2024 pro-Palestinian protests on university campuses in the Netherlands explained

2024 Pro-Palestinian protests on university campuses in the Netherlands
Partof:2024 pro-Palestinian protests on university campuses and Israel–Hamas war protests
Date: – present
Place:Universities throughout the Netherlands
Causes:Israeli invasion of Gaza and Dutch university ties with Israeli organisations
  • Various universities release statements and lists regarding colloborations with Israeli organisations
  • A few institutions freeze or terminate ties and programmes with Israeli organisations
  • Universiteiten van Nederland implements a new demonstration protocol
Damage:at least €1.5 million

On May 6, 2024, pro-Palestinian protests broke out at the University of Amsterdam which quickly spread to other universities in the Randstad and the rest of the Netherlands. Although protests had been taking place as early as October 2023, which marks the start of the Israel–Hamas war, the protests intensified in May in the light of the Rafah offensive on May 6 and recent similar protests in the United States and elsewhere.


List of protests


Early protests

An early protest occurred at Radboud University Nijmegen on 18 October, by students demanding the university cuts all ties with Israeli institutes.[2] A teach-in was held at Leiden University on 9 November 2023.[3] Student protestors demanding the university cut all ties with Israeli organisations protested at Delft University of Technology on 29 November 2023.[4] Other demonstrations followed at Utrecht University in December 2023 and January 2024.[5] Protests were also held at the campuses of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,[6] Maastricht University,[7] Erasmus University Rotterdam,[8] Tilburg University,[9] and the University of Groningen.[10] 17 arrests were made during four days of protests at the Amsterdam University College.[11] It was noted, however, that most protests at university campuses in the Netherlands were peaceful and without police intervention.


University of Amsterdam

See main article: 2024 University of Amsterdam pro-Palestinian campus occupations. On May 6, hundreds of students started a solidarity encampment at the University of Amsterdam (UvA).[12] The next day, police cleared the encampment, arresting 169 people.[13] [14] Over a thousand people protested at a pro-Palestine demonstration in Amsterdam in response.[15] On May 8, new protests emerged in Amsterdam, starting in and around university buildings and later moving to the Rokin. 36 people were arrested by the end of the night.[16] The following day, another protest was organised which again started at the Roeterseiland university campus of University of Amsterdam. Thousands of protestors went on to march through the city.[17] Three protestors were arrested by the police.[18] The UvA decided to close various campus buildings for the rest of the week.[19]

On May 13, after a national walk-out, students occupied campus buildings at the University of Amsterdam. Police in riot gear subsequently ended the protests in Amsterdam after "chasing away hundreds" of people,[20] [21] and the university closed for two days after the renewed occupations on campus.[22] The Amsterdam protest continued at Oosterpark.[23] The UvA filed complaints against several protesters.[24] One protester was arrested; a criminal investigation was ongoing to determine if more arrests would follow.

Protests at other universities

On May 7, protests took place at Utrecht University and the Delft University of Technology on May 7.[25] An encampment was attempted at the academic library of Utrecht, where 50 people were arrested in the night between May 7 and May 8.[26] [27]

On May 8, a new encampment at Utrecht University was set up, which was cleared during the early morning of 9 May.[16] Three people, who were protesting outside the occupied building, were arrested during this protest.[28] The university decided to close its buildings until Monday May 13.[29] The next day, a smaller protest was also held around university buildings of Utrecht University.[30]

On May 13, approximately one thousand students and staff took part in a national walk-out.[20] University buildings at the universities of Amsterdam and Groningen were also occupied. Protests, some of which taking place next to tent encampments, also took place at the campuses of Radboud University Nijmegen, Maastricht University, Eindhoven University of Technology, Delft University of Technology, Utrecht University, Leiden University (both in Leiden and The Hague[31]), Erasmus University Rotterdam and Wageningen University & Research, as well as other campuses.[32] [33] [34] An area at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of Maastricht University was renamed "Rafah Garden".[35]

On May 14, a protest was held at the University of Humanistic Studies.[36] Students at the Eindhoven University of Technology held a cacerolazo during the European Innovation Debate, a debate between Dutch candidates for the 2024 European Parliament election.[37] While there were no other renewed student protests on university campuses, several encampements from the day before were still standing, such as in Groningen, Maastricht and at Radboud University.[38] [39]

On May 15 a Utrecht University building was occupied by pro-Palestine protesters. The university decided to close various other buildings as precaution.[40] Protesters were removed from the building in the early night by the police and 42 people were arrested.[41] [42] Also on May 15, six student activists from Maastricht University announced to be going into hunger strike until their demands were met.[43] Students had been protesting at the university campus for three days by then.[44] Students from the University of Twente organised and held a pro-Palestine demonstration at Enschede railway station.[45]

As protests were announced for May 16, the Erasmus University Rotterdam decided earlier that week to close its buildings that day.[46] The protest was moved to Rotterdam Centraal station.[47] At the Campus The Hague of Leiden University, students occupied a floor. The occupation lasted a few hours.[48] A few hundred students at Tilburg University held a peaceful protest march across campus.[49]

On May 17, students protested at the Academiegebouw of Leiden University and set up a tent encampement.[50] Two buildings were closed as a precaution.[51] Students and staff members of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam held a protest at their university campus square.[52] A sit-in was held at Wageningen University & Research[53] and another protest was held at the University of Humanistic Studies.

While there were little to no renewed protests during the Pentecost weekend (a public holiday in the Netherlands), the tent encampments on the campuses of the universities of Groningen,[54] Wageningen,[55] Maastricht[56] and at Radboud University[57] were still standing by May 22.

A pro-Palestinian student protest was held during the lustrum celebation of the University of Groningen on May 21.[58] The same day, an ultimatum from students and staff members to Tilburg University ended. If the university did not meet the protesters' demands, they would set up a tent encampment the next day.[59] Student activist groups, as well as some other Palestinian solidarity groups, published a joint open letter in which they declare solidarity with each other, forming a "national coalition", and in which they reject any type of compromise with universities.[60] [61]

A university building of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Maastricht University was occupied by students on May 22. The university filed complaints against activists who had defaced university buildings with graffiti over the weekend.[62] During the evening hours, the occupation was ended and the activists abandoned the tent encampment. According to the protesters, this was done under the threat of mass arrests.[63] The same day, an academic conference at Wageningen University & Research was disturbed repeatedly by pro-Palestinian protesters. A tent encampment was set up at Tilburg University, after an ultimatum had passed the day before.[64]

On May 23, a small student protest was held at Erasmus University Rotterdam.[65] The same day, an encampment was set up on the roof of the academic library of the Delft University of Technology. The protesters said to only leave when their demands would be met.[66] In the late night, the remaining hunger strikers at Maastricht University ceased their strike, in part due to physical problems.

A protest march was held at Tilburg University on May 24. Both students and staff members joined the protest.[67]

On May 27, 78 staff members of Tilburg University published an open letter to the Deans and Board of Tilburg University, calling for an academic boycott of Israeli universities and corporations that are complicit in apartheid, occupation, persecution of the Palestinian people, and the violation of international law.[68] In the night between 27 and 28 May, several buildings at Maastricht University were graffitied on with pro-Palestinian slogans.[69] Students at Wagening University & Research also held multiple protests.[70]

On May 28, a die-in was held at Tilburg University.[71]

On May 30, a tent encampment was set up by students at Erasmus University Rotterdam.[72] New protests were held at the academic library of Utrecht University.[73]

On June 2, a pro-Palestinian student protest was held near buildings of Utrecht University.[74]

On June 3, students at the Delft University of Technology attempted to occupy a building, which was prevented by police. Over 15 students were arrested. A tent encampment was set up at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.[75]

On June 4, students at Tilburg University attempted to occupy the rector magnificus' office. Students had been protesting for two weeks at that point, organising multiple events and actions, which were increasingly escalating.[76] A building of the Universiteiten van Nederland in The Hague was occupied that day also. All activists, a group consisting of about thirty people, were arrested by the police.

On June 5, a student protest was held at the Fontys School of Fine and Performing Arts, to which Tilburg University students were also invited. Protests were also held at Wageningen University & Research.


Political response

The protests were condemned by Prime Minister Mark Rutte,[77] as well as by various other high-ranking Dutch politicians.[78] Mariëlle Paul, the Dutch Minister for Primary and Secondary Education, suggested several times that it is "very questionable" whether the "rioters are actually students".[79]

An "emergency debate" was called on 10 May by the Government of Amsterdam in response to the police intervention earlier during the first protest on 6 May. Despite criticism, mayor Femke Halsema stood by her decision to let police intervene during the demonstration.[80] Around 250 protestors demonstrated during the meeting outside the Stopera, where the meeting was held, dubbing this the "fifth day of student protests".[81]

On 11 May, the "sixth day of protests",[82] a pro-Palestine protest in Amsterdam attracted over 10,000 people. Many demonstrators denounced the police action earlier that week. Some protesters also called for Halsema to resign.[83] On May 30, Halsema participated in a event, where she spoke with students of the University of Amsterdam, and where she again stood by her decisions. The response from participating students was predominantly negative.[84]

The Dutch Student Union declared its solidarity with the student movement, and was critical regarding the treatment of student protesters by police. The union also pointed out the lack of student democracy and student representation in universities, which they deemed an underlying problem and a cause of the protests.[85] The Dutch Student Union also published a joint statement with the Amsterdam Student Union () specifically condemning police intervention during the protests in Amsterdam.[86]

Amnesty International was also critical of the police intervention during the first protests at the University of Amsterdam. According to the organisation, police failed to take opportunities for de-escalation at a number of crucial moments. Insufficient distinction was made between peaceful demonstrators and people who used violence. Amnesty International was also critical of the attitudes towards protests in the current political climate.[87] The student branch of Amnesty International Utrecht held a solidarity event on May 10.[88]

The police interventions during the protests at Utrecht University, which included moving protesters to different locations on behalf of the Public Prosecution Service, were called unlawful by experts in the field of criminal law, including professors and lawyers.[89]

University responses

Although multiple universities have published lists and overviews of their collaborations with Israeli organisations, they refused to break their ties with them. A reason not to break the ties was for many universities the concept of academic freedom. Despite not wanting to break ties, many universities pledged to set up specific ethics committees, similar to existing ones focusing on experimental and medical human research. This has been described as a political move,[90] and activists in return have rejected this in an open letter that they published on social media.


On May 6, the first day of protests, the University of Amsterdam provided a list of Israeli organisations they work with, which was one of the demands of the encampment protestors. They refused to partake in a boycott of those organisations, which was the second demand.[91] [92] Later that week, on May 10, the Central Student Council of the University of Amsterdam called for the UvA board to resign after the board allowed for police to intervene during the first protest. Despite negotiations having taken place the week before, during the second week of protests the UvA board made it known no longer to be talking to activists at all.[93] Other universities were stilling willing to negotiate with protesters.[94]

Erasmus University Rotterdam followed on May 8 by releasing a similar list as the University of Amsterdam did two days prior, despite no university protests having taken place in Rotterdam by then. The university would be evaluating the existing ties with Israeli organisations.[95]

On 10 May, the University of Groningen published a statement giving insight on its relations with Israeli organisations, though it did not name any specific institutions.[96]

On 11 May, the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) in The Hague announced their plans to terminate the student exchange programme with the Israeli Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design. This was done in response to heavy student criticism. By doing so, the KABK was the first Dutch educational institution to cancel an agreement with an Israeli organisation.

On May 13, as a response to an open letter, the Eindhoven University of Technology also showed more transparency by talking about the Israeli organisations they are working with. At that moment the only "institutional partnership" between the university and an Israeli organisation was Technion – Israel Institute of Technology through the EuroTech Universities Alliance. However, the university still refused to take position in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.[97]

On May 14, the Design Academy Eindhoven announced it would 'freeze' its ties with two design schools in Israel.[98] The Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences announced on the same day that it would break it's ties with the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design.[99]

On May 15, Utrecht University (UU) released an adjusted statement of the original statement from October 23, 2023, by the executive board and the deans, partly in response to the heavy student protests. Although the UU did not decide to break ties with Israeli organisations as a whole, the university announced to be releasing a list of collaborations with Israeli organisations soon and to "critically evaluate" these ties. The UU also promised to freeze ties with individual organisations, if it become clear that these would "contribute to (the continuation of) the cycle of violence". Additionally, the UU said to be "deeply concerned about the destruction of the academic infrastructure in Gaza".[100] A list was published two days later.[101]

Also on May 15, a statement by Rianne Letschert from Maastricht University on behalf of the executive board was published, in which the board explicitly defends the right to protest of students and staff members.[102]

On May 17, Leiden University published a statement giving insight in its collaborations with Israeli organisations. Additionally, exchange programmes with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv University were frozen until further evaluation.[103] In an open letter the same day, the University of Humanistic Studies published a list of collaborations with Israeli organisations. The Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam pointed in an open letter to the CORDIS website for an overview of their collaborations with Israeli institutions, and also to be developing a framework for international collaborations for new and existing collaborations, as the KU Leuven and other universities had done before.[104]

On May 22, the Delft University of Technology officially called for a ceasefire, but did not publish a list of collaborations with Israeli organisations, and did not want to break ties with them.[105]

On May 28, Wageningen University & Research filed complaints against slogans used during a protest, drawing comparisons between Israeli and Nazi Germany.[106] Maastricht University also filed complaints this day, regarding vandalism.

On June 3, Delft University of Technology also filed complaints against several activists.


The Dutch Association of Journalists (; NVJ) has at multiple times expressed concerns regarding the press freedom and safety at the demonstrations. Journalists were repeatedly denied entry at various demonstrations and were asked to leave. According to the protesters, this is to protect the identities and safety of those protesting.[107] [108]

Between May 6 and 15, twenty-one reports were filed at PersVeilig ("PressSafe"). PersVeilig is an organisation dedicated to the safety of journalists in the Netherlands, initiated by the NVJ and the Public Prosecution Service, among others. Of the reports, nineteen were made in allegation to protesters and two were regarding behaviour by the police. No charges were filed, however, because most acts were not deemed illegal despite causing hindrance.[109]

General public

Opinions in the general population were more diverse. An opinion panel research by EenVandaag published on 10 May, including 16,036 people (of which 560 students), showed that a majority of the panel members (83%) disagreed with the methods protestors used, and 75% agreed with the police intervention that followed. A smaller majority (62%) also disagreed with the protestors' demands. However, students were much more likely to agree with the protestors' goals and demands (63%), and 43% of student panel members agreed with the way the demonstrations were held.[110]

Another poll by Ipsos I&O, based on 2,102 participants between May 9 and 13, showed similar statistics. 21% supported the protests, while 65% agreed with the police interventions. Right-wing voters and older people almost unanimously reject the protests. Left-wing voters and young people were generally divided on the issue. Among young people aged 18–24, 40% supported the protests while 27% did not. Voters of the parties Denk, GroenLinks–PvdA and Party for the Animals tended to support the protests, while voters of other left-wing parties did not. About half of non-Western allochtonen supported the protests, while this was only 17% for ethnically Dutch people.[111]

Impact on demonstration policies

Jouke de Vries, interim chairman of the Universiteiten van Nederland, said in an interview during an episode with Buitenhof that the organisation was currently working on a new "demonstration protocol".[112] Examples of measures being discussed included overnight stays not being allowed in university buildings and protesters with whom negotiations are taking place having to identify themselves. This was supported by Robbert Dijkgraaf, the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and tenured professor at the UvA.[21] The Dutch Student Union was critical, and asked to be part of the discussions.[32] The Universiteiten van Nederland later released a joint protocol.[113]

The Federation of Dutch Trade Unions has stated in an open letter that the new demonstration policy by Universiteiten van Nederland "does not comply with the law".[114]

In an interview with Het Parool, Dijkgraaf said in regards to closing university buildings that this is an "ultimate resource that we should not accept", and added that "it cannot be justified if an educational institution can no longer provide education". The newspaper confirmed that "emergency scenarios" were made and ready to allow education at universities to continue in case of protests "getting out of hand" again, and that universities, the current cabinet and the Dutch police were making plans to ensure that education at 'risk universities' could continue, online or in well-secured buildings.[115]


The, a pro-Israel lobby organisation, filed a request against Leiden University, demanding to know which employees were in contact with Dutch pro-Palestinian groups.[116]

See also

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Hesselink . Isabella . 8 March 2024 . ‘Door de banden met universiteiten in Israël is de UU niet neutraal’ . 'Due to its ties with universities in Israel, the UU is not neutral' . 2024-05-19 . DUB . nl.
  2. Web site: Lambeets . Ken . Noij . Mathijs . 2023-10-18 . Studenten willen dat universiteit alle banden met Israël verbreekt . Students want university to cut all ties with Israel . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240508225857/https://www.voxweb.nl/nieuws/studenten-willen-dat-universiteit-alle-banden-met-israel-verbreekt . May 8, 2024 . 2024-05-08 . Vox . nl-NL.
  3. Web site: Reid . Mark . Tros . Tamar . 10 November 2023 . Hoe een Palestina-protest uitliep op een achtervolging (en een vlucht tussen de kledingrekken) . How a Palestine protest turned into a chase (and a flight through the clothes racks) . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240508225849/https://www.mareonline.nl/achtergrond/hoe-een-protest-van-students-for-palestine-uitliep-op-een-achtervolging/ . May 8, 2024 . 2024-05-08 . Mare Online . nl-NL.
  4. Web site: Niese . Joram . 2023-11-29 . Pro-Palestina demonstratie TU Delft: Studenten eisen dat banden met Israël worden verbroken . Pro-Palestine demonstration TU Delft: Students demand that ties with Israel be severed . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240508225850/https://www.omroepdelft.nl/omroepdelft/nieuws/pro-palestina-demonstratie-tu-delft-studenten-eisen-dat-banden-met-israel-worden-verbroken . May 8, 2024 . 2024-05-08 . Omroep Delft . nl.
  5. Web site: Hesselink . Isabella . 31 January 2024 . Studenten voelen zich geïntimideerd door pro-Palestina demonstranten . Students feel intimidated by pro-Palestine demonstrators . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240508225858/https://dub.uu.nl/nl/achtergrond/studenten-voelen-zich-geintimideerd-door-pro-palestina-demonstranten . May 8, 2024 . 2024-05-08 . DUB.
  6. Web site: Breedveld . Peter . 2024-02-29 . VU staat Gazabijeenkomsten toe, maar tolereert geen spontane acties meer . VU allows Gaza gatherings, but no longer tolerates spontaneous actions . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240508225850/https://advalvas.vu.nl/campus-cultuur/vu-staat-gazabijeenkomsten-toe-maar-tolereert-geen-spontane-acties-meer/ . May 8, 2024 . 2024-05-08 . Ad Valvas . nl-NL.
  7. Web site: Doorakkers . Peter . 29 November 2023 . Pro-Palestijnse demonstratie voor UM-bestuursgebouw . Pro-Palestinian demonstration in front of the UM administration building . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240508225854/https://www.observantonline.nl/Home/Artikelen/id/61062/pro-palestijnse-demonstratie-voor-um-bestuursgebouw . May 8, 2024 . 9 May 2024 . Observant . nl.
  8. Web site: Bakker . Donner . 1 May 2024 . Ook Gazaprotesten op Nederlandse universiteiten: 'Amper politie nodig' . Gaza protests also at Dutch universities: 'Hardly any police needed' . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240508225849/https://www.nu.nl/binnenland/6310893/ook-gazaprotesten-op-nederlandse-universiteiten-amper-politie-nodig.html . May 8, 2024 . 9 May 2024 . NU.nl . nl.
  9. Web site: Smout . Bart . 2024-04-16 . Demonstratie Palestine Solidarity Tilburg bij Dante-gebouw . Demonstration Palestine Solidarity Tilburg at Dante building . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240508225850/https://universonline.nl/nieuws/2024/04/16/demonstratie-palestine-solidarity-tilburg-bij-dante-gebouw/ . May 8, 2024 . 2024-05-08 . Univers . nl-NL.
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  11. Web site: van Dongen . Madelief . Ramdjan . Tahrim . 28 March 2024 . Zeventien aanhoudingen in vier dagen bij pro-Palestinademo op Amsterdam University College: 'Verschrikkelijk, wat nu gebeurt is ongekend' . Seventeen arrests in four days at pro-Palestine demonstration at Amsterdam University College: 'Terrible, what is happening now is unprecedented' . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240422102348/https://www.parool.nl/amsterdam/zeventien-aanhoudingen-in-vier-dagen-bij-pro-palestinademo-op-amsterdam-university-college-verschrikkelijk-wat-nu-gebeurt-is-ongekend~bc8ccced/ . April 22, 2024 . 10 May 2024 . Het Parool . nl.
  12. Web site: Deutsch . Anthony . Van Campenhout . Charlotte . 2024-05-06 . Belgian and Dutch students join Gaza protest wave . reuters.com.
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  16. Web site: 2024-05-08 . Nog zo'n honderd actievoerders in Utrecht, oproep om slaapspullen te brengen . About a hundred more activists in Utrecht, calling for sleeping supplies . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240508221218/https://nos.nl/liveblog/2519773-alleen-nog-protest-op-rembrandtplein-betogers-utrecht-moeten-vertrekken . May 8, 2024 . 2024-05-08 . NOS . nl.
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  18. Web site: 10 May 2024 . Protesten in Amsterdam: Demonstratie bij Stopera ten einde, acht eerder opgepakte betogers langer vast . Protests in Amsterdam: Demonstration at Stopera ended, eight previously arrested demonstrators held longer . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240510210307/https://www.parool.nl/protest-op-uva-campus-roeterseiland/live-protesten-in-amsterdam-demonstratie-bij-stopera-ten-einde-acht-eerder-opgepakte-betogers-langer-vast~b86f603c/ . May 10, 2024 . 10 May 2024 . Het Parool . nl.
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  21. Web site: Saris . Karlijn . Willemsen . Marit . 14 May 2024 . Ook aan universiteiten Eindhoven en Nijmegen protest, besturen reageren wisselend op demonstraties . Protests are also taking place at the universities of Eindhoven and Nijmegen, and administrations are reacting differently to demonstrations . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240511233640/https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2024/05/10/studentenprotesten-10-mei-a4198419 . May 11, 2024 . 14 May 2024 . NRC . nl.
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  23. Web site: Van de Ven . Liam . 14 May 2024 . Pro-Palestijnse betogers in Amsterdam in Oosterpark neergestreken, sfeer is rustig . Pro-Palestinian demonstrators in Amsterdam settled in Oosterpark, the atmosphere is calm . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240511233640/https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2024/05/10/studentenprotesten-10-mei-a4198419 . May 11, 2024 . 14 May 2024 . NRC . nl.
  24. Web site: Ubbens . Charlie . 14 May 2024 . UvA doet aangifte en sluit gebouwen Roeterseilandcampus, waar ME ter plaatse is . UvA files a report and closes Roeterseiland campus buildings, where riot police are on site . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240511233640/https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2024/05/10/studentenprotesten-10-mei-a4198419 . May 11, 2024 . 12 May 2024 . NRC . nl.
  25. News: Kassam . Ashifa . 2024-05-08 . Clashes and arrests as pro-Palestinian protests spread across European campuses . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240508232024/https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/08/pro-palestine-student-protests-campuses-europe-arrests-police . May 8, 2024 . 2024-05-08 . The Guardian . en-GB . 0261-3077.
  26. Web site: 2024-05-07 . Politie maakt einde aan pro-Palestijns protest tegen Universiteit Utrecht, aangehouden demonstranten weer vrij . Police put an end to pro-Palestinian protest against Utrecht University, arrested protestors released . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240508221220/https://www.rtvutrecht.nl/nieuws/3733357/politie-maakt-einde-aan-pro-palestijns-protest-tegen-universiteit-utrecht-aangehouden-demonstranten-weer-vrij . May 8, 2024 . 2024-05-08 . RTV Utrecht . nl.
  27. News: Driessen . Camil . Stift . Ruben . 2024-05-07 . Een demonstratie, bezetting en barricades in Amsterdam en Utrecht: studentenprotesten vanwege de Gaza-oorlog breiden uit . A demonstration, occupation and barricades in Amsterdam and Utrecht: student protests over the Gaza war are expanding . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240508221219/https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2024/05/07/een-demonstratie-bezetting-en-barricades-in-amsterdam-en-utrecht-studentenprotesten-vanwege-de-gaza-oorlog-breiden-uit-a4198252 . May 8, 2024 . 2024-05-08 . NRC . nl-NL.
  28. Web site: 9 May 2024 . Nog 31 Gazademonstranten vast in Amsterdam, enkelen komen voor rechter . Another 31 Gaza demonstrators are in custody in Amsterdam, some of whom will be brought to justice . 21 May 2024 . NU.nl . nl.
  29. Web site: 2024-05-09 . Occupation of university building ended, UU buildings in city centre closed until Monday . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240515104822/https://www.uu.nl/en/news/occupation-of-university-building-ended-uu-buildings-in-city-centre-closed-until-monday . May 15, 2024 . 2024-05-15 . Utrecht University . en.
  30. Web site: 2024-05-09 . Opnieuw pro-Palestijns protest in Utrecht; universiteit besluit gebouwen tot maandag te sluiten . Again pro-Palestinian protest in Utrecht; university decides to close buildings until Monday . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240509223832/https://www.duic.nl/algemeen/opnieuw-pro-palestijns-protest-in-utrecht-universiteit-besluit-gebouwen-tot-maandag-te-sluiten/ . May 9, 2024 . 2024-05-10 . De Utrechtse Internet Courant . nl.
  31. Web site: Stam . Eva . 13 May 2024 . Demonstratie tegen banden Leidse universiteit met Israël verloopt vredig. ’Als je naar andere steden kijkt, is het hier heel rustig’ . Demonstration against ties between Leiden University and Israel is peaceful. “If you look at other cities, it is very quiet here” . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240514155627/https://www.leidschdagblad.nl/cnt/dmf20240513_42121912 . May 14, 2024 . 14 May 2024 . Leidsch Dagblad . nl.
  32. Web site: 13 May 2024 . Studentenbond wil inspraak in demonstratieprotocol universiteiten . Student union wants a say in universities' demonstration protocol . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240514150952/https://www.rd.nl/artikel/1063076-studentenbond-wil-inspraak-in-demonstratieprotocol-universiteiten . May 14, 2024 . 2024-05-14 . Reformatorisch Dagblad . nl-NL.
  33. Web site: Van Campenhout . Charlotte . van den Berg . Stephanie . 2024-05-13 . Police move in to end Pro-Palestinian protest at Amsterdam University . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240513164338/https://www.yahoo.com/news/pro-palestinian-protesters-occupy-university-125514324.html . May 13, 2024 . 2024-05-13 . Reuters . en-US.
  34. Web site: Madnoersan . Nadia . 13 May 2024 . Palestina-protest bij campus Erasmus Universiteit: 'Ik ben hier uit solidariteit met mijn collega's’ . Palestine protest at Erasmus University campus: 'I am here in solidarity with my colleagues' . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240514164102/https://www.ad.nl/rotterdam/palestina-protest-bij-campus-erasmus-universiteit-ik-ben-hier-uit-solidariteit-met-mijn-collega-s~ae6683ef/ . May 14, 2024 . 14 May 2024 . Algemeen Dagblad . nl.
  35. Web site: 2024-05-17 . Confidential and Online University Council Meeting . 2024-05-19 . Maastricht University . en.
  36. Web site: Van Saane . Joke . Logtens . Paul . 17 May 2024 . Open brief aan medewerkers en studenten van de UvH . Open letter to UvH employees and students . 20 May 2024 . University of Humanistic Studies . nl.
  37. Web site: 14 May 2024 . Pro-Palestijnse betogers verstoren debat EU-lijsttrekkers TU Eindhoven met lawaaiprotest . Pro-Palestinian demonstrators disrupt debate between EU party leaders TU Eindhoven with noise protest . live . https://archive.today/20240525182436/https://www.ed.nl/eindhoven/pro-palestijnse-betogers-verstoren-debat-eu-lijsttrekkers-tu-eindhoven-met-lawaaiprotest~aaa076ae/ . 25 May 2024 . 25 May 2024 . Eindhovens Dagblad . nl.
  38. Web site: 2024-05-14 . ME-optreden UvA houdt actievoerders niet tegen: 'Door tot aan eisen is voldaan' . UvA riot police action does not stop activists: 'Continue until demands are met' . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240514165716/https://nos.nl/artikel/2520493-me-optreden-uva-houdt-actievoerders-niet-tegen-door-tot-aan-eisen-is-voldaan . May 14, 2024 . 2024-05-14 . NOS . nl.
  39. Web site: 2024-05-13 . Pro-Palestine protest at the UG . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240514165716/https://www.rug.nl/about-ug/latest-news/news/archief2024/nieuwsberichten/0513-statement-walkout-demonstratie . May 14, 2024 . 2024-05-14 . University of Groningen . en.
  40. Web site: Verkerk . Jorit . 15 May 2024 . Pro-Palestijnse betogers in Utrecht bezetten universiteitsgebouw en barricaderen hoofdingang . Pro-Palestinian demonstrators in Utrecht occupy university building and barricade the main entrance . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240514150951/https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2024/05/14/studentenprotesten-14-mei-a4198725 . May 14, 2024 . 15 May 2024 . NRC . nl.
  41. Web site: 15 May 2024 . Politie ontruimt door betogers bezet pand Universiteit Utrecht . Police clear Utrecht University building occupied by demonstrators . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240516031833/https://www.parool.nl/protest-op-uva-campus-roeterseiland/live-protesten-in-amsterdam-pro-palestijnse-demonstratie-bij-hoofdkantoor-booking-com-aan-oosterdokskade-afgelopen~b86f603c/ . May 16, 2024 . 15 May 2024 . Het Parool . nl.
  42. Web site: Heisen . Elisa . 2024-05-16 . 42 aanhoudingen bij bezetting universiteitsgebouw op Janskerkhof: pand vandaag gesloten . 42 arrests during occupation of university building at Janskerkhof: building closed today . 2024-05-20 . RTV Utrecht . nl.
  43. Web site: Van der Steen . Paul . 16 May 2024 . Universiteit Maastricht beraadt zich op reactie hongerstakers . Maastricht University is considering the response of hunger strikers . 16 May 2024 . NRC . nl.
  44. Web site: Colson . Manon . 2024-05-15 . Al drie dagen protest bij UM: 'Het gaat hen aan het hart' . Three days of protest at UM: 'It's close to their hearts' . 2024-05-16 . L1 Nieuws . nl.
  45. Web site: Bergboer . Ernst . 15 May 2024 . ‘From the river to the sea…’: pro-Palestina-demonstratie op Enschedees station verloopt rustig . 'From the river to the sea...': pro-Palestine demonstration at Enschede station proceeds peacefully . 2024-05-25 . 1Twente . nl.
  46. Web site: 2024-05-15 . Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam sluit morgen om pro-Palestijnse demonstratie . Erasmus University Rotterdam will close tomorrow for a pro-Palestinian demonstration . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240515161951/https://nos.nl/artikel/2520612-erasmus-universiteit-rotterdam-sluit-morgen-om-pro-palestijnse-demonstratie . May 15, 2024 . 2024-05-15 . NOS . nl.
  47. Web site: 16 May 2024 . Pro-Palestijns protest na sluiting universiteit verplaatst naar Rotterdam CS . Pro-Palestinian protest after university closure moved to Rotterdam CS . 16 May 2024 . NU.nl . nl.
  48. Web site: 16 May 2024 . Geen activisten meer in pand Universiteit Leiden in Den Haag . No more activists in the Leiden University building in The Hague . 16 May 2024 . Trouw . nl.
  49. Web site: 17 May 2024 . Vreedzame pro-Palestijnse betoging bij universiteit van Tilburg . Peaceful pro-Palestinian demonstration at Tilburg University . 17 May 2024 . Trouw . nl.
  50. Web site: 17 May 2024 . Pro-Palestijns protest op terrein Academiegebouw Leiden . Pro-Palestinian protest on the grounds of the Leiden Academiegebouw . 17 May 2024 . Trouw . nl.
  51. Web site: 17 May 2024 . Twee gebouwen Universiteit Leiden uit voorzorg dicht . Two Leiden University buildings closed as a precaution . 17 May 2024 . Trouw . nl.
  52. Web site: 17 May 2024 . Zo’n 150 mensen bij pro-Palestijns protest VU Amsterdam . About 150 people at pro-Palestinian protest VU Amsterdam . 17 May 2024 . Trouw . nl.
  53. Web site: 17 May 2024 . Universiteit Wageningen ook vrijdag met demonstranten in gesprek . Wageningen University also holds discussions with demonstrators on Friday . 17 May 2024 . Trouw . nl.
  54. Web site: 2024-05-22 . Een kijkje in het tentenkamp: ‘We hebben de energie, we hebben de mensen’ . A look inside the tent camp: 'We have the energy, we have the people' . 2024-05-22 . UKrant . nl-NL.
  55. Web site: Verkerk . Jorit . 22 May 2024 . Groep Wageningse pro-Palestijnse demonstranten probeert druk op universiteit op te voeren . Group of Wageningen pro-Palestinian demonstrators is trying to increase pressure on the university . 22 May 2024 . NRC . nl.
  56. Web site: Van der Steen . Paul . 22 May 2024 . Demonstranten bezetten universiteitsgebouw in Maastricht . Protesters occupy university building in Maastricht . 22 May 2024 . NRC . nl.
  57. Web site: Haverkamp . Annemarie . Lambeets . Ken . 2024-05-22 . Demonstranten houden sit-in in Maria Montessorigebouw; politie bezoekt kamp . Protesters hold sit-in in Maria Montessori building; police visits camp . 2024-05-22 . Vox Magazine . nl-NL.
  58. Web site: Heij . Andor . 21 May 2024 . Pro-Palestina demonstranten laten zich horen bij lustrum Rijksuniversiteit . Pro-Palestine demonstrators make themselves heard at lustrum of the university . 2024-05-21 . OOG Groningen . nl-NL.
  59. Web site: Japenga . Ruby . 21 May 2024 . Vandaag besluit over kampement Tilburg University door pro-Palestijnse demonstranten . Today decision on Tilburg University encampment by pro-Palestinian demonstrators . live . https://archive.today/20240521155121/https://www.ad.nl/tilburg/vandaag-besluit-over-kampement-tilburg-university-door-pro-palestijnse-demonstranten~a7d59eab/ . 21 May 2024 . 21 May 2024 . Algemeen Dagblad . nl.
  60. Web site: 22 May 2024 . Studentenkampen vormen coalitie: 'Wij zijn verenigd in ons protest' . Student camps form coalition: 'We are united in our protest' . 2024-05-24 . RN7 . nl.
  61. C7OmSxaozPx . nijmegenencampment . The letter addresses some of the common struggles we have had with our CvBs in the past months and urges the UNL and the general public to pressure all our universities to fulfill our urgent demands for Palestine. . Nijmegen Encampment . 21 May 2024 . 24 May 2024.
  62. Web site: Bastiaens . Maarten . Hubers . Arthur . 2024-05-21 . UM doet aangifte: 'Dit is niet onze manier van protest' . UM files a complaint: 'This is not our way of protest' . 2024-05-22 . L1 Nieuws . nl.
  63. Web site: Meesterburrie . Arjan . 22 May 2024 . Pro-Palestijnse activisten beëindigen bezetting faculteitsgebouw Universiteit Maastricht en breken tentenkamp op . Pro-Palestinian activists end occupation of Maastricht University faculty building and demolish tent camp . 23 May 2024 . NRC . nl.
  64. Web site: Japenga . Ruby . 22 May 2024 . Leden Palestine Solidarity Tilburg zetten tenten neer op terrein universiteit en maken zich op voor overnachting . Members of Palestine Solidarity Tilburg put up tents on the university grounds and prepare for an overnight stay . live . https://archive.today/20240522135427/https://www.ad.nl/tilburg/leden-palestine-solidarity-tilburg-zetten-tenten-neer-op-terrein-universiteit-en-maken-zich-op-voor-overnachting~ac8e16fb/ . 22 May 2024 . 22 May 2024 . Algemeen Dagblad . nl.
  65. Web site: Barakova . Maya . 2024-05-23 . Studenten Psychologie protesteren op campus voor Palestina . Psychology students protest on campus for Palestine . 2024-05-24 . Erasmus Magazine . nl-NL.
  66. Web site: 2024-05-24 . Read our liveblog about the first two days in the tented camp on campus . 2024-05-26 . Delta . en-GB.
  67. Web site: Cato . van Kooten . 24 May 2024 . Actievoerders trotseren de regen voor vreedzaam protest op universiteit, geduld medewerkers is op . Activists brave the rain for a peaceful protest at the university, employees' patience has run out . live . https://archive.today/20240524162721/https://www.bndestem.nl/tilburg/actievoerders-trotseren-de-regen-voor-vreedzaam-protest-op-universiteit-geduld-medewerkers-is-op~a88f92e9/ . 24 May 2024 . 29 May 2024 . BN De Stem . nl.
  68. Web site: Bot . Michiel . Paiement . Phillip . 2024-05-27 . Open letter from TiU staff members: 'Suspend ties with our Israeli university partners' . 2024-05-29 . Univers.
  69. Web site: 2024-05-28 . Pro-Palestinaprotest gaat door: demonstratie en graffiti . Pro-Palestine protest continues: demonstration and graffiti . 2024-05-29 . L1 Nieuws . nl.
  70. Web site: 2024-06-05 . Protest update: Police intervenes in Atlas protest . 2024-06-07 . Resource . en-US.
  71. Web site: Japenga . Ruby . 28 May 2024 . Poging tot verstoren vergadering bestuur faalt, pro-Palestijnse protestgroep ligt vervolgens voor dood tussen studenten . Attempt to disrupt board meeting fails, pro-Palestinian protest group is lying for dead among students . live . https://archive.today/20240529132711/https://www.bndestem.nl/tilburg/poging-tot-verstoren-vergadering-bestuur-faalt-pro-palestijnse-protestgroep-ligt-vervolgens-voor-dood-tussen-studenten~a2ed1951/ . 29 May 2024 . 29 May 2024 . BN De Stem . nl.
  72. Web site: 30 May 2024 . Alsnog pro-Palestinaprotest op Erasmus Universiteit: tentenkamp opgezet, studenten blijven overnachten . Pro-Palestine protest at Erasmus University anyway: tent camp set up, students stay overnight . live . https://archive.today/20240530222646/https://www.ad.nl/rotterdam/alsnog-pro-palestinaprotest-op-erasmus-universiteit-tentenkamp-opgezet-studenten-blijven-overnachten~a8403b83/ . 30 May 2024 . 31 May 2024 . Algemeen Dagblad . nl.
  73. Web site: 2024-05-30 . Pro-Palestijnse demonstranten komen opnieuw samen bij Universiteitsbibliotheek in Utrecht . Pro-Palestinian demonstrators gather again at the University Library in Utrecht . 2024-06-07 . De Utrechtse Internet Courant . nl.
  74. Web site: Van Veldhuizen . Anouk . 2 June 2024 . Demonstranten op Janskerkhof vragen aandacht voor leed in Gaza: ‘We zullen blijven doorgaan’ . Protesters at Janskerkhof draw attention to suffering in Gaza: 'We will continue' . live . https://archive.today/20240602154232/https://www.ad.nl/utrecht/demonstranten-op-janskerkhof-vragen-aandacht-voor-leed-in-gaza-we-zullen-blijven-doorgaan~a33b4d20/ . 2 June 2024 . 7 June 2024 . Algemeen Dagblad . nl.
  75. Web site: Van Dongen . Madelief . 4 June 2024 . Waarom mogen pro-Palestinastudenten op de VU wel kamperen, maar op de UvA niet? . Why are pro-Palestine students allowed to camp at the VU, but not at the UvA? . 7 June 2024 . Het Parool . nl.
  76. Web site: 2024-06-06 . Liveblog Derde week protestkamp: demonstranten houden korte toespraak in universiteitsraad . Live blog Third week of protest camp: demonstrators give short speech in university council . 2024-06-07 . Univers . nl-NL.
  77. News: Borst . Thomas . 2024-05-09 . Premier Rutte spreekt zich uit over studentenprotesten Amsterdam . Prime Minister Rutte speaks out about student protests in Amsterdam . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240510210306/https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2024/05/09/premier-rutte-spreekt-zich-uit-over-studentenprotesten-amsterdam-a4198354 . May 10, 2024 . 2024-05-10 . NRC . nl-NL.
  78. Web site: 9 May 2024 . Ravage na pro-Palestijnse protesten in Amsterdam, korpschef raamt schade op meer dan een ton . Devastation after pro-Palestinian protests in Amsterdam, police chief estimates damage at more than a ton . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240516031950/https://www.bd.nl/binnenland/ravage-na-pro-palestijnse-protesten-in-amsterdam-korpschef-raamt-schade-op-meer-dan-een-ton~a1d9d01c/ . May 16, 2024 . 10 May 2024 . Brabants Dagblad . nl.
  79. Web site: 14 May 2024 . Minister Paul: demonstreren mag, maar noemt gebeurtenissen aan UvA 'onacceptabel' . Minister Paul: demonstrations are allowed, but calls events at UvA 'unacceptable' . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240514163131/https://www.parool.nl/protest-op-uva-campus-roeterseiland/live-protesten-in-amsterdam-minister-zeer-de-vraag-of-relschoppers-wel-studenten-zijn-twintig-meldingen-bij-persveilig-om-agressie-bij-uva-protesten~b86f603c/ . May 14, 2024 . 14 May 2024 . Het Parool . nl.
  80. Web site: Reijmer . Loes . 10 May 2024 . Burgemeester Halsema is stabiel middelpunt bij raadsvergadering over ontspoorde protesten Amsterdam . Mayor Halsema is a stable center at a council meeting about derailed protests in Amsterdam . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240510210307/https://www.volkskrant.nl/binnenland/burgemeester-halsema-is-stabiel-middelpunt-bij-raadsvergadering-over-ontspoorde-protesten-amsterdam~bfa49cfbd/ . May 10, 2024 . 10 May 2024 . de Volkskrant . nl.
  81. Web site: 10 May 2024 . Protesten in Amsterdam: Demonstratie bij Stopera ten einde, acht eerder opgepakte betogers langer vast . Protests in Amsterdam: Demonstration at Stopera ended, eight previously arrested demonstrators held longer . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240510210307/https://www.parool.nl/protest-op-uva-campus-roeterseiland/live-protesten-in-amsterdam-demonstratie-bij-stopera-ten-einde-acht-eerder-opgepakte-betogers-langer-vast~b86f603c/ . May 10, 2024 . 10 May 2024 . Het Parool . nl.
  82. Web site: 11 May 2024 . Demonstratie begonnen, honderden aanwezigen . Demonstration started, hundreds of people present . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240512153440/https://www.parool.nl/protest-op-uva-campus-roeterseiland/live-protesten-in-amsterdam-bestuur-uva-stelt-voorwaarden-aan-demonstraties-walk-out-day~b86f603c/ . May 12, 2024 . 12 May 2024 . Het Parool . nl.
  83. Web site: Van Erven . Roland . 11 May 2024 . KABK stopt samenwerking met Israëlische kunstacademie na aandringen studenten . KABK stops collaboration with Israeli art academy after students' insistence . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240511233640/https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2024/05/10/studentenprotesten-10-mei-a4198419 . May 11, 2024 . 12 May 2024 . NRC . nl.
  84. Web site: Van Nuland . Merijn . 30 May 2024 . Terwijl Halsema praat als Brugman, keren studenten haar de rug toe . While Halsema speaks with persuasiveness, students turn their backs on her . 31 May 2024 . de Volkskrant . nl.
  85. Web site: 2024-05-10 . De Landelijke Studentenvakbond is solidair met de protesten in Amsterdam: "Studenten worden geslagen in plaats van gehoord" . The National Student Union expresses solidarity with the protests in Amsterdam: "Students are being beaten instead of heard." . 2024-05-20 . Dutch Student Union . nl-NL.
  86. Web site: 7 May 2024 . "Buitenproportioneel geweld van de UvA tegen eigen studenten": vakbonden veroordelen gewelddadige ontruiming van studentenprotest . “Disproportionate violence by the UvA against its own students”: unions condemn violent evacuation of student protest . 21 May 2024 . Dutch Student Union . nl.
  87. Web site: 9 May 2024 . Politie laat kansen op de-escalatie liggen . Police miss opportunities for de-escalation . 2024-05-20 . Amnesty International . nl.
  88. Web site: 2024-05-10 . Solidariteitsactie universiteitsbezetting: studenten gevraagd niet met pers te praten . Solidarity action against university occupation: students asked not to talk to the press . 2024-05-20 . RTV Utrecht . nl.
  89. Web site: Heisen . Elisa . 2024-05-18 . Hoogleraar: 'OM maakt oneigenlijk gebruik van strafrecht bij oppakken demonstranten' . Professor: 'OM makes improper use of criminal law when arresting demonstrators' . 2024-05-21 . RTV Utrecht . nl.
  90. Web site: Oosterom . Rianne . 22 May 2024 . Het antwoord van universiteiten op protesten is een ‘ethische commissie’ . Universities' response to protests is an 'ethics committee' . 23 May 2024 . Trouw . nl.
  91. News: Driessen . Camil . 2024-05-08 . Universiteiten geven meer openheid over banden met Israël, maar boycot gaat ze te ver . Universities are more open about ties with Israel, but a boycott goes too far . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240508225849/https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2024/05/08/meer-openheid-over-israelische-banden-van-universiteiten-maar-boycot-gaat-te-ver-a4198332 . May 8, 2024 . 2024-05-08 . NRC . nl-NL.
  92. Web site: 2024-05-06 . Onze samenwerkingen met Israëlische organisaties . Our collaborations with Israeli organisations . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240508225858/https://www.uva.nl/content/nieuws/nieuwsberichten/2024/05/onze-samenwerkingen-met-israelische-organisaties.html . May 8, 2024 . 2024-05-08 . Universiteit van Amsterdam . nl.
  93. Web site: Frölke . Steven . 14 May 2024 . Bestuur UvA wil niet meer in gesprek met actievoerders . The UvA board no longer wants to talk to activists . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240514150951/https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2024/05/14/studentenprotesten-14-mei-a4198725 . May 14, 2024 . 14 May 2024 . NRC . nl.
  94. Web site: Frölke . Steven . 14 May 2024 . Universiteiten in Eindhoven en Groningen willen wel in gesprek met betogers . Universities in Eindhoven and Groningen want to talk to demonstrators . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240514150951/https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2024/05/14/studentenprotesten-14-mei-a4198725 . May 14, 2024 . 14 May 2024 . NRC . nl.
  95. Web site: 2024-05-08 . Erasmus Universiteit geeft uit eigen beweging openheid in samenwerking met Israëlische organisaties . Erasmus University is open on its own initiative about collaboration with Israeli organisations . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240508225852/https://www.rijnmond.nl/nieuws/1825861/erasmus-universiteit-geeft-uit-eigen-beweging-openheid-in-samenwerking-met-israelische-organisaties . May 8, 2024 . 2024-05-08 . Rijnmond . nl.
  96. Web site: 2024-05-10 . Our collaboration with Israeli and Palestinian knowledge institutions . 2024-05-20 . University of Groningen . en.
  97. Web site: 13 May 2024 . Response to the open letter of 9 May concerning Israel and Gaza . 19 May 2024 . Eindhoven University of Technology.
  98. Web site: Janssen . Hans . 2024-05-14 . 'Banden met scholen in Israël voorlopig verbroken door Design Academy' . 'Ties with schools in Israel temporarily severed by Design Academy' . 2024-05-19 . Omroep Brabant . nl.
  99. Web site: De Koning . Adrianne . 14 May 2024 . Hogeschool Rotterdam stopt samenwerking met nationale kunstacademie Israël: ‘Ontzettend geraakt door alle verschrikkingen’ . Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences ends collaboration with Israel's national art academy: 'Extremely touched by all the horrors' . 19 May 2024 . Het Parool . nl.
  100. Web site: 2024-05-15 . Adjusted statement Executive Board and deans . 2024-05-19 . Utrecht University . en.
  101. Web site: 2024-05-17 . Overview of Israeli collaborations . 2024-05-19 . Utrecht University . en.
  102. Web site: Letschert . Rianne . 2024-05-15 . Acties aan de Universiteit Maastricht - Update 4 . Actions at Maastricht University - Update 4 . 2024-05-19 . Maastricht University . nl.
  103. Web site: 2024-05-17 . Our ties with Israeli universities . 2024-05-19 . Leiden University . en.
  104. Web site: Second Open Letter from the Executive Board to the VU Community . 2024-05-20 . Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam . en.
  105. Web site: Hut . Joey . 2024-05-22 . Na protesten roept TU op tot staakt-het-vuren in Gaza . After protests, TU calls for a ceasefire in Gaza . 2024-05-26 . Omroep Delft . nl.
  106. Web site: 2024-05-28 . Universiteit Wageningen doet aangifte van leus bij pro-Palestijns protest . Wageningen University files complaints against slogan during pro-Palestinian protest . 2024-05-29 . NOS . nl.
  107. Web site: 2024-05-08 . NVJ: ‘Demonstranten UvA: blijf van journalisten af’ . NVJ: 'UvA demonstrators: stay away from journalists' . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240515112355/https://www.nvj.nl/nieuws/nvj-%E2%80%98demonstranten-uva-blijf-journalisten-af%E2%80%99 . May 15, 2024 . 2024-05-14 . Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten . nl.
  108. Web site: Saris . Karlijn . 13 May 2024 . Pro-Palestijnse demonstranten sturen journalisten weg bij protesten, vakbond maakt zich zorgen . Pro-Palestinian demonstrators send journalists away from protests, union is concerned . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240511233640/https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2024/05/10/studentenprotesten-10-mei-a4198419 . May 11, 2024 . 14 May 2024 . NRC . nl.
  109. Web site: 14 May 2024 . 21 meldingen bij PersVeilig om agressie bij UvA-protesten . 21 reports to PersVeilig about aggression during UvA protests . 20 May 2024 . Het Parool . nl.
  110. Web site: 2024-05-10 . Meerderheid keurt doel en manier van protesteren door studenten af: 'Dit soort mensen is gewoon tuig' . Majority disapproves of the purpose and method of protest by students: 'These types of people are just scum' . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240510210305/https://eenvandaag.avrotros.nl/panels/opiniepanel/alle-uitslagen/item/meerderheid-keurt-doel-en-manier-van-protesteren-door-studenten-af-dit-soort-mensen-is-gewoon-tuig/ . May 10, 2024 . 2024-05-10 . EenVandaag . nl.
  111. Web site: Van der Schelde . Asher . Kanne . Peter . 2024-05-16 . Weinig steun voor studentenprotesten . Little support for student protests . 2024-05-21 . Ipsos I&O . nl.
  112. Web site: 2024-05-12 . Universiteiten werken aan demonstratieprotocol . Universities are working on demonstration protocol . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240512154014/https://nos.nl/artikel/2520183-universiteiten-werken-aan-demonstratieprotocol . May 12, 2024 . 2024-05-12 . NOS . nl.
  113. Web site: Ubbens . Charlie . 14 May 2024 . Universiteiten en hogescholen presenteren gezamenlijke regels rondom demonstraties . Universities and hogescholen present joint rules regarding demonstrations . live . https://web.archive.org/web/20240514150951/https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2024/05/14/studentenprotesten-14-mei-a4198725 . May 14, 2024 . 14 May 2024 . NRC . nl.
  114. Web site: 22 May 2024 . Richtlijn voor Protesteren op Universiteiten voldoet niet aan de wet . Guidelines for Protesting at Universities do not comply with the law . 2024-05-22 . Federation of Dutch Trade Unions . nl.
  115. Web site: Keultjes . Hanneke . Khaddari . Raounak . 18 May 2024 . Minister Dijkgraaf wil sluiting universiteiten voorkomen met noodscenario’s: ‘Veiligheid studenten staat onder druk’ . Minister Dijkgraaf wants to prevent university closures with emergency scenarios: 'Student safety is under pressure' . 19 May 2024 . Het Parool . nl . Dat is een ultiem middel dat we eigenlijk niet moeten accepteren. (...) Maar het is niet te verantwoorden als een onderwijsinstelling geen onderwijs meer kan geven. . That is an ultimate resource that we should not accept. (...) But it cannot be justified if an educational institution can no longer provide education..
  116. Web site: 2024-05-28 . CIDI eist van Universiteit Leiden alle correspondentie met Israël-kritische organisaties . CIDI demands from Leiden University all correspondence with Israel-critical organizations . 2024-05-29 . Punt. . nl-NL.