2012 timeline of the Somali Civil War explained

See main article: Somali Civil War (2009–present). This is a 2012 timeline of events in the Somali Civil War (2009–present).


January 7

January 20

January 24


February 15

February 18

Februdary 22

February 24


March 2

March 3

March 10

March 19

March 20

March 22

March 23

March 24

March 26

March 30

March 31


April 4

April 9

April 11

April 28

April 29

April 30


May 1

May 19

May 25

May 29

May 31


June 6

June 11

June 16

June 22

June 23

June 26


July 11


August 4

August 8

August 12

August 16

August 27

August 29


September 1

September 3

September 4

September 5

September 18

September 22

September 24

September 25

September 28


October 14

October 29


November 12

November 25


December 9

December 17

December 18


See also

Notes and References

  1. News: Kenyan troops 'kill 60 al-Shabab fighters' in Somalia . BBC . 7 January 2012 . 7 January 2012.
  2. Web site: Amisom troops drive Shabaab out of suburbs. 6 December 2014. 14 July 2014. https://web.archive.org/web/20140714153407/http://www.nation.co.ke/News/africa/Amisom+troops+drive+Shabaab+out+of+suburbs++/-/1066/1311036/-/v1f373z/-/index.html. dead.
  4. News: Somalia's al-Shabab attack Ethiopian base in Beledweyne . BBC . 24 January 2012 . 24 January 2012.
  5. News: Fresh Somalia fighting forces thousands to flee . BBC . 15 February 2012 . 16 February 2012.
  6. News: Al-Shabab claim Somali capital explosion . Al Jazeera . 18 February 2012 . 18 February 2012.
  7. News: Ethiopian forces capture key Somali rebel stronghold . https://web.archive.org/web/20140407094043/http://af.reuters.com/article/somaliaNews/idAFL5E8DMB7G20120222?pageNumber=3&virtualBrandChannel=0 . dead . 7 April 2014 . Reuters . 22 February 2012 . 22 February 2012.
  8. News: Somalia 'air strike kills foreign al-Shabab militants' . BBC . 24 February 2012 . 24 February 2012.
  9. News: Somali al-Shabab base captured outside Mogadishu . BBC . 23 March 2012 . 2 March 2012.
  10. News: Rebel, army clashes kill nine in Somalia's Puntland . Reuters . 22 March 2012 . 3 March 2012.
  11. Web site: TFG, Kenyan troops force Shabaab from Diif . Somalia Report . 23 March 2012 . 4 March 2012 . https://web.archive.org/web/20120312161143/http://www.somaliareport.com/index.php/post/2989/TFG__Kenyan_Troops_force_Shabaab_From_Diif . 2012-03-12 . dead .
  12. News: Yahoo . Somalia Islamists attack Ethiopian troops . Agence France-Presse . 26 March 2012 . 10 March 2012 . dead . https://web.archive.org/web/20120313142727/http://news.yahoo.com/somalia-islamists-attack-ethiopian-troops-105905013.html . March 13, 2012 .
  13. News: Six killed when mortars aimed at Somalia palace land on refugee camp . The Telegraph . 22 March 2012 . 19 March 2012 . London . Aislinn . Laing.
  14. Web site: 100 Shabaab 'dead' in battle . CapitalFM . 22 March 2012 . 20 March 2012.
  15. Web site: TFG, Raskamboni retake Diff town, near Kenyan border . https://archive.today/20120709215504/http://hornofafricanews.blogspot.com/2012/03/tfg-raskamboni-retake-diff-town-near.html . dead . 9 July 2012 . Horn of Africa News . 23 March 2012 . 20 March 2012.
  16. News: Somali, Ethiopian troops seize town, fighters flee . Boston Globe . 23 March 2012 . 22 March 2012 . Abdi . Guled.
  17. Web site: Kenyan fighter jets kill 10, injure 25 others in south Somalia . SpyGhana . 26 March 2012 . 24 March 2012 . dead . https://archive.today/20120714010533/http://spyghana.com/world-news/inside-africa/kenyan-fighter-jets-kill-10-injure-25-others-in-south-somalia/ . July 14, 2012 .
  18. Web site: Somalia Ahlusuna Seizes New Locations from Al Shabab Official Says. dead. https://web.archive.org/web/20120326224627/http://www.raxanreeb.com/2012/03/somalia-ahlusuna-seizes-new-locations-from-al-shabab-official-says/. March 26, 2012. March 26, 2012.
  19. Web site: » Sunatimes.com - Sunatimes - News, Sports, Videos and Music. 6 December 2014.
  20. Web site: Somalia: New Ethiopian Troops Reach Guri'el Town, Central Somalia.
  21. Web site: Ethiopia troops within Somalia target another Shebaab base . Gulf Times . 26 March 2012 . 24 March 2012 . dead . https://web.archive.org/web/20120326054050/http://www.gulf-times.com/site/topics/article.asp?cu_no=2&item_no=494922&version=1&template_id=39&parent_id=21 . March 26, 2012 .
  22. Web site: Ethiopian troops seize main rebel town in central Somalia. dead. https://web.archive.org/web/20120330025449/https://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5gk66A4yi6nuMV2teyYOXEbKeaekA?docId=CNG.8e41ece6f9ee1db2f6c020ae926c3b3b.9e1. March 30, 2012. March 26, 2012.
  23. News: Somali Islamists 'lose Deynile airport' near Mogadishu . BBC News . 30 March 2012.
  24. Web site: Somalia:Fresh Fighting breaks out in east Jowhar city. 6 December 2014.
  25. News: Somalia theatre bombing kills top sports officials . BBC News . 4 April 2012.
  26. News: Market bombing in central Somalia kills 12 . BBC News . 9 April 2012.
  27. Web site: Somalia: 'Al Shabaab have infiltrated the Golis Mountains' says President Farole. https://web.archive.org/web/20120614110745/http://www.garoweonline.com/artman2/publish/Somalia_27/Somalia_Al_Shabaab_have_infiltrated_the_Golis_Mountains_says_President_Farole.shtml. dead. June 14, 2012.
  28. News: BBC News - Somalia's al-Shabab Islamists move north into Puntland. BBC News. 11 April 2012. 6 December 2014.
  29. News: S.African security officer killed in Somalia - local govt . Reuters . 29 April 2012.
  30. Web site: Somalia: 7 Killed in Mogadishu Shelling, Theater Bombing.
  31. Web site: 11 killed in bloody battle against Ethiopian forces. dead. https://web.archive.org/web/20120504014036/http://somalilandpress.com/somalia-11-killed-in-bloody-battle-against-ethiopian-forces-27924. May 4, 2012. May 3, 2012.
  32. News: Somalia MPs killed in al-Shabab suicide attack . BBC News . 1 May 2012.
  33. Web site: Somalia: Multiple explosions in Mogadishu kill 8. https://web.archive.org/web/20120530043954/http://www.garoweonline.com/artman2/publish/Somalia_27/Somalia_Multiple_explosions_in_Mogadishu_kill_8.shtml. dead. May 30, 2012.
  34. Web site: East Africa: Somali, Kenya Forces Battle Al Shabab in Southern Somalia.
  35. News: Somali al-Shabab militant stronghold Afgoye 'captured'. 1 June 2012. BBC. 25 May 2012.
  36. News: Somalia: Kenya's Naval Forces Shell Kismayo. 25 June 2012. Garowe Online. 29 May 2012.
  37. Web site: Somali president's convoy ambushed by militants on trip outside Mogadishu; president unharmed. 29 May 2012. Yahoo News. 6 December 2014.
  38. News: Somalia forces capture key al-Shabab town of Afmadow. 1 June 2012. BBC. 31 May 2012.
  39. Web site: somalia:Tension rises in northeast Somalia region. 6 December 2014.
  40. Web site: No more Raas Assayr State as its founders retreated their claims and supported Puntland. https://archive.today/20130131230608/http://puntlandi.com/?p=35467. dead. 31 January 2013. Puntlandi. 25 June 2012.
  41. Web site: Gulf Times- Qatar's top-selling English daily newspaper - Homepage . Gulf-Times . dead . https://web.archive.org/web/20120504014036/http://somalilandpress.com/somalia-11-killed-in-bloody-battle-against-ethiopian-forces-27924 . May 4, 2012 .
  42. Web site: Somalia: Gov't Forces Clash With Al Shabab in Elasha Biyaha, South Mogadishu.
  43. Web site: Somalia: African Union Troops Secure the Strategic Coastal Town of Elma'an.
  44. News: Somali forces capture rebel stronghold. https://archive.today/20130103071331/http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5iKD5l6zR7FZVn0CFZ_rXxVRl3rkQ?docId=CNG.230fb41fb750512c22ca1a4a23183378.821. dead. 3 January 2013. 28 June 2012. Agence France-Presse. Google News. 27 June 2012.
  45. News: Somali al-Shabab training base Lanta-Buro 'captured' . BBC News . 11 July 2012.
  46. Web site: Al Shabaab battle with government forces in south central Somalia. dead. https://web.archive.org/web/20120807220842/http://www.garoweonline.com/artman2/publish/Somalia_27/Al_Shabaab_battle_with_government_forces_in_south_central_Somalia.shtml. August 7, 2012. August 24, 2012.
  47. Web site: Somalia: Kenyan Jets Bomb Al Shabaab Base in Southern Somalia.
  48. http://www.spacewar.com/reports/Burnt_wreckage_of_two_Ugandan_army_helicopters_found_army_999.html Burnt wreckage of two Ugandan army helicopters found
  49. Web site: Kenyan soldiers kill 73 Al-Shabaab fighters in Somalia. https://web.archive.org/web/20141217211558/http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/world/2012-08/17/c_131790400.htm. dead. December 17, 2014. 6 December 2014.
  50. News: Alan Boswell. Abdi Ibrahim. Al Shabab flees Somali port of Merca ahead of African Union troops. https://archive.today/20121208174712/http://www.thenewstribune.com/2012/08/26/2270029/al-shabab-flees-somali-port-of.html. dead. 8 December 2012. 28 August 2012. McClatchy Newspapers. 27 August 2012.
  51. News: Omar. Hamsa. Somali Forces Advance on al-Qaeda-Linked Militia's Stronghold. 31 August 2012. Bloomberg. 30 August 2012.
  52. News: Somalia: Somali and African Union forces claim victory in two day battle . 6 September 2012 . Garowe Online . 1 September 2012 . dead . https://web.archive.org/web/20120906234629/http://www.garoweonline.com/artman2/publish/Somalia_27/Somalia_Somali_and_African_Union_forces_claim_victory_in_two_day_battle.shtml . September 6, 2012 .
  53. Web site: Troops step up Kismayu attack plans. 6 December 2014.
  54. News: Abdi Gula. Tom Odula. Residents flee militant-held Somali port town after shelling by Kenyan navy. 5 September 2012. Associated Press. 4 September 2012.
  55. News: Somalia: Somali, AU Forces Seize Town Outside Mogadishu. 5 September 2012. Shabelle Media Network. 4 September 2012.
  56. News: Mayoyo. Patrick. Shabaab fighters surrender. 6 September 2012. Daily Nation. 5 September 2012.
  57. News: Somali militants al-Shabab 'leaving' Kismayo stronghold. 19 September 2012. BBC. 18 September 2012.
  58. News: Abdi Guled. Tom Odula. Somalia: Militants said to leave last stronghold. https://archive.today/20130118160535/http://www.businessweek.com/ap/2012-09-18/somalia-militants-said-to-leave-last-stronghold. dead. 18 January 2013. 19 September 2012. AP. 18 September 2012.
  59. News: Al Shabaab suffer significant setback as over 200 militants disengage near Jowhar. 23 September 2012. AMISOM. 22 September 2012.
  60. News: Kenyan Amison troops 'shoot dead Somali civilians'. 24 September 2012. BBC. 24 September 2012.
  61. News: Somalia: Hizbul Islam group withdraws allegiance, says 'Al Shabaab is weakened' . 26 September 2012 . Garowe Online . 25 September 2012 . dead . https://web.archive.org/web/20120927054741/http://www.garoweonline.com/artman2/publish/Somalia_27/Somalia_Hizbul_Islam_group_withdraws_allegiance_says_Al_Shabaab_is_weakened.shtml . September 27, 2012 .
  62. News: Hizbul Islam splits with al-Shabaab. 26 September 2012. Sabahi. 24 September 2012.
  63. News: Kenyan fighter jets bomb Somali city. 26 September 2012. Al Jazeera. 25 September 2012.
  64. News: Kenyan forces attack last remaining stronghold of al-Qaeda-linked militants in Somalia . 28 September 2012 . Associated Press . 28 September 2012 .
  65. News: Chonghaile. Clar Ni. Kenyan troops launch beach assault on Somali city of Kismayo. 28 September 2012. The Guardian. 28 September 2012.
  66. News: A Senior Somali Military Commander Killed in ambush attack. https://archive.today/20130222063126/http://shabelle.net/a-senior-somali-military-commander-killed-in-ambush-attack/. usurped. 22 February 2013. 29 October 2012. Shabelle Media Network. 29 October 2012.
  67. Web site: Somalia: Civilians Killed After Ambush By Al Shabaab Near Baidoa.
  68. Web site: At least 12 dead Somalia Kenya border battles. dead. https://web.archive.org/web/20121125171517/http://www.france24.com/en/20121125-least-12-dead-somalia-kenya-border-battle. November 25, 2012. November 25, 2012.
  69. News: In Somalia, African Union and gov't troops take town from Islamist extremists of al-Shabab. https://archive.today/20130111063938/http://www.montrealgazette.com/life/Somalia+African+Union+govt+troops+take+town+from+Islamist/7673067/story.html. dead. 11 January 2013. 9 December 2012. Associated Press. 9 December 2012.
  70. News: Somalia militant group publicly rebukes American member for obstinacy, 'pursuit of fame'. https://archive.today/20130111072550/http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/world/Somalia+militant+group+publicly+rebukes+American+member/7708678/story.html. dead. 11 January 2013. 17 December 2012. Associated Press. 17 December 2012.
  71. News: Somalia, Kenya troops capture more areas from Al-shabaab militants. 6 May 2014. Bar-kulan. 18 December 2012.