2011 Kosovan presidential elections explained

Election Name:February 2011 Kosovan presidential election
Previous Election:2008 Kosovan presidential election
Previous Year:2008
Election Date:22 February
Next Election:2011 Kosovan presidential election
Next Year:April 2011
Needed Votes:80 (1st & 2nd rounds) or
61 (3rd round)
Votes For Election:120 members of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo
Nominee1:Behgjet Pacolli
Party1:New Kosovo Alliance
Electoral Vote1:54, 58, 62
Before Election:Fatmir Sejdiu
Before Party:Democratic League of Kosovo
After Election:Behgjet Pacolli
After Party:New Kosovo Alliance
Election Name:April 2011 Kosovan presidential election
Previous Election:2011 Kosovan presidential election
Previous Year:February 2011
Election Date:7 April
Next Election:2016 Kosovan presidential election
Next Year:2016
Needed Votes:80 (1st & 2nd rounds) or
61 (3rd round)
Votes For Election:120 members of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo
Nominee1:Atifete Jahjaga
Electoral Vote1:81
Nominee2:Suzan Novoberdali
Party2:New Kosovo Alliance
Electoral Vote2:19
Before Election:Behgjet Pacolli
Before Party:New Kosovo Alliance
After Election:Atifete Jahjaga
After Party:Independent

Indirect presidential elections were held in Kosovo on 22 February 2011 and 7 April 2011.


As stipulated in the coalition agreement between the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR), the AKR's leader Behgjet Pacolli was to be elected president by the coalition's MPs. However, not all members of the PDK were in favour of this.


First vote

It took three rounds of voting for Pacolli to be elected; he got 54, 58 and 62 votes respectively. Only 67 MPs were present, with the 53 opposition MPs boycotting the election.[1] [2]

Resignation of Pacolli

The election was declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court on 28 March 2011 with a vote of 7 to 2, as the necessary quorum had not been reached in the first two rounds.[3] [4] Pacolli resigned on 30 March 2011 and was again replaced as Acting President by Jakup Krasniqi, the Assembly's speaker.[5]

Second vote

In a second vote on April 7, the PDK, AKR, and the opposition Democratic League of Kosovo agreed on a compromise candidate: police commander Atifete Jahjaga. She was elected with 80 votes of the 100 MPs present.[6]

It was also agreed that she would only serve on an interim basis, with a direct presidential election planned for 2012 after the necessary constitutional changes have passed. The Constitutional Court however, ruled against shortening the term of the sitting president.[7] and Jahjaga sat for the full term of five years.

A decision was also made to hold early parliamentary elections in early 2013,[8] which was later held in 2014.

Notes and References

  1. http://www.kosovalive.com/?cid=2,2,71948 KosovaLive
  2. http://www.newkosovareport.com/201102232301/Politics/pacolli-is-kosovos-new-president.html Pacolli Is Kosovo's New President | Politics
  3. http://www.b92.net/eng/news/politics-article.php?yyyy=2011&mm=03&dd=29&nav_id=73490 News – Kosovo president elected "unconstitutionally"
  4. http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,,14950587,00.html Constitutional court rules recent Kosovo presidential poll illegal | Europe | Deutsche Welle | 28.03.2011
  5. http://www.b92.net/eng/news/politics-article.php?yyyy=2011&mm=03&dd=30&nav_id=73527 News – Pacolli resigns as Kosovo president
  6. Hajdari, Ismet. (2011-04-07) AFP: Kosovo swears in top woman cop as president. Google.com. Retrieved on 2011-04-17.
  7. Web site: Judgement of 20.07.2012 n° KO 29/12 and KO 48/12 . 2017-02-20 . https://web.archive.org/web/20170221011238/http://www.gjk-ks.org/repository/docs/Aktgjykim%20KO29_KO48-12%20ang%20.pdf . 2017-02-21 . dead .
  8. http://www.rttnews.com/Content/PoliticalNews.aspx?Id=1593984&SM=1 Kosovo Elects New President To Resolve Political Impasse