8th Parliament of Solomon Islands explained

The 8th Parliament of Solomon Islands, determined by the 2006 general election, was the National Parliament of Solomon Islands from 2006 to 2010. It was preceded by the seventh and followed by the ninth.

The 8th Parliament consisted in 50 representatives, elected from 50 single-seat constituencies.[1]

Party standings

The various parties had the following number of seats.[2]

width=1%width=30% align=centerPartywidth=19% align=centerSeats
Association of Independent Members of Parliament7
Democratic Party5
Liberal Party3
National Party4
Party for Rural Advancement5
People's Alliance Party8
Social Credit Party3


The following were the 50 members of the National Parliament.[3]

width=1%width=30% align=centerMPwidth=45% align=centerPartywidth=24% align=centerConstituency
Steve William AbanaDemocraticFataleka
Leslie BosetoNationalSouth Choiseul
Peter BoyersAIMPWest New Georgia – Vona Vona
Laurie ChanPeople's AllianceWest Guadalcanal
Walter Folotalu?Lau Mbaelelea
Fred FonoPeople's AllianceCentral Kwara'ae
Bernard GhiroAIMPCentral Makira
Seth GukunaAIMPRennel Bellona
William Ni'i HaomaeIndependentSmall Malaita
Francis Billy HillyNationalRannogga-Simbo
Edward Huni'ehuAIMPEast Are'Are
Sam IduriDemocraticWest Kwara'ae
Toswel KauaRural AdvancementBaegu-Asifola
Allan KemakezaPeople's AllianceSavo-Russels
Mark Roboliu KemakezaLiberalGela
Clement KengavaPeople's AllianceNorthwest Choiseul
Johnson KoliPeople's AllianceEast Guadalcanal
Daniel Enele KwanairaraAIMPNorth Malaita
Nollen Cornelius LeniNationalEast Central Guadalcanal
Gordon Darcy LiloRural AdvancementGizo-Kolombangara
Dr. Derek SikuaLiberalNorth East Guadalcanal
Japhet WaiporaLiberalWest Makira

Changes in membership

The following MPs obtained their seats through by-elections during the term of the 8th Parliament.[4]

Notes and References

  1. http://www.parliament.gov.sb/index.php?q=node/134 "Members of the 8th Parliament"
  2. http://www.parliament.gov.sb/index.php?q=node/147 "Listing of Members of Parliament by Political Parties"
  3. http://www.parliament.gov.sb/index.php?q=node/135 "Alphabetical Listing of Members of the 8th Parliament"
  4. http://www.parliament.gov.sb/index.php?q=node/135 "Alphabetical Listing of Members of the 8th Parliament"
  5. http://harrygreenwell.wordpress.com/2010/02/27/by-election-bagarap/ "Blog entry – By-election bagarap, 27/02/10"