2012 in poetry explained
Nationality words link to articles with information on the nation's poetry or literature (for instance, Irish or France).
- April 4 – Günter Grass's poem "What Must Be Said" is first published. Four days later, Eli Yishai, the Israeli Minister for the Interior, declares Grass persona non grata.[3] [4]
- June 7 – Natasha Trethewey is chosen by the Library of Congress to be the 19th U.S. Poet Laureate.[5] [6]
- November 29 – A Qatari poet, Muhammad Ibn al-Dheeb al-Ajami, age 36, is sentenced to life imprisonment for "comments said to be critical of the Qatari leadership," and "attempts to destabilise the country."[7] In February 2013, his sentence is reduced to 15 years in prison.[8]
- Poetry of the Taliban, an anthology translated from Pashto, is published in English.
Works published in English
- Barry McKinnon, Into the Blind World, above/ground press,
- rob mclennan, Sextet: six poems from Songs for little sleep, above/ground press,
- Lisa Robertson, Nilling: Prose, Toronto: BookThug
- Robert Bringhurst, Selected Poems, Copper Canyon Press,
New Zealand
Poets in Best New Zealand Poems
Poems from these 25 poets were selected by Bernadette Hall for Best New Zealand Poems 2011, published online this year:
- Marty Smith
- Rānui Taiapa
- Tim Upperton
- Louise Wallace
- Douglas Write
United Kingdom
- Sean Borodale, Bee Journal, Jonathan Cape
- Basil Bunting, Bunting's Persia: Translations by Basil Bunting, edited by Don Share, Flood Editions
- Ben Parker, The Escape Artists, Tall Lighthouse
- Andy Croft, Nineteen Forty-Eight, Five Leaves
- Kathleen Jamie, The Overhaul, Scottish poet
- Ralph Pordzik, Night Passage Across the Sea. A Dramatic Duologue, International Poetry Editions
- Robert Sheppard, The Only Life, Knives Forks & Spoons, Le Willows
- Dennis B. Wilson, Elegy of a Common Soldier, and Other Poems, Kultura
Criticism, scholarship and biography in the United Kingdom
United States
- Paige Ackerson-Kiely – My Love is a Dead Arctic Explorer, 128 pages, Ahsahta Press,
- John Allman, Algorithms, Clear Sound / Quale Press, Niantic, CT
- Kris Bigalk – Repeat the Flesh in Numbers, NYQ Books,
- Richard Blanco, Looking for the Gulf Motel, University of Pittsburgh Press,
- Marilyn Buck – Inside/Out: Selected Poems, foreword by David Meltzer, City Lights Books
- Joseph Campana – Natural Selections, Iowa
- Jared Carter – A Dance in the Street, 112 pages, Wind Publications, .
- Heather Christle – What Is Amazing, Wesleyan,
- Laura Cronk – Having Been an Accomplice: Poems, Persea Books
- Michael Collier – An Individual History: Poems, W. W. Norton,
- Martha Collins – White Papers, University of Pittsburgh Press,
- CA Conrad – A Beautiful Marsupial Afternoon: New (Soma)tics, 240 pages, Wave Press,
- Eduardo C. Corral – Slow Lightning, Yale University Press,
- Brent Cunningham – Journey to the Sun, 120 pages, Atelos,
- Jazzy Danziger – Darkroom, University of Wisconsin Press,
- Natalie Diaz – When My Brother Was an Aztec, Copper Canyon Press,
- Matthew and Michael Dickman – 50 American plays: poems, Copper Canyon Press
- Joseph Donahue – Dissolves (Terra Lucida IV-VIII), 160 pages, Talisman House Publishers,
- Thom Donovan – The Hole, 163 pages, Displaced Press,
- Norman Fischer – Conflict, 84 pages, Chax Press,
- Jack Gilbert – Collected Poems, Knopf,
- Nathalie Handal – Poet in Andalucía, University of Pittsburgh Press,
- Lyn Hejinian – The Book of a Thousand Eyes, 350 pages, Omnidawn Publishing,
- Sørina Higgins – Caduceus, 100 pages, Word Tech Communications / David Robert Books,
- Cathy Park Hong – Engine Empire, Norton
- Paul Hoover – Desolation: Souvenir, 96 pages, Omnidawn Publishing,
- Mitch Cullin – The House of Special Purpose, illustrated by Peter I. Chang
- Alice Jones – Plunge, Apogee Press
- Lenore Kandel – Collected Poems of Lenore Kandel, North Atlantic Books
- James Browning Kepple Thus Virginia Passes Pretend Genius Press
- Rebecca Lindenberg – Love, An Index, McSweeney's
- Liu Xiaobo – June Fourth Elegies; trans. from the Chinese by Jeffrey Yang, Graywolf Press,
- Magus Magnus - The Re-echoes, 99 pages, Furniture Press Books
- Sean Labrador Y Manzano, The Gulag Arkipelago, Tinfish Press
- Filip Marinovich, And if You Don’t Go Crazy, I’ll Meet You Here Tomorrow, Ugly Duckling Press,
- Campbell McGrath – In the Kingdom of the Sea Monkeys: Poems, Ecco
- Joyelle McSweeney – Percussion Grenade: Poems & Plays, 96 pages, Fence Books,
- Rusty Morrison – After Urgency, 88 pages, Tupelo Press,
- David Mutschlecner – Enigma and Light, Ahsahta Press,
- Eileen Myles – Snowflake; Different Streets, Wave Press
- Kelli Anne Noftle – I Was There for Your Somniloquy, 72 pages, Omnidawn Publishing,
- Travis Ortiz – variously, not then, Tuumba Press,
- G.M. Palmer – With Rough Gods, Jagged Door Press,
- Carlo Parcelli – The Canaanite Gospel: A Meditation on Empire: 88 Monologues, Country Valley Press / Flashpøint,
- Lucia Perillo – On the Spectrum of Possible Deaths, Copper Canyon Press
- Stanley Plumly – Orphan Hours: Poems, W. W. Norton,
- D. A. Powell – Useless Landscape, or a Guide for Boys, Graywolf Press,
- Bin Ramke – Aerial, 136 pages, Omnidawn Publishing,
- Paisley Rekdal – Animal Eye, University of Pittsburgh Press,
- Michael Ryan – This Morning, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt,
- David St. John – The Auroras: New Poems, Harper,
- Tomaz Salamun – On the Tracks of Wild Game, 108 pages, Ugly Duckling Presse,
- Mark Scroggins – Red Arcadia, 80 pages, Shearsman Books,
- W.G. Sebald – Across the Land and the Water: Selected Poems 1964–2001, Random House,
- Jane Shore – That Said: New and Selected Poems, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
- Jared Smith – The Collected Poems of Jared Smith: 1971–2011, 600 pages, NYQ Books,
- A.E. Stallings – Olives, TriQuarterly
- Jordan Stempleman – No, Not Today, 72 pages, Magic Helicopter Press,
- Dejan Stojanović - ; translated from the Serbian by Dejan Stojanović, ebook, New Avenue Books
- Dejan Stojanović - The Creator; translated from the Serbian by Dejan Stojanović, ebook, New Avenue Books
- Dejan Stojanović - The Shape; translated from the Serbian by Dejan Stojanović, ebook, New Avenue Books
- Dejan Stojanović - The Sign and Its Children; translated from the Serbian by Dejan Stojanović, ebook, New Avenue Books
- Cole Swensen – Gravesend, University of California Press,
- Stacy Szymaszek- Austerity Measures, Fewer & Further Press, Wendell, MA
- James Tate – The Eternal Ones of the Dream: Selected Poems 1990–2010, Ecco,
- Rodrigo Toscano – Deck of Deeds, 128 pages, Counterpath Press,
- Ko Un – This Side of Time: Poems by Ko Un (translated from the Korean by Clare You and Richard Silberg), 128 pages, White Pine Press,
- Chris Vitiello, Obedience, 98 pages, Ahsahta Press,
- David Wagoner – After the Point of No Return, Copper Canyon Press,
- Lew Welch – Ring of Bone: Collected Poems, City Lights Books,
- Marjorie Welish – In the Futurity Lounge / Asylum for Indeterminacy, 112 pages, Coffee House Press,
- William L. Wright – Guardian of the Inkwell, 365 pages,
- Gary Young – Even So: New and Selected Poems, 229 pages, White Pine Press,
Anthologies in the United States
- Peter Cole and Aminadav Dykman, editors. Poetry of Kabbalah: Mystical Verse from the Jewish Tradition, Yale University Press,
- Ryan G. Van Cleave, editor. City of the Big Shoulders: An Anthology of Chicago Poetry, Iowa, . Includes: Rane Arroyo, Marvin Bell, Allen Braden, John Bradley, Curtis L. Crisler, Mary Cross, James D’Agostino, Stuart Dybek, Susan Elbe, Dina Elenbogen, Martín Espada, Beth Ann Fennelly, Bob Hicok, Edward Hirsch, Philip Jenks & Simone Muench, Thomas L. Johnson, Quraysh Ali Lansana, Viola Lee, Francesco Levato, Campbell McGrath, Paul Martínez Pompa, Adrian Matejka, Erika Mikkalo, Julie Parson Nesbitt, Johanny Vázquez Paz, James Plath, Christina Pugh, Maya Quintero, Robyn Schiff, Patricia Smith, Tony Trigilio, Alpay Ulku, Judith Valente, Nicole Walker, Ellen Wehle, Brenda Yates
- Cary Nelson, editor. The Oxford Handbook of Modern and Contemporary American Poetry, Oxford University Press, . Includes essays by Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Robert Dale Parker, Melissa Girard, John Marsh, Linda A. Kinnahan, Peter Nicholls, Charles Altieri, Edward Brunner, Tim Newcomb, Susan Rosenbaum, Mike Chasar, Philip Metres, Karen Jackson Ford, Josephine Park, Walter Kalaidjian, Jahan Ramazani, Michael Thurston, Al Filreis, Lytle Shaw, Mark W. Van Wienen, Michael Davidson, Lynn Keller, Timothy Yu, James Smethurst, Adalaide Morris
- Charles Henry Rowell, editor. Angles of Ascent: A Norton Anthology of Contemporary African American Poetry, W.W. Norton, .More than 70 poets are represented in this anthology of African-American poetry since the 1960s
- Joshua Corey and G.C. Waldrep, editors – The Arcadia Project: North American Postmodern Pastoral, Ahsahta Press. – Contributors: Emily Abendroth, Will Alexander, Rae Armantrout, Eric Baus, Dan Beachy-Quick, John Beer, Mei-mei Berssenbrugge, Sherwin Bitsui, Kamau Brathwaite, Susan Briante, Oni Buchanan, Heather Christle, Stephen Collis, Jack Collom, Phil Cordelli, T. Zachary Cotler, Brent Cunningham, Christopher Dewdney, Timothy Donnelly, Michael Dumanis, Camille Dungy, Marcella Durand, Lisa Fishman, Rob Fitterman, Forrest Gander, Merrill Gilfillan, C. S. Giscombe, Peter Gizzi, Jody Gladding, Johannes Göransson, Chris Green, Arielle Greenberg, Richard Greenfield, Sarah Gridley, e. tracy grinnell, Gabriel Gudding, Joshua Harmon, Nathan Hauke, Lyn Hejinian, Mary Hickman, Brenda Hillman, Kevin Holden, Paul Hoover, Erika Howsare & Kate Schapira, Brenda Iijima, Sally Keith, Karla Kelsey, Amy King, Melissa Kwasny, Brian Laidlaw, Maryrose Larkin, Ann Lauterbach, Karen An-hwei Lee, Paul Legault, Sylvia Legris, Dana Levin, Eric Linsker, Alessandra Lynch, J. Michael Martinez, Nicole Mauro, Aaron McCollough, Joyelle McSweeney, K. Silem Mohammad, Laura Moriarty, Rusty Morrison, Erin Mouré, Jennifer Moxley, Laura Mullen, Melanie Noel, Kathryn Nuernberger, Peter O'Leary, Patrick Pritchett, Bin Ramke, Stephen Ratcliffe, Matt Reeck, Marthe Reed, Evelyn Reilly, Karen Rigby, Ed Roberson, Lisa Robertson, Elizabeth Robinson, Craig Santos Perez, Leslie Scalapino, Standard Schaefer, Brandon Shimoda, Eleni Sikelianos, Jonathan Skinner, Gustaf Sobin, Juliana Spahr, Jane Sprague, Fenn Stewart, Adam Strauss, Mathias Svalina, Arthur Sze, John Taggart, Michelle Taransky, Brian Teare, Tony Tost, Jasmine Dreame Wagner, Cathy Wagner, Elizabeth Willis, Jane Wong, and C. D. Wright
Nonfiction, criticism, scholarship and biography in the United States
- Dan Beachy-Quick - Wonderful Investigations: Essays, Meditations, Tales, Milkweed Editions
- Rachel Blau DuPlessis – Purple Passages: Pound, Eliot, Zukofsky, Olson, Creeley and the Ends of Patriarchal Poetry, University of Iowa Press.
- Lisa Jarnot – Robert Duncan: The Ambassador from Venus: A Biography, University of California Press.
- Kenneth Rexroth – In the Sierra: Mountain Writings, New Directions Publishing.
- Dale M Smith – Poets Beyond the Barricade: Rhetoric, Citizenship, and Dissent after 1960, University of Alabama Press.
- John Yau – Further Adventures in Monochrome, Copper Canyon Press.
Poets in The Best American Poetry 2012
The following poets appeared in The Best American Poetry 2012. David Lehman, general editor, and Mark Doty, guest editor (who selected the poetry):[9]
Works published in other languages
French language
Anthologies in France
- Jerzy Jarniewicz – Na dzień dzisiejszy i chwilę obecną (Biuro Literackie)
- Jerzy Kronhold – Epitafium dla Lucy (Zeszyty Literackie)
- Piotr Matywiecki – Widownia (Wydawnictwo Literackie)
- Anna Piwkowska – Lustrzanka (Zeszyty Literackie)
- Krystyna Rodowska – Wiersze przesiane 1968–2011 (Podkarpacki Instytut Książki i Marketingu)
Other languages
Bengali :
- Rahman Henry – Brojosundoeer Kotha (February 2012) Collection of Poems.
- Rahman Henry – Kobitar Tribhuban (February 2012) a collection of Translated poems.×
Ukrainian :
Awards and honors by country
Awards announced this year:
Canada awards and honors
France awards and honors
- Prix Goncourt de la Poésie
New Zealand awards and honors
United Kingdom awards and honors
- Cholmondeley Award: Christine Evans, Peter Riley, Robin Robertson
- Costa Award (formerly "Whitbread Awards") for poetry: Kathleen Jamie, The Overhaul
- Shortlist: Sean Borodale, Bee Journal; *Julia Copus, The World's Two Smallest Humans; Selima Hill, People Who Like Meatballs
- English Association's Fellows' Poetry Prizes:
- Eric Gregory Award (for a collection of poems by a poet under the age of 30): Sophie Baker, Joey Connolly, Holly Corfield Carr, Caleb Klaces, Rachael Nicholas, Phoebe Power, Jon Stone
- Forward Poetry Prize:
- Jerwood Aldeburgh First Collection Prize for poetry:
- Manchester Poetry Prize:
- National Poet of Wales:
- National Poetry Competition 2011:
- T. S. Eliot Prize (United Kingdom and Ireland): Sharon Olds, Stag's Leap[10] She is the first American to win this award.
- Shortlist (announced in November 2012): 2012 Short List
- The Times/Stephen Spender Prize for Poetry Translation:
United States awards and honors
From the Poetry Society of America
Birth years link to the corresponding "[year] in poetry" article:
- January 6 – Basil Payne, 88 (born 1923), Irish poet.[12]
- January 31 – Stacy Doris, 48 (born 1962), U.S. poet and translator.[13] [14] [15]
- February 1 – Wisława Szymborska, 88 (born 1923), Polish poet who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature (1996).[16]
- February 4 – Irene McKinney, 72 (born 1939), American poet who was the Poet Laureate of West Virginia since 1994[17]
- February 6 – Colleen Thibaudeau, 86 (born 1925), a Canadian poet who published her first volume of poetry in 1965. The Canadian Encyclopedia praised her poetry for celebrating “the extraordinary nature of ordinary life by combining the everyday with the otherworldly.”[18] [19]
- February 13:
- Akhlaq Mohammed Khan, 75 (born 1936), Indian poet, lyricist and academic, lung cancer.[20]
- Fred Moramarco, 73 (born 1938), U.S. poet and academic and founding editor, Poetry International, SDSU Press.[21] [22]
- February 21 – Barney Rosset, 89 (born 1922), American publisher (Grove Press) and free speech advocate.[23]
- February 23 – Joydeb Basu, 49 (born 1929), Indian poet, heart attack.[24]
- March 2 – James A. "Jim" Hazard, 76 (born ?), U.S. (Indiana-born) poet, journalist, teacher, and musician[25]
- March 4 – Felícia Fuster, 91, Catalan painter and poet
- March 8 – Elio Pagliarani, 84, Italian poet and literary critic
- March 9 – Leonard Cirino (born 1943),[26] U.S. poet and the author of twenty other chapbooks and fourteen full-length collections of poetry since 1987 from numerous small presses[27] [28] [29]
- March 16 –, 87 (born 1924), also known as Ryūmei Yoshimoto, was a Japanese poet, literary critic, and philosopher from Tokyo. He is the father of Japanese writer Banana Yoshimoto and of cartoonist Yoiko Haruno.
- March 21:
- March 26 – Sadaharu Motohashi, 91, Japanese haiku poet[30] (reference is in Japanese)
- March 27 – Adrienne Rich, 82 (born 1929), National Book Award-winning poet
- March 30 – Emrys Roberts, 82, Welsh poet and author
- April 1 – Chūichi Mukawa, 92, Japanese tanka poet (Waseda University)[31] (reference is in Japanese)
- April 6 – Reed Whittemore, 92, American poet
- April 12:
- April 17 – Nityananda Mohapatra, 99, Indian politician, poet and journalist
- May 19 – Heiichi Sugiyama, 97 (born 1914), Japanese poet and film critic[32]
- June 27:
- October 29 – J. Bernlef, 75, Dutch poet, novelist and translator
- November 4 – Anne-Marie Albiach, 75, French poet who influenced a generation of American poets that came to prominence in the 1970s and 1980s. Acclaimed for her own poetry and translations of American poetry including Louis Zukofsky.
- November 11 – Jack Gilbert, 87, American poet who received the 2005 National Book Critics Circle Award.[33] [34]
- December 3 – Amir Mahmud Anvar, Iranian literary academic and poet (born 1945) [35]
- December 28 – Jayne Cortez, 78 (born 1934) African-American poet, activist, small press publisher and spoken-word performance artist[36]
See also
Notes and References
- News: Reuters in Beijing . China jails dissident Zhu Yufu over poem sent on Skype | World news . The Guardian . 2012-02-10. 2012-03-24 . London.
- Web site: Coldfront » Obama honors Ashbery and Dove, quotes Dickinson and Whitman . Coldfrontmag.com . 2012-02-13 . 2012-03-05 . 2012-06-01 . https://web.archive.org/web/20120601153448/http://coldfrontmag.com/news/obama-honors-ashbery-and-dove-quotes-dickinson-and-whitman . dead .
- News: Ophir. Bar-Zohar. Barak. Ravid. Interior Minister declares Gunter Grass persona non grata in Israel. Haaretz. 8 April 2012. 8 April 2012.
- News: Harriet. Sherwood. Günter Grass barred from Israel over poem: Nobel laureate, who says he had not meant to criticise Israel but Netanyahu government, declared persona non grata. The Guardian. 8 April 2012. 8 April 2012. London.
- News: Natasha Trethewey Is Named Poet Laureate. The New York Times. Charles. McGrath . 2012-06-06.
- News: Natasha Trethewey Named New U.S. Poet Laureate. Little. Lyneka. June 7, 2012. The Wall Street Journal.
- http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2012/12/201212195556278357.html Qatari poet jailed for life to appeal – Middle East – Al Jazeera English
- http://twitchy.com/2013/02/25/qatar-sentences-poet-to-15-years-in-jail-for-verse-about-freedom/ Qatar sentences poet to 15 years in jail for verse about freedom | Twitchy
- http://www.bestamericanpoetry.com/archive/?id=26 The Best American Poetry 2012, Guest Edited by Mark Doty
- News: Poet Sharon Olds scoops TS Eliot Prize for 'confessional' work about her husband's affair . https://ghostarchive.org/archive/20220501/https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/news/poet-sharon-olds-scoops-ts-eliot-prize-for-confessional-work-about-her-husbands-affair-8451387.html . 2022-05-01 . subscription . live . London . The Independent . Nick . Clark . 2013-01-14.
- http://www.pw.org/content/da_powell_ben_fountain_win_national_book_critics_circle_awards D.A. Powell, Ben Fountain Win National Book Critics Circle Awards | Poets and Writers
- News: CM Payne . Basil Payne obituary | Books . The Guardian . 2012-02-05. 2012-03-05 . London.
- Web site: Tremblay . Robin . X Poetics: In Memory of Stacy Doris . Xpoetics.blogspot.com . 2004-02-26 . 2012-03-05.
- Web site: PennSound: Stacy Doris . Writing.upenn.edu . 2012-03-05.
- Web site: Stacy Doris- Poets.org – Poetry, Poems, Bios & More . Poets.org . 2012-01-31 . 2012-03-05.
- News: Polish Nobel winning poet Szymborska dies at 88 . Reuters . 2012-02-01. 2012-03-05.
- Web site: W.Va. poet laureate Irene McKinney dies at 72 . February 4, 2012 . . . February 5, 2012 . https://archive.today/20121217203700/http://www.wvgazette.com/News/201202040046 . 2012-12-17 . dead .
- News: sandra martin . Poet found magic and mystery in the everyday . The Globe and Mail . 2012-03-05 . Toronto.
- https://archive.today/20120913191615/http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/articles/colleen-thibaudeau Colleen Thibaudeau – The Canadian Encyclopedia
- News: Noted poet Shahryar passes away – Times Of India . Timesofindia.indiatimes.com . 2012-03-05.
- Web site: Dr. Fred Moramarco, Professor Emeritus. Rohan.sdsu.edu. 2012-03-05. https://web.archive.org/web/20120314015113/http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~fmoramar/. 2012-03-14. dead.
- Web site: Link. Silliman's Blog. Ronsilliman.blogspot.com. 2012-02-17. 2012-03-05.
- News: Barney Rosset obituary: Publisher who challenged censorship while championing writers was 89. https://web.archive.org/web/20120225033809/http://articles.latimes.com/2012/feb/23/local/la-me-barney-rosset-20120223. live. February 25, 2012. Los Angeles Times. 2012-02-23. 2012-03-05. Elaine. Woo.
- News: Joydeb Basu passes away . https://web.archive.org/web/20131104083724/http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2012-02-24/kolkata/31096097_1_massive-heart-attack-poet-meghdoot . dead . 2013-11-04 . 2012-02-24 . . 2012-03-05.
- Web site: James A. "Jim" Hazard Obituary: View James Hazard's Obituary by Milwaukee Journal Sentinel . Legacy.com . 2012-03-02 . 2012-03-24.
- Web site: Issa's Untidy Hut. Issa's Untidy Hut: Leonard J. Cirino: 1943–2012. Lilliputreview.blogspot.com. 2012-03-14. 2012-03-24.
- Web site: Leonard. Pygmy Forest Press. Pygmyforestpress.blogspot.com. 2012-03-24.
- Web site: The Bucket is Suddenly Empty | Lummox Press Writers Clubhouse. Writers.lummoxpress.com. 2012-03-10. 2012-03-24. https://web.archive.org/web/20120329095807/http://writers.lummoxpress.com/2012/03/10/the-bucket-is-suddenly-empty/. 2012-03-29. dead.
- Web site: Link . Silliman's Blog . Ronsilliman.blogspot.com . 2012-03-15 . 2012-03-24.
- http://www04.mai.vip.ogk.yahoo.co.jp/select/person/news/20120331k0000m060024000c.html{{Dead link|date=September 2018 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}
- Web site: 毎日jp(毎日新聞) . 2012-04-21 . https://archive.today/20120714190916/http://mainichi.jp/select/news/20120406k0000m060011000c.html . 2012-07-14 . dead .
- News: (おくやみ)杉山平一氏が死去 詩人、映画評論なども. 27 May 2017. Nihon Keizai Shinbun. 19 May 2012. ja.
- News: Haglund. David. Jack Gilbert, American Poet, Dies at 87. 15 November 2012. Slate. 13 November 2012.
- Web site: Jack Gilbert- Poets.org – Poetry, Poems, Bios & More. Poets.org. 2012-11-11. 2012-11-15.
- Book: Hozhabr Kalali. Pourandokht. Yadegarnameh Seyyed Amir Mahmoud Anwar. fa:یادگارنامه دکتر سید امیر محمود انوار. 2013. Baz. Tehran. 13-30. first. fa. 2022-08-30. 2022-08-30. https://web.archive.org/web/20220830224632/https://drseyedamirmahmoudanvar.info/project/%db%8c%d8%a7%d8%af%da%af%d8%a7%d8%b1-%d9%86%d8%a7%d9%85%d9%87-%d8%af%da%a9%d8%aa%d8%b1-%d8%b3%db%8c%d8%af-%d8%a7%d9%85%db%8c%d8%b1-%d9%85%d8%ad%d9%85%d9%88%d8%af-%d8%a7%d9%86%d9%88%d8%a7%d8%b1/. dead.
- http://www.poets.org/poet.php/prmPID/464 "Jayne Cortez," poets.org