2018 President of the Senate of the Czech Republic election explained

Election Name:2018 President of the Senate of the Czech Republic election
Country:Czech Republic
Previous Election:2016 President of the Senate of the Czech Republic election
Previous Year:2016
Next Election:February 2020 President of the Senate of the Czech Republic election
Next Year:2020 (February)
Election Date:14 November 2018[1]
Candidate1:Jaroslav Kubera
Party1:Civic Democratic Party (Czech Republic)
Popular Vote1:46
Candidate2:Václav Hampl
Party2:Christian and Democratic Union – Czechoslovak People's Party
Popular Vote2:24
Before Election:Milan Štěch
Before Party:Czech Social Democratic Party
After Election:Jaroslav Kubera
After Party:Civic Democratic Party (Czech Republic)

Election of the President of the Senate of the Czech Republic was held on 14 November 2018. It was held after 2018 Senate election. Civic Democratic Party nominated Jaroslav Kubera, Mayors and Independents nominated Jan Horník and Christian and Democratic Union – Czechoslovak People's Party nominated Václav Hampl. Incumbent President Milan Štěch doesn't seek reelection.[2] It was the first time in the history of the Senate that more than 2 candidates run for the position. Senate factions usually came to an agreement about the new President in the past.[3]

Jaroslav Kubera and Václav Hampl advanced to the second round. Kubera then defeated Hampl with 46 votes to 24 and became the new Senate President. His victory was considered a surprise as it was expected that Mayors and Independents and Christian and Democratic Union – Czechoslovak People's Party will support other party's Candidate against Kubera in the second round.[4] [5] Kubera's victory was attributed to Kubera's Charisma and strategy of his Party.[6]


Prior 2018 Senate election it was believed that Christian and Democratic Union – Czechoslovak People's Party will become largest senate party and its nominee will replace Milan Štěch as the president of the Senate. Václav Hampl was speculated as the likeliest candidate as he was offered the position by the party.[7] It was viewed as an unwritten rule that a representative of the largest Senate faction holds the position of the president of the Senate.[8]

The Civic Democratic Party eventually won the election and was tied with Mayors and Independents in the position of largest Senate faction.[9] [10] Leader of the Civic Democratic Party stated that he considers Jaroslav Kubera as the most logical candidate for the Senate president.[11] Kubera was endorsed by Miloš Zeman.[12] Kubera himself stated that party's nomination would be an Honor for him but noted that it isn't something that he couldn't live without. He stated that he believes that all parties should keep the rule that President of the Senate comes from the largest faction.[13]

Mayors and Independents declined to support Kubera as he didn't view him as a counterbalance to the President Miloš Zeman. Christian Democrats also declined Kubera.[14] [15] [16] Both parties didn't like Kubera's previous politically incorrect statements and his strongly right-wing stances.[17] Mayors and Independents announced on 23 October 2018 that it would nominate Jiří Růžička as its candidate. The Civic Democratic Party announced it could withdraw Kubera's nomination if other parties agreed to their terms.[18] Civic Democrats were negative towards Růžička's nomination.[19]

Christian and Democratic Union – Czechoslovak People's Party announced on 31 October 2018 it would nominate Václav Hampl. Christian Democrats also announced they are prepared to uphold Hampl by force. Mayors and Independents criticised Hampl's candidacy as Christian Democrats have only 15 Senators while Civic Democrats and Mayors and Independents both have 18 senators. Mayors and Independents decided withdrawn Růžička's nomination and nominated Jan Horník instead.

ANO 2011 announced on 2 November 2018 that its senators will support Kubera's candidacy. Civic Democrats also negotiated with the Czech Social Democratic Party and Senator 21 about possible support for Kubera. Václav Hampl on the other hand was endorsed by leader of Senator 21 Václav Láska.[20] Leader of Mayors and Independents admitted on 4 November 2018 that it is possible that his party won't find an agreement with Civic Democrats and the election could become a "shot up."[21]

Political scientist Lukáš Jelínek noted on 6 November 2018 that Kubera's chances to become the new Senate President were very low but grew due to negotiations of Civic Democrats with Social Democrats and ANO 2011. Chances of Jan Horník to become new Senate President are viewed by Jelínek as low.[20]

Civic Democrats announced on 6 November 2018 that they will stand after Kubera as its candidate. Horník attacked Kubera and stated that he would support Hampl against Kubera if they face each other in the second round.[22] Kubera was at the time supported by his party and ANO 2011. Part of Czech Social Democratic Party faction also supported him. Hampl had support of most of Christian and Democratic Union – Czechoslovak People's Party faction and most of Senator 21 senators. Horník was supported by his party.[23] Representatives of ODS, STAN and KDU-ČSL senate factions met on 7. November 2018 but didn't come to an agreement.[24]

A of 8 November 2018, Kubera had support of ODS and ANO 2011 faction with 24 votes. Hampl had support of KDU-ČSL and SEN 21 faction with 21 votes. Horník was supported by STAN faction with 18 votes. ČSSD faction was split between candidates. It was believed due to the faction endorsements that Kubera and Hampl will advance to the second round.[25] No candidate was viewed as the clear front-runner.[3]

Kubera, Hampl and Horník met on a debate held by Česká televize on 10 November 2018. Kubera stated that his main advantage are his political experiences. He stated that he runs because position of the president of the Senate would allow him to fight Bureaucracy and growing freedom limitations more effectively. Hampl stated that he considers himself a candidate of compromise and stated that he could use his experiences as a Rector of the Charles University. Horník noted that he worked within Senate for a long time.[26]

The incumbent President Milan Štěch stated on 11 November 2018 that there could be a fourth candidate of compromise. He didn't say who would be such candidate but ruled out his own candidacy.[27] Main Senate factions refused possibility of fourth candidate. Nominations were closed on 12 November 2018. Kubera, Horník and Hampl became official candidates.[28]


Candidate name and agePolitical partyDetails
Václav Hampl Christian and Democratic Union – Czechoslovak People's PartyFormer Rector of the Charles University and Senator for Prague 1 since 2014. He was considered a candidate by some groups within senate prior 2018 Senate election.[29] KDU-ČSL announced him as its candidate on 31 October 2018.[30]
Jan Horník Mayors and IndependentsSenator for Karlovy Vary, Mayor of Boží Dar and leader of Mayors and Independents Senate caucus. He was a nominee of STAN.
Jaroslav Kubera Civic Democratic PartySenator for Teplice, former mayor of Teplice and leader of Civic Democratic Party Senate caucus. He was the nominee of the Civic Democratic Party.[31] He admitted interest in running for the position after party's victory in 2018 Senate election.[32] He stated that new Senate President should be nominee of the largest parliamentary faction.[33] Kubera stated that he would try to "grind edges" if he becomes the new Senate President. He noted that his advantage would be that he knows other constitutional representatives well and doesn't have a problem to communicate with them despite their different opinions.[34] He was endorsed by ANO 2011.[35]


Candidate name and agePolitical partyDetails
Pavel Bělobrádek Christian and Democratic Union – Czechoslovak People's PartyLeader of KDU-ČSL. His candidacy was speculated prior 2018 Senate election but his candidacy was rejected prior the election and he wasn't elected a Senator thus was ineligible to run.[36]
Jiří Čunek Christian and Democratic Union – Czechoslovak People's PartyGovernor of Zlín region and Senator for Vsetín. He was speculated to be a candidate of KDU-ČSL. He declined candidacy on 14 October 2018 and stated that he could imagine Jaroslav Kubera as the new President.[37]
Jiří Drahoš Mayors and Independents2018 presidential candidate, his candidacy was speculated by media after his victory of the first round of senate election.[38] His candidacy was declined by Senate factions due to his inexperience.[39]
Jiří Oberfalzer Civic Democratic PartySenator for Beroun. He was suggested as an alternative nominee of the Civic Democratic Party.[40]
Zbyněk Linhart Mayors and IndependentsSenator for Děčín. He was mentioned as possible nominee of STAN.[41] STAN decided to nominate Jiří Růžička instead.
Jiří Růžička TOP 09Senator for Prague 6. He was mentioned as a possible nominee of STAN. STAN decided to nominate him on 23 October 2018.[42] STAN later withdrawn his nomination.
Milan Štěch Czech Social Democratic PartySenator for Pelhřimov and the incumbent president of the Senate. He was mentioned as possible candidate but he doesn't seek reelection due to low number of seats of his party. He ruled out his candidacy on 11 November 2018.[43]
Miloš Vystrčil Civic Democratic PartySenator for Jihlava. He was suggested as an alternative nominee of the Civic Democratic Party.

Composition of Senate

NameIdeologySenate LeaderSeatsSupported candidate
Civic Democratic PartyConservatismMiloš VystrčilJaroslav Kubera
Mayors and IndependentsLocalismJan HorníkJan Horník
KDU-ČSLChristian democracyPetr ŠilarVáclav Hampl
Czech Social Democratic PartySocial democracyPetr Vícha
ANO 2011CentrismZdeňka HamousováJaroslav Kubera
SEN 21LiberalismVáclav LáskaVáclav Hampl[44]


This section lists notable public Personas who publicly endorsed Kubera, Hampl or Horník excluding Members of parties that nominated each of Candidates.

Jaroslav Kubera

Václav Hampl

Jan Horník


Voting is held on 14 November 2018.[50] No candidate was elected in the first round. Kubera received 35 votes, Hampl received 22 votes and Horník received 18 votes in the first round. Kubera and Hampl advanced to the second round.[51]

Kubera received 46 votes while Hampl received 24 votes in the second round. Kubera was thus elected and became the new Senate President.[52]

CandidateParty1st Round2nd Round
Jaroslav KuberaCivic Democratic Party43.21%57.50%
Václav HamplKDU-ČSL27.16%30.00%
Jan HorníkMayors and Independents22.22%eliminated


Kubera thanked senators for their votes and stated that he will endeavor for Senate to be the true Upper Chamber of Czech parliament and not the poor brother of the Chamber of Deputies. He also thanked his predecessor Milan Štěch for dignified representation of Senate.[53]

Five vice-presidents were elected after the election of the president. Milan Štěch, Jiří Oberfalzer, Jiří Růžička and Jan Horník became new vice-presidents.[54]


Václav Hampl stated that he wasn't pleased with Kubera's victory due to Kubera's views on European Union. He admitted that he considers the election his first big political defeat and noted that he didn't expect the result.[55] [53] Jan Horník on the other hand noted that he believes that Kubera could be a good Senate President. He noted that the result didn't surprise him.[56]

Leader of the Civic Democratic Party Petr Fiala congratulated Kubera for his victory. He stated that Kubera is an experienced politician and strong Persona who will be great President of the Senate.[57] Senator Jiří Drahoš congratulated Kubera and stated that he is looking forward to their collaboration.[55] TOP 09 MP Miroslav Kalousek congratulated Kubera but criticised Mayors and Independents for his support in second round. He stated that he doesn't understand why they preferred Kubera over Václav Hampl whom he considers a Persona of European Formate. Kalousek then criticised Kubera for his previous statements. Leader of Mayors and Independents Petr Gazdík defended party's decision and reminded that TOP 09 Senators are also part Mayors and Independents senate faction. The Civic Democratic Party defended Kubera and noted that Kalousek criticised Kubera for statement he made in a different context. Civic Democrats then thanked TOP 09 senators for their votes to Kubera.[58]

Kubera himself stated that he hopes to be the president of the Senate for three terms until his Senate post expires in 2024.[59] His Wish hasn't been fulfilled as he unexpectedly passed away on 20 January 2020.[60] Miloš Vystrčil became his Successor on 19 February 2020.[61]

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Drahoš Štěcha nevystřídá, senátoři chtějí někoho zkušenějšího . Novinky.cz . 17 October 2018 . cs.
  2. Web site: Nový předseda Senátu? Kubera mnoho šancí nemá. Uspět může Hampl - Deník Referendum . denikreferendum.cz . 2 November 2018 . cs.
  3. Web site: Volba šéfa Senátu poprvé bez favorita. Vybírat se bude hned ze tří uchazečů . seznamzpravy.cz . 10 November 2018.
  4. Web site: Kubera šéfem Senátu. ODS potvrdila hlavní roli, STAN a lidovci se nepodrželi. Komentář M. Žižkové . Info.cz . 7 February 2020 . cs.
  5. Web site: Kubera – lišák proti větru foukající . iROZHLAS . 7 February 2020 . cs.
  6. Web site: Perknerová . Kateřina . Kuberův nástupce? Do čela Senátu může být zvolen Jiří Růžička . Deník.cz . 7 February 2020 . cs . 21 January 2020.
  7. Web site: Bývalý rektor Hampl potvrdil, že dostal nabídku na předsedu Senátu . seznamzpravy.cz . 2 November 2018.
  8. Web site: Předseda Senátu by měl být z nejsilnějšího klubu, může se jím stát Kubera nebo Růžička. Záleží, kam se přidají nezařazení senátoři . Hospodářské noviny . 3 November 2018 . cs. 14 October 2018.
  9. Web site: ODS vyhrála volby a chce post předsedy Senátu. Kubera už nebude primátorem . Aktuálně.cz . 2 November 2018 . cs. 13 October 2018.
  10. Web site: Bude v čele Senátu STAN, ODS nebo někdo třetí? Vlivný post si nárokují všichni . Info.cz . 2 November 2018 . cs.
  11. Web site: Kubera předsedou Senátu? Logická volba, tvrdí šéf ODS Fiala . Novinky.cz . 2 November 2018 . cs-CZ.
  12. Web site: Jaroslav Kubera do čela Senátu? Senátor řekl v ČT jasné slovo . Parlamentní Listy . 2 November 2018.
  13. Web site: Kubera a Čunek: Na předsedu Senátu má nárok nejsilnější klub . ceskenoviny.cz . 3 November 2018 . cs.
  14. Web site: Politici probírali nad večeří předsedu Senátu. Zatím zaznělo jedno jméno, Kubera . Aktuálně.cz. 2 November 2018 . cs. 15 October 2018.
  15. Web site: Gazdík na Primě: Sehrajeme roli pojistky demokracie, žádná změna ústavy přes Senát neprojde. Předseda má být důstojnou protiváhou proruskému Hradu, a to Kubera není . Parlamentní Listy . 2 November 2018.
  16. Web site: Starostové tvrdě proti Kuberovi: Za šéfa Senátu ho nechceme, dopadlo by to jako na Hradě. seznamzpravy.cz . 2 November 2018.
  17. Web site: Frouzová . Kateřina . Boj o šéfa Senátu: Kubera vadí starostům i lidovcům. Rozhodující bude role prezidentských kandidátů Fischera, Hilšera a Drahoše . Hospodářské noviny . 3 November 2018 . cs. 16 October 2018.
  18. Web site: ODS ustoupila z nominace Jaroslava Kubery na post předsedy Senátu . denikreferendum.cz . 2 November 2018 . cs.
  19. Web site: Růžička za STAN, nebo Kubera z ODS? V Senátu to jiskří . Novinky.cz . 2 November 2018 . cs.
  20. Web site: Šance Kubery na předsedu rostou. Kluby se nedokáží dohodnout, může přijít "rozstřel" . Info.cz . 6 November 2018 . cs.
  21. Web site: Hampl, Kubera nebo Horník? O šéfovi Senátu může rozhodnout "divoký rozstřel" . Blesk.cz . 5 November 2018.
  22. Web site: Pat v Senátu. Přetahovaná o lídra, ve hře Kubera, Horník a Hampl . iDNES.cz . 6 November 2018 . 6 November 2018.
  23. Web site: Jméno budoucího předsedy Senátu stále není jasné. Patová situace trvá . Deník.cz . 6 November 2018 . cs . 6 November 2018.
  24. Web site: Na obsazení funkce předsedy Senátu se kluby neshodly . www.ceskenoviny.cz . 7 November 2018 . cs.
  25. Web site: Porcování funkcí v Senátu: Tři adepti na šéfa. Uspěje Kubera? A co bude se Štěchem? . Blesk.cz . 8 November 2018.
  26. Web site: Česká televize. Jednání o šéfovi Senátu ke konsenzu nevedla. Jsem kompromis, myslí si Hampl . ČT24. 12 November 2018 . cs.
  27. Web site: O šéfa Senátu může bojovat čtvrtý kandidát, který všem vypálí rybník, tvrdí Štěch . Novinky.cz . 11 November 2018 . cs.
  28. Web site: Česká televize. O vedení Senátu se bude bojovat. Žádná ze tří největších frakcí svého kandidáta nestáhla . ČT24. 12 November 2018 . cs.
  29. Web site: Nejsem spokojen s výkonem úřadu prezidenta, říká kandidát na předsedu Senátu Hampl Aktuálně.cz . Aktuálně.cz. 13 October 2018 . cs. 11 October 2018.
  30. Web site: Lidovci chtějí Hampla do čela Senátu prosadit silou . Novinky.cz . 2 November 2018 . cs.
  31. Web site: Bude Senátu šéfovat Kubera? Na křeslo předsedy si brousí zuby ODS i STAN - Info.cz . Info.cz . 13 October 2018 . cs.
  32. Web site: Poslední Kuberův triumf, počtvrté vyhrál senátní volby. Kvůli funkci předsedy Senátu končí jako primátor . Lidovky.cz . 13 October 2018 . cs.
  33. Web site: Systém mnoha politických uskupení není šťastný, řekl Kubera v Rozstřelu . iDNES.cz . 6 November 2018 . 17 October 2018.
  34. Web site: Kdybych byl předsedou Senátu, zkusil bych obrousit hrany, říká Kubera . iDNES.cz . 6 November 2018 . 13 October 2018.
  35. Web site: Kuberovy šance stouply. Podpoří ho ANO . Novinky.cz . 2 November 2018 . cs.
  36. Web site: Hledá se předseda Senátu. ‚Hampl je jen jedna z variant,‘ říká šéf klubu lidovců Šilar . iROZHLAS . 7 November 2018 . cs.
  37. Web site: Čunek: Chci být spíš hejtmanem, než předsedou senátu . Novinky.cz . 14 October 2018 . cs.
  38. Web site: Drahoš už plánuje aktivní kariéru v Senátu. Bude jeho šéfem? - Info.cz . Info.cz . 13 October 2018 . cs.
  39. Web site: Drahoš šéfem Senátu nebude. Chybí mu zkušenosti, shodují se kluby . Echo24.cz . 2 November 2018 . cs. 17 October 2018.
  40. Web site: Nový předseda Senátu? Kubera mnoho šancí nemá. Uspět může Hampl . vystrcil.cz . 3 November 2018.
  41. Web site: ODS a STAN triumfují ve volbách do Senátu, pro vládní strany je to fiasko . iDNES.cz . 14 October 2018 . 13 October 2018.
  42. Web site: Senát nejspíš povede Jiří Růžička, Starostové jeho nominaci už odsouhlasili. seznamzpravy.cz . 2 November 2018.
  43. Web site: Ani Kubera, ani Horník. Podle Štěcha by mohl boj o šéfa Senátu dopadnout úplně jinak . Info.cz . 11 November 2018 . cs.
  44. Web site: Bohumín . Město . Dvojblok ODS a STAN: šéfem Senátu Kubera či Horník . mesto-bohumin.cz . 7 November 2018 . cs.
  45. Web site: Kubera předsedou Senátu? Funkci by se nebránil, podpořil by ho i lidovec Čunek . echo24.cz . 7 February 2020 . cs . 14 October 2018.
  46. Web site: Dienstbier: Šéfem Senátu nemusí být člen nejsilnějšího klubu, žádné zvykové právo není . ČT24 . 7 July 2020.
  47. Web site: Kubera ohrožen, pomůže mu Valenta . novinky.cz . 7 February 2020.
  48. Web site: Zeman: Varuji ČSSD před tím, aby se rozštěpila. Senát má vést Kubera . iDNES.cz . 7 February 2020 . 15 October 2018.
  49. Web site: S Drahošem půjde do klubu STAN i Hilšer. Vybíral si prý i podle velikosti . Parlamentní listy . 7 February 2020.
  50. Web site: Senát si zvolí předsedu. Poprvé ze tří kandidátů bez domluvené podpory . iDNES.cz . 14 November 2018 . 14 November 2018.
  51. Web site: Senát vybere předsedu až ve druhém kole. Rozhodne se mezi Kuberou a Hamplem . Deník.cz . 14 November 2018 . cs . 14 November 2018.
  52. Web site: Senát Parlamentu České republiky . senat.cz . 14 November 2018 . cs. 1 January 2012.
  53. Web site: Novým předsedou Senátu je Kubera . Novinky.cz . 14 November 2018.
  54. Web site: Česká televize. Novým předsedou Senátu je Jaroslav Kubera. Ve druhém kole porazil Hampla . ČT24. 14 November 2018 . cs.
  55. Web site: Kuberu zvolili novým šéfem Senátu. Přerod z politika ve státníka zvládnu, řekl . Aktuálně.cz. 14 November 2018 . cs. 14 November 2018.
  56. Web site: Hampla zvolení Kubery předsedou Senátu netěší . Blesk.cz . 14 November 2018.
  57. Web site: Jaroslav Kubera se stal předsedou Senátu, zvoleni jsou i místopředsedové . Echo24.cz . 14 November 2018 . cs. 14 November 2018.
  58. Web site: Kalousek kritizoval zvolení Kubery, pak přišly ostré reakce. Gazdík a ODS ho pořádně usadili . EuroZprávy.cz . 15 November 2018 . cs.
  59. Web site: Předsedou Senátu byl zvolen Kubera, ve druhém kole porazil Hampla . Euro.cz . 7 February 2020 . cs.
  60. Web site: Zemřel předseda Senátu Jaroslav Kubera . novinky.cz . 7 February 2020.
  61. Web site: Vystrčil z ODS vede Senát. Zváží, zda pojede na Tchaj-wan, jak chtěl Kubera . iDNES.cz . 27 February 2020 . 19 February 2020.