2nd Quebec Legislature explained

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Legislature of Quebec
Native Name:Législature du Québec
Legislature:Second Legislature, 1871 - 1875
Coa Pic:File:Coat of arms of Québec (1867-1939).svg
House Type:Bicameral
Houses:Legislative Council
Legislative Assembly
Term Limits:Four years, subject to earlier dissolution.
Foundation:July 1, 1867
Preceded By:First Legislature of Quebec, 1867-1871
Succeeded By:Third Legislature of Quebec, 1875-1878
Leader1 Type:Monarch
Leader2 Type:Lieutenant Governor
Leader2:Narcisse-Fortunat Belleau (1867-1873)
René-Édouard Caron (1873-1876)
Leader3 Type:Premier
Leader3:Pierre-Joseph-Olivier Chauveau (1871-1873)
Gédéon Ouimet (1873-1874)
Charles Boucher de Boucherville (1874-1878)
Leader4 Type:Speaker of the Legislative Council
Leader4:Charles Boucher de Boucherville (1867-1873)
John Jones Ross (1873-1874)
Félix-Hyacinthe Lemaire (1874-1876)
Leader5 Type:Speaker of the Legislative Assembly
Leader5:Joseph-Goderic Blanchet
Leader6 Type:Leader of the Opposition
Leader6:Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière
Seats:Legislative Council: 24
Legislative Assembly: 65
House1:Legislative Council
House2:Legislative Assembly
Political Groups1:Conservatives 21
Liberals 3
Political Groups2:Conservatives 46
Liberals 19
Voting System1:Life appointments
Voting System2:Single member constituencies
First-past-the-post voting
Open ballot system
Adult male franchise with property qualification
Constitution:British North America Act, 1867

The Second Legislature of Quebec was the provincial legislature of Quebec, Canada from 1871 to 1875, following the general election of 1871.

The Conservative Party of Quebec held office throughout the term of the legislature, but went through a succession of three leaders. Pierre-Joseph-Olivier Chauveau was Premier of Quebec from 1871 to 1873. Gédéon Ouimet was premier from 1873 to 1874, and Charles Boucher de Boucherville was premier from 1874 to 1875.

The Liberal Party of Quebec formed the Official Opposition, under the leadership of Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière.

The legislature held four annual sessions, with the first session called on November 7, 1871. The legislature was dissolved on June 7, 1875, leading to the 1875 general election on July 7, 1875.

Structure of the legislature

The Legislature of Quebec was created by the British North America Act, 1867. It consisted of the Lieutenant Governor of Quebec, the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council.[1]

Notes and References

  1. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/const/section-58.html#h-12 British North America Act, 1867, s. 58.
  2. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/const/section-80.html#h-12 British North America Act, 1867, s. 80.
  3. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/const/section-85.html#h-12 British North America Act, 1867, s. 85.
  4. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/const/section-72.html#h-12 British North America Act, 1867, s. 72.
  5. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/const/section-84.html#h-12 British North America Act, 1867, s. 84.
  6. http://www.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.9_00918/75?r=0&s=1 An Act respecting Elections of Members of the Legislature, Consolidated Statutes of Canada, 1859, c. 6, s. 4.
  7. http://www.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.9_00918/75?r=0&s=1 An Act respecting Elections of Members of the Legislature, s. 3.
  8. http://www.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.9_00918/75?r=0&s=1 An Act respecting Elections of Members of the Legislature, ss. 1 and 2.
  9. http://www.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.9_00918/107?r=0&s=2 An Act respecting Elections of Members of the Legislature, ss. 51-54.
  10. http://www.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.9_00918/24?r=0&s=1 Act of Union 1840 (UK), c. 35, s. 27.
  11. http://www.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.9_00918/97?r=0&s=1 An Act respecting Elections of Members of the Legislature, s. 36.
  12. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/const/section-73.html#h-12 British North America Act, 1867, s. 73.
  13. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/const/page-2.html#h-5 British North America Act, 1867, s. 23.
  14. http://www.assnat.qc.ca/en/patrimoine/conslegdiv.html Quebec National Assembly: Les membres du Conseil législatif (par divisions).
  15. http://www.assnat.qc.ca/fr/deputes/chauveau-pierre-joseph-olivier-2539/biographie.html Quebec National Assembly: Pierre-Joseph-Olivier Chauveau.
  16. http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/chauveau_pierre_joseph_olivier_11E.html Dictionary of Canadian Biography: Chauveau, Pierre-Joseph-Olivier.
  17. http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/ouimet_gedeon_13E.html Dictionary of Canadian Biography: Ouimet, Gédéon.
  18. The Quebec Electios Act, SQ 1875, c. 7.
  19. http://www.assnat.qc.ca/en/patrimoine/sieges.html National Assembly of Quebec: La répartition des sièges aux élections générales.
  20. http://www.assnat.qc.ca/en/patrimoine/resultatselec/index.html National Assembly of Quebec: Les résultats électoraux depuis 1867.
  21. http://www.assnat.qc.ca/en/patrimoine/partielles.html National Assembly of Quebec: Les élections partielles.
  22. http://www.assnat.qc.ca/fr/patrimoine/cabinets1.html#chauveau Quebec National Assembly: Les titulaires de ministères depuis 1867: Cabinet Chauveau (Conservative), July 15, 1867 to February 27, 1873.
  23. http://www.assnat.qc.ca/fr/patrimoine/cabinets1.html#ouimet Quebec National Assembly: Les titulaires de ministères depuis 1867: Cabinet Ouimet (Conservative) February 27, 1873 to September 22, 1874.
  24. http://www.assnat.qc.ca/fr/patrimoine/cabinets1.html#boucher1 Quebec National Assembly: Les titulaires de ministères depuis 1867: Cabinet Boucher de Boucherville (Conservative) September 22, 1874 to March 8, 1878.
  25. http://www.assnat.qc.ca/en/patrimoine/chefoppo.html Quebec National Assembly: Les chefs de l'opposition officielle depuis 1869.
  26. http://www.assnat.qc.ca/en/patrimoine/datesessions.html Quebec National Assembly: Les législatures et leurs sessions depuis 1867.
  27. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/const/section-71.html#h-12 British North America Act, 1867 [now known as the ''Constitution Act, 1867''<nowiki>], s. 71.] The Lieutenant Governor was appointed by the Governor General of Canada for a term of five years.[1] The Legislative Assembly consisted of sixty-five members, elected in single-member constituencies by first-past-the-post elections.[2] The Legislative Assembly was to last for four years, subject to being dissolved earlier by the Lieutenant Governor.[3] The Legislative Council consisted of twenty-four members, appointed for life by the Government of Quebec.[4]

    The elections for the Second Legislature were conducted under the election law of the former Province of Canada, which were continued until such time as the Legislature of Quebec enacted a new election law, designed specifically for Quebec.[5]

    Elections and qualifications

    Right to vote

    The right to vote in elections to the Legislative Assembly was not universal. Only male British subjects (by birth or naturalisation), aged 21 and older, were eligible to vote, and only if they met a property qualification. For residents of cities and towns, the qualification was being the owner, tenant or occupant of real property assessed at three hundred dollars, or at an assessed yearly value of thirty dollars. For residents of townships and parishes, the requirements were either an assessment of two hundred dollars, or an assessed yearly value of twenty dollars.[6]

    Women were expressly prohibited from voting, "for any Electoral Division whatever".[7]

    Judges and many municipal and provincial officials were also barred from voting, particularly officials with duties relating to public revenue. Election officials were also barred from voting.[8]

    Voting at elections was done by open ballotting, where voters publicly declared their vote to the poll officials.[9]

    Qualification for the Legislative Assembly

    Candidates for the Legislative Assembly had to meet a significant property qualification. A candidate had to own real property in the Province of Canada, worth at least £500 in British sterling, over and above any encumbrances on the property.[10] [11]

    Qualification for the Legislative Council

    The qualifications for the members of the Legislative Council were the same as for the members of the Senate of Canada.[12]

    Those requirements were:

    1. Be of the full age of thirty years;
    2. Be a British subject, either natural-born or naturalised;
    3. Possess real property in Quebec worth at least $4,000, over and above any debts or incumbrances on the property;
    4. Have a net worth of at least $4,000, over and above debts and liabilities;
    5. Reside in Quebec;
    6. Reside in, or possess his qualifying real property, in the division he was named to represent.[13]

    The provisions of the British North America Act, 1867 did not explicitly bar women from being called to the Senate of Canada. However, until the Persons Case in 1929, it was assumed that women could not be called to the Senate, and were thus also barred from the Legislative Council. In any event, no woman was ever appointed to the Legislative Council.[14]

    Events of the Second Legislature

    The Conservatives under Premier Pierre-Joseph-Olivier Chauveau won a substantial majority in the 1871 election, although with a somewhat reduced seat count. In spite of their electoral success, the Conservatives began to fracture between an ultramontane Catholic wing and the traditional Parti Bleu supporters, who were more business oriented. Chauveau continued in office until 1873, when he resigned upon being appointed to the Senate of Canada.[15] [16]

    Chauveau was succeeded as Conservative leader and Premier by Gédéon Ouimet, who was had been elected to the Legislative Assembly in 1867 and served in Chauveau's Cabinet as Attorney General. Shortly into Ouimet's term a major political scandal broke, the Tanneries scandal, which turned on a land transaction carried out by the government. Ouimet and three other members of the Cabinet resigned.[17]

    Ouimet was replaced as party leader and premier by Charles Boucher de Boucherville in 1874. De Boucherville replaced almost the entire Cabinet.

    In addition to the political instability associated with the Tanneries scandal, the Second Legislature was also marked by a high number of by-elections. Over the course of four years, there were twenty-four by-elections in the sixty-five seat Legislative Assembly. Most of the by-elections were triggered by the 1874 federal election, the first federal election after the abolition of the dual mandate, which had allowed individuals to hold seats in both the federal Parliament and the provincial Assembly. Several members of the Legislative Assembly resigned their provincial seats to run federally. Amongst those who moved to federal politics was the young Wilfrid Laurier, who had been elected to the Legislative Assembly in 1871 for the riding of Drummond et Arthabaska. A number of other by-elections were triggered by the changes to the provincial Cabinet under the three premiers. At that time, a member of the Assembly who was brought into Cabinet part-way through the term of the Assembly had to resign and stand for re-election.

    One significant legislative measure passed by the de Boucherville government was electoral reform. The general elections of 1867 and 1871 had been conducted under the electoral laws of the former Province of Canada. In the 1875 session, the government passed a new election law to replace the old statute and create an electoral framework designed solely for Quebec.[18] One of the key changes was that the new elections law introduced the secret ballot in Quebec elections, replacing the old open ballot system which had previously been used, and which had required voters to publicly declare their vote to the polling officials.

    In 1875, Premier De Boucherville called a general election. The Conservatives were returned to office, albeit with a somewhat reduced majority.

    Legislative Assembly

    Party standings

    The 1871 election returned a majority in the Legislative Assembly for the Conservative Party, led by Premier Chauveau.[19]

    Party! Members
    Government Majority27

    Members of the Legislative Assembly

    The following candidates were elected to the Legislative Assembly in the 1871 election.[20] The Premiers of Quebec are indicated by Bold italics. The Speakers of the Legislative Assembly are indicated by . Cabinet Ministers are indicated by Italics.

    Sydney Robert BellinghamConservativeArgenteuil
    Pierre-Samuel GendronConservative
    Christian Henry PozerLiberalBeauce
    George-Étienne CartierConservativeBeauharnois
    Onésime PelletierLiberalBellechasse
    Louis SylvestreLiberal
    Théodore RobitailleConservativeBonaventure
    William Warren LynchConservativeBrome
    Gédéon LarocqueLiberal
    François-Xavier-Anselme TrudelConservative
    Adolphe GagnonLiberal
    Édouard LabergeLiberal
    Pierre-Alexis TremblayLiberal
    William SawyerConservative
    Gédéon OuimetConservativeDeux-Montagnes
    Louis-Napoléon LarochelleConservativeDorchester
    Wilfrid LaurierLiberal
    Pierre-Étienne FortinConservative
    Louis BeaubienConservativeHochelaga
    Thomas SandersConservativeHuntingdon
    Louis MolleurLiberalIberville
    Pamphile-Gaspard VerreaultConservativeIslet
    Narcisse LecavalierConservative
    Vincent-Paul LavalléeConservative
    Charles-François RoyConservative
    Andrew EsinhartConservativeLaprairie
    Onuphe PeltierConservative
    Joseph-Hyacinthe BelleroseConservativeLaval
    Henri-Gustave Joly de LotbinièreLiberal
    Moïse HoudeLiberal
    George IrvineConservative
    Josiah Sandford BrighamConservativeMissisquoi
    Firmin DugasConservativeMontcalm
    Télesphore FournierLiberalMontmagny
    Joseph-Édouard CauchonConservative
    Luther Hamilton HoltonLiberal
    Ferdinand-Conon DavidConservative
    Francis CassidyConservativeMontreal Ouest
    Laurent-David LafontaineLiberalNapierville
    François-Xavier-Ovide MéthotConservative
    Ezra Butler EddyConservativeOttawa
    John PouporeConservative
    Praxède LarueConservativePortneuf
    Pierre-Joseph-Olivier ChauveauConservative
    Hector-Louis LangevinConservative
    Jacques-Philippe RhéaumeConservative
    John HearnConservative
    Joseph-Adolphe DorionConservative
    Jacques PicardConservativeRichmond et Wolfe
    Louis Honoré GosselinConservative
    Victor RobertLiberal
    Pierre BachandLiberal
    Félix-Gabriel MarchandLiberalSt. Jean
    Elzéar GérinConservative
    Maurice LaframboiseLiberal
    Joseph Gibb RobertsonConservative
    Humbert Saveuse de BeaujeuConservativeSoulanges
    Thomas LockeConservative
    Élie MaillouxConservativeTémiscouata
    Joseph-Adolphe ChapleauConservative
    Henri-Gédéon MalhiotConservative
    Émery Lalonde, Sr.Conservative
    Joseph DaigleLiberalVerchères
    Charles-Ignace GillConservative

    Reasons for Vacancies


    There were twenty-four by-elections during the term of the Second Legislature.[21] Cabinet ministers are indicated by italics.

    By-elections, 1872-1874!! Name! Party! Riding! Reason for Vacancy! By-election Date
    Alexandre ChauveauConservativeRimouskiIncumbent resigned.April 29, 1872
    Joseph-Édouard CauchonConservativeMontmorencyResigned seat and then stood for election.December 23, 1872
    Charles Alphonse Pantaléon PelletierLiberalQuébec-EstIncumbent resigned to take government position.March 3, 1873
    Joseph-Adolphe ChapleauConservativeTerrebonneAccepted Cabinet position, an office of profit; re-elected.March 12, 1873
    Pierre GarneauConservativeQuébec-ComtéIncumbent resigned on appointment to the Senate.March 21, 1873
    Pierre-Étienne FortinConservativeGaspéAccepted Cabinet position, an office of profit; re-elected.April 7, 1873
    Élie-Hercule BissonLiberalBeauharnoisIncumbent died in office.July 12, 1873
    John Wait McGauvranConservativeMontreal OuestIncumbent died in office.August 22, 1873
    François LangelierLiberalMontmagnyIncumbent appointed to federal Cabinet.December 16, 1873
    Charles AlexanderLiberalMontréal CentreIncumbent resigned seat on abolition of dual mandate.February 6, 1874
    Auguste-Réal AngersConservativeMontmorencyIncumbent resigned seat on abolition of dual mandate.February 10, 1874
    Joseph Nestor DuguayConservativeYamaskaIncumbent resigned seat to stand for election to House of Commons.February 11 and 12, 1874
    William John WattsConservativeDrummond et ArthabaskaIncumbent resigned seat to stand for election to House of Commons.February 20, 1874
    François-Xavier DulacConservativeBeauceIncumbent resigned seat on abolition of dual mandate.February 24, 1874
    Louis-Gustave MartinConservativeMontcalmIncumbent resigned seat on abolition of dual mandate.March 13, 1874
    Rémi-Ferdinand Rinfret dit MalouinConservativeQuébec-CentreIncumbent resigned seat.April 16 and 17, 1874
    Pierre-Vincent ValinConservativeQuébec-EstIncumbent resigned seat on abolition of dual mandate.April 16 and 17, 1874
    Michel Guillaume BabyConservativeChicoutimi et SaguenayIncumbent resigned seat on abolition of dual mandate.May 2, 1874
    Alexander CameronConservativeHuntingdonIncumbent died in office.May 30, 1874
    Pierre-Clovis BeauchesneConservativeBonaventureIncumbent resigned seat on abolition of dual mandate.August 4 and 5, 1874
    Henri-Gédéon MalhiotConservativeTrois-RivièresAccepted Cabinet position, an office of profit; re-elected.October 3, 1874
    Auguste-Réal AngersConservativeMontmorencyAccepted Cabinet position, an office of profit; re-elected.October 5, 1874
    Pierre GarneauConservativeQuébec-ComtéAccepted Cabinet position, an office of profit; re-elected.October 5, 1874
    Levi Ruggles ChurchConservativePontiacIncumbent resigned seat.October 26, 1874

    Reasons for Vacancies

    Legislative Council

    Party standings

    The Legislative Council continued to have a strong Conservative majority during the term of the Second Legislature.

    Party! Members
    Total: 24
    Government Majority: 18

    Members during the Second Legislature

    The Premier of Quebec is indicated by Bold italics. The Speakers of the Legislative Council are indicated by . Cabinet members are indicated by italics.

    Member! Party! data-sort-type=date
    Term Startdata-sort-type=date Term End
    AlmaBeaudry, Jean-LouisConservativeNovember 2, 1867June 25, 1886
    BedfordWood, ThomasConservativeNovember 2, 1867November 13, 1898
    De la DurantayeBeaubien, Joseph-OctaveConservativeNovember 2, 1867November 7, 1877
    De la VallièreProulx, Jean-Baptiste-GeorgesLiberalNovember 2, 1867January 27, 1884
    De LanaudièreDostaler, Pierre-EustacheConservativeNovember 2, 1867January 4, 1884
    De LorimierRodier, Charles-SéraphinConservativeNovember 2, 1867February 3, 1876
    De SalaberryStarnes, HenryLiberalNovember 2, 1867March 3, 1896
    GrandvilleDionne, ÉliséeConservativeNovember 2, 1867August 22, 1892
    GulfLe Boutillier, JohnConservativeNovember 2, 1867July 31, 1872
    VacantAugust 1, 1872November 18, 1873
    Savage, ThomasConservativeNovember 19, 1873February 27, 1887
    InkermanBryson, George (Sr.)ConservativeNovember 2, 1867January 13, 1900
    KennebecThibaudeau, IsidoreLiberalNovember 2, 1867January 21, 1874
    Richard, LouisConservativeFebruary 5, 1874November 13, 1876
    La SallePanet, LouisConservativeNovember 2, 1867May 15, 1884
    LauzonChaussegros de Léry, Alexandre-RenéConservativeNovember 2, 1867December 19, 1880
    Mille-IslesConservativeNovember 2, 1867December 17, 1879
    MontarvilleConservativeNovember 2, 1867September 10, 1915
    RepentignyArchambeault, LouisConservativeNovember 2, 1867June 6, 1888
    RigaudPrud'homme, EustacheConservativeNovember 2, 1867April 25, 1888
    RougemontConservativeNovember 2, 1867November 15, 1876
    SaurelArmstrong, David MorrisonConservativeNovember 2, 1867April 14, 1873
    VacantApril 15, 1873November 18, 1873
    Roy, Pierre-EuclideConservativeNovember 19, 1873October 31, 1882
    ShawiniganConservativeNovember 2, 1867May 4, 1901
    StadaconaMcGreevy, ThomasConservativeNovember 2, 1867February 2, 1874
    Sharples, John (Sr.)ConservativeFebruary 27, 1874December 19, 1876
    The LaurentidesGingras, Jean-ÉlieConservativeNovember 2, 1867December 10, 1887
    VictoriaFerrier, JamesConservativeNovember 2, 1867May 30, 1888
    WellingtonHale, EdwardConservativeNovember 2, 1867April 26, 1875
    VacantApril 27, 1875October 6, 1875

    Vacancies of less than one month are not shown.
    † Died in office.
    ‡ Resigned on abolition of the dual mandate.

    Executive Council during Second Legislature

    There were three different ministries during the term of the Second Legislature, under Premiers Chauveau (1871-1873), Ouimet (1873-1874), and Boucher de Boucherville (1874-1875).

    First Quebec Ministry: Chauveau Cabinet (1871-1873)

    Premier Chauveau continued the same membership in his Cabinet following the 1871 election.[22] Chauveau and four of the ministers were Members of the Legislative Assembly, while three were Members of the Legislative Council. In addition to being premier, Chauveau held other portfolios.

    Members of the Executive Council! Position! Minister! Term Start! Term End
    Premier and President of the Executive CouncilPierre-Joseph-Olivier Chauveau18671873
    Agriculture and Public WorksLouis Archambeault18671873
    Attorney GeneralGédéon Ouimet18671873
    Joseph-Octave Beaubien18671873
    Public EducationPierre-Joseph-Olivier Chauveau18671873
    Secretary and RegistrarPierre-Joseph-Olivier Chauveau18671873
    Solicitor GeneralGeorge Irvine18671873
    Speaker of the Legislative CouncilCharles-Eugène Boucher de Boucherville18671873
    TreasurerJoseph Gibb Robertson18691873
    • Members of the Legislative Council

    Second Quebec Ministry: Ouimet Cabinet (1873-1874)

    Following Chauveau's resignation as premier, the Quebec Conservative party chose Gédéon Ouimet as party leader and thus Premier of Quebec. No general election was called. Ouimet installed a new Cabinet.[23] Ouimet and four of the Cabinet ministers were Members of the Legislative Assembly, while two sat in the Legislative Council.

    Members of the Executive Council! Position! Minister! Term Start! Term End
    Premier and President of the Executive CouncilGédéon Ouimet18731874
    Agriculture and Public WorksLouis Archambault18731874
    Attorney GeneralGeorge Irvine18731874
    Crown LandsPierre-Étienne Fortin18731874
    Public InstructionGédéon Ouimet18731874
    Secretary and RegistrarGédéon Ouimet18731874
    Solicitor GeneralJoseph-Adolphe Chapleau18731874
    Speaker of the Legislative CouncilJohn Jones Ross18731874
    TreasurerJoseph Gibb Robertson18731874
    • Members of the Legislative Council

    Third Quebec Ministry: Boucher de Boucherville Cabinet (1874-1875)

    As a result of the Tanneries scandal, Premier Ouimet and three Cabinet ministers resigned. The Conservative party chose Boucher de Boucherville to be premier. He replaced almost all of the Cabinet, retaining only Robertson as Treasurer.[24] All of the Cabinet ministers were members of the Legislative Assembly, except the Speaker of the Legislative Council abs Boucher de Boucherville himself.

    Members of the Executive Council! Position! Minister! Term Start! Term End
    Premier and President of the Executive CouncilCharles-Eugène Boucher de Boucherville18741875
    Agriculture and Public WorksPierre Garneau18741875
    Attorney GeneralLevi Ruggles Church18741875
    Crown LandsHenri-Gédéon Malhiot18741875
    Public EducationCharles-Eugène Boucher de Boucherville*18741875
    Secretary and RegistrarCharles-Eugène Boucher de Boucherville*18741875
    Solicitor GeneralAuguste-Real Angers18741875
    Speaker of the Legislative CouncilFelix-Hyacinthe Lemaire18741875
    TreasurerJoseph Gibb Robertson18741875
    • Members of the Legislative Council

    Leader of the Opposition

    Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière continued as Leader of the Opposition throughout the Second Legislature.[25]

    Legislative sessions

    The legislature had four annual sessions:

    • First session: November 7, 1871, to December 23, 1871, with thirty-five sitting days.
    • Second session: November 7, 1872, to December 24, 1872, with thirty-five sitting days.
    • Third session: December 4, 1873, to January 28, 1874, with twenty-nine sitting days.
    • Fourth and final session: December 3, 1874, to February 23, 1875, with forty-two sitting days.

    The legislature did not meet again prior to its dissolution on June 7, 1875.[26]

