30,000 Explained


30,000 (thirty thousand) is the natural number that comes after 29,999 and before 30,001.

Selected numbers in the range 30001–39999

30001 to 30999

31000 to 31999

32000 to 32999

33000 to 33999

34000 to 34999

35000 to 35999

36000 to 36999

37000 to 37999

38000 to 38999


. But a conjecture of Viggo Brun predicts that there are infinitely many such numbers for any Galois field




is bad.

39000 to 39999


There are 958 prime numbers between 30000 and 40000.

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Why was 34,969 Count von Count's magic number?. 2012-08-30. 2012-08-31. BBC News.
  2. Web site: Sloane's A000682 : Semimeanders. The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. 2016-06-15.
  3. A065577. Number of Goldbach partitions of 10^n. 2023-08-31.