2015 in arthropod paleontology explained

This list of fossil arthropods described in 2015 is a list of new taxa of trilobites, fossil insects, crustaceans, arachnids and other fossil arthropods of every kind that have been described during the year 2015. The list only includes taxa at the level of genus or species.

Newly named arachnids

NameNoveltyStatusAuthorship of new nameAgeUnitLocationNotesImages
Archaelagonops propinquus[1] Sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Araneomorphae belonging to the family Lagonomegopidae, a species of Archaelagonops.
Archaelagonops scorsumSp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Araneomorphae belonging to the family Lagonomegopidae, a species of Archaelagonops.
Archaeoscorpiops[2] Gen. et sp. novValidLourençoCretaceousBurmese amberA scorpion belonging to the superfamily Chactoidea and the family Palaeoeuscorpiidae. The type species is Archaeoscorpiops cretacicus.
AutotomianaGen. et sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Araneomorphae belonging to the family Praeterleptonetidae or Pholcochyroceridae.[3] The type species is Autotomiana hirsutipes.
Betaburmesebuthus[4] Gen. et 3 sp. novValidLourenço & BeigelCenomanianBurmese amberA scorpion belonging to the superfamily Buthoidea and the family Palaeoburmesebuthidae.[5] The type species is Betaburmesebuthus kobberti Lourenço & Beigel (2015); genus also includes B. bidentatus Lourenço (2015) and B. muelleri Lourenço (2015).[6]
BiapophysesGen. et sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Araneomorphae belonging to the family Praeterleptonetidae. The type species is Biapophyses beate.
BicalamistrumGen. et sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Uloboridae. The type species is Bicalamistrum mixtum.
BicornoculusGen. et sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Tetrablemmidae. The type species is Bicornoculus levis.
Burmadictyna clavaSp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of the family Salticoididae (related to the net-casting spiders and the cribellate orb weavers), a species of Burmadictyna.
Burmadictyna excavataSp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of the family Salticoididae (related to the net-casting spiders and the cribellate orb weavers), a species of Burmadictyna.
Burmathelyphonia[7] Gen. et sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA whip scorpion of uncr. The type species is Burmathelyphonia prima.
Burmesiola daviesiSp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA tree trunk spider, a species of Burmesiola.
BurmorsolusGen. et 2 sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberProbably a relative of trogloraptorids. The type species is Burmorsolus nonplumosus; genus also includes Burmorsolus crassus (this species was subsequently transferred to the genus Pseudorsolus, but later it was transferred back to the genus Burmorsolus).
Burmuloborus antefixusSp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Uloboridae, a species of Burmuloborus.
?Burmuloborus prolongatusSp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Uloboridae, possibly a species of Burmuloborus.
Chaerilobuthus birmanicus[8] Sp. novValidLourençoCenomanianBurmese amberA chaerilobuthid scorpion.
Chaerilobuthus bruckschiSp. novValidLourençoCenomanianBurmese amberA chaerilobuthid scorpion.
Chaerilobuthus enigmaticus[9] Sp. novValidLourençoCenomanianBurmese amberA chaerilobuthid scorpion.
Chaerilobuthus schwarzi[10] Sp. novValidLourenço in Lourenço & VeltenCenomanianBurmese amberA chaerilobuthid scorpion.
CrassitibiaGen. et 2 sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Araneomorphae; originally assigned to the family Praeterleptonetidae, subsequently transferred to the araneoid family Zarqaraneidae. The type species is Crassitibia longispina; genus also contains Crassitibia tenuimana.
CretaceotheleGen. et sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Mesothelae. Originally assigned to the family Liphistiidae, but subsequently transferred to the separate family Cretaceothelidae.[11] The type species is Cretaceothele lata.
CretotheridionGen. et sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Theridiidae. The type species is Cretotheridion inopinatum.
CurvitibiaGen. et sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Araneomorphae; originally assigned to the family Praeterleptonetidae, subsequently transferred to the araneoid family Zarqaraneidae. The type species is Curvitibia curima.
Cushingia[12] Gen. et sp. novValidDunlop et al.CenomanianBurmese amberA camel spider of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is Cushingia ellenbergeri.
CymbiolagonopsGen. et sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Araneomorphae belonging to the family Lagonomegopidae. The type species is Cymbiolagonops cymbiocalcar.
DenticulsegestriaGen. et sp. novJunior synonymWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA tube-dwelling spider. The type species is Denticulsegestria rugosa. Wunderlich & Müller (2020) considered the genus Denticulsegestria to be a junior synonym of the genus Parvosegestria, though the authors maintained the species D. rugosa as a distinct species within the latter genus.[13]
Dissorhina nuda[14] Sp. novValidMikoPlioceneAn oribatid mite belonging to the family Oppiidae, a species of Dissorhina.
Dissorhina paleokrasicaSp. novValidMikoPlioceneAn oribatid mite belonging to the family Oppiidae, a species of Dissorhina.
Edwa[15] Gen. et sp. novValidRaven, Jell & KnezourLate Triassic (Norian)Blackstone FormationA masteriine diplurid mygalomorph spider. The type species is Edwa maryae.
?Eogamasomorpha claraSp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Tetrablemmidae, possibly a species of Eogamasomorpha.
Eopsiloderces serenitasSp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Araneomorphae belonging to the family Eopsilodercidae, a species of Eopsiloderces.
Eramoscorpius[16] Gen. et sp. novValidWaddington, Rudkin & DunlopSilurianEramosa FormationAn aquatic scorpion. The type species is Eramoscorpius brucensis.
Eunicolina glaesi[17] Sp. novValidBertrand, Sidorchuk & HoffeinsEoceneEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A mite belonging to the family Labidostommatidae found in Baltic amber, a species of Eunicolina.
Fessonia grabenhorsti[18] Sp. novValidBartel et al.Eocene to OligoceneEuropeA mite belonging to the family Smarididae found in Baltic amber (Europe, Baltic Sea coast) and Bitterfeld amber (Germany), a species of Fessonia.
Fessonia groehniSp. novValidBartel et al.EoceneEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A mite belonging to the family Smarididae found in Baltic amber, a species of Fessonia.
Fessonia wunderlichiSp. novValidBartel et al.Eocene to OligoceneEuropeA mite belonging to the family Smarididae found in Baltic amber (Europe, Baltic Sea coast) and Bitterfeld amber (Germany), a species of Fessonia.
FossilcalcarGen. et sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Mygalomorphae. The type species is Fossilcalcar praeteritus.
GroehnianusGen. et sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Araneomorphae; originally assigned to the family Praeterleptonetidae, subsequently transferred to the araneoid family Zarqaraneidae. The type species is Groehnianus burmensis.
Hypotheridiosoma falcataSp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Araneomorphae. Initially considered to be a member of the family Praeterleptonetidae and a species of Hypotheridiosoma; subsequently transferred to the araneoid family Zarqaraneidae and to the genus Spinicymbium.
JordansegestriaGen. et sp. novValidWunderlichCretaceousA tube-dwelling spider. The type species is Jordansegestria detruneo.
JordariadnaGen. et comb. novValidWunderlichCretaceousA tube-dwelling spider; a new genus for "Ariadna" amissiocoli Wunderlich (2008).
Kronocharon engeliSp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA whip spider (originally assigned to Neoamblypygi, but excluded from this group by Garwood et al., 2017[19]), a species of Kronocharon.
Kronocharon longicalcarisSp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA whip spider (originally assigned to Neoamblypygi, but excluded from this group by Garwood et al., 2017), a species of Kronocharon.
Lacinius bizleyi[20] Sp. novValidMitov, Dunlop & PenneyPaleogene (Eocene-Oligocene?)
(Kaliningrad Oblast)
A member of Opiliones found in Baltic amber and Bitterfeld amber, a species of Lacinius.
Lacunauchenius longissipesSp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Archaeidae. Originally described as a species of Lacunauchenius, but subsequently transferred to the genus Eomysmauchenius.
Lacunauchenius pilosusSp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Archaeidae. Originally described as a species of Lacunauchenius, but subsequently transferred to the genus Planarchaea.
?Lagonomegops tuberSp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Araneomorphae belonging to the family Lagonomegopidae, possibly a species of Lagonomegops.
Leclercera ellenbergeriSp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Psilodercidae. Originally described as a species of Leclercera, but subsequently transferred to the genus Priscaleclercera.
Leclercera sexaculeataSp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Psilodercidae. Originally described as a species of Leclercera, but subsequently transferred to the genus Priscaleclercera.
LineaburmopsGen. et 2 sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Araneomorphae belonging to the family Lagonomegopidae. The type species is Lineaburmops beigeli; genus also contains Lineaburmops hirsutipes.
LongissipalpusGen. et 3 sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA relative of Mongolarachne. The type species is Longissipalpus minor; genus also contains Longissipalpus magnus and Longissipalpus maior.
MicrouloborusGen. et sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Uloboridae. The type species is Microuloborus birmanicus.
MyansegestriaGen. et 2 sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA tube-dwelling spider. The type species is Myansegestria engin; genus also contains Myansegestria caederens.
Nasutiacarus[21] Gen. et sp. novValid[22] Sidorchuk & Lindquist in Sidorchuk, Perrichot & LindquistLate Cretaceous (middle Cenomanian to early Santonian)A mite belonging to the group Heterostigmata. The type species is Nasutiacarus perplexus.
Nephila burmanica[23] Comb nov.valid(Poinar)Early CretaceousBurmese amberA nephiline. a new combination for "Geratonephila" burmanica
Palaeoburmesebuthus ohlhoffiSp. novValidLourençoCenomanianBurmese amberA palaeoburmesebuthid scorpion.
Paramiagrammopes longiclypeusSp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Uloboridae, a species of Paramiagrammopes.
Paramiagrammopes patellidensSp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Uloboridae, a species of Paramiagrammopes.
ParviburmopsGen. et sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Araneomorphae belonging to the family Lagonomegopidae. The type species is Parviburmops brevipalpus.
ParvispinaGen. et comb. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Araneomorphae; originally assigned to the family Praeterleptonetidae, subsequently transferred to the araneoid family Zarqaraneidae. A new genus for "Praeterleptoneta" tibialis Wunderlich (2011).
ParvosegestriaGen. et 4 sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA tube-dwelling spider. The type species is Parvosegestria obscura; genus also contains Parvosegestria longitibialis, Parvosegestria pintgu and Parvosegestria triplex.
PaxillomegopsGen. et 2 sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Araneomorphae belonging to the family Lagonomegopidae. The type species is Paxillomegops longipes; genus might also contain a second species ?Paxillomegops brevipes.
PedipalparaneusGen. et sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA relative of Mongolarachne. The type species is Pedipalparaneus seldeni.
PhyxioschemoidesGen. et sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Dipluridae. The type species is Phyxioschemoides collembola.
PicturmegopsGen. et sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Araneomorphae belonging to the family Lagonomegopidae. The type species is Picturmegops signatus.
PlanarchaeaGen. et sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Archaeidae. The type species is Planarchaea kopp.
PraeterpacullaGen. et 5 sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Tetrablemmidae. The type species is Praeterpaculla tuberosa; genus also contains Praeterpaculla armatura, Praeterpaculla biacuta, Praeterpaculla dissolata and Praeterpaculla equester.
PrimoricinuleusGen. et sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Ricinulei. The type species is Primoricinuleus pugio.
PropterpsilodercesGen. et sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA spider belonging to the family Eopsilodercidae. The type species is Propterpsiloderces longisetae.
RetrooecobiusGen. et 2 sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Oecobiidae. The type species is Retrooecobius chomskyi; genus also contains Retrooecobius convexus.
SeldischnopluraGen. et sp. novValidRaven, Jell & KnezourEarly CretaceousCrato FormationA euagrine diplurid mygalomorph spider. The type species is Seldischnoplura seldeni.
Spatiator putescensSp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Araneomorphae belonging to the family Spatiatoridae, a species of Spatiator.
SpinasiliaGen. et sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA tree trunk spider. The type species is Spinasilia dissoluta.
SpinicreberGen. et sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Araneomorphae belonging to the family Pholcochyroceridae. The type species is Spinicreber antiquus.
SpinipalpitibiaGen. et sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberOriginally described as a member of Araneomorphae belonging to the family Praeterleptonetidae; subsequently transferred to the leptonetoid family Protoaraneoididae.[24] The type species is Spinipalpitibia maior.
SpinipalpusGen. et sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Araneomorphae belonging to the family Pholcochyroceridae. The type species is Spinipalpus vetus.
Sucinlourencous[25] Gen. et sp. novValidRossiCenomanianBurmese amberA scorpion belonging to the superfamily Buthoidea and the family Sucinlourencoidae. The type species is Sucinlourencous adrianae.
Syphax secedens[26] Sp. novValidWunderlichEoceneEuropeA crab spider found in Baltic amber, a species of Syphax.
Tityus apozonalli[27] Sp. novValidRiquelme, Villegas & González in Riquelme et al.Early-Middle MioceneMexican amberA Buthidae scorpion
UniscutosomaGen. et sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Tetrablemmidae. The type species is Uniscutosoma aberrans.
VetiatorGen. et sp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Araneomorphae. Originally assigned to the family Spatiatoridae, but subsequently transferred to the separate family Vetiatoridae. The type species is Vetiator gracilipes.
Zamilia aculeopectensSp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Oecobiidae, a species of Zamilia.
Zamilia quattuormammillaeSp. novValidWunderlichCenomanianBurmese amberA member of Oecobiidae, a species of Zamilia.
Zhizhu[28] Gen. et 2 sp. novValid[29] Selden, Ren & ShihMiddle Jurassic to Early CretaceousJiulongshan Formation
Yixian Formation
A cribellate spider related to net-casting spiders and cribellate orb weavers. Genus contains two species: Zhizhu daohugouensis and Zhizhu jeholensis.

Newly named crustaceans


NameNoveltyStatusAuthorship of new nameAgeUnitLocationNotesImages
Blaculla haugi[30] Sp. novValidWinklerLate Jurassic (early Tithonian)Eichstätt FormationA caridean shrimp, possibly a member of the superfamily Alpheoidea; a species of Blaculla.
Braggicarpilius[31] Gen. et sp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & TessierEocene (Ypresian)A crab belonging to the family Carpiliidae. The type species is B. marginatus.
Caloxanthus britannicus[32] Sp. novValidCollinsLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)
A feldmanniid crab, a relative of etyiids; a species of Caloxanthus.
Caloxanthus thompsonorum[33] Sp. novValidKlompmaker, Hyžný & JakobsenLate Cretaceous (Santonian)A crab, a species of Caloxanthus.
Caloxanthus vignyensisSp. novValidKlompmaker, Hyžný & JakobsenPaleocene (Danian)A crab, a species of Caloxanthus.
Capsulapagurus brocheti[34] Sp. novValidFraaije, van Bakel & JagtEarly Cretaceous (early Albian)A hermit crab belonging to the family Paguridae, a species of Capsulapagurus.
Cenomanocarcinus boedekeri[35] Sp. novValidOssó, Jackson & VegaLate Cretaceous (middle Cenomanian)Woodbine FormationA palaeocorystoid crab, a species of Cenomanocarcinus.
Cenomanocarcinus cookseyiSp. novValidOssó, Jackson & VegaEarly Cretaceous (Albian)Walnut FormationA palaeocorystoid crab, a species of Cenomanocarcinus.
Chlorodiella elenae[36] Sp. novValidDe Angeli & AlbertiEocene (Lutetian)A crab belonging to the family Xanthidae, a species of Chlorodiella.
Corallicarpilius[37] Gen. et sp. novValidDe Angeli & CecconEarly EoceneA crab belonging to the family Carpiliidae. The type species is C. arcuatus.
Corallomursia pauciornataSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & TessierEocene (Ypresian)A crab belonging to the family Calappidae.
Daira vestenanovensisSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & TessierEocene (Ypresian)A crab belonging to the family Dairidae.
Dardanus braggensisSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & TessierEocene (Ypresian)A species of Dardanus.
Diaulax rosablanca[38] Sp. novValidGómez-Cruz, Bermúdez & VegaEarly Cretaceous (early Valanginian)Rosablanca FormationA dromioid crab, a species of Diaulax. Announced in 2015; validated in 2023.[39]
Eodromites guenteri[40] Sp. novDisputedStarzykLate Jurassic (late Kimmeridgian)A crab belonging to the superfamily Homolodromioidea and the family Goniodromitidae; a species of Eodromites. Klompmaker et al. (2020) considered this species to be a junior synonym of Eodromites grandis (von Meyer, 1857).[41]
Eodromites hyznyiSp. novValidStarzykLate Jurassic (Oxfordian)A crab belonging to the superfamily Homolodromioidea and the family Goniodromitidae; a species of Eodromites.
Eodromites rotundusSp. novValidStarzykLate Jurassic (Oxfordian)A crab belonging to the superfamily Homolodromioidea and the family Goniodromitidae; a species of Eodromites.
Erymastacus lagardettei[42] Sp. novValidHyžný et al.Middle Jurassic (Aalenian)A member of Erymidae, a species of Erymastacus.
Gastrodorus bzowiensis[43] Sp. novValid[44] Krzemińska et al.Late JurassicA gastrodorid hermit crab, a species of Gastrodorus.
Gigantosculda[45] Gen. et sp. novValidHaug, Wiethase & HaugLate Jurassic (Tithonian)Solnhofen limestone (Altmühltal Group, Eichstätt Subformation)A mantis shrimp. The type species is Gigantosculda ehrlichfeckei.
Glypturus panamacanalensis[46] Sp. novValid[47] Klompmaker et al.Pleistocene to HoloceneBermont Formation
Jaimanitas Formation

A member of Callianassidae, a species of Glypturus.
Glypturus sikesiSp. novValidKlompmaker et al.Late MioceneChoctawhatchee FormationA member of Callianassidae, a species of Glypturus.
Graptocarcinus moosleitneri[48] Sp. novValidHyžný & KrohEarly Cretaceous (Barremian)A dynomenid dromioid crab, a species of Graptocarcinus.
Jabaloya polonica[49] Sp. novValidFeldmann, Schweitzer & BłażejowskiLate Jurassic (late Tithonian)A member of Mecochiridae, a species of Jabaloya.
LatuxanthidesGen. et sp. novValidDe Angeli & CecconEarly EoceneA crab belonging to the family Palaeoxanthopsidae. The type species is L. dentatus.
LessinithalamitaGen. et sp. novValidDe Angeli & CecconEarly EoceneA crab belonging to the family Portunidae. The type species is L. gioiae.
Mesolambrus ypresianusSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & TessierEocene (Ypresian)A crab belonging to the family Parthenopidae.
Metadynomene veronensisSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & TessierEocene (Ypresian)A crab belonging to the family Dynomenidae.
Mithrax arawakum[50] Sp. novValidKlompmaker et al.Early MioceneMontpelier FormationA spider crab, a species of Mithrax.
MontemagrechirusGen. et sp. novValidDe Angeli & CecconEarly EoceneA crab. Originally described as a species of Cryptochiridae; Klompmaker, Portell & van der Meij (2016) transferred it to the separate family Montemagrechiridae.[51] The type species is M. tethysianus.
Munida branti[52] Sp. novValidNyborg & GarassinoMioceneAstoria FormationA member of Munididae, a species of Munida.
Munida grossetana[53] Sp. novValidGarassino & PasiniPlioceneA member of Munididae, a species of Munida.
Munida prolata[54] Sp. novValidFeldmann, Schweitzer & BoesseneckerPliocenePurisima FormationA member of Munididae, a species of Munida.
Munida witteaeSp. novValidNyborg & GarassinoOligoceneMakah FormationA member of Munididae, a species of Munida.
Munidopsis canadensis[55] Sp. novValidNyborg et al.EoceneA squat lobster, a species of Munidopsis.
Myanmariscus[56] Gen. et sp. novValidBroly, Maillet & RossCretaceousA woodlouse. The type species is Myanmariscus deboiseae.
Nemausa windsoraeSp. novValidKlompmaker et al.Early MioceneMontpelier FormationA spider crab, a species of Nemausa.
Neoliomera minutaSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & TessierEocene (Ypresian)A crab belonging to the family Xanthidae, a species of Neoliomera.
Neptocarcinus dezancheiSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & TessierEocene (Ypresian)A crab belonging to the family Portunidae.
Paguristes liwinskii[57] Sp. novValidFraaije et al.Early Cretaceous (late Albian)A diogenid hermit crab, a species of Paguristes.
ParadistefaniaGen. et sp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & TessierEocene (Ypresian)A crab belonging to the superfamily Homolodromioidea and the family Goniodromitidae. The type species is P. piccolii.
?Paranecrocarcinus schloegliSp. novValidHyžný & KrohEarly Cretaceous (Barremian)A necrocarcinid crab, possibly a species of Paranecrocarcinus.
Peedeehomola[58] Gen. et sp. novValidGarassino, Clements & VegaLate Cretaceous (late Maastrichtian)Peedee FormationA member of Homolidae. The type species is P. deanbogani.
Pleovideolana[59] Gen. et sp. novValidGašparič et al.Middle JurassicA cirolanid isopod. The type species is Pleovideolana gijsberti.
Portunus (Portunus) pankowskiorum[60] Sp. novValidSchweitzer & FeldmannMiddle-late MioceneMonterey FormationA portunid crab, a species of Portunus.
PrealpicarcinusGen. et sp. novDisputedDe Angeli & CecconEarly EoceneA crab belonging to the family Pilumnidae. The type species is P. dallagoi. Beschin et al. (2018) considered P. dallagoi to be junior synonym of "Titanocarcinus" kochi Lőrenthey (1898), creating a new combination Prealpicarcinus kochi.[61]
Ptychocaris sheldoni[62] Sp. novValidMazurek, Dec & ŁukowiakEarly DevonianAn echinocaridid phyllocaridan, a species of Ptychocaris.
Schramocaris[63] Gen. et sp. novValid[64] Clark et al.Early CarboniferousA eumalacostracan crustacean similar to Tealliocaris and Pseudogalathea. The type species is Schramocaris gilljonesorum.
Sosiocaris[65] Gen. et sp. novValidJones et al.PermianLercara FormationA member of Peracarida belonging to the group Pygocephalomorpha.
Squilla erini[66] Sp. novValidHaug et al.Late Oligocene to early MioceneNye MudstoneA mantis shrimp, a species of Squilla.
Tanidromites alexandrae[67] Sp. novValidStarzykLate Jurassic (Oxfordian)A tanidromitid crab, a relative of homolodromiids; a species of Tanidromites.
Tanidromites raboeufi[68] Sp. novValidRobin et al.Middle Jurassic (late Bathonian)A tanidromitid crab, a relative of homolodromiids; a species of Tanidromites.
VestenanoviaGen. et sp. novDisputedBeschin, Busulini & TessierEocene (Ypresian)A crab belonging to the family Macropipidae. The type species is V. carinata. De Angeli, Garassino & Ceccon (2020) considered this species to be a junior synonym of Caprocancer altus Müller & Collins (1991).[69]
VicetiulitaGen. et sp. novValidDe Angeli & CecconEarly EoceneA crab belonging to the family Inachoididae. The type species is V. granulata.


NameNoveltyStatusAuthorship of new nameAgeUnitLocationNotesImages
Abyssocythere scotti[70] Sp. novValidYasuhara et al.Late Cretaceous (late Campanian and Maastrichtian) to MioceneSouthwestern Atlantic OceanA member of Trachyleberididae, a species of Abyssocythere.
Acratia? pervagata[71] Sp. novValid[72] Forel in Forel et al.Permian-Triassic boundaryAn ostracod, possibly a species of Acratia.
Agrenocythere ciampoiNom. novValidKempfLate OligoceneA member of Podocopida belonging to the family Trachyleberididae; a replacement name for Agrenocythere bensoni Ciampo (1981).
Aleisocythereis[73] Gen. et sp. novValid[74] Ceolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)Neuquén BasinA member of the family Trachyleberididae. The type species is Aleisocythereis polikothonus.
Ameghinocythere archaiosSp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Paleocene (Danian)Neuquén BasinA member of the superfamily Cytheroidea and the family Pectocytheridae; a species of Ameghinocythere
ApatoleberisGen. et comb. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)Neuquén Basin
A member of the family Trachyleberididae. A new genus for "Trachyleberis" noviprinceps Bertels (1975); genus also contains "Trachyleberis" princeps Bertels (1969) and possibly "Trachyleberis" schizospinosa Dingle (1981).
Argilloecia abnormalisSp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary (Maastrichtian and Danian)Neuquén BasinA member of the superfamily Cypridoidea and the family Pontocyprididae, a species of Argilloecia
Argilloecia concludusSp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)Neuquén BasinA member of the superfamily Cypridoidea and the family Pontocyprididae, a species of Argilloecia
Argilloecia hydrodynamicusSp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Paleocene (Danian)Neuquén BasinA member of the superfamily Cypridoidea and the family Pontocyprididae, a species of Argilloecia
Argilloecia labri[75] Sp. novValidYasuhara & OkahashiLate QuaternaryNorth Atlantic Ocean (Rockall Plateau)A pontocypridid podocopid ostracod, a species of Argilloecia.
Atlanticythere bensoniSp. novValidYasuhara et al.Late Cretaceous (Campanian– Maastrichtian) to early EoceneSouthwestern Atlantic OceanA member of Trachyleberididae, a species of Atlanticythere.
Atlanticythere oculiSp. novValidYasuhara et al.Late EoceneSoutheastern Atlantic OceanA member of Trachyleberididae, a species of Atlanticythere.
Aversovalva glochinosSp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary (Maastrichtian and Danian)Neuquén Basin
A member of the superfamily Cytheroidea and the family Cytheruridae; a species of Aversovalva
Bairdia biforis[76] Sp. novValidMette, Honigstein & CrasquinMiddle Triassic (middle Anisian)Reifling FormationA bairdiid podocopid ostracod, a species of Bairdia.
Bairdia chaotianensis[77] Sp. novValidZazzali in Zazzali et al.Permian (middle Capitanian to early Wuchiapingian)Maokou Formation
Wujiaping Formation
A bairdiid podocopid ostracod, a species of Bairdia.
Bairdia schneebergianaSp. novValidMette, Honigstein & CrasquinMiddle Triassic (middle Anisian)Reifling FormationA bairdiid podocopid ostracod, a species of Bairdia.
Bairdiacypris aequisymmetricaSp. novValidMette, Honigstein & CrasquinMiddle Triassic (middle Anisian)Reifling FormationA bairdiid podocopid ostracod, a species of Bairdiacypris.
Basslerella superarellaSp. novValidCrasquin in Forel et al.Permian-Triassic boundaryAn ostracod, a species of Basslerella.
BensonocostaGen. et sp. novValidYasuhara et al.Late Cretaceous (Santonian to Maastrichtian) to late MioceneSouthwestern Atlantic Ocean
Indian Ocean
A member of Trachyleberididae. The type species is Bensonocosta bensoni; genus also contains two additional, unnamed species.
BensonodutoitellaGen. et sp. novValidYasuhara et al.Late Cretaceous (late Campanian) to late MioceneSouthwestern Atlantic OceanA member of Trachyleberididae. The type species is Bensonodutoitella bicornigeri from late Miocene; genus also contains second, unnamed species from Late Cretaceous.
Bicornucythere concentrica[78] Sp. novValidYamaguchi et al.Eocene (Priabonian)Yaw FormationAn ostracod belonging to the family Trachyleberididae, a species of Bicornucythere.
Bythoceratina cheleutosSp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Paleocene (Danian)Neuquén BasinA member of the superfamily Cytheroidea and the family Bythocytheridae, a species of Bythoceratina
Bythoceratina nudaSp. novValidYasuhara & OkahashiLate QuaternaryNorth Atlantic Ocean (Rockall Plateau)A bythocytherid podocopid ostracod, a species of Bythoceratina.
Caspiocypris amiterni[79] Sp. novValid[80] Spadi & Gliozzi in Spadi et al.Pliocene-Pleistocene (PiacenzianGelasian)L'Aquila BasinAn ostracod, a species of Caspiocypris.
Caspiocypris bosiiSp. novValidSpadi & Gliozzi in Spadi et al.Pliocene-Pleistocene (PiacenzianGelasian)L'Aquila BasinAn ostracod, a species of Caspiocypris.
Caspiocypris nicandroiSp. novValidSpadi & Gliozzi in Spadi et al.Pliocene-Pleistocene (PiacenzianGelasian)L'Aquila BasinAn ostracod, a species of Caspiocypris.
Caspiocypris vestinaeSp. novValidSpadi & Gliozzi in Spadi et al.Pliocene-Pleistocene (PiacenzianGelasian)L'Aquila BasinAn ostracod, a species of Caspiocypris.
CastillocythereisGen. et 2 sp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary (Maastrichtian and Danian)Neuquén BasinThe type species is Castillocythereis multicastrum; genus also contains Castillocythereis albertoriccardii.
Cavellina nesenensisSp. novValidCrasquin in Forel et al.Permian-Triassic boundaryAn ostracod, a species of Cavellina.
Croninocythereis tridentiferiSp. novValidYasuhara et al.Middle Eocene to early MioceneSouthern Atlantic Ocean
Northwestern Pacific Ocean
A member of Trachyleberididae, a species of Croninocythereis.
Cryptophyllus pius[81] Sp. novValidTruuver & MeidlaOrdovician (Hirnantian)A member of Beyrichiocopida belonging to the family Cryptophyllidae, a species of Cryptophyllus.
Cypria bikeratiaSp. novValidSpadi & Gliozzi in Spadi et al.Pliocene-Pleistocene (PiacenzianGelasian)L'Aquila BasinAn ostracod, a species of Cypria.
Cythereis clibanariusSp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Paleocene (Danian)Neuquén BasinA member of the family Trachyleberididae, a species of Cythereis.
Cythereis dingleiSp. novValidYasuhara et al.MioceneSouthwestern Atlantic OceanA member of Trachyleberididae, a species of Cythereis.
Cythereis funginaSp. novValidYasuhara et al.Early Oligocene to late MioceneSouthwestern Pacific Ocean
Southern Ocean
A member of Trachyleberididae, a species of Cythereis.
Cythereis guernetiSp. novValidYasuhara et al.Late Eocene and OligoceneSouthwestern Atlantic OceanA member of Trachyleberididae, a species of Cythereis.
Cythereis johnnealeiSp. novValidYasuhara et al.Early OligoceneSouthern OceanA member of Trachyleberididae, a species of Cythereis.
Cythereis legitimoformisSp. novValidYasuhara et al.QuaternaryNorth Pacific OceanA member of Trachyleberididae, a species of Cythereis.
Cythereis neoanteplanaSp. novValidYasuhara et al.MioceneSoutheastern Atlantic OceanA member of Trachyleberididae, a species of Cythereis.
Cythereis oviSp. novValidYasuhara et al.Oligocene and early MioceneSouthwestern Atlantic OceanA member of Trachyleberididae, a species of Cythereis.
Cythereis parajohnnealeiSp. novValidYasuhara et al.Middle Eocene to early OligoceneSouthern OceanA member of Trachyleberididae, a species of Cythereis.
Cythereis puriiSp. novValidYasuhara et al.Early MioceneIndian OceanA member of Trachyleberididae, a species of Cythereis.
Cythereis richardbensoniSp. novValidYasuhara et al.Late Miocene and PlioceneSouthwestern Atlantic OceanA member of Trachyleberididae, a species of Cythereis.
Cythereis stratiosSp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary (Maastrichtian and Danian)Neuquén BasinA member of the family Trachyleberididae, a species of Cythereis.
Cythereis swansoniSp. novValidYasuhara et al.MioceneSouthern OceanA member of Trachyleberididae, a species of Cythereis.
Cythereis sylvesterbradleyiSp. novValidYasuhara et al.Late Eocene to MioceneIndian OceanA member of Trachyleberididae, a species of Cythereis.
Cythereis tomcroniniSp. novValidYasuhara et al.Oligocene and MioceneSouthern Atlantic Ocean
Northwestern Pacific Ocean
A member of Trachyleberididae, a species of Cythereis.
Cythereis trajectionesSp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary (Maastrichtian and Danian)Neuquén BasinA member of the family Trachyleberididae, a species of Cythereis.
Cytherella carmela[82] Sp. novValidSciutoEarly PleistoceneA member of Cytherellidae, a species of Cytherella.
Cytherella pelotensis[83] Sp. novValidManica, Bergue & CoimbraEarly MiocenePelotas BasinSouth Atlantic Ocean (Brazilian margin)A member of Cytherellidae, a species of Cytherella
Cytherella saraballentaeSp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Late Cretaceous to Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary (Maastrichtian and Danian)Neuquén Basin
A member of Cytherellidae, a species of Cytherella
Cytherella semicatillusSp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary (Maastrichtian and Danian)Neuquén BasinA member of Cytherellidae, a species of Cytherella
Cytheropteron bidentinosSp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Paleocene (Danian)Neuquén BasinA member of the superfamily Cytheroidea and the family Cytheruridae; a species of Cytheropteron
Cytheropteron colesoabyssorumSp. novValidYasuhara & OkahashiLate QuaternaryNorth Atlantic Ocean (Rockall Plateau)A cytherurid podocopid ostracod, a species of Cytheropteron.
Cytheropteron colesopunctatumSp. novValidYasuhara & OkahashiLate QuaternaryNorth Atlantic Ocean (Rockall Plateau)A cytherurid podocopid ostracod, a species of Cytheropteron.
Cytheropteron hyperdictyonSp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Paleocene (Danian)Neuquén Basin
A member of the superfamily Cytheroidea and the family Cytheruridae; a species of Cytheropteron
Cytheropteron paramediotumidumSp. novValidYasuhara & OkahashiLate QuaternaryNorth Atlantic Ocean (Rockall Plateau)A cytherurid podocopid ostracod, a species of Cytheropteron.
Cytheropteron translimitaresSp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary (Maastrichtian and Danian)Neuquén BasinA member of the superfamily Cytheroidea and the family Cytheruridae; a species of Cytheropteron
Dutoitella atlantiformisSp. novValidYasuhara et al.Late Cretaceous (Santonian)Indian OceanA member of Trachyleberididae, a species of Dutoitella.
Dutoitella ayressiSp. novValidYasuhara et al.MioceneSoutheastern Atlantic OceanA member of Trachyleberididae, a species of Dutoitella.
Dutoitella colesiSp. novValidYasuhara et al.Late Cretaceous (late Campanian)Southwestern Atlantic OceanA member of Trachyleberididae, a species of Dutoitella.
Dutoitella mazziniaeSp. novValidYasuhara et al.Late Miocene and early PlioceneSouthern Atlantic OceanA member of Trachyleberididae, a species of Dutoitella.
Dutoitella paradingleiSp. novValidYasuhara et al.Middle MioceneSouthern OceanA member of Trachyleberididae, a species of Dutoitella.
Dutoitella spinosaSp. novValidYasuhara et al.Late Cretaceous (late Campanian) to late MioceneSouthwestern Atlantic OceanA member of Trachyleberididae, a species of Dutoitella.
Dutoitella symmetricaSp. novValidYasuhara et al.Late EoceneIndian OceanA member of Trachyleberididae, a species of Dutoitella.
Dutoitella whatleyiSp. novValidYasuhara et al.Late Cretaceous (late Campanian) to middle PaleoceneSouthwestern Atlantic OceanA member of Trachyleberididae, a species of Dutoitella.
Eucythere dinetosSp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary (Maastrichtian and Danian)Neuquén BasinA member of the superfamily Cytheroidea and the family Cytherideidae; a species of Eucythere
Eucytherura stibarosSp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary (Maastrichtian and Danian)Neuquén Basin
A member of the superfamily Cytheroidea and the family Cytheruridae; a species of Eucytherura
Heinia prostratopleuricosSp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Paleocene (Danian)Neuquén BasinA member of the superfamily Cytheroidea and the family Loxoconchidae; a species of Heinia
Hemingwayella verrucosusSp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Paleocene (Danian)Neuquén BasinA member of the superfamily Cytheroidea and the family Cytheruridae; a species of Hemingwayella
Henryhowella (Wichmannella) praealtusSp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Paleocene (Danian)Neuquén BasinA member of the family Trachyleberididae, a species of Henryhowella.
HysterocythereisGen. et 3 sp. et comb. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary (Maastrichtian and Danian)Neuquén BasinA member of the family Trachyleberididae. The type species is Hysterocythereis paredros; genus also contains Hysterocythereis coinotes and Hysterocythereis diversotuberculatus, as well as "Anticythereis" inconnexa Bertels (1973) and "Anticythereis" attenuata Bertels (1975).
Ilyocypris ilaeSp. novValidSpadi & Gliozzi in Spadi et al.Pliocene-Pleistocene (PiacenzianGelasian)L'Aquila BasinAn ostracod, a species of Ilyocypris.
Inversacytherella atlanticaSp. novValidManica, Bergue & CoimbraEarly MiocenePelotas BasinSouth Atlantic Ocean (Brazilian margin)A member of Cytherellidae, a species of Inversacytherella
Keijia circulodictyonSp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Paleocene (Danian)Neuquén BasinA member of the superfamily Cytheroidea and the family Pectocytheridae; a species of Keijia
Keijia kratistosSp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Paleocene (Danian)Neuquén BasinA member of the superfamily Cytheroidea and the family Pectocytheridae; a species of Keijia
Klieana? coimbraensis[85] Sp. novValidCabral & Colin in Duarte et al.Early Jurassic (Sinemurian)Coimbra Formation
“Klinglerella” roselinaeSp. novValidCabral & Colin in Duarte et al.Early Jurassic (Sinemurian)Coimbra Formation
Krithe crepidusSp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary (Maastrichtian and Danian)Neuquén Basin
A member of the superfamily Cytheroidea and the family Cytherideidae; a species of Krithe
KunluniacyprisNom. novValidKempfLate PermianTarim BasinA member of the family Cyprididae; a replacement name for Kunlunia Jiang & Lin (1995).
Leguminocythereis? buzasiSp. novValidYasuhara et al.Late EoceneSoutheastern Atlantic OceanA member of Trachyleberididae, possibly a species of Leguminocythereis.
Limnocythere katu[86] Sp. novValidBergue, Maranhão & FauthOligoceneTremembé FormationA member of the superfamily Cytheroidea and the family Limnocytheridae, a species of Limnocythere.
Limnocythere mandubiSp. novValidBergue, Maranhão & FauthOligoceneTremembé FormationA member of the superfamily Cytheroidea and the family Limnocytheridae, a species of Limnocythere.
Looneyellopsis multiornata[87] Sp. novValidCarignano & CusminskyLate CretaceousA member of Limnocytheridae.
Loxoconcha (s.l.) posterocostaSp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Paleocene (Danian)Neuquén BasinA member of the superfamily Cytheroidea and the family Loxoconchidae of uncertain phylogenetic placement; a species of Loxoconcha (sensu lato).
Microcheilinella alborzellaSp. novValidForel in Forel et al.Permian-Triassic boundaryAn ostracod, a species of Microcheilinella.
Microcheilinella istanbulensis[88] Sp. novValidOlempska & NazikEarly DevonianPendik FormationAn ostracod, a species of Microcheilinella.
Microcheilinella pagodaensisSp. novValidZazzali in Zazzali et al.Permian (middle Capitanian to early Wuchiapingian)Maokou Formation
Wujiaping Formation
A microcheilinellid podocopid ostracod, a species of Microcheilinella.
Microcheilinella wujiapingensisSp. novValidZazzali in Zazzali et al.Permian (early Wuchiapingian)Wujiaping FormationA microcheilinellid podocopid ostracod, a species of Microcheilinella.
MimicocythereisGen. et comb. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)Neuquén BasinA member of the family Trachyleberididae. A new genus for "Bradleya" attilai Bertels (1975); genus also contains "Bradleya" patagonica Bertels (1975).
Mirabairdia plurispinosaSp. novValidMette, Honigstein & CrasquinMiddle Triassic (middle Anisian)Reifling FormationA bairdiid podocopid ostracod, a species of Mirabairdia.
Mirabairdia praepsychrosphaericaSp. novValidMette, Honigstein & CrasquinMiddle Triassic (middle Anisian)Reifling FormationA bairdiid podocopid ostracod, a species of Mirabairdia.
Munseyella costaevermiculatusSp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)Neuquén BasinA member of the superfamily Cytheroidea and the family Pectocytheridae; a species of Munseyella
Oligocythereis sylvesterbradleyiSp. novValidYasuhara et al.Middle EoceneIndian OceanA member of Trachyleberididae, a species of Oligocythereis.
OmerliellaGen. et sp. novValidOlempska & NazikEarly DevonianPendik FormationAn ostracod. The type species is Omerliella rectangulata.
OrthrocostaGen. et 3 sp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary (Maastrichtian and Danian)Neuquén BasinA member of the family Trachyleberididae. The type species is Orthrocosta decores; genus also contains Orthrocosta atopos and Orthrocosta phantasia.
Paracypris bertelsaeSp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Paleocene (Danian)Neuquén BasinA cypridoid ostracod belonging to the family Paracyprididae, a species of Paracypris
Paracypris imagunculaSp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary (Maastrichtian to Danian)Neuquén BasinA cypridoid ostracod belonging to the family Paracyprididae, a species of Paracypris
Paralimnocythere aucamahuevoensisSp. novValidCarignano & CusminskyLate CretaceousA member of Limnocytheridae.
Paralimnocythere musacchioiSp. novValidCarignano & CusminskyLate CretaceousA member of Limnocytheridae.
Paramunseyella epaphroditusSp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)Neuquén BasinA member of the superfamily Cytheroidea and the family Pectocytheridae; a species of Paramunseyella
Pellucistoma curupira[89] Sp. novValidGross, Ramos & PillerMioceneSolimões FormationA member of the family Cytheromatidae, a species of Pellucistoma.
Perissocytheridea tunisiatlasica[90] Sp. novValidTrabelsi et al.Early Cretaceous (Aptian)Kebar FormationA species of Perissocytheridea.
PetalocythereisGen. et comb. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary (Maastrichtian and Danian)Neuquén BasinA member of the family Trachyleberididae. A new genus for "Anticythereis" schilleri Bertels (1973); genus also contains "Anticythereis" venusta Bertels (1975).
Phacorhabdotus nudusSp. novValidYasuhara et al.Late Cretaceous (Campanian–Maastrichtian)Southwestern Atlantic OceanA member of Trachyleberididae, a species of Phacorhabdotus.
Phacorhabdotus slipperiSp. novValidYasuhara et al.Middle PaleoceneSoutheastern Atlantic OceanA member of Trachyleberididae, a species of Phacorhabdotus.
PhelocyprideisGen. et sp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Paleocene (Danian)Neuquén BasinA member of the superfamily Cytheroidea and the family Cytherideidae. The type species is Phelocyprideis acardomesido.
Phraterfabanella boomeriSp. novValidCabral & Colin in Duarte et al.Early Jurassic (Sinemurian)Coimbra Formation
Polycope lunarisSp. novValidYasuhara & OkahashiLate QuaternaryNorth Atlantic Ocean (Rockall Plateau)A polycopid ostracod, a species of Polycope (sensu lato).
Procytherura erichbrandiNom. novValidKempfMiddle Jurassic (Bathonian)A member of Podocopida belonging to the family Cytheruridae; a replacement name for Procytherura reticulata Brand (1990).
Reticulocosta edrianae[91] Sp. novValidAntonietto et al.Early Cretaceous (Albian)Riachuelo FormationA member of Podocopida belonging to the family Cytherettidae, a species of Reticulocosta
Roundyella goekchenaeSp. novValidOlempska & NazikEarly DevonianPendik FormationAn ostracod, a species of Roundyella.
RyugucivisGen. et sp. novValidYasuhara et al.Cretaceous (late Albian to Maastrichtian) to late MioceneSouthwestern Atlantic Ocean
Northwestern Pacific Ocean
A member of Trachyleberididae. The type species is Ryugucivis jablonskii; genus also contains Ryugucivis acuminata and Ryugucivis obtusa.
Shivaella elertensis[92] Sp. novValidChitnarinPermianE-Lert FormationAn ostracod, a species of Shivaella.
SthenarocythereisGen. et comb. et sp. novValidCeolin & Whatley in Ceolin et al.Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)Neuquén BasinA member of the family Trachyleberididae. A new genus for "Anticythereis" arcana Bertels (1975); genus also contains the new species Sthenarocythereis erymnos.
Tabukicypris[93] Gen. et sp. novValid[94] Chiu et al.HoloceneThe type species is Tabukicypris decoris.
Taracythere thalassoformisSp. novValidYasuhara et al.OligoceneNorthwestern Pacific OceanA member of Trachyleberididae, a species of Taracythere.
Trachyleberis abkhazianaNom. novValidKempfLate PlioceneAbkhaziaA member of Podocopida belonging to the family Trachyleberididae; a replacement name for Trachyleberis quadrata Imnadze in Vekua (1975).
Uralinova[95] Nom. novValidKempfDevonianA member of Kloedenellocopida belonging to the family Gotlandellidae; a replacement name for Uralina Rozhdestvenskaya (1962).
VanalabiaNom. novValidKempfLate SilurianA member of Kloedenellocopida, possibly belonging to the family Kloedenellitinidae; a replacement name for Vania Kruta & Siveter (1998).
Vecticypris punctataSp. novValidCarignano & CusminskyLate CretaceousA member of Limnocytheridae.
Wolburgiopsis ballentaeSp. novValidCarignano & CusminskyLate CretaceousA member of Limnocytheridae.

Other crustaceans

NameNoveltyStatusAuthorship of new nameAgeUnitLocationNotesImages
Arcoscalpellum scaniensis[96] Sp. novValidGale in Gale & SørensenLate Cretaceous (Campanian)A scalpellid goose barnacle, a species of Arcoscalpellum.
BosquetlepasGen. et comb. novValidGale in Gale & SørensenLate Cretaceous

A goose barnacle. A new genus for "Mitella" darwiniana Bosquet (1854). Genus also contains "Pollicipes" valida Steenstrup (1839), "Pollicipes" gracilis Roemer (1841), "Pollicipes" zeidleri Reuss (1864), "Calantica" (Scillaelepas) subplena Collins (1983) and "Calantica" (Scillaelepas) contigua Collins (1983). Genus might also contain "Calantica" (Scillaelepas) brydonei Withers (1935) and "Calantica" (Scillaelepas) turonica Withers (1935).
Capitulum sklenari[97] Sp. novValidVeselská et al.Late Cretaceous (late Cenomanian–early Turonian)Bohemian Cretaceous BasinA scalpelliform barnacle, a species of Capitulum.
Cratostracus? tunisiaensis[98] Sp. novValidBoukhalfa et al.Early Cretaceous (Barremian)Sidi Aïch FormationA clam shrimp, possibly a species of Cratostracus.
Estheriellites zavattieriae[99] Sp. novValidTassi, Zavattieri & GallegoMiddle TriassicCerro de Las Cabras FormationA clam shrimp, a species of Estheriellites.
Euestheria menendeziSp. novValidTassi, Zavattieri & GallegoMiddle TriassicCerro de Las Cabras FormationA clam shrimp, a species of Euestheria.
Invavita[100] Gen. et sp. novValidSiveter et al.Silurian (about 425 mya)Herefordshire LagerstätteA tongue worm, possibly a member of Cephalobaenida. The type species is Invavita piratica.
IvoelepasGen. et sp. et comb. novValidGale in Gale & SørensenLate Cretaceous

A goose barnacle. The type species is Ivoelepas nielseni. Genus also contains "Calantica" (Titanolepas) ambigua Babinot, Collins & Tronchetti (1979), "Zeugmatolepas" ischna Pilsbry & Olsson (1951), "Zeugmatolepas" broggii Pilsbry & Olsson (1951), "Zeugmatolepas" withersi Pilsbry & Olsson (1951) and "Zeugmatolepas" rectibasis Pilsbry & Olsson (1951).
LevelepasGen. et sp. novValidGale in Gale & SørensenLate Cretaceous (Campanian)A goose barnacle. The type species is Levelepas roeperi.
Leweslepas[101] Gen. et 3 sp. et comb. novValid[102] GaleLate Cretaceous (early Cenomanian to early Turonian)
A thoracican barnacle belonging to the family Stramentidae. The type species is Leweslepas hattini; genus also includes new species L. hauschkei and L. wrightorum, as well as "Pollicipes" acuminatus Darwin (1851) and "Scalpellum" obsoletum Geinitz (1875).
Loriculina ifrimaeSp. novValidGaleLate Cretaceous (Coniacian)A thoracican barnacle belonging to the family Stramentidae, a species of Loriculina.
LoriolepasGen. et comb. novValidGaleLate Jurassic and Early Cretaceous (Valanginian)

A thoracican barnacle related to members of the family Stramentidae. The type species is "Pollicipes" suprajurensis de Loriol in de Loriol & Pellat (1867); genus also includes "Archaeolepas" decora Harbort (1905) and "Pollicipes" planulatus Morris (1845).
MetaloriculinaGen. et 2 sp. novValidGaleLate Cretaceous (Coniacian to Campanian)
A thoracican barnacle belonging to the family Stramentidae. The type species is Metaloriculina stramentioides; genus also includes Metaloriculina norvicensis.
MyolepasGen. et comb. novValidGale in Gale & SørensenLate Cretaceous (Campanian to Maastrichtian)
A goose barnacle. A new genus for "Calantica" (Scillaelepas) scanica Withers (1935); genus also contains Brachylepas solida Zullo (1987).
ParastramentumGen. et 3 sp. et comb. novValidGaleLate Cretaceous (Turonian to Campanian)

A thoracican barnacle belonging to the family Stramentidae. The type species is Parastramentum peakei; genus also includes new species Parastramentum albertaensis and P. brydonei, as well as "Loricula" expansa Withers (1911).
Pollicipes (?) striatumSp. novValidGale in Gale & SørensenLate Cretaceous (Campanian)A pollicipedid goose barnacle, possibly a species of Pollicipes.
Pollicipes vansyociSp. novValidGale in Gale & SørensenLate Cretaceous (Campanian)A pollicipedid goose barnacle, a species of Pollicipes.
Porobalanus[103] Gen. et comb. novValidBuckeridgeEarly PlioceneAntarctica (Cockburn Island)A barnacle; a new genus for "Notomegabalanus" hennigi Newman (1979).
Stramentum alekseeviSp. novValidGaleLate Cretaceous (late Turonian)A thoracican barnacle belonging to the family Stramentidae, a species of Stramentum.
Stramentum praecursorSp. novValidGaleLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)
A thoracican barnacle belonging to the family Stramentidae, a species of Stramentum.
Strudops[104] Gen. et sp. novValid[105] Lagebro et al.Late DevonianA notostracan. The type species is Strudops goldenbergi.
Titanolepas spiniferSp. novValidGale in Gale & SørensenLate Cretaceous (Campanian)A goose barnacle, a species of Titanolepas.
Titobustillobalanus[106] Gen. et sp. novValidCarriol in Carriol & Álvarez-FernándezLate PleistoceneA balanid barnacle. The type species is Titobustillobalanus tubutubulus.
Toarcolepas[107] Gen. et sp. et comb. novValid[108] Gale & SchweigertEarly Jurassic

An eolepadid barnacle. The type species is Toarcolepas mutans; genus also includes T. gaveyi (Withers, 1920) and T. lotharingica (Méchin, 1901).
Wannerestheria kozuri[109] Sp. novValidWeems & LucasLate Triassic (Norian)Bull Run FormationA clam shrimp.


See main article: 2015 in insect paleontology.


NameNoveltyStatusAuthorship of new nameAgeUnitLocationNotesImages
Acanthophillipsia felicitae[110] Sp. novValidFortey & HewardPermian (Kungurian–Roadian)A phillipsiid, a species of Acanthophillipsia.
Acadoparadoxides deani[111] Sp. novValidGeyer & VincentCambrianA paradoxidid, a species of Acadoparadoxides.
Acadoparadoxides levisettiiSp. novDisputedGeyer & VincentCambrianA paradoxidid, a species of Acadoparadoxides. Suggested to be a junior synonym of Acadoparadoxides mureroensis by Álvaro, Esteve & Zamora (2018),[112] but this interpretation was rejected by Geyer et al. (2019).[113]
Acadoparadoxides ovatopygeSp. novDisputedGeyer & VincentCambrianA paradoxidid, a species of Acadoparadoxides. Suggested to be a junior synonym of Acadoparadoxides mureroensis by Álvaro, Esteve & Zamora (2018), but this interpretation was rejected by Geyer et al. (2019).
Acadoparadoxides pampaliusSp. novDisputedGeyer & VincentCambrianA paradoxidid, a species of Acadoparadoxides. Suggested to be a junior synonym of Acadoparadoxides mureroensis by Álvaro, Esteve & Zamora (2018), but this interpretation was rejected by Geyer et al. (2019).
Akoldinioidia latus[114] Sp. novValidPark & KihmCambrian (Furongian)Hwajeol FormationA member of the family Shumardiidae, a species of Akoldinioidia.
Alumenella[115] Gen. et comb. novValid[116] Geyer & CorbachoCambrianA burlingiid; a new genus for "Schmalenseeia" jagoi Whittington (1994).
Amphoton krusei[117] Sp. novValid[118] Smith, Paterson & BrockCambrian (Templetonian)Giles Creek DolostoneA member of Dolichometopidae, a species of Amphoton.
Asaphellus isabelae[119] Sp. novValidMeroi Arcerito, Waisfeld & BalseiroOrdovician (Tremadocian)Cardonal Formation
Santa Rosita Formation
A member of Asaphidae belonging to the subfamily Isotelinae, a species of Asaphellus.
Brachymetaspis[120] Gen. et sp. novValidGandl et al.Early CarboniferousA member of the family Proetidae belonging to the subfamily Drevermanniinae. The type species is B. coniceps.
Burlingia balangensis[121] Sp. novValidYuan & EsteveEarly CambrianA species of Burlingia.
Cambroproteus[122] Gen. et sp. novValidGeyerMiddle CambrianJbel Wawrmast FormationA member of Ptychopariida and Ptychoparioidea of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is Cambroproteus lemdadensis.
Caznaia coreaensisSp. novValidPark & KihmCambrian (Furongian)Hwajeol FormationA member of the family Saukiidae, a species of Caznaia.
Chlupacula (Avenconia)Subgen et 2 sp. novValidGandl et al.Early CarboniferousA member of the family Proetidae belonging to the subfamily Cyrtosymbolinae. The subgenus includes new species Chlupacula (Avenconia) avenconis and Chlupacula (Avenconia) canpuigensis.
Chlupacula (Chlupacula) greilingiSp. novValidGandl et al.Early CarboniferousA member of the family Proetidae belonging to the subfamily Cyrtosymbolinae.
Colombianaspis[123] Gen. et sp. novValidMorzadec in Morzadec et al.Devonian (late Emsian)Floresta FormationA calmoniid. The type species is Colombianaspis carvalhoae.
Dactylocephalus levificatus[124] Sp. novValidGhobadi Pour & Popov in Kebria-ee Zadeh et al.Ordovician (Tremadocian)Mila FormationA dikelokephalinid asaphid, a species of Dactylocephalus.
Dalmanitina (Dalmanitina) dargazensis[125] Sp. novValidFortey & HewardLate OrdovicianSeyahou FormationA species of Dalmanitina.
Diademaproetus dianae[126] Sp. novValidVan ViersenDevonian (Eifelian)A member of Proetidae belonging to the subfamily Cornuproetinae.
Drevermannia (Paradrevermannia)Subgen. et sp. novValidGandl et al.Early CarboniferousA member of the family Proetidae belonging to the subfamily Drevermanniinae. The type species is Drevermannia (Paradrevermannia) fastigata.
Drevermannia (Pseudodrevermannia) manevilaiSp. novValidGandl et al.Early CarboniferousA member of the family Proetidae belonging to the subfamily Drevermanniinae.
Eoptychoparia tafilaltensisSp. novValidGeyerCambrianJbel Wawrmast FormationA member of Ptychopariidae, a species of Eoptychoparia.
Goldius endelsiSp. novValidVan ViersenDevonian (Eifelian)A member of Styginidae belonging to the subfamily Scutelluinae.
Granularaspis bommeliSp. novValidGeyerMiddle CambrianJbel Wawrmast FormationA member of Corynexochida, a species of Granularaspis.
Gudralisium rossumiSp. novValidVan ViersenDevonian (Eifelian-Givetian)Hanonet FormationA member of Acastidae belonging to the subfamily Asteropyginae.
Gunnia fava[127] Sp. novValidSmith, Brock & PatersonCambrianTempe FormationA ptychopariid, a species of Gunnia.
Heliopeltis[128] Gen. et 2 sp. novValid[129] Feist & ChattertonEarly DevonianA kolihapeltine scutelluid. Genus contains two species: H. ihmadii and H. johnsoni.
Hentigia ornataSp. novValidFortey & HewardPermian (Kungurian–Roadian)A phillipsiid, a species of Hentigia.
Iranaspidion elephasSp. novValidFortey & HewardPermian (Kungurian–Roadian)A phillipsiid, a species of Iranaspidion.
Kettneraspis? prescheri[130] Sp. novValidVan Viersen & HeisingDevonian (Pragian)Ihandar FormationA member of Odontopleuridae, possibly a species of Kettneraspis.
Koldinioidia choiiSp. novValidPark & KihmCambrian (Furongian)Hwajeol FormationA member of the family Shumardiidae, a species of Koldinioidia.
Kolihapeltis basseiSp. novValidFeist & ChattertonEarly DevonianA kolihapeltine scutelluid, a species of Kolihapeltis.
Kolihapeltis tafilaltensisSp. novValidFeist & ChattertonEarly DevonianA kolihapeltine scutelluid, a species of Kolihapeltis.
Liobole (Liobole ?) angustigenaSp. novValidGandl et al.Early CarboniferousA member of the family Proetidae belonging to the subfamily Mirabolinae.
Liobole (Quadratibole)Subgen et sp. novValidGandl et al.Early CarboniferousA member of the family Proetidae belonging to the subfamily Mirabolinae. The subgenus includes new species Liobole (Quadratibole) quadraticeps.
Lunagraulos[131] Gen. et comb. et sp. novValidLiñán, Vintaned & GozaloCambrian (Ovetian)La Herrería Formation
Tamames Sandstone
A new genus for "Agraulos" antiquus Sdzuy (1961); genus also includes new species Lunagraulos tamamensis.
Menorcaspis ? arcanensisSp. novValidGandl et al.Early CarboniferousA member of the family Proetidae belonging to the subfamily Drevermanniinae.
Menorcaspis calamicensis brevicaudaSubsp. novValidGandl et al.Early CarboniferousA member of the family Proetidae belonging to the subfamily Drevermanniinae.
Menorcaspis papiolensisSp. novValidGandl et al.Early CarboniferousA member of the family Proetidae belonging to the subfamily Drevermanniinae.
Menorcaspis tiedti antecedensSubsp. novValidGandl et al.Early CarboniferousA member of the family Proetidae belonging to the subfamily Drevermanniinae.
Menorcaspis weisflogiSp. novValidGandl et al.Early CarboniferousA member of the family Proetidae belonging to the subfamily Drevermanniinae.
Nepea ommacradaSp. novValidSmith, Paterson & BrockCambrian (Templetonian)Giles Creek DolostoneA member of Nepeidae, a species of Nepea.
NiordilobitesGen. et comb. novValidGeyer & CorbachoCambrianA burlingiid; a new genus for "Schmalenseeia" acutangula Westergård (1948).
Ovatoryctocara sinensis[132] Sp. novValidZhao et al.CambrianKaili FormationAn oryctocephalid trilobite, a species of Ovatoryctocara.
Penarosa oepikiSp. novValidSmith, Paterson & BrockCambrian (Templetonian)Giles Creek DolostoneA member of Nepeidae, a species of Penarosa.
PengiaGen. et comb. novValidGeyer & CorbachoCambrianA burlingiid; a new genus for "Schmalenseeia" fusilis Peng, Babcock & Lin (2004).
Phaetonellus lelubreiSp. novValidVan ViersenDevonian (Eifelian)A member of Tropidocoryphidae belonging to the subfamily Eremiproetinae.
Pudoproetus (Belgiproetus)[133] Subgen. et 2 sp. et comb. novValidMüller & HahnCarboniferous (Mississippian)

A member of Proetidae, a subgenus of Pudoproetus. The type species is Pudoproetus (Belgiproetus) lelubrei; the subgenus also includes new species P. (B). praedicatus, as well as P. (B.) albiorix (Hahn, Hahn & Brauckmann, 1980), P. (B.) cellesensis (Hahn, Hahn & Brauckmann, 1980), P. (B.) damghanensis (Hahn, Müller & Aghababalou, 2013), P. (B.) incertus (Hahn, Hahn & Brauckmann, 1980), P. (B.) teutates (Hahn, Hahn & Brauckmann, 1980), P. (B.) toutiorix (Hahn, Hahn & Brauckmann, 1980) and P. (B.) ussuilensis (Nalivkin, in Weber, 1937).
Radnoria guyi[134] Sp. novValidPereira et al.Late OrdovicianCabeço do Peão FormationA member of Brachymetopidae, a species of Radnoria.
Rozovia[135] Nom. novValidDoweldLate CambrianA replacement name for Nordia Rozova (1968) (preoccupied).
Sagittapeltis belkaiSp. novValidFeist & ChattertonEarly DevonianA kolihapeltine scutelluid, a species of Sagittapeltis.
Schopfaspis shergoldiSp. novValidSmith, Paterson & BrockCambrian (Templetonian)Giles Creek DolostoneA member of Alokistocaridae, a species of Schopfaspis.
Semiproetus (Brevibole) trigonifronsSp. novValidGandl et al.Early CarboniferousA member of the family Proetidae belonging to the subfamily Cyrtosymbolinae.
SimulopaladinGen. et sp. novValidFortey & HewardPermian (Kungurian–Roadian)A phillipsiid. The type species is Simulopaladin tridentifer.
Struvephacops[136] Nom. novValidGhobadi PourEarly DevonianHeisdorf FormationA member of Phacopida; a replacement name for Cultrops Struve (1995) (preoccupied).
Triproetus bonbonSp. novValidFortey & HewardPermian (Kungurian–Roadian)A member of Proetidae, a species of Triproetus.
Weyeraspis (Canovesia)Subgen et sp. novValidGandl et al.Early CarboniferousA member of the family Proetidae belonging to the subfamily Cyrtosymbolinae. The subgenus includes new species Weyeraspis (Canovesia) canovesensis.

Other arthropods

NameNoveltyStatusAuthorship of new nameAgeUnitLocationNotesImages
Ankitokazocaris bandoi[137] Sp. novValidEhiro & Kato in Ehiro et al.Early Triassic (Olenekian)Osawa FormationA member of Thylacocephala (a group of arthropods of uncertain phylogenetic placement, possibly crustaceans), a species of Ankitokazocaris.
Dytikosicula[138] Gen. et sp. novValidConway Morris et al.CambrianMarjum FormationA putative megacheiran. The type species is Dytikosicula desmatae.
Etania[139] Gen. et sp. novValidLegg & HearingMiddle OrdovicianLlanfallteg FormationAn arthropod of xenopod affinities. The type species is Etania howellsorum.
Flumenoglacies[140] Gen. et sp. novValidPeel & StengCambrianEkspedition Brae Formation
Stephen Formation

A member of Bradoriida. The type species is Flumenoglacies groenlandica.
Houia[141] Gen. et comb. novValidSelden, Lamsdell & QiDevonian (Lochkovian)Xiaxishancun FormationA chelicerate belonging to the lineage that branched from the main euchelicerate lineage prior to the divergence of Eurypterida, Arachnida and Chasmataspidida; a new genus for "Kasibelinurus" yueya Lamsdell, Xue & Selden (2013).
Isoxys mackenziensis[142] Sp. novValidKimmig & PrattCambrian (Drumian)Rockslide FormationAn arthropod of uncertain phylogenetic placement, a species of Isoxys.
KitakamicarisGen. et sp. novDisputedEhiro & Kato in Ehiro et al.Early Triassic (Olenekian)Osawa FormationA member of Thylacocephala (a group of arthropods of uncertain phylogenetic placement, possibly crustaceans). The type species is Kitakamicaris utatsuensis. Laville et al. (2021) transferred K. utatsuensis to the genus Ankitokazocaris,[143] while Ehiro and Kano (2024) denied that.[144]
Notchia[145] Gen. et sp. novValidLerosey-AubrilCambrian (late Guzhangian)Weeks FormationAn arthropod of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is Notchia weugi.
Pentecopterus[146] Gen. et sp. novValidLamsdell et al.Ordovician (Darriwilian)Winneshiek Shale FormationA megalograptid eurypterid. The type species is Pentecopterus decorahensis.
Surusicaris[147] Gen. et sp. novValidAria & Caron CambrianStephen FormationA relative of Isoxys. The type species is Surusicaris elegans.
Tanglangia rangatanga[148] Sp. novValidPaterson, Edgecombe & JagoCambrianEmu Bay ShaleA member of (possibly paraphyletic) group Megacheira, a species of Tanglangia.
Wiedopterus[149] Gen. et sp. novValidPoschmannEarly DevonianA eurypterid. The type species is Wiedopterus noctua.
Winneshiekia[150] Gen. et sp. novValidLamsdell et al.Ordovician (Darriwilian)Winneshiek LagerstätteA chelicerate sister to the clade comprising chasmataspidids, eurypterids, arachnids and Houia. The type species is Winneshiekia youngae.
Yawunik[151] Gen. et sp. novValidAria, Caron & GainesMiddle CambrianBurgess ShaleA relative of Leanchoilia. The type species is Yawunik kootenayi.
Yohoia utahanaSp. novValidConway Morris et al.Cambrian

Notes and References

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  2. Book: Wilson R. Lourenço . 2015 . A new subfamily, genus and species of fossil scorpions from Cretaceous Burmese amber (Scorpiones: Palaeoeuscorpiidae) . Jörg Wunderlich . Beiträge zur Araneologie, 9: Mesozoic spiders and other fossil arachnids . 457–464 . http://joergwunderlich.de/Downloads/Beitr._Araneol._Band_9_(2015).pdf .
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  4. Book: Wilson R. Lourenço . Alex Beigel . 2015 . A new genus and species of Palaeoburmesebuthinae Lourenço, 2015 (Scorpiones: Archaeobuthidae) from Cretaceous amber of Burmese . Jörg Wunderlich . Beiträge zur Araneologie, 9: Mesozoic spiders and other fossil arachnids . 476–480 . http://joergwunderlich.de/Downloads/Beitr._Araneol._Band_9_(2015).pdf .
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  9. Wilson R. Lourenço . 2015 . An unusual new species of Chaerilobuthus Lourenço & Beigel, 2011 (Scorpiones: Chaerilobuthidae) from the Cretaceous amber of Myanmar (Burma) . Arachnida – Rivista Aracnologica Italiana . 5 . 44–48 .
  10. Wilson R. Lourenço . Jürgen Velten . 2015 . Another new species of Chaerilobuthus Lourenço & Beigel, 2011 (Scorpiones: Chaerilobuthidae) from the Cretaceous amber of Myanmar (Burma) . Arachnida – Rivista Aracnologica Italiana . 5 . 2–8 .
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  35. Àlex Ossó . John Jackson . Francisco J. Vega . 2015 . Two new species of Cenomanocarcinus Van Straelen, 1936 (Decapoda: Brachyura: Paleocorystoidea) from the Lower and Middle Cretaceous of Texas, USA, with remarks on intraspecific variation in Cenomanocarcinus . Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen . 278 . 2 . 229–243 . 10.1127/njgpa/2015/0530 .
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