2003 International Criminal Court judges election explained

An ordinary election for the first full bench of 18 judges of the International Criminal Court was held during the first resumption of the 1st session of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court in New York between 3 and 7 February 2003.[1]


The judges elected at this election were to take office on 11 March 2003. Six judges were to remain in office until 2006 (re-eligible), six until 2009 (not re-eligible) and another six for the whole nine-year term until 2012 (not re-eligible).

The election was governed by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Its article 36(8)(a) states that "[t]he States Parties shall, in the selection of judges, take into account the need, within the membership of the Court, for:

Furthermore, article 36(3)(b) and 36(5) provide for two lists:

Each candidate must belong to exactly one list.

Nomination process

Following the rules, the nomination period of judges for the 2003 election lasted from 9 September to 30 November 2002. The following persons were nominated:[2]

NameNationalityList A or BRegionGender
List B Latin American and Caribbean States Male
List B Latin American and Caribbean States Male
List B Western European and Other States Male
List A Western European and Other States Female
List B Eastern European States Male
List A African States Female
List B Asian States Male
List A Western European and Other States Male
List A Western European and Other States Male
List B Eastern European States Male
List B Asian States Male
List A Latin American and Caribbean States Male
List A Western European and Other States Male
List B Eastern European States Male
List A African States Male
List A Eastern European States Female
List A African States Male
List B Western European and Other States Male
List B Western European and Other States Male
List B Western European and Other States Male
List B African States Female
List A African States Male
List B Latin American and Caribbean States Male
List A African States Male
List B Latin American and Caribbean States Male
List B African States Male
List A Latin American and Caribbean States Female
List A Western European and Other States Female
List A Asian States Male
List B African States Female
List B Western European and Other States Male
List A Western European and Other States Male
List B Latin American and Caribbean States Male
List A African States Male
List A Asian States Male
List B African States Male
List A Asian States Male
List A Latin American and Caribbean States Female
List A Asian States Male
List B Eastern European States Female
List B Western European and Other States Male
List A Eastern European States Female
List A Eastern European States Male

The candidature of Kocou A. Capo-Chichi of Benin was withdrawn.

Minimum voting requirements

Minimum voting requirements governed part of the election. This was to ensure that article 36(8)(a) cited above is fulfilled. The following minimum voting requirements existed:

Regarding the List A or B requirement, there was a minimum voting requirement (not to be waived at any time) of nine judges from List A and five judges from List B.[3]

Regarding the regional criteria, there were minimum voting requirements for three African, two Asian, two Eastern European judges, three Latin American and Caribbean judges and three judges from Western European and Other States.

Regarding the gender criteria, there was a minimum voting requirement for six female and six male judges.

The voting requirements were as follows:

CriterionVoting requirement ex anteCandidates as of nowAdjusted voting requirementAdjusted requirement equals ex ante?
Lists A or B
List A 9 22 9
List B 6 22 6
Regional criteria
African states 3 11 3
Asian states 2 6 2
Eastern European states 2 7 2
Latin American and Caribbean States 3 8 3
Western European and other States 3 12 3
Gender criteria
Female 6 10 6
Male 6 34 6


The ballots took place in February 2003.

NameNationalityList A or BRegionGender1st round2nd round3rd round4th round5th round6th round7th round8th round9th round10th round11th round
Number of States Parties voting 83 80 83 83 85 85 85 85 85 85 85
Two-thirds majority 56 54 56 56 57 57 57 57 57 57 57
List A Western European and Other States Female bgcolor=lightgreen 65 elected
List A African States Female bgcolor=lightgreen 65 elected
List A Asian States Male bgcolor=lightgreen 63 elected
List A Latin American and Caribbean States Female bgcolor=lightgreen 61 elected
List B African States Female bgcolor=lightgreen 60 elected
List A Latin American and Caribbean States Female bgcolor=lightgreen 60 elected
List B African States Female bgcolor=lightgreen 56 elected
List A Latin American and Caribbean States Male 53 49 bgcolor=lightgreen 56 elected
List A Asian States Male 43 47 50 bgcolor=lightgreen 60 elected
List B Western European and Other States Male 55 46 54bgcolor=lightgreen 57 elected
List B Western European and Other States Male 51 53 54 bgcolor=lightgreen 56 elected
List A Western European and Other States Male 42 45 47 50 50 54 53 52 bgcolor=lightgreen 59 elected
List B Eastern European States Female 46 31 37 52 49 51 50 55 bgcolor=lightgreen 59 elected
List B Western European and Other States Male 43 45 48 47 54 50 50 46 bgcolor=lightgreen 57 elected
List B Latin American and Caribbean States Male 30 27 30 39 48 51 51 46 48 50 49
List B Western European and Other States Male 46 46 49 52 54 44 41 42 49 47 47
List A Western European and Other States Male 43 43 43 46 45 44 46 43 46 45 45
List B Eastern European States Male 26 30 39 47 49 42 41 39 45 44 38
List A Western European and Other States Female 45 36 36 38 39 44 42 34 37 31 34
List A Asian States Male 34 30 33 32 34 43 46 44 42 39 31
List A African States Male 30 19 21 30 27 37 37 33 36 29 30
List A African States Male 39 17 19 19 19 27 27 26 26 19 18
List B Asian States Male 15 10 8 8 6 5 7 10 10 9 9
List B Latin American and Caribbean States Male 18 7 11 9 9 11 9 9 withdrawn
List B Western European and Other States Male 28 24 22 35 26 21 17 withdrawn
List A Eastern European States Male 27 27 27 23 10 withdrawn
List A Western European and Other States Male 14 15 18 11 8 withdrawn
List A Eastern European States Female 35 26 24 20 8 withdrawn
List B Eastern European States Male 18 18 20 21 5 withdrawn
List A Eastern European States Female 36 26 24 15 5 withdrawn
List B Eastern European States Male 23 23 20 15 withdrawn
List B Latin American and Caribbean States Male 20 9 10 8 withdrawn
List A Western European and Other States Male 28 24 19 withdrawn
List B Latin American and Caribbean States Male 16 7 8 withdrawn
List A African States Male 9 7 7 withdrawn
List B Asian States Male 27 11 6 withdrawn
List A Asian States Male 14 7 6 withdrawn
List A African States Male 14 8 5 withdrawn
List B Latin American and Caribbean States Male 18 10 withdrawn
List B Western European and Other States Male 20 9 withdrawn
List B African States Male 20 9 withdrawn
List B African States Male 9 withdrawn
List A African States Male 8 withdrawn
NameNationalityList A or BRegionGender12th round13th round14th round15th round16th round17th round18th round19th round20th round21st round22nd round
Number of States Parties voting 85 84 84 84 85 85 85 85 85 85 83
Two-thirds majority 57 56 56 56 57 57 57 57 57 57 56
List B Latin American and Caribbean States Male 52 bgcolor=lightgreen 57 elected
List B Western European and Other States Male 48 46 45 48 52 52 52 54 56 bgcolor=lightgreen 58 elected
List A Western European and Other States Male 47 47 50 48 47 47 47 49 48 49 45
List A Asian States Male 29 27 25 22 28 28 39 39 37 42 44
List B Eastern European States Male 40 42 37 41 40 41 45 42 39 37 40
List A African States Male 31 29 27 24 26 24 21 20 23 20 14
List A African States Male 16 15 10 15 15 16 15 13 13 12 10
List A Western European and Other States Female 33 31 25 22 19 17 withdrawn
List B Asian States Male 8 6 5 5 withdrawn
NameNationalityList A or BRegionGender23rd round24th round25th round26th round27th round28th round29th round30th round31st round32nd round33rd round
Number of States Parties voting 85 84 85 85 85 85 84 84 83 83 80
Two-thirds majority 57 56 57 57 57 57 56 56 56 56 54
List A Asian States Male 45 46 46 49 52 bgcolor=lightgreen 58 elected
List A Western European and Other States Male 45 44 44 44 44 41 40 46 50 53 bgcolor=lightgreen 57
List A African States Male 24 20 19 17 19 16 12 8 3 6 23
List B Eastern European States Male 37 35 36 40 42 38 32 30 30 24 withdrawn
List A African States Male withdrawn

Lots were drawn to assign the 18 elected judges to the different initial term lengths as follows:[1]

3 years
6 years
9 years

Notes and References

  1. News: Election of the judges of the International Criminal Court . . 2011-12-11.
  2. United Nations (2003). Nominations for judges of the International Criminal Court – First election . Retrieved 11 April 2022
  3. http://daccess-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N02/754/19/IMG/N0275419.pdf?OpenElement Note verbale governing the election