2024 in paleomammalogy explained

This article records new taxa of fossil mammals of every kind that are scheduled to be described during the year 2024, as well as other significant discoveries and events related to paleontology of mammals that are scheduled to occur in the year 2024.



Proboscidean research


Sirenia research

Other afrotherians

Name NoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeType localityCountryNotesImages
Axainamasia[15] Gen. et sp. novMétais et al.Eocene-Oligocene transitionCemalletin FormationAn embrithopod. The type species is A. sandersi.
Crivadiatherium sahiniSp. novMétais et al.EoceneBaraklı FormationAn embrithopod.
Crivadiatherium sevketseniSp. novMétais et al.EoceneBaraklı FormationAn embrithopod.

Miscellaneous afrotherian research



Name NoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeType localityCountryNotesImages
Buronius[17] Gen. et sp. novValidBöhme et al.Late MioceneHammerschmiede clay pitA hominid. The type species is B. manfredschmidi.
Microchoerus erinaceus duplex[18] Ssp. novValidHookerPaleogeneA member of the family Omomyidae.
Orogalago[19] Gen. et sp. novMarivaux in Marivaux et al.Oligocene (Rupelian)Samlat FormationWestern SaharaA probable member of Lorisiformes. The type species is O. saintexuperyi.
OrolemurGen. et sp. novMarivaux in Marivaux et al.Oligocene (Rupelian)Samlat FormationWestern SaharaA member of Strepsirrhini of uncertain affinities. The type species is O. mermozi.

Primate research

General paleoanthropology


Name NoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeType localityCountryNotesImages
Burgia[121] Nom. novValidVianey-Liaud, Weppe & MarivauxEocene (Bartonian)Quercy Phosphorites FormationA member of Ischyromyiformes belonging to the family Theridomyidae and the subfamily Patriotheridomyinae; a replacement name for Bernardia Vianey-Liaud (1991).
Byzantinia rosamariae[122] Sp. novValidLópez-Antoñanzas et al.MioceneA cricetodontine.
Eliwourus[123] Gen. et sp. novSeiffert et al.OligoceneTopernawi FormationA stem anomalure. The type species is E. topernawiensis.
Hartenbergeromys pailladensis[124] Sp. novValidVianey-Liaud et al.EoceneA theridomorph rodent of uncertain affinities.
Hystrix aegeanensis[125] Sp. novHalaçlar et al.Miocene
A species of Hystrix.
IdiciaGen. et sp. novValidVianey-Liaud, Weppe & MarivauxEocene (Bartonian)Quercy Phosphorites FormationA member of Ischyromyiformes belonging to the family Theridomyidae. The type species is I. vidalenci.
Rhodanomys occitanensis[126] Sp. novValidLuccisano et al.MioceneA member of the family Eomyidae.
Siphneus tolaensis[127] Sp. novValidGolovanov & ZazhiginPleistoceneA zokor.
Zagoutomys[128] Gen. et sp. novViñola-López et al.QuaternaryA hutia. The type species is Z. woodsi.

Rodent research

Other euarchontoglires

Name NoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeType localityCountryNotesImages
Heterohyus crayiSp. novValidHookerPaleogene
Heterohyus estesiSp. novValidHookerPaleogene
Lepus berbericus[137] Sp. novSen et al.PleistoceneA hare.
Prolagus ressasensisSp. novSen et al.Pleistocene
Ursolestes blissorum[138] Sp. novHovatter, Chester & Wilson MantillaPaleocene (Torrejonian)Fort Union Formation
A purgatoriid plesiadapiform.

Miscellaneous euarchontoglires research




Name NoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeType localityCountryNotesImages
Adicetus[143] Gen. et comb. novValidFigueiredo et al.MioceneA member of the family Cetotheriidae. The type species is "Cetotherium" vandelli Van Beneden & Gervais (1871); genus also includes "Aulocetus" latus Kellogg (1941).
Aureia[144] Gen. et sp. novMeekin, Fordyce & CosteOligoceneOtekaike Limestone FormationA member of the superfamily Platanistoidea. The type species is A. rerehua.
Echericetus[145] Gen. et sp. novValidHernández-Cisneros et al.OligoceneEl Cien FormationA member of the family Eomysticetidae. The type species is E. novellus.
Eolipotes[146] Gen. et sp. novValidKimura & HasegawaMioceneA member of the family Lipotidae. The type species is E. japonicus.
Fucaia humilis[147] Sp. novValidTsai et al.EoceneLincoln Creek Formation A member of the family Aetiocetidae.
Incakujira fordycei[148] Sp. novValidKimura & HasegawaMiocenePisco FormationA rorqual.
Mamaziphius[149] Gen. et sp. novValidBianucci et al.MiocenePisco FormationA beaked whale. The type species is M. reyesi.
Miodelphinus[150] Gen. et sp. novValidTanaka & NakagawaMioceneHaze FormationA member of the family Squalodelphinidae. The type species is M. miensis.
Pebanista[151] Gen. et sp. novValidBenites-Palomino et al.MiocenePebas FormationA close relative of the South Asian river dolphin. The type species is P. yacuruna.
Tohoraonepu[152] Gen. et sp. novCorrie & FordyceOligoceneKokoamu GreensandA member of the family Kekenodontidae. The species species is T. nihokaiwaiu.
Cetacean research

Other artiodactyls

Name NoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeType localityCountryNotesImages
Aliusuellus[166] Gen. et sp. novValidBai et al.Eocene (Irdinmanhan)Erlian BasinA member of the family Tapirulidae. The type species is A. laolii.
Bramiscus[167] Gen. et sp. novValidRíos et al.MioceneChinji FormationA member of the family Giraffidae. The type species is B. micros.
Hispanodorcas longdongica[168] Sp. novValidWu et al.MioceneA member of the family Bovidae belonging to the subfamily Antilopinae.
IrdinodonGen. et sp. novValidBai et al.Eocene (Irdinmanhan)Erlian BasinA member of the subfamily Lantianiinae. The type species is I. bicuspidata.
Lyra[169] Gen. et sp. novRios & SolouniasMioceneChinji FormationA member of the family Giraffidae. The type species is L. sherkana.
Paraphenacodus gabuniaiSp. novValidBai et al.Eocene (Arshantan)Erlian Basin
Santuccimeryx[170] Gen. et comb. novValidShreero et al.Orellan and WhitneyanBrule Formation
A member of the family Leptomerycidae. The type species is "Leptomeryx" elissae Korth & Diamond (2002).
Other artiodactyl research


Name NoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeType localityCountryNotesImages
Cernictis baskini[196] Sp. novValidJiangzuo et al.MioceneA member of the family Mustelidae belonging to the subfamily Ictonychinae and the tribe Ictonychini.
Fejfarictis[197] Gen. et sp. novValidDe Bonis et al.OligoceneAn early aeluroid. The type species is F. valecensis.
Lutravus dianensisSp. novValidJiangzuo et al.MioceneA member of the family Mustelidae belonging to the subfamily Ictonychinae and the tribe Lyncodontini.
Magerifelis[198] Gen. et sp. novSalesa et al.Miocene
A medium-sized feline. The type species is M. peignei.
Magophoca[199] Gen. et sp. novValidDewaele & de Muizon Miocene (Tortonian)Pisco FormationA monachine seal belonging to the tribe Lobodontini. The type species is M. brevirostris.
Ontocetus posti[200] Sp. novValidBoisville, Chatar & KohnoPliocene and Pleistocene
A pinniped belonging to the family Odobenidae.
Seronectes[201] Gen. et sp. novHafed et al.Neogene
A monachine seal. The type species is S. meherrinensis.
ShansictisGen. et sp. novValidJiangzuo et al.MioceneA member of the family Mustelidae belonging to the subfamily Ictonychinae and the tribe Lyncodontini. The type species is S. xinzhouensis.
Valenictus sheperdi[202] Sp. novBoessenecker et al.PliocenePurisima Formation

Carnivoran research


Chiropteran research


Name NoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeType localityCountryNotesImages
Anourosorex andabata[245] Sp. novValidLopatinPleistoceneAn Asian mole shrew.
Archaeodesmana dissona[246] Sp. novValidCailleux, van den Hoek Ostende & JoniakMioceneA desman.
Solenodon ottenwalderiSp. novViñola-López et al.QuaternaryA solenodon.

Eulipotyphlan research


Name NoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeType localityCountryNotesImages
Megacanodon[250] Gen. et sp. novLu et al.OligoceneJiaozigou FormationA member of Rhinocerotoidea. The type species is M. dongxiangense.
Plesiaceratherium tongxinense[251] Sp. novValidSun, Deng & WangMioceneAn aceratheriine rhinoceros.

Perissodactyl research

Other laurasiatherians

Name NoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeType localityCountryNotesImages
Carodnia karuen[260] Sp. novValidGelfo, López & BondPaleocenePeñas Coloradas FormationA member of Xenungulata.
Militocodon[261] Gen. et sp. novWeaver et al.Paleocene (Danian)Denver Formation
A member of the family Periptychidae belonging to the subfamily Conacodontinae. The type species is M. lydae.
Talquinodus[262] Gen. et sp. novKramarz et al.EoceneSarmiento FormationAn archaic South American ungulate of uncertain affinities. The type species is T. puertai.

Miscellaneous laurasiatherian research



Cingulatan research


Pilosan research

General xenarthran research

Other eutherians

Miscellaneous eutherian research


Name NoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeType localityCountryNotesImages
Lemmythentes[293] Gen. et sp. novMartin et al.MioceneCollón Curá FormationA member of Paucituberculata. Genus includes new species L. kilmisteri.
MinusculothentesGen. et sp. novMartin et al.MioceneCollón Curá FormationA member of Paucituberculata. Genus includes new species M. zeballoensis.
PanchothentesGen. et sp. novMartin et al.MioceneCollón Curá FormationA member of Paucituberculata. Genus includes new species P. goini.
Peradectes crocheti[294] Sp. novGernelle et al.Eocene
Protemnodon dawsonae[295] Sp. novValidKerr et al.Pliocene
Protemnodon mamkurraSp. novValidKerr et al.Pleistocene
Protemnodon viatorSp. novValidKerr et al.Pleistocene
Thylacopygmaeus[296] Gen. et sp. novCarneiro et al.EoceneItaboraí BasinA member of the family Herpetotheriidae. The type species is T. oliveirai.
Xenocynus[297] Gen. et sp. novCarneiro et al.EoceneItaboraí BasinA large-sized marsupialiform belonging to the group Sudameridelphia. The type species is X. crypticus.
ZeballolagusGen. et 2 sp. novMartin et al.MioceneCollón Curá FormationA member of Polydolopimorphia. Genus includes new species Z. ronniejamesdioi and Z. separatus.
ZeballothentesGen. et sp. novMartin et al.MioceneCollón Curá FormationA member of Paucituberculata. Genus includes new species Z. incertus.

Metatherian research


Name NoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeType localityCountryNotesImages
Dharragarra[307] Gen. et sp. novValidFlannery et al.Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Griman Creek FormationThe type species is D. aurora.
OpaliosGen. et sp. novValidFlannery et al.Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Griman Creek FormationThe type species is O. splendens.
ParvopalusGen. et sp. novValidFlannery et al.Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Griman Creek FormationThe type species is P. clytiei.

Other mammals

Name NoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeType localityCountryNotesImages
Indotriconodon[308] Gen. et sp. novValidBajpai et al.Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)A member of Eutriconodonta. The type species is I. magnus.
Ningchengodon[309] Gen. et sp. novValidZhang, Zhou & LuoEarly Cretaceous (Barremian–Aptian)Yixian FormationA member of Spalacotherioidea. The type species is N. foxi.
Patagomaia[310] Gen. et sp. novValidChimento et al.Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)Chorrillo FormationA therian mammal of uncertain affinities, with an estimated body mass of 14 kg. The type species is P. chainko.
Solanutherium[311] Gen. et sp. novConnelly et al.Late CretaceousAllen FormationA member of Meridiolestida. The type species is S. walshi.

Other mammalian research

General mammalian research

Notes and References

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  2. Konidaris . G. E. . Rățoi . B. G. . Badea . D. D. . Ursachi . L. . 2024 . New proboscidean specimens from the Late Miocene of Romania: the huge-sized deinothere Deinotherium proavum, the rare "Mammut" cf. obliquelophus and the first description of the shovel-tusker Konobelodon from the country . PalZ . 98 . 2 . 331–355 . 10.1007/s12542-024-00688-8 . free . 2024PalZ...98..331K .
  3. Yaghoubi . S. . Ashouri . A. R. . Mirzaie Ataabadi . M. . Ghaderi . A. . 2024 . First true mastodon from the Late Miocene of Iran . Swiss Journal of Palaeontology . 143 . 1 . 15 . 10.1186/s13358-023-00300-7 . free . 2024SwJP..143...15Y .
  4. Paiva . A. C. F. . Alves-Silva . L. . Barbosa . F. H. S. . 2024 . Characterization of dental calculus in the South American Quaternary proboscidean Notiomastodon platensis (Ameghino, 1888) . Journal of Quaternary Science . 10.1002/jqs.3602 . 267568018 .
  5. Basilia . P. . Miszkiewicz . J. J. . Louys . J. . Wibowo . U. P. . van den Bergh . G. D. . 2024 . Insights into dwarf stegodon (Stegodon florensis florensis) palaeobiology based on rib histology . Annales de Paléontologie . 109 . 4 . 102654 . 10.1016/j.annpal.2023.102654 . 267690501 .
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  23. Stan . C. . Drăgușin . V. . Vasile . Ș. . Venczel . M. . Terhune . C. E. . 2024 . Dental remains of Plio–Pleistocene Cercopithecidae (Mammalia: Primates) from Romania . Journal of Human Evolution . 193 . 103544 . 10.1016/j.jhevol.2024.103544 . 38954897 .
  24. Pina . M. . Nakatsukasa . M. . 2024 . New quantitative analyses of the Nacholapithecus kerioi proximal ulna confirm morphological affinities with Equatorius and large papionins . American Journal of Biological Anthropology . e25000 . 10.1002/ajpa.25000 . 39049556 .
  25. Alba . D. M. . Bouchet . F. . Fortuny . J. . Robles . J. M. . Galindo . J. . Luján . À. H. . Moyà-Solà . S. . Zanolli . C. . 2024 . New remains of the Miocene great ape Anoiapithecus brevirostris from Abocador de Can Mata . Journal of Human Evolution . 188 . 103497 . 10.1016/j.jhevol.2024.103497 . 38402672 . 2024JHumE.18803497A . 267928754 .
  26. Russo . G. A. . Prang . T. C. . McGechie . F. R. . Kuo . S. . Ward . C. V. . Feibel . C. . Nengo . I. O. . 2024 . An ape partial postcranial skeleton (KNM-NP 64631) from the Middle Miocene of Napudet, northern Kenya . Journal of Human Evolution . 192 . 103519 . 10.1016/j.jhevol.2024.103519 . 38843697 .
  27. Alba . D. M. . Urcioli . A. . Hammond . A. S. . Almécija . S. . Rook . L. . Zanolli . C. . Miocene ape evolution: Where does Oreopithecus fit in? . 2024 . Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana . 63 . 2 . 153–182 . 10.4435/BSPI.2024.01 .
  28. DeMiguel . D. M. . Rook . L. . An updated overview on the extinction of Oreopithecus bambolii . 2024 . Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana . 63 . 2 . 183–192 . 10.4435/BSPI.2024.06 .
  29. Zhang . Y. . Ni . X. . Li . Q. . Stidham . T. . Lu . D. . Gao . F. . Zhang . C. . Harrison . T. . 2024 . Lufengpithecus inner ear provides evidence of a common locomotor repertoire ancestral to human bipedalism . The Innovation . 5 . 2 . 100580 . 10.1016/j.xinn.2024.100580 . 38476202 . 10928440 . free . 2024Innov...500580Z .
  30. Zhang . L. . Du . B. . Hu . R. . Zhao . L. . 2024 . Three-dimensional molar enamel thickness and distribution patterns in Late Miocene Lufengpithecus lufengensis from Shihuiba, Southwest China . The Anatomical Record . 10.1002/ar.25428 . 38500176 .
  31. Zhang . Y. . Westaway . K. E. . Haberle . S. . Lubeek . J. K. . Bailey . M. . Ciochon . R. . Morley . M. W. . Roberts . P. . Zhao . J.X. . Duval . M. . Dosseto . A. . Pan . Y. . Rule . S. . Liao . W. . Gully . G. A. . Lucas . M. . Mo . J. . Yang . L. . Cai . Y. . Wang . W. . Joannes-Boyau . R. . 2024 . The demise of the giant ape Gigantopithecus blacki . Nature . 625 . 7995 . 535–539 . 10.1038/s41586-023-06900-0 . 38200315 . 10794149 . free . 2024Natur.625..535Z .
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