Abd al-Qadir ibn Shaqrun explained

Ibn Shakrun or Abu Mohammed Abd al-Kadir ibn al-Arabi al-Munabbahi al-Madaghri ibn Shakrun al-Miknasi (died after 1727/28) was a Moroccan physician and poet and contemporary of Moulay Ismael.[1] He is not to be confused with Abd al-Qadir ibn Shaqrun al-Fasi (died 1801 or 1804), a religious scholar from Fes, who played an active role in the accession of Mulay Slimane as a member of the so-called ahl al-hadith group.[2]


  1. [William Charles Brice]
  2. Rex S. O'Fahey, Enigmatic saint: Ahmad ibn Idris and the Idrisi tradition, p. 37 (confuses the two)