2020 Summer Olympics Parade of Nations explained

During the Parade of Nations within the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics opening ceremony, which took place on 23 July 2021, athletes and officials from each participating team entered the Olympic Stadium preceded by their flag and placard bearer. Each flag bearer will have been chosen either by the team's National Olympic Committee or by the athletes themselves. For the first time, each team had the option to allow two flag bearers, one male and one female, in an effort to promote gender equality.[1] These Olympics were postponed from 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and due security measures some countries prevented their athletes to participate on event.

Parade order

This was the first edition in which the new protocols approved at the 138th Session of the International Olympic Committee held days before the ceremony were used officially. Some rules were maintained from previous procedures, such as the obligation for the Greek delegation to be the first to enter during the Parade of Nations and the maintenance of the entry of other delegations in the alphabetical order of the organizing country were maintained as the same entering as the last team. However, others were changed, such as the entry of IOC Refugee Olympic Team, composed of refugees from several countries immediately behind the Greek team.[2] Another change was the positioning of the teams whose countries will be the future hosts of the next Summer Olympic Games, which entered the reverse sequence. According to the original planning, the United States would be the 5th delegation to enter placed between Afghanistan and United Arab Emirates delegations, but as the 2028 Summer Olympics are scheduled to be held in Los Angeles, they were placed as 204th delegation. This situation also happened with France which according to the protocol manual would be the 151st delegation, positioned between Brazil and Bulgaria, but due to the fact that Paris will be the host city of the 2024 Summer Olympics who entered as the 205th delegation before the host nation Japan.[3]

As these protocol rules were approved before Brisbane was announced as the 2032 Summer Olympics host, Australia was not allocated to enter before the United States team and instead entered in its natural position in the Japanese language order between El Salvador and Austria. Zimbabwe, which has usually been the penultimate nation, was positioned between Singapore and Switzerland, appearing in the middle of the parade. All other teams entered in between in Japanese: [[Gojūon]] order, based on the names of countries in Japanese.[4] [5] The names of the teams were announced in French, English, and Japanese, the official languages of the Olympic movement and the host nation, in accordance with Olympic Charter and International Olympic Committee (IOC) guidelines.

The Republic of North Macedonia had previously competed under the provisional name of Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, because of the disputed status of its official name. It was officially renamed to North Macedonia in February 2019 and the Olympic Committee of North Macedonia (NMOC) was officially adopted in February 2020. It was North Macedonia's first appearance at the Summer Olympics under its new name North Macedonia (北マケドニア Kita Makedonia).[6]

Several of the nations marched under their formal Japanese names. For example, the Great Britain delegation marched under the formal name Japanese: Eikoku ("United Kingdom")[7] rather than the better known informal Japanese: Igirisu (Japanese: イギリス), and China's delegation marched under Japanese: Chūka Jinmin Kyōwakoku ("People's Republic of China") instead of the more common Japanese: Chūgoku (Japanese: 中国).

On 6 April 2021, North Korea announced that it would not participate in the 2020 Summer Olympics because of COVID-19 concerns. This marked North Korea's first absence from the Summer Olympics since 1988. North Korea (Japanese: 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 Japanese: Chōsen Minshushugi Jinmin Kyōwakoku, "Democratic People's Republic of Korea") would have marched between Tunisia and Chile.[8]

Teams and flagbearers

On 4 March 2020, the IOC announced that each team can have the option to allow two flag bearers, one male and one female, in an effort to promote gender equality, after had been trialed in the 1980 Summer Olympics Parade of Nations.[1]

Below is a list of parading teams and their announced flag bearer(s), in the same order as the parade. This is sortable by team name, flag bearer's name, and flag bearer's sport. This was the first time the Parade of Nations was conducted in Japanese order.

OrderTeamJapanese[9] Roman Transliteration (in Hepburn)Flag bearer(s)width=120Sport(s)
align=center rowspan=21 ギリシャ Girisha [10]
align=center rowspan=22 難民選手団 Nanmin Senshu-dan [11]
Tachlowini Gabriyesos
align=center rowspan=23 アイスランド Aisurando [12]
Anton McKee
align=center rowspan=24 アイルランド Airurando [13]
Brendan Irvine
align=center rowspan=25 アゼルバイジャン Azerubaijan Farida Azizova[14] [15]
align=center rowspan=26 アフガニスタン Afuganisutan
7 アラブ首長国連邦 Arabu Shuchōkoku Renpō
align=center rowspan=28 アルジェリア Arujeria [16]
align=center rowspan=29 アルゼンチン Aruzenchin [17]
Santiago Lange
align=center rowspan=210 アルバ Aruba
Mikel Schreuders
align=center rowspan=211 アルバニア Arubania
Briken CaljaWeightlifting
align=center rowspan=212 アルメニア Arumenia Varsenik Manucharyan
align=center rowspan=213 アンゴラ Angora Handball
align=center rowspan=214 アンティグア・バーブーダ Antigua Bābūda
align=center rowspan=215 アンドラ Andora Mònica Dòria
align=center rowspan=216 イエメン Iemen
align=center rowspan=217 イスラエル Isuraeru [20]
Yakov ToumarkinSwimming
align=center rowspan=218 イタリア Itaria Jessica Rossi
align=center rowspan=219 イラク Iraku
align=center rowspan=220 イラン・イスラム共和国 Iran Isuramu Kyōwakoku [22]
align=center rowspan=221 インド Indo [23]
Field hockey
align=center 22 インドネシア Indoneshia Rio Waida[24] [25]
align=center rowspan=223 ウガンダ Uganda
align=center rowspan=224 ウクライナ Ukuraina [26]
align=center rowspan=225 ウズベキスタン Uzubekisutan [27]
align=center rowspan=226 ウルグアイ Uruguai [29]
align=center rowspan=227 英国 Eikoku [30]
align=center rowspan=228 英領バージン諸島 Ei-ryō Bājin Shotō [31]
align=center rowspan=229 エクアドル Ekuadoru [32] [33]
align=center rowspan=230 エジプト Ejiputo [34]
align=center rowspan=231 エストニア Esutonia [35]
align=center rowspan=232 エスワティニ Esuwatini
align=center 33 エチオピア Echiopia
align=center rowspan=234 エリトリア Eritoria
align=center rowspan=235 エルサルバドル Erusarubadoru [36]
align=center rowspan=236 オーストラリア Ōsutoraria Cate Campbell[37]
align=center rowspan=237 オーストリア Ōsutoria [38]
Thomas Zajac
align=center 38 オマーン Omān [39]
align=center rowspan=239 オランダ Oranda [40]
align=center rowspan=240 ガーナ Gāna [41]
align=center rowspan=241 カーボベルデ Kāboberude
align=center rowspan=242 ガイアナ Gaiana
align=center rowspan=243 カザフスタン Kazafusutan [42]
align=center rowspan=244 カタール Katāru [43]
align=center rowspan=245 カナダ Kanada [44] [45]
Rugby sevens
align=center rowspan=246 ガボン Gabon
align=center rowspan=247 カメルーン Kamerūn [46]
align=center rowspan=248 ガンビア Ganbia
Ebrima Camara
align=center rowspan=249 カンボジア Kanbojia
align=center rowspan=250 北マケドニア Kita Makedonia [47]
Dejan Georgievski
align=center 51 ギニア Ginia Games Volunteer N/A [48]
align=center rowspan=252 ギニアビサウ Giniabisau
align=center rowspan=253 キプロス Kipurosu [49]
align=center rowspan=254 キューバ Kyūba
align=center rowspan=255 キリバス Kiribasu Judo
align=center rowspan=256 キルギス Kirugisu [50]
align=center rowspan=257 グアテマラ Guatemara [51] [52]
align=center rowspan=258 グアム Guamu
align=center rowspan=259 クウェート Kuwēto
align=center rowspan=260 クック諸島 Kukku Shotō
Wesley Roberts
align=center rowspan=261 グレナダ Gurenada
Delron Felix
align=center rowspan=262 クロアチア Kuroachia [53]
align=center rowspan=263 ケイマン諸島 Keiman Shotō [54]
Brett Fraser
align=center rowspan=264 ケニア Kenia [55]
Rugby sevens
align=center rowspan=265 コートジボワール Kōtojibowāru [56]
align=center rowspan=266 コスタリカ Kosutarika [57]
align=center rowspan=267 コソボ Kosobo [58]
Akil Gjakova
align=center rowspan=268 コモロ Komoro
Fadane Hamadi
align=center rowspan=269 コロンビア Koronbia [59]
align=center 70 コンゴ Kongo [60]
align=center rowspan=271 コンゴ民主共和国 Kongo Minshu Kyōwakoku
David Tshama Mwenekabwe
align=center rowspan=272 サウジアラビア Saujiarabia
align=center 73 サモア Samoa [61]
align=center rowspan=274 サントメ・プリンシペ Santome Purinshipe
align=center rowspan=275 ザンビア Zanbia
align=center rowspan=276 サンマリノ Sanmarino [62]
align=center rowspan=277 ROC (ROC) ROC Sofya Velikaya[63]
align=center rowspan=278 シエラレオネ Shierareone
align=center 79 ジブチ Jibuchi
align=center rowspan=280 ジャマイカ Jamaika [64]
align=center rowspan=281 ジョージア Jōjia [65]
align=center rowspan=282 シリア・アラブ共和国 Shiria Arabu Kyōwakoku Table tennis
align=center rowspan=283 シンガポール Shingapōru [66]
align=center rowspan=284 ジンバブエ Jinbabue
align=center rowspan=285 スイス Suisu [67]
align=center rowspan=286 スウェーデン Suwēden [68]
align=center rowspan=287 スーダン Sūdan
align=center rowspan=288 スペイン Supein [69]
align=center 89 スリナム Surinamu
align=center rowspan=290 スリランカ Suriranka Milka Gehani de Silva[70]
align=center rowspan=291 スロバキア Surobakia [71]
align=center rowspan=292 スロベニア Surobenia
Table tennis
align=center rowspan=293 セーシェル Sēsheru [72]
align=center rowspan=294 赤道ギニア Sekidō Ginia
Benjamín Enzema
align=center rowspan=295 セネガル Senegaru [73]
align=center rowspan=296 セルビア Serubia [74]
Water polo
align=center rowspan=297 セントクリストファー・ネービス Sentokurisutofā Nēbisu
Jason Rogers
align=center 98 セントビンセント及びグレナディーン諸島 Sentobinsento Oyobi Gurenadīn Shotō
align=center rowspan=299 セントルシア Sentorushia
align=center rowspan=2100 ソマリア Somaria
align=center rowspan=2101 ソロモン諸島 Soromon Shotō
align=center rowspan=2102 タイ Tai [75]
Savate Sresthaporn
align=center rowspan=2103 大韓民国 Daikanminkoku [76]
align=center rowspan=2104 チャイニーズ・タイペイ Chainīzu Taipei [77]
105 タジキスタン Tajikisutan [78]
106 タンザニア連合共和国 Tanzania Rengō Kyōwakoku Games Volunteer N/A [79]
align=center rowspan=2107 チェコ共和国 Cheko Kyōwakoku [80]
align=center rowspan=2108 チャド Chado
align=center rowspan=2109 中央アフリカ共和国 Chūō Afurika Kyōwakoku
align=center rowspan=2110 中華人民共和国 Chūka Jinmin Kyōwakoku [81]
align=center rowspan=2111 チュニジア Chunijia [82]
align=center rowspan=2112 チリ Chiri [83]
align=center rowspan=2113 ツバル Tsubaru
Karalo Maibuca
align=center rowspan=2114 デンマーク Denmāku [84]
align=center rowspan=2115 ドイツ Doitsu [85]
align=center rowspan=2116 トーゴ Tōgo [86]
Table tennis
align=center rowspan=2117 ドミニカ Dominika
Dennick Luke
align=center rowspan=2118 ドミニカ共和国 Dominika Kyōwakoku [87]
119 トリニダード・トバゴ Torinidādo Tobago
align=center rowspan=2120 トルクメニスタン Torukumenisutan [88]
align=center rowspan=2121 トルコ Toruko [89]
Berke Saka
align=center rowspan=2122 トンガ Tonga
Pita Taufatofua
align=center rowspan=2123 ナイジェリア Naijeria [90]
Table tennis
align=center rowspan=2124 ナウル Nauru
align=center rowspan=2125 ナミビア Namibia
align=center rowspan=2126 ニカラグア Nikaragua
align=center rowspan=2127 ニジェール Nijēru
align=center rowspan=2128 ニュージーランド Nyūjīrando [91] [92]
align=center rowspan=2129 ネパール Nepāru [93]
Alexander Shah
align=center rowspan=2130 ノルウェー Noruwē
align=center rowspan=2131 バーレーン Bārēn
align=center rowspan=2132 ハイチ Haichi [94]
align=center rowspan=2133 パキスタン Pakisutan [95]
align=center rowspan=2134 パナマ Panama [96]
135 バヌアツ Banuatsu Rowing[97]
align=center rowspan=2136 バハマ Bahama
align=center rowspan=2137 パプアニューギニア Papuanyūginia
Morea Baru
138 バミューダ Bamyūda Rowing[98]
align=center rowspan=2139 パラオ Parao
align=center rowspan=2140 パラグアイ Paraguai [99]
align=center rowspan=2141 バルバドス Barubadosu
Alex Sobers
align=center rowspan=2142 パレスチナ Paresuchina
align=center rowspan=2143 ハンガリー Hangarī [100]
align=center rowspan=2144 バングラデシュ Banguradeshu
align=center rowspan=2145 東ティモール民主共和国 Higashi Timōru Minshu Kyōwakoku
align=center rowspan=2146 フィジー Fijī Rusila Nagasau[101] [102]
Jerry Tuwai
align=center rowspan=2147 フィリピン Firipin Kiyomi Watanabe[103]
Eumir MarcialBoxing
align=center rowspan=2148 フィンランド Finrando [104]
align=center rowspan=2149 ブータン Būtan
align=center rowspan=2150 プエルトリコ Puerutoriko [105]
Brian Afanador
align=center rowspan=2151 ブラジル Burajiru [106]
align=center rowspan=2152 ブルガリア Burugaria [107]
align=center rowspan=2153 ブルキナファソ Burukinafaso [108]
154 ブルネイ・ダルサラーム Burunei Darusarāmu
align=center rowspan=2155 ブルンジ Burunji
align=center rowspan=2156 米領サモア Bei-ryō Samoa
align=center rowspan=2157 米領バージン諸島 Bei-ryō Bājin Shotō
Adriel Sanes
align=center rowspan=2158 ベトナム Betonamu [109]
align=center rowspan=2159 ベナン Benan [110]
align=center rowspan=2160 ベネズエラ Benezuera [111]
align=center rowspan=2161 ベラルーシ Berarūshi [112]
align=center rowspan=2162 ベリーズ Berīzu
Shaun Gill
align=center rowspan=2163 ペルー Perū [113]
Lucca Mesinas
align=center rowspan=2164 ベルギー Berugī [114]
Field hockey
align=center rowspan=2165 ポーランド Pōrando [115]
align=center rowspan=2166 ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ Bosunia Herutsegobina Larisa Cerić[116]
align=center rowspan=2167 ボツワナ Botsuwana
align=center rowspan=2168 ボリビア Boribia [117]
Gabriel Castillo
align=center rowspan=2169 ポルトガル Porutogaru [118]
align=center rowspan=2170 ホンコン・チャイナ Honkon Chaina [119]
align=center rowspan=2171 ホンジュラス Honjurasu [120]
align=center rowspan=2172 マーシャル諸島 Māsharu Shotō
Phillip Kinono
align=center rowspan=2173 マダガスカル Madagasukaru [121]
align=center rowspan=2174 マラウイ Maraui
175 マリ Mari
align=center rowspan=2176 マルタ Maruta Eleanor Bezzina[122]
align=center rowspan=2177 マレーシア Marēshia [123]
Lee Zii Jia
align=center rowspan=2178 ミクロネシア連邦 Mikuroneshia Renpō
align=center rowspan=2179 南アフリカ Minami Afurika [124]
align=center rowspan=2180 南スーダン Minami Sūdan
Abraham Guem
181 ミャンマー Myanmā Games Volunteer [125] N/A [126]
align=center rowspan=2182 メキシコ Mekishiko [127]
align=center rowspan=2183 モーリシャス Mōrishasu [128]
align=center rowspan=2184 モーリタニア Mōritania
Abidine Abidine
align=center rowspan=2185 モザンビーク Mozanbīku
align=center rowspan=2186 モナコ Monako [129]
Table tennis
align=center rowspan=2187 モルディブ Morudibu
align=center rowspan=2188 モルドバ共和国 Morudoba Kyōwakoku [130]
Dan Olaru
align=center rowspan=2189 モロッコ Morokko [131]
align=center rowspan=2190 モンゴル Mongoru [132]
align=center rowspan=2191 モンテネグロ Monteneguro [133]
Water polo
align=center rowspan=2192 ヨルダン Yorudan
align=center rowspan=2193 ラオス人民民主共和国 Raosu Jinmin Minshu Kyōwakoku
align=center rowspan=2194 ラトビア Ratobia [134] [135]
align=center rowspan=2195 リトアニア Ritoania [136]
196 リビア Ribia
align=center rowspan=2197 リヒテンシュタイン Rihitenshutain
align=center rowspan=2198 リベリア Riberia
Joseph Fahnbulleh
align=center rowspan=2199 ルーマニア Rūmania Simona Radiș[137]
align=center rowspan=2200 ルクセンブルク Rukusenburuku [138]
align=center rowspan=2201 ルワンダ Ruwanda
202 レソト Resoto Games Volunteer N/A
align=center rowspan=2203 レバノン Rebanon [139]
align=center rowspan=2204 アメリカ合衆国 Amerika Gasshūkoku [140]
align=center rowspan=2205 フランス Furansu Clarisse Agbegnenou[141]
align=center rowspan=2206 日本 Nihon [142]

Taiwan (Chinese Taipei)'s parade entrance

Multiple Taiwanese media outlets, as well as Japanese lawmaker Akihisa Nagashima, reported that the Taiwan (Chinese Taipei) delegation had been specially ordered within the parade so that they would march under Japanese: Japanese: ta for either "Taiwan" or ambiguously "Chinese Taipei" rather than Japanese: Japanese: chi or Japanese: チャイ Japanese: chai for "Chinese Taipei".[143] [144] However, it would have done this regardless of special ordering, as Chinese Taipei has paraded under "T" or its equivalent in every Parade of Nations language other than Chinese (including, for example, PyeongChang 2018 and Seoul 1988).

NHK, the opening ceremony's official Japanese broadcaster, also specially commented "It's Taiwan!" (Japanese: 台湾です! Japanese: Taiwan desu!) after the stadium announcers finished announcing the name "Chinese Taipei", which also received attention from Taiwanese media.[145] [146]


Musical pieces for the Parade of Nations were selected from several video game soundtracks created in Japan. These selections included themes from Square Enix's Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, SaGa, Nier, and Chrono Trigger, Disney's Kingdom Hearts, Bandai Namco's Tales series, Soulcalibur, and Ace Combat, Capcom's Monster Hunter, Konami's Pro Evolution Soccer and Gradius, and Sega Sammy's Sonic the Hedgehog and Phantasy Star.[147] [148]

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. News: IOC to allow male/female flagbearers at Tokyo Games. Reuters. 4 March 2020. Grohmann. Karolos. 30 June 2021. 11 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210711010618/https://www.reuters.com/article/us-olympics-ioc/ioc-to-allow-male-female-flagbearers-at-tokyo-games-idUSKBN20R2SQ. live.
  2. News: U.S., France, Japan to march last in 2020 Parade of Nations. 4 December 2019. The Japan Times. 21 December 2019. 6 December 2019. https://web.archive.org/web/20191206162959/https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2019/12/04/olympics/u-s-france-japan-march-last-2020-parade-nations/. live.
  3. Web site: Flags and Anthems Manual : Tokyo 2020 . 28 February 2024 .
  4. In Japanese, foreign names are mainly written with katakana, sometimes including kanji and hiragana.
  5. Web site: Japanese language to determine order of Olympic parade of athletes. Kyodo News. 30 October 2020. 19 November 2020. 23 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210723102304/https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2020/10/61773d16b03e-japanese-language-to-determine-order-of-olympic-parade-of-athletes.html. live.
  6. Web site: IOC approve name change to North Macedonia National Olympic Committee. Mackay. Duncan. 27 March 2019. insidethegames.biz. 4 February 2020. https://web.archive.org/web/20190709163930/https://www.insidethegames.biz/articles/1077274/ioc-approve-name-change-to-north-macedonia-national-olympic-committee. 9 July 2019. live.
  7. "Great Britain" in Japanese would have been Japanese: グレートブリテン Japanese: Gurēto Buriten
  9. Web site: Tokyo 2020 Opening Ceremony Flag bearers Marching order. IOC. 3 August 2021. 3 August 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210803212840/https://stillmed.olympics.com/media/Documents/News/2021/07/Tokyo-2020-Opening-Ceremony-Flag-bearers-Marching-order.pdf?_ga=2.102815936.153545534.1628010172-585795398.1627155169. live.
  10. News: Korakaki and Petrounias to lead Parade of Nations at Tokyo Olympics . 7 July 2021 . www.ekathimerini.com . en . 19 July 2021 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210719003215/https://www.ekathimerini.com/news/1163748/korakaki-and-petrounias-to-lead-parade-of-nations-at-tokyo-olympics/ . live .
  11. Web site: Refugee Olympic Team: Who Are the Athletes at the Tokyo Olympics Opening Ceremony and What Countries Do They Come From?. Dan. Gibbs. 23 July 2021. 23 July 2021. 23 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210723115318/https://www.eurosport.com/geoblocking.shtml. live.
  12. News: Fánaberar á setningarhátíð ÓL í Tókýó. Flag bearers at the inauguration ceremony of the Olympic Games in Tokyo. is. Icelandic Olympic Committee. 22 July 2021. 22 July 2021. 22 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210722211516/https://www.isi.is/frettir/frett/2021/07/22/Fanaberar-a-setningarhatid-OL-i-Tokyo/. live.
  13. News: Two Team Ireland flagbearers selected for Tokyo 2020 opening ceremony. Olympic Federation of Ireland. 20 July 2021. 20 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210720063356/https://olympics.ie/two-team-ireland-flagbearers-selected-for-tokyo-2020-opening-ceremony/. live.
  14. News: Rustam Orujov to bear Azerbaijani flag in Tokyo . 5 July 2021 . Azernews . 25 June 2021 . 8 August 2021 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210808184652/https://www.azernews.az/sports/180574.html . live .
  15. Web site: Tokyo 2020: Farida Azizova will also be flagbearer together with Rustam Orujov . Apa.az . 14 July 2021 . en . 16 July 2021 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210716002413/https://apa.az/en/xeber/olympiad/tokyo-2020-farida-azizova-will-also-be-flagbearer-together-with-rustam-orujov-353772 . live .
  16. News: JO-2020 : Mohamed Flissi et Amel Melih porte-drapeaux de la délégation algérienne . 14 July 2021 . Algerie Presse Service . 13 July 2021 . fr . 18 July 2021 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210718202440/https://www.aps.dz/sport/124899-jo-2020-mohamed-flissi-et-amel-melih-porte-drapeaux-de-la-delegation-algerienne// . live .
  17. News: Lange y Carranza serán los abanderados en Tokio. Lange and Carranza will be the flag bearers in Tokyo. Olé. 23 June 2021. 23 June 2021. es. 23 June 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210623230833/https://www.ole.com.ar/poli/juegos-olimpicos-abanderados_0_Zum7ggGoL.html. live.
  18. News: Tokyo 2020: Swimmer Manucharyan, boxer Bachkov to be Armenia flag bearers. en. Armenia News - NEWS.am. 20 July 2021. 22 July 2021. 22 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210722004758/https://sport.news.am/eng/news/123745/tokyo-2020-swimmer-manucharyan-boxer-bachkov-to-be-armenia-flag-bearers.html. live.
  19. News: La palista Mònica Dòria será la abanderada de Andorra en Tokio 2021 . Canoeist Mònica Dòria will be Andorra's flag bearer in Tokyo 2020 . 5 July 2021 . . 9 July 2021 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210709183029/https://www.europapress.es/catalunya/andorra-01111/noticia-palista-monica-doria-sera-abanderada-andorra-tokio-2021-20210625153440.html . live .
  20. News: Israel selects its Tokyo Olympic flag bearers. Times of Israel. 4 July 2021. 4 July 2021. 4 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210704153915/https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/israel-selects-its-tokyo-olympic-flag-bearers/. live.
  21. News: Rossi and Viviani to make history as first dual Italian flagbearers at Tokyo 2020. 6 July 2021. Inside the Games. 21 May 2021. 22 May 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210522000248/https://www.insidethegames.biz/articles/1108041/tokyo-2020-olympics-italy-flagbearer. live.
  22. News: Woman shooter Rostamian named Iran's flagbearer in Tokyo. Tehran Times. 8 July 2021. 8 July 2021. 9 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210709185723/https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/462904/Woman-shooter-Rostamian-named-Iran-s-flagbearer-in-Tokyo. live.
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  25. Web site: Okezone. 2021-07-23. Elegan, Rio Waida Pimpin Parade Atlet Indonesia di Upacara Pembukaan Olimpiade Tokyo 2020 : Okezone Sports (Elegant, Rio Waida Leds Indonesia's Parade of Nations at the 2020 Olympics Opening Ceremony). live. 2021-10-06. sports.okezone.com/. id-ID. https://web.archive.org/web/20210723172328/https://sports.okezone.com/read/2021/07/23/43/2445086/elegan-rio-waida-pimpin-parade-atlet-indonesia-di-upacara-pembukaan-olimpiade-tokyo-2020 . 23 July 2021 .
  26. News: Прапор України на відкритті Олімпіади в Токіо будуть нести Олена Костевич і Богдан Нікішин. The flag of Ukraine at the opening of the Olympics in Tokyo will be carried by Elena Kostevich and Bogdan Nikishin. uk. Українські національні новини (Ukrainian National News). 21 July 2021. 22 July 2021. 21 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210721203252/https://www.unn.com.ua/uk/news/1937284-prapor-ukrayini-na-vidkritti-olimpiadi-v-tokio-budut-nesti-olena-kostevich-i-bogdan-nikishin. live.
  27. Web site: The flagbearers for the Tokyo 2020 Opening Ceremony . olympics.com . . 23 July 2021 . 9 January 2024.
  28. Web site: Flagbearers for Uzbekistan . olympedia.org . . 9 January 2024.
  29. News: Inzaurralde . Luis Eduardo . Cetraro y Déborah Rodríguez serán los abanderados de Uruguay en los JJOO de Tokio 2020 . 9 July 2021 . El Observador . 8 July 2021 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210708195326/https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/cetraro-y-deborah-rodriguez-seran-los-abanderados-de-uruguay-en-los-jjoo-de-tokio-2020-202178155459 . live .
  30. News: Sailor Mills and rower Sbihi named as Britain's flagbearers for Tokyo 2020. en. Inside the Games. 22 July 2021. 22 July 2021. 22 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210722070650/https://www.insidethegames.biz/articles/1110579/mills-and-sbihi-carry-gb-flag-at-tokyo. live.
  31. Web site: McMaster, Malone & Phillip to rep VI @ Olympic Games in Tokyo Virgin Islands News Online . www.virginislandsnewsonline.com . 9 July 2021 . 9 July 2021 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210709190001/http://www.virginislandsnewsonline.com/en/news/mcmaster-malone-phillip-to-rep-vi-olympic-games-in-tokyo . live .
  32. Web site: Flagbearers for Ecuador . olympedia.org . . 26 December 2023.
  33. Web site: The flagbearers for the Tokyo 2020 Opening Ceremony . olympics.com . . 23 July 2021 . 26 December 2023.
  34. News: Hedaya Malak, Alaa Abouelkassem to Carry Egypt's Flag at Tokyo 2020 Olympics. 23 July 2021. 23 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210723202658/https://egyptianstreets.com/2021/07/20/hedaya-malak-alaa-abouelkassem-to-carry-egypts-flag-at-tokyo-2020-olympics/. live.
  35. News: 21 July 2021. Eesti lippu kannavad OM-i avatseremoonial Ellermann ja Endrekson. Estonian. Ellermann and Endrekson will fly the Estonian flag at the OG opening ceremony. Estonian Olympic Committee. 22 July 2021. 22 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210722213008/https://www.eok.ee/organisatsioon/uudised/eesti-lippu-kannavad-om-i-avatseremoonial-ellermann-ja-endrekson. live.
  36. News: 3 July 2021. Team ESA: abanderados y últimos preparativos a JJOO Tokio 2020. es. Team ESA: flag bearers and final preparations for Tokyo 2020 Olympics. ContraPunto El Salvador. 4 July 2021. 4 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210704024326/https://www.contrapunto.com.sv/team-esa-abanderados-y-ultimos-preparativos-a-jjoo-tokio-2020/. live.
  37. Web site: Australian Olympic Team Flagbearers Announced. 7 July 2021. Australian Olympic Committee. 7 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210707090809/https://www.olympics.com.au/news/australian-olympic-team-flagbearers-announced/. live.
  38. Web site: Unsere Fahnenträger für Tokyo 2020. Our flagbearers for Tokyo 2020. 6 July 2021. Austrian Olympic Committee. de. 9 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210709184856/https://www.olympia.at/main.asp?kat1=87&kat2=538&vid=1&NID=30223&DDate=05072021. live.
  39. News: 29 June 2021. Adawi to be flag-bearer at Tokyo Olympics. Muscat Daily. 5 July 2021. 30 June 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210630080616/https://muscatdaily.com/Sports/391272/Adawi-to-be-flag-bearer-at-Tokyo-Olympics. live.
  40. News: 2 July 2021. Martina en 'Skatekeet' Oldenbeuving vlaggendragers tijdens Olympische Spelen. nl. Martina and skateboarder Oldenbeauving will carry the flag at the Games. Nederlandse Omroep Stichting. 6 July 2021. 1 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210701183206/https://nos.nl/artikel/2387552-martina-en-skatekeet-oldenbeuving-vlaggendragers-tijdens-olympische-spelen. live.
  41. Web site: Tokyo 2020: Nadia Eke to lead Team Ghana as flagbearer at Opening Ceremony. 8 July 2021. BusinessGhana. 9 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210709185852/http://www.businessghana.com/site/news/sports/241936/Tokyo-2020:-Nadia-Eke-to-lead-Team-Ghana-as-flagbearer-at-Opening-Ceremony. live.
  42. News: 3 July 2021. Kazakh President Meets with Members of National Olympic Team. The Astana Times. 4 July 2021. 7 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210707201133/https://astanatimes.com/2021/07/kazakh-president-meets-with-members-of-national-olympic-team/. live.
  43. News: 23 July 2021. Tala Abu Jubara and Mohamed Al Rumaihi to raise Qatar's flags at Olympics Opening Ceremony. iloveqatar.net. 23 July 2021. 22 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210722204050/https://www.iloveqatar.net/news/sports/tala-abu-jubara-mohamed-al-rumaihi-qatar-flags-tokyo-2020-olympics-opening-ceremony. live.
  44. News: 19 July 2021. Miranda Ayim, Nathan Hirayama named Canada's flag-bearers at Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony. Toronto Star. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 19 July 2021. 21 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210721044817/https://www.thestar.com/sports/olympics/2021/07/19/miranda-ayim-nathan-hirayama-named-canadas-flagbearers-at-tokyo-olympics-opening-ceremony.html. live.
  45. Web site: Nichols. Paula. 19 July 2021. Ayim and Hirayama to be Team Canada's Opening Ceremony flag bearers for Tokyo 2020. www.olympic.ca/. Canadian Olympic Committee. 19 July 2021. 19 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210719123647/https://olympic.ca/2021/07/19/ayim-and-hirayama-to-be-team-canadas-opening-ceremony-flag-bearers-for-tokyo-2020/. live.
  46. News: 2021 Olympics: Cameroon challenges team to bring back medals. Journal du Cameroun. 5 July 2021. 9 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210709184146/https://www.journalducameroun.com/en/2021-olympics-cameroon-challenges-team-to-bring-back-medals/. live.
  47. News: 15 May 2021. Георгиевски ќе го носи македонското знаме во Токио. mk. Georgievski will carry the Macedonian flag in Tokyo. Nova Makedonija. 5 July 2021. 9 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210709192422/https://www.novamakedonija.com.mk/sport/sportovi/%D0%B3%D0%B5%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%B5%D0%B2%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8-%D1%9C%D0%B5-%D0%B3%D0%BE-%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%B8-%D0%BC%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE-%D0%B7/. live.
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  49. Web site: Οι 15 πρεσβευτές μας στην Ολυμπιάδα του Τόκιο. 8 July 2021. sigmalive.com. en. 8 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210708144516/https://city.sigmalive.com/article/2021/7/8/oi-15-presbeutes-mas-sten-olumpiada-tou-tokio/. live.
  50. News: 23 July 2021. Olympics-Mask-shy Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan rain on COVID-compliant opening parade. Reuters. 24 July 2021. 23 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210723222105/https://www.reuters.com/article/us-olympics-2020-ceremony-kyrgyzstan-idUSKBN2ET1CA. live.
  51. Web site: Flagbearers for Guatemala . olympedia.org . . 28 December 2023.
  52. Web site: The flagbearers for the Tokyo 2020 Opening Ceremony . olympics.com . . 23 July 2021 . 28 December 2023.
  53. News: Croatia announces flag bearers for Olympic Games in Tokyo. Croatia Week. 16 June 2021. 4 July 2021. 8 August 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210808184712/https://www.croatiaweek.com/croatia-announces-flag-bearers-for-olympic-games-in-tokyo/. live.
  54. News: Cayman Islands Olympic Committee. en. Cayman Islands Olympic Committee. 21 July 2021. 22 July 2021. 8 August 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210808184653/https://www.instagram.com/accounts/login/. live.
  55. News: 17 July 2021. Kenyan flag-bearers at Tokyo 2020 opening ceremony confirmed. Xinhuanet. 17 July 2021. 17 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210717160800/http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/africa/2021-07/17/c_1310067617.htm. live.
  56. News: JO de Tokyo : Ta Lou Marie-Josée porte drapeau de la Côte d'Ivoire. fr. Tokyo Olympics: Marie-Josée Ta Lou will be Côte d'Ivoire's flag bearer. Mondialsport.ci. 5 July 2021. 30 June 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210630172825/https://mondialsport.ci/jo-de-tokyo-ta-lou-marie-josee-porte-drapeau-de-la-cote-d-ivoire-15172.sport. live.
  57. News: Andrea Vargas será la quinta mujer abanderada de Costa Rica en Juegos Olímpicos. es. Andrea Vargas will be Costa Rica's fifth female flag bearer at the Olympics. Delfino.cr. 5 July 2021. 30 June 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210630222120/https://delfino.cr/2021/06/andrea-vargas-sera-la-quinta-mujer-abanderada-de-costa-rica-en-juegos-olimpicos. live.
  58. News: 8 July 2021. 11 sportistët që do të përfaqësojnë Kosovën në Tokio 2020. sq. Kallxo. 19 July 2021. 19 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210719043638/https://kallxo.com/sport/11-sportistet-qe-do-te-perfaqesojne-kosoven-ne-tokio-2020/. live.
  59. Web site: International Olympic Committee . International Olympic Committee . The flagbearers for the Tokyo 2020 Opening Ceremony . 24 July 2021 . 23 July 2021 . 23 July 2021 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210723203533/https://olympics.com/ioc/news/the-flagbearers-for-the-tokyo-2020-opening-ceremony . live .
  60. Web site: Franck Elemba ne sera pas le Porte-drapeau du Congo aux JO de Tokyo . Congo Media Time . 11 July 2021 . fr-FR . 10 July 2021 . 10 July 2021 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210710125730/https://congomediatime.com/franck-elemba-ne-sera-pas-le-porte-drapeau-du-congo-aux-jo-de-tokyo/ . live .
  61. Web site: 17 July 2021. Michigan's Alex Rose honors father's heritage as Olympic flag-bearer for Samoa. 17 July 2021. MLive.com. en-EN. 17 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210717111623/https://www.mlive.com/sports/2021/07/michigans-alex-rose-honors-fathers-heritage-as-olympic-flag-bearer-for-samoa.html. live.
  62. News: 12 July 2021. Olimpiadi: Arianna Valloni e Myles Amine Mularoni i portabandiera di San Marino. it-IT. San Marino RTV. 17 July 2021. 17 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210717140006/https://www.sanmarinortv.sm/sport/sport-sammarinese-c16/olimpiadi-arianna-valloni-e-myles-amine-mularoni-i-portabandiera-di-san-marino-a208463. live.
  63. News: 30 June 2021. Russian Olympic chief says national team's extended roster for Tokyo Games approved. TASS (Russian News Agency). 4 July 2021. 9 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210709183559/https://tass.com/sport/1308505. live.
  64. News: 20 July 2021. Shelly- Ann Fraser Pryce and Ricardo Brown will be Jamaica's flag bearers for Tokyo 2020. . en. Jamaican Olympic Committee. 23 July 2021. 23 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210723011614/https://twitter.com/jaolympic/status/1417577993619320834/photo/1. live.
  65. News: 13 July 2021. Summer Olympics: the Georgian athletes competing for glory in Tokyo. Agenda.ge. 13 July 2021. 13 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210713155934/https://agenda.ge/en/news/2021/1955. live.
  66. Web site: 6 July 2021. All systems go for Team Singapore at the Tokyo Olympic Games. 7 July 2021. Singapore National Olympic Council. 4 August 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210804042220/https://www.singaporeolympics.com/all-systems-go-for-team-singapore-at-the-tokyo-olympic-games/. live.
  67. News: 22 July 2021. Tokyo 2020: Mujinga Kambundji et Max Heinzer porte-drapeaux pour la Suisse. fr. Tokyo 2020: Mujinga Kambundji and Max Heinzer flag bearers for Switzerland. Radio Télévision Suisse. 22 July 2021. 22 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210722131644/https://www.rts.ch/sport/jo/tokyo-2020/12364095-tokyo-2020-mujinga-kambundji-et-max-heinzer-portedrapeaux-pour-la-suisse.html. live.
  68. News: Max Salminen och Sara Algotsson Ostholt svenska fanbärare. Max Salminen and Sara Algotsson Ostholt swedish flag bearers. 21 July 2021. Sveriges Radio. 21 July 2021. sv. 21 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210721024858/https://sverigesradio.se/artikel/max-salminen-och-sara-algotsson-ostholt-svenska-fanbarare. live. Skött. Bengt.
  69. Web site: 12 May 2021. Saúl Craviotto y Mireia Belmonte serán los abanderados españoles en Tokio inaugurando la fórmula mixta. Saúl Craviotto and Mireia Belmonte will be Spain's inaugural mixed pair of flag bearers in Tokyo. 7 July 2021. RTVE. es. 17 May 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210517072021/https://www.rtve.es/deportes/20210512/craviotto-belmonte-abanderados-tokio-2020/2089669.shtml. live.
  70. News: Weerawansa. Dinesh. 4 July 2021. Judoka and gymnast to hoist the Lion as Sri Lanka Olympic captains. Sunday Observer. Colombo, Sri Lanka. 17 July 2021. 11 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210711080540/https://www.sundayobserver.lk/2021/07/04/sports/judoka-and-gymnast-hoist-lion-sri-lanka-olympic-captains. dead.
  71. Web site: So slovenskou zástavou na otváracom ceremoniáli OH v Tokiu pôjdu Zuzana Rehák Štefečeková a Matej Beňuš. Zuzana Rehák Štefečeková and Matej Beňuš will go with the Slovak flag at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Tokyo. 23 July 2021. olympic.sk. sk. 23 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210723090834/https://www.olympic.sk/clanok/so-slovenskou-zastavou-na-otvaracom-ceremoniali-oh-v-tokiu-pojdu-zuzana-rehak-stefecekova. live.
  72. News: 13 July 2021. Seychelles' Olympians receive special send-off ahead of travels to Tokyo. Seychelles News Agency. 13 July 2021. 13 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210713121610/http://www.seychellesnewsagency.com/articles/15137/Seychelles'+Olympians+receive+special+send-off+ahead+of+travels+to+Tokyo. live.
  73. News: 22 July 2021. Judoka and swimmer picked as Senegal's Tokyo 2020 flagbearers. en. Inside the Games. 22 July 2021. 22 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210722023726/https://www.insidethegames.biz/articles/1110565/senegal-flagbearers-tokyo-2020. live.
  74. News: Sonja Vasić i Filip Filipović nose zastavu Srbije na otvaranju Olimpijskih igara. sr. Sonja Vasić and Filip Filipović will carry the Serbian at the Olympic opening ceremonies. www.rts.rs. Radio Television of Serbia. 7 July 2021. 9 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210709183010/https://www.rts.rs/page/sport/sr/story/129/ostali-sportovi/4428369/sonja-vasic-filip-filipovic-zastava-srbija-otvaranje-olimpijske-igre-tokio.html. live.
  75. News: 20 July 2021. สองนักแม่นปืนถือธงไตรรงค์นำทัพนักกีฬาไทยเปิด 'โตเกียวเกมส์'. th. Thaipost. 20 July 2021. 20 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210720160833/https://www.thaipost.net/main/detail/110455. live.
  76. News: 7 July 2021. Volleyball star Kim Yeon-koung, teen swimmer Hwang Sun-woo named S. Korean flag-bearers at Tokyo Olympics. en. Yonhap News Agency. 7 July 2021. 11 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210711210633/https://en.yna.co.kr/view/AEN20210707008500315. live.
  77. News: 8 July 2021. 66名選手前進東奧 盧彥勳、郭婞淳任開幕掌旗官 tw.news.yahoo.com. zh. tw.news.yahoo.com. 8 July 2021. 13 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210713223104/https://tw.news.yahoo.com/66%E5%90%8D%E9%81%B8%E6%89%8B%E5%89%8D%E9%80%B2%E6%9D%B1%E5%A5%A7-%E7%9B%A7%E5%BD%A5%E5%8B%B3-%E9%83%AD%E5%A9%9E%E6%B7%B3%E4%BB%BB%E9%96%8B%E5%B9%95%E6%8E%8C%E6%97%97%E5%AE%98-085656998.html/. live.
  78. Web site: IOC sends warning over COVID-19 rule breaches at Tokyo 2020 . 2021-09-22 . www.insidethegames.biz . 2021-07-24. Tajikistan's flagbearer Tafur Rakhimov was among those not wearing masks during the Opening Ceremony at Tokyo. .
  79. Web site: Team United Republic of Tanzania - Profile . . 2021-07-23. 2021-09-21 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210826114409/https://olympics.com/tokyo-2020/olympic-games/en/results/all-sports/noc-profile-tanzania.htm. 2021-08-26. live.
  80. News: 22 July 2021. Poprvé ve dvou! Českou vlajku ponesou tenistka Kvitová a basketbalista Satoranský olympijskytym. cs. First time with two! The Czech flag will be carried by tennis player Kvitova and basketball player Satoransky. Czech Olympic Committee. 22 July 2021. 22 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210722151955/https://www.olympijskytym.cz/article/poprve-ve-dvou-ceskou-vlajku-ponesou-tenistka-kvitova-a-basketbalista-satoransky?utm_medium=organic&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=tokio2020&utm_content=clanek-vlajkonosi-tokio-kvitova-satoransky-210722. live.
  81. News: 17 July 2021. Zhu Ting, Zhao Shuai named China's flag-bearers at Tokyo 2020 opening ceremony. Xinhuanet. 17 July 2021. 17 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210717170728/http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2021-07/17/c_1310067634.htm. live.
  82. News: 9 July 2021. Tunisie : Deux porte-drapeaux aux Jeux Olympiques. www.kawarji.com. 11 July 2021. 11 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210711125124/https://www.kawarji.com/actu-66912-tunisie-deux-porte-drapeaux-aux-jeux-olympiques.html. live.
  83. News: 2 July 2021. Chile ya tiene abanderados para los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio. es. Chile has assigned the flag bearers for the Tokyo Olympics. Diario AS. 7 July 2021. 9 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210709190804/https://as.com/juegos_olimpicos/2021/07/02/noticias/1625243533_564550.html. live.
  84. News: 24 June 2021. Fire atleter skal bære Dannebrog ind på det olympiske stadion. da. Four athletes will carry the Danish flag into the Olympic Stadium. National Olympic Committee and Sports Confederation of Denmark. 26 June 2021. 26 June 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210626090602/https://www.dif.dk/da/elite/nyheder/viaritzauelite/presse/2021/6/20210624_fireatleterskalbredannebrogindpdetolympiskestadion. live.
  85. News: 22 July 2021. Ludwig und Hausding tragen die Fahne ins Stadion. de. Ludwig and Hausding carry the flag into the stadium. Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund. 22 July 2021. 22 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210722083142/https://www.dosb.de/sonderseiten/news/news-detail/news/ludwig-und-hausding-tragen-die-fahne-ins-stadion. live.
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  87. News: 1 July 2021. Priscilla Rivera y Rodrigo Marte, abanderados para los Juegos Olímpicos. es. Priscilla Rivera and Rodrigo Marte will carry the flag at the Olympics. Listín Diario. 4 July 2021. 9 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210709184954/https://listindiario.com/el-deporte/2021/07/01/677447/priscilla-rivera-y-rodrigo-marte-abanderados-para-los-juegos-olimpicos. live.
  88. Web site: Сборная Туркменистана приняла участие в церемонии открытия Олимпиады . 28 July 2021 . 26 July 2021 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210726165359/https://turkmenportal.com/blog/38385/sbornaya-turkmenistana-prinyala-uchastie-v-ceremonii-otkrytiya-olimpiady . live .
  89. News: 21 July 2021. Tokyo 2020'de Türk bayrağını Merve Tuncel ile Berke Saka taşıyacak. tk. Merve Tuncel and Berke Saka will carry the Turkish flag in Tokyo 2020. Fanatik. 21 July 2021. 21 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210721170434/https://www.fanatik.com.tr/tokyo-2020de-turk-bayragini-merve-tuncel-ile-berke-saka-tasiyacak-2232545. live.
  90. News: Ifetoye. Samuel. Adekuoroye is Team Nigeria's flag bearer at Tokyo 2020 Olympics. The Guardian. Nigeria. 7 July 2021. 10 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210710035522/https://guardian.ng/sport/adekuoroye-is-team-nigerias-flag-bearer-at-tokyo-2020-olympics/. live.
  91. Web site: 23 June 2021. New Zealand's flag bearers for Tokyo Olympics announced. 28 June 2021. The New Zealand Herald. 28 June 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210628150130/https://www.nzherald.co.nz/sport/new-zealands-flag-bearers-for-tokyo-olympics-announced/PC7AJD3EGCYPPR4GGPGXODW42I/. live.
  92. Web site: Tokyo Olympics 2020: Hamish Bond forced to hand over flagbearer duties to David Nyika for Opening Ceremony. 2021-07-23. New Zealand Herald. 23 July 2021 . en-NZ. 23 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210723095044/https://www.nzherald.co.nz/sport/tokyo-olympics-2020-hamish-bond-forced-to-hand-over-flagbearer-duties-to-david-nyika-for-opening-ceremony/7C6BD4LGPLA4XR2DY7ZFJRFRSE/. live.
  93. Web site: Barker, Philip. 19 July 2021. Swimmer Gaurika Singh to lead Nepal as flagbearer at Tokyo 2020. 19 July 2021. Inside the Games. 19 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210719104737/https://www.insidethegames.biz/articles/1110427/gaurika-singh-nepal-tokyo-2020-olympics. live.
  94. Web site: Meyer. Guerby. 13 July 2021. JO 2021: Sabiana Anestor, porte-drapeau d'Haïti !. 14 July 2021. Haiti-Tempo. 14 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210714042519/https://www.haititempo.com/jo-2021-sabiana-anestor-porte-drapeau-dhaiti/. live.
  95. News: 20 July 2021. Khalil, Mahoor to carry Pakistan's flag at Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony. en. Daily Times. 20 July 2021. 19 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210719223322/https://dailytimes.com.pk/794595/khalil-mahoor-to-carry-pakistans-flag-at-tokyo-olympics-opening-ceremony/. live.
  96. Web site: Cardenas. Henry. 8 July 2021. Edward y Bylon serán los abanderados de Panamá para los Juegos Olímpicos. 9 July 2021. La Prensa. es. 8 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210708233721/https://www.prensa.com/deportes/bylon-y-edward-seran-los-abanderados-de-panama-para-los-juegos-olimpicos/. live.
  97. Web site: Abel. Jason. VASANOC announces flag bearer for the 2020Tokyo Olympics event. 14 July 2021. Vanuatu Daily Post. 10 July 2021 . en. 14 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210714042519/https://dailypost.vu/vanuatu_sports/vasanoc-announces-flag-bearer-for-the-2020tokyo-olympics-event/article_459d9bee-e2a4-11eb-a459-1324daf0f607.html. live.
  98. News: 17 July 2021. Dara Alizadeh Named Bermuda's Flag Bearer. Bernews. 18 July 2021. 17 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210717222727/https://bernews.com/2021/07/dara-alizadeh-named-bermudas-flag-bearer/. live.
  99. Web site: Fabrizio Zanotti y Verónica Cepede, los abanderados de Paraguay para Tokio 2020. Fabrizio Zanotti and Verónica Cepede will be Paraguay's flag bearers for Tokyo 2020. 6 July 2021. Olympics. es. 6 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210706013210/https://olympics.com/tokyo-2020/es/noticias/fabrizio-zanotti-y-veronica-cepede-los-abanderados-de-paraguay-para-tokio-2020. live.
  100. News: 4 July 2021. Tokió 2020: Cseh László és Mohamed Aida viszi a magyar zászlót a megnyitón. hu. Tokyo 2020: László Cseh and Aida Mohamed will carry the Hungarian flag at the opening. Nemzeti Sport. 4 July 2021. 11 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210711051540/https://www.nemzetisport.hu/tokio-2020/tokio-2020-cseh-laszlo-es-mohamed-aida-viszi-a-magyar-zaszlot-a-megnyiton-2836401. live.
  101. Web site: 7 July 2021. Jerry and Rusila are team Fiji's flag bearers. 8 July 2021. The Fiji Times. 7 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210707051106/https://www.fijitimes.com/jerry-and-rusila-are-team-fijis-flag-bearers/. live.
  102. Web site: 7 July 2021. Tuwai and Nagasau are Fiji's flag bearers at Olympics. 8 July 2021. FBC News. 6 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210706190324/https://www.fbcnews.com.fj/sports/tuwai-and-nagasau-are-fijis-flag-bearers-at-olympics/. live.
  103. News: 8 July 2021. Obiena, Watanaba named PH flagbearers for Tokyo Games. Tiebreaker Times. 8 July 2021. 8 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210708082055/https://tiebreakertimes.com.ph/tbt/obiena-watanaba-named-ph-flagbearers-for-tokyo-games/212662. live.
  104. Web site: 21 July 2021. Ari-Pekka Liukkonen ja Satu Mäkelä-Nummela Suomen joukkueen lipunkantajina. 22 July 2021. Suomen Olympiakomitea. 22 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210722071339/https://www.olympiakomitea.fi/2021/07/21/ari-pekka-liukkonen-ja-satu-makela-nummela-suomen-joukkueen-lipunkantajina/. live.
  105. News: 30 June 2021. Adriana Díaz y Brian Afanador serán los abanderados de la delegación boricua en Tokio 2020. es. Adriana Díaz and Brian Afanador will be the flag bearers for the Puerto Rican delegation at Tokyo 2020. WKAQ-TV. 2 July 2021. 30 June 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210630233420/https://www.telemundopr.com/noticias/puerto-rico/copur-anuncia-que-adriana-diaz-y-brian-afanador-seran-los-abanderados-de-la-delegacion-boricua-en-tokio-2020/2231255/. live.
  106. News: 16 July 2021. Ketleyn Quadros, do judô, e Bruninho, do vôlei, serão os porta-bandeiras do Brasil nos Jogos Olímpicos Tóquio 2020. pt. Ketleyn Quadros, from judo and Bruninho, from volleyball, will be the flag bearers of Brazil at Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. Brazilian Olympic Committee. 16 July 2021. 17 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210717003208/https://www.cob.org.br/pt/galerias/noticias/ketleyn-quadros-do-judo-e-bruninho-do-volei-serao-os-portabandeiras-do-brasil-nos-jogos-olimpicos-toquio-2020/. live.
  107. News: 42 athletes set to represent Bulgaria at Tokyo Olympics. en. bnr.bg. 8 July 2021. 9 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210709184724/https://bnr.bg/en/post/101492029/42-athletes-set-to-represent-bulgaria-at-tokyo-olympics. live.
  108. News: 18 July 2021. Hugues Fabrice Zango porte-drapeau du Burkina Faso à la cérémonie d'ouverture des Jeux Olympiques de Tokyo. fr. Hugues Fabrice Zango, Burkina Faso's flag bearer at the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic Games. L'Équipe. 18 July 2021. 18 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210718035536/https://www.lequipe.fr/Athletisme/Actualites/Hugues-fabrice-zango-porte-drapeau-du-burkina-faso-a-la-ceremonie-d-ouverture-des-jeux-olympiques-de-tokyo/1271179. live.
  109. News: 15 July 2021. VĐV Quách Thị Lan và Nguyễn Huy Hoàng cầm cờ Đoàn thể thao Việt Nam tại Olympic Tokyo 2020. vi. Athletes Quach Thi Lan and Nguyen Huy Hoang hold the flags of the Vietnamese sports delegation at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Báo Đồng Nai. 23 July 2021. 23 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210723010706/http://baodongnai.com.vn/thethao/202107/vdv-quach-thi-lan-va-nguyen-huy-hoang-cam-co-doan-the-thao-viet-nam-tai-olympic-tokyo-2020-3067271/index.htm. live.
  110. [Odile Ahouanwanou]
  111. Web site: Team Venezuela - Profile . . 2021-07-23. 2021-09-22. https://web.archive.org/web/20210831084845/https://olympics.com/tokyo-2020/olympic-games/en/results/all-sports/noc-profile-venezuela.htm. 2021-08-31. live.
  112. News: 23 July 2021. Анна Марусова и Никита Цмыг выступят знаменосцами на церемонии открытия Игр. The First News. 23 July 2021. 8 August 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210808184701/https://noc.by/news/anna-marusova-i-nikita-tsmyg-vystupyat-znamenostsami-na-tseremonii-otkrytiya-igr/5/. live.
  113. Web site: 2 July 2021. ¡Arriba Perú! Daniella Rosas y Lucca Mesinas son los abanderados peruanos para Tokio 2020. 7 July 2021. El Peruano. es. 9 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210709184407/https://elperuano.pe/noticia/123842-arriba-peru-daniella-rosas-y-lucca-mesinas-son-los-abanderados-peruanos-para-tokio-2020. live.
  114. News: 18 July 2021. JO 2020 : Nafi Thiam et Felix Denayer porteront le drapeau belge lors de la cérémonie d'ouverture. fr. OLYMPIC GAMES 2020: Nafi Thiam and Felix Denayer will carry the Belgian flag at the opening ceremony. RTBF. 18 July 2021. 17 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210717194204/https://www.rtbf.be/sport/jo/detail_jo-2020-nafi-thiam-et-felix-denayer-porteront-le-drapeau-belge-lors-de-la-ceremonie-d-ouverture?id=10806167. live.
  115. News: 13 July 2021. Flag-bearers of Poland team at Tokyo Olympics opening announced. The First News. 13 July 2021. 13 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210713111955/https://www.thefirstnews.com/article/flag-bearers-of-poland-team-at-tokyo-olympics-opening-announced-23265. live.
  116. Web site: Radiosarajevo.ba. Poznato ko će nositi zastavu BiH na otvaranju Olimpijskih igara u Tokiju. 2021-07-16. Radio Sarajevo. 15 July 2021 . 16 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210716110702/https://radiosarajevo.ba/sport/ostali-sportovi/poznato-ko-ce-nositi-zastavu-bih-na-otvaranju-olimpijskih-igara-u-tokiju/424100. live.
  117. Web site: Avendaño. Marcelo. 8 July 2021. El equipo olímpico recibe la tricolor que flameará en Tokio. 9 July 2021. PREMIUM BOLIVIA. es. 9 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210709191346/https://premiumsportsbo.com/el-equipo-olimpico-recibe-la-tricolor-que-flameara-en-tokio/. live.
  118. News: Telma Monteiro e Nélson Évora são os porta-estandarte em Tóquio. pt. www.dn.pt. 9 July 2021. 9 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210709185001/https://www.dn.pt/desporto/telma-monteiro-e-nelson-evora-sao-os-porta-estandarte-em-toquio-13898856.html. live.
  119. News: Chan. Kin Wa. 8 July 2021. Fencer Cheung, badminton's Tse Olympic flag bearers for Hong Kong. en. South China Morning Post. 8 July 2021. 8 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210708120917/https://www.scmp.com/sport/hong-kong/article/3140373/fencer-cheung-ka-long-and-badminton-player-tse-ying-suet-carry-hong. live.
  120. Web site: Delegación hondureña en Tokio 2020 será la más pequeña de los últimos cuatro Juegos Olímpicos. 7 July 2021. Radio HRN - Del Grupo Emisoras Unidas. 6 July 2021 . es. 6 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210706174433/https://www.radiohrn.hn/delegacion-hondurena-en-tokio-2020-sera-la-mas-pequena-de-los-ultimos-cuatro-juegos-olimpicos. live.
  121. Web site: 3 July 2021. Jeux olympiques: six athletes malagasy à Tokyo. 7 July 2021. newsmada.com. fr. 11 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210711193657/https://www.newsmada.com/2021/07/03/jeux-olympiques-six-athletes-malagasy-a-tokyo/. live.
  122. News: 12 July 2021. Maltese Olympic Committee announces its flag-bearers for forthcoming Olympic Games. TASS (Maltese Olympic Committee). 12 July 2021. 12 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210712113158/https://nocmalta.org/maltese-olympic-committee-announces-its-flag-bearers-for-forthcoming-olympic-games/. live.
  123. News: 4 March 2021. OCM break with tradition, pick Liu Ying, Khairul Anuar as Tokyo Olympic flag-bearers. The Malaysian Reserve. 20 May 2021. 4 May 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210504203529/https://themalaysianreserve.com/2021/05/03/ocm-break-with-tradition-pick-liu-ying-khairul-anuar-as-tokyo-olympic-flag-bearers/. live.
  124. News: 22 July 2021. Le Clos, Mbande to carry SA flag at opening ceremony. en. South African Olympic Committee. 22 July 2021. 22 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210722210615/https://www.teamsa.co.za/le-clos-mbande-to-carry-sa-flag-at-opening-ceremony-1/. live.
  125. In the citation, there is a description that "There is only the Burmese flag behind the" Myanmar "signboard, and there are no Myanmar athletes who will participate in the Tokyo Olympics." - Web site: ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံအလံသာပါၿပီးကစားသမားေတြမပါတဲ့တိုက်ိဳအိုလံပစ္ဖြင့္ပြဲ... . 2021-09-22 . Edv Network . 2021-07-26. my. ကြင္းထဲဝင္ေရာက္လာတဲ့ Myanmar ဆိုတဲ့ ဆိုင္းဘုတ္အေနာက္မွာ ျမန္မာျပည္အလံသာ ရွိၿပီး တိုက်ိဳအိုလံပစ္ ဝင္ေရာက္ယွဥ္ၿပိဳင္တဲ့ ျမန္မာကစားသမား တစ္ဦးမွ လိုက္ပါလာျခင္း မရွိပါဘူး။ .
  126. Web site: Team Lesotho - Profile . . 2021-07-23. 2021-09-22. https://web.archive.org/web/20210812154904/https://olympics.com/tokyo-2020/olympic-games/en/results/all-sports/noc-profile-lesotho.htm. 2021-08-12. live.
  127. News: Gaby López y Rommel Pacheco serán los abanderados de México en JJ.OO. de Tokio. Palabras Claras. 25 June 2021. 29 June 2021. 29 June 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210629005806/https://palabrasclaras.mx/deportes/gaby-lopez-y-rommel-pacheco-seran-los-abanderados-de-mexico-en-jj-oo-de-tokio/. live.
  128. News: Tokyo 2020 : Le binôme pour porter le drapeau mauricien connu. Inside News. 5 July 2021. 29 June 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210629111459/https://inside.news/2021/06/24/tokyo-2020-le-binome-pour-porter-le-drapeau-mauricien-connu/. live.
  129. News: 6 July 2021. Xiaoxin Yang, porte-drapeau d'une délégation de six athlètes monégasques aux JO de Tokyo. fr-FR. Monaco Tribune. 7 July 2021. 6 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210706090617/https://www.monaco-tribune.com/2021/07/xiaoxin-yang-porte-drapeau-dune-delegation-de-six-athletes-monegasques-aux-jo-de-tokyo/. live.
  130. News: 20 July 2021. Dan Olaru și Alexandra Mîrca vor purta drapelul Republicii Moldova la Jocurile Olimpice de la Tokyo 2020. ro. Dan Olaru and Alexandra Mîrca will carry the flag of the Republic of Moldova at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. Moldovan Olympic Committee. 22 July 2021. 22 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210722235104/https://olympic.md/dan-olaru-si-alexandra-mirca-vor-purta-drapelul-republicii-moldova-la-jocurile-olimpice-de-la-tokyo-2020-2/. live.
  131. News: 17 July 2021. Oumaïma Bel Habib et Ramzi Boukhiam, porte-drapeau du Maroc. fr. Oumaïma Bel Habib and Ramzi Boukhiam, flag bearers of Morocco. Le Matin (Morocco). 18 July 2021. 18 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210718081609/https://lematin.ma/journal/2021/oumai-bel-habib-ramzi-boukhiam-porte-drapeau-maroc/361526.html. live.
  132. News: 8 July 2021. Токио-2020: Монголын тугчаар Ө.Дүүрэнбаяр, О.Хулан нар сонгогдов News.MN. mn. News.MN. 8 July 2021. 8 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210708062823/https://news.mn/r/2451593/. live.
  133. Web site: Marković. Ana. Najvažnije vijesti svakog dana. 11 July 2021. Pobjeda. 11 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210711125125/https://www.pobjeda.me/clanak/i-srecna-i-privilegovana. live.
  134. Web site: 17 July 2021. Ostapenko būs otra karognesēja Latvijas delegācijā Tokijas olimpisko spēļu atklāšanā. 17 July 2021. /lsm.lv. lv. 17 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210717171422/https://www.lsm.lv/raksts/sports/olimpiska-kustiba/ostapenko-bus-otra-karogneseja-latvijas-delegacija-tokijas-olimpisko-spelu-atklasana.a413284/. live.
  135. Web site: 5 July 2021. Latvijas karogu Tokijas OS atklāšanas ceremonijā nesīs Agnis Čavars. 6 July 2021. /sportacentrs.com. lv. 5 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210705105130/https://sportacentrs.com/tokija_2021/05072021-latvijas_karogu_tokijas_os_atklasanas_cer. live.
  136. News: 18 July 2021. Šiais metais pirmą kartą olimpinių žaidynių istorijoje vėliavą neš ir sportininkas, ir sportininkė. Lietuvos trispalvė atidarymo ceremonijoje patikėta plaukikui @giedrius_titenis ir dziudo imtynininkei @karaliussandra. lt. This year, for the first time in the history of the Olympic Games, the flag will be carried by both an athlete and a female athlete. The Lithuanian tricolour was entrusted to swimmer @giedrius_titenis and judo wrestler @karaliussandra at the opening ceremony. Lithuanian Olympic Committee. 23 July 2021. 8 August 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210808184654/https://www.instagram.com/accounts/login/. live.
  137. Web site: Pohoata, Narcis. 1 July 2021. Cine este Mădălina Bereș, canotoarea care va purta drapelul României la Tokyo. Mama sportivei, cu lacrimi în ochi la aflarea veștii: "Nu mai am cuvinte". Who is Mădălina Bereș, the rower who will carry the Romanian flag in Tokyo. The athlete's mother, with tears in her eyes when she heard the news: "I have no words". 17 July 2021. ProSport. Romanian. 17 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210717115035/https://www.prosport.ro/alte-sporturi/cine-este-madalina-beres-va-purta-drapelul-romaniei-la-tokyo-19288304. live.
  138. [Bob Bertemes]
  139. News: Lebanese Judo Federation Instagram. 15 July 2021. 8 August 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210808184656/https://www.instagram.com/accounts/login/. live.
  140. News: 21 July 2021. Sue Bird, Eddy Alvarez will be U.S. flag bearers at Tokyo Olympics. Today. 21 July 2021. 21 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210721111042/https://www.today.com/news/sue-bird-eddy-alvarez-will-be-u-s-flag-bearers-t226024. live.
  141. News: 5 July 2021. Clarisse Agbegnenou et Samir Ait-Saïd porte-drapeaux de la délégation française aux Jeux Olympiques de Tokyo. L'Équipe. 5 July 2021. 5 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210705183411/https://www.lequipe.fr/Tous-sports/Actualites/Clarisse-agbegnenou-et-samir-ait-said-porte-drapeaux-de-la-delegation-francaise-aux-jeux-olympiques-de-tokyo/1268345. live.
  142. News: 5 July 2021. Hachimura, Susaki named flagbearers for Japan's Olympic team. Kyodo News. 5 July 2021. 5 July 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210705144239/https://english.kyodonews.net/tokyo/news/2021/07/5c8e6f0cdcf1-hachimura-susaki-named-flagbearers-for-japans-olympic-team.html. live.
  143. News: Tokyo Olympics Rectified Our Name. 自由時報電子報 . Liberty Times. 23 July 2021. 自由時報電子報 .
  144. Web site: Chinese Taipei Team's March-in. United Daily News. 24 July 2021.
  145. Web site: 【#オリンピック 応援企画】台湾チーム頑張れ!台湾国歌を歌ってみた【046】 . 23 July 2021 .
  146. Web site: Tokyo Olympics Opening Ceremony: Taiwan's Sequence of Entry!. NewTalk. 23 July 2021.
  147. Web site: The Olympic opening ceremony was full of video game music . Michael . McWhertor . July 23, 2021 . July 23, 2021 . . 24 July 2021 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210724131448/https://www.polygon.com/22590146/olympics-2020-games-athletes-parade-of-nations-video-game-music-dragon-quest-kingdom-hearts . live .
  148. Web site: Olympics ceremony uses music from Japanese video games . Walsh . Giarrusso . July 23, 2021 . July 23, 2021 . . . 23 July 2021 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210723142329/https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory/opening-ceremony-shines-light-video-game-music-79010847 . live .