28 Leonis Minoris (28 LMi) is a solitary, orange hued star located in the northern constellation Leo Minor, the lesser lion. It has an apparent magnitude of 5.5, allowing it to be faintly visible to the naked eye. Based on parallax measurements from the Gaia satellite, it is estimated to be 480 light years distant. 28 LMi is approaching the Solar System with a heliocentric radial velocity of . At its current distance, the star brightness is diminished by 0.14 magnitudes due to interstellar dust.
This is a population II giant star with a stellar classification of K1 III. It has a comparable mass to the Sun but has expanded to 22.6 times its girth. It radiates 207 times the luminosity of the Sun from its photosphere at an effective temperature of . It has an iron abundance 90% of the Sun's, making it slightly metal deficient.