2023 in paleomammalogy explained

This article records new taxa of fossil mammals of every kind that are scheduled to be described during the year 2023, as well as other significant discoveries and events related to paleontology of mammals that are scheduled to occur in the year 2023.



Proboscidean research


Sirenian research

Other afrotherians

Miscellaneous afrotherian research



Name NoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeType localityCountryNotesImages
Anadoluvius[24] Gen. et comb. novValidSevim-Erol et al.MioceneAn ape belonging to the subfamily Homininae. The type species is "Ouranopithecus" turkae Güleç et al. (2007).
Ashaninkacebus[25] Gen. et sp. novMarivaux et al.Paleogene-NeogeneProbably a member of the family Eosimiidae. The type species is A. simpsoni.
Mytonius williamsae[26] Sp. novKirk et al.EoceneTornillo Basin
A member of the family Omomyidae.
Ourayia covertiSp. novKirk et al.EoceneTornillo Basin
A member of the family Omomyidae.
Palaeohodites[27] Gen. et sp. novRust et al.EoceneNadu FormationA member of Adapiformes belonging to the family Ekgmowechashalidae. The type species is P. naduensis.
Saskomomys[28] Gen. et sp. novValidPerry, Dutchak & TheodorEocene (Uintan)Cypress Hills Formation
A member of the family Omomyidae belonging to the subfamily Omomyinae. The type species is S. lindsayorum.
Sungulusimias[29] Gen. et sp. novValidMétais et al.EoceneA member of the family Eosimiidae. The type species is S. unayae.
Theropithecus oswaldi ecki[30] Ssp. novGetahun, Delson & SeyoumPlioceneHadar FormationA member of Papionini.
Trogolemur storeriSp. novValidPerry, Dutchak & TheodorEocene (Uintan)Cypress Hills Formation
A member of the family Omomyidae belonging to the subfamily Anaptomorphinae.

Primate research

General paleoanthropology


Name NoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeType localityCountryNotesImages
Anchitheriomys buceei[139] Sp. novValidMay & BrownMiocene (Barstovian)Lagarto Formation
A member of the family Castoridae belonging to the subfamily Anchitheriomyinae.
Aurimys[140] Gen. et sp. novValidSamuels, Calede & HuntMiocene (Arikareean)John Day Formation
A member of the family Heteromyidae belonging to the subfamily Dipodomyinae. The type species is A. xeros.
Caviocricetus guenekko[141] Sp. novValidMcGrath et al.MioceneA member of Caviomorpha belonging to the group Pan-Octodontoidea.
Deperetomys dingusi[142] Sp. novValidMartin, Kelly & HolroydLate Oligocene or early MioceneJohn Day Formation
A cricetodontine-like muroid rodent.
Dudumus berggreniSp. novValidMcGrath et al.MioceneA member of Caviomorpha belonging to the group Pan-Octodontoidea.
Ellesmereomys[143] Gen. et sp. novValidMartin & ZakrzewskiPliocene
A member of the family Cricetidae belonging to the subfamily Baranomyinae. The type species is E. haringtoni.
Eopetes[144] Gen. et sp. novLi et al.EoceneKeziletuogayi FormationA member of the family Sciuridae belonging to the subfamily Sciurinae. The type species is E. irtyshensis.
Hesperopetes mccorquodalei[145] Sp. novValidBell, Meyer & StorerOligoceneCypress Hills Formation
A member of the family Sciuridae.
Hystrix kayae[146] Sp. novHalaçlar et al.MioceneA species of Hystrix.
Hystrix velunensis[147] Sp. novValidCzernielewskiPlioceneA species of Hystrix. Announced in 2022; the final article version was published in 2023.
JunggarisciurusGen. et sp. novLi et al.EoceneKeziletuogayi FormationA member of the family Sciuridae belonging to the subfamily Sciurinae. The type species is J. jeminaiensis.
Karakoromys conjunctus[148] Sp. novXu et al.OligoceneUlantatal FormationA gundi.
Microtodon hoyensis[149] Sp. novKelly & MartinMiocene
A cricetid rodent.
Miorhizomys gigas[150] Sp. novValidFlynn et al.MioceneZhaotong FormationA member of the family Spalacidae belonging to the subfamily Rhizomyinae.
Mus absconditus[151] Sp. novValidFlynn & KimuraMioceneA species of Mus.
Myospalax convexus[152] Sp. novValidGolovanov & ZazhiginA species of Myospalax.
Myospalax myospalax krukoveriSsp. novValidGolovanov & ZazhiginA subspecies of the Siberian zokor.
Notomys magnus[153] Sp. novValidVakil et al.Middle Pleistocene to HoloceneA hopping mouse.
Octomys rosiae[154] Sp. novValidVerzi et al.HoloceneA species of Octomys.
Palaeocavia humahuaquense[155] Sp. novCandela et al.MioceneMaimará Formation
Pedomys javaensis[156] Sp. novMartin & FoxEarly Pleistocene
A relative of the prairie vole.
Pithanotomys? solisaeSp. novCandela et al.MioceneMaimará Formation
Prodistylomys mongoliensis[157] Sp. novValidOliver et al.MioceneA gundi belonging to the subfamily Distylomyinae.
Prodistylomys taatsiniusSp. novValidOliver et al.MioceneA gundi belonging to the subfamily Distylomyinae.
Prosiphneus razdoleanensisSp. novValidGolovanov & ZazhiginA member of the family Spalacidae belonging to the subfamily Myospalacinae.
Protansomys amplius[158] Sp. novValidMeyer, Storer & GilbertOligocene (Orellan)Cypress Hills Formation
A member of the family Aplodontiidae.
Rattus baoshanensis[159] Sp. novChang et al.PlioceneYangyi FormationA species of Rattus.
Sayimys fuhaiensis[160] Sp. novValidFlynn et al.MioceneHalamagai FormationA gundi.
Sayimys linxiacusSp. novValidFlynn et al.MioceneDongxiang FormationA gundi.
Sciurion ikimekooyensisSp. novValidBell, Meyer & StorerOligoceneCypress Hills Formation
A member of the family Sciuridae.
Sciurion oligocaenicusSp. novValidBell, Meyer & StorerOligoceneCypress Hills Formation
A member of the family Sciuridae.
Yuomys dawai[161] Sp. novValidNi & Li in Ni et al.Eocene (Irdinmanhan)Gemusi FormationA member of Hystricognathi belonging to the family Yuomyidae.
Yuomys gemuensisSp. novValidNi & Li in Ni et al.Eocene (Irdinmanhan)Gemusi FormationA member of Hystricognathi belonging to the family Yuomyidae.
Zorania[162] Gen. et sp. novValidVan de Weerd, de Bruijn & WesselsOligoceneSelimye FormationA member of Hystricognathi belonging to the group Baluchimyinae. The type species is Z. milosi.

Rodent research

Other euarchontoglires

Name NoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeType localityCountryNotesImages
Afrolagus[178] Gen. et sp. novValidSen & GeraadsPlio-PleistoceneA member of the family Leporidae. Genus includes new species A. pomeli.
Edworthia greggi[179] Sp. novValidScott et al.PaleocenePaskapoo Formation
A plesiadapiform belonging to the family Paromomyidae.
Ignacius dawsonae[180] Sp. novValidMiller, Tietjen & BeardWasatchianMargaret Formation
A plesiadapiform belonging to the family Paromomyidae.
Ignacius glenbowensisSp. novValidScott et al.PaleocenePaskapoo Formation
A plesiadapiform belonging to the family Paromomyidae.
Ignacius mckennaiSp. novValidMiller, Tietjen & BeardWasatchianMargaret Formation
A plesiadapiform belonging to the family Paromomyidae.
Pliopentalagus okuyamai[181] Sp. novValidTomida & TakahashiPlioceneUeno FormationA member of the family Leporidae belonging to the subfamily Leporinae.
Prolagus migransSp. novValidSen & GeraadsPlio-Pleistocene
Trischizolagus meridionalisSp. novValidSen & GeraadsPlio-PleistoceneA member of the family Leporidae.

Miscellaneous euarchontoglires research




Name NoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeType localityCountryNotesImages
Brevirostrodelphis[192] Gen. et comb. novValidGodfrey & LambertMiocene (Burdigalian)Calvert Formation
A member of Delphinida. The type species is "Delphinodon" dividum True (1912).
CammackacetusGen. et sp. novValidGodfrey & LambertMiocene (Tortonian)St. Marys Formation
A member of Delphinida. The type species is C. hazenorum.
CaolodelphisGen. et sp. novValidGodfrey & LambertMiocene (Burdigalian)Calvert Formation
A toothed whale of uncertain affinities. The type species is C. milleri.
Charadrobalaena[193] Gen. et sp. novValidBisconti et al.PlioceneA member of the family Balaenidae. The type species is C. valentinae.
Coronodon newtonorum[194] Sp. novValidBoessenecker, Beatty & GeislerOligoceneChandler Bridge Formation
Coronodon planifronsSp. novValidBoessenecker, Beatty & GeislerOligoceneChandler Bridge Formation
Crisocetus[195] Gen. et sp. novGaetán, Paolucci & BuonoMioceneGaiman FormationA toothed whale with anatomical similarities to members of the family Squaloziphiidae. The type species is C. lydekkeri.
Diaphorocetus ortegai[196] Sp. novValidLambert et al.MioceneChilcatay FormationA member of the stem group of Physeteroidea.
EnigmatocetusGen. et sp. novValidGodfrey & LambertMioceneCalvert Formation
A toothed whale of uncertain affinities. The type species is E. posidoni.
GrimadelphisGen. et sp. novValidGodfrey & LambertMioceneCalvert Formation
A member of the family Platanistidae. The type species is G. spectorum.
HerbeinodelphisGen. et sp. novValidGodfrey & LambertMiocene (Serravallian)Calvert Formation
A member of Delphinida. The type species is H. nancei.
Ihlengesi changoensis[197] Sp. novValidBianucci et al.Plio-PleistoceneIquique BasinPacific Ocean off the Chilean coastA beaked whale.
Jobancetus[198] Gen. et sp. novValidKimura, Hasegawa & SuzukiMiocene (Burdigalian)Minamishirado FormationA baleen whale of uncertain affinities. Genus includes new species J. pacificus. Published online in 2022, but the issue date is listed as January 2023.
MiminiacetusGen. et comb. novValidGodfrey & LambertMiocene (Langhian and Serravallian)Calvert Formation
A member of Delphinida. The type species is "Lophocetus" pappus Kellogg (1955).
Nihohae[199] Gen. et sp. novValidCoste, Fordyce & LochOligoceneA dolphin related to "waipatiids". The type species is N. matakoi.
Nihoroa[200] Gen. et sp. novValidCoste, Fordyce & LochOligoceneOtekaike LimestoneA member of Waipatiidae. The type species is N. reimaea.
Olympicetus thalassodon[201] Sp. novValidVelez-JuarbeOligocenePysht Formation
A member of the family Simocetidae.
Perucetus[202] Gen. et sp. novValidBianucci et al.Eocene (Bartonian)Paracas FormationA basilosaurid. The type species is P. colossus.
PictodelphisGen. et sp. novValidGodfrey & LambertMiocene (Langhian)Calvert Formation
A member of Delphinida. The type species is P. kidwellae.
Platysvercus[203] Gen. et sp. novGuo & KohnoMiocene (Burdigalian)Sugota FormationA member of the family Kentriodontidae. The type species is P. ugonis.
Pomatodelphis santamariaSp. novValidGodfrey & LambertMiocene (Tortonian)St. Marys Formation
Squalodon murdochiSp. novValidGodfrey & LambertMiocene (Langhian)Calvert Formation
Tutcetus[204] Gen. et sp. novAntar et al.EoceneFayum DepressionA basilosaurid. The type species is T. rayanensis
WestmorelandelphisGen. et sp. novValidGodfrey & LambertMiocene (Serravallian)Choptank Formation
A member of Delphinida. The type species is W. tacheroni.
Xenorophus simplicidens[205] Sp. novBoessenecker & GeislerOligoceneChandler Bridge Formation
A member of Xenorophidae.
Cetacean research

Other artiodactyls

Name NoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeType localityCountryNotesImages
Bos primigenius thrinacius[219] Ssp. novSiarabi et al.PleistoceneA subspecies of the aurochs.
Dama celiae[220] Sp. novvan der Made et al.PleistoceneA species of fallow-deer.
Entelodontellus[221] Gen. et sp. novValidYu et al.EoceneCaijiachong FormationAn entelodont. The type species is E. zhouliangi.
Gazellospira tsaparangensis[222] Sp. novValidWang, Li & TsengPlioceneZanda BasinA twisted-horned antelope.
Hispanomeryx linxiaensis[223] Sp. novAiglstorfer et al.MioceneLinxia BasinA member of the family Moschidae.
Lophiomeryx triangularis[224] Sp. novValidWang, Wang & ZhangOligoceneA member of Tragulina belonging to the family Lophiomerycidae.
"Micromeryx" caoiSp. novAiglstorfer et al.MioceneLinxia BasinA member of the family Moschidae.
Obotherium[225] Gen. et sp. novBai et al.EoceneIrdin Manha FormationA member of the family Tapirulidae. The type species is O. parvum, also includes new species O. tongi.
Ovis gracilis[226] Sp. novValidVislobokovaPleistoceneCrimeaA species of Ovis.
Paracamelus qiui[227] Sp. novValidLiu, Hou & ZhangMioceneYushe Basin

Stevenscamelus[228] Gen. et comb. novValidProthero, Beatty & MarriottEocene (Chadronian)
A member of the family Camelidae belonging to the subfamily Floridatragulinae. The type species is "Poebrotherium" franki Wilson (1974).
TapiruloidesGen. et sp. novBai et al.EoceneShara Murun FormationA member of the family Tapirulidae. The type species is T. usuensis.
Tavridia[229] Gen. et sp. novValidVislobokovaPleistoceneCrimeaA member of the tribe Antilopini. The type species is T. gromovi.
Tragoportax perses[230] Sp. novValidOrak, Kostopoulos & AtaabadiMioceneA member of the family Bovidae belonging to the subfamily Bovinae and the tribe Tragoportacini.
Turcocerus africanus[231] Sp. novGeraads, McCrossin & BenefitMioceneA bovid.
Umbrotherium engesserii[232] Sp. novValidPandolfi & RookMiocene (Turolian)A member of the family Giraffidae.
Ustatochoerus tedfordi[233] Sp. novValidSkeels Stevens et al.HemingfordianRunningwater Formation
An oreodont.
Other artiodactyl research


Name NoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeType localityCountryNotesImages
Amphimachairodus hezhengensis[261] Sp. novJiangzuo et al.MioceneLinxia Basin
Cyonasua zettii[262] Sp. novHontecillas et al.MioceneCerro Azul FormationA member of the family Procyonidae.
Dinofelis werdelini[263] Sp. novJiangzuo et al.Pliocene (Zanclean)Varswater Formation
Eirictis zhangi[264] Sp. novFarjand et al.PleistoceneYuanmou FormationA member of the family Mustelidae belonging to the tribe Lyncodontini.
Eoarctos[265] Gen. et sp. novValidWang et al.OligoceneBrule Formation
A member of Ursoidea belonging to the family Subparictidae. The type species is E. vorax.
Huracan[266] Gen. et comb. et sp. novValidJiangzuo et al.Miocene, Pliocene, possibly earliest Pleistocene

A bear belonging to the tribe Agriotheriini. The type species is "Agriotherium" schneideri Sellards (1916); genus also includes new species H. qiui from East Asia, as well as "Agriotherium" coffeyi Dalquest (1986) from North America, "Agriotherium" roblesi Morales & Aguirre (1976) from Europe and possibly "Hyaenarctos" punjabiensis Lydekker (1884) from South Asia.
Lokotunjailurus chinsamyaeSp. novJiangzuo et al.Pliocene (Zanclean)Varswater Formation
Lonchocyon[267] Gen. et sp. novValidZhang, Bai & WangEoceneBaron Sog FormationA member of Arctoidea of uncertain affinities, possibly an early offshoot of amphicyonids or hemicyonines. The type species is L. qiui.
Nyctereutes peii[268] Sp. novValidJiang et al.PleistoceneA species of Nyctereutes.
Pachypanthera[269] Gen. et sp. novDe Bonis et al.MioceneA pantherine felid. The type species is P. piriyai.
Palaeopanthera[270] Gen. et comb. novValidHemmerMiocene and Pliocene
A felid with affinities to members of the genus Neofelis. Genus includes "Panthera" blytheae Tseng et al. (2014) and "Felis" pamiri Ozansoy.
Panthera gombaszoegensis jinpuensis[271] Ssp. novValidJiangzuo et al.Middle PleistoceneAnnounced in 2022; the final article version was published in 2023.
Pinnarctidion iverseni[272] Sp. novEverett, Deméré & WyssOligocenePysht Formation A basal pinnipediform.

Carnivoran research


Name NoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeType localityCountryNotesImages
Americanycteris[295] Gen. et sp. novValidMorgan et al.Miocene (Arikareean and Hemingfordian)Cucaracha FormationA leaf-nosed bat. The type species is A. cyrtodon.
Eptesicus nilssonii varangus[296] Ssp. novValidLopatinEarly PleistoceneCrimeaA subspecies of the northern bat.
Floridopteryx[297] Gen. et sp. novValidMorgan & CzaplewskiMiocene (Hemingfordian)
A member of the family Emballonuridae. The type species is F. poyeri.
Icaronycteris gunnelli[298] Sp. novRietbergen et al.WasatchianGreen River Formation
KarstopteryxGen. et sp. novValidMorgan & CzaplewskiOligocene (Arikareean)
A member of the family Emballonuridae. The type species is K. gunnelli.
OligopteryxGen. et 2 sp. novValidMorgan & CzaplewskiOligocene (Whitneyan to Arikareean)
A member of the family Emballonuridae. The type species is O. floridanus; genus also includes O. hamaxitos.
Rhinolophus mehelyi scythotauricus[299] Ssp. novValidLopatinEarly PleistoceneCrimeaA subspecies of Mehely's horseshoe bat.
Vielasia[300] Gen. et sp. novValidHand et al.Eocene (Ypresian)Quercy Phosphorites FormationAn early bat. The type species is V. sigei.
Xenorhinos bhatnagari[301] Sp. novValidHand et al.MioceneRiversleigh World Heritage AreaA member of the family Rhinonycteridae.

Chiropteran research


Name NoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeType localityCountryNotesImages
Ceutholestes acerbus[304] Sp. novValidJones & BeardPaleocene (Clarkforkian)
A member of the family Nyctitheriidae.
Mystipterus austinae[305] Sp. novValidKorth, Boyd & EmryOligocene (Whitneyan)Brule Formation
A member of the family Talpidae.
Plagioctenodon dawsonaeSp. novValidJones & BeardPaleocene (Clarkforkian)
A member of the family Nyctitheriidae.
Plagioctenodon goliathSp. novValidJones & BeardPaleocene (Clarkforkian)
A member of the family Nyctitheriidae.
Plagioctenoides cryptosSp. novValidJones & BeardPaleocene (Clarkforkian)
A member of the family Nyctitheriidae.

Eulipotyphlan research


Name NoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeType localityCountryNotesImages
Aprotodon qiui[308] Sp. novSun et al.MioceneZhang'enbao FormationA rhinoceros.
Diceratherium marriottae[309] Sp. novValidSantos, Prothero & WelshOligocene (Arikareean)Sharps Formation
A rhinoceros.
Eggysodon lingwuensis[310] Sp. novLu et al.Oligocene
Idiodontherium[311] Gen. et 2 sp. novPerales-Gogenola et al.EoceneA member of the family Palaeotheriidae. Genus includes I. martindejesusi and I. astibiai.
Parvorhinus[312] Gen et. comb. novIn pressPandolfi & MartinoMioceneA rhinoceros. The type species is "Dicerorhinus" steinheimensis.
Prosantorhinus yei[313] Sp. novValidSun, Deng & WangMioceneZhang'enbao FormationA rhinoceros belonging to the tribe Teleoceratini.
Shansirhinus dengi[314] Sp. novValidLu et al.MioceneA rhinoceros.
Tongxinotherium[315] Gen. et sp. novValidSun et al.MioceneZhang'enbao FormationAn elasmothere rhinoceros. The type species is T. latirhinum.

Perissodactyl research

Other laurasiatherians

Name NoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeType localityCountryNotesImages
Berracotherium[336] Gen. et sp. novValidFernández et al.Middle Eocene-early OligoceneQuebrada de Los Colorados FormationA member of Pyrotheria belonging to the family Pyrotheriidae. The type species is B. koimeterion.
Hapalodectes paradux[337] Sp. novLopatinPaleoceneNaran Bulak FormationA mesonychian belonging to the family Hapalodectidae
Maocyon[338] Gen. et sp. novAverianov et al.EoceneYouganwo FormationA hyaenodont belonging to the family Hyainailouridae. The type species is M. peregrinus.
Micrauchenia[339] Gen. et sp. novValidPüschel et al.Late MioceneBahía Inglesa FormationA member of Litopterna belonging to the family Macraucheniidae. The type species is M. saladensis.
Pachyrukhos ngenwinkul[340] Sp. novValidSolórzano et al.Miocene (Santacrucian)Cura-Mallín GroupA notoungulate belonging to the family Hegetotheriidae and the subfamily Pachyrukhinae.
Pascualhyrax[341] Gen. et sp. novValidFerro et al.Eocene (Bartonian)Quebrada de los Colorados FormationAn "archaeohyracid" typotherian notoungulate. Genus includes new species P. irqi.
Prodissopsalis jimenezi[342] Sp. novValidSalesa et al.Eocene (Bartonian)Mazaterón FormationA hyaenodont belonging to the family Hyaenodontidae.
Promylophis[343] Gen. et sp. novShockey et al.Oligocene (Deseadan)Salla BedsA member of Litopterna belonging to the family Proterotheriidae. The type species is P. cifellii.

Miscellaneous laurasiatherian research



Name NoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeType localityCountryNotesImages
Andinoglyptodon[362] Gen. et sp. novSalas-Gismondi et al.PlioceneEl Descanso FormationA glyptodont. The type species is A. mollohuancai.
Plohophorus avellaneda[363] Sp. novValidQuiñones et al.Latest Pliocene–earliest PleistoceneEl Polvorín FormationA glyptodont.

Cingulatan research


Pilosan research

General xenarthran research

Other eutherians

Name NoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeType localityCountryNotesImages
Aenigmictis[379] Gen. et sp. novValidMeehan & Korth
A member of Leptictida. The type species is A. magnamolaris.
Bayshinoryctes[380] Gen. et sp. novLopatin & AverianovLate Cretaceous (Turonian–Santonian)Bayan Shireh FormationA stem placental. The type species is B. shuvalovi.
Didelphodus caloris[381] Sp. novValidGingerich, Folie & SmithEocene (Wasatchian)
A member of the family Cimolestidae.
Europotamogale[382] Gen. et sp. novDisputedCrespo, Cruzado-Caballero, & CastilloPlioceneA placental of uncertain affinities. The type species is E. melkarti. Originally described as member of Afrosoricida; Furió, Minwer-Barakat & García-Alix (2024) reinterpreted its fossil material as remains of a water-mole of the genus Archaeodesmana.[383]
Microtherulum[384] Gen. et sp. novValidWang & WangEarly CretaceousJiufotang FormationAn early eutherian of uncertain affinities. The type species is M. oneirodes.
Naranius hengdongensis[385] Sp. novValidTing, Wang & MengEarly EoceneLingcha FormationA member of the family Cimolestidae.
Sikuomys[386] Gen. et sp. novValidEberle et al.Late Cretaceous (Campanian)Prince Creek Formation
A eutherian related to Gypsonictops. The type species is S. mikros.

Miscellaneous eutherian research


Name NoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeType localityCountryNotesImages
Acrobates magicus[388] Sp. novIn pressFabian et al.MioceneRiversleigh World Heritage AreaA relative of the feathertail glider.
Acrobates pettitorumSp. novIn pressFabian et al.MioceneRiversleigh World Heritage AreaA relative of the feathertail glider.
Ambulator[389] Gen. et comb. novValidVan Zoelen et al.PlioceneTirari FormationA member of the family Diprotodontidae. The type species is "Zygomaturus" keanei Stirton (1967).
Archerus[390] Gen. et sp. novValidMyers & CrosbyMioceneRiversleigh World Heritage AreaA member of the family Phalangeridae. The type species is A. johntoniae.
Bohra planei[391] Sp. novValidPrideaux & WarburtonPlioceneOtibanda Formation
Chunia faciaintermedius[392] Sp. novCaseOligoceneEtadunna FormationA member of the family Ektopodontidae.
Chunia minkinensisSp. novCaseOligoceneEtadunna FormationA member of the family Ektopodontidae.
Chunia pledgei[393] Sp. novCrichton et al.OligoceneA member of the family Ektopodontidae.
Distoechurus georginaeSp. novIn pressFabian et al.MioceneRiversleigh World Heritage AreaA relative of the feather-tailed possum.
Distoechurus jeanesorumSp. novIn pressFabian et al.OligoceneRiversleigh World Heritage AreaA relative of the feather-tailed possum.
Enigmaleo[394] Gen. et sp. novGillespieEarly MioceneRiversleigh World Heritage AreaA member of the family Thylacoleonidae. The type species is E. archeri.
Eomicrobiotherium diluculum[395] Sp. novChornogubsky et al.EoceneLas Flores FormationA member of the family Microbiotheriidae.
Guggenheimia glykeiaSp. novChornogubsky et al.EoceneLas Flores FormationA member of Didelphimorphia belonging to the family Protodidelphidae.
Lekaneleo myersiSp. novGillespieMiddle MioceneRiversleigh World Heritage AreaA member of the family Thylacoleonidae.
Lumakoala[396] Gen. et sp. novCrichton et al.OligoceneProbably member of the family Phascolarctidae. The type species is L. blackae.
Lutreolina tonnii[397] Sp. novValidGoin & de los ReyesPleistoceneA species of Lutreolina.
Malleodectes? wentworthi[398] Sp. novChurchill et al.MioceneRiversleigh World Heritage AreaA member of Dasyuromorphia belonging to the family Malleodectidae.
Mukupirna fortidentata[399] Sp. novCrichton et al.OligoceneA member of the family Mukupirnidae.
Nemolestes lagunafriensisSp. novValidRangel et al.Mid EoceneA member of Sparassodonta.
NgathachuniaGen. et comb. novCaseOligoceneA member of the family Ektopodontidae; a new genus for "Chunia" omega.
Silvenator[400] Gen. et sp. novRangel, Carneiro & OliveiraEarly EoceneItaboraí BasinA member of Sparassodonta. Genus includes "Nemolestes" brasiliensis Rangel et al. (2023).[401]
Urrayira[402] Gen. et sp. novValidCramb et al.Pleistocene (Chibanian)A member of Dasyuromorphia belonging or related to the family Dasyuridae. The type species is U. whitei.

Metatherian research


Monotreme research

Other mammals

Name NoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeType localityCountryNotesImages
Mirusodens[417] Gen. et sp. novValidMao et al.Middle Jurassic (Bathonian–Callovian)A member of Euharamiyida. The type species is M. caii.
Spelaeomolitor[418] Gen. et sp. novValidMartin et al.Early CretaceousA stem tribosphenidan mammal. The type species is S. speratus.

Other mammalian research

General mammalian research

Notes and References

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  201. Velez-Juarbe . J. . 2023 . New heterodont odontocetes from the Oligocene Pysht Formation in Washington State, U.S.A., and a reevaluation of Simocetidae (Cetacea, Odontoceti) . PeerJ . 11 . e15576 . 10.7717/peerj.15576 . 37377790 . 10292202 . free .
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  207. Coombs . E. J. . Knapp . A. . Park . T. . Bennion . R. F. . McCurry . M. R. . Lanzetti . A. . Boessenecker . R. W. . McGowen . M. R. . Drivers of morphological evolution in the toothed whale jaw . 2023 . Current Biology . 34 . 2 . 273–285.e3 . 10.1016/j.cub.2023.11.056 . 38118449 . free .
  208. Davydenko . S. . Solyanik . E. . Tretiakov . R. . Kovalchuk . O. . Gol'din . P. . A cetacean limb from the Middle Eocene of Ukraine sheds light on mammalian adaptations to life in water . 2023 . Biological Journal of the Linnean Society . 142 . 3 . 331–340 . 10.1093/biolinnean/blad131 .
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  237. Tsubamoto . T. . Kunimatsu . Y. . Nakatsukasa . M. . Discovery of Cainochoerus (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Suidae, Cainochoerinae) from the basal upper Miocene Nakali Formation, Kenya . 2023 . PalZ . 97 . 3 . 621–626 . 10.1007/s12542-023-00656-8 . 2023PalZ...97..621T . 259307207 .
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  397. Goin . F. J. . de los Reyes . M. . 2023 . A new species of Lutreolina Thomas, 1910 (Marsupialia, Didelphidae) from the Early Pleistocene of the southern Pampas (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina) . Publicación Electrónica de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina . 23 . 1 . 193–203 . 10.5710/PEAPA.24.10.2022.435 . 258754372 . free .
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