202 (number) explained

Divisor:1, 2, 101, 202

202 (two hundred [and] two) is the natural number following 201 and preceding 203.

In mathematics

202 is a Smith number, meaning that its digit sum and the sum of digits of its prime factors are equal.[1] It is also a strobogrammatic number, meaning that when shown on a seven-segment display, turning the display upside-down shows the same number.[2]

There are exactly 202 partitions of 32 (a power of two) into smaller powers of two.[3] There are also 202 distinct (non-congruent) polygons that can be formed by connecting all eight vertices of a regular octagon into a cycle,[4] and 202 distinct (non-isomorphic) directed graphs on four unlabeled vertices, not having any isolated vertices.[5]

See also

Notes and References

  1. Smith (or joke) numbers.
  2. Strobogrammatic numbers.
  3. Number of partitions of 2^n into powers of 2.
  4. Number of n-gons with n vertices.
  5. Number of n-node unlabeled digraphs without isolated nodes.