6th Politburo of the Communist Party of Vietnam explained

The 6th Politburo of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), formally the 6th Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam (Vietnamese: Bộ Chính trị Ban Chấp hành trung ương Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam Khoá VI), was elected at the 1st Plenary Session of the 6th Central Committee in the immediate aftermath of the 6th National Congress.



! Rowspan="2"
Name5th POL7th POLEthnicityGender
1bgcolor = Salmon 14bgcolor = PeachPuff 19151936Hưng Yên provinceKinhMale[1]
2bgcolor = Salmon 4bgcolor = LightYellow 219121930Vĩnh Long provinceKinhMale[2]
3bgcolor = Salmon 7bgcolor = PeachPuff 19121935Đà Nẵng CityKinhMale[3]
4bgcolor = Salmon 11bgcolor = LightGreen 119171939Hà Nội CityKinhMale[4]
5bgcolor = Salmon 10bgcolor = LightGreen 319221939Vĩnh Long provinceKinhMale[5]
6bgcolor = Salmon 12bgcolor = LightGreen 219201938Thừa Thiên Huế provinceKinhMale[6]
7bgcolor = Salmon 13bgcolor = PeachPuff 19201944Thái Bình provinceKinhMale[7]
8bgcolor = #B2FFFF 15bgcolor = PeachPuff 19211943Nam Định provinceKinhMale[8]
9bgcolor = #B2FFFF 16bgcolor = PeachPuff 19231938Quảng Bình provinceMilitary scienceKinhMale[9]
10bgcolor = LightGreen bgcolor = LightBlue 1924Nam Định provinceKinhMale[10]
11bgcolor = LightGreen bgcolor = PeachPuff 19181939Bắc Ninh provinceKinhMale[11]
12bgcolor = LightGreen bgcolor = LightGreen 51923Quảng Trị provinceMilitary scienceKinhMale[12]
13bgcolor = LightGreen bgcolor = PeachPuff 19221939Nam Định provinceKinhMale[13]
bgcolor = LavenderBlush 14bgcolor = LightGreen 419241945Phúc Yên CityKinhMale[14]


! Rowspan="2"
Name5th POL7th POLEthnicityGender
14bgcolor = LightGreen bgcolor = LavenderBlush 1319241945Phúc Yên CityKinhMale[15]


Notes and References

  1. Web site: . Học tập tấm gương đồng chí Nguyễn Văn Linh, quyết tâm đưa sự nghiệp đổi mới tiến lên giành những thắng lợi mới (*) . Study the example of Comrade Nguyễn Văn Linh, determined to bring the cause of innovation forward to win new victories (*) . Vietnamese . . 1 July 2010 . 20 November 2022 . 20 November 2022 . https://archive.today/20221120072348/https://nhandan.vn/hoc-tap-tam-guong-dong-chi-nguyen-van-linh-quyet-tam-dua-su-nghiep-doi-moi-tien-len-gianh-nhung-thang-loi-moi-post423691.html .
    Web site: Đồng chí Nguyễn Văn Linh . Comrade Nguyễn Văn Linh . Vietnamese . . 16 April 2018 . 20 November 2022 . 20 November 2022 . https://archive.today/20221120072633/https://tulieuvankien.dangcongsan.vn/ban-chap-hanh-trung-uong-dang/bo-chinh-tri/khoa-iv/dong-chi-nguyen-van-linh-1816 .
  2. Web site: Nhân vật chí: Phạm Hùng (1912 – 1988) . Biography: Phạm Hùng (1912 – 1988) . Vietnamese . . 19 November 2022 . 19 November 2022 . https://archive.today/20221119105824/https://thvl.vn/vinh-long-xua-va-nay/nhan-vat-chi/pham-hung-1912-1988/ .
  3. Web site: Vietnamese . Nguyên Chủ tịch nước Võ Chí Công từ trần . Former President Võ Chí Công dies . . 8 September 2011 . 18 November 2022 . 18 November 2022 . https://archive.today/20221118144849/https://tuoitre.vn/nguyen-chu-tich-nuoc-vo-chi-cong-tu-tran-455017.htm .
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  6. Web site: Nguyên Chủ tịch nước Lê Đức Anh qua đời ở tuổi 99 . Former President Lê Đức Anh dies at 99 . Vietnamese . . 22 April 2019 . 5 November 2022 . 5 November 2022 . https://archive.today/20221105081057/https://nld.com.vn/thoi-su/nguyen-chu-tich-nuoc-le-duc-anh-qua-doi-o-tuoi-99-20190422215324187.htm .
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  8. Web site: Đặt tên đường Nguyễn Cơ Thạch tại TP Hồ Chí Minh . Naming of Nguyễn Cơ Thạch Street in Hồ Chí Minh City . Vietnamese . . 21 January 2017 . 20 November 2022 . 20 November 2022 . https://archive.today/20221120091003/https://nhandan.vn/dat-ten-duong-nguyen-co-thach-tai-tp-ho-chi-minh-post283856.html .
    Web site: Truy tặng cố bộ trưởng ngoại giao Nguyễn Cơ Thạch Huân chương Sao vàng . Posthumously awarded the late Foreign Minister Nguyễn Cơ Thạch the Gold Star Medal . Vietnamese . . 16 January 2007 . 20 November 2022 . 20 November 2022 . https://archive.today/20221120091227/https://tuoitre.vn/truy-tang-co-bo-truong-ngoai-giao-nguyen-co-thach-huan-chuong-sao-vang-182800.htm .
  9. Web site: Tóm tắt tiểu sử đồng chí Trung tướng Đồng Sỹ Nguyên . Brief biography of Comrade Lieutenant General Đồng Sỹ Nguyên . Vietnamese . . 9 April 2019 . 20 November 2022 . 20 November 2022 . https://archive.today/20221120074805/https://nhandan.vn/tom-tat-tieu-su-dong-chi-trung-tuong-dong-sy-nguyen-post354989.html .
  10. Web site: Ông Trần Xuân Bách qua đời . Mr. Trần Xuân Bách dies . Vietnamese . . 6 January 2019 . 18 November 2022 . 18 November 2022 . https://archive.today/20221118084009/https://tuoitre.vn/ong-tran-xuan-bach-qua-doi-117177.htm .
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  13. Web site: Đồng chí Thượng Mai Chí Thọ . Comrade General Mai Chí Thọ . Vietnamese . . 20 November 2022 . 20 November 2022 . https://web.archive.org/web/20221120094703/https://bocongan.gov.vn/botruong/bo-truong-tien-nhiem/Pages/default.aspx?CateID=94&ItemID=51 .
  14. Web site: Đường phố Thành Nam: Phố Đào Duy Tùng . Chengnan Street: Đào Duy Tùng Street . Vietnamese . . 17 November 2022 . 17 November 2022 . https://archive.today/20221117085528/http://baonamdinh.vn/channel/5093/201707/duong-pho-thanh-nam-pho-dao-duy-tung-2519339/ .
  15. Web site: Đường phố Thành Nam: Phố Đào Duy Tùng . Chengnan Street: Đào Duy Tùng Street . Vietnamese . . 17 November 2022 . 17 November 2022 . https://archive.today/20221117085528/http://baonamdinh.vn/channel/5093/201707/duong-pho-thanh-nam-pho-dao-duy-tung-2519339/ .