2024 Karachay-Cherkessia People's Assembly election explained

Election Date:6–8 September 2024
Previous Year:2019
Previous Election:2019 Karachay-Cherkessia People's Assembly election
Next Year:2029
Next Election:2029 Karachay-Cherkessia People's Assembly election
Seats For Election:All 50 seats in the People's Assembly
Majority Seats:26
Candidate1:Rashid Temrezov
Party1:United Russia
Last Election1:65.04%, 34 seats
Candidate2:Kemal Bytdayev
Last Election2:12.17%, 6 seats
Image3: SR-ZP
Candidate3:Rasul Salpagarov
Last Election3:6.19%, 3 seats
Candidate4:Novruz Temrezov
Party4:Civic Platform
Last Election4:5.13%, 2 seats
Candidate5:Leonid Slutsky
Last Election5:5.04%, 2 seats
Posttitle:Elected Chairman
Before Election:Aleksandr Ivanov
Before Party:United Russia
After Election:TBD

The 2024 People's Assembly of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic election will take place on 6–8 September 2024, on common election day. All 50 seats in the People's Assembly will be up for reelection.

Electoral system

Under current election laws, the People's Assembly is elected for a term of five years by party-list proportional representation with a 5% electoral threshold. Seats are allocated using the Imperiali quota, modified to ensure that every party list, which passes the threshold, receives at least 1 mandate.[1] Unlike most regional elections in Russia, party lists in Karachay-Cherkessia are not divided between territorial groups.


To register regional lists of candidates, parties need to collect 0.5% of signatures of all registered voters in Karachay-Cherkessia.

The following parties were relieved from the necessity to collect signatures:[2]

align=center Partyalign=center Party-list leadersalign=center Candidatesalign=center Status
align=center align=left A Just Russia – For Truthalign=left Rasul Salpagarov • Krym Shnakhov • Inessa Reznikova • Ali Kochkarov • Aleksandr Arapovalign=center 69align=center bgcolor="#DFFFDF"Registered
align=center align=left Liberal Democratic Partyalign=left Leonid Slutsky • Aleksandr Chayka • Pavel Mikhaylov • Kazbek Badov • Albert Apsovalign=center 62align=center bgcolor="#DFFFDF"Registered
align=center align=left United Russiaalign=left Rashid Temrezov • Aleksandr Ivanov • Ali Khapsirokov • Mussa Ekzekov • Vladimir Umalatovalign=center 70align=center bgcolor="#DFFFDF"Registered
align=center align=left Communist Partyalign=left Kemal Bytdayev • Daniel Lafishev • Aleksandr Lesovoy • Zaur Naymanov • Marat Urusovalign=center 62align=center bgcolor="#DFFFDF"Registered
align=center align=left Civic Platformalign=left Novruz Temrezov • Artyom Trifonov • Kazbek Khapayev • Aleksandr Popov • Asiyat Salpagarovaalign=center 55align=center bgcolor="#DFFFDF"Registered

Patriots of Russia, which entered the Parliament after the 2019 elections with three deputies, merged with A Just Russia in 2021.


|- style="background-color:#E9E9E9;text-align:center;"! colspan=2| Party! width="75"| Votes! %! ±pp! Seats! +/–|-| style="background-color:;"|| style="text-align:left;"| United Russia| | | | | |-| style="background-color:;"|| style="text-align:left;"| Communist Party| | | | | |-| style="background-color:;"|| style="text-align:left;"| A Just Russia — For Truth| | | | | |-| style="background-color:;"|| style="text-align:left;"| Civic Platform| | | | | |-| style="background-color:;"|| style="text-align:left;"| Liberal Democratic Party| | | | | |-| style="text-align:left;" colspan="2"| Invalid ballots| | | | —| —|-|- style="font-weight:bold"| style="text-align:left;" colspan="2"| Total| | 100.00| —| 50| |-| colspan="7" style="background-color:#E9E9E9;"||-| style="text-align:left;" colspan="2"| Turnout| | | | —| —|-| style="text-align:left;" colspan="2"| Registered voters| | 100.00| —| —| —|-| colspan="7" style="background-color:#E9E9E9;"||- style="font-weight:bold"| colspan="6" |Source:||}

See also

Notes and References

  1. https://docs.cntd.ru/document/412702686 Закон Карачаево-Черкесской Республики от 15 апреля 2014 года N 8-РЗ "О выборах депутатов Народного Собрания (Парламента) Карачаево-Черкесской Республики" (с изменениями на 14 июля 2023 года)
  2. http://www.cikrf.ru/politparty/spisok/pril_35.1_ЗАКС_на%2031.12.2023_17.pdf Политические партии, выдвижение которыми кандидатов, списков кандидатов не требует сбора подписей избирателей на выборах депутатов законодательных органов субъектов Российской Федерации