2018 in Argentina explained

The following lists events that happened in Argentina in 2018.


Mauricio Macri


Mariano Arcioni

Juan Schiaretti

Gustavo Valdés

Gustavo Bordet

Gildo Insfrán

Gerardo Morales

Ricardo Quintela

Omar Gutiérrez

Sergio Uñac

Alberto Rodríguez Saá

Alicia Kirchner

Gerardo Zamora

Rosana Bertone

Juan Luis Manzur

Vice Governors

Predicted and scheduled events



2018 G20 Buenos Aires summit

Unknown month



The tariffs of metropolitan buses, trains and subways in Buenos Aires are increased.[1]

Union leader Marcelo Balcedo, accused of money laundering, is detained in Uruguay, in a joint operation between the Interpol and the Uruguayan police.[2]

The economic emergency law ceases to be in force.[3]

Unable to get support from the PJ and the CGT for an amendment in the labor law, Macri postpones the bill for March.[4]

Raúl Zaffaroni, judge of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, urges President Macri to resign.


The government closes the National Lottery, and ends the "Prode" game.[7]

Minister Patricia Bullrich meets with US specialists in security and terrorism, to discuss the G20 summit. Those people voiced concerns about a presence of Hezbollah in the Triple Frontier.[8]

General strike of national banks.[11]

Two-days general strike of national banks.[12]

A general strike is called by union leader Hugo Moyano.[13]

Six suspected drug traffickers are jailed at the Russian embassy while trying to smuggle drugs in a diplomatic flight.[14]

Bolivia rejects a treaty of mutual free healthcare with Argentina.[15]


Opening of regular sessions of the National Congress of Argentina.[18]

The Polish League Against Defamation filed a complaint against the newspaper Página/12, accusing them to violate the recently amended Act on the Institute of National Remembrance, which forbids any suggestion of Polish involvement in the Holocaust.[19]

Large demonstrations during the International Women's Day.[22]

The ice bridge of the Perito Moreno Glacier collapses.[23]


Antonio Valentín Angelillo (soccer player)[26]

Noemi Lapzeson (dancer)

Rubén Oswaldo Díaz (soccer player)

Osvaldo Suárez (sportsman)

Reynaldo Bignone (de facto president)[27]

Gastón Tavagnutti (dancer)

René Houseman (soccer player)

Alicia Bellán (film, theatre actress)[28]

Julio Blanck (journalist)

Hermenegildo Sábat (comic book artist)

See also

Notes and References

  1. Web site: El Gobierno anunció una suba de los boletos de colectivos y trenes. The government announced a tariff increase in buses and trains. es. Diego Cabot. January 3, 2017. La Nación. January 1, 2018.
  2. Web site: Detuvieron a un gremialista argentino en una chacra en Piriápolis: tenía armas y dinero en efectivo. They detained an Argentine union leader in Piriapolis: he had weapons and banknotes. es. January 4, 2018. La Nación. January 1, 2018.
  3. Web site: Se "termina" la Emergencia Económica tras 16 años de vigencia. The economic emergency ends after 1 years. es. January 6, 2018. Clarin. January 1, 2018.
  4. Web site: Sin las garantías del PJ y de la CGT, el Gobierno posterga la reforma laboral para marzo. With no guarantees from the PJ and the CGT, the government postpones the labor amendment for March. es. Santiago Dapelo. January 9, 2018. La Nación. January 1, 2018.
  5. Web site: "Estoy orgulloso de que haya un policía como vos", le dijo Macri a Chocobar en la Casa Rosada. "I'm proud that there is a policeman like you", said Macri to Chocobar at the Casa Rosada. es. February 1, 2018. Clarín. February 7, 2018.
  6. Web site: Cambiemos presentó un proyecto para desplazar a Eugenio Zaffaroni como juez de la CIDH. Cambiemos proposed a bill to remove Eugenio Zaffaroni as judge of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. es. February 1, 2018. La Nación. February 1, 2018.
  7. Web site: El Gobierno disuelve la Lotería Nacional y elimina el histórico Prode. The government closes the National Lottery and ends the historical Prode. es. February 2, 2018. La Nación. February 2, 2018.
  8. Web site: Patricia Bullrich se reunió en Washington con especialistas en terrorismo y seguridad. Patricia Bullrich meets in Washington with specialists in terrorism and security. es. February 7, 2018. Clarín. February 7, 2018.
  9. Web site: El PJ busca armar un frente opositor, pero los gobernadores pegaron el faltazo. The PJ seeks to organize an opposing front, but the governors did not attend. es. Jazmín Bullorini. February 8, 2018. Clarín. February 7, 2018.
  10. Web site: Estela de Carlotto, tras ser recibida por Francisco en el Vaticano: "El Papa está preocupado por Argentina". Estela de Carloto, after meeting Francis in the Vatican City: "The pope is worried for Argentina". es. February 8, 2018. Clarín. February 7, 2018.
  11. Web site: Arrancó el paro bancario nacional en rechazo a la oferta paritaria. The strike of banks started, protesting against the wages proposal. es. February 9, 2018. Perfil. February 7, 2018.
  12. Web site: Sucursales vacías, enojos y microcortes de calle: las postales del paro bancario en el centro porteño. Empty banks, anger and street blocks: issues of the bank strike at the center of Buenos Aires. es. February 20, 2018. Clarín. February 23, 2018.
  13. Web site: Argentine truckers block capital streets to protest Macri reforms. Hugh Bronstein, Nicolás Misculin. February 21, 2018. Reuters. February 23, 2018.
  14. Web site: Two Argentines arrested in Russian embassy cocaine probe. February 22, 2018. Reuters. February 23, 2018.
  15. Web site: El gobierno de Evo Morales rechaza atender a argentinos en sus hospitales y se tensa la relación con Bolivia. The government of Evo Morales refuses to accept Argentines in their hospital; the relation with Bolivia gets tense. es. February 27, 2018. Clarín. February 27, 2018.
  16. Web site: Bolivia da marcha atrás y dará atención sanitaria gratuita a los argentinos. Bolivia steps back and will provide free healthcare to Argentines. es. Natasha Niebieskikwiat. February 28, 2018. Clarín. February 28, 2018.
  17. Web site: Imputaron a Hugo y Pablo Moyano por presunto lavado de dinero. Hugo and Pablo Moyano were indicted for money laundering. es. Lucía Salinas. February 28, 2018. Clarín. February 28, 2018.
  18. Web site: Mauricio Macri en el Congreso: reviví el minuto a minuto de la Asamblea Legislativa. Mauricio Macri in the Congress, relive the minute by minute of the Legislative assembly. es. March 1, 2018. La Nación. February 28, 2018.
  19. Web site: Polish group sues Argentine paper under new Holocaust law. March 3, 2018. Reuters. March 2, 2018.
  20. Web site: La Justicia decidió extraditar a Chile a Jones Huala y hay disturbios en la puerta del juzgado. Germán de los Santos. March 5, 2018. La Nación. March 2, 2018.
  21. News: Argentina ex-leader on trial for alleged cover-up in bombing. ABC News. 7 March 2018. https://web.archive.org/web/20180307214329/https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/argentina-leader-trial-alleged-cover-bombing-53537541. 7 March 2018. dead.
  22. News: The Latest: Tens of thousands in Argentina mark Women's Day. https://web.archive.org/web/20180308084133/https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/the-latest-chinese-use-womens-day-to-joke-about-power-grab/2018/03/07/aa1bb312-228b-11e8-946c-9420060cb7bd_story.html. dead. March 8, 2018. March 8, 2018. The Washington Post. March 7, 2018.
  23. Web site: Perito Moreno Glacier ice bridge collapses in Argentina. March 12, 2018. The Economic Times. March 12, 2018. https://web.archive.org/web/20180313092201/https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/miscellaneous/spectacular-view-perito-moreno-glacier-ice-bridge-collapses-in-argentina/perito-moreno-glacier-ice-bridge/slideshow/63266407.cms. March 13, 2018. dead. mdy-all.
  24. Web site: Violencia en la Uocra:"Dejen de romper las pelotas en La Plata", dijeron los sicarios antes de disparar. Violence at the UOCRA: "Stop messing in La Plata". es. Germán de los Santos. March 13, 2018. La Nación. April 23, 2018.
  25. Web site: De Vidal a Zaffaroni: una carta al papa Francisco unió a oficialistas y opositores. From Vidal to Zaffaroni: a letter to Pope Francis united all politicians. es. Mariano De Vedia. March 13, 2018. La Nación. April 23, 2018.
  26. Web site: Angelillo has died. Football Italia. 6 January 2018. 6 January 2018.
  27. News: Reynaldo Bignone, Argentina's Last Military Dictator, Dies at 90 . . 9 March 2018 . 9 March 2018.
  28. News: FALLECIÓ LA ACTRIZ ALICIA BELLÁN. July 10, 2018. Asociación Argentina de Actores. July 25, 2018. es. September 11, 2020. https://web.archive.org/web/20200911014259/http://actores.org.ar/informacion-general/fallecio-actriz-alicia-bellan. dead.