Prelude to the Russian invasion of Ukraine explained

Conflict:Prelude to the Russian invasion of Ukraine
Partof:the Russo-Ukrainian War

Place:Ukraine, Russia, Belarus
  • Russian forces openly cross the Ukrainian border into territory occupied by Russian-controlled separatists on 21 February 2022.[1]
  • Russia launches a full-scale invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022
Combatants Header:Parties involved in the crisis
  • 900,000 (Armed Forces)
  • 554,000 (Paramilitary)
  • 2,000,000 (Reserves)
  • • including 175,000[3] to 190,000[4] at the Ukrainian border
  • 45,350 (Armed Forces)
  • 110,000 (Paramilitary)
  • 289,500 (Reserves)
  • Donetsk PR:
  • 20,000
  • Luhansk PR:
  • 14,000
  • 209,000 (Armed Forces)
  • 102,000 (Paramilitary)
  • 900,000 (Reserves)

In March and April 2021, prior to the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Russian Armed Forces began massing thousands of personnel and military equipment near Russia's border with Ukraine and in Crimea, representing the largest mobilisation since the illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014.[13] [14] This precipitated an international crisis due to concerns over a potential invasion. Satellite imagery showed movements of armour, missiles, and heavy weaponry towards the border.[15] [16] The troops were partially withdrawn by June 2021,[17] though the infrastructure was left in place. A second build-up began in October 2021, this time with more soldiers and with deployments on new fronts; by December over 100,000 Russian troops were massed around Ukraine on three sides, including Belarus from the north and Crimea from the south.[18] Despite the Russian military build-ups, Russian officials from November 2021 to 20 February 2022 repeatedly denied that Russia had plans to invade Ukraine.[19] [20]

The crisis was related to the War in Donbas, itself part of the Russo-Ukrainian War, ongoing since February 2014. Intercepted phone conversations of Sergey Glazyev, a top advisor to Russian President Vladimir Putin, disclosed the specifics of the project Novorossiya to take over not just Crimea, but also the Donbas, Kharkiv, Odesa, and Zaporizhzhia regions of Ukraine, which Russia apparently aimed to annex following Crimea.[21] The plan involved fomenting widespread unrest using pro-Russian agents on the ground, and then orchestrating uprisings that would announce rigged referendums about joining Russia, similar to the one that took place in Crimea on 16 March 2014. In December 2021, Russia advanced two draft treaties that contained requests for what it referred to as "security guarantees", including a legally binding promise that Ukraine would not join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and a reduction in NATO troops and materiel stationed in Eastern Europe, threatening unspecified military response if those demands were not met in full. NATO rejected these requests, and the United States warned Russia of "swift and severe" economic sanctions should it further invade Ukraine. The crisis was described by many commentators as one of the most intense in Europe since the Cold War.[22] [23] [24]

On 21 February 2022, Russia officially recognised the two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine, the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic, as independent states,[25] and deployed troops to Donbas, in a move interpreted as Russia's effective withdrawal from the Minsk Protocol.[26] [27] The breakaway republics were recognised in the boundaries of their respective Ukrainian oblasts, although much of this territory was still held by Ukrainian government forces.[28] On 22 February, Putin declared the Minsk agreements as invalid[29] and the Federation Council unanimously authorised him to use military force in the territories.[30] On the morning of 24 February, Putin announced that Russia was initiating a "special military operation" in the Donbas, and launched a full-scale invasion into Ukraine.[31] [32]


See main article: Russia–Ukraine relations, Russo-Ukrainian War and Historical background of the 2014 pro-Russian unrest in Ukraine.

See also: Enlargement of NATO, NATO open door policy, NATO–Russia relations, Ukraine–NATO relations and Second Cold War. Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, Ukraine and Russia continued to retain close ties.[33] In 1992, under the leadership of Boris Yeltsin and Leonid Kravchuk, the two countries signed an agreement on maintaining joint control over the Black Sea Fleet for a transition period, with a final settlement to be negotiated later.[34] [35] In 1994, Ukraine signed the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, agreeing to abandon its nuclear arsenal in exchange for assurances from Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States against threats or the use of force towards the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine.[36] [37] Five years later, Russia became a signatory of the Charter for European Security, where it "reaffirmed the inherent right of each and every participating State to be free to choose or change its security arrangements, including treaties of alliance, as they evolve".[38] [39]

Despite being recognised as an independent country since 1991,[40] [41] Ukraine continued to be perceived by Russian leadership as part of its sphere of influence due to its status as a former USSR constituent republic.[42] [43] In 2008, Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke out against Ukraine's membership in NATO.[44] [45] In 2009, Romanian analyst Iulian Chifu and his co-authors opined that in regard to Ukraine, Russia has pursued an updated version of the Brezhnev Doctrine, which dictates that the sovereignty of Ukraine cannot be larger than that of the Warsaw Pact's member states prior to the collapse of the Soviet sphere of influence during the late 1980s and early 1990s.[46] In Putin's view, Russia's actions to placate the West in the early 1990s should have been met with reciprocity from the West, thus without NATO expansion along Russia's border.[47] [48]

Following months of Euromaidan protests, on 21 February 2014, pro-Russian Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and parliamentary opposition leaders signed an agreement calling for an early election.[49] [50] The following day, Yanukovych fled Kyiv ahead of an impeachment vote that stripped him of his presidential authority.[51] [52] [53] Leaders of the Russian-speaking eastern regions of Ukraine declared continued loyalty to Yanukovych,[54] causing the 2014 pro-Russian unrest in the country.[55] This unrest was fomented by Russia as part of a coordinated political and military campaign against Ukraine.[56] [57] [58] [59] [60] This was followed by Russia's invasion and subsequent annexation of Crimea in March 2014[61] and the beginning of the Donbas war in April,[62] with the creation of the Russia-backed quasi-states of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics.[63] [64] The Minsk agreements allowed the fighting to subside in Donbas, leaving separatists in control of about a third of the region.[65] This stalemate led to the war being labelled a "frozen conflict".[66]

Beginning in 2019, Russia issued over 650,000 internal Russian passports to Donbas residents,[67] which the Ukrainian government viewed as a step towards the annexation of the region.[68] On 14 September 2020, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy approved a new national security strategy for the country, signaling Ukraine's intent to foster a stronger relationship with NATO "with the aim of membership in [the group]."[69] [70] [71] On 24 March 2021, Zelenskyy signed Decree No. 117/2021 approving the government's strategy for the "de-occupation and reintegration" of Crimea, including Sevastapol.[72] The decree complemented the activities of the already existing Crimean Platform while also mentioning other means for regaining control of the region, including through potential military force.[73] [74] The next day, Zelenskyy enacted the National Security and Defence Council's decision on Ukraine's military security strategy, protecting the country from external threats through deterrence, internal stability in times of crisis, and cooperation, particularly with the EU and NATO.[75] [76] [77] The decree additionally described Russia as a "military adversary" which "carries out armed aggression against Ukraine... [and] uses military, political, economic, informational and psychological, space, cyber and other means that threaten [the] independence, state sovereignty and territorial integrity" of the country.[78] [79]

In Russia, Putin's close adviser Nikolai Patrushev was a leading figure in updating the country's national security strategy, published in May 2021.[80] It states that Russia may use "forceful methods" to "thwart or avert unfriendly actions that threaten the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation."[81] [82] Russia has said that a possible Ukrainian accession to NATO and NATO enlargement in general threaten its national security.[83] [84] [85] In turn, Ukraine and other European countries neighboring Russia have accused Putin of attempting to restore the Russian Empire/Soviet Union and of pursuing aggressive militaristic policies.[86] [87] [88] [89] [90]

Shortly after the annexation of Crimea in 2014, Ukraine blocked the flow of the North Crimean Canal, which had supplied 85 percent of Crimea's water.[91] Crimea's reservoirs were subsequently depleted and water shortages ensued, with water reportedly only being available for three to five hours a day in 2021.[92] The New York Times cited senior American officials mentioning that securing Crimea's water supply could be an objective of a Russian invasion.[93] [94]

In July 2021, Putin published an essay titled On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians, in which he re-affirmed his view that Russians and Ukrainians were "one people".[95] In response, American historian Timothy Snyder characterised Putin's ideas as imperialism[96] while British journalist Edward Lucas described it as historical revisionism.[97] Other observers have noted that the Russian leadership has a distorted view of modern Ukraine and its history.[98] [99] [100]

Initial tensions (March–April2021)

First Russian military buildup

On 21 February 2021, the Russian Defence Ministry announced the deployment of 3,000 paratroopers to the border for "large-scale exercises".[101] [102] The announcement was preceded by President Zelenskyy's decision on 2 February to implement recommendations from the country's National Security and Defence Council, which were intended to crackdown on Russian propaganda in Ukraine.[103] Amongst the measures enacted by Zelenskyy were sanctions on Opposition Platform — For Life party People's Deputies Viktor Medvedchuk and Taras Kozak, and a national ban on multiple pro-Russian television channels, including 112 Ukraine, NewsOne, and ZIK.[104] Medvedchuk, who also had alleged links to the banned media outlets, was a leading pro-Russian Ukrainian opposition politician and tycoon with close personal ties to Vladimir Putin.[105] [106] An analysis by Time published in February 2022 cited the event as the start of the Russian military buildup near Ukraine.[107]

On 3 March, Suspilne claimed separatists from the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) reported they had been granted permission to use "preemptive fire for destruction" on Ukrainian military positions.[108] On 16 March, a State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (SBGS) border patrol in Sumy spotted a Russian Mil Mi-8 helicopter coming approximately 50m (160feet) into Ukrainian territory before heading back into Russian airspace.[109] Ten days later, Russian troops fired mortars at Ukrainian positions near the village of Shumy in the Donbas, killing four Ukrainian servicemen.[110] Russia refused to renew the ceasefire in Donbas on 1 April.[111] [112]

Beginning from 16 March, NATO started a series of military exercises known as Defender-Europe 2021. The military exercise, one of the largest NATO-led military exercises held in Europe in decades, included near-simultaneous operations across over 30 training areas in 12 countries, involving 28,000 troops from 27 nations.[113] [114] Russia criticised NATO for holding Defender Europe 2021,[115] and deployed troops to its western borders for military exercises in response to NATO's military activities. The deployment led to Russia having a sizable troop buildup along the Russo-Ukrainian border by mid-April.[116] [117] [118] A Ukrainian estimate placed the deployment at approximately 40,000 Russian forces in occupied Crimea and the eastern portion of the Russo-Ukrainian border. The German government subsequently condemned the deployment as an act of provocation.[119]

Nearly a week later on 30 March, Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief Colonel General Ruslan Khomchak revealed intelligence reports suggesting a military buildup by Russia close to Ukraine in preparations for the Zapad Exercises.[120] [121] The buildup consisted of 28 Russian battalion tactical groups (BTGs) situated primarily along the Russo-Ukrainian border in Rostov, Bryansk, and Voronezh Oblasts, as well as Russian-occupied Crimea,[122] and was ultimately expected to increase to 53 BTGs.[123] [124] It was estimated that over 60,000 Russian troops were stationed in Crimea and Donbas,[125] with 2,000 military advisors and instructors in separatist-controlled Donbas alone.[126] [127] Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov claimed the military movements "[were] not of any concern" for neighbouring countries, and that the decisions for deployment were made to address matters of Russia's "national security".[128]

Between late March and early April 2021, significant quantities of weapons and equipment from various regions of Russia, including the far-eastern parts of Siberia, were transported towards the Russo-Ukrainian border and into Crimea.[129] [130] Unofficial Russian sources, such as the pro-Russian Telegram channel Military Observer, published a video depicting the flight of a group of Russian Kamov Ka-52 and Mil Mi-28 attack helicopters. It was emphasized by the original sources that the flight had allegedly taken place on the Russo-Ukrainian border.[131]

Continued violence and escalation

Russian and pro-Kremlin media alleged on 3 April 2021 that a Ukrainian drone attack had caused the death of a child in separatist-controlled Donbas;[132] however, no further details were given surrounding the incident.[133] Vyacheslav Volodin, speaker of the Russian State Duma, believed that Ukrainian leaders should be "held responsible for the death", while proposing to exclude Ukraine from the Council of Europe.[134] On 5 April, Ukrainian representatives of the Joint Centre of Control and Coordination (JCCC) sent a note to the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine regarding pro-Russian intentions to falsify the accusations.[135] The next day, the mission confirmed the death of a child in Russian-occupied Donbas but failed to establish a link between the purported "Ukrainian drone strike" and the child's death.[136] On 6 April 2021, two Ukrainian servicemen were killed in Donetsk Oblast: one by shelling at a Ukrainian army position near the town of Nevelske and another near the village of Stepne by an unknown explosive device.[137] Following the deaths, Zelenskyy declared that Ukraine would not respond to "provocations" by separatists forces.[138] Due to the shelling, the water pumping station in the "gray-zone" between the villages of Vasylivka and Kruta Balka in South Donbas was de-energized, cutting off the water supply to over 50 settlements.[139]

Russia moved ships between the Caspian Sea and Black Sea, with the transfer including several landing craft and artillery boats.[140] [141] Interfax reported on 8 April that the crews and ships of the Caspian Flotilla would perform the final naval exercises in cooperation with the Black Sea Fleet.[142] On 10 April 2021, Ukraine invoked Paragraph 16 of the Vienna Document and initiated a meeting in the OSCE on the surge of Russian troops near the Russo-Ukrainian border and Russian-occupied Crimea.[143] Ukraine's initiative was supported by several countries but the Russian delegation failed to appear at the meeting and refused to provide explanations.[144] On 13 April 2021, Ukrainian consul Oleksandr Sosoniuk was detained in Saint Petersburg[145] and later expelled by the FSB for allegedly "receiving confidential information" during a meeting with a Russian citizen.[146] [147] In response, on 19 April, Yevhen Chernikov, a senior Russian diplomat of the Russian embassy in Kyiv, was declared by Ukraine a persona non grata and ordered to leave the country within 72 hours.[148] On 14 April 2021, in a meeting in Crimea, Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of the Security Council of Russia accused Ukrainian special services of trying to organise "terrorist attacks and sabotage" on the peninsula.[149]

On the night of 14 to 15 April 2021, a naval confrontation took place in the Sea of Azov, 40km (30miles) from the Kerch Strait, between three Ukrainian Gyurza-M-class artillery boats and six vessels from the Coast Guard of the Border Service of the FSB.[150] The Ukrainian artillery boats were escorting civilian ships when the incident occurred. It was reported that Ukrainian ships threatened to use airborne weapons to deter provocations from FSB vessels. The incident ended without any casualties.[151] The following day, Russia announced the closure of parts of the Black Sea to warships and vessels of other countries until October, under the pretext of military exercises.[152] The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the decision as a "gross violation of the right of navigational freedoms" guaranteed by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.[153] According to the convention, Russia must not "obstruct maritime passages of the International strait to ports" in the Sea of Azov.[154] According to John Kirby, Pentagon Press Secretary, Russia had concentrated more troops near the Russo-Ukrainian border than in 2014.[155] Additionally, temporary restrictions by Russia on flights over parts of Crimea and the Black Sea were reportedly imposed from 20 to 24 April 2021.[156]

Partial withdrawal

On 22 April 2021, Russian Minister of Defence Sergei Shoigu announced a drawdown of military exercises with troops from the 58th and 41st Army, and the 7th, 76th, and 98th Guards Airborne Division returning to their permanent bases by 1 May after inspections in the Southern and Western military districts.[157] [158] Equipment at the Pogonovo training facility was to remain for the annual military exercise with Belarus scheduled for September 2021.

Senior U.S. Defense Department officials reported on 5 May 2021 that Russia had only withdrawn a few thousand troops since the previous military buildup. Despite the withdrawal of several Russian units, vehicles and equipment were left in place, leading to fears that a re-deployment might occur. The officials estimated over 80,000 Russian troops still remained at the Russo-Ukrainian border by early May. Members of the U.S. intelligence community began discussing the serious potential for a Russian invasion during the spring and fall of 2021, noting the massive continued deployment of military assets and logistics far beyond those used for standard exercises.[159]

Renewed tensions (October 2021–February 2022)

On 2 September 2021, Russia refused to extend the mandate of the OSCE mission at the "Gukovo" and "Donetsk" border checkpoints past 30 September.[160]

On 11 October 2021, Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of Russia, published an article in Kommersant in which he argued that Ukraine was a "vassal" of the West and that, therefore, it was pointless for Russia to attempt to hold a dialogue with the Ukrainian authorities, whom he described as "weak", "ignorant" and "unreliable". Medvedev concluded that Russia should do nothing in regard to Ukraine and wait until a Ukrainian government comes to power that is genuinely interested in improving relations with Russia, adding "Russia knows how to wait. We are patient people."[161] The Kremlin later specified that Medvedev's article "runs in unison" with Russia's view of the current Ukrainian government.[162]

In November 2021, the Russian Defence Ministry described the deployment of U.S. warships to the Black Sea as a "threat to regional security and strategic stability." The ministry said in a statement, "The real goal behind the U.S. activities in the Black Sea region is exploring the theater of operations in case Kyiv attempts to settle the conflict in the southeast by force."[163]

Second Russian military buildup

November 2021–December 2021

In early November 2021, reports of Russian military buildups prompted American officials to warn their European allies that Russia could be considering a potential invasion of Ukraine, while a number of experts and commentators believed that Putin was seeking a stronger hand for further negotiations with the West.[164] [165] Ukrainian military intelligence (HUR MO) estimated that the figure had risen to 90,000 by 2November, including forces from the 8th and 20th Guards, and the 4th and 6th Air and Air Defence Forces Army.[166]

On 13 November 2021, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced that Russia had again amassed 100,000 troops near the Russo-Ukrainian border,[167] higher than an American assessment of approximately 70,000.[168] On the same day, in an interview on Russia-1, Putin denied any possibility of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, labelling the notions as "alarmist", while simultaneously accusing NATO of undergoing unscheduled naval drills at the Black Sea.[169] Eight days later, the chief of the HUR MOU, Kyrylo Budanov, said that Russian troop deployment had approached 92,000.[170] Budanov accused Russia of fomenting several protests against COVID-19 vaccination in Kyiv to destabilise the country.[171]

Between late-November and early-December 2021, as Russian and Ukrainian officials traded accusations of massive troop deployments in Donbas, Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba on 25 November admonished Russia against a "new attack on Ukraine", which he said "would cost [Russia] dear",[172] [173] [174] [175] [176] while Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov on 21 November called the accusations "[the] hysteria" that "[wa]s being intentionally whipped up" and said that, in their opinion, it was Ukraine who was planning aggressive actions against Donbas.[177] [178] [179]

On 3 December 2021 Ukrainian Minister of Defence Oleksii Reznikov, spoke of the possibility of a "large-scale escalation" by Russia during the end of January 2022, during a session at the country's national parliament, the Verkhovna Rada.[180] Reznikov estimated that the Russian military buildup consisted of 94,300 troops.[181] In early December 2021, an analysis conducted by Janes concluded that major elements of the Russian 41st Army (headquartered at Novosibirsk) and the 1st Guards Tank Army (normally deployed around Moscow) had been re-positioned to the west, reinforcing the Russian 20th and 8th Guards armies that were already positioned closer to the Russo-Ukrainian border. Additional Russian forces were reported to have moved to Crimea, reinforcing Russian naval and ground units that were previously deployed there.[182] U.S. intelligence officials warned that Russia was planning an upcoming major military offensive into Ukraine scheduled to take place in January 2022.[183] A report released in November 2023 by the international NGO Global Rights found that Russia's defense contractor began buying trucks and three 170-meter bulk carriers to transport grain in December 2021, suggesting earlier Russian planning to loot Ukraine's food supplies.[184]


Russia began a slow evacuation of its embassy staff at Kyiv in January 2022. The motives for the evacuation were, at the time, unknown and subjected to multiple speculations.[185] By mid-January, an intelligence assessment produced by the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence estimated that Russia was in its final stages of completing a military buildup at the Russo-Ukrainian border, amassing 127,000 troops in the region. Among the troops, 106,000 were land forces, with the remainder comprising naval and air forces. In addition, 35,000 Russian-backed separatist forces and another 3,000 Russian forces were reported to be present in rebel-held eastern Ukraine.[186] The assessment estimated that Russia had deployed 36 Iskander short-range ballistic missile (SRBM) systems near the border, many stationed within striking distance of Kyiv. The assessment also noted intensified Russian intelligence activity. An analysis conducted by the Atlantic Council on 20 January concluded that Russia had deployed additional critical combat capabilities to the region.[187]

In mid-January, six Russian troop carrier landing ships (Olenegorskiy Gornyak, Georgiy Pobedonosets, Pyotr Morgunov, Korolev, Minsk, and Kaliningrad), mostly of the Ropucha class, were redirected from their home ports to the Port of Tartus.[188] The Turkish government of Recep Erdoğan prevented them, together with the Marshal Ustinov and the Varyag, from transiting the Bosporus by the Montreux Convention.[189] [190] [191] [192] On 20 January, Russia announced plans to hold major naval drills in the month to come that would involve all of its naval fleets: 140 vessels, 60 planes, 1,000 units of military hardware, and 10,000 soldiers, deploying in the Mediterranean, the northeast Atlantic Ocean off Ireland, the Pacific, the North Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk.[193]

Beginning on 17 January, major Russian military units were relocated and deployed to Belarus under the auspices of previously planned joint military exercises to be held in February that year. Namely, the headquarters of the Eastern Military District was deployed to Belarus along with combat units drawn from the District's 5th, 29th, 35th, and 36th Combined Arms Army, 76th Guards Air Assault Division, 98th Guards Airborne Division and the Pacific Fleet's 155th Naval Infantry Brigade.[194] Ukrainian and American officials believed that Russia would attempt to use Belarus as a platform to attack Ukraine from the north, due to the close proximity of the Belarusian–Ukrainian border to the capital Kyiv.[195] [196] [197] [198]

On 28 January, Reuters reported that three anonymous U.S. officials had revealed that Russia had stockpiled medical supplies. Two of the three officials claimed that the movements were detected in "recent weeks", adding to fears of conflict.[199] This was preceded by a report on 19 January, in which U.S. President Joe Biden said his "guess" was that Russia "w[ould] move in" to Ukraine although Putin would pay "a serious and dear price" for an invasion and "would regret it".[200] [201] Biden further asserted, "Russia will be held accountable if it invades. And it depends on what it does."[202] In an interview with The Washington Post the next day, Zelenskyy warned that Russian forces could invade and take control of regions in eastern Ukraine. He also argued that an invasion would lead to a large-scale war between Ukraine and Russia.[203]


On 5 February 2022, two anonymous U.S. officials reported that Russia had assembled 83 battalion tactical groups, estimated to be 70 percent of its combat capabilities, for a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, and predicted that a hypothetical invasion would result in 8,000 to 35,000 military casualties and 25,000 to 50,000 civilian casualties. The officials anticipated that the possible launch window could start on 15 February and persist until the end of March, when extremely cold weather would freeze roads and assist in the movement of mechanised units.[204]

On 8 February, a fleet of six Russian landing ships, namely the Korolev, the Minsk, and Kaliningrad from the Baltic Fleet, and the Petr Morgunov, the Georgiy Pobedonosets, and the Olenegorskiy Gornyak from the Northern Fleet, reportedly sailed to the Black Sea for naval exercises. The fleet arrived at Sevastopol two days later,[205] with Russia announcing two major military exercises following their arrival. The first was a naval exercise on the Black Sea,[206] which was protested by Ukraine as it resulted in Russia blocking naval routes in the Kerch Strait, the Sea of Azov, and the Black Sea.[207] [208] The second consisted of a joint military exercise between Belarus and Russia held in regions close to the Belarusian–Ukrainian border, involving 30,000 Russian troops and almost all of the Belarusian armed forces.[209] Responding to the latter, Ukraine held separate military exercises of their own, involving 10,000 Ukrainian troops. Both exercises were scheduled for 10 days.[210]

While the U.S. had rejected Russia's demand to keep Ukraine out of NATO in January,[211] by early February, the Biden administration had reportedly shifted its position, offering to prevent Ukraine's NATO accession if Russia backed away from the imminent invasion.[212] Referring to unspecified intelligence, U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan stated an attack could begin at any moment prior to 20 February, the conclusion of the 2022 Winter Olympics at Beijing.[213] Separately, the media published several reports based on acquired U.S. intelligence that had been briefed to several allies with specific references to 16 February as a potential starting date for a ground invasion.[214] [215] Following these announcements, the U.S. ordered most of its diplomatic staff and all military instructors in Ukraine to evacuate.[216] Numerous countries, including Japan, Germany, Australia, and Israel also urged their citizens to leave Ukraine immediately.[217] The next day, KLM suspended its flights to Ukraine, while other airlines shifted their flight schedules to limit exposure across the country.[218] By 11 February, Biden had issued a public warning to Americans to leave Ukraine as soon as possible.[219]

On 10 February, the Baltic states invoked provisions of the Vienna Document requesting an explanation from Belarus regarding the unusual military activities.[220] The move was followed by Ukraine a day after, where it too invoked Chapter III (risk reduction) of the Vienna Document, requesting Russia to provide "detailed explanations on military activities in the areas adjacent to the territory of Ukraine and in the temporarily occupied Crimea". The request was refused, with Russia asserting that it had no obligation to share the information, although it allowed a Swiss inspection team to enter the territories of Voronezh and Belgorod.[221] On 12 February, the Russian cruise missile submarine Rostov-on-Don (B-237) transited the Dardanelles on its way back to the Black Sea. The Russian Black Sea Fleet conducted live missile and gun firing exercises from 13 to 19 February 2022.[222] In response to Russian military activities, Ukraine requested on 13 February that an emergency meeting within the OSCE be held within the following 48 hours, at which Russia was expected to provide a response.

On 14 February, a telephone conversation was made by Reznikov and his Belarusian counterpart, Viktor Khrenin, where they agreed on mutual confidence-building and transparency measures. These measures included visits by both defence ministers to their respective country's military exercises (Reznikov to the Russo–Belarusian Allied Resolve 2022 exercise, and Khrenin to the Ukrainian Zametil 2022 exercise).[223] The emergency meeting of the OSCE requested by Ukraine was held on 15 February. However, the Russian delegation to the OSCE was absent from the meeting.[224]

On 14 February, Shoigu said units from Russia's Southern and Western military districts had begun returning to their barracks following the completion of "exercises" near Ukraine.[225] However, in a press conference held the subsequent day, Biden commented that they could not verify such reports.[226] NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg refuted Russian claims of retreating troops, stating on 16 February that Russia had continued the military buildup.[227] The Russia Foreign Ministry called earlier Western warnings of a Russia invasion on this day "anti-Russian hysteria"[228] while President Zelenskyy called for a "day of unity" in anticipation of Russian threats.[229]

Top officials from the U.S. and NATO reported on 17 February that the threat of an invasion remained as Russia still actively looked for a casus belli for the invasion, with attempts being made to conduct a false flag operation.[230] [231] [232] On 18 February, Biden announced that he was convinced that Putin had made a decision to invade Ukraine.[233] On 19 February, two Ukrainian soldiers were killed while another five were wounded by artillery fire from separatists.[234] On 20 February, the Belarusian Ministry of Defence announced the continuation of the Allied Resolve 2022 military exercises. According to Khrenin, it was due to the "escalation in military activity along the external borders of the Union State and the deterioration of the situation in Donbas".[235] [236] On the same day, several news outlets reported that U.S. intelligence assessed that Russian commanders had been ordered to proceed with the invasion.[237] [238]

Alleged Russian subversion attempts

See also: 2021 Ukrainian coup attempt allegations, 2022 Ukraine cyberattacks, Disinformation in the Russian invasion of Ukraine and Russian–Ukrainian information war. On 26 November 2021, Zelenskyy accused the Russian government and Ukrainian billionaire Rinat Akhmetov of backing a plan to overthrow the Ukrainian government.[239] Russia subsequently denied the claims.[240] [241] On 10 January 2022, the SBU announced that it had arrested a Russian military intelligence agent who was attempting to recruit operatives to conduct attacks at Odesa.[242] Three days later, Ukraine was struck by a cyberattack that affected the official websites of several Ukrainian government ministries. It was later suspected that Russian hackers might be responsible for the incident.[243]

The HUR MOU accused Russian special services of preparing "provocations" against Russian soldiers stationed at Transnistria, a breakaway unrecognised state internationally considered part of Moldova, to create a casus belli for a Russian invasion of Ukraine.[244] The Biden administration later revealed that the Russian government deployed Russian operatives, trained in urban warfare and explosives,[245] as saboteurs to stage a fabricated attack against Russian proxy separatists at eastern Ukraine, to provide Russia with another pretext for an invasion.[246] The Russian government denied the claims.[247] On 3 February, the U.S. said that Russia was planning to use a fabricated video showing a staged Ukrainian "attack" as a pretext for a further invasion of Ukraine.[248] [249] The Russian government denied any plans to orchestrate a pretext for an invasion.[250]

U.S. intelligence sources warned in mid-February that Russia had compiled "lists of Ukrainian political figures and other prominent individuals to be targeted for either arrest or assassination" in the event of an invasion,[251] while U.S. ambassador Bathsheba Nell Crocker wrote that Russia "will likely use lethal measures to disperse peaceful protests[...] from civilian populations".[252]

2022 Ukrainian coup d'état attempt

Between January and February 2022, the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) and up to 500 recruited ATO veterans attempted to overthrow the Ukrainian government and install pro-Russian rule in various cities for their further surrender to the Russian Army.[253] Amongst those recruited include the Chechen Kadyrovites,[254] Wagner Group mercenaries, and other pro-Russian forces, particularly past Party of Regions members[255] (including former Yanukovych officials) and individuals affiliated with Ukrainian Choice.[256] [257] The plan was ultimately cancelled after its key individuals were detained[258] [259] in Ivano-Frankivsk, Khmelnytskyi, and Odesa Oblasts by SBU and National Police forces. Prior to their arrests, the agents managed to conduct one successful operation to ensure the capture of Chornobyl.[260]

According to a detained agent who was set to participate in the coup, Russia was to send an appeal to Ukrainian authorities asking them to surrender; if the appeal was declined, pro-Russian agents would stage a coup. The coup would begin by creating false-flag incidents in Kyiv and along Ukraine's border with Transnistria to create a pretext for invasion.[261] After the invasion started, agents would seize the administrative buildings of multiple cities, install pro-Russian officials, and ultimately surrender and transfer them to Russian troops. To further destabilise the situation, mass riots with the use of fake blood, clashing with law enforcement officers, terrorist attacks, and the assassination of President Zelenskyy were also planned.[262] [263] [264] [265] After the coup, the Verkhovna Rada would be dissolved and replaced by a pro-Russian "People's Rada", playing the role of a puppet government on Russian-occupied territory and newly created "people's republics" in Western Ukraine. The agent also claimed a pro-Russian president was planned to be installed in Ukraine.[266] [267] [268] [269]

On 22 January 2022, the UK Foreign Office corroborated parts of the agent's account, stating that Russia was preparing a plan to "install a pro-Russian leader in Kyiv as it considers whether to invade and occupy Ukraine,"[270] with Yevhen Murayev, a former member of the Ukrainian parliament, alleged to be one of Moscow's potential candidates.[271] [272] The Russian Foreign Ministry denied the claims, calling the statements "disinformation", and accusing the UK as well as NATO of "escalating tensions" around Ukraine.[273] [274] [275] Murayev, who had stated in a Facebook post on 23 January 2022 that "Ukraine needs new politicians", dismissed the allegation as "nonsense", saying he had already been "under Russian sanctions for four years".

Russian accusations of genocide in eastern Ukraine

See also: Humanitarian situation during the war in Donbas and Accusations of genocide in Donbas. On 9 December 2021, Putin spoke of discrimination against Russian speakers outside Russia, saying: "I have to say that Russophobia is a first step towards genocide. You and I know what is happening in Donbass. It certainly looks very much like genocide."[276] [277] Russia also condemned the Ukrainian language law.[278] [279] [280] On 15 February 2022, Putin told the press: "What is going on in Donbas is exactly genocide."[281] Several international organisations, including the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR),[282] [283] OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine,[284] and the Council of Europe found no evidence supporting the Russian claims.[285] The genocide allegations have been rejected by the European Commission as Russian disinformation.[286]

The U.S. embassy in Ukraine described Russian genocide claims as a "reprehensible falsehood",[287] while U.S. State Department Spokesperson Ned Price said the Russian government was making such claims as "an excuse for invading Ukraine". On 18 February, Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov replied to a question about U.S. officials, who doubted the fact of the genocide of Russians in Donbas, by posting a statement on the Embassy's Facebook page that said: 'This causes outrage and indignation. [...] We see here not just double standards of the United States, but quite a primitive and crude cynicism. [...] The main geopolitical goal of the United States is to push Russia back to the East as far possible. To that end, a policy to force the Russian-speaking population out of their current places of residence is needed. Therefore, Americans prefer not only to ignore the attempts of forced assimilation of Russians in Ukraine, but also strongly condone them with political and military support."[288] [289]

Ukrainian defences

In preparation for a possible renewed Russian invasion, the Ukrainian Ground Forces announced a meeting in April 2021 regarding territorial defences to strengthen and protect the nation's borders and critical facilities, and to combat sabotage and reconnaissance groups in southern Ukraine.[290] During the same month, Zelenskyy visited Ukrainian defensive positions in Donbas.[291] According to Russia, Ukraine deployed 125,000 troops to the Donbas conflict zone in December 2021.[292]

The United States estimated in December 2021 that Russia could assemble over 175,000 troops to invade Ukraine.[293] Oleksii Reznikov, Ukrainian Minister of Defence, stated that "we have 250,000 official [...] members of our army. Plus, I said 400,000 veterans and 200,000 reservists. 175,000 [is] not enough to go to Ukraine."[294] Reznikov claimed that Russia could launch a large-scale attack on Ukraine in late-January 2022.[295]

Ukraine's Territorial Defence Forces (the reserve component of the Ground Forces established after the 2014 conflict) recruited additional citizens and trained them in urban guerrilla tactics and firearms use.[296] Such insurgency tactics, as reported by The New York Times, could support a resistance movement if the Russian military were able to overwhelm the Ukrainian military.[297] Andrii Zahorodniuk, former Ukrainian Minister of Defence, wrote in January that in the case of a Russian invasion, the Russian forces would likely destroy "key elements of the country's military infrastructure" and will be able to "advance deep into Ukrainian territory", but would face difficulty in securing it. Zahorodniuk further stated, "Russian occupation forces will face highly motivated opponents fighting in familiar surroundings."[298]

Foreign support

In response to expectations of a renewed invasion with Russia's buildup of over 100,000 troops, some NATO member nations in January 2022 began providing military aid, including lethal weapons, with the U.S. giving approval to its NATO allies to send anti-armour missiles and other U.S.-made weapons.[299] The first U.S. shipment of some 90tonnes of lethal weapons arrived in Ukraine on 22 January 2022.[300] The U.S. provided FGM-148 Javelin antitank missiles, anti-armour artillery (including M141 Bunker Defeat Munitions),[301] heavy machine guns, small arms, ammunition, secure radio systems, medical equipment and spare parts.[302] [303] U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley threatened US support for an anti-Russian insurgency within Ukraine, similar to the CIA's assistance to anti-Soviet mujahideen rebels in Afghanistan in the 1980s.[304]

In December 2021, the U.S. government approved additional defence aid for US$200 million to Ukraine.[305] This was in addition to previous aid packages to Ukraine, making the total defence aid given in 2021 worth US$650 million.[306] The U.S. also announced plans to transfer Mil Mi-17 helicopters to Ukraine, which had been previously flown by the Afghan Air Force;[307] the first helicopters were supplied on 20 February 2022.[308] In January 2022, the Biden administration granted permission to the Baltic nations to transfer American-made equipment to Ukraine.[309] [310] [311] [312] Estonia donated Javelin anti-tank missiles to Ukraine, while Latvia and Lithuania provided Stinger air defence systems and associated equipment.[313] On 19 January, the Biden administration provided $200 million in additional security aid to Ukraine[314] [315] [316] while on February 28, it approved the first deliveries of American-made FIM-92 Stinger surface-to-air missiles to the country.[317] [318]

Other NATO members also provided aid to Ukraine, with the UK and Canada bolstering pre-existing military training programs in January 2022. The British deployed additional military trainers and provided light anti-armour defence systems, while the Canadians deployed a small special forces delegation to aid Ukraine. On 17 January, British Defence Secretary Ben Wallace announced that Britain had supplied Ukraine with 1,100 short-range anti-tank missiles.[319] On 20 January, Sky News reported that 2,000 short-range anti-tank NLAW missiles had been delivered via numerous Royal Air Force C-17 transport aircraft between the UK and Ukraine.[320] On 21 January, the UK Defence Journal reported that there had been an increase in Royal Air Force RC-135W Rivet Joint surveillance aircraft being deployed to monitor Russian forces on the Russo-Ukrainian border.[321]

In addition, multiple EU members individually gave support to Ukraine, with the Danish government announcing on 16 January 2022 that they would provide Ukraine with a €22 million (US$24.8 million) defence package.[322] This was followed by a public statement on 21 January by the Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs Wopke Hoekstra who said that the Netherlands was ready to deliver "defensive military support" and explained that Ukraine request to the country for arms assistance the previous day was supported by majority in parliament.[323] [324] On 31 January, Poland announced its decision to supply Ukraine with lethal weapons.[325] It intended to provide significant quantities of light ammunition, artillery shells, light mortar systems, reconnaissance drones, and Polish-made Piorun MANPADS.[326] A trilateral pact was launched between Poland, Ukraine and the United Kingdom on 17 February 2022 with the aim of responding to European security threats and deepening bilateral relationships in matters of cyber security, energy independence and countering disinformation.[327] [328]

Reinforcements deployed in NATO

See also: NATO Enhanced Forward Presence and Operation Atlantic Resolve. The Dutch and Spanish governments deployed forces to the region in support of NATO. On 20 January 2022, Spanish Defence Minister Margarita Robles announced the deployment of the Spanish Navy to the Black Sea.[329] The patrol vessel, acting as a minesweeper, was already en route and the frigate departed on 22 January.[330] Robles announced that the Spanish government was considering deploying the Spanish Air Force to Bulgaria, a fellow NATO member; four Eurofighters were deployed on 12 February.[331] The Netherlands stated it would send two F-35s to the Graf Ignatievo Air Base in Bulgaria to assist NATO's expanded air surveillance mission.[332] [333] [334]

The first of 2,000 newly deployed U.S. soldiers to Europe arrived in Germany and Poland on 5 February, part of the U.S.'s attempt to bolster NATO's eastern flank during Russia's military buildup.[335] Two days later, British Prime Minister Johnson said the country would not "flinch" as he prepared to deploy Royal Marines, RAF aircraft, and Royal Navy warships to eastern Europe.[336] On 11 February, the U.S. announced an additional deployment of 3,000 troops to Poland and sent F-15 jets to Romania.[337] Further deployments included four Danish F-16 fighter jets being sent to Lithuania, in addition to a frigate travelling to the Baltic Sea. The chief of staff of the Belgian army also stated that the country was ready to send more forces to NATO's eastern allies.[338]

Escalation and invasion (February 2022present)

Alleged clashes between Russia and Ukraine

Fighting in the Donbas escalated significantly on 17 February 2022.[339] [340] There was a sharp increase in artillery shelling by Russian-led militants in Donbas, which Ukraine and its allies considered to be an attempt to provoke the Ukrainian army or create a pretext for invading.[341] [342] [343] While the daily number of attacks over the first six weeks of 2022 was 2 to 5,[344] the Ukrainian military reported 60 attacks on 17 February. Russian state media also reported over 20 artillery attacks on separatist positions the same day. Russian separatists shelled a kindergarten at Stanytsia Luhanska using artillery, injuring three civilians.[345] The Luhansk People's Republic said that its forces had been attacked by the Ukrainian government with mortars, grenade launchers, and machine gun fire.[346] [347]

On 18 February, the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic ordered emergency mandatory evacuations of civilians from their respective capital cities, although it has been noted that full evacuations would take months to accomplish.[348] [349] [350] [351] A BBC analysis found that the video announcing the "emergency" evacuation had been filmed two days prior to its purported date, indicated by its metadata.[352] Russian state media also reported a "car bombing", allegedly targeting the separatist government headquarters in Donetsk.[353]

On 21 February, Russia's FSB said that Ukrainian shelling had destroyed an FSB border facility 150 m from the Russia–Ukraine border in Rostov Oblast.[354] Separately, the press service of the Southern Military District said that Russian forces had killed a group of five saboteurs that morning near the village of Mityakinskaya, Rostov Oblast. The press release alleged that the saboteurs had penetrated the border from Ukraine in two infantry fighting vehicles, which were destroyed in the act.[355] Ukraine denied being involved in both incidents and called them a false flag.[356] Additionally, two Ukrainian soldiers and a civilian were reported killed by shelling in the village of Zaitseve, 30 km north of Donetsk.[357] The Ukrainian News Agency reported that the Luhansk Thermal Power Plant, located close to the contact line, was forced to shut down on 21 February after being shelled by unknown forces.[358] [359] Several analysts, including the investigative website Bellingcat, published evidence that many of the claimed attacks, explosions, and evacuations in Donbas were staged by Russia.[360] [361] [362]

Recognition of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics

See also: International recognition of the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic and Address concerning the events in Ukraine. On 21 January 2022, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation announced on Pravda that its deputies would introduce a non-binding resolution in the State Duma to ask Putin to officially recognise the breakaway Donetsk People's Republic and Luhansk People's Republic.[363] [364] The resolution was adopted by the State Duma on 15 February in a 351–16 vote, with one abstention; it was supported by United Russia, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, A Just Russia - For Truth and the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, but was opposed by the New People party.[365] [366]

On 21 February, the leaders of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk people's republics, respectively Denis Pushilin and Leonid Pasechnik, requested that Putin officially recognise the republics' independence; both leaders also proposed signing a treaty on friendship and cooperation with Russia, including on military cooperation.[367] Concluding the extraordinary session of the Security Council of Russia held on that day, Putin said that the decision on recognition thereof would be taken that day.[368]

The request was endorsed by Minister of Defence Sergey Shoigu.[369] Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said the government had been laying the groundwork for such move for "many months already".[370] Later that day, Putin signed decrees of recognition of the republics. Additionally, treaties "on friendship, co-operation and mutual assistance" between Russia and the republics were inked.[371] Following the recognition, Putin ordered Russian forces to enter both separatist republics.[372]

Putin's denial of Ukrainian statehood

In a speech on 21 February 2022, Putin claimed that "modern Ukraine was wholly and fully created by Bolshevik, communist Russia".[373] Putin denounced anti-communist Ukrainians as "ungrateful descendants" saying, "This is what they call decommunization. Do you want decommunization? Well, that suits us just fine. But it is unnecessary, as they say, to stop halfway. We are ready to show you what real decommunization means for Ukraine."[374] Sarah Rainsford wrote in BBC News that Putin's speech was "rewriting Ukraine's history", and that his focus on the country was "obsessive".[375] BBC Ukrainian correspondent Vitaly Chervonenko noted how carefully Putin kept silent about the independent Ukrainian state formations of 1917–1920 and Kyiv's war with Lenin's Bolshevik government, whose purpose was to include Ukraine in Bolshevik Russia.[376]

In response to Putin's speech, Professor of Ukrainian history at Harvard University Serhii Plokhy asserted that, "[o]f course, Lenin did not create Ukraine. In 1918, he started a war against an independent Ukrainian state and then replaced it with a puppet state called the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic", later taking away Ukraine's formal independence by integrating it into the Soviet Union in 1922.[377] According to Plokhy, the "modern Ukrainian state came into existence not thanks to Lenin but against his wishes and in direct reaction to the Bolshevik putsch in Petrograd in [...] 1917. The Bolsheviks tried to take control of Kyiv as well but were defeated, jumpstarting the process of the modern Ukrainian state-building."[378] Instead, Lenin is responsible for the creation of the Russian Federation, "a state that received its constitution in 1918 and became part of the USSR four years later", and thus, "Lenin was the creator of modern Russia, not Ukraine, and should be considered as such."[376]

International sanctions on Russia

In response to the recognition of the two breakaway republics, Western countries rolled out sanctions against Russia.[379] [380] [381] On 22 February 2022, British prime minister Boris Johnson announced sanctions on five Russian banks, namely Rossiya Bank, Industrialny Sberegatelny Bank, General Bank, Promsvyazbank, and Black Sea Bank, as well as three billionaire associates of Putin (Gennady Timchenko, Boris Romanovich Rotenberg, and Igor Rotenberg).[382] [383] German chancellor Scholz announced a halt to the certification process of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.[384]

EU foreign ministers blacklisted all members of the Russian Duma who voted in favour of the recognition of the breakaway regions, banned EU investors from trading in Russian state bonds, and targeted imports and exports with separatist entities.[385] U.S. president Joe Biden announced sanctions on banks VEB.RF and Promsvyazbank and comprehensive sanctions on Russia's sovereign debt.[386]


See main article: Russian invasion of Ukraine.

See also: On conducting a special military operation. On 21 February 2022, following the recognition of the Donetsk and Luhansk republics, Putin ordered additional Russian troops into Donbas, in what Russia called a "peacekeeping mission".[387] [388] [389] Later on the same day, several independent media outlets confirmed that Russian forces were entering Donbas.[390] [391] [392] On 22 February, the United States declared this movement an "invasion".[393] On the same day, the Federation Council unanimously authorised Putin to use military force outside Russia. Zelenskyy ordered reservists called up, while not committing to general mobilisation yet.[394]

On 6 February, U.S. officials warned that Kyiv could fall within days and prompt a refugee crisis in Europe.[395] On 23 February, an unidentified senior U.S. defense official was quoted by news media as saying that "80 percent" of Russian forces assigned and arrayed along Ukraine's border were ready for battle and that a ground incursion could commence at any moment.[396] On the same day, the Ukrainian parliament approved Zelenskyy's decree on the introduction of a state of emergency from 00:00 on 24 February 2022 across the territory of all Ukraine, except the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, for a period of 30 days.[397] The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommended that Ukrainian citizens refrain from travel to Russia and those living in Russia leave the country "immediately".[398] [399]

At about 4 a.m. Moscow time on 24 February 2022, President Putin announced the beginning of a "special military operation" in the Donbas region.[400] [401] [402] Shortly after, reports of big explosions came from multiple cities in central and eastern Ukraine, including Kyiv and Kharkiv.[403] [404] The U.S. announced that it would not send its combat troops into Ukraine to intervene militarily due to fears that it may provoke full-scale war between the United States and Russia.[405] Many observers at the time believed that Russian military operations in Ukraine would inevitably lead to the capitulation of the Ukrainian government and end to the country's national sovereignty.[406] [407] This proved to be untrue, with Russia unable to eliminate the Ukrainian government following the failure of the Russian offensive on Kyiv,[408] and experiencing major setbacks as a result of Ukrainian counteroffensives in the Kharkiv and Kherson regions.[409] [410] [411]

Diplomatic negotiations

See also: Normandy Format.

Between 2 and 3 November 2021, CIA director William Burns met with senior Russian intelligence officials in Moscow to convey to the Kremlin Biden's concern about the situation on the Russo-Ukrainian border. Burns and U.S. Ambassador to Russia John Sullivan met in Moscow with Putin's national security adviser Nikolai Patrushev and informed him that they knew about Russia's invasion plans.[412] Burns warned that if Putin proceeded down this path, the West would respond with severe consequences for Russia. Sullivan recounted that Patrushev was undeterred, "supremely confident".[413] CNN reported that Burns spoke by phone with Zelenskyy following the meeting in Moscow. Simultaneously, a high-ranking U.S. Department of State official was dispatched to Ukraine.[414]

On 15 November, acting German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian expressed concern in a joint communique about "Russian movements of troops and hardware near Ukraine", calling on both sides to adopt and maintain "a posture of restraint".[415] At the same time, Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby confirmed that the United States continued to observe "unusual military activity" by Russia near the Russo-Ukrainian border.[416] U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken discussed reports of "Russian military activity" in the area with Le Drian.[417] On 16 November, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told reporters that it was important NATO "doesn't increase tensions, but we have to be clear-eyed, we need to be realistic about the challenges we face". Stoltenberg added that the alliance saw an "unusual concentration" of Russian forces, which Russia might be willing to use "to conduct aggressive actions against Ukraine".[418]

In early November 2021, Ukrainian intelligence assessed the information about the transfer of additional Russian troops to the Ukrainian borders as "an element of psychological pressure." A week later, the Office of the President of Ukraine acknowledged that Russia was building up "specific groups of troops" near the border. Ukrainian foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba urged the French and German governments to prepare for a possible military scenario of Russia's actions against Ukraine.

On 15 November, Zelenskyy and the head of the European Council (EUCO) Charles Michel discussed "the security situation along the borders of Ukraine." On the same day, Kuleba held talks on the same issues in Brussels. Ukrainian defence minister Oleksii Reznikov went to Washington D.C., where on 18 November he met with U.S. secretary of defense Lloyd Austin. On 16 November, British defence secretary Ben Wallace visited Kyiv.

Israel maintains a strong relationship with both Ukraine and Russia, and sometimes acts as an interlocutor between the two. In April 2021, Zelenskyy asked the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to mediate the situation between himself and Putin. Israel raised the idea with Russia, who declined.[419] In a meeting at Kyiv in October with Zelenskyy, Israeli President Isaac Herzog told Zelenskyy that the new Israeli government under Prime Minister Naftali Bennett was willing to resume efforts at Ukrainian-Russian mediation. Bennett raised the idea in a meeting with Putin two weeks later at Sochi, but Putin declined.

In late January, the United States was again discussing sanctions with European allies in case of a Russian invasion.[420] Biden said the sanctions would be "swift and severe, including a "game over" strategy of targeting Russian banks, bond markets and the assets of elites close to Putin.[421] This approach was also criticised, and the proposed cut-off of Russian banks from the Visa, Mastercard, and SWIFT payment systems was withdrawn. The challenge for U.S. and NATO vis-à-vis Russia is the creation of credible deterrence with a plan for a de-escalatory sequence, including a reduction in inflammatory rhetoric, Russian troop withdrawals from the Russo-Ukrainian border, renewed Donbas peace talks, as well as a temporary halt on military exercises at the Black and Baltic Seas by the U.S., NATO or Russia.[422]

A Normandy Format meeting was planned between Russian, Ukrainian, German and French senior officials at Paris on 26 January 2022, with a follow-up phone call between the French President Emmanuel Macron and Putin on 28 January. Ukraine fulfilled Russia's condition for a meeting at Paris and decided to withdraw a controversial draft law on the reintegration of Crimea and Donbas from the Ukrainian parliament, as contradicting the Minsk peace agreements.[423] [424]

On 7 February 2022, Macron met Putin in Moscow, with mixed outcomes: Macron said that Putin told him that Russia will not further escalate the crisis;[425] Putin scoffed at assertions that NATO is a "defensive alliance" and warned the Western countries that if Ukraine joined NATO and "decided to take back Crimea using military means, European countries will automatically be in a military conflict with Russia."[426] Putin promised Macron not to carry out new military initiatives near Ukraine.[427]

NATO–Russia security talks

See also: NATO–Russia relations and Vladimir Putin's December 2021 ultimatum. On 7 December 2021, U.S. President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin talked via videoconference. One of the topics discussed was the crisis over Ukraine, the Russian side issuing a statement that said Putin highlighted the fact that it was "NATO that was undertaking dangerous attempts to develop Ukrainian territory and increase its potential along [Russia's] borders". He demanded "reliable, legal guarantees" that would preclude NATO from expanding its territory toward Russia or deploying its strike weapon systems in countries bordering Russia.[428] [429]

On 15 December 2021, Russia formally handed over to the U.S. its two draft treaties on security guarantees whereby the U.S. as well as NATO would, among other things, undertake not to deploy troops in ex-Soviet states that were not NATO members, rule out any further expansion of the Alliance eastward, undertake not to deploy any forces in other countries in addition to that which were deployed as of 27 May 1997, and refrain from conducting any military activity in Ukraine as well as in other states in eastern Europe, the South Caucasus and Central Asia.[430]

Biden and Putin had a 50-minute phone call on 30 December 2021. In a White House statement released afterwards, on the call, Biden urged Putin to "de-escalate tensions with Ukraine".[431] According to Putin's aide, Biden told Putin that the U.S. did not plan to deploy offensive weapons in Ukraine. Biden also warned that if Russia continued aggression against Ukraine, it would lead to "serious costs and consequences" such as the U.S. imposing additional economic sanctions on Russia, increasing U.S. military presence in the eastern members of NATO, and increased assistance to Ukraine.[432] According to Putin's aide, Putin responded by saying that it would "cause a total severance of relations" between Russia and the U.S. as well as the West at large.[433]

The following day, Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov addressed the question about what Russia expected in response to its "security guarantees" proposals by saying that "we will not allow anyone to drag out our initiatives in endless discussions. If a constructive response does not follow within a reasonable time and the West continues its aggressive course, Russia will be forced to take every necessary action to ensure a strategic balance and to eliminate unacceptable threats to our security."[434]

On 10 January 2022, the US and Russia held bilateral talks in Geneva, whose purpose had been defined by the two sides as "to discuss concerns about their respective military activity and confront rising tensions over Ukraine".[435] The talks were led by Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, and U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman.[436] [437]

The Geneva meeting was followed by a meeting of the NATO–Russia Council in Brussels on 12 January that involved delegations from all thirty NATO countries and one from Russia to discuss (according to the official statement issued by NATO), "the situation in and around Ukraine, and the implications for European security".[438] The Russian MoD statement following the meeting stated that Russia "brought Russian assessments of the current state in the field of Euro-security, and also gave explanations on the military aspects of the Russian draft agreement on security guarantees."[439] The talks were judged by Russia to be unsuccessful.[440] Following the meeting, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that, with respect to Ukraine's potential accession to NATO, all NATO Allies were "united on the core principle that each and every nation has the right to choose his own path" and "Russia doesn't have a veto on whether Ukraine can become a NATO member. [...] at the end of the day, it has to be NATO Allies and Ukraine that decides on membership."[441]

On 21 January 2022, Lavrov and Blinken met in Geneva. Blinken noted afterwards that the meeting "was not a negotiation but a candid exchange of concerns and ideas".[442] Following the meeting, Blinken said that the U.S. had made clear to Russia that its renewed invasion would "be met with swift, severe and a united response from the United States and our partners and allies."[443]

The US delivered a formal written response to Russia's security demands on 26 January 2022. The response rejected Moscow's demand that NATO renounce its promise that Ukraine would be able to join NATO. Commenting on the content of the U.S. response, Blinken said that the document "include[d] concerns of the United States and our allies and partners about Russia's actions that undermine security, a principled and pragmatic evaluation of the concerns that Russia has raised, and our own proposals for areas where we may be able to find common ground."[444]

On 1 February 2022, Putin said the U.S. response had failed to address Moscow's "three key demands", namely the non-expansion of NATO, refusal to deploy offensive weapon systems close to the Russian borders, and bringing back NATO's military infrastructure to the status quo of 1997.[445] [446] On 17 February, as the risk of Russian invasion of Ukraine was being assessed by the U.S. and NATO as very high, Russia handed a letter to the U.S. ambassador that blamed Washington for having ignored its main security demands.[447] [448]

United Nations Security Council

A UN Security Council meeting was convened on 31 January 2022 to discuss the ongoing crisis.[449] Russia tried to block the meeting, but the request was rejected with ten votes for the meeting to go ahead, two against and three abstentions.[450] No resolution was agreed at the meeting although the U.S. and Russia exchanged accusations during the debate.[451] U.S. ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, accused Russia of "aggressive behavior", and posing a "clear threat to international peace and security". She said Russia had made the "largest military mobilization for decades in Europe", and was trying "to paint Ukraine and Western countries as the aggressors to fabricate a pretext for attack".[452] [453] [454]

Russia's ambassador to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, accused the West of "hysterics" and of "whipping up tensions" over Ukraine.[452] [453] [454] He accused the U.S. of "stoking the conflict" and said the UNSC meeting was "an attempt to drive a wedge between Russia and Ukraine". According to him, Ukraine was not abiding by the Minsk Protocols of 2014 and 2015 to end the conflict with the separatists, and Western nations were "pumping Ukraine full of weapons" contrary to the Minsk Protocols. Nebenzya added that Ukraine's violation of the Minsk Protocols could end in the 'worst way'.[455] Ukrainian permanent representative at the UN Sergiy Kyslytsya said Russia had deployed 112,000 troops near Ukraine's borders and in Crimea, with 18,000 deployed at sea off Ukraine's coast. China's permanent representative, Zhang Jun, said the meeting was counterproductive and "quiet diplomacy, not megaphone diplomacy" was needed.[456] [457]

Later, the 21 February intervention in the Donbas was widely condemned by the UN Security Council, and did not receive any support.[458] Kenya's ambassador, Martin Kimani, compared Putin's move to colonialism and said "We must complete our recovery from the embers of dead empires in a way that does not plunge us back into new forms of domination and oppression."[459] Another UN Security Council meeting was convened on 23–24 February 2022 meant to defuse the crisis; however, Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine during the meeting.[460] Russia invaded while holding the presidency of the UN Security Council for February 2022, and has veto power as one of five permanent members.[461]

International treaties and negotiation structures

On 15 December 2021, Russia proposed documents that it referred to as "draft treaties", which referred to multiple international agreements, including the Charter for European Security and the NATO–Russia Council (NRC). Responses from NATO and the U.S. in January 2022 referred to NRC, the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE), the United States–Russia Strategic Stability Dialogue (SSD), the Helsinki Final Act, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the Normandy Format, and other treaties and forums.

Treaties and negotiation forums
NameMain partiesFirst signatures or date formedLegal statusDiscussed inReferences
Budapest Memorandum on Security AssurancesUkraine, Russia, United States, United Kingdom1994Non-bindingJan 2022 U.S. response to Russia
Charter for European SecurityOSCE members1999Non-bindingDec 2021 Russian draft for U.S.–Russia Agreement
NATO–Russia Council (NRC)NATO, Russia2002Informal forumDec 2021 Russian draft for Russia–NATO Treaty
Normandy FormatFrance, Germany, Russia, Ukraine2014Informal forumJan 2022 U.S. response to Russia
Trilateral Contact Group on UkraineUkraine, Russia and OSCE2014Informal forumJan 2022 U.S. response to Russia
United States–Russia Strategic Stability Dialogue (SSD)U.S., Russia2021Informal forumJan 2022 U.S. response to Russia

On 4 March 2022, Russia informed Norway that it would be unable to attend Norway's Cold Response, a biennial exercise that involves 30,000 troops from 27 countries.[462]

Lavrov–EU correspondence

On the pan-European level, Lavrov sent separate letters to European Union (EU) and NATO countries on 30 January 2022, asking them "not to strengthen their security at the expense of the security of others" and demanding an individual reply from each.[463] Even though the text repeatedly referred to the OSCE, not all OSCE members received the letters.[464]

A few days later, on 3 February 2022, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and other EU leaders stated that a collective EU response to Lavrov's letter was forthcoming, coordinated with NATO.[465] [466] [467] On 10 February, the EU High Representative Josep Borrell sent a response on behalf of all 27 EU member states, offering "to continue dialogue with Russia on ways to strengthen the security of all"[468] and asking Russia to de-escalate by withdrawing troops from around Ukraine.[469]

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. News: Russia recognises Ukraine separatist regions . 21 February 2022 . . 21 February 2022.
  2. Web site: . ru:Захарова: РФ и Беларусь вынуждены реагировать на наращивание сил НАТО у общих границ . . 20 January 2022 . 20 January 2022 . ru . Zakharova: Russia and Belarus are forced to respond to the build-up of NATO forces near their common border . На брифинге Захарова подчеркнула, что на происходящее Москва и Минск вынуждены адекватно реагировать. В частности, путем совместного патрулирования воздушного пространства, регулярных совместных тренировок, а также учений. Так, уже в феврале пройдет совместное учение "Союзная решимость-2022". На территорию Беларуси уже начали прибывать подразделения из состава ВС РФ. . At the briefing, Zakharova stressed that Moscow and Minsk were forced to respond adequately to what was happening. In particular, through joint patrolling of the airspace, regular joint training, and exercises. So, in February, the joint exercise "Allied Resolve-2022" will be held. Units from the RF Armed Forces have already begun to arrive on the territory of Belarus. . 20 January 2022 . . live.
  3. Web site: Russia Positioning Helicopters, in Possible Sign of Ukraine Plans . Julian E. . Barnes . Michael . Crowley . Eric . Schmitt . 10 January 2022 . . 20 January 2022 . 22 January 2022 . live . subscription . American officials had expected additional Russian troops to stream toward the Ukrainian border in December and early January, building toward a force of 175,000..
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  14. News: Kramer . Andrew E. . 9 April 2021. Russian Troop Movements and Talk of Intervention Cause Jitters in Ukraine . . . subscription . 8 February 2022 . 0362-4331 . Russia has amassed more troops on the Ukrainian border than at any time since 2014..
  15. News: Photographs by Maxar Technologies . 20 April 2021 . Satellite images show Russian military buildup along Ukraine border . . . 19 February 2022.
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  17. Bielieskov . Mykola . 21 September 2021 . The Russian and Ukrainian Spring 2021 War Scare . live . . 25 November 2021 . 22 January 2022 . . Ukrainian estimates provided to the OSCE in June 2021 show that only 12,000 Russian forces were removed from the border, and the rest remain in place..
  18. News: Troianovski . Anton . Anton Troianovski . Sanger . David E. . David E. Sanger . 16 January 2022 . Russia Issues Subtle Threats More Far-Reaching Than a Ukraine Invasion . . . subscription . 27 January 2022 . 0362-4331 . No one expected much progress from this past week's diplomatic marathon to defuse the security crisis Russia has ignited in Eastern Europe by surrounding Ukraine on three sides with 100,000 troops and then, by the White House's accounting, sending in saboteurs to create a pretext for invasion..
  19. News: Kiely . Eugene . Farley . Robert . 24 February 2022 . Russian Rhetoric Ahead of Attack Against Ukraine: Deny, Deflect, Mislead . . 27 February 2022.
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  22. News: Sanger . David E. . 10 January 2022 . In U.S.-Russia Talks, How Far Can Putin Turn Back the Clock? . . . live . subscription . 21 January 2022 . . 19 January 2022 . 0362-4331 . The lesson of the past year may be that while the Cold War is long over, Cold War-like behavior lives on. And in the three decades since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the tension between the world's two principal nuclear adversaries has never been worse — making the pathway to a peaceful de-escalation harder to discern..
  23. Web site: Isachenkov . Vladimir . 26 December 2021 . Putin to mull options if West refuses guarantees on Ukraine . live . . 22 January 2022 . 22 January 2022 . . Associated Press. Moscow.
  24. Web site: Mark . Gongloff . 13 January 2022 . Putin Launches an Unwelcome Cold War Reboot . subscription . live . . 21 January 2022 . 21 January 2022 . . . This practice lost favor, perhaps not coincidentally, right around the time the Soviet Union's sphere popped like a balloon in a Chuck E. Cheese brawl. That left the United States alone with a world-sized balloon, at which point everybody agreed spheres of influence were passé. Now, with the growing shakiness of the Pax Americana as Chinese and Russian powers grow, this ugly game is rebooting yet again, Andreas warns..
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  48. Remarks concerning Ukraine by Vladimir Putin. . RT. 21 February 2022. Minutes 41:17–42:58. "Because of the openness and goodwill, our goodwill, relations between Russia and the West were at a high level. Russia fulfilled all its obligations, we withdrew troops from Germany, from the central and European countries, and it made a huge contribution in overcoming the legacy of the Cold War. We consistently suggested all kinds of cooperation, including in the form of the NATO council and OECD. ... [When I asked], how would America see Russia joining NATO? ... How did Americans really look at this possibility? You can see it in their practical steps, in regard for a country: Open support of the terrorists in North Caucasus; Ignoring our demands and our concerns in the security area; Withdrawing from the arms treaties, and so on and so forth. It still begs the question, why? Why did they do that? What for? Okay, you don't want to see a friend in us, an ally in us. But why do you want to make an enemy out of us?"
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  70. News: 11 January 2020 . Relations with Ukraine . NATO. 15 February 2022 . In September 2020, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy approved Ukraine's new National Security Strategy, which provides for the development of the distinctive partnership with NATO with the aim of membership in NATO..
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  73. News: 24 March 2021 . Zelensky enacts strategy for de-occupation and reintegration of Crimea . . . 15 February 2022 . Decree No. 117/2021 of March 24 on enactment of the relevant decision of the National Security and Defense Council was published on the website of the Head of State..
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  83. News: Taylor . Paul . 23 November 2021 . Ukraine: NATO's original sin . . . 1 February 2022 . The result heightened Kremlin's fears of encirclement and of losing the strategic depth that enabled Russia to prevail over Western invaders twice ... no amount of assurances that NATO is not a threat to Russia, that its purpose is purely defensive or that none of its weapons would ever be used except in response to an attack could assuage Moscow..
  84. News: Guyer . Jonathan . 27 January 2022 . How America's NATO expansion obsession plays into the Ukraine crisis . Vox . . 20 February 2022 . To the West, it's a statement of autonomy; to Russia, it's a threat..
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  87. Web site: Bullough . Oliver . 28 March 2014 . Vladimir Putin: The rebuilding of 'Soviet' Russia . live . . 24 January 2022 . 25 January 2022 . . 'He does not understand that the collapse of the Soviet system was predetermined, therefore he believes his mission is to restore the Soviet system as soon as possible,' he (Vladimir Bukovsky) says..
  88. Web site: Rubin . Trudy . 11 January 2022 . Putin wants to reestablish the Russian empire. Can NATO stop him without war? . live . . 25 January 2022 . 25 January 2022 . . . He wants to rebuild the former Soviet sphere of influence that extended from Central Europe through Central Asia, and views this effort as a restoration of Russian greatness..
  89. Web site: 20 December 2021 . Lithuanian president: Russia's attempts to create 'zones of influence' will not be tolerated . live . . 25 January 2022 . 25 January 2022 . LRT English . . Photograph by Office of the Lithuanian President . Baltic News Service.
  90. Web site: Wiktor . Szary . Sobczak . Pawel . Emmott . Robin . Sytas . Andrius . Muller . Robert . Dagenborg . Joachim . 20 June 2016 . Boulton . Ralph . In push for equal NATO status, Poland asks for flashpoint troops . registration . live . . 25 January 2022 . 25 January 2022 . . Thomson Corporation . Brussels, Prague, Vilnius, Trondheim.
  91. News: Osborn . Andrew . 2023-06-06 . Canal irrigating Crimea getting 'drastically less' water after Ukraine dam blast, says Kremlin . en . . 2023-11-14.
  92. News: Mirovalev . Mansur . 21 May 2021 . The devastating human, economic costs of Crimea's annexation . . . live . 19 January 2022 . . 25 May 2021 . These days, Simferopol, the second-largest city on the Crimean Peninsula, gets water for three hours a day on weekdays and for five hours on weekends..
  93. News: Cooper . Helene . Barnes . Julian E. . Schmitt . Eric . 5 May 2021 . 80,000 Russian Troops Remain at Ukraine Border as U.S. and NATO Hold Exercises . The New York Times . Washington D.C. . live . subscription . 19 January 2022 . . 14 January 2022 . Senior American officials believe an incursion to secure the water supply remains a real threat. ... Senior Defense Department officials said that close to 80,000 Russian troops remained near various strips of the country's border with Ukraine, still the biggest force Russia has amassed there since Moscow annexed Crimea in 2014. ... The Russian military did order some units back to their barracks by May 1 — and they did move from the border — the officials said. But many of the units left their trucks and armored vehicles behind, a signal that they could go back if President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia decided to deploy them again..
  94. News: Troianovski . Anton . Anton Troianovski . 8 May 2021 . Where Ukrainians Are Preparing for All-Out War With Russia . The New York Times . . live . subscription . 19 January 2022 . . 24 May 2021 . In Washington, senior American officials believe that an incursion to secure the water supply remains a real threat, though the costs and difficulty of such a move appear to have been sufficient to dissuade Russia for now..
  95. Web site: Putin . Vladimir . Vladimir Putin . 12 July 2021 . Article by Vladimir Putin 'On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians' . 25 January 2022. 1 February 2022 . The Kremlin . . During the recent Direct Line, when I was asked about Russian–Ukrainian relations, I said that Russians and Ukrainians were one people – a single whole..
  96. Web site: Snyder . Timothy D. . Timothy D. Snyder . 18 January 2022 . How to think about war in Ukraine . live . . 19 January 2022 . 25 January 2021 . Thinking about... (newsletter) . . Historically speaking, the idea that a dictator in another country decides who is a nation and who is not is known as imperialism..
  97. Web site: Lucas . Edward . 15 September 2020 . Why Putin's history essay requires a rewrite . subscription . live . . 25 January 2022 . 25 January 2022. The Times.
  98. Web site: Roth . Andrew . 7 December 2021 . Putin's Ukraine rhetoric driven by distorted view of neighbor . live. . 7 December 2021 . 25 January 2021 . . Moscow . But that fear has gone hand-in-hand with chauvinistic bluster that indicates Moscow has a distorted view of modern Ukraine and the goals it wants to achieve there..
  99. Web site: Dickinson . Peter . Haring . Melinda . Lubkivsky . Danylo . Motyl . Alexander . Whitmore . Brian . Goncharenko . Oleksiy . Fedchenko . Yevhen . Bonner . Brian . Kuzio . Taras . 15 July 2021 . Putin's new Ukraine essay reveals imperial ambitions . live . . 15 July 2021 . 25 January 2021 . . Vladimir Putin's inaccurate and distorted claims are neither new nor surprising. They are just the latest example of gaslighting by the Kremlin leader..
  100. Web site: Wilson . Andrew . 23 December 2021 . Russia and Ukraine: 'One People' as Putin Claims? . live . . 24 January 2022 . 25 January 2022 . . Putin's key trope is that Ukrainians and Russians are 'one people', and he calls them both 'Russian'. He starts with a myth of common origin: 'Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians are all descendants of Ancient Rus', which was the largest state in Europe' from the 9th–13th centuries AD..
  101. 2022-02-02 . The Untold Story of the Ukraine Crisis . 2023-11-14 . Time . en.
  102. News: Свобода . Радіо . 2021-11-21 . Росія готується до нового нападу на Україну в січні-лютому – голова ГУР Міноборони . uk . . 2023-11-14.
  103. News: Ukraine Freezes Assets Under Name Of Wife Of Pro-Russian Politician Medvedchuk . en . . 2023-11-14.
  104. Web site: 2021-02-02 . Зеленський на п'ять років ввів санкції проти соратника Медведчука та його телеканалів . 2023-12-16 . . uk.
  105. News: Zinets . Natalia . 2021-05-11 . Ukraine advances treason case against Kremlin ally . en . . 2023-11-14.
  106. News: Mirovalev . Mansur . Who is Viktor Medvedchuk, Putin's main man in Ukraine? . 2023-11-14 . . en.
  107. Shuster . Simon . 2 February 2021 . The Untold Story of the Ukraine Crisis . live . . Kyiv . . . 25 February 2022 . 26 February 2022 . [D]ays after the Inauguration of President Joe Biden, America's allies in Kyiv decided to get tough on Medvedchuk. The Ukrainian government took his TV channels off the air, depriving Russia of its propaganda outlets in the country. The U.S. embassy in Kyiv applauded the move. ... The first inkling of Putin's response came less than two days later, at 7 a.m. on Feb. 21. In a little-noticed statement, the Russian Defense Ministry announced the deployment of 3,000 paratroopers to the border with Ukraine for 'large-scale exercises,' training them to 'seize enemy structures and hold them until the arrival of the main force.'.
  108. News: Stepura . Anton . 3 March 2021 . uk:Бойовики "ДНР" заявили про дозвіл вести "упереджувальний вогонь на знищення" . DNR militants declare permission to conduct "preemptive fire for destruction" . . live . . 24 January 2022 . 24 January 2022 . . . uk . Бойовики самоназваної 'ДНР' отримали дозвіл на ведення 'упереджувального вогню на знищення'. ... У заяві бойовиків ідеться, що 'підрозділам народної міліції дано дозвіл на ведення попереджувального вогню на придушення і знищення вогневих точок противника'. . Militants of the self-proclaimed 'DPR' received permission to conduct 'preemptive fire for destruction'. ... The statement of the militants states that 'the units of the people's militia were given permission to conduct warning fire to suppress and destroy enemy firing points.'.
  109. Web site: 16 March 2021 . uk:Російський вертоліт порушив повітряний простір України . Russian helicopter violates Ukrainian airspace . live . 18 March 2021 . 31 May 2021 . . . uk . 16 березня прикордонний наряд ДПСУ в Сумській області зафіксував заліт вертольоту (за ознаками – Мі-8 -ред.) з Російської Федерації на відстань близько 50 метрів на територію України. Після чого гелікоптер повернув у зворотному напрямку і залишив повітряний простір нашої держави. . On March 16, the SBGS border patrol in the Sumy region recorded a helicopter (Mi-8-ed.) flying from the Russian Federation at a distance of about 50 meters into Ukraine. Then the helicopter turned in the opposite direction and left the airspace of our state..
  110. Web site: Inna . Semenova . 29 March 2021 . uk:Найбільші втрати від початку перемир'я. Що сталося в бою під Шумами і як відповість Україна . The biggest losses since the beginning of the armistice. What happened in the battle of Shumy and how Ukraine will respond? . . live . . 23 January 2022 . 19 January 2022 . . uk . Бій біля селища Шуми (Донецька область) стався вдень 26 березня. Бойовики прицільно обстріляли українські позиції близько 13:45. ... Внаслідок обстрілу загинули четверо українських військовослужбовців, ще двох було поранено. . The battle near the village of Shumy (Donetsk region) took place in the afternoon of March 26, 2021. The militants fired at Ukrainian positions at about 1:45 p.m. ... Four Ukrainian servicemen were killed and two others were wounded in the shelling..
  111. News: 31 March 2021 . uk:Росія відмовилася повернутися до режиму припинення вогню з 1 квітня . uk . Russia has refused to return to the ceasefire since April 1 . Ukrainska Pravda . . . live . 3 November 2021 . . 3 November 2021 . Росія не підтримала пропозицію голови української делегації в ТКГ Леоніда Кравчука поновити режим припинення вогню на Донбасі з 00:00 1 квітня. . Russia did not support the proposal of the head of the Ukrainian delegation to the TCG Leonid Kravchuk to renew the ceasefire in the Donbass from 00:00 on April 1..
  112. Web site: Mackintosh . Zahra . Chernova . Eliza . Ullah . Anna . 2021-04-22 . Russia pulls back troops after massive buildup near Ukraine border . 2023-11-14 . . en.
  113. News: South . Todd . 15 March 2021 . Massive, Army-led NATO exercise Defender Europe kicks off . . . live . 22 January 2022 . . 24 October 2022.
  114. News: 4 April 2021 . Ukraine: purpose of upcoming Defender Europe 2021 exercise is to practice for war with Russia . UAWire . live . 22 January 2022 . . 19 January 2022.
  115. News: Zakharova . Maria . 15 April 2021 . Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, Moscow, April 15, 2021 . The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation . . Moscow . 18 April 2021 . . 18 April 2021 . These propaganda attacks demonstrate that the Alliance and its member countries want to justify their more intensive military activities in Ukraine and near it. ... I would like to remind you that throughout this year alone NATO is planning seven military exercises in Ukraine. ... NATO warships are entering the Black Sea ever more frequently; the number of such visits increased by one-third last year..
  116. Web site: 2021-04-14 . Russia masses troops near U.S. ally Ukraine. But what is Putin's goal? . 2023-11-14 . NBC News . en.
  117. News: 2022-01-15 . Analysis Here's what we know about Russia's military buildup near Ukraine. . en-US . Washington Post . 2023-11-14 . 0190-8286.
  118. Web site: Gressel . Gustav . 2021-11-17 . Russia's military movements: What they could mean for Ukraine, Europe, and NATO . 2023-11-14 . . en-GB.
  119. News: 14 April 2021 . Germany Says Russia Seeking To 'Provoke' With Troop Buildup At Ukraine's Border . . . . 19 February 2022 . 'My impression is that the Russian side is trying everything to provoke a reaction,' German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer told public broadcaster ARD television on April 14. ... [R]ussia has amassed more than 40,000 troops both on Ukraine's eastern border and in the occupied Crimean Peninsula..
  120. News: 2021-03-30 . Ukraine says Russian military buildup threatens its security . en . . 2023-11-14.
  121. Web site: Mukhina . Helen . 2021-03-30 . UNIAN: Ukraine's military chief elaborates on risks of offensive to retake Donbas - Mar. 30, 2021 . 2023-11-14 . Kyiv Post.
  122. Bielieskov . Mykola . 2021-09-21 . The Russian and Ukrainian Spring 2021 War Scare . . en.
  123. Web site: Mills . Claire . 18 February 2022 . Research Briefing Ukraine: Russia's "red line" . House of Commons.
  124. Web site: Kizilov . Eugene . 30 March 2021 . uk:Росія стягує війська до кордону з Україною – Хомчак . Russia draws troops to the border with Ukraine – Khomchak . . live . . 21 May 2021 . 31 May 2021 . . Dragon Capital . uk . [Р]осія стягує війська до кордону з Україною – у Брянську і Воронежську області РФ та до окупованого Криму. ... [с]таном на 30 березня вздовж російсько-українського кордону та на окупованих територіях Донбасу і Криму перебувають 28 батальйонних тактичних груп противника. ... Українське командування очікує, що незабаром біля українського кордону і в Криму Росія збере ще 'до 25 батальйонних тактичних груп, що в сукупності з наявними розгорнутими силами та засобами поблизу з державним кордоном України створює загрозу воєнній безпеці держави'. ... році Росія збільшила свою військову присутність на півострові до 32,7 тис. військових. ... на окупованому Донбасі розгорнуті 14 полків російської армії у складі 28 тисяч військових. ... На сході України перебуває також апарат військових радників та інструкторів у складі 2 тисяч осіб. . [R]ussia is withdrawing troops to the border with Ukraine – at Bryansk and Voronezh and at occupied Crimea. ... As of 30 March, there are 28 battalion tactical groups of the enemy along the Russian–Ukrainian border and in the occupied territories of Donbas and Crimea. ... The Ukrainian command expects that Russia will soon assemble 'up to 25 more battalion tactical groups near the Ukrainian border and in Crimea, which, together with the deployed forces and means near the state border of Ukraine, threatens the state's military security.' ... Russia increased its military presence on the peninsula to 32.7 thousand troops. ... 14 regiments of the Russian army consisting of 28,000 troops were deployed in the occupied Donbass. ... In the east of Ukraine there is also a staff of military advisers and instructors consisting of 2 thousand people. . Kyiv.
  125. Web site: Petrenko . Victoria . 2017-07-04 . UNIAN: Russia deploys over 60,000 troops along Ukraine border, in Crimea, Donbas - Jul. 04, 2017 . 2023-11-14 . Kyiv Post.
  126. Web site: 2021-04-01 . Ukraine says Russia massing troops on border, US warns Moscow . 2023-11-14 . . en.
  127. Web site: Russia deploys over 60,000 troops along Ukraine border, in Crimea, Donbas – Def. Ministry . 2023-11-14 . . en.
  128. News: Свобода. Радіо. 5 April 2021 . uk:Росія не є загрозою для України, пересування армії Росії не має викликати занепокоєння – Кремль . uk . Russia is not a threat to Ukraine, the movement of Russia's army should not be a concern – the Kremlin . . . live . 31 May 2021 . . 2 May 2021 . За його словами, це не має викликати 'ані найменшого занепокоєння'. 'Росія не є загрозою ні для однієї країни світу, в тому числі не є загрозою для України', – сказав Пєсков. . According to him, this should not cause 'the slightest concern.' 'Russia is not a threat to any country in the world, including not a threat to Ukraine,' Peskov said..
  129. Conley . Heather A. . Funaiole . Matthew P. . Bermudez . Joseph S. Jr. . Newlin . Cyrus . 22 April 2021 . Unpacking the Russian Troop Buildup along Ukraine's Border . live . . 27 December 2021 . 27 December 2021 . . On April 22, the Russian government appeared to turn down the heat on these deployments, with Minister Shoigu announcing a drawdown of the exercise and ordering troops to return to their permanent bases by May 1, to include the 58th Army of the Southern Military District, the 41st Army of the Central Military District, as well as the 7th and 76th Airborne Assault and 98th Airborne divisions, according to the statement. Importantly, the equipment and weapons of the 41st Army are to remain at Pogonovo, a military training ground 17 kilometers south of Voronezh..
  130. News: Roth . Andrew . 6 April 2021 . EU and UK pledge backing to Ukraine after Russian military buildup . . Moscow . live . 10 April 2021 . . 9 April 2021.
  131. Web site: 2 April 2021 . uk:Проліт "Алігаторів": як ЗС РФ практично реалізує інформаційні операції проти України під час військових навчань . The flight of the "Alligators": how the Russian Armed Forces practically implement information operations against Ukraine during military exercises . . live . . 19 January 2022 . 19 January 2022 . . uk . Сьогодні, 2 квітня, в російських джерелах, зокрема, на популярному телеграм- каналі 'Военный обозреватель', що афілійований з російськими силовими структурами, опублікували відео прольоту групи російських ударних вертольотів Ка-52 'Алігатор' і Мі-28 'Нічний мисливець', підкреслюючи при цьому, що проліт нібито відбувся на кордоні з Україною. Деякі регіональні джерела повідомляли, що російські вертольоти тільки наблизилися до кордону з Україною у районі Ростовської області РФ, але не перетинали його. . Translated via Google Translate: Today, 2 April, in Russian sources, in particular, on the popular telegram channel 'Military Observer', affiliated with the Russian security forces, published a video of the flight of a group of Russian attack helicopters Ka-52 'Alligator' and Mi-28 'Night Hunter'. emphasizing that the flight allegedly took place on the border with Ukraine. Some regional sources reported that Russian helicopters had just approached the border with Ukraine in the Rostov region of the Russian Federation but did not cross it..
  132. Web site: Russia to investigate reported killing of child in Ukraine attack . 2023-11-14 . . . en.
  133. Web site: Disinfo: A 4-year-old child died in Donbas after Ukrainian army drone attack . EUvsDisinfo.
  134. Web site: Perepdaya . Elena . 4 April 2021 . uk:Українська армія відкидає застосування зброї проти цивільних на Донбасі . The Ukrainian army rejects the use of weapons against civilians in Donbass . . live . . 20 January 2022 . 19 January 2022 . . uk . Тим часом спікер російської Держдуми В'ячеслав Володін заявив, що керівництво України має понести відповідальність за смерть дитини під Донецьком та запропонував виключити Україну з Ради Європи. . Meanwhile, Russian State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin said Ukraine's leadership should be held responsible for the child's death near Donetsk and suggested excluding Ukraine from the Council of Europe..
  135. Web site: 6 April 2021 . uk:Якщо Кремль шукає "казус беллі", вкидаючи цинічні фейки, світ це має сприймати всерйоз . If the Kremlin is looking for a "casus belli" by throwing cynical fakes, the world should take it seriously . . live . . 20 January 2022. 19 January 2022 . . . uk . За повідомленням Української делегації для участі у Тристоронній контактній групі, 'Українська сторона Спільного центру з контролю та координації 5 квітня 2021 року надіслала Спеціальній моніторинговій місії ОБСЄ в Україні ноту щодо намірів окупаційної адміністрації фальсифікувати події в н.п. Олександрівське Донецької області України'. . According to the Ukrainian delegation to participate in the Tripartite Contact Group, 'On April 5, 2021, the Ukrainian side of the Joint Monitoring and Coordination Center sent a note to the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine regarding the occupation administration's intentions to falsify events. Oleksandrivske, Donetsk region of Ukraine'..
  136. Web site: Lavrenyuk . Yaroslava . 5 April 2021 . uk:Фейк: На Донбасі внаслідок атаки українського безпілотника загинула дитина (оновлено) . Fake: A child died in Donbas as a result of a Ukrainian drone attack (updated). . live . . 20 January 2022 . 19 January 2022. . uk . 6 квітня Спеціальна моніторингова місія ОБСЄ в Україні підтвердила смерть дитини. Повідомляється, що вона померла 'в результаті вибухової травми й множинних осколкових поранень'. Інформація про те, що дитина загинула в результаті удару українського безпілотника відсутня. . On April 6, the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine confirmed the death of a child. She reportedly died 'as a result of an explosive injury and multiple shrapnel wounds.' There is no information that the child died as a result of a Ukrainian drone strike..
  137. Web site: 6 April 2021. uk:На Донеччині загинули двоє українських військових. Two Ukrainian servicemen killed in Donetsk region. live. 15 April 2021. 31 May 2021. uk. Внаслідок обстрілу українських позицій російськими найманцями поблизу населеного пункту Невельське, що на Донеччині, загинув український військовий. Ще один захисник загинув поблизу Степного через підрив на невідомому вибуховому пристрої. [Translated: A Ukrainian serviceman was killed as a result of shelling of Ukrainian positions by Russian mercenaries near the town of Nevelske in the Donetsk region. Another defender was killed near Stepny by an unknown explosive device.]. Ukrinform.
  138. Web site: 19 February 2022 . Ukraine will not respond to provocations, Zelensky says . 19 February 2022 . BBC.
  139. Web site: 6 April 2021. uk:Через обстріл на Донеччині 50 населених пунктів залишилися без води. Due to the shelling in Donetsk region, 50 settlements were left without water. live. 8 April 2021. 31 May 2021. uk. У Донецькій області внаслідок обстрілу знеструмлена насосна станція першого підйому Південно-донбаського водогону. Постачання води споживачам припинене. Як передає Укрінформ, про це увечері 6 квітня повідомили в комунальному підприємстві 'Компанія 'Вода Донбасу'. Повідомляється, що від цієї насосної станції вода постачається майже до 50 населених пунктів регіону, на чотири фільтрувальні станції ... [Translated: In the Donetsk region, as a result of the shelling, the pumping station of the first rise of the South Donbas water supply system was de-energized. Water supply to consumers has been suspended. According to Ukrinform, this was announced in the evening of April 6 at the utility company 'Water of Donbass'. It is reported that from this pumping station water is supplied to almost 50 settlements of the region, to four filtering stations ...]. Ukrinform.
  140. Web site: Murphy . Tim . Lister . Anna . Chernova . Gianluca . Kostenko . Paul . Mezzofiore . Maria . 2023-10-05 . Satellite imagery indicates Russia moving navy ships to other ports after Sevastopol attacks . 2023-11-14 . . en.
  141. News: 2021-04-17 . Russia beefs up warship presence in Black Sea as Ukraine tensions simmer . en . . 2023-11-14.
  142. Web site: uk:Росія перекидає кораблі з Каспію на Чорне море. Russia transfers ships from the Caspian Sea to the Black Sea. live. 19 January 2022. 19 January 2022. Militarnyi. uk. Росія, як заявляється у рамках навчань, перекидає кораблі з Каспію на Чорне море. Про це пише Интерфакс. Міжфлотський перехід почали десантні та артилерійські катери Каспійської флотилії. Заявляється, що екіпажі та кораблі Каспійської флотилії будуть здавати підсумкові морські навчання у взаємодії з Чорноморським флотом. [Translated: Russia, as stated in the exercise, is transferring ships from the Caspian Sea to the Black Sea. This was reported by Interfax. The landing and artillery boats of the Caspian flotilla began the inter-naval crossing. It is stated that the crews and ships of the Caspian Flotilla will pass the final naval exercises in cooperation with the Black Sea Fleet.].
  143. Web site: 10 April 2021 . Meeting Requested by Ukraine under Vienna Document Chapter III Regarding Unusual Russian Military Activity . live . U.S. Mission to the OSCE . . . 24 February 2022 . 27 February 2022.
  144. Web site: 10 April 2021 . Ukraine – Joint statement by France and Germany at the OSCE (Vienna, 10 Apr. 2021) . 27 January 2022 . Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères . Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs.
  145. Web site: 17 April 2021 . uk:Консула в Петербурзі Сосонюка затримали на кілька годин, і він уже в дипустанові. Україна готує відповідь, – речник МЗС Ніколенко . Consul in St. Petersburg Sosoniuk was detained for several hours, and he is already in the embassy. Ukraine is preparing an answer, – Foreign Ministry spokesman Nikolenko . . live . . 31 May 2021 . 31 May 2021 . . uk . ...сьогодні вранці стало відомо, що український консул Олександр Сосонюк затриманий в російському місті Санкт-Петербург. Його затримала ФСБ нібито "під час отримання інформації закритого характеру під час зустрічі з громадянином РФ". . ...this morning it became known that the Ukrainian consul Alexander Sosonyuk is detained in the Russian city of St. Petersburg. He was detained by the FSB allegedly "while receiving confidential information during a meeting with a Russian citizen.".
  146. News: Yavorovich . Tatiana . 17 April 2021 . uk:Затримання українського консула: Єнін розповів, як у Росії підставили Сосонюка . Detention of the Ukrainian consul: Yenin told how Sosoniuk was set up in Russia . live . . 20 January 2022 . 19 January 2022 . Суспільне | Новини . uk . У Міністерстві закордонних справ України припускають, що затримання консула Генерального консульства України Олександра Сосонюка у Санкт-Петербурзі готувалось за заздалегідь спланованим сценарієм. . The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine assumes that the detention of the Consul General of Ukraine Oleksandr Sosonyuk in St. Petersburg was prepared according to a pre-planned scenario..
  147. Web site: Igor . Litvinenko . 22 April 2021 . uk:Висланий український консул покинув РФ . The deported Ukrainian consul left Russia . . live . . 31 May 2021 . 31 May 2021 . . uk . Висланий український консул Олександр Сосонюк виїхав з Російської Федерації вчора, 21 квітня. Він візьме коротку відпустку, після чого повернеться до роботи у зовнішньополітичному відомстві України. . The deported Ukrainian consul Oleksandr Sosonyuk left the Russian Federation yesterday, April 21. He will take a short vacation, after which he will return to work in the Foreign Ministry of Ukraine..
  148. Web site: Rokytna . Anastasia . 19 April 2021 . uk:Україна направила ноту російському дипломату. У нього є 72 години, щоб покинути країну . Ukraine sent a note to a Russian diplomat. He has 72 hours to leave the country . . live . . 25 April 2021 . 31 May 2021 . . uk . Україна направила ноту російському дипломату. Щоб покинути країну, у нього є 72 години. Про це повідомив в коментарі РБК-Україна речник Міністерства закордонних справ України Олег Ніколенко. . Ukraine sent a note to a Russian diplomat. He has 72 hours to leave the country. This was announced in a comment to RBC-Ukraine by the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Oleh Nikolenko..
  149. Web site: 14 April 2021 . uk:Патрушев заявив про "загрозу терактів і диверсій" у Криму . Patrushev said there was a "threat of terrorist attacks and sabotage" in Crimea . . live. . 19 January 2022 . 20 January 2022 . . uk . Секретар Ради безпеки Росії Микола Патрушев на нараді, яку він провів в анексованому Криму 14 квітня, заявив, що 'українські спецслужби намагаються організувати теракти і диверсії' на території півострова. . Russia's Security Council Secretary Mykola Patrushev said at a meeting in annexed Crimea on April 14 that 'Ukrainian special services are trying to organize terrorist attacks and sabotage' on the peninsula..
  150. Web site: Dickinson . Peter . 2021-06-15 . Putin's Ukraine War: Will Russia attempt a Black Sea blockade? . 2023-11-14 . . en-US.
  151. Web site: Кораблі ФСБ РФ намагались спровокувати ВМСУ біля Керченської протоки: "Гюрзи-М" дали гідну відсіч . Ships of the FSB of the Russian Federation tried to provoke the Navy near the Kerch Strait: "Gyurzy-M" gave a decent rebuff . live. . 19 January 2022 . 19 January 2022 . Defense Express . У ніч з 14 на 15 квітня цього року відбувся інцидент в Азовському морі між трьома малими броньованими катерами "Гюрза-М" ВМС України та п'ятьма катерами і кораблем Берегової охорони Прикордонної служби ФСБ РФ...За його словами, інцидент відбувся 25 милях від Керченської протоки, коли катери наших ВМС виконували супровід цивільних суден...Щоб зупинити провокації, нашим морякам довелось попередити про готовність застосувати бортове озброєння. За даними Клименка, інцидент обійшовся без жодних втрат для нашого флоту, усі катери ВМС України успішно повернулись назад до гавані. . On the night of April 14–15 this year, an incident took place in the Sea of Azov between three small armored boats "Gyurza-M" of the Ukrainian Navy and five boats and a ship of the Coast Guard of the FSB Border Guard...According to him, the incident took place 25 miles from the Kerch Strait, when the boats of our Navy escorted civilian ships...To stop the provocations, our sailors had to warn about the readiness to use airborne weapons. According to Klymenko, the incident was without any losses for our fleet, all boats of the Ukrainian Navy successfully returned back to the harbor..
  152. Web site: 2021-04-16 . Russia to Close Parts of Black Sea for 6 Months . 2023-11-14 . . en.
  153. Web site: 15 April 2021 . Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in connection with the restriction of freedom of navigation in the Black Sea by the Russian Federation . 2023-11-14 . . uk.
  154. Web site: uk:Міністерство закордонних справ України – Заява МЗС України у зв'язку із обмеженням Російською Федерацією свободи судноплавства в Чорному морі . Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine – Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in connection with the Russian Federation's restriction of freedom of navigation in the Black Sea . . live . . 4 November 2021 . 19 January 2022 . . uk . Російська Федерація оголосила про закриття з наступного тижня до жовтня 2021 року частини акваторій Чорного моря в напрямку Керченської протоки для військових кораблів та державних суден інших країн під приводом військових навчань. Такі дії Російської Федерації є черговою спробою в порушення норм і принципів міжнародного права узурпувати суверенні права України як прибережної держави, оскільки саме Україна наділена правами регулювати судноплавство в цих акваторіях Чорного моря. . The Russian Federation has announced the closure from next week to October 2021 of part of the Black Sea in the direction of the Kerch Strait for warships and state vessels of other countries under the pretext of military exercises. Such actions of the Russian Federation are another attempt in violation of the norms and principles of international law to usurp the sovereign rights of Ukraine as a coastal state, as it is Ukraine that has the right to regulate navigation in these Black Sea areas..
  155. Web site: Yuri . Godovan . 20 April 2021 . uk:Військ РФ біля кордону України зараз більше, ніж у 2014 році – Пентагон . Size of Russian troops near the Ukrainian border are now larger than in 2014 – the Pentagon . . live . . 26 April 2021 . 31 May 2021 . Ukrainian Independent Information Agency (UNIAN) . uk . У Пентагоні заявили, що Росія зосередила поблизу кордону з Україною більше військ, ніж у 2014 році. Про це заявив речник оборонного відомства США Джон Кірбі, передає "Радіо Свобода". . The Pentagon said that Russia had concentrated more troops near the border with Ukraine than in 2014. This was stated by spokesman for the US Department of Defense John Kirby, reports "Radio Liberty". . Reuters.
  156. Web site: 20 April 2021 . uk:РФ обмежила польоти над частиною Криму і Чорного моря, – NOTAM . Russia has restricted flights over part of the Crimea and the Black Sea – NOTAM . live . . 23 April 2021 . 31 May 2021 . . uk . Росія ввела з 20 по 24 квітня тимчасові обмеження на польоти над частиною Криму і Чорного моря. Про це йдеться в міжнародному повідомленні для пілотів (NOTAM), інформує Цензор.НЕТ із посиланням на Інтерфакс-Україна. . Russia has imposed temporary restrictions on flights over parts of Crimea and the Black Sea from April 20 to 24. This is stated in the International Notice to Pilots (NOTAM), informs Censor.NET with reference to Interfax-Ukraine..
  157. News: Kramer . Andrew E. . Troianovski . Anton . 2021-04-22 . Russia Orders Partial Pullback From Ukraine Border Region . en-US . The New York Times . 2023-11-14 . 0362-4331.
  158. Web site: Lee . Rob . August 2021 . Russia's Coercive Diplomacy . Foreign Policy Research Institute.
  159. Web site: 24 February 2023 . 'Something Was Badly Wrong': When Washington Realized Russia Was Actually Invading Ukraine . Politico.
  160. Web site: Росія відмовилась продовжити мандат місії ОБСЄ на українсько-російському кордоні - ЗМІ . 2023-04-02 . . uk.
  161. Web site: Medvedev . Dmitry . 11 October 2021 . ru:Почему бессмысленны контакты с нынешним украинским руководством . Why contacts with the current Ukrainian leadership are meaningless . . live . . 21 January 2022 . . ru . Дураков сражаться за Украину нет. А нам с вассалами дело иметь бессмысленно. Дела нужно вести с сюзереном ... Бессмысленность и даже вредность отношений с нынешними руководителями Украины состоит еще и в том, что во главе этой страны стоят невежественные и необязательные люди. Они постоянно меняют позицию в угоду своим заокеанским хозяевам и политической конъюнктуре ... Тогда встает извечный и главный вопрос: что делать в этой ситуации? А ничего. Дождаться появления на Украине вменяемого руководства, которое нацелено не на тотальную конфронтацию с Россией на грани войны, не на организацию дебильных 'Крымских платформ', созданных для оболванивания населения страны и подкачки своих мускулов перед выборами, а на выстраивание равноправных и взаимовыгодных отношений с Россией. Вот только с таким руководством Украины и стоит иметь дело. Россия умеет ждать. Мы люди терпеливые. . There are no fools to fight for Ukraine. And it is pointless for us to deal with vassals. Business must be done with the suzerain ... The senselessness and even harmfulness of relations with the current leaders of Ukraine also lies in the fact that ignorant and unnecessary people are at the head of this country. They constantly change their position to please their overseas masters and the political situation ... Then the eternal and main question arises: what to do in this situation? But nothing. Wait for the emergence of a sane leadership in Ukraine, which is aimed not at a total confrontation with Russia on the brink of war, not at organizing moronic 'Crimean platforms' created to fool the population of the country and pump up their muscles before the elections, but at building equal and mutually beneficial relations with Russia. That's just with such a leadership of Ukraine and it is worth dealing with. Russia knows how to wait. We are patient people..
  162. Web site: 11 October 2021 . Russia Shouldn't Negotiate With 'Vassal' Ukraine, Ex-President Medvedev Says. live . . 21 January 2022 . . The Kremlin said later Monday that Medvedev's article "runs in unison" with Russia's view of the current Ukrainian government..
  163. News: Vladimir . Isachenkov . 12 November 2021 . Kremlin denies plans to invade Ukraine, alleges NATO threats . . live . 24 December 2021 . . 10 December 2021 . The Russian Defense Ministry described the deployment of the U.S. warships USS Mount Whitney and USS Porter, which sailed into the Black Sea last week, as a "threat to regional security and strategic stability." "The real goal behind the U.S. activities in the Black Sea region is exploring the theater of operations in case of Kyiv's attempts to settle the conflict in the southeast by force," the ministry said in a statement..
  164. Web site: Ellyatt . Holly . 17 November 2021 . The world is worried Putin is about to invade Ukraine. Here's why . live . . 18 November 2021 . 18 November 2021 . . NBCUniversal News Group.
  165. News: Sarah . Rainford . 27 November 2021 . Russia-Ukraine border: Why Moscow is stoking tensions . . . . live . 24 December 2021 . . 25 December 2021 . In recent weeks, Russian tanks have been moving west towards Ukraine once again, prompting fresh, even starker warnings from US intelligence circles that a cross-border offensive could be on the cards..
  166. News: 2 November 2021 . Центр оперативного інформування про безпекову ситуацію поблизу державного кордону України . Center of Operations informing on the security situation near the Ukrainian state border . . . 19 February 2022 . За даними Головного управління розвідки Міністерства оборони, станом на початок листопада 2021 року біля нашого кордону та на тимчасово окупованих територіях Російською Федерацією зосереджено угруповання військ (сил) загальною чисельністю близько 90-та тисяч осіб. До його складу входять війська 8-ї,20-ї армій Південного та Західного військових округів, а також сили та засоби Чорноморського флоту РФ. Крім того, поблизу нашого кордону базуються окремі з'єднання та частини 4-ї,6-ї армій військово-повітряних сил та протиповітряної оборони повітряно-космічних сил збройних сил Російської Федерації. . According to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defence, as of early October 2021, the Russian Federation has established a grouping of troops (forces) of an estimated 90,000 troops near our border and in the temporarily occupied territories. It includes forces of the 8th and 20th Armies of the Eastern and Western Military Districts, as well as forces and equipment of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. In addition, some units of the 4th and 6th Armies of the Military and Air Defence Forces and the anti-aircraft defense forces of the Russian Federation are based near our cordon..
  167. Web site: TOI Staff . 14 November 2021 . Ukraine's president says 100,000 Russian troops amassed near border . live . . 18 November 2021. 19 November 2021 . . Ukraine's president has said some 100,000 Russian troops are amassed near his country's border. . Associated Press.
  168. News: Harris . Shane . Sonne . Paul . 3 December 2021 . Russia planning massive military offensive against Ukraine involving 175,000 troops, U.S. intelligence warns . . live. subscription . 12 January 2022 . . 30 December 2021 . While Ukrainian assessments have said Russia has approximately 94,000 troops near the border, the U.S. map puts the number at 70,000..
  169. Web site: 13 November 2021 . Interview with Rossiya TV channel . live--> . 20 February 2022 . . . . I have not seen such alarmist declarations, so far, at least. But I suppose it is as you say. Indeed, the United States and their NATO allies are presently conducting an unscheduled, and I want to stress that it is unscheduled, drill in the Black Sea. . 3 February 2022 .
  170. News: Altman . Howard . 21 November 2021 . Russia preparing to attack Ukraine by late January: Ukraine defense intelligence agency chief . . . 19 February 2022 . Russia has more than 92,000 troops amassed around Ukraine's borders..
  171. Web site: 21 November 2021 . ru:Глава разведки Украины назвал протесты в Киеве подготовкой России к военному вторжению . Ukrainian intelligence chief calls protests in Kyiv preparations for Russian military invasion . . live . . 3 December 2021 . 23 December 2021 . . Kommersant Publishing House . ru . За недавними протестами против вакцинации от COVID-19 в Киеве и другими митингами на Украине стоит Россия — это подготовка к масштабному военному вторжению, заявил руководитель главного управления разведки Министерства обороны Украины Кирилл Буданов. . Translation via DeepL Translator; Photo by the Office of the President of Ukraine: Russia is behind the recent protests against COVID-19 vaccination in Kiev and other rallies in Ukraine in preparation for a large-scale military invasion, said the head of the main intelligence department of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, Kirill Budanov..
  172. Web site: Solovyov . Vladimir . 25 November 2021 . ru:Ненормандское положение вещей . The Abnormal State of Affairs . . live . . 26 December 2021 . 23 December 2021 . . Kommersant Publishing House . ru . Ожидать активных действий, по его словам, следует в январе-феврале будущего года. . Expect active action, he said, should be in January–February next year..
  173. News: Hacaoglu . Selcan . Champion . Marc . 3 December 2021 . Ukraine Angers Russia by Buying Turkish Drones and Wants To Get Its Hands On More . . . live . subscription. . 18 February 2022 . 27 February 2022.
  174. News: Kiselyova . Maria . Tétrault-Farber . Gabrielle . 1 December 2021 . Russia says Ukraine has deployed half its army to Donbas conflict zone . . . . Osborn . Andrew . live . 24 December 2021 . . 12 December 2021.
  175. News: 10 December 2021 . Russia accuses Ukraine of mobilising artillery, feigning negotiations . . . . live . 24 December 2021 . . 12 December 2021.
  176. News: Trevelyan . Mark . 9 December 2021 . UPDATE 1-Russia accuses Ukraine of mobilising artillery, feigning negotiations . . . . . Kerry . Frances. live . 24 December 2021 . . 25 December 2021.
  177. News: 21 November 2021 . Russia slams Western 'hysteria' over Ukraine . . live . 24 December 2021 . . 20 December 2021.
  178. News: 23 November 2021 . U.S. 'Escalating' Russia-Ukraine Tensions by Arming Kyiv – Kremlin . . . live . 24 December 2021 . . 27 November 2021.
  179. News: Rodionov . Maxim . 21 November 2021 . Kremlin accuses West of artificially whipping up Ukraine tensions . . . . Osborn . Andrew . Maclean . William . live . 24 December 2021 . . 24 December 2021.
  180. News: Solovyov . Vladimir . Kovalenko . Marina . 3 December 2021 . ru:За нашу соседскую родину . ru . For our neighbouring country . 1 . . 221 . . live . 23 December 2021 . . 26 December 2021 . В Киеве это восприняли как однозначную угрозу. Там с уверенностью говорят о практически неминуемом масштабном конфликте с Россией. Такие опасения 3 декабря высказал министр обороны республики Алексей Резников, выступивший перед депутатами Верховной рады. . In Kyiv, this was perceived as a clear threat. They speak with confidence about an almost inevitable large-scale conflict with Russia. Such fears were expressed on December 3 by the Minister of Defense of the Republic Oleksii Reznikov, who spoke to the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada. "There is a possibility of a large-scale escalation from Russia. The most likely time to achieve readiness for escalation will be the end of January," Mr. Reznikov warned..
  181. News: 3 December 2021 . Ukraine says Russia amassed over 94,000 troops at border . . . . . 2021-12-04 . live . registration . 20 February 2022 . Ukraine's defense minister estimated Friday that Russia has amassed more than 94,000 troops near their borders and said there is a probability of a "large-scale escalation" in late January..
  182. Web site: 9 December 2021. Russia builds up forces on Ukrainian border. live. 10 December 2021. 30 December 2021. Politico. Janes. hese units include elements of the 41st Combined Arms Army's 74th and 35th Motorised Brigades, 120th Artillery Brigade, and 119th Missile Brigade, as well as limited elements of the 90th Tank Division's 6th Tank Regiment. Since late November, Janes has identified the 41st Combined Arms Army's 55th Motorised Brigade (Mountain) beginning to deploy over 4,000 km from the Tuva region to Yelnya, including the brigade's three Tigr armoured car battalions and elements of its Nona-SVK self-propelled mortar battalion. ... Janes has identified the likely deployment of several new units to the Crimean Peninsula since the start of the October buildup. This includes elements of the 247th Airborne Regiment, at least one 42nd Motorised Division T-72B3 battalion, a Buk-M2 battalion likely from the 90th Air Defence Brigade, and a 34th Motorised Brigade (Mountain) battalion tactical group. Subsequent video footage indicates at least some of this equipment has since returned to its base in the Caucasus Mountains..
  183. News: 4 December 2021. US intelligence finds Russia planning military offensive against Ukraine. Business Standard. Associated Press. live. 23 January 2022. 8 December 2021. US intelligence officials have determined that Russian planning is underway for a possible military offensive against Ukraine that could begin as soon as early 2022 and would include an estimated 175,000 personnel, according to an administration official..
  184. News: Rai . Arpan . 2023-11-16 . Putin could face new war crime case as evidence suggests starvation of Ukraine was pre-planned . 2024-05-23 . . en.
  185. News: Schwirtz. Michael. Sanger. David E.. 18 January 2022. Russia Thins Out Its Embassy in Ukraine, a Possible Clue to Putin's Next Move. The New York Times. Kyiv. subscription. 31 January 2022. 0362-4331.
  186. Web site: Chance . Matthew . Atwood . Kylie . Lyons . Emmet . Kaufman . Ami . 19 January 2022 . Ukraine warns Russia has 'almost completed' build-up of forces near border . 31 January 2022 . .
  187. Web site: Wetzel. Tyson K.. Barranco. John B.. Johnson. Benjamin G.. Vardiman. Daniel. 21 January 2022. Will Russia make a military move against Ukraine? Follow these clues.. 31 January 2022. Atlantic Council. Additionally, Russia recently deployed other critical combat capabilities to the region..
  188. News: 31 January 2022 . Russian Navy adds to pressure on Ukraine and NATO . Navy Lookout .
  189. News: Russia cancelled Black Sea passage bid of four warships: Turkey . . . 2 March 2022.
  190. News: Tavsan . Sinan . Turkey rejects Russia's request for navy ships to pass Bosporus . . 2 March 2022.
  191. News: Mongilio . Heather . Turkey Closes Bosphorus, Dardanelles Straits to Warships . USNI News . . 28 February 2022.
  192. News: Brooks . Thomas A. . Turkey, the Montreux Convention, and Russian Navy Transits of the Turkish Straits . . . March 2022.
  193. News: Soldatkin . Vladimir . Balmforth . Tom . 20 January 2022 . Russia to hold major navy drills involving all its fleets . . . . Trevelyan . Mark . live . 24 January 2022 . . 24 January 2022.
  194. News: Batashvili. David. 30 January 2022. Geostrategic Activities. Rondeli Russian Military Digest. Rondeli Foundation. 118. live. 11 February 2022. 5 February 2022. Numerous sources indicated Russian troops' movements in various parts of Russia, in Belarus and in occupied Crimea. As a part of these movements, the Russian Eastern Military District's forces continued to enter Belarus ... the Russian forces already inside or moving into Belarus include those from: the 36th Army's ... the 29th Army's ... the 35th Army's ... the 5th Army's ... the Pacific Fleet's 155th Naval Infantry Brigade ... the 76th Air Assault Division's ... the 98th Airborne Division's ... the 11th Air Assault Brigade ....
  195. Web site: Isachenkov. Vladimir. 18 January 2022 . Russia sending more troops to Belarus amid rising tensions with Ukraine. live. 19 January 2022. 19 January 2022. Global News. Global Television Network. Ukrainian officials have warned that Russia could launch an attack on Ukraine from various directions, including from its ally Belarus.. Associated Press.
  196. Web site: Newswires. 18 January 2022 . US fears arrival of Russian troops could lead to nuclear weapons in Belarus. live. 19 January 2022. 19 January 2022. France 24. Agence France-Presse.
  197. Web site: Isachenkov. Vladimir. 19 January 2022 . Russia moves more troops westward amid Ukraine tensions. live. 19 January 2022. 19 January 2022. ABC News. American Broadcasting Company. Moscow. A senior Biden administration official said the Russian troop deployment to Belarus raises concerns that Moscow may be planning to stage troops there to stretch Ukraine's defenses with an attack from the north.. Associated Press.
  198. Web site: Mitchell. Ellen. 18 January 2022 . Russia sends troops to Belarus for war games. live. 19 January 2022. 19 January 2022. The Hill.
  199. Web site: Stewart . Phil . 30 January 2022 . Milliken . Mary . Bell . Alistair . Kerry . Frances . EXCLUSIVE Russia moves blood supplies near Ukraine, adding to U.S. concern, officials say . live . . . . . 27 February 2022 . 27 February 2022.
  200. News: Sanger . David E. . 20 January 2022 . Biden Predicts Putin Will Order Ukraine Invasion, but 'Will Regret Having Done It' . . . subscription . 1 February 2022 . 0362-4331 . President Biden said on Wednesday that he now expected President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia would order an invasion of Ukraine, delivering a grim assessment that the diplomacy and ... 'The answer is that I think he still does not want a full-blown war, No. 1. No. 2, do I think he'll test the West, test the United States and NATO as significantly as he can? Yes, I think he will, but I think he'll pay a serious and dear price for it that he doesn't think now will cost him what it's going to cost him. And I think he will regret having done it.'.
  201. News: 20 January 2022 . Joe Biden thinks Russia will attack Ukraine – but will face a 'stiff price' . .
  202. Web site: 2022-01-20 . Remarks by President Biden in Press Conference . 2023-09-30 . . en-US.
  203. News: Weymouth . Lally . 20 January 2022. Perspective Volodymyr Zelensky: 'Everyone will lose' if Russia invades Ukraine . . Nash Holdings. live . subscription. 21 January 2022 . . 21 January 2022 . 0190-8286 . I will say realistically if Russia decides to enhance their escalation, of course they are going to do this on those territories where historically there are people who used to have family links to Russia. Kharkiv, which is under Ukraine government control, could be occupied. Russia needs a pretext: They will say that they are protecting the Russian-speaking population ... If we are going to protect ourselves against one of the most powerful armies in the world, then this will be war. And if this will be war, it's going to be a very strong war, and everyone will lose..
  204. Web site: Stewart . Phil . Pamuk . Humeyra . 6 February 2022 . Milliken . Mary . Wallis. Daniel . Russian forces at 70% of level needed for full Ukraine invasion, U.S. officials say . live. . . . . 22 February 2022 . 27 February 2022.
  205. Web site: 10 February 2022 . ru:Отряд кораблей ВМФ РФ завершил переход в Севастополь . A detachment of ships of the Russian Navy has completed its passage to Sevastopol . . live . . 16 February 2022 . 27 February 2022 . . National Media Group . ru . 8 февраля в Минобороны РФ сообщили, что отряд из шести больших десантных кораблей ВМФ России направился в Черное море для учений ... 'Отряд больших десантных кораблей Военно-морского флота России в составе 'Королев', 'Минск', 'Калининград', 'Петр Моргунов', 'Георгий Победоносец' и 'Оленегорский горняк' завершил межфлотский переход вокруг Европы. В настоящий момент корабли заходят в главную базу Черноморского флота — город Севастополь', — говорится в сообщении. . Translated via DeepL Translator; photographs by Paul Lvov of RIA Novosti: On February 8, the Russian Defense Ministry reported that a detachment of six large landing ships of the Russian Navy has headed to the Black Sea for exercises ... 'A detachment of large landing ships of the Russian Navy consisting of the 'Korolev', 'Minsk', 'Kaliningrad', 'Pyotr Morgunov', 'Georgy Pobedonosets' and 'Olenegorsk Miner' has completed an inter-fleet crossing around Europe. At the moment the ships are calling at the main base of the Black Sea Fleet – the city of Sevastopol,' the report said..
  206. Web site: 10 February 2022. ru:Российские военные проведут учения с корабельными группами в Черном море. The Russian military will conduct exercises with ship groups in the Black Sea. live . Interfax. Interfax Group. Moscow. ru . . 21 February 2022 . 28 February 2022. В Черном море пройдут учения, в котором будут задействованы корабельные тактические группы Черноморского флота РФ, сообщила пресс-служба флота в четверг. [Translated: An exercise will be held in the Black Sea, in which naval tactical groups of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation will be involved, the press service of the fleet said on Thursday.].
  207. Web site: 10 February 2022. Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine on the Decision of the Russian Federation to Block Parts of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov and the Kerch Strait. live . The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. . . 24 February 2022 . 28 February 2022.
  208. Web site: Landale. James. 10 February 2022. Ukraine tensions: Russia accused of sea blockade. live . BBC Online. . . 15 February 2022 . 28 February 2022. Photographs by Reuters, Getty Images, and the Russian Defence Ministry: Ukraine has accused Russia of blocking its access to the sea as Russia prepares for naval exercises next week amid spiralling tension in the region..
  209. Web site: 10 February 2022. ru:Защитить воздушное пространство: как проходят учения 'Союзная решимость – 2022'. Protect airspace: how the 'Allied Resolve – 2022' exercises are going. live. Zvezda. Russian Ministry of Defence. ru. 13 February 2022. 27 February 2022. В Белоруссии стартовали совместные с Россией масштабные маневры 'Союзная решимость – 2022'. Военнослужащие будут тренироваться отражать внешнюю агрессию и вести оборонительные операции, пресекать проникновение диверсантов и перекрывать каналы незаконной поставки оружия. [Translation via [[Google Translate]]: Large-scale maneuvers 'Allied Resolve – 2022' jointly with Russia have started in Belarus. The servicemen will train to repel external aggression and conduct defensive operations, prevent the penetration of saboteurs and block the channels of illegal supply of weapons.].
  210. Web site: Walker. Shaun. 10 February 2022 . Russia and Belarus begin military drills near Belarusian border with Ukraine. live . The Guardian. . . 26 February 2022 . 28 February 2022.
  211. U.S. Rejects Russian Demand On NATO Expansion, But Offers 'Path' Out Of Ukraine Crisis
  212. News: Kaplan . Fred . October 12, 2022 . The Lessons of the Cuban Missile Crisis Are Actually Pretty Useless Right Now . .
  213. Web site: Herszenhorn. David M.. 11 February 2022. US warns war could be 'imminent' in Ukraine. live . Politico. . . 26 February 2022 . 28 February 2022. Contribution from Erin Banco, Jacopo Barigazzi, Lili Bayer, Quint Forgey, Cristina Gallardo, Jakob Hanke Vela, Paul McLeary, Nahal Toosi, Hans von der Burchard and Giorgio Leali; Photograph by Sergey Bobok (Agence-France Presse) via Getty Images. [U].S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan declined to describe specific intelligence, but insisted the attack could begin before the end of the Winter Olympics in Beijing on February 20..
  214. News: 12 February 2022 . Ukraine crisis: Biden and Putin to talk, Zelenskyy slams latest invasion warnings . . . . 20 February 2022 . According to a US official familiar with the findings, the US acquired intelligence that Russia is looking at Wednesday as a target date..
  215. Web site: Baumgärtner. Maik. Gebauer. Matthias. Knobbe. Martin. Schmid. Fidelius. 11 February 2022 . CIA rechnet mit russischem Angriff kommende Woche. CIA expects Russian attack next week. 13 February 2022. Der Spiegel. de. Als Datum für den möglichen Beginn der Invasion wurde der 16. Februar genannt. [Translation: February 16 was mentioned as a possible date for the start of the invasion.].
  216. Web site: Atwood. Kylie. Liebermann. Oren. 12 February 2022. Contribution by Kevin Liptak, Natasha Bertrand, Maegan Vazquez, Olga Voitovych, Kareem El Damanhoury, Darya Tarasova, Sharon Braithwaite, Donald Judd and Jennifer Hansler. US moves some forces out of Ukraine and orders evacuation of most embassy staff as fears of a Russian invasion grow. live . CNN. . . 27 February 2022 . 28 February 2022.
  217. Web site: Adams. Paul. 12 February 2022. Ukraine tensions: A dozen nations tell citizens to leave Ukraine. live . BBC Online. . . 23 February 2022 . 28 February 2022. Photographs by Reuters. Many countries, including Australia, Italy, Israel, the Netherlands and Japan have told their citizens to leave Ukraine. Some have also evacuated diplomatic staff and their families..
  218. Web site: Kim. Lisa. 12 February 2022. Dutch Airline KLM Suspends Flights To Ukraine Amid Rising Fears Of Russian Invasion. subscription. live. . . 28 February 2022 . 1 March 2022.
  219. Web site: 11 February 2022 . Putin could attack Ukraine on Feb. 16, Biden told allies . Politico.
  220. Web site: Baltic nations launch OSCE appeal over Russia-Belarus drill. 9 February 2022. 14 February 2022. Defense One.
  221. Web site: Russia Refuses Annual Vienna Document Data Exchange Arms Control Association . 2023-11-14 .
  222. News: Ozberk . Tayfun . 12 February 2022 . Russia's Improved Kilo-Class Submarine Entering Black Sea . Naval News .
  223. Web site: 14 February 2022. uk:Олексій Резніков провів телефонну розмову з Міністром оборони Республіки Білорусь Віктором Хреніним. Telephone conversation between Oleksii Reznikov and Viktor Khrenin, the Ukrainian Defence Minister. live. 14 February 2022. 14 February 2022. Ukrainian Ministry of Defence. Government of Ukraine. uk. З метою зміцнення взаємної довіри домовлено про візит аташе з питань оборони Республіки Білорусь в Україні на заходи навчань «Заметіль – 2022», а також про візит аташе з питань оборони України у Республіці Білорусь на заходи білорусько-російських навчань «Союзна рішучість - 2022». [Translated: In order to strengthen mutual trust, the visit of the Defense Attaché of the Republic of Belarus to Ukraine to the "Snowstorm - 2022" exercise, as well as the visit of the Defense Attaché of Ukraine to the Republic of Belarus to the Belarusian-Russian exercise "Union Determination - 2022" were agreed upon.].
  224. News: Photograph by Reuters. 15 February 2022. Russia skips OSCE meeting on Ukraine crisis. WION. WarnerMedia Entertainment Networks Asia Pacific. New Delhi. live. 15 February 2022. 15 February 2022.
  225. News: Reevell. Patrick. Photographs by Russian Defense Ministry Press Service via Associated Press. 16 February 2022. Russia says some troops returning to base from Ukraine border. ABC News. American Broadcasting Company. Lviv. 18 February 2022.
  226. Web site: 15 February 2022. Remarks by President Biden Providing an Update on Russia and Ukraine. 16 February 2022. The US government. Washington D.C..
  227. Web site: Jack. Victor. 16 February 2022 . NATO chief: Russia continues military buildup at Ukraine border. live . . . 27 February 2022 . 1 March 2022.
  228. News: Russia urges the West to end hysteria around Ukraine — Foreign Ministry spokeswoman . TASS . 16 February 2022.
  229. News: Ukraine president calls for 'day of unity' for Feb. 16, day some believe Russia could invade . Reuters . 14 February 2022.
  230. Web site: Boffey . Daniel . Borger . Julian . Sabbagh . Dan . 17 February 2022 . Joe Biden says risk of Russian invasion of Ukraine 'very high' . 17 February 2022 . . . "They are present in Donbas, and we have seen attempts to stage pretext, false-flag operations to provide an excuse for invading Ukraine.".
  231. Web site: Isachenkov . Vladimir . Karmanau . Yuras . Superville . Darlene . Cook . Lorne . 17 February 2022 . Biden: 'Every indication' Russia prepared to attack Ukraine . 17 February 2022 . . Associated Press. Kyiv.
  232. Web site: Jack . Victor . 17 February 2022 . NATO has 'seen' Russian false-flag attempts in Ukraine, Stoltenberg says . live . . . 21 February 2022 . 3 March 2022.
  233. Web site: Borger . Julian . Wintour . Patrick . 18 February 2022 . Biden 'convinced' Putin plans to invade but says diplomacy 'always a possibility . 18 February 2022 . . . "As of this moment, I'm convinced he's made the decision," he said, explaining his confidence by saying: "We have a significant intelligence capability.".
  234. Web site: 20 February 2022 . uk:Зведення про ситуацію в районі проведення операції Об'єднаних сил станом на 07:00 20 лютого 2022 року . Summary of the situation in the area of the Joint Forces operation as of 07:00 on February 20, 2022 .<!--|url-status=live--> . 20 February 2022 . . . uk . Внаслідок обстрілів двоє українських військовослужбовців отримали осколкові поранення несумісні з життям. Четверо військовослужбовців отримали поранення різної ступені важкості та знаходяться у лікувальних закладах. Один військовослужбовець отримав бойове травмування. . As a result of the shelling, two Ukrainian servicemen received shrapnel wounds incompatible with life. Four servicemen received injuries of varying severity and are in medical facilities. One serviceman received a combat injury..
  235. News: 20 February 2022 . ru:Россия и Белоруссия продолжат проверку сил реагирования Союзного государства . ru . Russia and Belarus will continue to test the reaction forces of the Union State . . . . . 20 February 2022 . "В связи с нарастанием военной активности у внешних границ Союзного государства и обострением ситуации на Донбассе президентами Республики Беларусь и Российской Федерации принято решение проверку сил реагирования Союзного государства продолжить", - заявил белорусский министр обороны Виктор Хренин. [Photograph by Petr Kovalev (TASS). Translated: In connection with the increase in military activity near the external borders of the Union State and the aggravation of the situation in the Donbass, the Presidents of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation decided to continue testing the response forces of the Union State," Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin said.].
  236. News: 20 February 2022 . ru:Подведены предварительные итоги совместного оперативного учения 'Союзная решимость-2022' . ru . Preliminary results of joint operational exercise "Allied Resolve-2022" announced . . . . 20 February 2022 . В связи с нарастанием военной активности у внешних границ Союзного государства и обострением ситуации на Донбассе, Президентами Республики Беларусь и Российской Федерации принято решение проверку сил реагирования Союзного государства продолжить. [Translation via [[Google Translate]]; Photograph by Yan Gorbanyuk: In connection with the increase in military activity near the external borders of the Union State and the aggravation of the situation in the Donbass, the Presidents of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation decided to continue testing the response forces of the Union State.] . 23 February 2022 . .
  237. Web site: Martin . David . Quinn . Melissa . 20 February 2022 . U.S. has intel that Russian commanders have orders to proceed with Ukraine invasion . live . . . . . 21 February 2022 . 3 March 2022.
  238. Web site: Sciutto . Jim . Bertrand . Natasha . 20 February 2022 . New intel adds to US fears that Russia is readying for military action . live . . . . 27 February 2022 . 3 March 2022.
  239. News: 26 November 2021. Zelensky warns Ukraine 'entirely prepared' if Russia attacks. France24. Agence France-Presse (AFP). Kyiv. live. 22 January 2022. 16 December 2021.
  240. News: Natalia. Zinet. Pavel. Polityuk. 26 November 2021. Zelenskiy says Ukraine uncovers coup plot involving Russians; Kremlin denies role. Reuters. Kyiv, Ukraine. live. 22 January 2022. 16 December 2021.
  241. News: 27 November 2021. Ukraine's Zelenskiy Says Ready for Russian Escalation, Claims Coup Plot Uncovered. The Moscow Times. Derk Sauer. Agence France-Presse (AFP). live. 22 January 2022. 7 December 2021.
  242. Web site: Polityuk. Pavel. 10 January 2022. Fletcher. Philippa. Ukraine says arrests Russian agent planning attacks in Odessa. 10 October 2022. Reuters. Thomson Corporation. Kyiv.
  243. News: Harding. Luke. 14 January 2022. Ukraine hit by 'massive' cyber-attack on government websites. The Guardian. Kyiv. live. 14 January 2022. 14 January 2022.
  244. News: Photograph by Alexei Alexandrov (AP Photo). 14 January 2022. Russia is preparing a pretext for invading Ukraine: US official. Al Jazeera English. Al Jazeera. live. 14 January 2022. 14 January 2022.
  245. News: Sonne . Paul . Ryan . Missy . Hudson . John . 14 January 2022 . Russia planning potential sabotage operations in Ukraine, U.S. says . . . subscription . 31 January 2022 . 0190-8286 . "The operatives are trained in urban warfare and in using explosives to carry out acts of sabotage against Russia's own proxy-forces," the U.S. official said..
  246. News: Sanger. David E. . 14 January 2022. U.S. Says Russia Sent Saboteurs Into Ukraine to Create Pretext for Invasion. The New York Times. subscription. 31 January 2022. 0362-4331. The White House accused Moscow on Friday of sending saboteurs into eastern Ukraine to stage an incident that could provide President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia with a pretext for ordering an invasion of the country..
  247. News: Isachekov. Vladimir. Karmanau. Yuras . 17 January 2022. Russia denies looking for pretext to invade Ukraine. AP News. Associated Press. Kyiv, Moscow. live. 22 January 2022. 22 January 2022.
  248. News: Holland . Steve . Antonov . Dmitry . Polityuk . Pavel . 4 February 2022 . U.S. warns Russia may stage video as pretext to invade Ukraine . . . . 4 February 2022.
  249. News: 4 February 2022 . Ukraine tensions: US alleges Russian plot to fake invasion pretext . BBC News . . 4 February 2022 . Photograph by Reuters.
  250. News: 4 February 2022 . Russia slams US' words about plans to justify alleged invasion of Ukraine as nonsense . . . . 20 February 2022.
  251. Web site: Detsch . Jack . Mackinnon . Amy . Gramer . Robbie . 18 February 2022 . Russia Planning Post-Invasion Arrest and Assassination Campaign in Ukraine, U.S. Officials Say . live . . 1 March 2022 . 4 March 2022 . . . 0015-7228 . Four people familiar with U.S. intelligence said that Russia has drafted lists of Ukrainian political figures and other prominent individuals to be targeted for either arrest or assassination in the event of a Russian assault on Ukraine..
  252. Web site: 18 February 2022. Letter from Ambassador Crocker to U.N. High Commissioner Bachelet. live . . 1 March 2022 . 4 March 2022. The New York Times. [w]e have credible information [...] indicates Russian forces are creating lists of identified Ukrainians to be killed or sent to camps following a military occupation. [R]ussian forces will likely use lethal measures to disperse peaceful protests or otherwise counter peaceful exercises of perceived resistance from civilian populations..
  253. Web site: 12 April 2022 . Россия планировала переворот и создание "народных республик" в западных областях Украины . live . . 18 June 2022 . . ru.
  254. Web site: 2022-03-03 . Volodymyr Zelensky survives three assassination attempts in days . . 6 March 2022 . 2022-03-04 . . en.
  255. Web site: 19 August 2022 . ФСБ рассчитывала, что Россия быстро захватит Киев, — и подготовила для Путина сразу два варианта марионеточного правительства. The Washington Post выпустила материал о просчетах российской спецслужбы перед войной. Вот его пересказ . 4 October 2022 . Meduza.
  256. Web site: СБУ задержала одного из лидеров "Украинского выбора" за подготовку к свержению государственного строя в Украине . Interfax.
  257. Web site: Украинская контрразведка задержала безымянного соратника Медведчука .
  258. Web site: Mozgovoy . Ivan . 5 February 2022 . Блокада городов, "рада" из марионеток и концлагеря для активистов: СМИ узнали о планах Путина по оккупации Украины . live . . 24 May 2022 . 24 May 2022 . Fakty i Kommentarii.
  259. Web site: 12 April 2022 . Переворот и "народные республики": СБУ показала допрос агента РФ, который хотел захватить власть на западе Украины .
  260. Web site: 28 July 2022 . Reuters: Россия задолго до войны создала в Украине сеть тайных агентов .
  261. News: Sanger . David E. . 14 January 2022 . U.S. Says Russia Sent Saboteurs into Ukraine to Create Pretext for Invasion . The New York Times .
  262. Web site: Полиция предотвратила теракт против руководства Украины – Енин . live . . 2022-06-18 . 2022-06-17.
  263. Web site: 31 January 2022 . Должна была пролиться кровь": 5 тысяч человек запланировали массовые беспорядки в Киеве. МВД заявило о раскрытии плана злоумышленников . 16 October 2022 . . Ekonomika+ media holding .
  264. Web site: ЗСУ знищили кадирівців, що планували вбити Зеленського - розвідка . The Armed Forces destroyed the Kadyrivites who were planning to kill Zelenskyi - intelligence . live . . 2022-03-09 . 2022-03-15 . . uk.
  265. News: Rana . Manveen . February 28, 2022 . Volodymyr Zelensky: Russian mercenaries ordered to kill Ukraine's president . en . The Times . live . 2022-03-15 . . 2022-02-28 . 0140-0460.
  266. Web site: Kremlin plan to install pro-Russian leadership in Ukraine exposed .
  267. Web site: 22 January 2022 . Confusion over UK claim that Putin plans coup in Ukraine .
  268. Web site: 13 February 2022 . Russia's FSB agency tasked with engineering coups in Ukrainian cities, UK believes .
  269. Web site: 31 August 2022 . В Украине готовился государственный переворот за 9,7 миллиона долларов из Кремля: СБУ задержала двух лидеров "мятежа" . 16 October 2022 . . .
  270. Web site: Haynes . Deborah . Russia accused by Foreign Office of plotting to install pro-Kremlin leader to head Ukraine's government .
  271. News: Schwirtz . Michael . Sanger . David E. . Landler . Mark . 22 January 2022 . Britain Says Moscow Is Plotting to Install a Pro-Russian Leader in Ukraine . . . live . subscription . 23 January 2022 . . 23 January 2022 . The British government said Saturday that the Kremlin was developing plans to install a pro-Russian leader in Ukraine — and had already chosen a potential candidate [...].
  272. News: Sonne . Paul . Hudson . John . Harris . Shane . 22 January 2022 . U.K. accuses Russia of scheming to install a pro-Kremlin government in Ukraine . . . live . subscription . 23 January 2022 . . 23 January 2022 . 0190-8286 . 2269358 . [t]hat the Russian government was considering trying to make a Russia-leaning former member of Ukraine's parliament, Yevhen Murayev, the country's new leader..
  273. Web site: Advance: Россия "дистанционно" устроит госпереворот на Украине . 25 January 2022 .
  274. News: Zinets . Natalia . 23 January 2022 . Explainer-Who is Yevhen Murayev, named by Britain as Kremlin's pick to lead Ukraine? . . SA Alpac Capital . . . live . 23 January 2022 . . 23 January 2022.
  275. News: 23 January 2022 . UK warns of Russian 'plot' to replace Ukraine government . . Associated Press, Reuters, Agence-France Presse (AFP) . live . 23 January 2022 . . 23 January 2022.
  276. News: 10 December 2021 . Putin Says Conflict in Eastern Ukraine 'Looks Like Genocide' . . . . 1 February 2022.
  277. News: Latukhina . Kira . 9 December 2021 . ru:Путин заявил о геноциде на Донбассе . Putin spoke about the genocide in the Donbass . . . . 10 February 2022 . Президент назвал русофобию первым шагом к геноциду. [Translated: The President called Russophobia the first step towards genocide.]. ru.
  278. News: 1 April 2021 . New law stokes Ukraine language tensions . . . . 10 February 2022.
  279. News: Stern . David L. . 8 February 2022. The Ukrainian language is having a moment. To Putin's ears, it's a shot against Russian speakers . . . . subscription . 24 February 2022.
  280. News: Photographs by Sergei Supinsky (AFP) . 13 February 2022 . Ukraine's star author Kurkov says his native Russian should be curbed . . . . 24 February 2022.
  281. News: Photograph by Andrew Harnik (AFP) . 15 February 2021 . US accuses Moscow of creating Ukraine invasion pretext with 'genocide' claims . . . . 24 February 2022.
  282. Web site: 15 June 2014 . Report on the human rights situation in Ukraine . 20 February 2022 . Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).
  283. Web site: 31 October 2021 . Civic Space and Fundamental Freedoms in Ukraine . 20 February 2022 . Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).
  284. Web site: Daily and spot reports from the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine . Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).
  285. Web site: 2 April 2014 . Ad hoc Report on the situation of national minorities in Ukraine adopted on 1 April 2014 . live . . 4 February 2022 . 20 February 2022 . . Council of Europe (CoE) . . [...] to the likening of the current situation related to language rights to "genocide of the Russian people". [...] While there have been to date no reports of limitations or perceived threats to the use of Russian language in Western parts of Ukraine [...].
  286. 24 January 2022 . DISINFORMATION ABOUT THE CURRENT RUSSIA-UKRAINE CONFLICT – SEVEN MYTHS DEBUNKED . 22 February 2022 . . 18 February 2022 . live . There is proof that Ukraine is committing atrocities against its Russian-speaking population in the country's east. [...] Allegations that Ukraine is attacking its own territory and persecuting its own citizens are absurd. . . Directorate-General for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations.
  287. News: 17 February 2022 . United States: Russia's claim of 'genocide in Ukraine' is reprehensible falsehood . . . live . 22 February 2022 . . 18 February 2022.
  288. News: 18 February 2021 . US condones forceful assimilation of Russians in Ukraine – Russian ambassador to US . . . . live . 18 February 2022 . . 18 February 2022 .
  289. Web site: 2023-02-19 . Russia envoy accuses US of fueling Ukraine war with 'crimes against humanity' charge . 2023-11-14 . . en.
  290. Web site: 6 April 2021 . uk:Захист кордону і критичної інфраструктури, протидія ДРГ: на півдні України оголосили збори підрозділів тероборони . Protection of borders and critical infrastructure, counteraction of DRG: meeting of terrorist defence units announced in the south of Ukraine . . live . . 7 April 2021 . 31 May 2021 . . uk . Photograph by У південних прикордонних районах України оголосили збори тероборони для посилення і захисту держкордону, охорони і оборони критичних об'єктів і боротьби з диверсійно-розвідувальними групами. . In the southern border areas of Ukraine announced a meeting of terrorist defense to strengthen and protect the state border, protection and defense of critical objects and the fight against sabotage and reconnaissance groups..
  291. Web site: 8 April 2021 . uk:Ми пам'ятаємо кожного захисника, який загинув за Україну – Президент відвідав позиції українських військ на Донбасі . We remember every defender who died for Ukraine – the President visited the positions of Ukrainian troops in Donbass . . live . . 17 April 2021 . 31 May 2021. President of Ukraine . . . uk.
  292. News: Kiselyova . Maria . 1 December 2021 . Russia says Ukraine has deployed half its army to Donbass conflict zone . . . . 17 February 2022.
  293. News: Walsh . Joe . 3 December 2021. U.S. Intel Says Russia Is Preparing 175,000 Troops For Ukraine Offensive . . Integrated Whale Media Investments . 10 December 2021.
  294. News: Scully . Rachel . 7 December 2021 . Ukraine defense minister warns of 'bloody massacre' if Russia invades . . Nexstar Media Group . live . 23 January 2022 . . 23 January 2022.
  295. News: Russian invasion likely at 'the end of January,' warns Ukraine defence minister . . 3 December 2021.
  296. News: Beardsley . Eleanor . 19 January 2022 . Thousands of Ukrainians are training to protect their cities in case Russia invades . . National Public Radio, Inc. . . 31 January 2022.
  297. News: Kramer . Andrew E. . 26 December 2021 . Training Civilians, Ukraine Nurtures a Resistance in Waiting . . . subscription . 31 January 2022 . 0362-4331 . The programs are part of the country's strategic defense plan in the event of a potential invasion by Russia — to foster a civilian resistance that can carry on the fight if the Ukrainian military is overwhelmed. [...] He described how the volunteers might resist based on the tactics of Islamist militias in Aleppo, Syria..
  298. Web site: Zagorodnyuk . Andriy . 9 January 2022 . How to make a Russian invasion of Ukraine prohibitively expensive . 31 January 2022 . Atlantic Council.
  299. News: McLeary . Paul . Swan . Betsy Woodruff . Betsy Woodruff Swan . 19 January 2022 . U.S. approves allied weapons shipments to Ukraine as worries mount . . . live . 22 February 2022 . . 19 February 2022.
  300. Web site: 22 January 2022 . First defence shipment support in 2022 from US to Ukraine's Armed Forces arrived at Boryspil airport . live . . 14 February 2022 . 22 February 2022 . . Government of Ukraine.
  301. News: Gould . Joe . Altman . Howard . Howard Altman . 25 January 2022 . $200m in Javelins, other anti-armor systems, grenade launchers and more to Ukraine: DoD . . . . 22 February 2022 . 0884-139X . 613505728.
  302. Web site: 24 January 2022 . Lazarova . Sofia . uk:США передали Украине многоцелевые гранатометы SMAW: на что они способны . Ukraine receives SMAW grenade launchers from United States . . live . . 23 January 2022 . 24 January 2022 . . Media DK . uk . M141 Bunker Defeat Munition действует таким Украина получила новую партию военной помощи от Вашингтона. Речь идет о ручных одноразовых гранатометах M141 Bunker Defeat Munition или SMAW-D. Кроме того, была передана и партия ПТРК Javelin. [Ukraine has received a new batch of military aid from Washington. These are M141 Bunker Defeat Munition or SMAW-D disposable grenade launchers. In addition, the Javelin ATGM party was transferred.].
  303. News: Cheng . Amy . 26 January 2022 . 22 January 2022 . Military trainers, missiles and over 200,000 pounds of lethal aid: What NATO members have sent Ukraine so far . . . live . subscription . 31 January 2022 . . 7 February 2022 . 0190-8286 . 2269358 . The Baltic countries of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia also have received permission from the Biden administration to send U.S.-made weapons [...] Canada also has a military training program with Ukraine, and Ottawa recently sent a contingent of special forces to assist Kyiv. [...].
  304. News: Cooper . Helene . 14 January 2022 . U.S. Considers Backing an Insurgency if Russia Invades Ukraine . . . subscription . 12 February 2022 . . 23 January 2022 . 0362-4331 . He pointed to American support for the mujahedeen in Afghanistan against the Soviet invasion there in the late 1970s and 1980s, before the rise of the Taliban..
  305. Web site: Shivam . Patel . 19 January 2022 . U.S. gave $200 mln defense aid to Ukraine in December – official . live . . 24 January 2022 . 24 January 2022 . . . Bengaluru.
  306. Web site: Mcleary . Paul . Swan . Betsy Woodruff . Betsy Woodruff Swan . 19 January 2022 . U.S. approves allied weapons shipments to Ukraine as worries mount . live . . 23 January 2022 . 24 January 2022 . . Axel Springer SE.
  307. News: 22 January 2022 . U.S. planning to transfer Mi-17 military helicopters to Ukraine . . . live . 22 January 2022 . . 22 January 2022.
  308. Web site: U.S. Security Cooperation with Ukraine . 2023-12-16 . . en.
  309. Web site: Sprenger . Sebastian . 21 January 2022 . Baltic states tout US-approved weapon shipments to Ukraine . 31 January 2022 . . . . 0884-139X.
  310. Web site: Vänttinen . Pekka . 3 January 2022 . Estonia plans to supply Ukraine with heavy weapons . live . . 3 January 2022 . 17 January 2022 . . Christophe Leclercq.
  311. Web site: 6 January 2022 . . Latvia will send weapons to Ukraine – defense minister . live . . 18 January 2022 . 22 January 2022 . . Ukrinform.
  312. News: Andrukaitytė . Milena . 20 December 2021 . Lithuania ready to supply lethal weapons to Ukraine – minister . live . . 20 January 2022 . 21 January 2022 . . Government of Lithuania.
  313. Web site: Mcleary . Paul . 21 January 2022 . Baltic states step up in arming Ukraine against potential Russian incursion . live . . 21 January 2022 . 22 January 2022 . . Axel Springer SE.
  314. News: 24 February 2022 . Soldiers, Separatists, Sanctions: A Timeline Of The Russia-Ukraine Crisis . . live . 28 February 2022 . . 25 February 2022.
  315. News: 2022-01-19 . U.S. gave $200 mln defense aid to Ukraine in December - official . en . . 2023-11-14.
  316. Web site: January 19, 2022 . The U.S. will provide $200 million in military aid to Ukraine amid crisis . NPR.
  317. Web site: Gould . Joe . Altman . Howard . 2022-03-01 . Amid fears of Russian air dominance, US to send anti-aircraft Stingers to Ukraine . 2023-11-14 . . en.
  318. News: Charap . Samuel . Boston . Scott . 21 January 2022 . U.S. Military Aid to Ukraine: A Silver Bullet? . . live . 24 January 2022 . . 22 January 2022.
  319. News: 18 January 2022 . British anti-tank weapons sent to defend Ukraine from Russia . . Brown . Larisa . live . subscription . 19 January 2022 . . 18 January 2022 . 0140-0460.
  320. News: Haynes . Deborah . 20 January 2022 . Russia-Ukraine tensions: UK sends 30 elite troops and 2,000 anti-tank weapons to Ukraine amid fears of Russian invasion . . . live . 21 January 2022 . . 20 January 2022.
  321. News: Allison . George . 21 January 2022 . Increased presence of British surveillance aircraft near Ukraine . UK Defence Journal News . . 21 January 2022.
  322. Web site: 16 January 2022. Denmark announces comprehensive support program to Ukraine. live. 21 January 2022. 21 January 2022. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.
  323. Web site: Foreign Min. open to giving Ukraine military support as Russian troop build-up continues. NL Times. 23 January 2022. 11 February 2022. live.
  324. Web site: 21 January 2022. NL will look sympathetically at Ukraine requests for defence support. live. 23 January 2022. 23 January 2022.
  325. Web site: Poland handing over defense aid to Ukraine – Duda's Office. 31 January 2022. 1 February 2022. Ukrinform.
  326. Web site: Poland to provide Ukraine with arms to counter potential Russian invasion. 1 February 2022. 1 February 2022. Financial Times.
  327. Web site: uk:Україна, Британія та Польща створили тристоронній альянс. Ukrinform. 17 February 2022 . uk. 18 February 2022.
  328. Web site: Sprenger. Sebastian. 17 February 2022. Ukraine, UK, Poland announce security pact amid heightened tensions. 18 February 2022. Defense News.
  329. News: 20 January 2022 . Spain sends warships to Black Sea, considers sending warplanes . . 22 January 2022 . 22 January 2022 . . live.
  330. Web site: EFE . 22 January 2022 . La fragata española Blas de Lezo ya está rumbo al mar Negro para participar en las maniobras de la OTAN . The Spanish frigate Blas de Lezo is already heading to the Black Sea to participate in NATO maneuvers . live . . 22 January 2022 . 22 January 2022 . . es.
  331. News: 9 February 2022 . Spain will send four fighter jets and 130 troops to Bulgaria . . 12 February 2022.
  332. Web site: The Netherlands will Send two F-35 Fighters to Bulgaria . . 22 January 2022 . 23 January 2022 . . live.
  333. Web site: 21 January 2022 . F-35 to make NATO Southern Air Policing debut . live . . 24 January 2022 . 24 January 2022 . Janes Information Services.
  334. Web site: 24 January 2022 . NATO Allies send more ships, jets to enhance deterrence and defence in eastern Europe . NATO.
  335. News: Sullivan . Becky . Newly deployed U.S. troops arrive in Europe as Russia bolsters its own forces . 5 February 2022 . . 5 February 2022.
  336. News: Britain will not flinch over Ukraine, says Boris Johnson . Swinford . Steven . Brown . Larisa . The Times . 7 February 2022.
  337. Web site: U.S. sending 3,000 more troops to Poland amid fresh Ukraine invasion warnings. 11 February 2022. 12 February 2022. Politico.
  338. News: . 24 January 2022 . Belgian military has its units "in a state of maximum readiness" . . live . 24 January 2022 . . 24 January 2022.
  339. Web site: 2022-02-18 . Ukraine: Shelling Residential Areas Puts Civilians at Risk . 2023-11-14 . . en.
  340. Web site: Ukraine and rebel region trade shelling allegations . 2023-11-14 . . . en.
  341. News: Khurshudyan . Isabelle . Hendrix . Steve . 19 February 2022 . In Ukraine's war-weary east, intensifying shelling and battered homes signal attempts at provocation by Russia . . 11 September 2022.
  342. News: Ponomarenko . Illia . Illia Ponomarenko . 18 February 2022 . 47 shelling incidents leave 5 injured in Donbas . . live . 18 February 2022 . . 17 February 2022.
  343. Web site: Volvach . Yaroslava . 18 February 2022 . How Russian proxy forces are attempting to provoke the Ukrainian army and are lying about a new Ukrainian offensive . live . . 18 February 2022 . 18 February 2022 . New Voice.
  344. News: MacKinnon . Mark . Morrow . Adrian . 2022-02-18 . Biden 'convinced' Putin will invade Ukraine as Donbas region ordered evacuated . en-CA . . 2022-09-11.
  345. Web site: 2022-02-17 . Shelling by Russian-backed separatists raises tensions in east Ukraine . 2022-09-11 . The Guardian . en.
  346. Web site: 17 February 2022. Ukraine: How big is Russia's military build-up?. BBC News.
  347. Web site: Ukraine, West accuse Russia of trying to create pretext for invasion after shelling in east. MSN. 17 February 2022.
  348. Web site: Light . Felix . In the Closest Russian City to Ukraine's Separatist Region, There Are Few Signs of Refugees . . 20 February 2022 . 20 February 2022.
  349. Web site: Russian-backed separatists announce civilian evacuation from eastern Ukraine as escalation stokes Russian invasion fears . . 18 February 2022.
  350. Web site: Warning siren sounds in rebel-held capital in east Ukraine -Reuters witness . . 18 February 2022 . Alexander . Smith.
  351. News: 19 February 2022 . Ukraine conflict: Rebels declare general mobilisation as fighting grows . . 19 February 2022.
  352. News: 2022-02-23 . Ukraine crisis: Is Russia staging 'false flag' incidents? . en-GB . BBC News . 2022-09-11.
  353. Web site: Ukraine crisis: Is Russia staging 'false flag' incidents? . 23 February 2022 . 29 March 2022 . BBC News.
  354. News: . 21 February 2022 . ru:ФСБ сообщила о попадании снаряда в погранпункт на границе с ДНР . The FSB reported that a shell hit the border checkpoint on the border with the DPR . live . . ru . . 1991-0703 . 849495462 . . 22 February 2022 . 22 February 2022 . ru:В 9:50 выпущенным с Украины снарядом полностью разрушен российский пограничный пункт в Ростовской области в 150 метрах от границы, пострадавших нет, сообщили РБК в ФСБ. . At 9:50 a.m., a projectile fired from Ukraine completely destroyed a Russian border checkpoint in the Rostov region, 150 meters from the border, there were no casualties, the FSB told RBC..
  355. News: ru:Российские военнослужащие уничтожили пять диверсантов с Украины при нарушении границы . Russian servicemen killed five saboteurs from Ukraine while violating the border . . ru . . 21 February 2022.
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  362. Web site: Gilbert . David . 21 February 2022 . Russia's 'Idiotic' Disinformation Campaign Could Still Lead to War in Ukraine . .
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  368. News: ru:Путин: решение по вопросу признания ДНР и ЛНР будет принято 21 февраля . . 21 February 2022 . . ru.
  369. News: ru:Шойгу заявил о необходимости признать ДНР и ЛНР . . 21 February 2022 . . ru.
  370. News: ru:Мишустин: кабмин много месяцев готовится к последствиям признания ДНР и ЛНР . . 21 February 2022 . . ru.
  371. News: ru:Путин подписал указы о признании ЛНР и ДНР . . 21 February 2022 . . ru.
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  395. News: 2022-02-06 . Ukraine tensions: US sources say Russia 70% ready to invade . en-GB . BBC News . 2023-01-02.
  396. News: Putin 'as ready as he can be' for major invasion of Ukraine, U.S. official . . 23 February 2022.
  397. News: Verkhovna Rada approves move to introduce state of emergency in Ukraine . . 23 February 2022 .
  398. News: Ukraine crisis: Kyiv urges citizens to leave Russia as fears mount . . 23 February 2022.
  399. News: . . uk:Рекомендації громадянам України у зв'язку із останніми рішеннями Російської Федерації, що грубо порушують суверенітет і територіальну цілісність України . uk . Recommendations to the citizens of Ukraine in connection with the latest decisions of the Russian Federation that grossly violate the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine . 23 February 2022 . 23 February 2022 . 24 February 2022 . .
  400. News: ru:Путин принял решение о проведении операции по денацификации и демилитаризации Украины . Putin decided to conduct an operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine . ru . . . 24 February 2022.
  401. News: 24 February 2022 . Russian President Vladimir Putin authorises special military operation in Ukraine's Donbas . . 24 February 2022.
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  403. News: 24 February 2022 . uk:Українські військові об'єкти зазнали нападу, Росія перейшла у наступ . Ukrainian military facilities were attacked, Russia went on the offensive . uk . . . 24 February 2022.
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  425. Web site: 9 February 2022. French President Macron says Vladimir Putin told him Russia won't escalate Ukraine crisis. The Indian Express. French President Emmanuel Macron said Tuesday that Russian President Vladimir Putin told him that Moscow would not further escalate the Ukraine crisis. Macron also said it would take time to find a diplomatic solution to the rising tensions, which represent the biggest security crisis between Russia and the West since the Cold War..
  426. Web site: 7 February 2022. Defiant Putin mauls Macron in Moscow. 9 February 2022. Politico. David M.. Herszenhorn. Giorgio. Leali.
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  448. Web site: ru:Реакция России на ответ США по гарантиям безопасности. . Russia's reaction to the US response on security guarantees. . . 17 February 2022 . . ru.
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  462. Web site: Russia will not observe Cold Response NATO exercise. 2023-01-01. The Independent Barents Observer. en . 4 March 2022 . The Post-Cold War era is over. Russia has informed it will not send any observers to the Norwegian-led large-scale winter exercise soon to start..
  463. Web site: Russia sends security letters to Finland, other EU and Nato countries. 1 February 2022. Yle News.
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