relativity. American Research Press, Rehoboth (NM), 2007 (in print).
  11. Zelmanov A. L. and Agakov V. G. Elements of General Relativity. Nauka, Moscow, 1989, 236 pages (in Russian)