2017 Severodvinsk Council of Deputies election explained

Election Name:Elections to the city Council of Deputies of the municipality "Severodvinsk" of the VI convocation
Seats Before1:18
Previous Year:2013
Next Year:2022
Time Zone:Moscow mean time
Majority Seats:13
Previous Election:2013 Severodvinsk Council of Deputies election
Next Election:2022 Severodvinsk Council of Deputies election
Seats For Election:25
Seats Before3:4
Party1:United Russia
Electoral Vote1:9,077
Seat Change2: 1
Seats Before2:1
Country:Russian Federation
Flag Image:Flag of Severodvinsk.svg
Turnout:11.53 %
Seat Change1: 2
Seat Change7: 0
Seat Change3: 3
Party5:Rodina (political party)
Seat Change5: 1
Seats Before5:1
Seats Before6:0
Seat Change6: 0
Seats Before7:0
Party8:Against the only candidate
Seat Change8:-
Seats Before8:-
Party4:A Just Russia
Seats Before4:2
Seat Change4: 0

Elections to the Council of Deputies of the city of Severodvinsk of the VI convocation were held on September 10, 2017, in Severodvinsk, Arkhangelskaya oblast.

Unlike the previous elections, when half (13 deputies of the Council) of the Council had been elected by the plurality voting, and the other half (also 13 deputies) were elected by party-list voting, in the 2017 elections all the 25 deputies were elected by the plurality voting, one from each of the 25 city electoral districts. The total number of deputies in the Council of Deputies also has changed and decreased by 1.[1]

Pre-election period and elections

On May 23, 2017, the United Russia primaries took place at the Drama Theater,[2] and on August 12, the campaign period began throughout the Arkhangelsk oblast.

Candidates from United Russia party were nominated in each electoral district, and in three districts they were the only candidates to vote for (the alternative voting option was only the line "Against"). Candidates from the Liberal Democratic Party were nominated in 20 districts, in 12 districts candidates from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation were nominated, in 9 districts candidates from A Just Russia party were nominated. In the 5th district the only candidate from Rodina party was nominated, and in the 19th - from Yabloko democratic party. During the elections, according to the news agency "Belomorkanal", one candidate brought people to the polling station at school №9.[3] The head of the city, Igor Skubenko, who had been elected three days earlier,[4] voted at school №13, in which the leaking roof was disguised under a flower bed.[5]

The elections were guarded by the police, which presence at polling stations was estimated at up to 1.5 thousand throughout the region.[6] By 2 pm there were several arrests in Severodvinsk because of the campaign (the campaign period had ended up on September 8).[7]


The turnout was only 11.53%.[8] From 15 to 17 million rubles were spent on organizing the electoral process.[9]

As a result of the elections, having received 20 out of 25 seats, United Russia party has increased its presence in the city parliament by 2 seats. The Liberal Democratic Party of Russia and A Just Russia each got 2 seats, and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation got only one seat. Unlike the previous elections, the Rodina party haven’t received any seat.[10] [11]

In 2019, due to the resignation by the deputy Vladimir Sukharev, who had won in the 1st district (on the island of Yagry), by-elections were held. In them the Shies activist and a member of the unregistered party "Other Russia" Valery Sheptukhin[12] took part, and the candidate from the Liberal Democratic party Sergey Popov won.

Notes and References

  1. Web site: городской округ "Северодвинск". 2021-12-26. arkhangelsk.izbirkom.ru. 2021-10-27. https://web.archive.org/web/20211027125433/http://arkhangelsk.izbirkom.ru/arkhiv-vyborov-i-referendumov/vybory-v-organy-mestnogo-samoupravleniya-munitsipalnye-rayony-gorodskie-okruga/severodvinsk.php. dead.
  2. Web site: "Пусть стоят!" и "Наверное, надо". Северодвинск: как бы праймериз. live. https://web.archive.org/web/20170530055448/http://tv29.ru:80/new/index.php/bk-politika/11445-pust-stoyat-i-navernoe-nado-severodvinsk-kak-by-prajmeriz . 2017-05-30 .
  3. Web site: Выборы в Северодвинске: пирожки не спасли - Беломорканал Северодвинск tv29.ru. 2021-12-26. tv29.ru.
  4. Web site: 2017-09-07. Игорь Скубенко стал новым главой Северодвинска. 2021-12-26. 29.ru. ru.
  5. Web site: Читатель БК показал участок, где голосовал новый глава Северодвинска. — 123ru.net. 2021-12-26. 123ru.net.
  6. Web site: 2017-09-06. Выборы в органы МСУ Поморья буду охранять полторы тысячи полицейских. 2021-12-26. 29.ru. ru.
  7. Web site: 2017-09-10. Выборы депутатов в Северодвинске и Новодвинске проходят с нарушениями. 2021-12-26. 29.ru. ru.
  8. Web site: Депутаты шестого созыва избраны. В планах организационное собрание и первая сессия. 2021-12-26. Городской Совет депутатов Северодвинска. ru-RU.
  9. Web site: В Северодвинске выборы местных депутатов обойдутся в 15,7 миллионов - Беломорканал Северодвинск tv29.ru. 2021-12-26. tv29.ru.
  10. Web site: 5 Созыв (2013 — 2017 год). 2021-12-26. Электронная версия издания к 20-летию Совета депутатов Северодвинска. ru-RU.
  11. Web site: Сведения о проводящихся выборах и референдумах. 2021-12-26. www.arkhangelsk.vybory.izbirkom.ru.
  12. Web site: В Северодвинске скончался лидер местного отделения незарегистрированной партии "Другая Россия" Валерий Шептухин. 2021-12-26. www.echosevera.ru.