2016 Jordanian general election explained

Previous Election:2013 Jordanian general election
Previous Year:2013
Next Election:2020 Jordanian general election
Next Year:2020
Seats For Election:130 seats in the House of Representatives

General elections were held in Jordan on 20 September 2016 to elect the 18th House of Representatives. The elections were announced after parliament was dissolved by King Abdullah II on 29 May 2016, with the King appointing Hani Mulki as interim Prime Minister following the resignation of Abdullah Ensour.

Following electoral reforms announced in 2015, the elections were the first since 1989 to be held primarily under a form of proportional representation; intervening elections had been held under the single non-transferable vote system, which systematically disadvantaged Islamist political parties, and had been introduced after they won 22 of the 80 seats in the 1989 elections. The reforms led to opposition parties deciding to contest the elections, including the Islamic Action Front (IAF), the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, which had boycotted several previous elections, including in 2010 and 2013. Splits in the Muslim Brotherhood before the elections led to the defection of hundreds of Muslim Brotherhood figures to form a new, supposedly more moderate party.

The IAF contested the elections as part of the National Coalition for Reform (NCR) alliance, which included Christians, Circassians and women. Despite being expected to win 20–30 seats, the alliance won only 15 seats, of which 10 were IAF members. The secular Ma'an list won two seats in Amman's third district, gaining parliamentary representation for the first time. Women made historic gains, with 20 of 130 elected members being female, an increase from 18 of the 150 seats available in the 2013 elections. Voter turnout was reported to be 37%, lower than previous elections and attributed to the inability of Jordanian expatriates (around one million) to vote due to the new electoral law. The elections were regarded as fair and transparent by international observers,[1] though Jordanian elections are often marred by significant deficiencies, such as a bias towards candidates loyal to the monarchy and other elites.[2]


Date Event
29 May 2016Dissolution of parliament
9 June 2016Royal Decree calling for elections[3]
9 June 2016Elections date designated
23 June 2016Preliminary voter lists issued
8 July 2016Last day for voter lists objections and appeals[4]
15 August 2016Final voter list issued[5]
16 August 2016Start of candidacy phase[6]
18 August 2016Preliminary candidate lists issued[7]
4 September 2016Last day for voters’ objections or appeals to candidates or lists[8]
10 September 2016Last day for candidates withdrawal
20 September 2016Elections day
22 September 2016Final results issued

Electoral system

The Parliament of Jordan consists of two chambers, an upper Senate appointed by the King, and a lower Chamber of Deputies elected through popular vote.[9] These share equal legislative responsibility. The King appoints the Prime Minister and Cabinet from the lower house, and also hold wide legislative and executive powers.[10] After parliament is dissolved, the constitution mandates elections be held within four months,[11] although the King may delay elections or suspend parliament and rule by decree. The government can be dismissed by a two-thirds vote of no confidence by the Chamber of Deputies.[10]

The age of suffrage is 18. Those who are bankrupt or mentally disabled are not allowed to vote, and there have historically been no provisions to help absentee or special needs voters. Employees of the armed forces, state security services, public security services, Gendarmie, and Civil Defence forces cannot vote during their employment,[12] and the right to vote is voided for some convicts.[13]

Parliament has quotas for women, as well as for some ethnic and religious minorities. Women have 15 reserved seats, Christians have nine seats, and Circassians and Chechens share three.[14] Bedouin tribes have their own electoral districts, and elect nine members of parliament, three of which overlap with the women's quota.[15] While political parties do exist, they have historically been repressed, and for many decades the political system has been designed to weaken them.[10] Political parties come under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Interior, and may not be established on the basis of religion.[10] They have low membership, with tribes playing roles traditionally associated with political parties.[12] Elections are therefore often based on patronage. Politics mirrors the demographic split between those of Palestinian origin and those of East Bank origin. The state is dominated by East Bankers and they form the core of monarchical support, whereas Jordanian Palestinians had little political representation and were systematically discriminated against.[10] Gerrymandered constituencies have meant elections often focus on local affairs rather than national ones.[16]

Electoral reforms

Political parties were long suppressed in Jordan under martial law. An economic crash and resultant unrest led to political liberalisation in 1989.[10] The 1989 elections were run using block voting, a system left over from the era of British rule. Political parties were banned, but independents were often affiliated with underground parties, and the results gave a majority to parties opposing the monarchy's political direction.[17] Due to the 1989 election results, King Hussein changed the political system for the 1993 elections in order to suppress Islamist votes.[17] The new system, which became known as “one-man one-vote”, disproportionately benefitted rural East Bank communities over urban and Palestinian communities.[10] While political parties were legalised, the new system weakened them.[18] This system was unpopular with many political parties, and subsequent elections held under this system faced boycotts by numerous groups, notably the Islamic Action Front.[12]

Political grievances emerged alongside other causes of unrest during the 2011–12 Jordanian protests that occurred as part of the wider Arab Spring.[10] King Abdullah moved to assuage the populace, promising reform and firing governments in quick succession, meaning that in the two years after the unrest began there were five Prime Ministers.[19] Reform bodies were set up, and some substantial changes were made including the introduction of an Independent Election Committee (IEC), and the introduction of a mixed electoral system whereby 27 of the 150 elected seats would be determined through nationwide proportional representation. Most changes however were cosmetic at best, and political parties including the IAF boycotted the 2013 election.[10]

In 2015 the government announced new reforms, promising an end to the one-man one-vote system.[20] The proposed reforms were revealed on 31 August 2015. The new electoral system was very similar to the 1989 elections, in that it fully did away with one-man one-vote, reintroducing block voting for all seats.[21] One major difference was that in addition to voting for individual candidates, voters will also have a single vote for a multi-member party list, an adaptation taken from the experiment with proportional representation in the 2013 elections.[22] All candidates will run as members of lists, with open list PR used to determine all seats falling outside of quotas. For the Circassian/Chechen and Christian seats, the seat is given to the highest candidate from within those groups. The female quota seats however are assigned to women who would not otherwise be elected.[13] Re-elections will be held in the case of ties.[21] After minor changes in both houses, the new law was approved by the King on 13 March 2016.[23] Parliament was dissolved on 29 May and the government of Abdullah Ensour resigned, with the King appointing Hani Al-Mulki as caretaker Prime Minister in the lead-up to the election.[11] The IEC set 20 September 2016 as the date of the election shortly afterwards.[24]

Electoral districts

There are 23 electoral districts; five in the Amman governorate, four in the Irbid governorate, two in the Zarqa governorate, one each for the other nine governorates, and three badia districts for Bedouins. The Circassian/Chechen and Christian quotas were included among seats assigned within the governorate districts.[23] Of the nine seats for the Christian quota, two are in both the Balqa district and the Karak district, and there is one in each of the following: Irbid's 3rd district, the Ajloun district, Zarqa's 1st district, Amman's 3rd district, and the Madaba district. The three Circassian/Chechen seats are in Zarqa's 1st district, Amman's 3rd district, and Amman's 4th district.[13] The female quota is divided so that there is one seat in each governorate, and one in each badia.[23] While the division of population between districts remains imperfect, it was an improvement upon previous elections.[22]

Distribution of seats! District !! General !! Circassians/
Chechens !! Christians !! Women !! Total
3 1 1 5
Amman 1 5 5
Amman 2 6 6
Amman 3 4 1 1 1 7
Amman 4 4 4
Amman 5 6 1 7
3 1 4
8 2 1 11
Irbid 1 6 6
Irbid 2 4 1 5
Irbid 3 3 1 4
Irbid 4 5 5
4 1 5
8 2 1 11
4 1 5
3 1 1 5
4 1 5
4 1 5
Zarqa 1 6 1 1 1 9
Zarqa 2 4 4
Bedouins of the North 3 1 4
Bedouins of the Center 3 1 4
Bedouins of the South 3 1 4
Total 103 3 9 15 130


Like with the 2013 election, the 2016 election will be run by the IEC. The IEC has stated one of its aims for the 2016 election is the restoration of public faith in the electoral system. Candidates were required to register by 16 August. Campaign spending is capped by the IEC to 5 dinars per voter in a district for large urban districts.[13]

This is the first election where special centres are to be provided for deaf and blind voters. Voter registration was automatic, carried out using lists provided to the IEC by the Civil Service and the Passport Division. Indelible ink will be compulsory for voters.[13]


The reforms led to fears that Palestinians and Islamists would increase their influence.[11] In 2015 internal divisions emerged among the Muslim Brotherhood, with splinter groups encouraged by the government. One splinter group, known as the Muslim Brotherhood Association, registered itself as the official Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan, taking advantage of the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood was affiliated with its Egyptian founders rather than being registered as a Jordanian organisation.[25] The Muslim Brotherhood Association, which emphasises its Jordanian identity, was given official status in March 2015. Subsequent internal dissent among the original Muslim Brotherhood led to the resignation of hundreds of members.[26] Two other splinter groups have also broken away from the Muslim Brotherhood.[27] The Muslim Brotherhood Association leveraged its official status to launch lawsuits claiming ownership of Muslim Brotherhood property,[25] and in April 2016 the lawsuits were decided in the favour of the Association, leading them to seizing control of a wide swathe of Muslim Brotherhood property.[28] The government also prevented a celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Muslim Brotherhood.[26]

Despite the original Muslim Brotherhood becoming illegal after the official recognition of their splinter group, the IAF remained legal as it was registered as a Jordanian organisation.[27] After the announcement of election reform in 2015, the IAF reported that they found the changes to be positive reforms, especially the removal of one-man one-vote.[21] Despite its internal splits, the IAF held an internal vote on whether to compete in the 2016 elections, and it reported 76% of its members supported participation, whereas 17% opposed participation without substantial limitations to the King's constitutional powers. The government wanted the IAF to compete in order to enhance the election's legitimacy in western eyes. This along with the fear of obscurity may have contributed to the IAF vote result, and it is thought that they may be attempting to emulate the gains of elected Islamist parties in Tunisia and Morocco who co-operated with their governments, while avoiding suppression similar to that occurring in Egypt.[26]

After the vote, the IAF announced that it was ending its boycott and would compete, and that it was reaching out to other opposition parties to discuss campaigning.[25] On 20 August it announced it would be running on 20 national lists in various electoral districts, all under the banner of the “National Coalition for Reform”. These lists are shared with representatives from other political parties and some tribes, including five Christians contesting the Christian seats, four candidates for the Circassian and Chechen seats, and 19 women.[29]

Two Muslim Brotherhood-linked candidates, Hossam Messheh and Ali Abussokar, were disqualified from the elections for the offence of showing mourning for the death of the international terrorist, Abu Musab Al-Zarkawi. Ali Abusokkar was a member of the parliament in 2006 when he was expelled for visiting the mourning house of Al-Khalayleh tribe, the tribe that Al-Zarkawi hails from.[30]

On 10 September, the deadline for withdrawal from the parliamentary race, the final number of candidates reached 1,252 in 226 lists. 18 candidates had withdrawn from the race, while 21 applications were rejected. The Jordan News Agency reported that "1,252 candidates comprised 920 Muslim males, 245 Muslim females, 58 Christian males, five Christian females, 22 Circassian and Chechen males and two Circassian and Chechen females."[31]


The Independent Electoral Commission sent invites to a number of Arab and foreign organizations to observe the election process. The European Union will take part in the observation of the election process through a task force that has access to all poll related facilities, including police stations. IEC declared that this is a step to ensure fair and transparent elections.[32]

International observers stated that the elections were organized "with integrity and in full transparency". Few violations were reported, and the committees presented recommendations for upcoming elections.[33]


See main article: 18th Parliament of Jordan. Around 1.5 million Jordanians went to the polls on 20 September, a 37% voter turnout. Number of eligible voters numbered around 4.1 million, up from 2.3 million in 2013. Voter turnout is lower than the previous elections due to the new elections law, where Jordanian expatriates, numbered at 1 million, were not granted the ability to vote.[34]

Five women managed to win outside the quota system, making the total of female parliamentarians 20 out of 130, a record for Jordan. The last elections held 18 women out of 150.[35]

The elections witnessed the first emergence of a secular movement, the Ma'an list, which strongly advocated for a civil state. It received the most votes in Amman's third district. Two candidates from Ma'an were elected, alongside three Islamists, as they had won in the women and Circassian quotas of Amman's third district.[36]

By district

Results by district
District Registered List Votes Seats
General Circassian/
Christian Women
Ajloun 101,112 The Job 14,213 1 1
Accord 11,599 1 1
Mount Ajloun 9,938 1
The Union 9,192
Gold Thread 7,438
Daybreak 4,648
Invalid votes 2,305
Amman 1 290,177 Participation and Change 11,437 1
Say and Do 9,067 1
The People 7,282 1
The Good 7,019 1
Reform 6,647 1
Justice (Al-'adāla) 6,323
Unity and Development 5,740
Together we Can 4,529
Solidarity 2,460
Al-Ribat 2,375
Renewal 1,357
Renaissance 469
The New Dawn 159
Yalu 105
Invalid votes 1,280
Amman 2 400,452 Cooperation 12,535 1
Knights of Jerusalem 10,121 1
Reform 10,096 1
Palm Tree 8,527 1
Arabism 6,807 1
Free Falcons 6,590 1
To Construct 6,055
Jordan Unites Us 5,684
Balance 5,259
Change 4,914
Black Lily 4,436
The Legend 76
Invalid votes 1,786
Amman 3 242,198 10,973 1 1
Reform 9,172 1 1 1
Completion 5,658 1
The Future. Amman 5,526 1
Amman 4,200
Jerusalem 4,176
The Light 2,319
The Voice of the True 1,983
United Front 1,078
Yes 353
Invalid votes 1,069
Amman 4 249,125 Jerusalem Al-Sharif 20,148 1
Justice (Al-'adāla) 12,335 1
Reform 9,155 1
The Two Banks 6,965 1
The Promise 5,501
Renewal 4,186
Blessing 3,524
Renaissance 3,456
Knights 3,364
The Covenant 2,894
Al-Raya 1,471
Invalid votes 1,263
Amman 5 375,433 Packages 12,366 1
Union and Work 12,200 1
Fulfillment 11,850 1
Reform 11,402 1 1
The Brave Ones 10,528 1
Al-Raya 10,124 1
National Alliance 6,269
Right 5,451
Renewal 4,826
Spike 3,444
Homeland Path 722
The People 642
Jordanian Women 141
Invalid votes 2,547
Aqaba 55,819 Aqaba 6,316 1 1
Daybreak 3,797 1
The Lighthouse 3,420 1
Renaissance 2,651
Reform 2,056
Consensus 1,920
National Unity 1,714
Loyalty to the Homeland 1,519
Invalid votes 424
Balqa 297,818 Justice (Al-'adāla) 17,084 1 1
Nation 14,553 1 1
Renewal 13,492 1 1
Dignity 13,481 1
Reform 11,257 1
Sons of Balqa 9,807 1
The Union 9,137 1
Right 8,654 1
Monastery of Al 8,495
The People 6,939
And Hold On 6,602
Daybreak 1,961
Jordanian Youth 39
Invalid votes 3,113
Irbid 1 325,918 Irbid 16,985 1
Balance 13,309 1
Justice (Al-'adāla) 12,437 1
The Farthest 12,329 1
Olive 9,583 1
Irbid Dignity 8,326 1
To Construct 8,216
The Union 7,629
The Ear of Corn 6,682
The Covenant 6,537
Zamzam 4,865
Youth of the Homeland 3,404
Invalid votes 3,294
Irbid 2 144,883 Hauran of Goodness 14,762 1 1
Justice (Al-'adāla) 12,590 1
The Poor 9,548 1
Al-Kinana 7,590 1
Popular 7,395
Al-Yarmuk 6,853
Blessing 5,974
Dignity 4,123
Olive 3,834
Invalid votes 2,418
Irbid 3 114,052 The Union 12,276 1 1
National Democratic 10,046 1
Fulfillment 7,291 1
Peace 5,895
National Unity 4,438
Construction and Renovation 3,994
People of Ambition 3,349
The Supporters 477
Invalid votes 2,032
Irbid 4 163,899 The Brave Ones 15,253 1
Fulfillment 14,479 1
Olive 10,835 1
The Lion 10,815 1
Cooperation 8,996 1
Dignity 7,737
Future 8 6,785
Reform 3,241
Invalid votes 2,656
Jerash 107,637 The Earth 11,122 1
Reform 8,979 1
Originality 8,974 1 1
Blessing 7,630 1
National 6,173
Renewal 5,973
Black 5,840
Olive 5,179
Jerash 989
Invalid votes 1,544
Karak 167,280 Homeland 19,722 2 1 1
Sons of Karak 19,002 2 1
Right 15,214 1
Olive 10,299 1
Loyalty to the Jordan Valley 8,702 1
The Sun 8,539 1
Success 7,073
Change 5,816
The Pen 4,539
Chivalry 2,070
Invalid votes 2,475
Ma'an 53,217 The Truth Prevails 6,837 1
Petra 5,763 1 1
Al-Shobak 3,685 1
The Job 3,679 1
Dignity 2,674
Cooperation 1,617
Trust in Allah 1,549
Justice (Al-'adāla) 1,136
Invalid votes 828
Madaba 106,370 Motherland 8,327 1 1
National Unity 8,082 1
The Future of Madaba 5,848 1
Reform and Development 5,497
The Covenant 5,248 1
Dignity 5,220
Success from Allah 4,147
The Light 2,873
Madaba 1,982
The People 1,421
Invalid votes 1,610
Mafraq 95,055 Falcons 9,858 1 1
Mafraq for All 8,907 1
Homeland 7,560 1
Strap 7,463 1
The Black 6,617
Accord 4,738
Blessing 3,741
Invalid votes 1,507
Tafilah 54,638 Olive 6,745 1
Tafilah Mountains 5,916 1
Justice (Al-'adāla) 5,147 1 1
The Knight 4,090 1
Tiller 3,902
Fulfillment of the Covenant 2,374
The Future is for Tafilah 2,186
Initiative 762
Giving 211
Invalid votes 1,241
Zarqa 1 449,753 Al-Aqsa 17,830 1 1
Certainty 14,971 1
Reform 14,518 1 1 1
Homeland 14,183 1
Sons of Zarqa 13,049 1
People of Determination 7,626 1
Renaissance 6,792
Accord 3,947
The Good 3,184
National 2,819
Knights of Change 998
The Brave Women 807
Invalid votes 2,220
Zarqa 2 131,254 Loyalty to the Homeland 8,954 1
National Unity 5,686 1
Eye of the Homeland 5,554 1
Future - Zarqa 4,925 1
Dignity 4,907
Reform 2 4,651
Accord 3,245
To Construct 2,053
Right 1,408
Invalid votes 1,375
Bedouins of the North 83,914 Thunder of the North 11,697 1 1
Balance 11,018 1
Lion-Prepared 8,171 1
Dignity 7,134
Homeland 6,567
Loyalty to the Desert 3,166
Unified Sarhan 1,478
People of Determination 766
Invalid votes 1,026
Bedouins of the Middle 56,102 The Full Moon 5,566 1
Fulfillment 5,044 1
Blessing 4,880 1
Dignity 4,204 1
The Future 3,798
The Desert 3,694
Change 1,830
Love for the Sake of Allah 1,470
Generosity 1,184
Our Flag 1,107
The Brave Ones 797
Justice (Al-'adl) 464
Invalid votes 1,549
Bedouins of the South 64,039 The Flag 8,176 1
Bright Future 7,624 1
Fulfillment 6,792 1 1
Originality 6,420
The Storm 5,814
Sons of the South 4,175
Dignity 4,088
Justice (Al-'adāla) 347
Invalid votes 352


The reforms introduced in the 2016 general elections, led Freedom House to designate Jordan as "partly free" from the previous "not free" in its Freedom in the World 2017 report. The report added that the change was "due to electoral law changes that led to somewhat fairer parliamentary elections."[37]

Notes and References

  1. Singh . Manjari . Contemporary Review of the Middle East . 2017 . Parliamentary Election in Jordan, 2016 . 4 . 3 . 297 . 10.1177/2347798917711296 . 149313840 . 5 March 2021.
  2. Lust-Okar . Ellen . Elections under authoritarianism: Preliminary lessons from Jordan . Democratization . 2006 . 13 . 3 . 456-471 . 10.1080/13510340600579359 . 143448303 . 5 March 2021.
  3. Web site: Royal Decree gives go-ahead for parliamentary polls. 9 June 2016. The Jordan Times. 16 September 2016.
  4. Web site: Voters have until July 8 to contest personal details in lists — IEC. 1 July 2016. The Jordan Times. 16 September 2016.
  5. Web site: Final voter lists to be published online — IEC. 15 August 2016. The Jordan Times. 16 September 2016.
  6. Web site: 'Registration for election candidacy to open August 16'. 2 August 2016. The Jordan Times. 16 September 2016.
  7. Web site: Candidacy registration process concludes. Obeidat. Omar. 18 August 2016. The Jordan Times. 16 September 2016.
  8. Web site: Electoral commission publishes final election lists. Tabazah. Sawsan. 31 August 2016. The Jordan Times. 16 September 2016.
  9. Web site: National Level . European Union . 22 August 2016 . 27 August 2016 . https://web.archive.org/web/20160827005734/https://portal.cor.europa.eu/arlem/jordan/general-division/Pages/national.aspx . dead .
  10. Web site: Countries at the Crossroads Jordan . Freedom House . 2012 . 16 August 2016 . 17 September 2016 . https://web.archive.org/web/20160917194344/https://freedomhouse.org/report/countries-crossroads/2012/Jordan . dead .
  11. News: Jordan's King Abdullah dissolves parliament, names caretaker PM . Suleiman Al-Khalidi . Reuters . 29 May 2016 . 22 August 2016.
  12. Web site: The Carter Center Releases Study Mission Report on Jordan's 2013 Parliamentary Elections . The Carter Center . 14 February 2013 . 16 August 2016.
  13. News: IEC chief promises flawless parliamentary polls; high-tech will help . Omar Obeidat . Khetam Malkawi . The Jordan Times . 15 June 2016 . 16 August 2016.
  14. Book: Olimat, Muhamad. Arab Spring and Arab Women. 15 October 2015. Routledge. 2011. 26 November 2013. 9781317937371.
  15. News: IEC chief promises flawless parliamentary polls; high-tech will help . Omar Obejdat . The Jordan Times . 15 June 2016 . 22 August 2016.
  16. Web site: Jordan's New Electoral Law Disappoints Reformers . Dima Toukan Tabbaa . Carnegie Endowment for International Peace . 22 June 2010 . 16 August 2016 . https://web.archive.org/web/20160913170534/http://carnegieendowment.org/sada/?fa=41040 . 13 September 2016 . dead .
  17. Web site: Jordan – Electoral System Design in the Arab World . 2005 . 16 August 2016 . https://archive.today/20130902141020/http://aceproject.org/ace-en/topics/es/esy/esy_au . 2 September 2013 . dead . dmy-all .
  18. Web site: Jordan's Election Law: Reform or Perish? . Mohammad Yaghi . The Washington Institute . 4 October 2012 . 16 August 2016.
  19. News: As beleaguered as ever . The Economist . 11 October 2012 . 16 August 2016.
  20. News: 'No one-person, one-vote formula in new elections bill' . The Jordan Times . 17 May 2015 . 16 August 2016.
  21. News: New elections bill sheds one-vote system . The Jordan Times . 1 September 2015 . 16 August 2016.
  22. News: Deja vu for Jordanian election reforms . Curtis R. Ryan . The Washington Post . 2 September 2015 . 16 August 2016.
  23. News: King endorses new elections bill . The Jordan Times . 13 March 2016 . 16 August 2016.
  24. News: Jordan, Parliamentary Elections Set for Sept. 20 . Asharq Al-Awsat . 9 June 2016 . 26 August 2016 . https://web.archive.org/web/20160827005919/http://english.aawsat.com/2016/06/article55352283/jordan-parliamentary-elections-set-sept-20 . 27 August 2016 . dead .
  25. News: IAF seeks partners ahead of elections — spokesperson . The Jordan Times . 23 June 2016 . 22 August 2016.
  26. News: ANALYSIS: Jordan's Muslim Brotherhood comes in from the cold . Aaron Magid . Middle East Eye . 13 July 2016 . 22 August 2016.
  27. News: Muslim Brotherhood's political arm to compete in Jordan vote . Al Arabiya . 11 June 2016 . 22 August 2016.
  28. News: Jordan's Muslim Brotherhood creates 'interim committee' after internal election ban . Khetam Malkawi . Albawaba . 13 June 2016 . 22 August 2016.
  29. News: IAF running on 20 'national' lists in elections — official . Khetam Malkawi . The Jordan Times . 20 August 2016 . 26 August 2016.
  30. Web site: Two candidates banned from elections over violations. Jordan Times. 7 September 2016. 5 September 2016.
  31. Web site: 1,252 candidates run for elections via 226 tickets. The Jordan Times. 11 September 2016. 10 September 2016.
  32. Web site: EU to send team to observe parliamentary elections. 10 September 2016. 28 July 2016. The Jordan Times.
  33. Web site: European observers commend 'integrity, transparency' of elections. 20 September 2016. 23 September 2016. The Jordan Times.
  34. Web site: Around 1.5 million cast ballots in parliamentary elections. 23 September 2016. 20 September 2016. The Jordan Times.
  35. Web site: Muslim Brotherhood's Political Arm Wins Seats in Jordan's Parliament. 23 September 2016. 22 September 2016. The New York Times.
  36. Web site: Jordan election seen as small step toward democratic reform. 23 September 2016. 20 September 2016. AFP. 23 September 2016. https://web.archive.org/web/20160923180413/https://www.yahoo.com/news/jordan-election-seen-small-step-toward-democratic-reform-060607360--politics.html. dead.
  37. Web site: Jordan. Freedom House. 1 February 2017. 4 February 2017. 3 February 2017. https://web.archive.org/web/20170203080234/https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-world/2017/jordan. dead.