9th Military Region (Vietnam People's Army) explained

Unit Name:Quân khu 9
(9th Military Region)
Dates:10 December 1945 – present[1]
Allegiance: People's Army of Vietnam
Branch:Active duty
Role:Regular force
Size:Equivalent to Corps
Command Structure:People's Army of Vietnam
Garrison:Cần Thơ
Battles:First Indochina War
Vietnam War
Cambodian–Vietnamese War
Commander1:Lieutenant General Nguyễn Xuân Dắt
Commander1 Label:Current commander
Commander2:Major General Chiêm Thống Nhất
Commander2 Label:Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff Commander
Commander3:Lieutenant General Hồ Văn Thái
Commander3 Label:First party committee secretary

The 9th Military Region of Vietnam People's Army, is directly under the Ministry of Defence of Vietnam, tasked to organise, build, manage and command armed forces defending the Mekong Delta.



Successive Commander and Leadership


Political Commissioners, Deputy Commanders of Politics

Notes and References

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