Elections were held in the U.S. state of New Jersey on November 3, 2020.[1]
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ballots for voting by mail were sent to all registered voters in the state. Ballots were processed immediately upon receipt. An audit of the ballots was completed in January. The results did not change the outcome and the process was generally considered a success.[2]
Joe Biden carried the state, where he won the majority in 14 of 21 counties.
Public Question 2, Peacetime Veterans Eligible for Property Tax Deduction Amendment
Public Question 3, Delayed State Legislative Redistricting Amendment
All three ballot measures in New Jersey passed. Public Question 1 legalized marijuana by a 67.1% to 32.9% margin. Public Question 2 made peacetime veterans eligible for a $250 property tax deduction, which passed by a 76.5% to 23.5% margin. Public Question 3 postponed the state legislative redistricting process until after the election on November 2, 2021, if the state receives federal census data after February 15, 2021, which passed by a 57.8% to 42.2% margin.[4]
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