2024 Belgrade City Assembly election explained

Previous Election:2023
Next Election:Next
Election Date:2 June 2024
Seats For Election:All 110 seats in the City Assembly
Majority Seats:56
Party1:Belgrade Tomorrow
Leader1:Aleksandar Šapić
Last Election1:54
Leader2:Savo Manojlović
Last Election2:new
Party3:We Choose Belgrade!
Leader3:Dobrica Veselinović
Last Election3:43
Party4:We – Power of the People
Leader4:Branimir Nestorović
Last Election4:New
Party5:Russian Party (Serbia)
Leader5:Željko Pantić
Last Election5:0
Before Election:Vacant
After Election:Aleksandar Šapić
After Party:Serbian Progressive Party

Local elections were held in Belgrade on 2 June 2024 amidst reports of irregularities during the 2023 City Assembly election.[1] [2] The election was called on 3 March 2024 by the presidency of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party.[3]



See main article: articles and 2023–2024 Serbian election protests. Shortly after the closing of the voting stations, SNS held a press conference at which Vučić reported that SNS placed first in the election, winning 38 percent of the popular vote.[4] The election resulted in a hung parliament, with Nestorović's MI–GIN being the party that could choose whether to side with the ruling coalition of SNS and SPS or the opposition of SPN and NADA.[5] Nestorović said that "even though no one gave us a chance, we became one of the four or five strongest parties"; he rejected cooperating with either one of the blocs after the elections.[6] "I think it will be very difficult to form a city government. There will be new elections, probably soon. We will not support either side", Nestorović also said. Vučić also said that "If Nestorović does not end up supporting anyone, you will have repeat elections".[7] Nestorović and Aleksandar Pavić from MI–GIN rejected cooperation with SPN after the elections and said that cooperation with SNS is possible under certain demands.[8] [9] MI–GIN later released a joint statement in which they said that they will not support anyone and that they are ready for new elections.[10]

Due to the election fraud, SPN announced that it would reject the results, claiming that the election was not fair. Aleksić claimed that over 40,000 ID cards were issued for voters who did not live in Belgrade in order for them to gain the right to vote in the Belgrade City Assembly election. SPN called for the annulling of the results.[11] A day after the election, a mass protest was organised outside the Republic Electoral Commission by SPN.[12] At the protest, Aleksić and Marinika Tepić from SPN announced that they would go on a hunger strike until the election results are annulled.[13] Aleksić and Tepić were later joined by Jelena Milošević, Danijela Grujić, Janko Veselinović, Željko Veselinović, Branko Miljuš, and Dušan Nikezić in the hunger strike.[14] [15] [16]

At the 24 December protest, protesters tried to storm the building of the City Assembly of Belgrade.[17] Vučić issued an urgent statement in response to the attempt to storm the building of the City Assembly of Belgrade, saying that "a revolution is not happening".[18] Amidst the protest, Ćuta was hit with a tear gas.[19]

In the 2023 City Assembly election, the Serbian Progressive Party retained its status as the largest party in the City Assembly by winning 49 seats. However, the government formation process was postponed multiple times amidst opposition protests and boycotts.[20]

Government formation

Like on national level for the parliamentary elections, opposition parties pledged to form a government, if they were to win a parliamentary majority.[21] Opposition parties and alliances that won representation after the 2023 election and that expressed their support for the formation of a government include SPN and NADA.[22] Pavle Grbović, the president of the Movement of Free Citizens, said that "despite differences, some form of cooperation is possible [with other opposition parties], especially at the level of Belgrade".[23] Vojislav Mihailović, the president of the Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia (POKS) and former mayor of Belgrade, said that "in the local self-government of Belgrade, we do not decide over the Franco-German agreement and other national issues" and that "he does not see what can be disputed about the idea of unity of the entire opposition" after the elections.[24] Miloš Jovanović, the president of the New Democratic Party of Serbia (NDSS), said that "changes can only be made in cooperation with the rest of the opposition".

The constituent session of the City Assembly was held on 19 February.[25] Toma Fila, who as the oldest councillor presided over the City Assembly, said that there was no quorum and that the session would be postponed to 1 March. SNS, SPS and Mi-GIN deputies did not appear in the hall for holding sessions, while opposition councillors entered and unfurled banners waiting for the session to begin. The constituent session of the Assembly of Belgrade was postponed again to 3 March as councillors from SPS, SNS and Mi-GIN did not show up again.[26] Šapić announced that SNS would negotiate with MI-GIN until 3 March.[27] Nestorović, however, re-confirmed MI-GIN's position of not supporting the SNS-led government.[28] The quorum was not met again on 3 March, meaning that a new snap election has to be called by the president of the National Assembly.[29]


During a tour of the Military Technical Institute in Jakovo Vučić told reporters: "If the President of the Serbian Parliament is elected on 11, 12 or 13 March, it doesn’t matter, the elections must be held by 11 or 12 May. So they can be on 28 April, between the 45th and 60th day, according to the law."[30] However, the fact that the president of the Serbian Parliament will (most likely) be elected at the parliamentary session scheduled for 11 March absolutely does not mean that new city elections must be called on that day, or a day or two after that. Since the deadline for the constitution of the Assembly of Belgrade expired on 3 March, the President of the National Assembly must call for new elections for the city assembly within a month from the day when the assembly was supposed to be constituted. Therefore, the deadline for holding the Belgrade elections is 2 June.[31]

The opposition said that they will not participate in the elections if they are scheduled for 28 April because it is impossible to implement the recommendations of the OSCE and because a marathon is scheduled for that day.[32] On 8 March ProGlas, Serbia Against Violence, NADA and Dveri signed an agreement on free elections. In the Agreement, the public service is required to provide timely and truthful information to the citizens about the course of the election process, but also that all those who will participate in the elections be equally represented on the public channels.[33]

On 10 March Vučić said that the elections in Belgrade will be held on 2 June and that all other elections will be held in accordance with the legal and constitutional deadlines.[34]

Electoral lists

The following are the electoral lists that will participate in the election.[35] The wide SNS-led coalition nominating the incumbent mayor Šapić is going to be the first on the ballot.[36]

Minority list

Ballot nameBallot carrierMain ideologyPolitical positionNote
Aleksandar ŠapićPopulismBig tent
Željko PantićRussophiliaRight-wing
Petar ĐurićLiberalismCentre
Tamara BrložanovićGreen politicsLeft-wing
Dušan TeodosijevićLiberalismCentre-left
Dobrica VeselinovićAnti-corruptionBig tent
Branimir NestorovićRussophiliaRight-wing
Vladimir GajićConservativismRight-wing
Vasilios ProveleggiosMinority rights
Nenad StojanovićMinority rights
Muhamed TutićMinority rights
Savo ManojlovićAnti-corruptionBig tent
Saša RadulovićRight-wing populismRight-wing
Branko PavlovićConspiracy theorismRight-wing

Opinion polls

Polling firmDate of publishmentSample sizeBelgrade
Ipsos[37] 30 May302547.716.216.37.712.131.4
NSPM[38] 22 May100052.215.417.

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Press . The Associated . 2024-03-03 . An election for control of Serbia's capital is to be rerun following opposition fraud claims . 2024-03-03 . Newsday . en.
  2. Web site: 2024-03-04 . Serbia did not fulfil its commitments to free and fair elections, say MEPs. 2024-03-03 . europarl.europa.eu . en.
  3. Web site: 2024-02-03 . It was decided: New elections in Belgrade . 2024-03-03 . B92.net . en.
  4. Web site: 2023-12-17 . Vučić: I u Beogradu smo osvojili najviše, siguran sam da Šapić ostaje gradonačelnik . Vučić: We also won the most in Belgrade, I am sure that Šapić will remain mayor . 2023-12-18 . N1 . sr.
  5. Web site: Rujević . Nemanja . 17 December 2023 . Ubedljiva pobeda SNS sa malim upitnikom u Beogradu . Convincing victory of SNS with a small question mark in Belgrade . 2023-12-18 . Deutsche Welle . sr.
  6. Web site: 2023-12-17 . Nestorović za N1: Nećemo sarađivati ni sa jednima ni sa drugima . Nestorović for N1: We will not cooperate with any of them . 2023-12-18 . N1 . sr.
  7. Web site: 2023-12-18 . Vučić: Građani RS imaju pravo da glasaju u Beogradu, Nestorović odlučuje o formiranju vlasti . Vučić: RS citizens have the right to vote in Belgrade, Nestorović decides on the formation of the government . 2023-12-18 . N1 . sr.
  8. Web site: 2023-12-20 . Nestorović kaže da neće sa SPN, ali moguće da podrži "SNS i SPS za neke predloge" . Nestorović says that he will not join the SPN, but it is possible that he will support "SNS and SPS for some proposals" . 2023-12-21 . N1 . sr.
  9. Web site: 2023-12-21 . Moguće da Nestorovićeva lista zatraži mesto gradonačelnika, "ali pod određenim uslovima" . It is possible that Nestorović's list will ask for the position of mayor "but under certain conditions" . 2023-12-21 . N1 . sr.
  10. Web site: 23 December 2023 . Nestorović: Idemo na izbore . Nestorović: We are going to the elections . 2023-12-23 . Politika.
  11. Web site: 2023-12-18 . Srbija protiv nasilja traži poništavanje izbora u Beogradu i poziva građane na protest . "Serbia Against Violence" demands the annulment of the elections in Belgrade and calls on citizens to protest . 2023-12-18 . N1 . sr.
  12. Web site: 18 December 2023 . Protesti opozicije pred zgradom RIK-a, traže poništavanje izbora u Beogradu . Protest of the opposition in front of the RIK building, they are demanding the annulling of the elections in Belgrade . 18 December 2023 . Al Jazeera . sr.
  13. Web site: 2023-12-18 . Marinika Tepić i Miroslav Aleksić najavili štrajk glađu do poništenja beogradskih izbora . Marinika Tepić and Miroslav Aleksić announced a hunger strike until the annulment of the Belgrade elections . 2023-12-18 . Danas . sr.
  14. Web site: 2023-12-21 . "Pojačaćemo borbu još više": Štrajku glađu pridružuju se još dve poslanice . "We will strengthen the fight even more": two more MPs join the hunger strike . 2023-12-21 . N1 . sr.
  15. Web site: 2023-12-22 . U štrajk glađu stupaju i Janko Veselinović i Željko Veselinović . Janko Veselinović and Željko Veselinović also go on hunger strike . 2023-12-23 . N1 . sr.
  16. Web site: 2023-12-23 . Još jedan protest ispred RIK-a, u nedelju ističe rok za poništavanje izbora, u suprotnom - blokade . Another protest in front of the RIK, the deadline for annulment of the election expires on Sunday, otherwise - blockades . 2023-12-24 . Voice of America . sr.
  17. Web site: 2023-12-24 . Protest opozicije ispred Skupštine grada: Pritisak okupljenih na ulaz, razbijena stakla, bačen suzavac . Opposition protest in front of the City Assembly: Pressure of those gathered at the entrance, broken windows, tear gas thrown . 2023-12-24 . Voice of America . sr.
  18. Web site: 24 December 2023 . Vučić: Građani ne treba da brinu, nikakva revolucija nije u toku . Vučić: Citizens should not worry, no revolution is underway . 24 December 2023 . Tanjug . sr.
  19. Web site: 2023-12-24 . Aleksandar Jovanović Ćuta: Nema razilaženja večeras, ovo jedino otpor građana može da reši . Aleksandar Jovanović Ćuta: We are not leaving tonight, only the resistance of citizens can solve this . 2023-12-24 . N1 . sr.
  20. Web site: TV . Insajder . 2024-03-01 . Konstitutivna sednica Skupštine Beograda ponovo odložena - za 3. mart, opozicioni odbornici sa transparentima (FOTO) . 2024-03-03 . insajder.net . sr.
  21. Web site: 30 October 2023 . Đilas: U Beogradu moguća koalicija s desnicom, na republičkom nivou - tehnička vlada . Đilas: In Belgrade, a coalition with the right is possible, at the republican level - a technical government . 14 December 2023 . N1 . sr.
  22. Web site: Jelovac . Jelena . 13 December 2023 . Vuk Jeremić: Od Narodne stranke će zavisti formiranje vlasti, verujem da ćemo odbraniti izbornu volju građana . Vuk Jeremić: The formation of the government will be the envy of the People's Party, I believe that we will defend the electoral will of the citizens . 14 December 2023 . NOVA portal . sr.
  23. Web site: 16 November 2023 . Grbović: Uprkos političkim razlikama, moguć neki vid saradnje opozicije, naročito u Beogradu . Grbović: Despite the political differences, some form of opposition cooperation is possible, especially in Belgrade . 14 December 2023 . N1 . sr.
  24. Web site: Radovanović . Vojin . 20 October 2023 . DSS i POKS: Oni koji nisu za jedinstvo opozicije nakon izbora u Beogradu, nisu ni za smenu vlasti . DSS and POKS: Those who are not in favour of unity of the opposition after the elections in Belgrade, are not in favour of a change of government either . 22 October 2023 . Danas . sr.
  25. Web site: 2024-02-19 . Konstitutivna sednica Skupštine Beograda odložena za 1. mart . Constitutive session of the Assembly of Belgrade postponed to March 1 . 2024-03-01 . Danas . sr-RS.
  26. Web site: 2024-03-01 . Konstitutivna sednica Skupštine Beograda ponovo odložena - za 3. mart, opozicioni odbornici sa transparentima . Constitutive session of the Assembly of Belgrade postponed again - for March 3, opposition councilors with banners . 2024-03-01 . insajder.net . sr.
  27. Web site: 2024-03-01 . Ponovo odložena konstitutivna sednica Skupštine Beograda, odluka o novim izborima najkasnije u nedelju . Constitutive session of the Assembly of Belgrade postponed again, decision on new elections on Sunday at the latest . 2024-03-01 . Glas Amerike . sr.
  28. Web site: Tatalović . Žaklina . 2024-03-01 . Nestorović: Nema promene stava ni 3. marta, principijelno nećemo da učestvujemo u vlasti . Nestorović: There is no change of attitude even on March 3, as a matter of principle we will not participate in the government . 2024-03-01 . N1 . sr-RS.
  29. News: 3 March 2024 . Skupština grada nije konstituisana, novi izbori u Beogradu . 3 March 2024 . Politika . sr.
  30. Web site: 2024-03-09 . Vučić: Beogradski izbori mogu da budu 28. aprila ili 5. maja - kada je Vaskrs . 2024-03-09 . N1 . sr-RS.
  31. Web site: Kojić . Nikola . 2024-03-09 . Kako je Vučić ponovo obmanuo javnost izjavom o mogućem datumu beogradskih izbora . 2024-03-09 . N1 . sr-RS.
  32. Web site: Beograd . N1 . 2024-03-05 . "Do 28. aprila nemoguće išta uraditi": Da li će opozicija izaći na beogradske izbore ukoliko budu u tom terminu . 2024-03-09 . N1 . sr-RS.
  33. Web site: 2024-03-09 . ProGlas i opozicija potpisali dogovor o slobodnim izborima - Politika . 2024-03-09 . Danas . sr-RS.
  34. Web site: 2024-03-10 . Vučić: Izbori u Beogradu biće 2. juna, sednica Narodne skupštine se odlaže . 2024-03-10 . N1 . sr-RS.
  35. Web site: Izborne LISTE . beograd.rs . 24 April 2024.
  36. News: GIK: Proglašena lista broj 1 "Aleksandar Vučić - Beograd sutra" . 24 April 2024 . rtv.rs . 7 April 2024.
  37. https://www.ipsos.com/sr-rs/procene-rezultata-beogradskih-izbora-2024
  38. http://www.nspm.rs/istrazivanja-javnog-mnjenja/nspm-beograd-maj-2024.html