A Declaration of Love explained

A Declaration of Love
Native Name:Russian: Объяснение в любви
Director:Ilya Averbakh
Producer:Yuri Gubanov
Alexander Pikunov
Cinematography:Dmitry Dolinin
Editing:Ye. Sadovskaya
Runtime:135 min.
Country:Soviet Union

A Declaration of Love (Russian: Объяснение в любви|Obyasneniye v lyubvi) is a 1977 Soviet romance film directed by Ilya Averbakh.[1] [2] [3]


The main character is a talented, but timid writer Filippok, together with his country, is going through the difficult years of revolution, devastation and war. Adversity helps him to overcome the unrequited and devoted love for the widow of the commissar Zinochka, who manages his career in a businesslike manner, not hesitating to start romances with other men. Filippok will describe his life story in a book, which at the end of days will be presented to a terminally ill, but still beloved wife with gratitude for the experience.[4]


Notes and References

  1. https://tsargrad.tv/special_projects/piraty-hh-veka-vzryvali-zaly-a-letjat-zhuravli-pokorjali-zapad-istorija-rossijskogo-kino-za-sem-minut-chtenija_214347 «Пираты ХХ века» «взрывали» залы, а «Летят журавли» покоряли Запад: История российского кино за семь минут чтения
  2. https://spbvedomosti.ru/news/sport/aleksey_samoylov_obyasnenie_v_lyubvi_s_notoy_pechali/ Объяснение в любви. К юбилеям Владимира Кондрашина и Вячеслава Платонова
  3. https://www.vokrug.tv/article/show/15517141111/ Советские актеры, которые трагически ушли из жизни на пике карьеры
  4. https://www.kinopoisk.ru/film/42706/ Объяснение в любви
  5. http://seance.ru/blog/in_memoriam_averbakh Памяти Ильи Авербаха